Steve Caballero

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so i looked at that and i'm like i'm going to go to the skatepark and try that i'm going to try it that is and that's what ended up becoming eggplants because you're grabbing the same way as an eggplant i'm grabbing the opposite hand opposite you know what i mean you didn't before anyone did an eggplant yes oh my god yeah so that's what i'm talking about [Music] what's up everybody welcome to a an audience edition yeah versus wolf featuring steve caballero yes see crap we have all of our we have all of our raffle winners from the ralph guys uh that benefited skatepark project and thanks you guys for coming yes from all over in town denver montana dang oh you guys didn't even pay for travel nice that's pretty impressive yeah wow sorry yeah this is you see what kind of budget we're working with right we apologize you couldn't get your travel but i brought skateboards to give you guys it's probably not worth the wait you can sell those for a hotel room yeah it costs you're not going to get a very good room but we're here to talk about two steve caballero yeah thanks steve and man finally made it on your guys show yeah oh you're always welcome if you if we were recording one day and you walked in you could've just come in and done the show just know that next time i'm standing on the platform out there we can't do it now you've done this don't come back in a second okay unless you have something new to do that's how we got bucky on this guess when they come in one time yeah unless you leave us cliff hanging with a story oh yeah okay and then you're like continued to be continued you could play it like that okay that would be pretty sick every story i'm gonna be like i actually have a really crazy story but i think i'll save it for next time that would do it okay there was something rodney alluded to something he's like oh and then everyone's like we gotta hear the oxygen story no he talked about facing death and that how he's not scared of it and he's like don't even stab me on this oxnard thing and i go i i i want to know about oxnard like what do you mean you face death and you don't and you smile at it and something really bad in oxnard happened and we didn't get that so see what's your oxnard story yeah did you ever get in a gunfight oxnard i only know oxnard is being a skatepark there in there no no i mean like what's you know the story of your life that's like the equivalent of his oxnard's shoot like a near-death experience i don't know looking down i think i just shared it with you nascar right oh yeah we were drove nascar on the uh secret skate park tour and the gigantic skatepark tour yeah you guys were doing 160. well i was i don't know what ellis was doing he's behind me all we know is because all we know is you guys are passing rick thorne that's all we really know i think i laughed rip nor a couple times we got i think our dog's posting at one point thanks steve yeah thank you wow what an honor uh i know i've told you the story before but but i remember seeing the photo of you at winchester with elbow pads on your knees yes and it made me want to do aerials because i was like that guy's small and he's wearing elbow pads on his like i do and he can get in the air i want to do that well i think that people saw this because it was a tracker ad that i shot with ted terrebonne okay and that was uh that was the first time that rectors actually had a cap put on the pad because normally we had directors and then we had nor cons that we'd put on and the funny thing about the whole thing with the pad and and the plastic thing is that's how i learned how to knee slide yeah i mean i've never seen anybody do a knee slide ever in my entire life so i thought like okay you put the pad on you put the cap on it's like what's a plastic thing for it's like to slide on your knees so i learned how to bail and slide on my knees and that's how i learn how to skate and then all of a sudden i look in this magazine skateboarder magazine and i see the art of knee sliding by brad bowman i'm like oh it's a thing oh you thought you invented it no i didn't think i invented anything i go that's just the way it was just like a desperate move on his part but he didn't realize that it was a thing everyone did yeah i'm from norcal they're from socal the magazine's from socal and then all of a sudden i'm doing this thing that is a thing so don't you think this is the wrong way but you're so old you you were you you weren't you were there before i got photos of me and volleyball pads you guys are all the same you're so old for that that's like that's worse than itching in your daddy's pants all that's like you guys are old nieces we're as old as thanks guys it was that was huge because that really changed the way that i approached skating and it also changed the way that i could like progress yeah you know because i didn't i wasn't afraid of falling anymore because i just slide on my knees yeah you know like whee yeah but well but there wasn't much padding in those pads but but you could yeah get a knee slide but it wasn't it wasn't so much the pads that what i saw as i just saw i saw you and and i saw you flying and i was like i want to do that that's all i want to do and that really was a moment where i said i'm just going to skate because if if that's possible that's that's all that matters yeah and at that point i you know i could do little fly-outs on the snake runway but i'm just saying like that was a big inspiration and then and then getting to be on bones brigade with you and mike when i was very impressionable and very intimidated um was exciting and intimidating how many little people he's going to tell the story and whatever because i remember you know footage of you being so small and being that good was it and then when he was on the bonus brigade he also was small you were shorter but he was also like a baby looking person no i have a photo of me and him and mcgill and mcgill's way up here at the same time yeah yeah right in the same height so that's was there any other people of your age that were that good um well josoy was amateur at the time he was pretty small and uh you know i met him at marina del rose race skate park hair down his butt i thought it was a girl at first actually when i showed i'm like oh my little girl's ripping i'm like that's a dude i'm like oh well he's ripping yeah and but he was skating the little brown bowls remember the brown bowls there and he was skating the brown bowls like you would skate a pool inverts like airs out of it like everything was like five feet deep yeah it was not even hurt and i'm like if this guy could do this stuff up in the keyhole someday he's going to be really good yeah and i remember we walked up to the keyhole and i remember he put his tail down and but he was scared to drop in oh wow and i'm like oh he rips the brown balls we don't want to drop in on in the keyhole oh so he's not there yet and then the next time i go to to marina del rey he's he figures it out he figured it out that was the differences i was small they were small but they were going this high right i was going to say just yeah and i think doing things with my board instead right but it was it was i mean still to this day you you and christian are the two people that could do 10-foot aerials more consistently than any other human alive so you not going as high as them nobody did like you two have no but but i mean that was that was our our generation so to speak it was yeah it was us and then you know it was guys like lester and gibson and back to knee slide that's the knee slide is what helped us progress to that next level and to be able to fly out three or four feet and be okay with okay what were you doing before you when you figured out how to kneesite slide how'd you fall off just ran it out or tuck and roll what what are you it's like it's like you guys were bmx riders for the first era like you but you had pads on though right we had the pads but we didn't have the caps we didn't have the narcon caps so we just kind of just whatever you whatever you tuck and roll or run it right now your knees are always chewed up yeah so this is at the skate park you couldn't ride a skate park without knee pads elbow pads helmet or wrist guards like you would not be allowed to roll okay so it was really like managed like there was a guy watching you made sure you had all your pads on so i grew up wearing this i even had gloves under my wrist too that's right yeah because it was the thing you look in the magazines and those guys are wearing gardening gloves and like why are you wearing garden gloves i gotta wear garden gloves and you get the holes in the fingertips so i used to get holes in the fingertips and then when i grab my board they would get stuck on the bolts and then i would be stuck grabbing my board on the way down the wall yeah that's like if you did a tail tap and you try to come in you're like going in with your hand on your board still stuck yeah exactly and i did i did backstage grab my nose because i did and so i grabbed my nose get them stuck on the balls and just hold on to my nose the whole way down and that was the weirdest thing about doing backside ears with grabbing your nose because we grabbed it right by the wheel well so we would get that's why we wore the gloves because the between stick our hand yeah between the wheel well and your wheel and then it would grind here and we'd have marks here so we wore gloves when i first saw the magazine eddie algeria where we're doing a backside why is he grabbing his nose and his back foot's off yeah it's like doesn't the dude know if he just grabs a wheel back foot will stay off wait he's out there making up tricks and you're like there's like banner of like the front side invert the algaro and i'm like making fun of his backside heirs but his back foot's coming off is that a trick wait i thought it was almost every time he did it his back foot was off he had a sequence in the magazine of the backside which was as high as anything you've ever seen okay but his back foot was starting to come off right and everyone else was like that's amazing but steve was