Stevie D (Free Full Movie) Comedy Crime Drama

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Lenny this is regarded from Lord Savita you must come in later is TBD step we've been thinking about treating yourself just waiting this is a car you see yourself not leaving this pool better be a girl hey Dad what am i doing I'm getting ready to meet with some investors why no I don't want to come into the office not today I got to put a suit on Jack's office now be there in an hour bro I saw that commercial again I'm telling you the guy looks just like you Bobby I thought you're gonna get me an agent so I could do commercials I'm working on it these things take time [Music] so what else you like to do like you go hiking what do you what do you like to do I'm sorry I'm super it's like right in the middle of something when you get out of here what do you do we need to deal with yoga you should do some yoga people get a private you know we'll spread it out a little bit you know I hadn't let it was work right now I just have to I can't figure out why have you seen you around LA because I grew up in Connecticut because I went to college and then to law school don't you think even the closeness of our families that we should get to know each other a little I'm gonna move this you know I actually think that's a very good reason not to we represent your father I don't think that would be in anyone's but I have know my father I have my own business interest in fact I'm looking into investing in the club right now and I could use a lawyer why don't you just come out to dinner with us you can meet some of the investors to tell you what bring that red pen because it's really sexy we could have like a legal meet what are you reading no no I'm sorry this is taxi give us a minute will you listen I tell you what I'm gonna take a card and I'm gonna call you dari yeah Dee my you deep yeah don't those for me yes thank you you're welcome [Music] hey what's up of course it went fine are you going now that'd be there do better now all right cool Vegas to me this weekend maybe I got a long flexible nature let me check your schedule where's Mickey let's go slow right hey excuse me where's your manners can't you see she's talking to me now go back to the zoo guys where you going he gave me $1,000 to dance mom are you kidding me now I can go to Vegas oh Emily Post hey you good in finance because I gave her a grand for a lap dance and what'd you think of cost my goodness that's a good one you know that's where you belong right here my let's go two days in Vegas that's all I'm asking know what you know like Vegas I don't not at all all right well how about Cabo it's beautiful it's like you're not in Mexico I have a lot of work to do so there's a client up front for you perfect excuse me wait what's his throw with her she have a boyfriend or something [ __ ] it's my father all right tell you what anything you tell me about her would be greatly appreciated how many people were with him excuse me can I help you agent Harris agent Shields would like to have a look around what for some of a crime boss died mysteriously in a strip club but we found coke on him okay bartender said he wasn't drunk out of his mind no altercation anyone can remember went to the bathroom the floor was wet he bumped his head good night sweet prince sweet prince or not a detective via I'd like to see the bar receipts from last night that's okay with you sure mr. right here with big tits okay I'll take care of okay got it then give us a minute del then give us a sure Angie ah so what happened last night what do you mean don't lie to me what happened at that strip club oh you mean that that was nothing no no we were at the club or having a good time this this big shot was there he was all dumped all over the girls you started all of a sudden you're a bouncer no he got on a line with me I saw him in the bathroom he bumped me I threw up against the wall and I walked out [ __ ] yeah I threw him into the stalls and I walked out and that was it yeah well he cracked his skull open he died of a brain hemorrhage what are you kidding me not for me I saw him on the floor no I'm not kidding you I mean if he did he deserved it guys a scumbag that was Nick Grimaldi's kid who Nick Rinaldi one of the biggest guys in Philly why how am I supposed to know I mean he was all coked up what was I supposed to do you know it doesn't help that you get your mail delivered to that [ __ ] house well you got to do something dad you gotta grow up you really do I don't know what to do with you I mean I got you running errands around like the like a messenger because you don't want to do any work all you have to do is sit there and inherit what I spent my life building but it's not enough for you you want to be a gangster you're only tough because of who I know I'm sorry dad I'm really sorry but I swear I didn't do it yeah well they think you did it and they don't need evidence please please just get me out of this I promise that won't corrode any more I'll do whatever you want I'll I'll learn the business please you gotta grow up son I'll do everything I can to protect you you know that so now just get out of here huh lay low for a couple of days [Music] listen what do two guys over here because I want to get this thing settled I want to hear what's going on and I want to get it over with is it okay with you yeah okay with you my heart is broken over this is done I agree it should have never happened and I'm embarrassed but this was an accident you know and let's be honest here next son it was under the influence he had narcotics on him he was getting roughly you can say sometime he is he serious I mean does he think this is really gonna help it comes all the way from pansy town and it calls my dead kid a junkie does he think that's gonna help us Jesus Christ Nick my kid is no angel but this was self-defense off the fences getting me self-defense all right all right let's just calm down here take a minute did you have something off for him I got a big resort going up and in Tahoe and Nick can have all the contracts on the California side that's not good enough what about the football team football thing I didn't die I'm gonna have that deal yet I don't know if that's gonna have you already got a piece of the Eagles what the hell do I want with a Los Angeles football team all right Nicky but puts it put something on a table I want justice come on this was an accident be reasonably simple very simple my son is dead he's dead someone has to pay for this okay Nick that's why I got you here okay I mean I just want to stop this and stop the bloodshed before it goes crazy now this thing could have been an accident we stopped see attacks it wasn't a mistake look he's lucky not be video talk but he's not part of this thing of ours Tony I need to ever [ __ ] I want I'm only here at respectful you told but y'all did this isn't work wait a minute wait a minute listen we're all friends we've known each other a long time and we're all Italians hey is this best of both worlds see Hobnobs with the with the politicians and the CEOs and the press but he wants all the protection that comes with this thing of us by me I'm giving my life to this thing he's God he's God and he will never be back and there was nothing you could do or say that it's gonna make that right you could offer me the whole first time in my life was of a nervous in a meeting sister about that guy help me through this what are my options maybe you have to emotions subside with you in a hundred years turn that goddamn thing off you got 20 minutes on your life and you're texting Stevie this is that commercial I keep telling you about a guy looks just like you who's that guy yeah yeah he does you know the guy gets paid every time that commercial runs are you kidding I see this thing like 10 times today yeah I mean these actors they want to do a series in movies but you can make good money don't commercials I told you I should be doing commercials I'm serious look at that guy pop isn't that crazy cut the crap I wish you saw what I saw yesterday as a deputy mayor I am working very very hard to get the mayor on board but there is a process for a project of this scale that involves many players is a very fluid process and the more that Sacramento weighs in as well as the other local interests the more pressure there will be for a transparent bidding process it's starting to get on my nerves this is the 10,000th meeting we've had who do you think you're dealing with I've been paying you and your people off for