Lance Mountain

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even in amongst that thing they're like the wittier dudes are dorks okay um and we're like yeah we're dorks yeah and we're going to be cooler and more important than all you guys yeah because people like dorks yeah a weirdo or whatever it's true and so um and that doesn't take anything away from us trying to skate as gnarly as we could [Music] hello hello what's up everybody hey hey total total welcome versus wolfe that's awesome i'm just bypassing all those niceties because we have lance mountain here lance [ __ ] mountain that exactly you did japan what's that i look at you guys i'm sorry i've uh taken me a long time to get on this there's been a lot of things getting in the way to do it so it's finally gone we keep you know we're persistent yeah we're not giving up i was i was i was definitely um stalking you with text messages for a little while i've just been there's a lot of stuff coming in because i wanted to give you a little uh pictures and i could not find these photos photos i had shot at you no way and i was looking for this one i could not find it it's lost but it was a fakie ollie in sweden yeah like the year that you did everything 720s and everything and but we went in 85 85 yeah that was 1985. yeah but i was looking for this fakie ollie photo i had of you okay that was i actually thought was the best thing i've ever seen you do because it was like six feet high awesome and i still hadn't seen a fakie ollie from my position on a skateboard over an inch or two so but i could not find it so um i i found this instead but it out blew me away anyways too so it's um oh sorry i didn't even have this stuff on there it's a um front side oh awesome i shot it so it's out of focus and um no it's not is it that's that sweden yeah wait that's a monster and uh yours was easy yours was the easiest one yours was the easiest one yes wait because i had yours is it the first photo that i ever got in an american magazine because you were the photographer it was was it a frontside 50 50 to 2018 whatever they call it it was just yeah it was the one that yeah in the magazine yeah but it wasn't that one it was a much better one i got yeah that i think you would really enjoy oh my gosh see it he has street alice street no way that almost looks like i could be a street skateboarder blunt to pivvy [Laughter] no way it was like i think it was the day before like the great like you just i lost that and now you're reminding me of this time where i would hang out and do this what was i doing yeah man snake pitting about i got i got i got a rip grip on my nose for extra traction so you could tell that there was no no slides in that day well the cool thing about how serious you look oh dude if you like the cool thing is that it might have been a rental deck was that your deck or as a rental i would like you mean it would but it might have been yours i don't know so that's my board because nobody went i was yeah goal wing giant going stick a giant snake pit sticker yeah snap it t-shirt so i was like super australian and i watched [ __ ] lances did i watch the show where you're um your heart is doing good and all that stuff so man i'm stoked because i i saw a show before we were like worried about it and then i saw the show where you're like oh it seems like it's working yeah awesome yeah right yeah yeah that's this is awesome thank you i know man and then again you tony that's one of my favorite memories of you and i i mean we were in we were at this camp for like six weeks no five minutes could have been four days i've been too money i had so much fun though because it was cool it was the first time spending real time with you and learning so much about just um music and i mean even even just philosophy and and approach to skating and i mean it was it was it was like a magical time and we got to skate this ramp every day and this ramp was way bigger than anything else yeah um it was awesome it was learning time i think it was he's really saying like um really got to know what's wrong with you we bought a car together mostly his money i'm sure i think it was only 400 bucks you probably spent three and i spent two i remember i didn't know he wanted to take it home and i destroyed it pretty much i didn't want to take it home oh i thought you said we were talking about it later we're like oh it would have been i mean i'm sure yeah maybe some in pie in the sky fantasy but i supposed to turn my phone off huh no it doesn't matter why you're not answering it well i had i had an idea because when i was leaving the house my wife said um uh she's like watch this dave vanian interview you need to watch this dave vane in the interview because the way he answers questions is really good okay because they would say as if you've never been interviewed well no well because she's seen my interviews [Laughter] and so the way vanian would ask answer a question they'd say you're from alhambra or pasadena in that area that's where you live correct fishing for like where you live and you say neither yeah it was just sweet crisp short little i prefer we prefer the way you so i was like somebody was advising your wife is advising you to give that kind of an answer to us compared to what i used to give which would be me thinking out loud for about an hour and a half and that's just um spilling every thought in my mind and no answer she said what first to say sorry for to you because she was house sitting 35 years ago yeah we went somewhere and uh david spade called yeah and said hey is tony there and she said no and that that was my only chance yes she forgot to tell you that he called 30 years ago come on i got to call him back 30 35 years ago so i said david can i call you my wife and when you ask me questions oh got it yeah i will repeat them and then i'll give her answer roxanne because she's such a she's much better at it this is marlon brandon right now for her podcast no i prefer to talk to you okay because she had some really good answers i might try it later i feel like the meandering answer is that's more of like a regular conversation with lance not an interview with lance i know but we've done that and um my wife has such better stories first of all it's mother's day so she and she loved your mom oh i know she was always very kind she was so so encouraged by your mom uh going to school at 70 or whatever it was yeah yeah getting her doctorate yeah yeah yeah yeah at seven uh no she was she was in her 60s but yeah you know that's that's enough hey you're at the right table to not know we're in our 70s yeah she was as lance says we're grandpa's flying from the sky yeah which is but i do want to let's go back to this because you and i were we were in this is what is that what is that city called is that hagenas so it's outside stockholm is it and that's dana you guys all sound the same sorry so we were staying there's there was not much to do except skate which was fun but we always want to go do something go record shopping or go eat at a regular restaurant and so we would always be trying to get rides of stockholm because there was no public transportation so hey let me go stockholm stockholm and then finally we we there was this little tiny car dealership right outside the camp and we're like how much for that car yeah they said 400 bucks and then i was like well lance we could split it 200 each i think it was i think it was 3.95 and five bucks i think it was a split that's how you did it i think it really was i don't think it was even i don't know you but i remember you were like how could you have talked me into spending any money because he didn't spend any money back then or or i had a kid doesn't yeah okay what we need to get but also but if you've got a kid so you don't spend any money no what about if you i was making 50 bucks when i got married okay yeah you don't spend money and we were we were making probably less than that per week at the camp right i don't even do that year is right when it started happening to make money okay that year was very little yeah that year i bought my board came out back no i'm talking about but did they actually pay us to be at the camp no no faust gave me a bag of indies to sell really yeah okay i'm slightly insulted but we got all over the place no this is i wait but but we did we we bought this car and then 404 puja four four yeah and it was sick and we would drive he's talking about how he's like lost like i'm trying to stay i'm so punchy if i don't you're gonna forget the question punch in your your first pro model came out and you didn't make any money no but long story short but wait wait wait wait wait short story very long okay that's lance yeah yeah short story my board came out at the end of 81 i wrote for veraflex it was only out for about a year and a half okay i'm only out for about a year and a half okay skateboarding died completely that those we that's we're getting i think i got a check for 14 bucks yeah he got 99 cents check i got 85 cents yeah so i had a big 14 check once but then that died and so i ended up on pal which kind of never should have happened because i was on another team okay and stacy never took people off other teams and put them on i would have just disappeared off the face of the earth like he approached you like he did no my mom asked can i write for pal shut up dude and he said yes so he must have well we're gonna have to go you're trying to tell me that your mom was like look i know you don't really like him but trust me he's gonna work out he must have already it was um it was i was skateboarding it was just it was nothing we were turning 18 we had to get jobs yeah i was working at skate city making a little bit that was closed my fifteen dollar forty dollars fifty dollar checks that i had for a year and a half from veriflex were like okay that's not gonna really make it um i started working at verifiex driving all the way out to chatsworth and silk screening boards and at that point they told me there's we're basically not going to have a pro team anymore do you want to run it do you want to want to run a protein that you're not going to have anymore and i was like i just like dude what am i going to do i was hanging out a lot not hanging but stevie and i were close yeah um and stacy and stevie came to pick me up to go to the palmdale contest okay on the way there my mom talked to stacy like you know um my son you know lance's wants to kind of do what you did you know it's he's kind of lost in the industry i don't know exactly what she said but was basically probably repeating everything i had talked to her like you know how is this going to happen it's done already can't make any money i've always wanted to ride for pal blah blah blah i tried to get on pal when ray bones used to give me boards and stuff oh okay three years earlier ray tried to talk to stacy maybe we're gonna jump around too much but anyways at that point my mom said something basically i always thought she said um you know can you give him advice of how to do what you've done he's looked up to you you know taking care of team i think after i found out she actually just straight out could you ride for pal i think um anyways stacey and i talked and it was like yeah you know if you