just critical i was like that's not amazing your friend said him your friends and inverts and your algario's are amazing i was down i was i was right in line with it i was like yes i'm grabbing my nose my back foot might come off awesome right because you nose grabbed better than anybody in the end i figured how to keep my back foot on right but not a lot of people didn't know no one else but when he was nose grabbing the board was flipping and the feet were coming off so he was doing like air walks and finger flips and burials and right eventually but i'm saying even his basic backs today he could like suck it in if he was going to hang up his foot holding it his foot wasn't coming off no no no it looked right for you i'm of an error of i had a board that was wide enough and i was getting the um the the burn yeah and then you're grabbing the wheel well it's changed and i was like there's no more room to grab it there anymore so start moving it up a little bit or get behind it one of the two i remember having to make that adjustment and yeah finding it to be frustrating i had to do the note as i got older and got fatter and less limber i started grabbing from the wheel well started grabbing more of the nose because it was easier like on the warped tour i was like oh now i'm grabbing like tony because i can't actually grab down there anymore that's not that was my big master blue i was like in 2000 i was like skating one of those triple crowns yeah and i remember going for a stalefish and i'm like oh my god what is going on right there i've never felt that before and i'm like there's something blocking i can't even grab the style fish anymore it's like really hard i remember you i remember you telling me that outright you're like i can't do steel fishing where i'm too fat yeah so and i was like you can he's like no i can't yeah i mean there's a certain amount of pounds where everything becomes way more difficult for sure because i'm one of those people that's put on pounds before in my life and i'm like man why is it so hard to skate and then i'll see a photo of it years later and be like i know exactly why it was hard for you to skate down your fat bathroom those were now it's different like the flexibility thing i can tell for stale fishes i had to re-teach my leg to to contort that way i didn't want to do it anymore and i was like is that it's not fair because i'm in shape and i'm like it's because you're old you can't make your leg bend anymore oh i'm still i'm still doing that and like so when we were skating i mean exercising or stretching wasn't wasn't a thing yeah like you just did not do that and it wasn't part of the routine but you know like as you get older you don't skate as much i feel like we have to like stretch every day like you know like even like putting all my socks on it's hard to put my sock on still yeah wow you skate good shift dude no i meant i always you know i i was procrastinating always like i better stretch today you know because it'll help me out and i would have thought you were a little bit more serious with that because you're of you of your back no no you never mean i feel like you were just really athletical i remember you running up the ramp like when people would fall off you run back up sometimes because you're in a hurry and you're a shorter guy and i remember when you'd run up and be like man he's like a [ __ ] cat like your feet are fast as [ __ ] to get up there like that like you and christian both had like uh you know a real athleticism to you i'm like man he ran up that ramp like he was [ __ ] spider-man like you you had a real athletical body no our ramps back then did not have stairs so if you want to get to the top of the ramp you ran and grabbed the cop and pushed yourself up and that's how our upper body stayed so fit was that pushing up all the time and yeah wow running up grab it i mean remember stairs stairs were luxury sometimes decks were luxury oh yeah you know and if someone had a deck that was wider than four feet it was like it was like they were super rich yeah like how did you how did you make a platform up here that's crazy yeah my in the my ramp in my backyard was only like like two feet actually on one side platform right the platform on top and then four feet on the other and i have still have pictures of people sitting on the top of my my my parents house just a whole row of people and us skating the ramp because there's nowhere to stand or sit in the backyard ellis mate for hawk vs wolf squarespace do you want to get a website do you want to get a domain name do you want to show up on the internet planet and show up looking glorious because i feel like if you wanted to do it yourself as a guy that's done it himself a few 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last for more than a year a year and a half right like he was so quick what del mar and all that no but yeah i had i have the distinct privilege of saying that i skated winchester with steve caballero and that's big and winchester wasn't around very long no a year and a half at least maybe maybe two and campbell was like a mile away i so i grew up so i the first park that ever showed up in norcal was winchester skate park and that was in 1977 77 78 and then about a couple months later campbell skatepark got built and that was a mile away so we could go back and forth i i started at winchester but then campbell had this like great deal where you could pay thirty dollars a month for a membership and skate for like a dollar all day because like sessions back in the days probably three dollars a year no it's three dollars a month really yeah no because what happened this wasn't for the membership this was the skate right because remember like when we first started skating it was like a dollar seventy five for two hours yup what's a dollar save fight for two hours to skate the park my dad would give me 50 cents for drinks would you go back in there with another two dollars to like stay could you give him 10 bucks and stay all day or how did that um i think he didn't have ten dollars yeah 78 dude no dude my mom my mom gave me a dollar to eat all day yeah and but you could only skate for an hour because you're out of money to pay for the next hour pretty much yeah man what a crock of [ __ ] that's so bad so cat so campbell had this this deal where you paid thirty dollars and i like think about like that's a dollar all day so i went to i left winchester went to campbell and i'm like i'm gonna skate every single day because i can skate for a dollar a day that's crazy that your home park became the reason for your home park was economics oh yeah that's that's wild because everyone else didn't have two parks it was just one and you just made it work yeah and so for some reason campbell had this they were really fam family oriented so we had contests every week i i could win like stuff from the pro shop i could win free drinks um i could win more skate time so that that's what gave me my drive to be competitive was oh you get you get stuff for doing good and so i would practice and practice and then the top of the thing was get on the c b or a team if you got on the a team of campbell skatepark you got to skate for free wow so that means okay if i make it onto the a team my parents don't have to pay 30 a month to pay for my skating yeah so i worked my butt off every day i'd go there there was nobody at the park and i would skate and skate and skate so that campbell taught me how to be competitive and how to win things well winchester was just winchester they had the pro bowl they had the hester series and everything there but they weren't like family oriented like they didn't have competitions for amateur escape it was a skateboarder just a business yeah it's just a weird thing to hear that from the get-go you guys have had skateparks where you have to pay like i grew up there was no such thing as a skate park i mean something that was owned by somebody it was just facilities in parks and you went there and did whatever like to know that i would have to get money from my parents to skate like that just wasn't gonna happen they'd be like it's not real at some point especially down here because those parks closed but then always the skate park was here del mar obviously would remain the long the longest but uh at some point if you went to del mar enough no one cared like the employees are grant work there so yeah grant worked there and so they're just like okay so at some point you you got you got in good graces with with the the pro shop crew and they were just there because they needed a job it wasn't like they were trying to save the place or you know be beholden to the owners so they were just like yeah go ahead and give us pizza and sweet i mean yeah fair but that but so for us it was like a public skate park if you got to a certain level right and and you got to know everyone they just let you in i remember uh mcgill's was the first time i ever was at a skate park that you had to pay to get in there and i obviously made that for the first couple of times but then i got sponsored by planet earth so i think this is probably the third time i was in america and i used to wear a planet earth t-shirt without fail because i couldn't spell planet earth and you had to write down your sponsor to get in for free and i didn't want anyone no this is back when i was like i don't want anyone to know how illiterate i am so i'd just be like yeah oh my gosh can i go yes you can okay and i would never not show up without the planet earth t-shirt because i probably still can't i remember some parks had a at a team list yeah you remember so they they'd look up like what team okay all right yeah i remember mcgill's dad coming out and i was doing tailgating he was the enforcer i was doing taro grab fives for the first time i might have made my first one on that ramp i'm not sure but he came out and he was like oh i see you're doing some 540s like you know who invented the first one and i was like dude i was like yes i do but i also was like shut up like yes i i'm not i am aware i met mike mcgill skatepark and i am aware that he invaded the mctwist but what you don't know pops is this is a