Enjoying Stability In Times Of Crisis

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just as long as you want reach for the stars [Music] [Music] heart matthew chapter 7 verses 24 to 27. let's go therefore whoever has these sayings of mine and does them i will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain descended the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock but everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the side and the rain descended the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it fell and great was its fall we'll title this enjoying stability in times of crisis enjoying stability in times of crisis because when you look at that passage you see crisis happened in both instances to both men someone built a house i mean two people built houses and the same conditions came upon the houses the rain fell the floods came the wind blew one which stood the fury of the forces of nature the other one collapsed like a pack of cats but jesus was speaking about people jesus was speaking about people in fact he wasn't just speaking about any kinds of people he was speaking to people who hear him people who listen to him they said one person hears i said he said the one who hears these sayings of mine and who does them then he said there's one who hears these saints of mine but does not do them so let's assume that this discussion is about believers it's about christians and the fact that it is not all christians who hold the same way when they go through crisis times so i want to pick out what the similarities are and what the differences are i think first when you look at the factors that create change in the situation it's the weather element am i right the rain the floods which result from the rain and the wind what do you think about those weather elements elements and of course they are also climatic factors you you realize it's predictable that ring will fall isn't it i mean this is nigeria right this discussion is in nigeria what's the probability that rain will fall next year except if something dramatic happens maybe the world disappears it's almost 100 it's practically 100 certain isn't it if we just leave some small gap for the fact that we're not sure what will happen then we make it 99.99999 probability that rain will fall next year so it is predictable that the rain will fall that the floods will come that the winds will blow but that's what we're talking about so it's predictable that trials will come isn't it predictable that crisis will come predictable that things won't work perfectly and exactly the same forever predictable good so we may not want it if you ask a farmer maybe a farmer would pre prefer that because we have only two seasons in this part of the world in some other parts of the world there are four seasons but there's a season that is suitable for farming for growing crops maybe the farmer would want that season to last forever so well whether the farmer likes it or not some other season will come okay so when you look at those weather elements they speak to you about life that life is in seasons because those weather elements don't come all the time they come in seasons there's the hurricane season when hurricanes build up in the atlantic on the atlantic and then move towards the caribbeans and north america it's just a season and sometimes move towards asia it's just a season they call it hurricane season and they name the hurricanes you know giving them names start in alphabetical order it's a season so trials are predictable and trials good news are seasonal isn't that good the rain won't fall forever the floods will flow forever the winds won't blow forever it's it's it's good to know that anyway when we look at those two buildings i think the message is in the fact that everyone looks good in good times everyone looks okay in good times in fact the interesting thing is when you look at the process of construction for the two houses the likelihood is that the man who didn't have a foundation finished his house faster or earlier am i right while the other guy was digging digging trying to find a rock on which to build his house the other man built his own side there was no need for foundation he built so in good times everyone looks good but trials come to reveal real strength real capacity trials come to reveal the real strength remember again that the buildings are illustrative of human beings proverbs 24 and verse 10 if you fail in the day of adversity then what your strength is small he didn't say if you fail or faint in good times you won't fail then there's nothing putting pressure on your capacity nothing putting pressure on your prayer life nothing putting pressure on your capacity for the world not in putting pressure on your values i said when the days of adverse to come that's when we really really know how strong the structure is he said but then if you faint in the day of adversity then it is proof that your strength is small and if you faint then you can reconstruct isn't it it's not exactly what you thought it was in the new international version it says if you falter in time in a time of trouble how small is your strength the message bible says if you fall to pieces in the crisis there wasn't much to do in the first place if you falter in the time of crisis then there wasn't if you fall to pieces that wasn't much in the first place given the fact that crisis is predictable the rain is predictable the wind is predictable reasonable designers that's why when you design a house yes you have the architect who desires designs the form of the house and i tell you architects like for their houses to look beautiful but i'll tell you that the average architect knows that they are taught in school that you do not value aesthetics over functionality of what uses the