five years to get on this deal now I'm gonna say this once when that stadium goes up I'm digging the hole if I'm not I'm taking one for you and he knows no Stevie safe at the house listen I admit they get about this thing it's a long shot but we're running out of options what a guy in a car commercial the one that all Stevie's friends said it looked like him yeah we find that kid and we hire him to play the role of your son I am yeah we work we told it's a business thing or something right I mean we we get this kid we told little money Adam we set up on an apartment a car we take Stevie wish station well let's just give run around town a little bit send the Vegas if we have to make it makes a move on him story over hey Lin have you lost your mind have you thought any of this through suppose we convince this guy to take this job whatever the hell that is and then where you get everybody to go for it how do we bring Stevie back I mean this this actor gets whacked a few weeks later Steve is back how long you think Nick's gonna go for that edge we live in the plastic surgery capital of the [ __ ] world his little work done we bring them back we sit him down and we tell them look kid this is how your life's gonna be I mean we offer a lot of options you ang Nicky's old can I mean we gotta do something hi jack how are you yeah hi Angelo listen I feel a little I feel a little silly to call you about this but it's about Stevie he's coming around the office a lot and I know he's kind of taken an interest in Daria and now personally I I got no beef with Stevie but enough said jack appreciate it thanks Angelo it's a it's good you called speaking of Stevie I yeah I'm thinking about treating just waiting Angela there's nothing yeah sorry I thought you you sure sure we'll talk talk soon bye bye before your meeting this afternoon Thank You Donna Oh take a look at this on TV I'll quit my son wow it really does just like him but you know I always thought you had the movie star looks Angela mm-hmm that's why I pay you it's better be good I can't see things liquid I'll tell you something man he's as mad as you as he is your kid doing there's gotta be something I'm trying Nick is a boss he can do what he wants to do nice time I'll be in touch yeah and find out all you can about this act where it's from who we knows everything if I get into this thing I don't want to find out that he has a an uncle who's da in the Bronx no good don't kind of your fingers hey max what's up hey kiddo check your email well hot today that's great what is it commercial audition another commercial national network plus cable what's it for dog food but it's organic very upscale yes I don't care if it's radioactive as long as it pays for me I had a boy kiddo knock him dead anything okay yeah sorry I said take a quick call well it could be your big break not this one but maybe the next ones okay I'm back [Music] hey Carl Carl this car in my spot every time I come home there's like three new cars back there dummy sometimes it's not I can find him that's fine look stripes this is our guy Michael Rose age 33 Rose did tell you yeah he isn't that much to speak of though here's his IMDB page what it's a website Internet Movie Database it's called they've been put in the industry keeps a profile on it huh right get this never been married no kids who's in Hollywood alone yeah he's got even have a girlfriend here's the best part though who's the only child his mother and father died when he was a kid he was raised by an aunt she that a year ago Jesus Christ so probably doing this poor bastard a favor there's probably a handful of people in the world and all this guy even exist hey what are you doing here hey guys what's up nothing absolutely nothing you Elizabeth is pregnant yeah that's great congratulations thanks for pretty stoked where have you been you've been in my hand for the past few months I'm just you know lay low once you were for dinner one night Elizabeth wants to say I'm a friend I know I I don't want to meet anybody right now I'm I'm broke I'm fed nothing going on I'm sick of LA and I'm sick of everything what do you mean I see your commercial running constantly yeah well I spent that money a long time ago just say the word and I can get you temp work at the office no I know what you need get out of town for a bit take a vacation yeah I figured vacation from being broke and unemployed doesn't it be anything extravagant just get away from things change your mindset you'll see I gotta go alright keep my best to Elizabeth crazy senior I'm serious do it don't call me then you get back hello hi Michael rose yes who's this yes my name is Lisa we're in the process of casting a project and we'd really like to take a meeting with you well how did you get my name oh we saw your a commercial it's presently on the air really what's the project unfortunately that's something we would prefer not to discuss over the phone well I usually take appointments through my agent we would be more than happy to contact your agent okay is there pain yeah of course this pain okay why not great yeah let me give you the particulars hey max what's up hey another hot day for risk you know that's great what is it new project lots of potential it's a brand new internet show Oh Amazon Netflix nuh nuh straight to YouTube emailed you the script and all the details it's noon tomorrow okay max I'll take a look at it Thanks good strikers naina get in the taro that's what the what the [ __ ] is right where's the rest of it max yeah yeah hey max it's Michael I just saw the sighs him there's only one line that's a great line the street and gets hit by a bus come on max on line I could see that maybe on a on a movie or a good TV show but but a little nothing project with no pay maybe they'll bring you back I get hit by a bus I don't know what to say kiddo that's the part they want you for don't wanna go in on it's kind of humiliating you know I'm trying kiddo yeah you know max I'm not a kid come on you know this town they like eat just I've been able to get your hut I could cancel it if you want to your career yeah it sure is [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thought you'd prefer blonde you guys no improvising please just say the line is written please don't pull out any weapons in the anticipation of your impending assassination I don't want any guns pointed at me Michael R is any questions nope looks like it's strikers night again and the door opens what the [ __ ] great perfect thank you this is Michael Gross Michael Angelo DeMarco good to meet you mr. mee I see so do you know who I am not really and I looked you up I know you're in construction not to entertainment how long you been an actor well I don't know about 10 years mmm any good tell me any good ask me if is real you got a real time yeah I'm looking for a very convincing actor to play the part of my son is this a movie you it's more like a real-life performance ask me if he has any improv experience are you have you done yeah look I'm not sure what you're getting at but I don't want to do any reality TV no no this is not gonna be on television I need for you to play the part of the man is going to take over my business in real life yes I'd run basically a family business I had one son Stephen Nora Stevie Dee yes he is more commonly known my wife died when when he was young and then I wanted to make it easy for him so unfortunately I spoiled him he parties he stays out all night he's a wayward son do you know what I mean yes and we had a disagreement and he took off I don't know where he is and if I did I wouldn't be able to get him back anyway so he's doing this to hurt me because I'm involved in some very serious negotiations hundreds of millions of dollars as my successor he's part of these negotiations and for people I deal with you know stabilities big deal why would they take a chance on me if there is turmoil in my family my company yeah well I would say if he's not that interested in the business I wouldn't want him involved in such a big deal but what do I know wow this is about family you know anything about that I don't just be honest with you next my son this is your son yeah I take Ethan as his father I look at pictures of you and I have to take a second look but do you really think I'm gonna be able to fool anybody who knows him now I'm not asking you to go to a family reunion all I need for you to be seen will get you an office here a place to live a car expense account we can even probably come up with some company every now and then of all I need