tail grab 540 this is another level but yeah i just was like yes but i remember looking at him like you have no idea what i'm doing over here i've been light years ahead of your son not sure this guy did some mean 540s yeah melon grab yeah we were around the same time slugo myself and you were the first backside 540 guys besides him like that which which meant we were the first guys today yeah so what yeah you mean yeah did when did you grab melon he did it in a video you when you did you did yeah i did every 540 in a bonus brigade video and it was like okay when once i got my ramp and fall break then yeah that's what i try to do every single sailfish tower melon he did he did all of indy he did them all yeah so the 540 was the demise of my winning right and pro professional skateboarding right because there was a time there you can't do mute ones i tried my backside ones weren't like uh well i had it hotter well i had access was my 12 foot wide 11 foot high ramp in my backyard you carved them you could learn a i didn't have a park didn't have a huge ramp didn't i had 12 foot wide eleven feet high ramp and mod fuels no i meant no this is before i even ever landed one i'm like oh the 540 mcgill okay 1984. okay and then everyone's just like oh we have to learn a new trick yeah okay what is this trick okay you grab mute i could do mute airs um but i i in animal chin there's a couple i spin at boars remember yep and so i was trying them but i was too timid to even try to commit to land so i gave up and i'm like okay well what can i do that's a 540. oh i can do units yup you know what a unit is right it's a miller flip with another hat put your hand down with another half twist so i'm like oh that's my 540. but it wasn't good enough to get in the top three right because the big twist was some hot [ __ ] yeah well when he was doing 540s and then josoy started doing 540s and they started going higher it's like and mcgill was doing and then lance was doing it i mean lance mountain spent i remember his process of him he spent his whole morning he was tortured he spent a whole month in his backyard every single day trying to spend a 540 to learn it and i remember there's footage of him finally landing and just taking off his helmet just throwing it super hard and like not even happy that he landed he was super pissed it was a pure obligation yeah but once he landed that 540 he started getting up there in place and he actually won a contest yeah right i remember he would always do a monster yep and i was like what's your name yeah we're doing them on extensions yeah because i don't hang up i'm like do you know how [ __ ] wrong that is like no wonder it took that long to make one because like just and i could also tell he was one of those guys that he did a mctwist when his name was called out there was no practice mctwist it was like yeah now okay now i will do it i'm like so you don't even spin one before hitting the [ __ ] no like it it was bolstered he did not enjoy it no you could tell it was like but i had that kind of same conversation like why the extension yeah it's got verb like yeah but never mind no it didn't make anything i can't explain it but i had seen video before where he'd landed on the extension on a mctwist and i'm like oh okay if that was no extension you'd be dead so yeah maybe it was a good idea hey everybody jason ellis talking in and representing hawk wolfe the greatest podcast in my lunch box we're talking about fit bod uh i don't have it yet but i'm looking into this thing and basically it's an app that uh you tell the app all the things you have in your house or wherever you go to work out and then it makes different workouts for you every day and checks on how you're doing fitness wise like uh your weight and all that kind of stuff and it motivates you as well so it's a thing that i think you can hook up to your smart watch and then it's kind of like a personal trainer and i've talked to people about working out at home especially because of all the stuff where we can't go places um to me i've already learned a bunch of different exercises if you don't know those exercises and this can explain how to learn new exercises because you don't want to do the same thing over and over again you get bored and then you quit and then you get fat you don't want to do that fitbit seems like it's got to cover it i can't wait to get one i'm going to use my my discount code uh if you if you want to kick it off right and start your customized fitness plan so you can customize this thing from fitbit 25 off membership when you sign up at fit but dot me slash wolf that's 25 percent off your membership at fit bod dot me slash wolf check it out everybody thanks yeah so mctwist 1984 1985 comes 1986 1987 1988 1989 and i'm like dude i'm like my placings are pretty much going lower because everyone else is learning 540s and there's just no way that i could ever like do well in a contest and i remember going on uh a pal tour with mcgill to new zealand australia new zealand and this is the first time i ever saw going back to the skate parks public skate parks in australia i'm like this is so cool we don't even have this in the states you guys have free skate parks yeah and when you get in australia it suits anybody they're just going home no but like nobody was at these parks too yeah they were empty but they were free and i'm like you guys have access to a free ver we just go to some park and there's a vert ramp there there's no like little like learning how to like street course or anything just boom vert ramp free skate park yeah that's what i grew up with and nobody was right yeah mini ramps came in like the late 90s like i had not skated a mini ramp i saw it on video the first menu i've ever skated was i came to america and skated an h like a ram i remember jimmy martinez was the first pro i ever saw in america and we went to a mini ramp that had hips and spines i'd never even skated a mini ramp and i was like oh my you guys have a track like i remember i remember ollying the hip and just being like my brain going yeah you're going over a hip like a spine i'm like my brain is like how am i doing this because i watched jinx do it i'm like oh wow that's how you do that but i remember like pivot to fakies on mini ramps i'd already done them on vert before i did it on a mini ram i was like it's way harder over here like taking real slams on mini ramps because i'm so vert that i don't know how to bail on a mini ramp like i'd just be like ah and jump to the flat i also realize now that's why christian could do crazy airs on mini ramps because when they first came to torquay there was a mini ramp and they did a demo of gonz and christian and lance and christian was just doing six foot method is on a mini ramp yeah cause like the brown balls yeah yeah here he yeah he and he came from that and i was like he's riding this like a ramp yeah so 1989 i'm on tour with mcgill we're in new zealand and i could already do ollie backside reverts okay like that was one trick that i learned from from a mini round way harder yeah only backside reverts and i'm like we're doing this demo and i'm like i'm gonna learn that hawk maneuver that 540 one because you've already done all the 540s so i could i had backs at ollie reverts right at coping and i remember i was go going to meet lee ralph there and i'm going to show lee ralph like backs at all you know like in in my demo run and i remember uh i was doing i'm doing them and then i'm thinking like i've never done a 540 maybe i can do an ollie one right so i tried it a couple times and the board was flailing around i was like there's just no way no way so then i go what if i because i could already do like less twist where you you do uh you fakie rock go up and and and do a 360 grab grab melon and come around can't say cab melon what's that we can't we can't say cab melon oh he just comes last week but you won't but you won't do you don't say cab into anything because you know you're a cab no why not embrace it it's got 360 on your motorcycle oh i want to know us do you not say cap because it's your name or because you're like well if it's caballero you don't grab so you can't say captain melon um i just never understood why people call uh cab this cab that grabbing because a caballero has a fakie 360 all-around okay so it's your trick you get you're yeah i don't want to go into that i'm going to lose followers again wait you i don't want to get into it i don't want to help you look hey cavaliere is legendary it's his trick we'll stick with skateboarding came from him and when we saw it in the magazine i didn't believe it yeah like i it was truly when i saw the the the sequence at the sequence upland right the first the first sequence was uh marina and then upland and then i had an app but the upland was like way out yeah that was from the goal cup series yeah yeah i think that the first sequence i saw was the upland one and i was like that yeah that's a fake sequence apple was a piece of [ __ ] so it seems like a really hard place to do it and it was like four foot right about two feet straight two feet almost three but with eight foot transitions yeah yeah and then but then the coping was huge yeah like that and where he did it it definitely kinked on the setup if not the the actual wall itself and he just bonked out into sequence and i was like did they piece together that sequence like that is unreal and that changed everything right like when she saw her you're like okay now it's on no i didn't think it's on what do you mean it was like that's it he's the only guy who could do that how long before somebody else did a caballero uh i might have been the next one i learned that yeah we're going on a tangent here well nobody can do it let me just get away hold on back to 5 40. we'll tell that story bro we'll tell that story sorry no i want this to be on my first cavalry that's the only reason you invited steve well you really are good tony anyway 540 no i just wanted to explain the 540 like what happened so i'm flailing around 1989 flailing around trying to do his trick the ollie 540. there's no way so i went up and grabbed it and i came around i'm like i could land this