aesthetics the beauty if it can't do the job but then that's why we bring in the structural engineer the business of the structural engineer is the strength of the building and its capacity to withstand stress and strength its ability to carry the weight that will be put on it if it's a bridge it's going to carry cars and trucks and they have to be able to calculate how many cars will pass on it and what the weight will be and it's got to have the capacity to carry all that so given the fact that for the trials or adverse circumstances are predictable then the reasonable thing for us is to build strength when we have the capacity to do it where do we get that strength from i'll go back again to our foundational scriptures in matthew 7 verse 24 therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them i will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock he who hears these things of mine and does them the other man everyone who hears these things of mine and does not do them so the critical factor there are these sayings of mine am i right yes it's revelation you remember when we started out on this series we were reading from deuteronomy chapter 8 verses 2 and 3 from where jesus quoted the day he was tempted by satan and moses had told israel that they that the lord allowed them to go through the wilderness and to hunger and to thirst so that he might humble them and to test them whether they will do his commandments or not and that he might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone but by what every word that proceeds from the mound of god this old deal about trials is about revelation revelation how much value you place on god's word because the greatest communicator or career of value is revelation from the spiritual world into this planet jesus said that the seed is the word of god okay what does the seed bring into our word you hold one orange seed one hodoring seed if someone throws an orange seed to you and says this is your gift ordinarily to the average person it's an orange seed but sincerely speaking those are centuries of oranges am i right of orange plantations in one seed that's how heaven throws valley from the spiritual world into the physical world anything god wants to in the beginning was the word what the word was with god the word was god all things were made by him and without the word was not anything made that was made god spoke our world into existence and god said let there be and there was through faith we understand that the words were framed by the word of god hebrews 11 3 so that the things which are seen were not made from things which are visible so when god gives me a seed and ordering seed it's this opportunity to transfer things that are already in existence in the realm of the spirit into the physical world for me that's what he does with revelation when we were teaching here our own understanding of the concept of money and how god answers our prayers we explained it you ask for a million dollars they don't print dollars in heaven god gives you the currency of heaven it's revelation that's what they spend there the only good news is that it is convertible currency so it gives you a revelation that is equal to a million dollars and ultimately that revelation will produce in your life it's material equivalent so that's what the trials and temptations are about we're back to the same point he who hears these sayings of mine and does them so we're taking a step further here it's not the revelation that you hear that changes your life it's the one you do so i'll adjust what i said the critical factor the critical factor in the trial of a christian is applied revelation applied revelation that's where we get the strength from that's where we get the strength from anyone jesus said who hears the saints of man and who does them is like a man who dug deep in the ground found a rock and built his life on it you know the key thing the holy spirit was showing me here was how to gain stability how the wind can blow around you but you'll still be disabled until the wind has passed how when the rain is falling down and other buildings around you are crashing after the rain the season of rain or the time for the rain is over that you will still be there not many people are still christians after crisis i promise you that the amazing thing i found out when the fire hits in some people's lives the people who are not after the out who are not in the church when fire falls in their lives they run into the church when fire falls on the lives of some people in church they run out why is this happening to me why is this happening why is god allowing this to happen to me why is it everything is this and then before you know it they begin first to criticize the pastor it's because the pastor is not anointed enough there isn't enough fire in his messages it's not fast enough and it is showing in his tummy he's not praying enough okay so they develop this affection against the pastor and then against everybody else everything begins to irritate that before you know it they're not even going to church anymore amazing isn't it so but that's the point that if you will be changing with changing times your life is not stable and you won't be able to accomplish much on the long run he whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them so it's that doing that i want to focus on and i want us to focus on tonight doing the word you want to develop strength spiritual strength you want to develop the capacity to withstand advance adversity apply the word first i want to try and make it as practical as possible apply the word to your thoughts apply the sayings of jesus to your thinking this is critical it's basic but we easily gloss over those things so to what extent have the sayings of jesus or the word impacted on