FLEETWOOD MAC/Сhristine McVie. Everywhere.
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Channel: evie1942
Views: 6,887,483
Rating: 4.8867884 out of 5
Keywords: fleetwood, mac, Christine, McVie, Lindsey, Buckingham, Stevie, Nicks, tango, in, the, night, everywhere, Live, Music
1997, Concert
Id: miwHh9X9sCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2010
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Mick Fleetwood looks like he's having so much fun.
"Everywhere" is a song by British-American rock band Fleetwood Mac from their fourteenth studio album Tango in the Night (1987). It was written by Christine McVie, who also performs lead vocals on the song, and produced by Lindsey Buckingham and Richard Dashut.
Here’s the official music video
One of my favorites of theirs. Lindsey Buckingham in his prime looks-wise too. 👀