and this was a two-hour demo and i finally came around and stuck one and i'm like oh my goodness i learned a 540 in two hours yeah because in my mind i was like after determining whatever yeah after yeah after all those years of or after 1984 right of like but from 1984 to 1989 i i landed a 540 trying it in two hours all right which is when you have your mind set on something and you're you're focused and you're determined it doesn't matter how long it can happen really quick you know it didn't have to take a month trying it it didn't have to take a year trying it it's like i learned it in two hours but you'd also put in this other mctwist work beforehand no i stopped doing it but you hadn't spun them for a while in 84. do you think this and i hope you're not being offensive but do you think that a mctwist to you is more difficult because of your neck no no because you don't when you when you flip a mctwist you have to like it's more difficult because you're blind for a second right you don't know the back side one one is the backstop one why because what i'd it's easier for me but at first i didn't know a backslide 540 i did make twists first and then when i did backside fives i was like i know everyone's hopped up on it like it's real cool but it's easier i could tell what it was is what's easier melon yeah melon's easier it's not it's it's just more i what you're comfortable with i think it's more yeah whatever it's it's what i was comfortable with at the time so at the time i was doing um polytail grabs 360 tail grabs i was doing uh mute 360 mutes i was doing um you know less twists grabbing so i could do indie indie twists as well so i was like i'm like i'm just gonna grab it backside so i landed it and i started to just do it a lot and i remember um skating going back to san jose warehouse and skating with bob boyle that's where i saw it you did that's where i blew my knee out before a contest and i thought i was the only person in the world that could do backslide 540s and then you did one and i was like [ __ ] i'll never forget it because i was like [ __ ] he's probably gonna beat me now because of that like i was that's all i was thinking and then i met slugger and was like [ __ ] because i got you were there at the warehouse yeah because i remember it was steve douglas it was bob boyle and steve douglas and i remember showing those guys and they're like dude you're going to win a contest again and i hadn't won a contest since shoot 1982. 82 had didn't hadn't won a pro contest and i remember we skated that contest it was the contest that we were together in uh was supposed to be a contest in mexico remember and it got cancelled so it went moved to the vision where i don't remember that well you were getting married the next day oh yeah the vision uh the hip round yeah yeah so he was getting married the next day yep and i remember that was that the the first time i had won because i had one ninety-one was it ninety-one or ninety-one yeah because that's that's when i had him yeah that's when i went to munster the first year and you could do them then too yeah so i remember doing that in the contest and then we were and then i forgot what happened was there was like no time limit or something and we just kept doing like we started doing like old school tricks like laid back airs and foot plants and i remember i did this video took basically a two minute run yeah for real in his run and omar was ripping two minutes but did it involve him doing an axle stall for a long period of time a couple of times because he did do that and kicking his thing over making sure i remember but i remember watching it going like i'm exhausted watching him he's got to be so tired and when he went up always i'm so tired dude just kept going i mean what a silly thing yeah that it was more endurance but yeah it was it was cool and i remember they called my name and i was just like i just i couldn't go and get my trophy just broke down crying because i was just like oh my goodness i won so awesome a contest again that's awesome dude and it was because of the 540. right i was like i was like okay it's on yeah it's on so then the legroom bernard came yeah and then uh munster came yeah as well and i was spinning 540s there and uh yeah that's when i felt like i was in the game again right i remember that that was the the day i showed up at that monster contest nobody knew who i was and then by sunday everybody knew who i was and sluggo and i met each other you were doing 540s or were you doing mathematics backslide fives and taro grab fires oh okay and once again before you i saw you and i was like [ __ ] you can do backside pies but i was still under the impression that i was the only person that could do a tarot grab fire besides yours truly yeah and then slugo stand on the other side of the deck with long blonde hair i've got wrong hair he's got gold wings on i've got goings on i'm like the [ __ ] this dude think he's doing and i can tell he's like what the [ __ ] does this dude think he's doing and he doesn't know and i don't know that we can both do these tricks and then we drop them like through the afternoon and and and he did the the back so when i was like yeah yeah whatever figures but i got tail grabbed you don't know about that and then he did one i was like oh my god we got a serious problem here like i gotta have to really pull out some stuff but i remember it was uh chris miller steve caballero uh bucksmith and who else cause i got fifth but everybody that was in front of me was my idols you know so i was like i won i pretty much won i think i got fifth and i danny i remember daddy was like dude you should have gone fourth and i'm like yeah you're you didn't beat me shut up what yeah i should get danny was terrible in contests yeah right he was the worst because i get it though like back then if you're like i'm going to do a medallion in my contest right i'm like probably a bad choice that's a very inconsistent maneuver no i felt bad for danny because i was just like you he had the talent but yeah the pride was getting ahead of him as far as being a contest skater and like you know i remember what you said in the bones brigade documentary about like having this different mindset of like okay i gotta tone it down for contests and then after the contest i'm gonna go and invent tricks you don't do these tricks and contests and for me i would see danny and struggling because i know how talented he was it's like dude this dude's never going to do good in contest because he's trying to do the hardest thing and his baseline tricks would have put him in the top yeah right but he could never stay he he was one of those guys and i think that's why he invented so many tricks is because he'd do something and then he'd go straight into the next thing yeah he would never like if he learned some trick that was incredibly difficult he never did it again he's like you got it on video good now i'm going to the next thing so he could never do he could never duplicate what he'd done because he's just too busy to try and move on to another trick well that's that was the type of skateboarder he was he was just more of a progressive skateboarder let's capture the moment and let's move on you know and i think you had that too but he also had the mindset of like i know how competition works and i'm just going to tone yeah there was strategy and you know it's weird now because skating is so pure and soulful and no one just because the competition is one element element of skating now in our day it was the only thing yeah and so when people are just like oh contest skater i was like well yeah cause that's what we had to do and we had to have a strategy and we had we had a place you're not gonna get your picture in a magazine you didn't if you didn't place well i'm from the same thing all i knew was right contest i just always thought like like your strategy to do well in a contest i'm like yeah so that i don't have to get a real job like you can frown upon me while i go to the ramp for my living like oh man let me let me let me appease you and and go work at a supermarket you know and then not do contests like shut up or drop in like i don't care and try the hardest thing ever i was totally okay with everybody knowing i kid but i do want to tell this story because i'll never forget and it's still to this day like so heavy you there was a constant colton probably 81 right no 1980 because 1980 because well the gold cup series was 80 to 81 yeah but it was okay it was gold cup yeah because the last two contests was marina and the last contest was pipeline and those were i think might it flowed into 81 but it started at 80. so i was amateur there and i was amateur there and i and i watched him in practice do you correct me wrong andre to fagi yes andrea to fakie into a switch invert in 1980 backwards invert backwards there was no switch dance whatever we called a substance we did back then because if you're going backwards that switch stands unlike skiers it's you're going backwards and then you can't stand it they're like oh switch 1080 i'm like it's not switch you're [ __ ] sitting on the toilet man you're going backwards yeah you're trying to tell me you're going switch butts facing that way you're going backwards go backwards stop trying to buy a lit [ __ ] so obvious whatever so in my day it was a swisher you're gonna lose ski followers now come on come on everybody come here and then into a half cowboy cabalarial um cavaliers weren't invented that yet then i hadn't done it was invented before this oh you'd so then you did an elgario after that i might have did uh a gay twist okay yeah so any one of those tricks in that time frame was next level crazy yeah the fact that he did through those three in a row no i didn't do the good no it was nothing uh i know you did something i think i did an algario that's right so that's right so he's any one of those tricks was considered like the highest order yeah and i watched them all happen in one run in practice and i was like i'm never gonna get there that's out of control that's crazy because you ended up being the guy that did that like i feel like watching him like i was so inspired by