for you to do is to play this part uninterrupted I mean I would think that's an acting role that someone would die for I mean what why don't you just cut him off once the money runs out he's got to come back right I would like to do that but I need it now he knows that there's no dummy okay well I just got to ask again this isn't some reality TV [ __ ] right because one I don't want to do that into I'm a union actor if I'm gonna be in something in TV or film it's got to be legit listen I swear on my wife's grave it's not going to be on television or in the movies and as far as the unions go as long as you're with me and have to worry about unions and when this is said and done we have a ton of contacts in the entertainment well how long would you need me four months unless you know my son wises up and comes back I don't know a month is a long time well the money took money being well he said there was pay yeah I'll bet a hundred I'm like a hundred bucks a day no hundred thousand a hundred a hundred thousand dollars plus expenses not a nickel out of your own pocket a hundred thousand dollars and I tell you I'll also throw in 25 to your favorite charity do you have a favorite charity yeah that'd be amazing all I ask from you is that no one knows about this while you're working for me no contact with friends or family I I need someone who can go completely undercover is that okay with you payment for a hundred grand I'll say my good-byes and be done with them huh now that's the right way to look at it all right so it's a deal let's do it yeah look I I a month is a long time to be away I just I just want to sleep on it can I get back to you of course okay great night nice meeting good to me YouTube funny follow him I don't wanna lose him now [Music] well boys this is it for a while look sexy in that thing and when you go back for plastic you should tell the doctor go all the way go [ __ ] yourself and when you're done get the jacuzzi going back is Jack from these heels yes ma'am you go get our bags all right okay all the best babe hey my god how does it go hey max what's up I'm not gonna sugarcoat this kiddo I'm closing the agency what I've had enough I'd this the business has changed the town has changed I've only hung in there this long because because I believed in the people I represented now I gotta start thinking about myself well what does this mean for me well I I called every agent I know in town by asking him to consider taking my clients no one bid on you no one come on you've been hanging around this town for a number of years and for one reason or another you never made it to the next level hey it's on me I never got you to the next level but Michael you're still young you're a charmer you're a good actor I know something is gonna pop for you soon I know it 20 years ago I could have moved mountains for you now I don't know anything works anymore I'm sorry kiddo is your right D credit cards and passport passport my traveling can't have an own you got a wallet then a set of keys must store that in the safe here at the house we return to you upon you completion of your employment mr. DeMarco along with a hundred grand who is Stevie Dee and I know he's Angela's son but who is he what's he like he's you kid that's all you gotta worry about it obvious in terms of being the character Oh kid all anyone really wants this fearly just be yourself okay how does anyone know you're here no not specifically okay why you included mr. DeMarco you're not to communicate with any family or friends that means no Twitter no Gmail none of that [ __ ] you got it yes good cuz you'll have access to sensitive material regarding mr. DeMarcos business dealings understood understood good you got a cellphone yeah don't you have that too I'm gonna put that in a safe also yeah this one will have all the contacts you need you'll be staying in the guest house looking at the front of the property so you can spend more time with Angela well should I say dad this is gonna be your car right here here's your key whose is this that's Angelo's old car nobody tries that I take that liver if you want yeah it'd be great heights gonna house I'll get my switch the place while we do that okay three all right come on [Music] clothes on the closet down the right now all the toiletries and everything you need so here in the bathroom I left a little pocket change in a dresser right she care you know she's gonna be staying so gonna let you come and go as you please we have been at 7 o'clock at Dolce Vita in Beverly Hills you ever been no are you gonna love this I saw something on do I need to keep receipts for expenses let me guess about that around here but no longer be known as Michael rose and then I'll Stevie date you walk up with the pop-up started buy some underwear Stevie day you get stopped by a cop it's DVD someone bumps into you in the street I'm Stevie Dee we're going home okay hey tell you something to drink iced tea yes I'll have a scotch neat I take it I come here a lot no no this is my place I call it my kitchen George Raft first owner my father bank well a lot of celebrities dignitaries of time dear past and this was Sinatra's table nobody sits there that respect look I think I need to get a better sense of who stevie is when you fold everybody here including a Mikado and he's been here 20 years so order whatever you want are you not eating no I've done be some place you want me to stay I'm gonna eat don't you bid the office tomorrow thank you [Music] Beasley Cole a lovely bartender invited you to dine at the bar okay I'm not offended that you never called but we had was what we had it would be a shame if it was only once ten ships get to work leave a job now and give you ride home you're a lot nicer than you used to be [Music] hey Stevie oh my man Stevie Dee I didn't even see you there tell you my calls brah I've been out of town I'm sorry I'm sorry hey listen I'm gonna talk to you bout this new club um looking at yeah I kind of gotta get rid of her later sorry call me later yes call me bro where were you last night what he didn't come home you told me not to keep receipts now I'm punching the clock that's um Stevie would say they wanted in the board room for meeting a meeting Angela's waiting dad what's it about how the [ __ ] should I know go in I just keep your mouth shut unless your ass how's everything else satellite TV isn't working all right I'll take care of it what are you meeting hi Donna can you tell me where the meeting is the conference room it's down the corridor to the left are you going to the meeting Stevie how are you good to see you sir are you uh you're joining us jack Daria thank you for coming um Stevie has no responsibilities and I'll be joining us yeah Stevie I believe you've met my daughter Daria yes you have hi Stevie hi again shall we please [Music] [Applause] [Music] are the first they go with the kid I don't Jack bought it Donna thinks it's Stevie and she saw the commercial on television how do you think it's gone oh it's a pretty good yeah it's banging the bartender from Dolce Vita oh good fan so he likes brunettes huh no teachers own where is he now I get him set up in the conference room till I get him in office mm when you tell him at what office no I'll work an office it he's in office look what work it's gonna work said does not work get him out of here get him get him on the street so come on all right hey kid We Need to Talk Shirley well very impressed you want to come to work in the morning we don't need you here I mean Stevie Dee never came here we need you all in the world look if we need you to come in for a meeting as something we'll call you Oh Hil I do man Oh looky somebody go get laid do what you did yesterday punch me see a movie they got a Cassavetes festival at the Egyptian you know I find his work to be really refreshing call improv come on grab your coat I call you in okay okay let by Donna have fun - uh these need to be dropped off at Jack's office take them [Music] good morning hello mr. D I will take those from you and you have a lovely day well I was um I ran into Dario at a meeting yesterday I was hoping I could you story is very busy today quick hello look kiddo she's the new girl in town it's very flattering to have someone drop in at work to chat you up but we do have work to do so I will take those papers from you well look I won't be a bother then would you tell her I said hello I will do that sorry if I was grumpy I'm craving my afternoon latte these will be ready tomorrow I assume you want to pick them up yes I do see you