if fairflex comes to an end um and you're off for three months we will pick you up and you will basically not have a board anymore and you'll just kind of uh kind of do what i you know i'll train you apprentice to ship you into what i do so not to be a pro skateboarder to be somebody that like a creative director and team manager kind of yeah right so the job was like that's how it was presented to all of us i helped do with the bones brigade intelligence report i i drove to powell with stacey and stessic i helped him in the videos like if he needed uh scooters made or i just it was supposed to like nurture me to help bring up some other young guys and not to shine well my uh arguably it was like you know our careers are over like that's how that's how everybody thought or that just when you when there's when there's 10 pros and you're getting 11th place i'm assuming they think you know you yeah your career is kind of done maybe i believe i really don't know you were a couple years older than cab well i wasn't older i was older than cabin not a couple years older than cab i was only six months older than the cap but but we all thought of you as being older than that because you got because you had a family and stuff yeah yeah stigma and cab's still four years older than all you guys sure so right but but that was it was more like oh lance's older guy he's gonna go into doing more behind the scenes stuff and then correct me if i'm wrong but once he got on powell you went hard into skating and and doing new stuff no no so i'm wrong it felt like that to me but i do have to say that that's our egos it's like i don't really talk like i have an ego like i skated i thought i skated really good on veraflex okay that's i skated hard on verifies i thought i was doing move stuff i thought i was doing things uh that other people weren't doing well maybe someone like neil blender or jeff gross or john lacero would attribute that to me okay but i don't know if the industry really thought they they just see me show up at contest and really not give a try and kind of goof off because what if tony like well first of all i was older so like these guys like um not to be whatever a lot of different people won at that time yeah tony and uh christian miller they're still a little younger than this and so even though they were ripping they didn't have the power to win really yeah until a few years later yeah um and so really at that point a lot of people were winning and doing well okay um but the difference was 50 bucks so really did it matter did you make it when you got on did you think to yourself i'm gonna turn it up a little bit here like to push yourself in skateboarding limit wisely it was i was stuck into a weird thing where it's like i was telling stacey yeah i'll help out and i was like dude i'm gonna beat your dudes right okay good dude when stacy came and he said we're going to put lance on the team and there was a little bit of a kerfuffle because it was like wait what lance like he's already established you bring people up yeah and then it was like no no he's gonna do this other stuff and then lance came in it was still skating super good kept getting better and better and it was like oh lance is like a force to be reckoned with and is super good and he's got it all yeah yeah it's it's a man i love stacey so rad um and even the documentary that's out there i have to re-discuss this with a bunch of people because it's unfortunately um for myself it's just um i think i have to explain it because they're like oh we thought you were good you don't ever have to think you didn't belong or you weren't good enough or i was like well that's kind of the story wasn't as deep to really explain that i was on another team stacy's got his team he's never going to cherry pick people off teams and i wasn't even being a cherry pick like i wasn't like oh my gosh we have that there was conversations of like he loved natas but he ain't going to take him off of skip's team he loved blender but he wasn't going to take him off gns yeah respectable really and he loved miller there was a time that miller was probably even later going to be on pal but he was like he ain't going to take him it's like it's not going to be further so i was this weird thing that he wasn't really taking like wow we we have number one two three four five we need a number we need another guy he was really looking for somebody that was interested in the industry and being part of like stessic is always his right-hand man with ideas and stuff he needed i think he wanted to work into a place where he was overseeing us and then we could have teams yeah and he saw me as someone who wanted that and um that's part of me but i always wanted him at montebello to go wow you jump the fence would you want to be on genus truthfully right as a kid yeah like we always that's all skateboarders want the guys that they think are awesome yeah to think they're okay yeah yep if not better than okay so with the future primitive videos i mean it's made oh yeah no but i was gonna say when when i would skate colton as an amateur um i think maybe even before dog town when i was dog town i remember seeking out eddie aguero like hey i'm i think i got a line together he's just like cool kid you know he was super he was gracious but it was very much like i just wanted his approval his approval but he wanted you to not to uh see his line i definitely wasn't on his radar but i just remember like looking at him you know when you're just you're just looking for something to talk about but you really end up trying to it was excel yourself there's a lot of interesting times because a lot of things were changing and a lot of ways were changing i had skated for a while before i and maybe more tuned in to it then maybe what tony or stevie was tuned into yeah maybe it's just a guess like he got a skateboard and he's just like i'm gonna skateboard and progress and he you probably saw dandrick and all this stuff and stevie as well got on a team and it was like basically sponsored within six months and then pro a year later um but i don't think they spent maybe three or four or five years like really looking at jay adams or um ed natalin or um i don't even know who that is yeah they're the guy they're it was like i was already a weird fan of skateboarding for quite a long time from the other stuff so it was like does that make sense like i really really i kept i had already emulated or wanted to emulate this type of skating or that type of skating and so i always looked at skateboarding as um oh i'm playing cowboys and indians or i'm playing uh cops and robbers i'm playing skateboarding yeah and i'm like playing this game that these guys are doing yeah um i can relate to that and but it changes so you're really into this type of and then it moves and you're really into this type so i jumped from you know i jumped from we started freestyling and i was terrible at it terrible i wish we had video of that so bad like that's what we did my friends were freestylers they were really good freestylers handstands and 360s and so who showed you the bowl well ed natalin and uh russ howell and uh mike weed and uh toyguy these guys were the the guys they were into and i was like man within about a year probably did that for a year i was like well it's kind of like any other sport can't do 75 360s you're not going to be that great yeah okay but it was still at that time with um uh evil knievel and biker guys were starting to like find like the launch off stuff yeah and so it kind of moved from freestyle to launching off things or bank writing or and it turned from technical dudes to little rats that didn't care about getting hurt yes and so i was like oh wow those guys are cool yeah and also it was the guys that could do seventy three sixties and i only could do four like oh you can jump off stuff well you're pretty cool kid so then you move from those guys to the alva and jay adams dudes and stacy was like the professional that we go wow that's you can be a professional maybe yeah um and then it moved from there to steve alba beat him in the first pool contest so he jumped to steve alba and then ray bones came along and he's just oh gorgeous smooth skater and then daryl miller like and george orton and so you kind of by the time we were getting into am contests my friends that i had started skating with were kind of like it's really not about that it's really not about competition it's about okay this thing and so as they got jobs i was like where's ams like if you're gonna do this you're put into park competition yeah and so we get into it during park competition but i already had this years of kind of this other thing and if i was gonna do it then i had to compete which i didn't really naturally thrive off of competing yeah i was derived off of being in fear of not being able to stay involved so i had to compete to beat them so it makes a difference sense right it seems like a lot of pressure or probably it was the only way though it was the only way to make a go at skateboarding as a career or lifestyle but it's in those days yeah and it's not like it was a bad thing it was just kind of like you're not a natural competitor for certain sakes i i want to want to progress right you're more of an artist tony wanted to progress um a soy i think really loved being seen yeah like actually like really likes competing yeah he likes the comp competition part of it and at that time eddie skateboarding changed drastically eddie and i think stevie took it from eddie there was a strategy of how to compete that changed drastically from the year before these dudes were aggressive they went in and was like i'm just going to smash the coping off that thing and then and they were insane skateboarders but the judges are going uh one smash yeah [Laughter] when i was when i was am i think i was on dog town still uh and i was just you know just getting to the top and and i remember i was about to jump in and fausto looks me like hey hit the coping hard hit it hard and i was like why are we all so angry but i was like i don't even know what that means just aggressive i i'm just stoked did i get over the coping what did you mean hit the coping no you didn't notice the code tony i mean the thing is i think a lot of people have re-enacted the story that they did it's like you're disliked maybe but he wasn't disliked he was like everyone knew what he was doing was gonna reach was gonna get there yeah and put us put them or us or all of us to rest oh okay right but it wasn't there yet so therefore you can say whatever you want about it okay right yes but for me i remember i think i remember fausto saw me as just being super intimidated and super little and he just wanted to give me a boost and that was his best way of doing it was hit the coping castle was doing that and i'm not saying that faster wasn't doing that i was i wasn't trying to interrupt yeah he was doing that he'd push you he'd also like try to intimidate you the other pros would try to intimidate you it was just a game they still do but it's differently now um it was actually kind of neat because it really made us like it really made us like oh it made us tougher yeah it makes resilient for sure yeah i had the same thing but yeah i