it that's why absolutely like to know that but that was it like that was the first time it was like oh my god you can do a hard trick into another hard trick into another hard trick like that's unreal well that really rubbed off on you so my android to fakie was probably straight up straight down one no i went would go like this and i think i was probably this high out with my hand on the coconut it's so sketchy and then let go that is so dangerous but i want to explain the backwards invert and how that was invented or how it did it so back then there was no such thing as video yeah there's no video anything it was just super 8 super 8 camera if you filmed your friends with your dad super a camera you waited a week get it developed wait a week and then you could watch it on your little thing that you put the reels on and watch it with this little screen wow right these guys are old i feel like this is called film super easy yeah you have to you have a white board and then you like focus it on the white board we didn't even have that yet i just had the little projector little square thing with the two reels so this is how we watch oh you had it like you're watching it in the players yeah because you could like splice it all together my dad had a projector weird big time and then i would put it on rich newspaper [Laughter] so i'm watching our my little video that i shot of inverts yeah at winchester and i'm watching it and i'm like oh god that's right yeah i'm gonna play it backwards i'm like that would be so cool to do it backwards so i looked at that and i'm like i'm gonna go to the skatepark and try that i'm gonna try it that is and that's what ended up becoming eggplants because you're grabbing the same way as an eggplant i'm grabbing the opposite hand opposite you know what i mean you didn't switch your hand plant before anyone did an eggplant yes oh my god yeah so that's what i'm saying i went home and um i went to the skate park which was my second home and i'm like i'm going to do the backwards invert because i just saw i could do it like this and i learned it and then i took it to colton and did it in the contest skiers you're doing a backwards 1080. you're not doing a switch one no i hate to break it to you so yeah and then uh so in the goal cup series there was a month between each each competition so when we we do the same thing with like tony said go back to the park and just try to learn tricks because the only way that you could do well in a contest was have a new trick at every contest okay and i learned this formula from eddie algeria because this dude was like doing all these tricks that nobody did frontside rocks no one did that frontside inverts with your hand on a copy nobody did that elgario 360 invert nobody did that and i even learned eddie i heard this heard the story so eddie was on the veraflex team and every time he would skate uh at colton when alan losier or grisham or any of those guys would come he'd stop doing his trick wow that's like freestyle moto really yeah they wouldn't show people their stuff like you you wanted to keep it on a loss even his own teammates would just like stop skating and not show anybody i'm like oh my god that guy's serious but he won the competition because it was a flexible strategy for sure yeah i don't know man if i saw him doing that in algeria i'd be like [ __ ] man that's all you like no but they didn't even get that point they didn't even get to see that yet he would just wait until the competition could he do it in practice on a day or just wait a time yeah he may have been he would be the kind of guy that would show up at the skate park at 9am and skate alone and do that okay that that's the kind of vibe it makes sense because it seems like i'm now doing this podcast for a while it seems like he was everybody kind of based their skateboarding on him like all you guys you know i did yeah i mean i would like we'd just look at the magazines and who's the best who's doing the gnarliest things and then in the magazine there was sequences so not only was there a photo because like a lot of the before sequences were around there were just photos of guys flying out they were like jay adams and like dude backside errors and their foots flying off they're like you're not making that sick but did he make it you know and then all of a sudden we just started seeing sequences and then we'd look at the sequences and like oh okay that's how you do it that's every movement and i'd study the sequences like i can then go to skatepark and i'm going to try to learn this trick and eddie was the dude like he's talking about how you see the sequence and then you go that's how you can do it i feel like australia was so far behind when i started skateboarding that i've told tony like we didn't have a magazine i heard there was a guy named tony hawk that could do finger flips and i'm like nah [ __ ] and then the magazine was a legend with the secrets and i'm like no way yeah but then going to america and seeing all of you day to day do it in front of me it made me a thousand times better in a day because i was like yeah i never i never thought that i learned something from sequence i was just hyped that there was proof okay that it happened because like he said you see all these shots of people they're like they're just bailing yeah and it's like surfing when people started doing air surfing yeah as skaters you saw a photo you're like dude yeah come on you didn't make that you didn't even now they make it but yeah but now they make it but but the sequences would just be like proof of it but i remember the sequence of him doing a frontside board slide i mean there is just these these images that are seared in my head where he did a frontside board slide and i was like what yeah and it's proof that he made it and you can slide going that way like that was unreal so that's how progression was it was based on your elements and what you had your equipment so board slides they invented these things called rails where you put on the plastic things put on your board so it actually could slide because there was no such thing as uh there was no saucy in the coping there was no wax there was no spray it was it caused chunky coping but if you put these classic things on the bottom you could slide farther and if you put these plastic things on your trucks you could actually grind the shoes we weren't grinding or whatever scraping we scraped things we didn't grind we scraped because we weren't grinding nothing it was creepy you were splash scrapers yeah smith scraping no so back then like i said i saw eddie algeria's um sequence of frontside rock i got to learn the frontside rock okay so i learned the frontside rock and roll we had rails they had this they had this little pool at winchester called the little pool because it was tiny and for some reason they resined the coping the only pool i've ever seen that had resin no it was just it was resin like they took resin it was i know what i'm saying resin on itself and i'm like shoot and the do you remember the little pool it was yeah it was like this it was like two feet high and it was a little bank and i'm like and i could already do board slides because board slides was a thing and i'm like i'm gonna try to slide my front side rock yeah and i remember getting on there and sliding for like a block and i'm like dude i'm gonna try to do two blocks in the little shallow end so i slid two blocks and i'm like i'm taking it to the pool and the pool was a pro bowl which was eight foot [ __ ] two feet of vert big coping and i went from the little pole pool straight to the big pool and i remember just going and sliding and coming in sliding coming in and finally um i landed it frontside board slide and then i took it to marina del rey and then that's what i think that's where tony did he solve it but it was because of the elements of what i had rails for one yeah and then the slippery coping in the baby pool made me think oh i'm gonna try to slide this front side i mean everyone's sliding backs like why not slide a front side well i i know why because because it's extremely difficult or catch the rail on your heels but i had wrist guards with gloves i had my helmet my knee pads with caps on them yo you're right i'm good to go my bad all right take us through the cable anyway stacy stacy named it the caballero have you ever said it stacy stacy airwalk too did he because he wrote the caption for it is that really captioning and that's what happened to me he wrote he wrote tony does air walk like walks through the air and then everyone's like air walk okay you didn't name it no no uh stacy named coined it caballero smart that was a good name no so now people rip that's the story okay okay see you later everybody lock and describe caballero oh shoot okay this is in the goal cup series uh in between there was five contests the first one was at oasis your local yes skate park second one was it um big o yep yep third one was at colton with the backwards invert so between colton and marina del rey um i invented the caballero and so how'd that come about so i was at winchester and the pro bowl was there and i was sitting on top there was a a a snake like a snake run mogul like a clover bowl remember that clover bowl up there and there was a bunch of hips and everything and i remember just sitting there watching one of these pro skateboarders uh skate the skate the ball his name was robert shafali um aka the fly he wrote for a company called um tunnel escape skateboards and what his thing was was he would do this thing called the rb slide where you you go up and you put your hand on the coping and you slide to fakie because he couldn't do fakie rocks yet oh okay yeah i think anyone could so everyone was doing that trick yeah so arby is for rick blackheart that's why it's called the rb slide he put your hand and slide to fakie and then he would come up and do 360 kick turns ah right yeah on the tile and you started and then i was like whatever fakie 360 kick turn that's like whatever 1970s trick like who does that yeah yeah right out there there was a sequence of allen gelfin doing at del mar and that's right right yeah his wheels and