tomorrow listen I don't want you doing that your artist thing when he comes out okay just plug him listen he wants it done in front of his old man he was very specific what is this a banner or some kind of twisted father-son [ __ ] God and I'm started yeah well should we I don't know how about the Polo Lounge I hear Wilbur goes there every day which one there's more than one is market marketing is the one that was in the movie I see dead people I only know the one you people there he is see ya god I hope he's having dinner with his old man we can get this over with then I can have a little me time before I have to go home no no there's two Wahlberg's Amish just drive the car sure just missed your boyfriend who Oh Stevie he was not such a mess today you know I saw him yesterday and he seemed very composed even dressed up like a totally different guy it's kind of sexy okay now you're pushing it don't you think who's that Stevie I saw yes you just left what did you want dropping off some documents excuse me are you joining me for dinner tonight I don't know I may work late well how about tomorrow night the Shapiro's are coming over I love reading remember I told you about that event I'm going to I can't cancel so last-minute you sure sweetheart I'm positive look dad you've been so great and I know I'm staying with you till my place is ready and I really appreciate that but I can't keep coordinating my social schedule with you like this every night okay I understand okay I understand thank you okay finish the one outside this one's good to go what went upstairs Stevie you'll see thee the poles down here are done you still want one upstairs in the bedroom yep yeah [Music] good afternoon mr. TVD how are you well I didn't want a chance to repeat of yesterday so I bought you a latte and a little something sweet oh my god this job indeed it is mr. Stevie thank you my pleasure you're an angel well I will just be grabbing those documents and it was lovely stories actually at a lunch that's running late Daria yes of course how is that redoing today I do happen to have her schedule in front of me and she's going to this fundraiser at a museum tonight what a coincidence so a lot well hopefully I'll enjoy your evening oh good evening sir good evening what is your last name please but last name is DeMarco okay de di I was hoping I could be this is a very exclusive event and it's only for patreon level membership what does it take to become a patron thousand dollars - okay come on Stevie D you could do this Stevie I thought that was you I'm surprised to see you here are you saying I'm incompatible with Modern Art I just didn't know you were remember oh I've been a member for a long time I thought it just opened yeah well I'm a charter member I mean going way back like to the planning stages long time ago in fact I think Angela even built the building your father my father whose name is Angelo it's just easier than calling him dad all day I guess that keeps it professional listen I feel as though we've gotten off on the wrong foot in the past then my I just want to apologize thank you but apologies not necessary well what's your connection here I was an art history major before I went to law school oh me too except I skipped Law School where'd you get an undergrad that's a good question I'm gonna say UCLA why the uncertainty well you know I I transferred in and then I I got kicked out at some point and I didn't exactly finish like CVD are you uh are you doing anything afterwards would you like to about drink to officially turn the page oh thank you that's a very kind offer but I'm actually here with some friends so I should get going but I'll see you around of course it's the most expensive know I've ever gotten personally I'm evolving on a whole workers in captivity thing have you seen yeah I mean that put me over the edge the fins go down a terrible star it's like being in a bed of 20 would it need the whole person not just the earth hang on hang on it's big new they kill great whites in the knees in the open hold that port Yannick what's going on but all for a week yeah no no he's protected pretty good this is like UNC he doesn't spend much time with his oh no I know you wanted it okay just do it okay just do it okay yeah we gotta move he wants done yeah but whatever what about the father well see that ass tatius isn't exactly making strong suit god it's beautiful huh look at this I could really get used to this place okay no no no that sounds great yeah okay speak to you later I Jeff won last night I did too much so how are you liking la I'm getting used to it I have so many friends out here but for some reason I feel very disconnected lots of plans cancelled no one wants to drive anywhere that sort of thing sounds like you know well I feel like no one wants to leave a five-mile radius speaking of which have you been to MOCA downtown Museum no I haven't even been downtown yet well it's open late tonight and I happen to be a member a charter member yes as a matter of fact the Rauschenberg's are excellent and downtown is it happening seeing I don't know I should come on consider it an extension of our education or at least an attempt by me to finish mine you are so vastly different than when I first met you usually by this point you've invited me to Las Vegas or a be set up you know I'm working things out with my father and that's not always easy you work for your father you must know what I mean I do exactly so come on how about a museum run in a bitey okay sounds lovely great great [Music] [Music] all right sorry to make you wait I'm not sure how my dad would feel about this so no worse do you mind if we take my car is that okay [Music] and I told you when you leave I thought that was carry into it all right Carrie Underwood what's the matter with you just relax all right Jesus look there's his car this is actually where I dumped the body of the last girl oh yeah that's exciting this is so cool where are we it's like you're not in LA right okay we have a choice what we can do sushi in Little Tokyo or my favorite spot by the really earthís is just around the ferry we can even walk a wild your favorite spot then we have to go dude thank you my jacket please understand he gives us the orders he's got a convertible why don't we just belong the [ __ ] away for Christ's sakes what's the matter with you what what are we a couple of two-bit con trakula's this is family huh this is this is personal I'm gonna look this [ __ ] guy in the eye and I'm gonna blow his [ __ ] brains out and then we're gonna go have a nice meet Kelly [Music] we shamefully do not have a reservation but we're hoping that perhaps you could find us a table somewhere of course I have the perfect table for you all right this way we let them make a pocket square is that what that's called that's my color it's orange orange that's right you tell me a guy reveal it you know the DVD that I was warned about usually tips strippers hundred dollar bills but I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that well you know Italians are equal-opportunity tippers look I I know that I have this reputation but the truth is that I never really felt comfortable in those places it's just taking me a while to figure out what I'm doing with my life what are you doing with your life that's a good question oh thank you what's yours Cheers well obviously I have a place set aside and my father's business but I've always been interested in education and working with underprivileged children wow that was so wonderful I'm not just saying that yeah I've been volunteering with kids too really yeah are you familiar with city ID no the arts program yes yeah I've been volunteering with them since college Wow so how does how does an arts made you become a lawyer well when I was a kid my parents used to argue a lot and I used to like to pretend to be the mediator I would have each one of them tell me their sides of the story and I would serve as the judge and jury needless to say it didn't work obviously because they're divorced now but so your mom is a lawyer too oh no no no no she's a painter but I have zero artistic down so it was a bunch of choice and then I was you know working at a Wall Street law firm hating it missing my father who I didn't get to grow up with and I realized he has spent his entire life building this amazing successful law firm and I really should be a part of it I'm sure you know something about that right yes I do yeah well we have champagne do you uh do you happen to like oysters I love oysters I could live on orser's