remember like totally like when you were in the ams because we all had to compete in age groups so we really didn't compete against each other it was age groups really at first what age groups plus divisions in age groups yeah so 13 and under 1a2a 3a 14 to 15. how many people were in a contest on a weekend not that many dude i suppose yeah there was a lot a lot a lot but it was it was like sometimes would it be like we're talking about 79 to 80 there was these asphalt contests and there were 170 kids yeah so they came up by 80 the end of 80 81 there was 10. oh wow so there was and all 775 probably could have done what i did it's it's it's insane it blows me away like david z dude dude that guy was he was a master i remember so he was the first guy to truly blast eric we're jumping all over the place what but i want to go back welcome to this i want to go to asphalt because yeah so we're going to go back i got into aspo as it was right at the peak of it so i was in 1a 11 and under like it was the lowest lowest lowest category you can get in and so there weren't a lot of people in mind but i still got dead last and then yeah you're right that's why they had the vm but at some point they had all those divisions and be one person in the division so you would win right and then they would drop in yeah do a run and they won yeah sweet that's my kind of contest right there and at that time was really neat too there there was a gnarly girl division yeah there was a group of girls that were ten of them that were gnarly carabeth character stayed out of it like rose out of it and stayed but there were dude like was it brenda devine that would just chao herself every contest oh yeah she wrote for cash there was a there was another show gnarly there was one girl i remember i think she was from colton i feel like she wrote for veraflex who was teddy what's that not patty hoffman no no no younger like carabas yeah yeah it was like it was like carabeth and her and lee parkin were kind of the main girls i don't remember what her name was though so i just reached out to care about to be on the show so we're gonna have her talk about talk about this yeah i remember like all those times is like do you remember joe hardy oh yeah um i would love to talk to him too joe hardy had no legs yep and would skate every event and he could do errors out of the ball john lacero's brother would skate butt board he could stand but he butt-boarded and there they would skate whittier and they could do arrows out of whittier like there was a dude in the asp series with no legs joe hardy yeah and he would he would skate he'd get to the top of the ball and he just there was so many incredible like dudes it was it happened so quick that almost everybody could do all the same sort of stuff everyone could do inverts everyone could do backside errors like the exams and that's what really like in the gold cup the they caught they had the competition do the compulsory everyone had to get the same run everyone see the same line and it was very obvious that some of the ams it was mainly based on how you did that line and how creative you did that line mickey alba would win all the time because he could do lines better than everyone okay he'd do a different way of doing a line but a lot of those pros were like i don't want to do an invert this is not what it's about and so they kind of were losing interest what was the line carved outside car front side air invert backside backside air slide to fakie slide to fakie like a rock box veggie yeah you had to do it yeah oh slide then a fakie a rock and roll and then a rock walk yeah you know that's like the worst idea for a contest ever well they were so they were still trying to figure out like unfortunately they're trying to figure out how to put it in a box where we can understand this thing so we can judge it okay um and that wasn't the only that was that was one thing that was 25 of your score that was 25 and then the other 78 was your regular run that you just freestyled but what it did what it did do is take all these rad creative dudes and make them never enter again right yeah and i saw that and it was wow this is a bummer yeah it's good and a bummer and it's good and it's just crazy and so um yeah i just you know at that time you're like more like you know what tony like he says he was struggling to get to the top supposedly so he was creating new ways to do errors or whatever right oh yeah i was struggling it was he was like yeah but whatever dude but he was at the same time was lower from the height was making new ways to do moves which would be the future if you had a brain yeah and i think people could see it but we were still like in a place where we can go you know what we like mike smith wearing an argyle sweater better than that yeah and uh but we i don't think i got that i only think a few people clueless would go yeah that's not going to be anything they just were like let's hope that stays up stay back there so you picked up on that style as well like you you took what you had this foundation that was based like started in freestyle obviously and riding banks and stuff and then pools but then but then you were young enough to be able to sort of transition that into what became modern skiing don't you think yeah it's funny more time freestyle though in our day when like when i was a kid the first question people ask you have you skate is how many 360s can you do yeah oh yeah not like how high can you all can you do a kickflip was like how many 360s you could do i only got to four yeah people knew that you knew the number well is it exactly like how many stairs can you holly or how yeah yeah it was how many 360s you can do then it went do you know who tony alba is then it went you know yeah um but it was how many 360s can you do me a tile okay so and um i i just think that that um when it was changing they were looking for the next thing that would be the thing not really a bunch of dudes that kind of had emulated what had already been done and i was way in that group i think but something happened something clicked well no i already think that's what i'm saying it's like it clicks when stacy gave you that opportunity to be seen like there's a lot of good skaters i was i did i did a lot of stuff on veraflex that hadn't been done by pros right um in my opinion oh yeah absolutely i mean i was doing i did invert fakies i did lean 360s i did i made up eggplants i did i did wait you made up eggplants thanks lance yes that's why we're here what's the roto-rooter it's an eggplant but you don't go over the top you stay inside these stages stay on one side of your hand okay and uh we were playing a game of skate and i'm not going to say i made them up i just said i made them up but i'm not going to say i made them up well covered because they just did yeah but i think a lot of things were happening at the same time in different places maybe growlski i've heard grocholsky was doing them at some point or whatever but you didn't copy it you were like well we're playing we're playing a game of skate and i was trying to beat neil and we did all in the little brown bowls and we did all these little invert variations and so i was just grabbing with the wrong hand to make it to get him out yeah and he was making fun of it he's like oh that's an eggplant that's you know like it stinks i love how he just names yeah he's in charge right so many names and then we're like then we're skating and um gator was doing the roto-rooter yeah and i'm watching him i was like why don't you just like fly out like fly in india or upside down and just put your hand late and go over and i just tried it and i was just doing them when you first very first eggplants did you air onto your hand like you do now you you have to kind of but not not that extreme version right because that's um that's a very shrewdery way of doing it i was this is when i started to show up yeah you and ben were both doing them i thought it was you did it first i'm not who cares it didn't matter but my eggplant is still based off your eggplant but eggplant is still like it was done and it moves all that stuff moves and and and takes new meaning or whatever like i mean i remember doing i did andrick fakies at an asphalt contest such a diesel movie i got i have a photo doing andrick fakie hand on coping in an aspo contest and i remember when um and i don't think anyone knew i did him yeah i did him in this contest it kind of didn't really work i couldn't do anything out of it i had tried him at a lakewood thing with grisham earlier blah blah blah and then i remember like other i think cab got an ad doing one andrew figgy yeah i remember thinking like i did that dude i used to do a man on copy you know like everyone does you know it's totally fair it died and then a lot of people did them and they're kind of not good and then billy beauregard came back and was like figured out a new technique and then that's when i went and really spent a lot of time on trying to do uh invert fakie and yeah he's the first one i saw do it yeah he did really good ones and it was like oh this is this is updated version how you do it and so then you try to take that and so um but even like that i mean it's we're going all over yeah when stacy picked me and stevie up to go to to um over back of homedale go to palmdale there was a discussion about getting on okay do you remember that i remember that contest i had done invert fakies at my uh invert channels at my house for about eight probably nine months or something because i had a channel before anybody had a channel yeah and that was the first contest i had a channel i was like but i spent the whole con it was that channel was two feet wider than mine oh [ __ ] and it spent my time i spent the whole contest trying to do that one move so i can get a picture of something that was the picture of the magazine though i got a picture but i probably got fifth out of ten people in the contest so it's like i kind of was i didn't have all those pieces yeah and i don't know if i ever did i just i was very motivated like the first contest i was like saint pete has when they put me on pal i was like i'm going to win saint pete all right but i got second and then upland was the next and i won is this before forties yeah yeah all right eighty-three do you remember though cubics big cubic lance you remember i'm not gonna say who it was but uh when you came on pal and then the aesthetics changed it was future primitive it wasn't all military stuff and then we just kept quoting it forever it was like the uh you know the future primitive stuff it's it's cute but it's over oh my would say that's i do remember it now you say that um i did it i was busy it's cute but it's over like bring back the brigade yeah who's it oh don't worry we're saying mike's voice so [Laughter] i mean you know what okay i love mike i see things mike is the best after the 540s and the summer camp the year before this with mike and the experience of where it was going and even knowing more like this pressure of poor mike having to fly himself out here to to get top four to be paid to make sure he could stay on pal and all of a sudden they're dumping riff raff on that's stacy's like in the neighborhood of stacy and he's getting a free