his truck went on the coping and it was like like basically cap yeah yeah we didn't leave the wall but it was still crazy it was so crazy i mean i didn't look down on it but i was just like oh cool you know that's his trick you know and all of a sudden he did an rb slide and he lost like his balance and he went up and he hit the coping and the board flinged in the air and he flanged an air and then he went around did a 360. and i looked at that and i'm like i wonder if you could do that yeah you know because i could already do remember fakie ollies were a thing so we could already do fakie ollies yeah and another one i think eddie alguera invented downton the fakie only man i don't know so 1980 i'm not that old so 1980 fakie ollies we already do fakie always and i'm like i wonder if i could do a fakie ollie and spin around and come around all the way around and i you know coming down backwards was not a thing i mean we weren't even doing errors to fakie back then i mean if anything we were doing fakie rocks or boards lights of fakie did somebody that can't do blunt to fakies no no no no no no no that was a decade later mute one no no no no no nobody did that no one is that kevin stobb yes yeah but the only way you got speed was to do basically what that is like it's like a bird barbie slide slide to fakie a fakie rock or a board slide to fakie was the only way you get speed fakers were rare right you have to be high level for that that was more of a trick that was a trick not to get speed yes yeah so he left and i'm like oh i'm gonna go in the pool and try it so i just kept trying it and i just kept spinning around and bored flailing away flying away and i just kept trying i'm like i know this could be done and i remember hitting the coping landing three quarters of the way and like oh shoot i'm getting close and i remember going back to skate park again the next day and then and uh trying it trying it until the point where i landed three quarters away and i slid the other quarter way around okay and landed it and rolled away in winchester's pool and i call stacy and i go stacey i got a new trick for marina del rey he's a what is it i'm like well it's a fakie 360 ollie air and he's like what because nobody did anything like that back then he's a what do you mean i'm like well i do a fake ollie and i spin around and come all the way around he used to call stacey to explain tricks to him and he didn't get it yeah on the phone what he's like come on man i don't i don't even get that yeah hey man hey come on hey man what are you talking about so here comes marina del rey gold cup i get picked up by stacey and his volvo i get to um the parking lot and neil blender and lance mountain are heard about this trick and they're waiting for me in the parking lot and they're like we know about the new trick we want and i like not even like getting out of the car they're like putting my we're going up to the upper keyhole right now we want to see the train right and like at marina yeah and so i'm like getting up they're pretty much putting my pants on here's your here's your knee pads here's your helmet let's see it like i'm like okay so i go up there and i try it a couple times of course i'm like i don't have it wired yet so i do a couple of them and bail come around spin around bail and then i landed one and they were just like they were blown away when i i did it um everyone was at that contest and i did in practice because we would come to the day before to practice and uh so that was my debut of the trick at marina but what happened was i fell in my prelim runs before i got to do the trick you didn't make the final i didn't make the final oh so i didn't even get to do the trick in the contest i did it in practice there's film of it but i did so crappy at that conte i think i ended up getting like uh 15th place so i went from like oasis getting like 11th because i didn't make the cut there uh to getting third place at um big o then i won colton with those that combination he was saying then i went to marina got 15th with the caballerial which i couldn't even do in the contest and then we had a month later for upland and then that's when i got it wired okay and how long before it was called the caballero uh it wasn't called the caballero until after upland because that was the sequence the sequencing in the magazine wrote the caption yeah and i won that contest and then he wrote you know steve wins upland with the cabal ariel and so how come he's writing the the captions because we're doing a bones brigade intelligence report oh wait this isn't in a magazine this is in the in the bones but he but he also he also would do articles and stuff for thrashers so okay no thresher wasn't around yet but that the air walk that's how he yeah like he named it because he was writing the caption or whatever for for some contests and then because everyone's just kind of doing like it was the industry was so small yeah that everyone's wearing all different hats and i was like yeah fausto started thrashing i'm gonna help him with it you know i mean no one like it wasn't really a job right it was more like everyone's just pitching in and this is when when skateboarder started transitioning to action now to what action now skateboarding magazine became action now oh okay i didn't know that was the first did not know that was the first extraction sports extreme publication action and they're the ones who probably coined the phrase action sports right it was called action now but we hated it skateboarders called it was like this was skateboarder magazine and then it turned into skateboarders action now and then all of a sudden there was bmx in there there was surfing there was what but i mean those were understandable you know almost linked to skateboarding but it was like would they cover it i'll never forget this is one where i lost interest well i mean not last night but i was like all right this isn't even skateboarding at all they had some competition called body skimming did you see that article oh book it was a boogie board no it was literally they were digging a ditch in dirt covering it with a thin layer of water and then people would run and skim their bodies along i mean see how far in the face and they did an article on it i was like this is like some joke circus event yeah and they put it in i was just saying body skimming kona skatepark contest i'm like dude this sucks yeah agreed but that was the first time i got a photo and skateboarder was in action now reaction yeah man you guys i'm to say this a lot today you guys are old as [ __ ] action now i'm 50. what do you mean action now like i know there's this older generation right now going how dare you not know action now jason i no one showed me one but i never saw neal calling it awful now oh man our bibs our bibs said action now remember oh yeah yeah yeah gold coasters when you're in contests that's right yeah these guys look like they're like they were like like fixing [ __ ] on the road no they were in a contest and the older dudes the punk dudes would would cover theirs in blood yeah which was dwayne and elbow yeah blood but yeah we wouldn't get the blood from we were bibs in case scrapes everywhere if you're skating upland you're bleeding yeah right i shall have a scar from upland actually where my knee pad came off um in 1980 and it's still there so every time i look down on my knee and i see that scar that's from upland it was rough it was gnarly it was so that was the gnarliest pool i ever skated and it was crazy because both pools had this like weird like shadow or dark thing where they tried to fix the [ __ ] remember we were saying it was a kink there we didn't call them kinks but you know not to be mean but yeah it was kinked right it was not good and then the square had one too along across the wall so it being supe super kinked big coping a lot of vert small [ __ ] rough surface it was the gnarly spool ever yeah yeah i remember uh i think it was gregor rankin telling me because i was like man you know i i'm gonna skate up on he's like no you don't yeah i'm like what do you mean and he's like dude you skate a vert ramp with three inches of vert if you went there you would die i'm like you don't know i could do it and then he told me the story of leicester doing a eight-foot japan ear on the face wall and writing his whole body off like apparently he was walking around the contest with one whole side of his body bandaged because yeah it was rough down right and then he explained to me he's like dude we're talking like way more than that yeah i was like i remember jeff phillips came to an open contest and he he mostly just skated ramps at that point and he's from dallas and then he just wrote on his shirt i will try to survive upland that was the shirt he wore at the contest and then he like fractured his wrist or something he didn't he didn't survive him he tried right that could happen tell me about barnes brigade because you've been in all the eras of the bones brigade i was there for one of them what are the differences i mean obviously you got older so you're like your interest is like maybe not as focused but first bones brigade what are you trying to say second barnes brigade you're old as [ __ ] about that he's trying to get anywhere i need to skate more dude stop doing that to me and now this burns brigade like is there are you because you're the are you in charge of the team now no no i i no i i did actually have that role for a quick second but i did not like that role of team managing right yeah it was bad uh so i resorted back to a skateboarder so i could have like the respect of the skaters because once you get into the team managing role of a company and you start protecting the interest of the the company and the skaters it's really touchy you know i'm trying to make george happy but then i'm trying to make the skateboarders happy and it's i could just tell the way that they were looking at me and i wasn't getting the respect as a skateboarder you know so i was like you know what i don't want that role i don't want to be in that role i just want to be like the dudes i get it if like you know george and and and michael and all those