Stevie and Chrissie (2017) | 60 Minutes Australia

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it would be difficult to find two more successful and enduring women in rock and roll than Stevie Nicks and Chrissie Hynde or two more different for those of you from another platen sure another time Stevie made her fame in the group Fleetwood Mac Chrissie in the pretenders now to the surprise of many including themselves they've teamed up and hit the road and already they're proving opposites really do attract but as Liz Hayes found out Stevie and Chrissie are also showing the world how wonderful it is to be 60 something-year-old women making a lot of noise in another life this probably wouldn't have happened [Music] Stevie Nicks the sweet mystical front woman of Fleetwood Mac and Chrissie Hynde that takes no prisoners lead singer of the pretenders sharing the stage [Music] they couldn't be more different if they tried how to beat or you make the path of divine intervention and it was divine intervention but incredibly do they are so there are little tiny moves ever seen anything like what a long person I have tiny hands like that together she was a good friend before she was even a good friend touring the room I can be really pretty scary me too though it's like [Music] do anything about baby that surprised you just so nice she is and personable and easy to hang out with and stuff I just hadn't really thought about it and I was just happy that she liked me you needed to be like I did want her to like me because everybody said you know she's kind of a you know doesn't know they just said what does it know she doesn't like everybody that's what they said mark nice handshake it's that no-nonsense approach that has given Chrissie Hynde a fearsome reputation yes good but today on the streets of New York she's in very good humor George Clooney interest you I like him because I like his spy and some was reflected about her life point you're saying is you're alone and you're pretty happy about it but hold on it's Eddie's buddy if someone came along you're not the doors not closed definitely not come and get it boys say aye she was raised in Ohio in the 16th but she quickly snapped out of her suburban slumber and she developed a rebellious taste for rock of wrong you were that teenager who didn't conform didn't fit the norm I mean no one fit the norm in the back in the 60s because that's when they broke the mold you know and everything changed that's been interesting for your parents because you know they were good suburban people it was something else they um because they would have seen this young girl becoming a wall a didn't like that they didn't like what I was becoming very much but that was good because I left when I was 22 and I never went back [Music] she moved to London and formed her own band the Pretender in a mostly male-dominated business she didn't give an inch God must have two guys making music on her own terms creating some of rock and roll's classics on [Applause] despite her success she remains rebellious and virtually contemptuous of her accolades including her place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame didn't mean much to you think it's something to do with rock and roll it was set up by people who wanted to be in a Hall of Fame I don't think it's an accolade or an honor I think it's completely phony and I find it embarrassing it's anywhere you see my name if it ever says my name it says rock and roll that's because I didn't get there first and say take that out in essence you're talking about you know some people like that kind of thing let the pop stars have it let them with shake you know hold their little statues up and cry and thank God for their statue you know let him have it but it's not us as one of the biggest names in music Stevie Nicks has plenty of accolades it seems she was always destined to be a star and high school she teamed up with fellow student Lindsey Buckingham but their romantic and musical partnership was constantly challenged as they struggled to make their way what in the world do I think that Lindsey Buckingham is going to do what kind of jobs he going to get there is not a job after Union I think he was absolutely useless so and I said that's all right because you know what you mr. useless can stay home and work on our music all day long and then when I get home I'll cook dinner and then we'll start at 9:00 and then we'll sing but mr. useless did get you towards Fleetwood Mac absolutely in 1975 when Buckingham was us to join Fleetwood Mac he insisted Stevie joined too today Stevie Nicks has achieved with the band and at the solo artists fortune hit songs and sales of more than 140 million albums it's an extraordinary career one that almost ended because of her addiction to cocaine when you look back now though are you shocked at how how great a group you'd had I'm shocked that anything could have that much of a grip and what really happened with it was this really nice doctor looked at my nose and said you have a very large hole in your nose it's very dangerously close to your brain and the next time that you do some cocaine it could be your last time that you do anything actually so on you might want to think about that I saw where you saved its you've seen pictures of yourself high and it's really unattractive so unattractive it's like if I look at videos and these are like million dollar videos and I'm and I have to sit there and just go to seriously could you have just laid the coke for two days if you lost your mind and that is exactly what cocaine does you lose your mind yeah but ironically it was a prescription drug that almost killed him a tranquilizer called clonazepam that stole eight years of her life in that eight years I could have had a baby I could have had maybe an amazing relationship maybe I might have been married maybe I could have done another you know to Fleetwood Mac albums that were really great maybe I could have done another two or three Stevie Nicks albums that were really great so many things that I could have accomplished during that eight long years I accomplished nothing mr. devastating so that's my regret and if I were to see that psychiatrist on the street I would run towards him and try to kill him Chrissie Hynde too admits to taking her fair share of drugs when she wrote her autobiography she told us being sexually assaulted by a gang of bikers when she was just 21 but what many found just as shocking was that she started being high on quaaludes as a reason for her attack those who were offended exceed were the victims who said you now make as they can go himself I'm not here to protect anyone else you know I'm not here you know did live your life don't expect me to live it for you don't put words in my mouth and say that I said say all I didn't say anything everything that I just talked about my experience I wasn't telling anyone what to do but the you are not allowing those who are perpetrators of crime take responsibility when you say that those bikers should take responsibility are all dead but should I don't have to worry about they killed themselves show but the argument is that the perpetrators of the crime are still the guilty ones not you it's not my argument you don't care I didn't say if I cared or not I was just telling a story about what happened to me I didn't say anything about I didn't take a moral stand on it I said I got myself into trouble because I was stupid when I sue me together Chrissie Hynde and Stevie Nicks are a formidable team both have powerful and distinctive voices and both are very clear about who they are and what they want I like the fact that I am mysterious I don't have a computer I'm not interested in Facebook Twitter Instagram I I don't like that world so I'm not going to live in it and I don't live in long I've seen you described as intense androgynous sexy rebellious fears or any of those legitimate obviously sexy I don't like being thought of as being fierce why not but you are because it's not a very feminine thing and I don't think it's a nice thing to be when you talk about being feminine so one room alone [Music] Stevie is 69 and sober and Krissy 65 is a strict vegetarian the sex and drugs may be gone but there's still plenty of rock and roll and both believe they're in the prime of their lives I think if I live to be 90 years old I will sing as long as my chords are good as long as I can sing I will continue to sing but if I ever feel like what we're doing is aging appropriate then I then I will stop doing it in the way we do we can't retire from BSL now and then what we do were the most ourselves when we're on the stage you can't retire from being yourself are the same to my girl from last night who I've known since I was 10 I said no one's going to make me not feel good now I've never felt better and no one's going to take it away from me you know I feel like I'm in my best decade now because nothing's bothering me so these are the best years of yours yeah absolutely absolutely
Channel: 60 Minutes Australia
Views: 444,272
Rating: 4.8474174 out of 5
Keywords: Liz Hayes, Chrissie Hynde, Stevie Nicks, rock legends, Fleetwood Mac, The Pretenders, Rock 'n' roll
Id: NaWU2YisjFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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