ride he was from another team that he would come and ruin the contest you get last place what are you doing stacy who's talking about him oh yeah no no no i i see it he's trying to say that that's mike's perspective i see it a thousand percent from mike's perspective okay i would like to get mike's perspective on this one because i don't think it would be as harsh as your stating and then i like pushed back on him you know i i because i because he like i was like that's me i'm just but you it came from that you were on this side of the tracks with lee and gregor and us i love how this guy knows my background better than anybody of course we're button pushers of the skateboarding is like well if it's not us who it's definitely not gonna be me so oh which the other side is like what is wrong with you dudes and we're like well that's why we didn't play football yeah yeah that's true yeah it might have been quite saying something like that yeah that's we didn't uh these we we battled with it it was like well you get into this thing and then now you realize like well this is what you're supposed to do to stay doing it and these are the way you judge and you're like okay i can i have to form in and i start doing these things that make sense like oh yeah we're going to carve we're not going to carve coping anymore we're going to carve tiles because we can go twice as high so we'd leave that out but we really want part of that but it doesn't count on a contest anymore so we just do that and we start you just start getting pushed along by this thing becoming more like a normal thing that you still have a piece of you going like you know i want to spray paint that wall instead of taking my run yeah and they wouldn't have been into that and neil blender did nailed it yeah i know um and neoblender is amazing for that and it's also like there's a backstory to that he probably wouldn't have done that if he actually got some sleep that night and could have felt like skating the contest like oh wow i got close but i don't know what i i think skateboarding has all these pieces to it that are beautiful and sk and go ahead i'll tell you where where any of the frustration or animosity came from your entry into powell when when no no i i'll tell you why it's what happened was everything went like it was more it was stuff excessive the aesthetics became future primitive and and that kind of vibe and then that was lance's graphic so it was future primitive and then he's intertwined with exactly that and then it's like oh my god it's all land we just gave it to we gave the whole company in the whole community that's what it was last week other people on the team were seeing okay that's what they would feel too as a kid that was highly motivated from that particular video and you that's the question i had how does stacy know like you guys are on the team you're not like the heavy hitter but all of a sudden you become kind of the star of the first video that pal ever brings out and you're a comedian in it did he know was he playing no no no i think i think stacy were gonna i think stacy knew i could be the kind of glue or personality to this thing he's always told me like i would have put you on earlier if i didn't have scott foss or jay smith because he had those guys but then they didn't really stay skating but they were kind of like the more of a personality type yeah guys really eccentric and right so you knew so i think he was putting me on there he really didn't think my competition i was really that interested maybe he thought i was probably waning uh because you were not really i well it sounds like a little bit of control too much as i troll as i see it um if you're not once it becomes of a once it starts skateboarding this thing becomes start of starts becoming a thing then there starts becoming a method and how what's going to work yeah and so a dude that's 18 19 already had a career kind of didn't get top three we're looking for the new kid that's going to get top three we're not looking for the dude and so i think stacy thought i would just kind of wind down out of it and be comfortable not having a board um wind down and kind of do the stuff i thought like that any skateboarder would have done that wants to stay involved that doesn't want to split and i'd just be part of this thing um but when that video came out and then your board came out well so what happened bones brigade video show yeah is before that and they and they put me in there just to tie everyone together okay like skating through the street then showing up and then tony rides and then just kind of being this the theme of it yeah um and when that video came out they got a hit they're like you know what are you gonna make this guy bored right because everybody so stacy came to me was like hey you know we know we talked about you not wanting a board but would you want a board and i was like let me think about it i was like yeah no of course i always wanted a board yeah like but it was unfair and that's why i left stacy it was like what a hard thing to maneuver with these guys and this and will this happen or not happen and then letting it happen i always always always felt like i kind of let stacy down and almost lied to him because i didn't want to be a skateboarder yeah i did oh i didn't want to be a skateboarder right i didn't really want to just work yeah um and so what happened is like hey hey do you want to have a graphic yes i had my graphic ideas um yeah it's just weird so the graphic ideas kind of why what i thought would work they didn't think would work and so we went through quite a while of graphics not i didn't have a graphic okay kind of like sad oh man i was going to get a board but i don't get it like all that stuff um because a couple of the id i wanted to have this certain thing that i thought courtney could have drawn it would have been wonderful it would fit into the bones brigade theme and da-da-da and they're like for whatever reason was like nah what was that it was the crest oh okay the family crest like the um the british crest like you know i saw the dragon drawings and the i was like man he can do this amazing like lying in the unicorn and so how does aboriginals um come into it well that's because my i take too long i should call you back she would have said no um um that didn't happen then the couple the ideas they saw was like man i don't want that okay was that they were drawing courtney was drawing the ideas for stessic's next video idea future primitive the name's going to be future primitive courtney was drawing caveman drawings to match it i had no idea i went up to the office i saw him i was like man i like that oh okay and then i had no idea what was gonna theme of the video or anything so i got the theme of the video really put on my board which would cause the other guys like wait you just turned the whole company into lance's deal oh wow yeah those are all the things so that's the back stories dude i mean the way george courtney stesic craig i mean um stacy like dude the way they managed this thing uh just can't be done again because the time wasn't there to do it again it's everything's get so fragmented and easier to do without these groups of people i think you'd miss it too but we also like dude the things we've gotten to do since is even like crazier red yeah because of that yeah initial blast well dude and that's what i would say all the time it could have been they could have picked neil stacy could have picked neil if gns was completely out of business i think neil would have been there not me yeah i really do do you they loved neil neil was funny he was comedic he would how are you do you know how much you know yourself like i don't know that but you know that i don't bash myself i just pretend to bash myself i'm very proud so leading up to us going to sweden together when oh you're like stuck with this nightmare yeah when they said oh you're going to go with lance i was like lance like lance hates me are you basing that off the video where he was saying you look like because these guys okay look you got to if you go to whittier i was just another kid right i wasn't just targeted at me but i was an outsider so i go to whittier i would drop in he would drop in after me and come after me he's really good at that i don't remember that but he would do that to anyone so it wasn't like i was being singled out but but to me i felt it and i was just like oh those guys hate me and so when they said we're gonna go to sweden together i was just like dude lance like he's gonna dude did you ever talk it out no i didn't even know he knew that i never knew that he thought that really i never knew he said i was excited but at the same time at the same time i i respected his contributions and his creativity and i was like it's gonna be awesome yeah as long as like he doesn't hate me the whole time it's gonna be cool fair and then he introduced me like lance was my conduit to punk music in terms of the true foundation of punk music and everything about it and and like i had so much fun there because lance was there and rodney too rodney was there too like it was amazing so this all comes from being raised by dudes that just all the older dudes just did it to you that's all they did yeah that's all skateboarding did and you're like this is awesome i loved it i wasn't i wasn't so big or i had that much confidence to say i loved it i know right i could tell he's on who's on what side of it when i wasn't listening to this i'm not gonna drop i am a jerk and i get frustrated very easy and so they know that um i remember one the only time i ever remember it was way later it was way later um and somebody people are picking on something or whatever and then they tried to gang up on me and tony straight out like basically she can't gang up on him he doesn't care and he's the one that get gets with someone to gang up on you or i can't remember exactly for sure yeah and i was just like yeah you're right um but um it was never man i always it's so weird because i never knew um it was just it was how we got each other to rise to the occasion yeah right yeah um it's how we got each other to like that's not the right way to do it let's do it come on let's do it these dudes can sit back on their abilities and we're like pushing each other like you're you terrible like whatever i remember dude and this is i've never even told you this but i have it and it's like this is just the type of guys we are we knew tony was was good yeah there's dudes that would be like he's not good or whatever they would say yeah it was all out of frustration or jealousy or not liking the way it was going to be done or whatever it is it's just it's been through the history of skateboarding the natural pecking order like when we started doing what we did the older guy said you're not even skating the pool you're not riding the pool yeah you're just doing tricks above the lip yeah you're not riding it it's like but we had skated long enough that we we knew how to ride the pool now we're trying to do more yeah um but i i made a little skate park card remember your little your helmet with the little bobble yeah remember the little bottle i made a sk i will never show it to anybody but it was like a little thing it said the