and champagne well let's get some oysters [Music] in a great time are you okay to drive yeah a little wobbly but it's just [Music] [ __ ] there [Music] chased them like a maniac come on guy keep it between the lines [Music] mence [Music] hey hey wait to talk sure what's up come on dude how the one needs to talk to you right away right away what's this open it later something wrong just open a file you he's a deal I've been Donal acting on a sack no no okay I didn't know that good good for you then yeah just met with just agent tells me my pictures are no good my acting sucks I mean basically filming myself what do you think oh well I don't know I mean the pics aren't so great who took him nice check him on the Culver City oh we used to hire a program I've not that she's not a pro and you know what I made that you don't go photographer yeah I know I know a few I'd be happy to set you up but it's not cheap and are you serious about perception salutely you're kidding me absolutely I mean we take a lot for me to leave Angelo cuz I you know let's face it I'm extremely loyal but I mean TV series maybe a movie you know like looking after me of course truth is I'm starting to hit a roadblock in my work til you know well how are you been acting of six months oh well then that's not a long time I'm used to getting to class whether it was a good teacher a good time for no teacher in class he shipped me I'm 55 years old I ain't got time for that [ __ ] it's either gonna happen or it's not hey what I needed I need like an advisor I need someone you know that's gonna be like a like a coach that's why I need like a coach and you could be my coach hey you're doing a great job as DVD everyone's impressed including myself but I know I don't know come on what are you gonna do I run pool all day oh well that's true yeah why not why not yeah yeah let's do it [Laughter] yeah you comfortable everything good yeah you know he almost got carjacked last night a couple of guys in SUV ambushed me as I was getting into my car yeah [ __ ] yeah and I never had a card you buddy wanted before yeah there must have been at the car I think yeah yeah yeah I'm fine everything's great hey listen I gotta run a few errands for Angelo get back about four o'clock we get started okay I'll be in the pool I look forward to it he may just not as someone like Stevie DiLaurentis hi there hi where are you I'm on Roxbury between Wilshire and little cinema are you the same witch oh I want to but there's a little problem in that both your father the client or his side well you know I I think we should talk about this I'm going into a meeting can you come down in an hour CV do you want to see me of course they deal all right then be out front in an hour and we're flat okay this place looks good right here maybe we go dinner there what is I enjoy the same thing at the best meatballs in town yeah let me help you then judge of that I want a bleep no but I don't want a meatball in LA we're in LA I want sushi because you haven't solved the family origin issue yet never might just drive I told you to stay close where the [ __ ] did they go two blocks from you sorry mr. [ __ ] turn put it on your ways ways I use a paper map from the triple-a cool where are we it's like you're not in LA all right I don't want to go back next stops I make a right [Music] why don't you call in sick food poisoning always works I have so much work to do what do you do tomorrow night nothing how about I cook you dinner are we gonna do this at your place my place isn't ready yet I'm still staying with my father were a couple of adults who need to move out of the house yeah well I have an idea hmm I have this friend who has this place in Hollywood it's not fancy but it's tasteful I think mm-hmm anyway he's out of town for a few months and he said you know if I needed to I could crash there is this like some kind of joint you set up here all your girls there's something [Music] darling I can promise you Stevie Dee has never had a girl at this apartment oh really [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [ __ ] bored we zoo girls we need action I can't take it anymore I think I stick it on LA and whack this [ __ ] myself I mean he's driving my car he's using my plastic already banging Nicole from Dolce Vita what that's what I heard I used to hit that [ __ ] [Music] you think I want to be alone you didn't see me I will remember anyway [Music] [Music] hi I found you after you so as I said someone I know lives here and you know not around so right oh no this is exactly like LA to me it's really charming it looks like hell from the outside but I'm kind of impressed whoever lives here has a very good taste you think don't be jealous you have good taste too this is for dinner lovely we'll get for that later [Music] isn't it amazing this is all we need with all that our parents have given us another ambition and we have a picnic in the hills and a wonderful evening in this little tiny apartment and the world is perfect tasteful little tiny apartment [Music] no it's Lenny I better get it hey Len what's up just checking in where are you I'm out does it matter what should I pick up the weight judge tomorrow I need some help well then you know it's not a good time can can we talk tomorrow maybe at 10:00 a.m. 101 diner okay good see that Hey and be careful on your way over why I'm just saying strange guy there he comes there he comes there is that sound Hale it hey hey thanks for coming my pleasure he's right there so what you got oh yeah yeah yeah so I got this this and this these are good Lenny all right Lee this is my take when every actor has it has an essence that makes them more castable in certain parts from my money this is you that's funny because that was my favorite oh yeah that was easy that's a great it feels so much better this is great what do you think they're tough no I really get an agent who doesn't mind just robbed me you reach it dropped you yeah how many break his legs he's like 80 years old he just got tired and closed up shop all right just let me know I tell you once this is done you and I are both gonna get kick-ass agents yeah those are great me get some work with those when this is taking forever what could be so hard this guys he's running around town spending money having a good time he couldn't be more visible if I hung him from a billboard hey listen I'm sending him to Vegas to meet up with Tony mooch Tony's connected to the East Coast and he can't keep his mouth shut word will travel fast and it's better that it happens in Vegas easy at leaning up there I gotta go what do you think mmm I don't like it I told you there's my girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're like playing with you me too I just wish we didn't have to be so secretive about everything well what do you think about this now don't say anything just listen how about coming to Vegas with me this weekend I knew it I knew the real Stevie Dee would come out all this romance and vulnerability and so I I said listen okay I have some business to do for the old man it's not ideal but you know we could be together without worrying I'd have to explain to my father why I'm going somewhere I completely detest well come on you're a big girl okay fine I'm in [Music] Stevie Dee yeah hey Chris won't sorry no man you don't hey yeah yeah man great the easy flight familiar anyway we'll come on meet my father yeah let's go all right yeah hey Dad this is Stevie Dee he didn't give you much of a choice he's one tough cannoli that old guy well come on let's go it's almost teatime all right hey have one of these sub beautifying you meet the rest of the crew right it's great to see you you're writing my card I can't I'm actually out of town for the weekend where dad what difference does it make you know when I'm home because you'll see me okay okay bye where the [ __ ] did that caddie go 18 handicap my ace we got a body you turn it to Tiger Woods like a take it's only [ __ ] the paper anyway oh hey by the way what I told you about Nicky beans you know banging the old man's daughter a stasi they keep that to ourselves there was both wound up in a [ __ ] jackpot all right do me a favor I'd love for you to hang out with Chris a little bit you know be good influence I'm he's a good kid but he's a little bit of a [ __ ] loose cannon maybe you want him to run around grab some nice Las Vegas brush altogether you know I I got a girl with me in town oh you brought your own brush oh let's even but it saves you from chasing it around that speaking of the devil hey