Steven Seagal is DANGEROUS

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i'm in dubai with steven seagal and in the previous episode he taught me and my brother some amazing techniques time for session number two with sensei seagal but before training starts he wants to give me a very special gift in japanese we call it a makiwara and this is yours the brand new one wow just like the old samurai practiced by hitting wood sensei seagal hits the maki wada because he uses his body just like a sword i can hold this for you and you can do your first punch okay okay thank you so hold on like this yeah don't knock it out of your hand okay okay and i go that's right is that okay yes [Applause] well see that's where this comes in yeah exactly wow amazing thank you so much for this precious gift this is one of a kind only one in the world thank you so much [Music] yeah it's kind of going like this with him yeah talk about this punch so we're here and you're gonna turn okay i'm gonna turn right yep if you'll notice if i my hands up and this goes to turn it's bigger yes and it you know it can get blocked easier yeah okay and stand strong yep pay attention you're paying attention oliver you sure yes watch this okay see here's what's happening it's going here and here because he's good so he knows how to turn his toe in and he knows how to make it come here also but it's also going into his shoulder right now watch this if i hit him like this there's a lot of shock yeah you know but when i hit him like this you can feel a different penetration we're here and we do this kind of thing you can even do this now i've trapped his hands okay this is the kind of thing i want you to learn so we're here yeah we do this kind of thing look at the hand again look at the feet again yeah now in my style i would just take this and go into you know something like that but you can't do that right but you'll still have both of his hands down yeah and from here you certainly can hit him you want to try yeah this is being trapped exactly and don't think from here we can't hurt you because from here we can do a really great uppercut really great punch in the face which i'm not hunting any of the face now but i just want you to feel what i can do do you have a certain type of footwork to achieve this in my footwork it's always like a triangle and i'm always sliding right i don't do this thing that you guys are doing right jumping around no bumps do that ever yeah i would just stand here stand here and stand here in your style you're gonna move right as you're moving don't jump around a lot don't do this stuff right if you move just move like this and from here take your take your shot yeah you notice how i waited for the right body position yeah everybody in boxing and karate they'll say get the right body position yeah but they never say get his right body position and your body position together so let's talk about kickstarter okay when you do my getty for example okay yep yeah i'm good so when you kick yeah this is sword same idea yeah this is sword yep try that right okay and then yeah wow that's pretty new one you want to try you're way too little over okay way too late you got to move in when it's not sooner okay move in much sooner no you're standing back and waiting now that's it all right you're meeting him yeah you can't stand back right right right how would that work for uh um it's there's a thousand ways to do but as you come right wow this is one of the ones that i like that was also a new one yeah so as you can really pop and i'm hitting you nicely without you yes yes to try to know but you hit the exact right spot both times where that position is it's like right there you can see it's already starting to bruise you see that yeah right here at the top of the kneecap i'm not hitting him here i'm just hitting him here so i don't hurt him because if i were to hit you here you'd be hurt wow that's insane you gotta feel that yeah okay so as you come to kick i'll turn you know i'm covering this much distance there are stupid people saying you can never do that this punch yeah i've done it a thousand times yeah and i just did it i guess it's like with everything you just need to practice if you just try it out once of course you're not gonna get it to work right you need to do it hundreds thousands of times wow let's take a little break thank you very much in okinawa and different parts of japan you'll hear karate masters say karate begins with kata and i don't believe that and i don't agree with that no my teachers told me learn waza from the master yeah fight yeah perfect your waza and go back to the master and learn where it was yeah i'm trying to spend 60 70 giving you guys spirituality philosophy because the technique even though you might be amazed or you might be interested that's you have really 10 weapons exactly yeah one time somebody pulled a knife on me and he said okay now what are you going to do and i said i have 10 weapons you have one because he was concentrated on this yeah that was all he knew yeah i was concentrating on one two three four five six seven eight five ten but also the fingers are part of the hand so if we wanna sever your spinal column we can hit you right there and that's it we don't do that with the fingers we do that really we hit here i don't know if the camera can see that yeah get it here and then here yeah and you notice when i do this it turns it into a very thin knife and when i do this it becomes