people at power were always very nice to me and i considered them friends but i also considered them my boss yeah and there were certain things that i would totally tell you and not tell him yeah and if you're now working for him and you're going to tell him well guess what i'm not telling you [ __ ] either so i see how guys would do that yeah i don't know if you've gotten in that position at all i i have but but i was i was kind of just there for the cause and and there wasn't really it wasn't like there was some big budget behind yeah my decision making or anything where it was like protecting interest was yeah we were flying by the cedar pants here look at birdhouse and so i appreciate you guys doing it and i'll give you money if we have it but we're all sharing this hotel room tonight that's what's happening pretty laid back yeah i mean i had to i've told yesterday i had to lay the hammer down a couple times and that sucks and he's right especially when you're trying to be in the mix skating right but also but it wasn't his company it was my company right so to be an intermediary like that as a team manager is way harder because you're trying to please the yeah the bosses are you trying to please the skaters i was the boss and i was just like we got to say i got the corporate card and i'm paying for like the hotels and the food and then they're giving you [ __ ] about what you charge yeah on the corporate card oh yeah and so it's right you stinged us we're like [ __ ] sting this and then your boss is happy for you but if they go hey how much did you spend at this restaurant and we were like he said skye is the limit stevie's the best and now your boss is like really sky's the limit remember that's conklin let me okay go ahead no you go no funny story about being on tour with lance lance conklin and i was the boss and i'd give these guys per diem and stuff and i remember getting close to the end of the week and it's like lance conklin comes up comes up to me he's like dude i i'm hungry i'm like dude i gave you your money for your per diem so i spent it i go what'd you spend it on he's all oh i bought these at shelton adidas i go well you can go eat your adidas you spent your food money on shoes bro i'm like i'm not giving you any more money i'm sorry so well you see you were born to be a team manager so did you just watch him like mope around stuff he just had to wait [Laughter] i was like you know i'm not giving you anymore taking the hard line still yeah whatever your shoes [ __ ] like what oh man do you remember when powell sent us all credit cards oh yeah so powell like it was the heyday of the bones brigade the first bones brigade the second i don't know whatever the one uh steve tommy lance mike and me they sent us credit cards we didn't we're like 17 maybe 16 we didn't know how credit cards worked we're like sick i was in my 20 i was in my 20s they gave you a credit card for you to spend and no and you i don't really know what like i guess it was for us to charge stuff when we were traveling maybe i bought a four four-track recorder with mine so everyone everyone has nothing to do with steve morning at all jason dude i bought a task out for a track record everyone runs theirs to the limit everywhere oh instantly yeah yeah and then they're like you guys gotta pay for that stuff right what are you talking about yeah i agree you can't give people like us a credit card without saying hey just so you know you've got to pay it if you just give me a call it was a skateboard team on it i'm pretty sure that's free not one of us was like oh yeah that's how it works everyone yeah what do you mean yeah we have to pay yeah i agree why did you give us credit cards yeah exactly don't worry money and then tell me i have to pay for it so i did the last conklin thing with the with the recorder he bought the shoes i bought the recorder recorder yeah cuz that was stuff no there was this they just took the card away after that we didn't have a credit card yeah it was one month one we didn't have you guys are too young you don't even understand the responsibility that was a bad idea yeah yeah you know did you pay it back or did they pay it back we paid out of our royalties yeah for sure okay so you oh yeah yeah we got a dollar board they got plenty how much a dollar one dollar how much do they get from the board i don't know a lot all the rest but how much divorce you should sorry if i just were like 36 to 38 for a day yeah back in early 80s yeah probably 36 maybe we got a dollar yeah i mean i get it you're building the boards and you're doing all that stuff but yeah that does seem like a bit of an odd percentage it but at the same time no we didn't know but at our age we were making six figures it seemed like right scott's the limit for that yeah we were balling harder than ever and it was just like this is amazing and yeah why ask for more if you're already getting more than you thought you would ever get yeah i got my first board in 1980 and i was making 300 a month from selling 300 300 boards that month and the next month i made 500 to a point where i was starting to get into thousands and then to the point where the uh animal chin came out uh you know tony had his board lance mcgill um tommy rodney tommy and by 1987 i had made eighteen thousand dollars in one month wow one month afford rolls off royalties getting one dollar board could you imagine if we got two dollars aboard that might no i wouldn't look at it like that it would break how much money we would have wasted then i know yeah because we already are not saving it if i save mine i mean you're saving it to extend yeah okay you're answering my question but speaking of making this money what's the stupidest thing you've ever bought besides suspenders that was not stupid oh my god i'm making a joke i'm the joke guy on the show [ __ ] wake up i thought they were great but i just yeah they were very good oh i know the dumbest thing okay good i do know the dumbest thing what josoy tucked me into buying leather pants in italy yeah in 1987. in italy they were like probably 600 bucks yeah 600 bucks for pants no i walked in like josue's all about like shopping yep right so we go to italy and he's going in all these i'm going to all these leather stores so i'm with roscop and and lance and we go in there and he's trying all these leather jackets and stuff and i'm like shoot i gotta buy something he's buying all his stuff i bought black leather pants how many times did you wear them one time i knew it that's what happens with those things no not that day i wore them for like a halloween costume or something i never wore them out oh you never know legitimately no never more about it i like that i haven't always looked at him though every day pondered it no not today no it was just worth buying it but not worth putting on no at the time it was like a good idea because walking out with a bunch of bags with leather jackets and everything like i'm gonna buy leather pants yeah i've done that i wore it for a halloween costume and that's it i bought a gucci beret once and then i realized like a week later that i looked like a [ __ ] tool with it on and then i gave it to 187 to make knee pads out of it youtuber that must have been expensive yeah yeah i was in it was in uh in the sn aspen so it was like oh it's very expensive yeah but you know we were hanging out living that uh dc espn i was getting paid from espn and dc more than i was for ever skateboarding wow so and i was hanging out with all these other people that go to those stores and buy stuff like it's no big deal and it was kind of a little bit like you and christian where i was like oh you're oh well then i'm gonna i can't afford that jacket but i'll get this right then i'll be hanging out with you guys look at it i got an [ __ ] hat on too you guys and then i saw myself in the mirror i was like ah man i just bought a dog [ __ ] for no reason but at that time we were making over 200 grand a year yeah so yeah spending 600 on leather pants was nothing yeah it's pretty it was like whatever we were making that much and not well me for what for the most part wasn't trying to plan for taxes oh i didn't know that story yeah well no i mean i did my dad curbed it but there was a point where he's like you can't spend everything you make because you're getting 1099 income and you've got to pay at least 30 taxes right yeah more than like 40. and that was a gnarly thing i think that's the probably the worst thing that i've ever experienced well i didn't experience i already had a brother that that knew all that kind of stuff so he's like you need to put some money away but i heard this crazy story of uh ray barby um making all these this money and their family spending it and then tax team next time came and they were like bummed like oh yeah so the thing i wish that stacy and george had mentioned hey you're making all this money you need to put this money away because tax guy is going to come and take some of it like i we thought basically this is all ours like i didn't know what taxes were man i just realized my father really hooked me up he went bankrupt like five or six times and at one point he put the company in my name and then i went bankrupt like through him yeah and he would all i would watch him suffer in torment from all this back tax drama and he would always say to me don't ever get a credit card alice's are not supposed to get credit cards if you get a credit card you will ruin yourself and i was like okay like duly noted and also you look really bummed out about the whole so i never i didn't want to get involved in that because i knew that i'd get screwed i don't know enough well like in my family i was the only one that's ever reached that level of making that much money so there was no such thing as like saving for like you like you'd get money back right your parents would say like oh look i i got this much money back on my taxes like it's actually fun yeah yeah yeah that's what you knew like i'm like where am i gonna get money back the beauty though of what we did no we're taking money from here and it was the 80s too so there was pretty loose with yeah with tax laws and stuff but what we my my