Stevie did go hanging with you man oh hey listen to me my buddies are gonna get a house in Malibu you know you should come to a party our balls off you know I mean yeah how you getting back to the hotel I'm just called casual [ __ ] daddy take my Mercedes Oh Tony you know Ben's the white convertible enjoy yourself somebody pick it up later all right how come I'll get to ever drive it - Oh figure it out all right easy great guy yeah you want to carry these for me [Music] Nik Tony hey this is done can't do it this weekend please don't man a couple of major casinos stockholders just flew in no messes what are you talking about what you it's a big town how many guys get whacked in Vegas on a normal weekend anyway sorry Nick the boss wants it quiet this weekend and that's that Jesus Christ yeah okay yes thanks yeah yes good amen I I just talked at Tony mooch they loved what a great kid bla bla bla I guess they sent the wrong guy into hiding huh are you happy Barry it was good to be away from everything right yeah it does hey what's wrong I feel like I should come clean that's about what I feel like I should tell my father Darren I I don't think that's a good idea right now I mean your father won't mind it's mine that has the problem with everything look there's a lot we need to straighten out but I I just think it's best if we leave everyone else out of it and make it about you and me boy my father asked me specifically not to get into any messes so I negotiated a few deals I think running off plus Vegas with his lawyers daughter qualifies as a mess just give me some time please okay pictures to you so what are we doing tonight ever played craps no I haven't actually I am teaching I'm gonna teach you and we're gonna win [Music] [Music] hey thank God you made it back yeah I've made a killing at the tables let's say since I took this gig my luck has changed I can't wait to get back as herd auditioning again that's why I'm here I got called in for something hey hey that's great yeah it's a movie about the Mafia in Los Angeles I didn't know there was any hey it's a movie call me for wise guy type you know really I hate to get typecast because I feel like I got so much more range than that but yeah I'll take it a start hey Harvey Keitel's says all actors are typecasting it's up to the actor to break out of that yeah yeah I agree with that hey take a look at this this is my guy yeah pretty good right yeah yeah let's work on it it's all static I can't hear anything where'd you learn to set up my radio show I was in gross lovely this this scene is about justice that's what you want you have to make this personal right personal okay I want justice like everything is good then I'm worried about together man most actors get the part just by the way they walk into the room know what that means is that you got to bring something in there with you no I got improper something no I mean like like an intention promise something here we built this place we have an arrangement that you will be responsible for anything that happens the [ __ ] is busy you want fooling around banging broads in Vegas a different bar every night charlie turn that off just kind of improv a little bit daga don't falter probably closer to the material that should hurt and I'm talking about you I don't know if you know that it yeah I got that I didn't realize my sex life was causing you angry at me oh of course not okay well then then take a second and think about somebody that did something to you [Applause] I'm ready hey we're about you're too [ __ ] busy I don't care if I have to tear this house down brick by brick the same way I built it I'm gonna get a Lexus I'm talking like a real break fool like that you know like Bon Jovi was talking about with James Lipton on the antis studio look tomorrow bring all that in with you just just don't throw anything okay all right good good okay next time I'm setting them come I am doing everything I possibly can to convince the mayor but because we are appealing for stimulus money there are a lot of firms competing for this bit not a diversity firm that's a bunch of [ __ ] because the [ __ ] government isn't paying for anything the Kowalski brothers and they want me to build it so what's the problem Adam DeMarco industries has been a los angeles company for over 50 years it's it's a family business you need to convince the mayor so what am I paying you for listen look get me get me a dinner a lunch or a [ __ ] taco with him whatever he wants okay [Music] then easily oh right yeah all right sir come on in okay pickin res oh hi I'll need your headshot and resume oh yeah gonna be a Hegel there you go you know walked him Dave my picking red we went out it was great that's great Len I know they're doing yoga it's been helping with the breathing and the focus you ever try it yeah all the time I hope I wish you I'd be banging half those broads in it over the clothes Lenny can I ask you something yeah what's up it's about what I'm doing for Angelo what about it well I I met someone recently and we've been seeing a lot of each other yeah I know I blew him with the big cans over thought you know that was a one-time thing and I'd appreciate it if you'd never mentioned that again this is a serious woman I've never met anyone like hers he's a beautiful intelligent serious woman I think I like the bartender Bennett what's the problem well for starters she thinks I'm someone else she thinks I'm Stevie Dee and you think that if she finds out you an unemployed act that would no job and no credits to really speak of that she's not gonna like it right well I was hoping she could get over that but I don't think she can get over is my line to her I gotta come clean look we'll get you out of this song kid you'll get your life back and then you can explain to this girl you had a job to do for good reason like you always saying it may we bring ourselves to the character this girl she don't like the character she likes you and if she gets that she's the one and if not [ __ ] you go back to Bangor bartenders thanks this is a playground this is no good I don't think you got a shot oh I don't want to take a chance with little kids we'll have you been oh look at you you're all dressed up like a movie star did you make it big not yet but I'm close I promise we are expecting a very special guest today can you stay I can't unfortunately I don't even see where he's at it's [ __ ] on rusev [ __ ] it [Music] that's it the beach huh yeah okay I can't say much but things have been going very well well I'm so happy yeah in fact I want to donate this to the club if I can yeah is I got lucky in Vegas - Vegas is kind of a cash town hey just meal do you want to be on the board of directors look if anyone asked about me being here today tell them I'm Stevie Dee Dee's I gotta go Mike right over there and here I remember we said story time and everyone would read a story the kids asleep oh hey [Music] yes we can hi sorry sorry okay okay I wish I got that reception when I walked in a room Senator Barbara Garcia he's a special guest I'm Steven DeMarco you can call me Steve Edie I'm just a volunteer here oh no such thing as just a volunteer it's a pleasure to meet you Steve Edie you as well Joe your visit thank you okay mr. Lacoste up we should be in touch in about two weeks I really appreciate you coming in today have a great day hey lady hey aurilla I'm getting a massage [ __ ] sir they call the right Stevie it's me Lenny well game she needs you tonight for a very important business meeting at Dolce Vita seven o'clock a piranha stew and don't worry about the brunette I told her to take a night off Lenny I don't know anything about the business I already know more than Stevie does I'll be there crap now I have to reschedule my facial [Music] sorry about the last-minute notice no not at all thank you for the opportunity mr. mayor sparkling water please so mr. DeMarco call me and sugar please Angela for men has little interest in politics you seem to been working very hard to get on my calendar I was actually talking to mr. DeMarco about getting involved with your re-election campaign when the subject of the football stadium came up so if you don't want to talk politics tonight well you see first and foremost I want you to meet my my son and successor Steven DeMarco and give you a better sense of my family's involvement in the growth of this fine city what do you think the prospects are of Los Angeles getting a team I think they're pretty good so this isn't if you build it they will come bill well if we don't build it