bobble makes up all these tricks and it was it's just it's just stupidity it's not like i hated the guy or i just that's what i do to be yeah he had funny had like a little stick on bobble that was on there you know those little fuzzy things i just put one on my helmet which was awesome and then i was just like that's you know and whatever we dude i had a pink helmet like we all whatever i wasn't like knocking it was just like but i did i made these fake magazines and everything but i made a little skatepark card and it had it's probably really bad but it says all um you know like the little bobble makes up these tricks and then whatever it is but i would be the first one wait you made a magazine on how stupid tony hawk is no skateboarding oh okay my bad i did make a magazine about one particular dude the book of spice yeah i've never showed it that's another one i've never showed it to anybody except for spidey okay um but i'm telling you i'm telling you i loved like i loved being the guy that when you get with the cool dudes they're like yeah that guy is terrible he disconnected and i would say like you are out of your mind if they would say something bad about tony or mcgill or whatever you're out of mind you're not even you're not even and i'd do the same thing you're not good enough to even say that yeah like these guys are so much better than all of us yeah we can think this way or we can act this way or we can get into our little clicks and feel yeah this is a thing but it's not real yeah it's just not real yeah it's a big facade it is art form you can like what you like or not dislike what you like but you can't sit there and go it's not good that's weird it's just actually it makes more sense that you were friends with gregor now it was always confusing to me that lance was such a nice person and the people that he was no i'm starting to figure it out yeah took me a while but yeah what a flying but on the other on the other side of that like why would we ask we would ask lance to go skate his ramp he had no like there's not nothing in it for him if we go skate his ramp you know and for us we were driving from up from san diego and this is i think maybe even before we went to sweden i'm not sure no it was after but and and can we come skate tomorrow you know maybe like around one or two and he's like yeah sure whatever i don't yeah and then we'd show up and he's out he's gone like oh and then he would leave a little sticky note go skate oh okay like yes you know the very first time i met you you were in the car with me for like two hours calling you that she don't you do this i'm not doing that one i'm not bringing up that one these are these are coming up oh well then go on let me tell a nice story first no i don't notice that god damn i don't know what i just mentioned i can't even remember it i just know i [ __ ] up anyway i didn't i was in the gregory i picked up lance mountain like to drive to torquay and i'm in the back of the car sick and i'm like oh wait who's getting in the car lance you're [ __ ] goober like that's what he used to call me yeah and i was like no and then he got in the car hey man i'm like hey man and then we drove all that way and i just didn't say anything i just was i just remember it was the most intense car ride of my life because future primitive all those videos all that stuff you were the guy that i related to the most i'm sure you've heard that a lot from a lot of people but that was where i remember saying um when i grow up i want to be lance mountain i want to be a pro skateboarder who when he's around skateboarding everyone's having fun he's a fun guy and he rips that's what i i still hear that all the time everybody does no it turns nothing just it's like they've taken this like little mischievous thing that i don't think is so bad yeah and it's kind of cute and funny and not really hurt and then just like blatant like like you're saying greg you're like is so like intense and gnarly on people right like you can be you can be gnarly on people you always were they that was their deal like you guys are terrible like it did help like you said like you said earlier when people were like that it did make you tougher yeah you know like there was a time there where people said so many bad things to me on and off the ramp all day that when i came here and someone's like you know what's up with your shoe i'd be like oh my god he has no idea yeah i'm like you got to do way better i've been beat up better than that before yeah like every day i got attacked with machetes you have no idea i know and i've never lived any of that wasn't grega i've never lived in it i just sk the skate parks were neat there were little groups of things like dog town had marina and straight through and through even with stacey even though he's not really like a dog tower in that sense he has that attitude there's an attitude um stacy's attitude i don't know if it's good or bad to say but what he was pal what he was doing is what mattered yeah i wasn't going to mention what other people are doing right the dog count thing was very much this with the dudes yeah and it rubbed off on so many people and little kids are going like okay that's that thing badland comes along and go we're bigger and better than all you dudes and we don't have to say anything we're gonna ride bigger stuff and beat all you and shut you guys down all right but they still had an attitude they would spit on us they grab your butt when you're trying to drop in or whatever spit on you spit on me in a contest i'll blow your nose on you on you when you're trying to drop in and try to grab your butt like before you like eric nash yeah the crusher the crusher i believe mickey alba we love you mickey elves the best but i believe it was mickey alba the first contest nash entered it was a ramp contest and he's up there i'm going to enter and mickey i was like you don't belong on the ramp with us before he's right yes right before yes and that's what you do he was the more i think it was mickey if it wasn't me i love you anyways but that's the if it was you even better because that that stuff rules he was weird i don't necessarily think any of that was hatred no right i mean they didn't think about it well i don't i didn't even to i was just like when you look back at it you know that there was some hatred in it right because when i look back at my days of you know man you are so don't holly i think there's a lot of insecurities in it okay i think there's a lot of trying to hold your position okay i think there's a lot of uh back then um do you if you didn't talk about yourself who was yeah so like the valley those dudes got beat down by everyone oh val skaters they ripped yeah they were gnarly jerry valdez is so gnarly my friend would be oh wow you're into i don't even want to say it but he was like you're into that skater because i would be a little emmy like all into this guy or whatever and they're like you know jerry valdez is better than that dude and here's the proof or whatever and then i'd buy like you know i bought a j adam's deck you know the ones his dad his stepdad made you know my friend would be like i think it's obsolete piece of garbage just because jm's name on it that thing doesn't even work oh wow you know and they're right really it was an obsolete board by that time yeah but it was so um i was more like a poser to them because i was playing skateboarding you know yeah dude this board is the real thing oh this skater is the real deal um and it gave me a better thing of seeing all that stuff but del mar i think was very much more like the progression of skateboarding all right whittier came along i mean lakewood was open and that was kind of the punk big-o and lakewood were the punk spots yeah big o even more so neil blender kind of was probably chased out a big o because he was a young dude that was kind of um progressive and what do you mean chase down doing dwayne peters probably was like get out of here clown boy [Laughter] probably because you know and so neil shows up at whittier i come from way over we're not even whittier dudes we kind of connect witter was the last thing on earth it was built the last and it was a bunch of lucero and we were a bunch of dudes playing skateboarding we were never going to be part of it um no no i'm saying no whittier was more like this weird collective group of dudes that didn't they weren't they weren't they weren't the ogs saying we're the stuff no one matters we weren't the next group of guys we're bigger and better than everybody i skated upland so i got a little bit of that i skated liquid so i got a little bit of that but we ended up at whittier because whittier opened up two or three years later than all those and it was right at the end and it was this weirder collective group of dudes that were basically the island and the misfit toys okay it really was that makes more sense and so they have the island and the misfit toy attitude okay um i remember meeting neil and his like our careers are over we're 18. and i was like yeah i guess you are cruising start we're done um and having this ad in lucero and everything so we were just teasers and we were just kind of goofballs and we were even in that industry even in amongst that thing they're like the wittier dudes are dorks okay um and we're like yeah we are dorks yeah and we're gonna be cooler and more important than all you guys yeah because people like dorks yeah a weirdo or whatever and so um and that doesn't take anything away from us trying to skate as gnarly as we could because that's the bit that you know when you say someone's not as real as the other person it's like what because of my t-shirt like if i skateboard i mean for instance you're still skateboarding this there's no more you know i mean who's a real escape there's you you're like as reality-based a skateboarder as there is that's ever existed it's what you don't have like enough tattoos to be a real skateboarder like it doesn't i feel like being tough and being angry doesn't make you how can we let go of all those notions by now yeah but i mean we're still struggling with a lot of notions probably but um yeah um differently in different ways but um yeah there were there was kids there that's what i was saying david z i don't even know who that is so i mean there was guy like i he there was a there's a picture of david z doing a lean air at marina and he's probably four or five feet out when no one could even get two feet out dude he's doing the ladies here's the truth of it i am the only professional skateboarder to live that can't ollie correctly on vertical try to let me try to claim one photo or video of me doing an ollie i'm ruining it my whole life right here [Laughter] and the reason why you don't no i can't ollie you know that i've never seen you do a front sitter or a backside ollie terrible i can do backstage you can do backstop once oh yeah but that's not a front side only so all of skateboarding is based off the front side only oh okay it's always except for what i grew up on alan gilfin comes and does the front of alley within six months david z is doing them this high oh no wait what i learned frontside ollies right when i say gelfin do them and i could do them about that high or whatever i see