your thinking or shaped your thinking let revelation shape your thinking because when the times of adversity come you will fight the worst battles in your mind satan will attack you and cause you to doubt practically everything you ever believed that is when we know how strong you are in your mind in your thinking do not be conformed to this world romans 12 2 but be what transformed by what the renewing of your mind so to what extent has jesus changed your thinking or the words of jesus change your thinking first corinthians you remember first corinthians 13 11 when i was a child i spoke as a child i understood as a child i thought as a child when i became a man i put away childish so that putting away how much of it have you done how many testimonies do you have of this is the way i used to think but this is the way i think now those are the real testimonies of christianity that's where the change is that's where the strength and the power comes in because those are the things that will hold you in the times of adversity example to what extent have the words of jesus shaped who you think you are that's important we grew up deriving our sense of identity from the environment you were born into this world you didn't know anything you were born with the clean slate tabula rasa clean slate you didn't know nothing you didn't know who you were if your name is james today i call you james you say yes you were not born james you were named games and then even before you know how to speak they called you games games james james games hello james games games you you somewhere along the line you figured okay that must be me they are talking about that's how you knew you were james clean slate but the same way they called you james there were other things they called you some were spoken some were not spoken they defined who you were it didn't take long before they told you we're poor it didn't take long oh no we're not the same as that one that family is rich in the conversations it came in a subtle way those rich people you know we we're not rich those things sink in and define but somewhere along the line when you accept jesus as lord and savior you begin to hear his sayings you begin to read his word you need to take what he is saying and to redefine your identity second corinthians 5 17 therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creation all things have passed away amen all things have become sincerely freaking as simple as that sounds it's a major crisis point major failure point for christians who are you so if who you think you are is not anchored on who jesus says you are your sense of identity will be changing with circumstances so when you have money you will believe you are rich when you don't have money you believe you are poor you're in trouble when satan tempted adam and eve what was the temptation about it was about their sense of identity has god said they didn't know as god said god said was the only place for them to find their identity adam and eve were created just like you and i with tabula rasa they didn't know who they were they didn't know who god was they didn't understand the environment whatever god called anything was what it was because they didn't know anything they didn't know who they were so the only place where they could find their sense of identity was from god what did god say to them and god blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it rule over it right and do what have dominion that was what god told them god said let us make man in our own image after our own likeness so satan comes and says did god say you shouldn't eat of any of the three fruits of those trees eve says yeah yeah yeah say we shouldn't even touch that one we can eat the others with that one satan says that's it see god knows that the day you eat it your eyes will be opened you will be wise you will become like god it was because of what they wanted to become like god that's why they ate the fruit and became like the devil why their sense of identity was not rooted it wasn't resting on what god said so satan gave them an alternative if you won't believe what god has called you you will have to believe something else applied word not just what you had in church the applied one is what gives you the strength to be stable in crisis times why the house that stood was the same house it was the situation it was the weather that was changing the house didn't change so the first temptation that satan gave jesus what did he say because when god spoke at the river jordan he was releasing a revelation that redefined the identity of jesus this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased jesus understood it satan understood it and then he comes if you are the son of god turn this stone into bread and jesus says satan i'm not going down that route with you i'm not going to use changes in the physical dimension to define who i am that's too shallow what god said is what i will use it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by what every word that proceeds from i'm talking about applied revelation and this time applied to your sense of identity who are you so if for the fact that well given the circumstances of your life you are presently in that phase where you don't have that much money you know in your account you you don't even you don't have a quote-unquote a good job yet you're the one who knows how you combine the colors and manage your clothes and come to church and people think you look good you are the one who knows i've been there before just few of them but you manage them especially for the sundays thank you jesus you're the one who knows see those are periods when you fight battles in your mind you fight battles you come to church and while the service is going on yes the holy spirit leaves you to that