they want to come or if we let another developer build it say in the Inland Empire mr. mayor ou would not like to be in your shoes if pro football comes back to Southern California and ends up in Diamond Bar you have a family business I understand so legacy is important to you very well my legacy what I hope my legacy will be after your next term let's hope none of our legacies are common opportunities my legacy I hope will be the doubling of the public transportation system mr. mayor this is a great up to that goal I have worked with community leaders and developers and whomever it takes to get people behind my projects now do I doubt that your massive and very impressive corporation can handle a civic contract like this not at all do I think you deserve it merely because the financial backers request that you build it I do not now will I deal with companies just like yours who are committed with me to making a difference in all the communities of Los Angeles not just the high-rises on the west side or the mansions north of Sunset but then Barbara I knew I couldn't escape LA without running into you this is cape la Luna Angelina have you forgotten your roots you know my deputy Adam Lerner yes and this it's you again Stevie Dee right indeed it's good to see you again senator so you know Angelo and his son no I have not met Angela pleasure to meet you I'm not sure I know the name quite well thank you you should be very proud of your son I meant in this afternoon at the Hollywood community center where he is a star volunteer I was very moved by her impact on those children it's been my pleasure he sees he has a lot to do proud of did you know I was a student at that Center um years ago I barely spoke English and my parents spoke no English at all so they couldn't help me with my homework but thanks to the center and people like you I made it out you are doing a wonderful wonderful thing and that's why I fight for federal funding speaking of funding we're talking about a football stadium and yes no seriously I thought LA needs a football team no how long can a girl root for Oakland well we need stimulus dollars for infrastructure to close the deal I think you have a very very fine team here call me Monday I'll see what I can do gentlemen buen provecho that's a ba ba ba come on so all right this is the place yeah and they're both inside it's an added bonus yeah well do me a favor will you leave it on the street I don't want to be waiting for some valet [ __ ] anything it close to this place look at all these cars Jesus what's with all the muscle [ __ ] goons everywhere hey you me go come and say what's going on in here man very special night what you carry on ooh what is that the measure and the governor are with us oh great terrific Thanks don't when we send our regards so Scotch my kitchen yeah you know it's actually one of the few memories I have of my father he he would have what after work and he picked me up to play with him and I could smell it on my father never drank how long you've been working with these kids about five or six years you know it's good that you do that kind of stuff my son never got involved in anything like that he doesn't know how lucky he is maybe it's my fault I don't know if he's gonna be the guy to run this company time is running out on both of us well I'm sure you can work it out and and if not you must have other options for the business I gotta solve a million times but I knew how important it was for my father to have his name on it I had one child there was a son I realized I'm lucky I was to have him to go but I blew it you know I spoiled them and put the time and selfish was what it was and now he's like that I would do anything for my son I wouldn't do that for anyone else in the world [Music] I had something goddamn lemon that's all meetings yeah the only true love no world is a love between a father and a son cilenti [Music] that was a stroke of luck tonight yeah me out now on top of the house okay thanks a night like you hi I want to see you hi I took for granted having you all to myself [Music] don't tease me I'm pulling an all-nighter having a job yes thank you well I guess I'm bubble-bathing alone then [Music] and better be Stevie D is right what are you doing here I came here to offer my services and you did not come here to work no I did I really did what can I do I mean I can't type and I know nothing about the law but delegate away are you serious look you can send me away if you want but the only place open at this hour of strip clubs well can you do some research research I love to research but I will warn you I've had several scotches so I hope nobody's life is at stake all right get over here let's see what you got well [Music] oh my god what time is it it's uh 5:30 oh yes you gotta get out of here I don't know how you working novice I could never do this all right I'm going I'm gonna go okay good don't wait wait wait before you go I want to ask you a question okay will you come to an event with me on Friday night well what's the thing I'm joking I'll go anywhere it's for City Heights and I promise it'll be the best night of your life better than last night much better than last night and I'll even get us a room at the Beverly Park Hotel for that night well I I think I see a bubble bath in our future okay go get out you ready yeah ready will you over here yeah right there oh [ __ ] here we go there it is straight I hate this game okay it's Nikki hello you guys should be his [ __ ] bodyguard there's not one hair on his head arms since I put you two on the job it's been a [ __ ] month the guy's gonna die of natural causes before you get what doesn't got away the [ __ ] Secret Service beyond our control get near the guy yeah okay hold on [Music] hey Nikki tell me you listen to me you stupid prick you this is your last chance you did that's so difficult I don't care where this guy is yeah yeah you understand - what'd he say he said that a new church okay so what's the plate plan place 1 tennis I don't want to play anymore chopping get over there hey Lenny what's up hey that's great man I believe it I've never been on a real set before you know what do I do when I get there enjoy this day getting that call is one of the best days of your life and I'm gonna stop by later all right you know I'm going to this event tonight in Beverly Hills you're going out yeah is that okay yeah yeah yeah of course hey yeah well zero down on I'm Brighton way great thanks Len congratulations man irani is Lin listen Steve Edie's going to go series down to Brighton wait I want you to get a guard on him don't let him out of your sight Jamie eyes [Music] can I help you lynnie sent me you just going about your business I'm invisible you're invisible it's something wrong I don't remember all that I'm just here to make sure you get around safely well I could use a driver tonight whatever you need mr. DeMarco great I see the house is set amazing thank you you too what is this Oh oh my god do you like it yes um they're too expensive I asked you for financial advice asked if you like them oh my god Stevie they're so beautiful but I can't it's too much you're more than enough look I've waited a long time to be able to give something like that to someone I feel this way about I want you to happen [Music] [Music] and we got a tremendous settlement out of that so I think I think we can do business Thanks great yeah good excuse me will you sure you write that was the best night mm-hmm have a great day me too Daria dad what are you doing I was just getting coffee with a friend that's one hell of a coffee I just saw you kissing Stevie DeMarco are you out of your mind please can we please be what are you doing with this I wasn't gonna tell you because I knew you would react this way no please stop I just want what's best for you duck small French press Irish oh it's no cinnamon oh yeah dates would be nice yes 507 thank you hi everything okay oh my daddy saw me with you weird the hotel yeah so stupid I mean this is so unnecessary I'm an adult why am i tiptoeing around look Daria I I need to I need to tell you something nothing we'll talk later it everything will be fine I promise more chocolate vanilla frosting chocolate with sprinkles well Stevie wanna go see a movie [ __ ] that I was thinking maybe I should go blonde after this some highlights me holy [ __ ] what check this out what is it I don't think you want to see this like I said the [ __ ] guy looks just like him looks like you got DeLaurentis to go out with them most emil you guys Oh Oh a lot more