david z six months later and i'm like i'm not gonna waste my time on that one yeah i get not gonna waste my time on that one that makes sense yeah uh david z is so gnarly like he's just and like how does this play out like what there are so many david z's that could have or should have or would have been in or get to sit here because i still get to play on a skateboard um david z i trust away or something or no no it just people like that that they were in the right place at the wrong time there was no future in school at the time but then when it started then he stopped skateboarding there's two things he he wasn't still skating david z wasn't quite as talented as tony okay really and i wasn't quite as smart as david z for just splitting i'm like wait how is this mother that's always lance's thing that's always the same well i do it to myself so all that stuff we're talking about like anyone that's out of the industry it's not like it's not like oh they quit he's like oh they were smart enough to stop skating well that's always been his attitude everything that i've been uh we just can't we're not that smart i can't give it up don't say that because i'm i don't want to believe that that's the only reason i'm still welcome to the club everything is boring everything that i'm accused of and is real that i'm a mean dude and lame dude is because i do that to myself first so my standard is not only for others it's on me first yeah and it and it unfortunately leaks out and is bad yeah so um have you worked on that no i never even thought about it until right now ah i didn't think it was bad until right now i've worked on it because i think you were always a little bit nauseous i do no i feel like i think you were always a little bit nicer with your bashings i always thought i was like because it was it's always it's always out of the it's out of the love i thought like by no means did i i loved mcgill yeah i loved mcgill and then when i got on it i realized he was like i didn't understand what he was going on i was like why does he hate me he didn't hate me right he was like dude his poor position of like getting a one cheeto a month from the company was at at risk because i was coming along and so he was trying to protect that and he didn't understand it and it was like what's going on and so um i teased back because i didn't understand it i don't think any of it was at all i've never hated any of the dudes that i thought were whatever i thought of them yep even the skateboarders i go like that guy is no good right i didn't hate him i just thought he was no good yeah you see that's the difference it's just a fact that might be well no i just no the fact is that i thought that i'm not even saying it's a fact that's why there's like you can there's great skateboarders that don't nothing for you yeah but i do feel like you have matured in your sensibilities and your approach or even your uh i'm sorry you're funny insults he's holding it in right now he wants to say nope this guy this guy this guy was gay no for sure no i i'm actually really bummed on myself if that's kind of no that's not the take okay that's not the over that is not no it's not but i just that's how i am yeah that's the struggle i've always had okay i went skated yesterday i went skated yesterday and it was super fun but there was like a little incident that i couldn't get over and it just ruined the session and i had i was like if i keep skating i'm gonna get hurt or whatever and it was such a non-issue i could have said hey what about this and i just saw what someone was doing and i was like dude really really they're doing that i love that right sorry but i love it and i could all i had to do is say hey and they would have been like all sweet and oh sorry sorry and it just i'm mentally ill basically yeah that's all i'm saying okay but do you think that in your in your earlier days you would have said something oh heck yeah right so that's what i'm saying well then yeah that's progression that's progression but then it ruined your day so i don't know if it's progression not stupid it's a little bit because you didn't say it right now i could have just said it nice it wasn't even a big deal none of them are a big deal i just get irritated at myself i've always got it tony knows i get irritated at myself more than anything else and then and then you get irritated that you got irritated yourself yeah i was gonna say i get irritated at myself for when i recall the the the section of where i go oh why are you always like that like why do you have to [ __ ] say that and i've worked on it but i think the reality is is that you're aware of it yeah you're probably the same as me does it rub you the wrong way where you meet people that have this added this personality and this great thing that as if that never happens in their mind or they've never done it and you know like some people have this personality or attitude like as if they've never thought that them about themselves or they've never done it and it's just like yeah you have you're just not spilling everything right i've spilled actually i have they're like oh you must be really dirt gnarly inside i'm like no that's actually all over there it's all it's all it doesn't need i mean i'm not bottling it again it's all about that i've said this a million times there's a bible verse it's a prop it's a it's a proverb it's my favorite one it says even a fool is considered wise if he keeps his mouth shut yeah and i i'm not that i go gregor and all those guys used to tell me not to talk and then you then people maybe might perceive you as not as stupid as you are yeah yeah like those well those are tips for me yeah maybe maybe just don't talk people might think you're okay i remember we went on tour i feel bad now we were on one of those europe tours no it's great we're on one of those europe tours um i can't remember i think i want to say it was like ray and eric sanderson and um nikki i got a great story on that one but but we were skating this mini ram and you had a full meltdown and went to the car not not not like not like yelling and screaming just i could just tell you're super upset you went to the car and you were sulking in the car and then somehow i'm like i'm gonna go talk to him i guess thank you and try to pull him out and i like i don't have the tools to even do that for myself but then i just started talking to lance and i and i started i was trying to convey like who cares like it's a mini ramp he was in the in the backseat crying after the whole thing he was in the back seat all bummed out after our conversation i had brought him down he you know what happened yeah i took it all onto myself and somehow it was it was either that like you didn't want to be bothered by me anymore or you're just like okay i'll just go try and then you went and skated and had fun and i felt like i accomplished something dude i think so much when you talk about competition wasn't fun and you know you found a way and you talked to rodney and i i always think about that because it's like i've always struggled so much i have a lot of fun and i make fun of it and it is fun but there's a like stacy said there's two sides there's a dark side like a comedic side that it kind of there's things about it that seriously bother me get frustrated short or whatever like or want more of it or all that kind of stuff and so it's like it's just an interesting way you like navigate through all this stuff but um yeah it's funny you're you're a funny guy you're fun to be around whenever you talk [ __ ] it's funny okay hold on let kid let me let me let me redirect this what was the most fun tour that you and i did together i'm gonna go back to me being a kook when we went here and the torture remember gunter oh yeah and i he was always in a speeder he was always in his speedos oh you like this guy he would invite us to go to the beach and i was like got to one point i went into his room and i cut out the fronts of all of his underwear see that's funny let's see how that's a bully at all that is funny but turns out he became our distributor and never bought anything all these guys became our distributors i was like wait do you remember at that camp when yeah we were so bored of the camp and we we started playing skateball or skate war or whatever the hell it was and it was it was indoor yeah it would amounted to a basketball court but it wasn't a basketball court right or was it yeah it was a basketball court wood floor wood floor we would just skate and take whatever was in there and throw it at each other including like uh balls you know baseball uh basketballs tires car tires it was a game that we played that sounds funny so the first one was like throw it throw it in front of the board to make you fall so whoever fall would lose and then it was just throw the tires at people yeah at their heads yeah it escalates so it was a wittier game we actually used to play tag at whittier like it would spend hours just playing tag where you had a tic tac and you couldn't push that was it yeah you chase each other around oh okay he brought the game with him and you roll in and you like you get someone to get close and you're rolling the ball and you're out and then we had it where you played with a glove and you throw the glove under the wheel and like boom and it got kind of gnarly as people were rolling in bowls and that that speed but we brought it to whittier i mean we brought that to sweden it was like we're bored and i was like hey this is this game we play and it escalated until we had car tires and hockey sticks like it was so dangerous at each other playing tick-tock let me ask you a question about snake writing like because i felt like i learned you were the master one day it just it occurred to me that the master of uh speaking session when there'd be you know like you know 50 people on one side another 50 on the other bunch of people dropping every time somebody falls off i remember i don't know it might have been in australia i don't remember but i just remember you drop in someone else dropped in and i remember a lot of people would do their thing where they look over the other person when they're in an axle stall or maybe if you're really good you could do a baxter there and look at them and you you went slow and i was like weird and then you went right over to the person and and but i watched you look over the other side where he was in a grind i was like this guy's [ __ ] watching the other side and then you did a grind and purposely slowed the grind down so he stalls so this guy's coming back in and it's like oh no i'm like in your way and they have they have to eject and he just look at this [ __ ] eating green across the flat like gotcha and i'm like okay he's he's the best guy at that like i copied that i remember remy stratton and i both became friends one day but he also he always found the same day he always found the sort of hole or window of where people wouldn't bail because there's always places where people bail and if you've got with your tail out it's just not going to happen and lance would just figure out like oh no one's ever bailing over there and i'm going in but you would drop in before the people even fell he would the most heated one that you've been in well