thick so this is more like a blunt weapon and this is more sharp yeah that's right exactly you want to show mercy you do that yeah mercy is for after they're sleeping i mean yeah because everybody's life is precious but when somebody steps outside of normal parameters of human behavior to the point where they become a danger to humanity it's our job as bhugesha to neutralize don't you agree yeah so let's do little fingers now you're ready okay okay okay like that this in the eyes yeah yeah exactly or this that was that was right on the spot let's say oliver is fighting and he wants to try to use some of the finger techniques my favorite would be to come here and then here and then here yeah and this is a break yeah this is a break yeah you know yeah he's he's really finished here yeah he has his hands up here i come into the eyes i take this down here and i bring this up into this yeah this is called sankyo and if i want to break it i snap it back very hard and fast and it's broken yes otherwise i come into here yeah i control him yeah where i come into here yeah so when we're here anytime like this it's that down movement anytime his fingers are anywhere anywhere that's all i need yep you would try to don't do this don't do this okay it's like sword oh okay it's like sword yes stand strong okay can't do it very easily watch what happens when i back up and lead you and i'm leading you into my knee or my foot to kick you when your hair stand strong stand strong stand strong and the cool thing is this is legal in mma it is nobody does it yeah most of all understand when i punch for example don't do this kind of thing yeah from your kid when you watch a bird who's sitting there and he takes off do you see him go like this you don't say nothing he said this is how good punches just like a bird taking off into flight immediately just yeah it's effortless yes you don't see it yep one minute he's here the next minute he's in the air watch watch watch don't move did you see that you don't see it no yeah six percent okay i'll change battery okay sensei seagal said that there are thousands of amazing martial artists in america including daddy nosanto parker and many more but perhaps the most famous one was bruce lee i get asked about bruce lee all the time and i think bruce lee was very unique like any other human being he was human one of my students was a guy called james coburn and when i go up to his house in the valley bruce lee was there online um did i know who was talked to him learned from him nothing like that but i did get to see him and watch him talk to him and i can tell you that his sidekick his yoko getty was spectacular yeah the best i've ever seen to this day much better than me ever was ever will be ever cooked his stuff with urokin and punching the front stuff like that yes he was very fast but i know other people also just as fast yeah i'm speaking my opinion yeah sure when you have people talking about how oh you know jean labelle used to teach bruce lee and jean labelle beat him up and choked him out if jean labelle said that and he probably did he is a pitiful liar yeah um and in my opinion and this is based on the way i know the family and how close i am with daniel osanto who i think was one of the closest to bruce lee i can guarantee you they never fought i can guarantee you jean labelle never beat up bruce lee or anything like that never did never could so how about the fact that a lot of people seem to exaggerate bruce lee's abilities what do you think that is why do they put him on such a high pedestal i mean people love to have a hero they love to have this mythical yeah you know idea of someone larger than life and bigger than life and in many ways he probably was he was he was amazing yeah yeah he was amazing yeah how would you like stephen chicago to be known and remembered most important thing to me is to be able to impart a spiritual philosophy to my students that they understand never to use what i've taught them unless they have to but conversely that my stuff is tremendously dangerous i was wondering do you have any kind of final piece of advice for people out there who are watching this what do you think should be their main takeaway from all that we've said main takeaway is rather than practice with 50 different people for 10 years spend time to find one good teacher who can teach you the spirituality the philosophy the theory and learn from that master take your time don't be in a hurry learn the basics practice hard one great faster yeah that's my basic lives yeah and with those wise words it was time to visit the world's tallest building for an unforgettable japanese dinner turns out sensei seagal likes his food just like his martial arts because you only live once and if you do it right once it's enough you
Channel: Jesse Enkamp
Views: 4,503,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karate, karate combat, karatebyjesse, karate fight, combat, fight, karateka, blackbelt, black belt, martial arts, self defense, cobra kai, karate by jesse, oliver enkamp, mma, UFC, okinawa, kobudo, bjj, aikido, steven seagal, hollywood, steven seagal movies, steven seagal aikido, steven seagal fight scenes, makiwara, gracie, gene lebell, fight club, black belt jiu jitsu, martial arts movies, martial arts training, steven seagal training, steven segal, training with steven seagal
Id: sT1hA5HDhjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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