frequency of revelation and then yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah and then you get out there [Music] [Laughter] ah and sitter says good so are you done with the shouting now let's face the reality reality you don't even have enough money for transport to get back home and what does he want to do use the situation to define who you are you are not who the pastor said you are you know the person you are broke those are battles right those are the things we fight when we go through trials and temptations however if you have applied the word to your sense of identity to your thinking on the cross there was a work of substitution that took place jesus took my place so i can take his place awesome isn't it also if there is one place where we trip up on this thing it's in dealing with sin or should i say dealing with mistakes when christians make mistakes satan batters us to no head hey but you will lie they lie yeah yeah go to church and be singing be singing pretend you know what you did yesterday and you know what when you're a christian you understand what jesus did on the cross he's not going to die again there is no sin you will commit now including mother please don't go kill someone but there is no sin you will commit now that would be so big jesus will have to die the second time on the cross so the resolution of that problem is in your past it is not in the future jesus paid for everything sir when you understand the way it works the only requirement is for you to ask for forgiveness genuine repentance and you ask god for forgiveness the moment you do that the bible shows it if if we say we have no sin we lie the truth is nothing else if we pray okay if we ask him to forgive us he forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness first john chapter 1 verses 7 to 9. there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in christ jesus who do not work after the flesh but after the spirit it's amazing satan's attacked my mind as a young christian just because i would make a simple mistake sit down with him you know you are possessed that's a demon he said there was a day i just made up my mind it's either the word is true or not i'm not gonna i'm not gonna move between two thoughts anymore it's either this word is true and you know what i did as a student i went into an empty classroom when no one was looking i opened my bible to romans chapter eight verses one and two i put it on the floor and i stood on it i said lord this is where i want to stand as i satan as long as i'm standing on this reality you are finished you are a liar any accusation you raise against me from this moment is a lie i said satan you said i'm possessed fine so if it is true that i'm possessed now you demon inside me come out now you don't have a right to stay inside here anymore my body is the temple of the holy spirit and from today i will never believe again that you're inside i am not possessed there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in christ jesus who do not walk after the flesh but after the spirit verse two says for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made us not will make us has made us free from the law of sin and that was their result shut the devil up forever it's either it's true or not apply the word to your thinking it's amazing i have found the connection between your thinking and your money the basic difference between a rich person and a poor person who they believe they are that's the basic difference poor people believe that they are poor rich people believe that they are rich finish when my life changed while i was still poor in terms of cash i was able to believe that i am rich my physical circumstances didn't have any choice but to follow the belief jesus said to people according to your faith so be it to you have what your faith expects what you believe is what you become isn't that interesting so that's why it's powerful for you to apply the word to your spirit and to your thinking because when you apply the word your status is the same as christ god raised you with him made you to sit with him you were buried with him by baptism into sin that the same way god raised him from death god will raise you into a new life romans chapter six verses three and four or three to five awesome apply the word to your thinking i don't care what the economy of any nation is it cannot nullify god's word i'm not going to run my finances what i believe about my finances by what i read on the pages of newspapers when i have the good news this is my newspaper the word amen good some people read the stock market report and they have high blood pressure you can read what the bible says about your destiny and have high blood pressure you have normal blood pressure supernatural blood pressure don't kill yourself amen apply the word apply the word to your thinking apply the word to your emotions apply the word to your emotions you want to have stability in crisis times apply the word to your emotions let the world dictate your feelings circumstances shouldn't dictate your joy in his presence there is fullness of joy joy is part of the fruit of the spirit the holy spirit bursts joy in us and that's independent of circumstances apply the word to your will apply the word to your will because that's the place where you make decisions philippians chapter 2 verse 13 it is god that works in you but to will and to do of his good pleasure and the key there submit to god's plans and purposes for your life amen that's what you do you draw on the help of the holy spirit to align with god's plans and purposes whatever it will take jesus said anyone who tries to keep his life will lose it anyone who is willing to lose it for my sake will find it i like it john 12 24 accept a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains the way it is but if it dies it brings forth much fruit what does that say to me if i do not submit absolutely good to god's will however risky it may seem and allow myself to die i will remain the way i are there will be the potential for much fruit inside me there will be a particular kind of person i can become that i will never become and some christians that's why they are stuck that's where they're stuck if you cooperate with god and you lose control of your life because that's what dying means you lose control over that life okay submit it absolutely to god in trust you will lose trace of fear he that is down need fear no for you can't threaten me with death anymore i died i'm dead galatians chapter 2 verse 20 i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet it is no longer either and if it is christ that lives in me that's why water baptism is important for us that's why it's a major demonstration of what happens to you at salvation that's why it's good for a pastor to hold you and to dip you inside water and bring you out because that's the most accurate demonstration of what happened to your life it's not just that you got religion your old life is finished did i hear you say amen if you are lying if you make that your reality you are dead already there is something about the first generation of christians that we don't see in many people these days they were not afraid to die if you are afraid to die you are dead i'm serious there are things god will ask you to do that you will never be able to do there are things you should say you'll never be able to say because you're afraid and if you lose fear of death there's nothing else you will fear is it poverty you will fear or sickness and disease you don't fear death itself because you're dead that's the will part absolute surrender to god because that's what jesus asks for anyone who will follow me he said let him carry his cross that's what jesus told people isn't it yeah these days we tell people if you just say the sinner's prayer finish no stress from there on easy life like this your life will change jesus will beautify your life he will put food on your table he will give you a car to drive he will give you a beautiful house give you a husband give your wife give your children your life will just you'll just be on cruise control and when they run into rough trouble rough waters they think we deceived them you know what jesus told people take your cross we're going to die [Laughter] but when they probed him when they proved him then they had the real truth you lose your life like that then you will find the real thing there will be another you a potential you that you would never have realized anyone who is willing to let go of anything for my sake and the gospel says in this life the person will get a hundred fold and in the world to come eternal life good so the critical factor is applied revelation if i will sum all of these up i would say that you use the word to shape your values use the word of god to shape your values and to shape your attitudes when you use god's word to control your relationships with other people you walk in love whether it makes sense or not i'm telling you you don't do that when things are smooth when the fire falls you will be amazed at your capacity for hatred your capacity for bitterness and once you sink down to that level the reality is you've gone into reactive mode when jesus said love he didn't attach any conditions to it love your neighbor when your neighbor is good or husbands love your wives when she's acting reasonably no conditions that it's okay the reason why i don't love her anymore is because she's acting crazy well sorry jesus factored all that in he factored in the craziness before he gave the instruction jesus loved the people who killed him he prayed for them while he was on the cross father forgive them they had not there when they weren't even through killing him yet and he had prayed up front for their forgiveness i'm not sure if your wife has nailed you to the cross yet i think you should hold on let's get to that level first right then you can complain so i'm talking about allowing the world to shape your values if you don't speak the truth when things are easy how would you lie when things get really rough rough with your career rough with your business good so let the word shape your values the words of jesus those are the foundations that jesus spoke about in wrapping up i look at the story again in matthew 7 and i remember my study on development national development why some countries developed and some countries have not developed and i remember that there's a connection that has been established between geography and development almost all developed countries in this world majority of them are in the temperate regions of the world the cold regions the very poor ones are in the tropics when i found out i tried to lose it what does that mean it must be that your brain functions better when it is cold [Laughter] that was my funny assumption or hypothesis you say but eventually i found out from my studies that it's not that it's that the climate and the weather is very harsh and life-threatening in the temperate regions of the world the best potentials don't come out of man until he finds himself in a desperate situation the instinct for survival is the strongest in man we were in calgary alberta in canada last year may and we were i mean pastor nick and i and our daughter we were almost shivering because it was 90 degrees celsius but the people who live in calgary were in they were in shirts no coat no nothing so i had to ask them what's going on you guys is this not risky ordinary shirts they said oh sir this weather is bliss oh they said winter last winter we had it down to minus 49 degrees one of those days minus 