than that what the [ __ ] something is going on here you can't tell me something is not going on here pack your bags we're going back to LA get my life back the mayor sentences congratulations he is very happy that this project is moving forward with demarco industries Adam thank you for all your efforts and just a little token of my appreciation [Music] what are you doing here something is going on and I came to straighten it out of Sonam I have an important meeting you can't judge something is going on this guy is driving my car he's using my plastic he's dating Daria you know how long I'd be working that oh the guest house now dad [Music] how you doing you know teaming with hell are you [Music] Ronni miss Angela I need you at the house immediately Stevie's back I want a bodyguard on them at all times do you mean you're already on Stevie oh thank you freezes appreciate it thank you all right I don't get it what what are we gonna do with these what look the way I look at it is we got to be invisible out here man we got a blend we're gonna mix in with people oh great so we're gonna blend better in a couple of glorified golf carts that we didn't trap them yes as a matter of fact we are okay so now look which one do you want we're gonna be late to yoga fine I want the dark one fine and I want to go to hot yoga fine what's going on the Sun is back what what the hell are you wearing oh is it a yoga class I need right now why were the bodyguards on the other God yeah I called Ronnie I say don't get on Stevie he tells me that he's on Stevie for two days what the hell was going on Christ says he's a good kid we had a heart-to-heart about some things in there I felt bad from he was going on a date so I told the body God said keep an eye on him I can't believe it do you know that he's involved with my lawyers daughter you know that answer I swear to god I knew nothing about that that's Ronnie yeah but tell you maintenance TV's not now where is it sit down Daria I'm back the real Stevie Dee Toria where are you things who are you I I don't want to know I'm just gonna get my things sorry this is very complicated why did you do this to me I wanted to tell you but I was just a game to you know every moment has been real from the first time I saw you you have to know that don't you I don't know anything anymore I don't even know who you are oh you do know who I never stopped chief Daria you know me okay I want to go [Music] Wow Lenny it's Michael things have gone really wrong people know I'm not Stevie [Music] how could you not come to me with something like this huh I've been your lawyer for over 20 years I've gotten you out of jams worse than this tell me something how can a man as powerful as you pull off such a childish stunt like this huh I don't know what I was thinking I was I was embarrassed I was scared and I didn't see a way out you didn't see a way out no this is my daughter Angelo my daughter every second she's with this guy her life is in danger Jack I didn't know that I swear I'm not my my my wife's grave I didn't know that until yesterday you didn't know No go in please see I just want to go home I know Stevie D is back there's nothing else for me to do here it's not that simple look I've done what was asked to mean more Stevie wants his life back and so do I Lenny we'll see that you get your money thanks for your services thanks for everything kid things quiet thought I'd give you a call all right break a leg lady not literally yeah you got a real break for soon I can feel it I thought you two were gonna kiss where my goddamn keys keys are in your car I don't want that one I want the one he was driving yeah have a ball but twosome Ronnie with you okay [ __ ] that that loser prints throughout town for a month and the worst thing that happened to him was a bad [ __ ] [Music] wait where are you at I'm outside the joint in Hollywood where we shot something to go [Music] [Music] you reach the voicemail of Dario Laurentiis completely the message will return your call [Music] Daria it's me if you could please just listen I know you have every right not to speak to me again but but please please just listen to what I have to say I wanted to tell you everything that was going on last night but things just got so messed up I I don't know what else to say look my my name is Michael Michael rose can can we just start with that [Music] if you could just please call me back please I miss you what what are you talking about yes it was him Lenny this is regarded from Lord Savita you must come immediately Stevie Dee is dead how the [ __ ] should I know who the other guy was but it wasn't him cuz I just blew the [ __ ] away well well where are you now I'm starving no no we're not gonna move someone Franks no we're gonna go to Spago I heard they got a great scene there yes Bongo the one the Wolfgang Puck's place yeah we watched him on television the other day he made that Venus pencil yeah you might be dismissed it's not me the Goblin [Music] hey Carl hey Frank [Music] what the [ __ ] [Laughter] hello I just want you to know you're safe Lenny what is going on look I can't get into this right now I just want you to know I did everything I could to protect you protect me okay I got it right Angelo needs me we'll see each other again you played a little weak Michael Johan TV how was it the commercial again you're on the news what federal agents have officially linked Stephen DeMarco to the events surrounding the death of Nick Rinaldi jr. in a strip club in the valley investigators have since revealed I'm a cob plan by DeMarco industries family patriarch Angelo to protect his son from retribution by hiring an actor to play the role of his hunted son the actor is a Los Angeles man named Michael Rose it is unclear at this time what his connection is with the events of that evening or the cover-up what is clear immediately is the striking resemblance between mr. Rose and mr. DeMarco talk about your classic film noir Los Angeles Michael Michael so what do you know about this Michael guy you saw things I didn't see I don't know how much I can tell you right now for free that's him right there [Music] that's all you got fish tacos tonight you're buying I bought last time so listen Michael we're done here okay so what does that mean for me it means you should be in the clear and the right guy is dead and it's gonna take us a while to figure out what Angelo's motives were as of right now his his story matches yours so and we don't have much to go on you do know though that we had you under surveillance for a while we even had you bugged and we would have uncovered this sooner but quite simply you had everybody fooled [Laughter] hello hey Michael this is John learner from WMA I would love to talk to you you've been undiscovered far too long in my eyes has anyone just got some movie rights to your story no John are you hang on one second hello hi Nancy actually it's Michael okay you're gonna grow up I'm one of the multimillion-dollar company here and all you need to do is sit there and learn the business know you want to be a gangster you're only tough because of my money and the people I know how am I gonna protect you oh man it was great thanks ivmf assets will be a punch in on this okay [Music] I love what you did to the place it's like you're not in LA oh I'm definitely in LA [Music] me being kognito baby will have nothing to hide let's go incognito honey let the world believe that we died meet me incognito baby we'll leave our past behind us the present is always a mystery the future never fails to remind us incognito there everyday is a surprise incognito where all the best lives it's very good to play the game your name [Music] he's a guru olivine baby [Music] in the end what will prevail is your passion love is the Holy Grail even incognito [Music] Nido [Music] come on we're all incognito [Music]
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Keywords: stevie d movie, stevie d full movie, stevie d, chris cordone, popcornflix full movies 2018 comedy, popcornflix comedy movies, popcornflix full movies, comedy movies 2018 full movies, Popcornflix, comedy movies, crime movies 2018 full movie english, free full length movies to watch on youtube, popcornflix crime movies, free movie on youtube, Full movies English, free movie on youtube 2018, full movies, full movie, free movies, Hal Linden, crime movies 2018 full movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 45sec (7185 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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