Steve Jobs’s Best Interviews

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[Music] the way we got steeped to come on stage we would have to do dance and I would I I think I did them all so first of all thank you for coming thank you for inviting me you're not a habituate of these conferences and so we really appreciate you being here I would call him cuz he would take my calls he would take the call and he would say I don't do conferences that would be his first thing even the fourth time he would say that yeah but for you guys you guys are the only ones I'd consider it for but I don't know I don't want to do it I don't think you know and it would be like a two-month dance back and forth in which he always would say yes what about a PDA we believe that for everyone using it for all the universe of people using a PDA 90% of them really just want to get the information out we believe the cell phones are going to do that and we saw that several years ago we just see that the curva cell phones going like this you're going to have to have a phone in your pocket so that's going to have to be the device I think he did understand his role in the industry as the leader as the visionary as the person people looked up to it I think he liked to put forth every year some whatever he was thinking and he enjoyed the place to do that where he didn't where wasn't fully controlled by Apple and observe a PR event and what the other part is he liked Walt Walton he had a very special relationship and now they can just literally pop this in their bag I've got one right here in my pocket it's not that I'm just happy to see you and that's it and we made that we made one here called the wool widget which it just points to your columns and you know just click on it it goes to the ghost your column right here that's very good and it just all works together with everything else in Tiger can I license that you have like back from you he did lie on stage constantly if you if you look back he's constantly but I'm a big big things every year we'd say what did you what are you lying about the and one of the biggest lies was the phone one where he told us one year he said he was net we had so if he was going to do a phone and their rumors and it's not and he goes the problem with the phone is that you know as you know Apple Apple's great success store apples greatest successes have not been in the fortune 500 and and part of that is because we're not very good going through or phases to get to the cut to the end users right and so thanks for that so the carrier's now have have gained the the upper hand in terms of the power of the relationship with handset manufacturers and they're starting to tell the handset manufacturers what to build and if Nokia and Motorola don't listen to them well Samsung and LG will so the handset manufacturers are really getting these big thick books from the carriers telling him here's what your phone's going to be and they're not the way you work right well we're not we're not good at that and so the next year when of course they introduced the iPhone we're like how's that climbing through the orifice going for you he managed he didn't he wasn't gonna do a phone said he wasn't gonna do a phone he was clearly that was clearly a lot we've been here day you talked about I guess a couple years ago not not really doing a phone and not doing at a blur that Tablas you had you were sort of different of you're different different gave reasons why tablet PC wasn't such a good idea we found a way to change that we were able to change the rules of the game and that's what got us excited about getting in the phone business one of the things that people don't realize about him is how sort of naughty he was and how much he liked to tweak people and you know one of them was Bill so we always enjoy drinking the tablet PCs been another one Broadway right Mac alright I know you don't like the tablet no stop I don't like it it's just it has a soul very well right and Bill's answer to that would be money on is just starting money on it we'll get there like what you sit here in those days Karen I just did all the decisions about speakers just together and we had for a couple years thought about doing this but we just assumed they would never do this together because they didn't like each other in a lot of ways in pretty harsh ways if you talked to them privately I took it on and I started with with jobs because gates appeared at a lot of different conferences and jobs only appeared at ours and I figured he would say no and he said do you think bill really would do this and and I said well I started with you but I think if you'll do it he'll do it it's my guess the first word I count that was interested in asking is what you think each has contributed to the computer and technology industry starting with you Steve for Bill well you know Bill built the first software company in the industry and I think he built the first software company before anybody really in our industry knew what a software company was except for these guys and that was huge that was really huge and the business model that they ended up pursuing turned out to be the one that worked really well you know for the industry so I think but the biggest thing was Bill was really focused on software before almost anybody else it had a clue that it was really the software bill how about the contribution of Steve and Apple well first I want to clarify I'm not fake Steve Jobs you know what Steve's done is quite phenomenal Steve gave his speech once which is one of my favorites where he talked about in a certain sense we build the products that we want to use ourselves and you know so he's really pursued that with incredible taste and elegance that has had a huge impact on the industry part of the deal was they each got another block right five myself and so Walt was interviewing jobs and he was asking about the popularity of iTunes on Windows I said what is it like how does it feel to be a big windows developer and that one of the most popular things so random and jobs just waiting for it is like I'm gonna hit this one right out of the park and he goes given a glass of ice water to somebody inhale okay Microsoft Intel right like it was like so bad and so we get to the room and gates is already not the green the green room and gates is literally not the most communicative person in the world you already have Jeff like he's very he just is not that communicate and he comes in and he's silent he's like really like not commuting and he's melon felon he's like looking down my left and we're like oh this is like the greatest historic interview of all time and they're not gonna talk to each other we say something that causes all sudden gate soaks up like some question remember what it was and he goes well as the representative from hell I can tell you and everyone's like silent and for some reason jobs in his hand had a bottle of water with condensation all over he's really can I doubt of the guys he did and so it was perfect he goes here let me help you and he hands in the water and for some reason it broke the ice thank you laughed and it was okay they both laughed but what's the greatest misunderstanding between you in your relationship and about each other what would you say would be this idea of catfight this idea of what which one of the many we've kept our marriage secret for over a decade now [Applause] our favorite one I think was the last one to me the last one cuz it was so everyone kind of knew like perhaps it would be his last one and yet again like Walt said he had so much energy he was literally the most energy was the most sickly looking speaker we've ever had and he was the most energetic it was really quite a thing and you know I don't think he was like weepy or sentimental or anything else he started talking about Apple TV essentially doing TV like it but you knew he didn't have much time but he still was thinking of new things just curious it's I'm just sitting here listening to what do you do all day what is your he's just I was sitting here it's like I wonder what he does most people think not enough I think you probably do more than most people but what is your day like explain I would be curious what you how are you going to go office wouldn't what is your role at Apple at this moment I have one of the best jobs in the world I'm incredibly lucky and I thank all of our customers and employees for letting me do what I do I get to come into work every morning and hey by the way I do speed and I got to hang around some of the most wonderful brightest committed people I've ever met in my life and together we get to play in the best sandbox I've ever seen and try to build great products for me most of the most creative stuff he did is when he was sick like if you think about it all the great products came out during his two illnesses essentially a fun guy to interview probably the best interview standing yeah I don't think anyone would regret it I think it actually was quite a I mean we covered him hard I didn't I he would call and complain about my reviews he would call and complain about some of our coverage so it isn't like we were an apple fansite but I have to say we were a fan of interviewing him on stage we felt pretty pretty blessed and honored that he came and did it there'll be no one like it I mean really a few years ago you gave a commemoration speech at Stanford to the graduating class now a few years later hello a couple years wiser would you add anything else to that speech that you gave a couple years ago oh I have no idea I I have an idea probably I would just turn up the volume on it because the last few years have reminded me that life is fragile you
Channel: Recode
Views: 664,872
Rating: 4.8842716 out of 5
Keywords: apple, steve jobs, microsoft, iphone, technology, bill gates, recode, kara swisher, kara swisher interview, kara swisher steve jobs, kara swisher steve jobs interview, steve jobs interview, walt mossberg steve jobs, walt mossberg interview, kara swisher walt mossberg, walt mossberg, steve jobs best interviews, code conference, recode interview, recode kara swisher, recode steve jobs, steve jobs d conference, steve jobs highlights, steve jobs's best interviews
Id: boCM-3W6-Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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