49 so the gap from minus 49 to 9 is 58 degrees that's why the for them it was sunshine at nine degrees it's life threatening you know to if you walk on the street that way you will die that's it so in the parts of the world where there's no snow no cold no hurricanes no good so i'll tell you what the harsh weather there for those because in some some parts of the world when snow falls you can't even see the cars anymore right you don't go out you stay out they tell me you have to be very careful if you've been out in the cold that you don't touch your air because if you twist it it will break in your hand all the blood is gone drained that's how bad it is people die practically every year from the cold good so if you're in such an environment it won't be and let's say your parents are at the other end of town and you have these huge piles of snow how do you and this terrible cold how do you know how they're ferry they had to find a way to communicate without seeing themselves they had to so it's no surprise they invented the telephone and even in terms of movement they had to find fast means of transportation that makes sense isn't it now so if you live in a place where there is no snow there's nothing not no weather element that will threaten your life why should you invent the telephone you go to your parents walk to their house and greet them and chat you want to see your friend you want to talk to your friend go to your friend's house you walk to your friend's house you have a good chat and then when you're done if you really enjoy the conversation you tell your friend you're leaving your friend says okay let me escort you half of the way just so and probably the two of you are carried away and you don't realize when both of you arrive at your house and then you say oh my god no no i'm the one who came to visit you no this is not alice cut you back to your house and then walk back to my house no stress so harsh weather provokes innovation and creativity the harsh weather provokes innovation and creativity you remember first corinthians 10 13 but god is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able to bear but he will with the temptation do what make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it innovation creativity new ideas new ways new means of making life easier making things cheaper making things to work faster and after some time it becomes a lifestyle becomes a culture jesus gave us examples of creativity the disciples showed us examples of creativity amazing so my encouragement today he who hears the sayings of mine and who does them build your life on principles we're talking about enjoying stability in times of crisis in times of change build your life on principles because principles don't change jesus described these sayings of mine quote and uncode as the rock on which the man built his house build your life on principles because principles don't change people who want to be creative and who want to be innovative realize they are dealing with circumstances that are more powerful than they are they need to be able to leverage power beyond themselves to achieve results greater than they can achieve if i take a seed and orange seed and i sow it it grows into an orange tree and begins to produce orange fruit the reality is i don't have the power to create orange fruits am i right i don't have the power but just by simply planting that seed i leverage the law of sowing and ripping there is an invisible power that enters that turns it into a tree and after some time begins to produce the fruit if you have sense you realize god created this world invested tremendous power in principles you learn to leverage those principles to achieve your goals so build your life on the principles of god's word build your life on things that don't change principles are the same all over the world gravity is gravity anywhere you know us in our part of the world if something bad happens to you it was a witch so you jump from the balcony of a five-story building and you come down you tell yourself this must be the work of a witch why should i come down why wasn't i suspended in the air why didn't i go up my destiny is up not down so why didn't i go up that bind the devil is in fact too many witches in this city so you go to beijing china jump from the balcony of a five-story building you will come down without the age of technology you think the witches arrive there with you you escape in the night to london england you jump from the balcony of a five-story you are coming down why because you are dealing with a principle same all over the world and consistent over time ten thousand years ago gravity was gravity if jesus studies in ten thousand years time gravity will be gravity principles don't change we're talking about getting stability in unstable times build your life on principles what did jesus say whatever you want men to do to you do the same to them you can break it you can bring anything you do to people they'll do back to you if you were smart you'll be good to people he was speaking there about judging others you know we take luke 6 38 out of context because we want money look 68 give and it shall be given on to you good measure press down shaking together running over have you read that passage yourself not that should not be judged condemn not so that you not be condemned show mercy to other people that's what jesus was talking about so you make it a habit to criticize other people run them down jesus said you give that it will be given back to you condemnation criticism running down good measure press down shaking together and even running over shall men give condemnation and criticism into your buzzer and lack of mercy harshness that's what jesus was talking about they are lost which is the greatest commandment the greatest