Steyr GB Review.

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[Music] [Music] all right on the rainy days please bear with gunfire you hear in the background you may have seen this pistol before its ass tire GB in caliber 9 by 19 and a lot of people have asked me to do a presentation specifically on this model so here we are now this comes with a very big disclaimer this pistol is no longer being manufactured and hasn't been in quite a few years so you can't run right down to local gun store and order one there are still some to be found on gun brokers and places like that okay that having been said this is a double - single action auto loader let me show you close-up on how it works the Steyr GB has an 18 shot magazine and something unique about is that you load the ammunition directly in the top like you would a rifle magazine like an AR instead of the pushing down and back as you'd see in some of the other hand gun magazines the way this pistol works insert a magazine put a round in the chamber the hammer is cocked hit the hammer drop which bounces back up on its own and your first shot is the very long double action trigger pull after the action cycles the hammer is cocked and all subsequent trigger pulls are the short single action and what is so typical of double action autoloaders is that even in single action mode there's a lot of slop and some creep in that trigger this pistol has really interesting design countries as I kick it apart you may notice that there's a gas port in this barrel it is at least partially gas operated you'll also see that the barrel is integral with the frame now the idea of that is to make it more accurate than other pistols and when you look down the barrel the rifling is not conventional rifling now yes it does leave marks that can ballistically you match to this gun it is not rifling in the conventional sense and the idea is that it puts less drag on the bullet so this should give you greater velocity than other nine and similar barrel lengths well will it really give you more velocity this barrel design really make it more accurate let's see if we can put those to the test now I've heard it said that the Steyr because of the way the barrel is designed provided that reducing the same ammunition can give you greater velocities than other 9-millimeter handguns of similar size and barrel length let's see if we can put that to the test I've got the chronograph set up at 7 yards and we'll shoot this side by side with the beretta 92fs these two handguns are virtually identical in terms of height width length but because of the way they're designed the beretta has a four and three-quarter inch barrel and the Steyr has a five and a quarter inch barrel so just the extra half-inch of barrel should give us a little more velocity but let's see how much more so we'll start with the beretta 1107 1124 [Applause] 1098 1096 1085 now let's see how the Steyr compares 11:14 11:23 1088 1141 11:33 now let's go crunch the numbers so how'd we do well using our Remington green and white box 9 by 1915 grain metal case ammunition Remington calls it metal case with the Beretta we got a mean velocity of 1102 and with the Steyr 1120 1102 to 1120 that's a gain of 18 feet per second that's not even enough to account for the inconsistency of one round to another that doesn't even account for the fact that steyr has a half-inch longer barrel it certainly doesn't indicate that the Steyr will give you greater velocity if anything it indicates the opposite but there's a couple other things I want to say about the Skyers barrel because of its shallow unconventional life when I find it easy to clean it doesn't follow like other girls do but the downside is when I've shot hand loads that were just lead bullets that unjacketed bullets the Steyr won't shoot them very accurately now the Steyr is designed with the barrel integral to the frame some people will say that that will elevate your round count before the pistol wears out well I'm not going to shoot to 20,000 rounds it would take to prove that but the other idea is that it will make the pistol more accurate that we can test so I'll go back 25 yards and I'll shoot the target on your left with beretta and the target on your right tire and see how the groups compare so how did we do well if you want to put a numerical score on it with a Beretta I get 59 and with the Steyr I got 57 but the scoring rings on these targets are big enough that's not really a good way to count but there's no question that except for the one flier and that was just me I got a lot better group with the Beretta than I did with the Steyr but that really reflects only the fact that I'm much more accustomed to shooting the Beretta than I am the Steyr there is no question that the Steyr can shoot a lot more accurately than I can and this level of accuracy is perfectly sufficient unless you're planning on taking the gun chipmunk hunting so what's the takeaway well there's some downsides it would appear that that legend that the barrel design gives you more velocity isn't true certainly not in any significant way there's also the downside that these are becoming rare and hard-to-find you can still get them on gun brokers but they can be really expensive and the most expensive part is the magazine these are getting so hard to find that when you do find them that quite often cost $200 I was really lucky that when I bought this it came with four magazines now as far as the accuracy of it goes well there's what we call an accuracy square of firearm ammunition shooter and environment well obviously the shooters and ammunition in the environment didn't change the only variable with the pistol and I can shoot the beretta more accurately because I've worked with it a great deal more than I had with this the reality is that I like the way this grip fits my hand better than the beretta the trigger pull of this is significantly better than the beretta and if I put a lot of work into it even close to the amount that I put in with the beretta I'm sure that group would shrink significantly so this pistol is very accurate very reliable and really ergonomically designed but it's a user-friendly gun for a lot of people now there's one other selling point of this gun and I know this isn't supposed to matter but it does sometimes and that's the fact that this gun is really cool and that can be a big selling point so all that having been said as always don't try this at home I'm what you call a professional and thanks for watching sty RGB review you [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 70,385
Rating: 4.9793496 out of 5
Id: X4_u3ceQNMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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