Fleetwood Mac - The Chain (Official Music Video)
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Channel: Fleetwood Mac
Views: 16,365,781
Rating: 4.9076657 out of 5
Keywords: Fleetwood Mac, Rumours album, fleetwood mac live, fleetwood mac greatest hits, fleetwood mac the chain, fleetwood mac the chain official, the chain fleetwood mac live, the chain song, fleetwood mac tiktok, fleetwood mac tiktoks, the chain tiktok, the chain tik tok, fleetwood mac playlist, running in the shadows, if you don't love me now, fleetwood mac the chain live, and if you don't love me now, if you dont love me now tiktok, trending tiktok
Id: kBYHwH1Vb-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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