principle love love god love your neighbor build your life on that amen lead your life on that so what took joseph through those difficult times he was built on love he was built on the principle of vision he had stability he was supposed to be a slave but he had stability became a prisoner had stability and eventually he was able to go through those terrible seasons and come out at the other end prime minister don't give up amen let's use whatever adverse circumstances come to us as opportunity to develop strength remember the test is coming to find out whether you will do his word or not build your life on principles number two build your life on the principle build your life on principles build your life on principles build your life on god god cannot lie and god cannot die god can't lie that's stability in other words you can build your life on what he said and god can't die means he will be around tomorrow to fulfill the promise that he gave you he'll still be around in 10 years time 20 30 to bring the fulfillment the promises that he has given you so i read hebrews chapter 6 verses 16 to 18 and we pray hebrews 6 16 to 18 but i'm reading from the message bible hebrews chapter 6 verses 16 to 18. when people make promises they guarantee them by appeal to some authority above them so that if there is any question that they will make good on the promise the authority will back them up when god wanted to guarantee his promises he gave his word a rock-solid guarantee verse 18 says god can't break his word and because his word cannot change the promise is likewise unchangeable we who have run for our very lives to god have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go it's an unbreakable lifeline verse 19 says it's an unbreakable spiritual lifeline reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of god 20 says where jesus running on ahead of us has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us in the order of melchizedek amen god's promises are unbreakable you stand on what god said for abraham 25 years the promise came to pass so i just want to tell someone here today don't make the mistake of shifting your confidence just simply because things are not working right in your life isaiah 40 verse 8 says the grass with us the flower fades but the word of our god abides forever the moment revelation is introduced into your life and you shift your life on that revelation every circumstance that does not agree with what god said becomes grass and begins to wither becomes flower and begins to fade ultimately the promise god gave you will outlive your negative circumstances god's promises will be fulfilled did i hear you say amen to that so nations are going through difficult experiences now look at the refugees you know pouring into europe i mean it breaks my heart to see families some of them wealthy before sleeping out in the open being thrown food hungry rushing climbing through windows into trains crisis is not good sir and i'm telling anyone who suggests that anything that will result in crisis doesn't love you crisis is not good so the world is going through a troubling time but listen to me those things will pass the coming seasons and there is nothing new under the sun there is nothing god hasn't seen before he has seen empires rise he's seen empires fall he's seen people become so powerful like a nebuchadnezzar of babylon so powerful conquered other nations and he was smiling his sinkings rise his sinkings fall and then die but he's never changed so i'm saying to you whatever the circumstance may be that satan wants to use you know to confuse you or to make you depressed or discouraged he's just lying what god promised you is coming to pass never let go of what god said rather use the harsh climate or circumstances as opportunity for god's creativity and innovation he will make a way of escape so rather than focus on what is not working right be searching for the way lord what do you have to say in this situation you know what crisis does in our world it just creates change it changes the people who occupy some positions of power it changes the flow of money i promise you there's no crisis that leaves the economy the same and there's no crisis that impoverishes everybody at the same time now lie some people become rich fresh millionaires and billionaires in the time of crisis whatever the situation is going through your life sincerely speaking there's a new testimony a new god has is creating a new testimony something people have not heard about before it was in the time of so to speak crisis in my life that you know my wife and i prayed and god gave the vision for success power and for this time isn't it interesting so i'm saying in jesus there are some businesses there are some things there are even families that are going to be in existence in the next 1 year 5 years 10 years 20 years we didn't see them before this season is the opportunity for god to introduce them into people's lives god will never allow a door of opportunity to close against you if he hasn't opened another one he's just trying to get your attention rather than focus on the closed door and believe your life is finished and believe there is nothing else that person who was helping you died or the person's being removed from the position open your eyes there's a new door open there are new relationships new opportunities and i pray that this season heaven will open your eyes there are new features there are new dreams there are new instructions join any of our four services at 7am 8 45 a.m 10 30 a.m and 12 15 p.m and experience possibilities without limits d star raising role models you
Channel: Daystar Christian Centre
Views: 7,802
Rating: 4.963964 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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