sister was a cpa because she was making money she was a back back uh sorry backup singer for a bunch of bands had like successful successful career and so she did her own yeah michael baldwin and just to name a few we're literally just one righteous brother and all that stuff but but she she knew how to write stuff off because she was in entertainment and so i would come to her with my stuff you know i was like haha and she's like well what's this music well don't you skate to music yeah i skate to music yeah you write all the music off that's awesome awesome well how much is it well that was the haircut i got in hollywood well aren't you a public figure don't you need a haircut and i was like yeah yeah yeah so all that or like if i if i had bought leather pants she would have been like well you got to go to this fancy event yeah yeah that's futuristic people yeah i was really like that back then yeah i found out that way later when people like i had a manager and they're like you could write this and i'm like you can i i don't know anything i didn't know about the write-off stuff either and like they'd be like well you know you can write off your travel well i get my travel paid for okay well you can write off the hotels that gets paid by the company too okay that doesn't work um your food you can run off your food they pay for that yeah no write-offs a large sum of tax money yeah that's the answer i paid a lot and i don't know if you ever run into this but because our income is so fluctuated that i would always have to pay penalties because the tax guys always want you to pay what you're going to make i never knew what i was going to make so every tax year i'd be like why am i paying another penalty well you made this much money you're supposed to project that i'm like yeah but i don't have a set schedule i'm i'm a royalty thing yeah so for a skateboarder who makes royalties the taxes doesn't work it doesn't work well it works well for people who are solid know what they're gonna make this is what you're spending this is what you're paying taxes so now i've learned this thing where i got to pay quarterly because projecting like this is what you're gonna make and then maybe you're gonna get some money back right it's like and then yeah i got some money back you got 167 back from your taxes yeah but i paid you like over a hundred grand yeah yeah that's something thank you for the 167 dollars apply it to next year we're going out to dinner olive garden did you when you and christian were the people that did the high stairs when you were in high air contests how often did you beat him and and what was it like like you said sounds like you were friends you went shopping together and you were both like the shorter guys who both went [ __ ] i always thought it was cheating i was like the only reason they're going 10 foot is because they're short because look at it magnusson can go 10 foot chris you could go 10 foot and cab can go 10-foot you're cheating because you're tony hawk you don't count and now nobody else and now alex barrelson but was there ever like a a rivalry of any serious nature or not really i mean there's always been like the friendly competition when you're skating with your buddies and you're like oh i'm going to go bigger than you or i'm going to do like i'm going to bone my front end gnarly and you're blowing the tail out or i'm going to stall this invert oh you saw that in bro i'm almost all along okay right you know so it was always that friendly competition of like it was just a way of for us to push each other yeah um you know what when i did my highest air was that raging waters raging waters uh christian was hurt so we didn't actually get to battle there he was only there watching it happen because he was hurt but all the other uh higher competitions that i was with in with him with like division one um he won him and he won it at 10 foot but you know he didn't get to go against me at the one that i got 11 foot at so right so that would have been because if he can do 10 and you do 11. it's like well then do you have that other foot because you've seen it well who knows i mean who knows and then all of a sudden uh we see this uh thing of tony magnussen going 12 foot across cedar crest oh wow yeah so he actually tony magnussen actually beat that a couple years later uh with 12 foot so what an extra foot whatever with that stuff and his heels were the board was flapping because he was grabbing behind the foot so the board was flapping off his foot right but i do remember he had a i couldn't understand his pump because he would land low like you and christian would land on the coping yeah and i'm like yeah that's how you get momentum he would land like lower and just keep going a little bit higher and i'm like how was he doing that it was pretty incredible the higher thing actually one of the guys that was going higher than all of us was lester to be honest in the in the mid 80s he was less consistent but he he was so just aside lester kasai in the mid-80s was killing it and it was going huge and we'd go to the contest and be like oh my goodness lester is blasting higher than anybody but because of because of seeing this happen every contest he's like he's going to go third wall blow up and fall so he wasn't ever in our mind like wings for lester backfired because he would get a good landing yeah and he would just try to go higher he's not going to tone it down so if he got three good landings he's going to bail at 12 foot error yeah that's what's going to happen so he was like never looked at like oh quote okay he's ripping but he ain't going to be in the top here because he's gonna fall off but um when it came to doing errors and and and competition stuff so we learned that the closer that we landed towards the coping um we could get a full pump into the next wall yeah so the only way that you could get close to the coping was to come out and push your tail out over the coping yeah and then at the second minute suck it back in into like so it was crazy like if you think about it when we're doing an air we're coming in we're already into the pump position yeah and if you lock up yeah yeah you're way worse yeah you're done so i told tony in the contest and the announcer gave me a ride again and the other guy that was gonna beat me was like that's [ __ ] you can't do that i'm like i'm not gonna argue with him but it was one of those like one two and the second one i was like oh we're going to fly on the next wall and i'm like oh i didn't know i didn't even know that was gonna happen i was too busy thinking about the glory on the other side of face hit the ground yeah no it was so yeah it it was gnarly so you know sometimes we would clip the the coping on the way in i'm like oh that was a close one okay so you know i think i may have hung up once and then i like never hung up again because i don't ever want that to happen again so i'm gonna make sure that my my wheels clear the coping or i'm just gonna bail right so a lot of times we'd be shooting photos you know a good way to get out of that is to kick your board away yeah and then jump in yeah but if you're you're a photographer and guys were always shooting us with the fisheye lens real close a lot of guys had got gashes and i remember i took out a computer who did you take out he's not going to mention this yeah i have a good one so we should for you glad you guys have a good take out but it wasn't actually okay so was grand britain was shooting a cover of me and lance for transworld and we're at uh the block um in orange county at the van skate park and i remember kicking my board out and hitting his camera and i chopped his lens completely off his camera like this nice fish-eye lens yeah yeah uh and i was super bummed i'm like dude i'm so sorry but that was like i was gonna hang up so i had to kick my board away and it just chopped the i did that to aaron chang oh you did and he wasn't a skate photographer he was like a really well renowned surf photographer oh wow it was kind of dude in a favor of shooting photos of me oh whoops welcome to escape i pay to play baby no i think transworld paid for his stuff so it was just a write-off and he just got a new lens anyway so he was stoked but yeah um a lot of guys would just get hit in the head especially for my board christian's board whoever did high errors and kicked their board out to get out yeah they got you got to watch out yeah i would probably give his helmet just once i just realized he did yeah i think it was ted terremon was it yeah is he in norcal yeah yeah sorry ted uh yeah so now your story was i missed 360 variable things like so sad oh my god and you so you see why some guys would just kind of reach their hand out with the fisheye yeah you know they get the shot cause they don't want their head right there yeah and then some guys would be like oh that's so lame you're not even looking through the lens anymore yeah yeah i live to see another day let me hit you in the head with a couple of skateboards and see if you still want to put your head there right so i feel like that changes your opinion immediately you're like wow that really hurt steve thank you oh man we went oh okay man i ain't done round two i was going to mention it but next time bro it's going to be better okay i'm just glad you didn't tell a story about me having your gum and your toast well next time on the next on the next one oh okay i was like what yeah yeah and also thanks to you yeah uh for donating yeah buying raffle tickets and here we go i love you yeah that's the camera angle out of focus what's your name alex james [Laughter] don't worry stevie will do it for you you should have told me i would have donated something wow there's a huge session going out oh we got bucky we got andy mcdonald's and mitchie yeah that's for these guys to see okay richie's got a mustache now he's a man like and describe everybody bye [Music] you
Channel: Hawk vs Wolf
Views: 112,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0jCfppZAn6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 48sec (5268 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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