noho's still the best at it oh okay oh no who's the best at it is that where you you got it from you think no no um dude we all got snaked does that mean you and noho at one point had no i i never i never even realized it noho still does it to this day so no like i still see noho does it in a session noho is so still good that way i'm like too lazy to do that anymore but um noho's still good at it um salva mickey alba those dudes did it gnarly at upland i skated up on a lot they had signals they would have signals like no we'd people would go there and mickey would take a run and then steve would drop in and make you come out and steve would take a run and mickey dropped and we'd figured i was like oh i think their signal is on the third rock and roll what like uh and no people would be lined up eight guys would lined up and they're not getting wrong nobody would run i mean i thought i think about this one when lester came back and rode that combi contest they made a jam session jam session come on unless i did not take a run i just saw the video of that mike chantry sent it to me which one that contest where lester didn't take the chance snaked him out of taking a ride yes yeah and but so you're saying where i got it that was skateboarding at one point like we grew up in that you did not get a ride at the skate park unless you figured out how to do that yes it was heavy and these dudes were men yeah they were big dudes right and the crazy thing is like they were men oh yeah the generation before us when that would happen they're only a year and a half older than this but there's a massive difference between a 13 year old kid with a mustache yeah you had that and a 17 year old dude that was like could knock you out in a football game yeah um and these dudes were rad and so um what you know just being around that and um i wasn't a local at any skate park i i i can only skate on fridays and saturdays why because my parents i just uh had to go come home do school work uh had to be in before the lights were out so we i never was a local at a skate park like these kids grew they grew up in skate parks yeah and so the only time i really got to go outside of my era was a little bit later on in the asphalt times and it was like my dad or my sister would take me to drive all the way to del mar or probably not even del mar cuz this far but drive all the way to big o on a friday night because there was a contest saturday and i'd get one day of practice and that that was the heaviest snake session that you've ever been in the night before the contest i purposely wouldn't skate the night before the contest because i was like i'm not going to be able to run anyway what yeah yeah and these contests were like once every month so i'd get maybe one saturday to practice or one friday night i'd get one practice maybe two at these places and then i'd just go because i wasn't local i'd just go to the next contest like what do you once whittier was open is different how old were when you were allowed to go skate every day it's like i believe i just said that but when i was in high school i got a car and then there was just i worked out here and i worked at whittier and i drove the whittier skated but that was i was 81 but you would have got immediately way better from when that turned around right i was skating a ton yeah in some ways in some ways i had an advantage because ice skated junk gator did too like he skated people people who skated junk when they came to these places excelled the very first time i skated upland i had come back from england with henderson and sinclair and upland has been there then they poured the pool years later uh the combi yeah and it was full of water and so no one skated it and we came back and it was drained and so i don't know if we skated the first week or the first day or whatever but i remember salva tripping out on us because i did inverts on the north wall like the big state no one does it even no one rides that wall even there but that night we had i had read such junk somehow i did an invert on that wall and i remember steven mickey going why who are you you did an invert on that wall like you know he was all stoked because we were british he was into punk and it's like yeah yeah and then i came back like a month later because you're still here i was like yeah i live here and he's well i thought you're british yeah like no i was with the british guys and stuff but so we skated garbage so kind of when we went to these skate parks we're like these are easy yeah um upland was a good skate park to you did you stay up no i just heard like the rest of uploads four foot a ver one night where he's talking about that rest of our plans was the rest of album was super harsh so the rest of the park where the full pipe was and bank salon and there was a 15 football there for years first 15 football they went down to it 15 football with noping what's noping that's what i'm saying you know what so people were so gnarly so gnarly yeah i mean who was it that's a hunt like two guys did double the 15 football oh salva and dunlop have the best photos yeah yeah people would uh they would uh do wheelers and you know what somebody that can do an edger still is just as rad as someone i think like on call to do an edger where sorry breaking things they can come out and just ride like that yeah that's critical and they can do it like on call like yeah alva can still do that on call it's like that era of dudes like worked on these moves so that they're in there and um i remember we went to upland and kevin anderson gnarliest skater gnarly skateboarder and he comes all the way down the 15 foot down the ditch run and it was a tank slalom that emptied out into the 15-foot bowl yeah okay he carved that thing all the way down carved the 15-foot ball and came out and my friend enrique was like that's the future of skateboarding right there and i was like you got to be kidding me what a waste of time he didn't switch he was writing backwards oh wow he did the thing backwards like who would waste their time writing backwards but you know recent after soon after i was like real as an m i was like i'm going backwards as much as i can um but anyway kevin stob was first guy ever to do it do a backwards carve and i was like yeah what tabs inverted we talked about that yeah yeah switch i have a photo of that yeah we just got opposite stance yeah so what year did you do lean 360's because you're that's like no i didn't ever do them billy ruff did you talk to you though billy roughton could have sworn i was there for like 700 of them but yeah yeah and i saw one billy at the comedy event billy ruff did mute 360s right that's all i remember wait backside everybody probably did all this stuff i remember billy ruff would do we're talking about billy ruff how like as an amateur he got the top of the year that we all were ams yeah um he got the top gibson got second i got third billy pro could have been pro that year but gina's had about eight dudes on their team so he was like the new am okay but if he was a pro he probably would have gotten the top ten as pro john gibson should have been pro because caster he was on caster and wally and stropal didn't enter those contests so caster had no pro they could have turned him pro and he probably would have got top 10. gibson was gnarly i was completely i was completely basically unknown and not really on the radar probably gonna be doing good but the first contest i got fifth the second i won um or yeah second oh third third um every amateur got a full page photo in the magazine when they won i didn't get a picture at all because i don't think anyone thought i was even gonna what i opened it taking photos i opened up the magazine that's the magazine of the horse jumping over the log full pit two two sprayed two two page spread like in the magazine action now they had turned into like um it was the action sports and all sports mag yeah and i'm like i'm gonna get my photo where's my photo [Music] horse jumping over a log an actual horse yeah remember that horse they had so much random stuff yeah it was it was a take it was a horse it was a lady riding a horse jumping a a tree yeah and i was so anyways um the conver that being said uh i lost my train of thought what we were talking about um we were talking about those the ams but uh billy being so that billy was rad he won that but the next year billy ruff did the first 540. yeah wait what in the form of a unit yeah that's what i was trying to get front side but it was the first 540 of any kind so billy was am that year the pros so eddie won that year dwayne was on fire and cab was on fire and then the standard pros that had ruled the year before the bowmans the pines the olsens the salvas the mickeys basically we turned around at pomona and it was like we had to skate a contest against the pros because there was so little yeah and it was it was dwayne was still dude i don't even know if dwayne entered it but he was still fully around yeah stevie was around but he was only pro for that year he wasn't like an old standard guy that had been for three years salbo was hurt so he didn't enter mickey was still there so it was really like i want to say the contest was like stevie mickey i don't remember if dwayne was in it i was in a yeah then all the ams tony myself blender billy billy turned pro there i think yeah and it was a thousand dollars winner take all yeah so it was like wait so second gets zero zero and a thousand dollars at that time was like saying 50 grand right now like if not more and we were making 14 yeah no one was making money we're like where did they even get a thousand dollars like that's crazy but it was it was it felt like three pros and we're like yeah we're gonna we're gonna get the skate with bowman and these in there where are they they're gone skateboarding was done they're gone and it was like like this it was because it was just dead there was it was dead so pomona was on this last legs there it was going to be all this all the parks were on the last legs the contest series were on the last leg the company's sending them like i was talking to howard hood these guys they were like they won contests and like the next contest the company just was like we're not sending you we don't have any money yeah so they were like oh skateboarding's over yeah so we entered i want to say billy entered he might have turned pro there neil entered i don't think neil turned pro it he might have but it didn't really matter because the amateurs are better than the pros of this contest that was my last amateur well they're thinking it wasn't better because the pros were cab and mickey oh there was only oh okay so we were like i got fourth yeah but i was the first amateur okay and then the next contest i think we just entered best pro i went here what i was saying is that billy became basically won the majority of those contests in the next year and a year and a half yeah all i was trying to get at he had figured out this thing like basically when we were getting judged everyone had about 17 tricks say and you're just like back to there tick invert tick it was just like everyone got 17 points billy at that point had broken the wreck like kind of just broke the barrier big car backstage twice as high as everyone so he they might have gone like you give him two points for that points yeah one point higher yeah but he also at the same time was very consistent and he would always end his run with one more trick kind of lower and get another one in another banger though well it was like more they really kind of almost were bangers they're more like maybe more what he was known as an am like they're gonna be there but they're a little bit lower okay they're not the power moves but and he would do slob 360s about halfway up or he would do a unit okay later a front side 540 invert halfway up but i remember seeing him do slob 360s long you asked me about lean three seasons an hour and a half ago that's how we got it that's where we got to slap them you know why this this question even happened i saw him do a slob 360 and i was like i wanted to do that trick but i ain't going to do it like a slob that's gross right because he probably did it between the leg no it's a slub all slops are gross well not if you do it like me they're not really don't ask you won't even look over here for that one have you seen it stop it it's pretty good don't make me hurt you it's not gonna hurt me i think i do i think i go better front side than you so how's that going to hurt me oh first of all yes no front sight all fronts ideas i can do better than you i i'm not really i don't understand the second goddess i was really trying way better i'm way better than you can you tell we just make these silly rules and it's like certain things do you know how does slob get named every yeah because it's just slobby i knew it i knew it that's such a wittier thing wait that's really how it got named for sure yeah just slop yeah that's it yeah exactly it can be done well put it this way everything every when people start whining like oh there's no rules to skateboarding there's no rules yeah but there's learned etiquette yeah and there's also tried and true yes so when people come up and go out let me call me all the time hey this guy's doing this new thing have you seen it yeah we saw it we tried it it's no good yeah like everyone did it we had a panel discussion we decided as a whole as art yeah it's macaroni art right like i guess you're not drawing a da vinci you're gluing macaroni on a thing and saying look at this yep and we and every once in a while dude someone breaks that you're like oop we're wrong because you know what peter hewitt does that pretty red right or raven does that pretty red that's what i do with the slobber no the swab air is only done on a snowboard no it's not or a bicycle i like doing motorcycles i like doing tailbone sliders i don't know there's no then we can your setting really pissed me off that's good i'm like i do not look like i'm a bicycle you almost had me that was awesome i was like this guy i'm gonna show i'm gonna do one i'm gonna film it i'm gonna send it to you hate on that no whatever ears break earrings break hey speaking of speaking of everyone you know i was just trying to say those lean threesomes are really good but do you remember everybody airs or everybody's well this is the story yeah of course i know that story really well what's the everybody so this is another everyone's going to be all bummed no one is going to be bummed on you talking about the everybody you know the fakie everybody no he doesn't you know what you know what everybody is no do you know what a good buddy is yep what's a good buddy uh fakey eggplant come back in forwards or a front setting maybe it's supposed to be or something yeah i mean it's faking into it though right does anyone do it good the only the only reason i know good buddy is because gator did a line with a microphone for a vision contest and he said good morning i like these because he actually so he says good buddy in the middle of it it kind of makes it so good buddy comes from everybody everybody is the invert version of it first like one's one's up front side no one you got fake favorite grab like an invert mcgill did them a lot yeah fakie hand plant yeah yeah you could like you just do it off to the side or under your hand you come up like a you do a fakie rock and you come up and do a fakie because it sucks in our day what it sucks i do the best ones [Laughter] what are you saying about sounds like you're making a [ __ ] macaroni necklace i don't know what [Laughter] have you seen me do them have i seen you do a good buddy or not everybody i haven't seen you doing everybody oh well i'm going to show you then you do no you won't why because you won't ride that i don't even skate i just talk no um so anyways neil blender i'll do a slow bear after you're everybody your slobber's rule you're great at everybody's yeah no i what oh dude he pretends to even like my skateboarding i've never done a goodbye i'm it's going to come out no can i can i just pause and say the reason it's called everybody is because no one had a trick that they could go fakie to forward from like if you're if you're doing a line in a pool we didn't know how to do caballeros we didn't know how to do 360 rocks or whatever fake it's like a bmx you need to do a trick that wasn't just a fakie to forward and so everyone could do grab it early and do a little yeah like yeah invert lay back error thing everyone did it okay that's what called everybody ah so now i'll tell the real story okay good here we go because it's it's more malicious and mean and wittier-esque than anyone knows because we're we're mean blender there was there was rock fakie fakie hang up rock fakie and eddie was doing fakielys but there wasn't much to do out of a fakie neil blender creative rad duty as always he would just film stuff super eight and everything and he would film an invert he's filmed an invert and he was playing it and he was like he was playing it like halfway and bringing it back he's like wow i think i could fake you up into an invert like fakie up and push it up into an invert because so he tried it at this one big o con he was trying it during practice and everything he was trying he's just like trying to get it and push it up into an inverter he's like that's not impossible it's just not possible people saw him doing it and that contest nobody's pushing it up into it they're going pink pink yeah neil's just like he's what i was doing is disgusting it couldn't be done right it's over it's done he shows up he's like oh great the fakie everybody everybody was doing it it was but i was i wasn't wrong you know you were right it was much more malicious and mean like but like i would i would write down a line i was an amateur someone would write down line and be like my line would be you know carve backside air baxter and all this stuff is happening just just under coping and then it would be like fakie slide everybody and i would write down everybody like everybody yeah yeah it wasn't even there was no shame in it yeah it was called fakie everybody but no one really knew that neil actually called it kind of out of like spite out of like well they didn't know what i was trying to do and now they thought it was a move they're all doing it i i'm sure i did it i did it there was a time you had to do it if you if you went faking more than once because you're like fakie or fakie hang up or slide below like thank you hang out dude well no one was reserved for a select few yeah when i'm thinking about it because you have no nose no no i'm thinking about it no you you would reach it you'd grab your tail oh rip it back grab your tail or you do it like on the rounded part of the cup big o had a rounded area and just light up and yeah cheating um no it was just hadn't got there yet yeah um i'm just being stupid those everybody's that he did were a different level of what anybody else go fakie and get into a stalled handle but somebody can and maybe has done it now and those rules can be broken and um but there's a lot more people who still do it the way neil would be like it's kind of it's kind of and so we have like you know it's i have that standard that is just lame and uncool um i have it on myself that's why i don't do friends at all right this is like dude i don't want anyone to see that that's disgusting yeah don't do that in front of me huh yeah i'll roast you for sure [Laughter] yeah because you can blast them overhead and it's just like insane you used to yeah and jim i would like that back yeah no i mean but you're you're talking to someone who's like it's called a flyaway anyway so it's not an ollie you don't actually hit your tail you don't have a technique you just kind of like float off something and let it fall like you know back in the he you trying to talk [ __ ] no that's what he said that's what that's right like we learned them that way where you just like floated over here i've seen you guys do that yeah it's just it wasn't there's not an ollie technique it's like on your way up you're going frontside rally if that's what i'm gonna do and then when you take off you go whoa and it's something else yeah i've never i mean it's totally different than kind of uh it wasn't an ollie technique it was just a launch yeah yeah it's a free error it's a freer like which is harder i think that's hotter well to do massive but yeah i've never done a frontside only over that high probably like whenever you do a frontside where there's no more you can do all you got to do is just pose in the same position as where your board is those are the hardest ones like if you can get it under you and then i let it flap back in i don't even know yeah that's i never could do that that's wait tony had a killer one mcgill could do it cab could do it they could do france they all can do fronts at ollies but then there was another level that i was like hey he's doing my that's my turn but that's their um that is that is a newer technique from even their technique and it's a more advanced technique and it's honestly like if you look at jason and those guys do it they do it the way i want to say jimmy does it that way too yeah it really looks like the way dudes do it on a surfboard where the the wave is curling and they're like womping off that inside wheel yep hey jimmy's the best at it yeah i don't even know that's what i'm talking i i don't even know how to skateboard because i can't do that it's just insane i love that um and you did massive ones and lee ralph the ones that he did at my house that time yeah dude he did ones that were he was high really really really good yeah and then he fried himself well lance we want to thank you for for coming you leaving i'm going to pay myself oh i thought we were wrapping up just talking about i guess we're wrapping up any street skates [ __ ] what's what's up oh wait i i used to do friends at all yeah you did massively so sick lance thank you that was awesome hey thanks lance thanks for being well a really nice conclusion as much as you would want to deny it but thank you you spent some whole time saying i'm maybe not a nice guy no i didn't i said better that was the only thing that i was really trying to do he's excited about it when i go yeah i'm going to better every frozen he's like what what i'm so excited so it's never gonna go it's good to know it's good it is really good where does the front side air belong where does it belong you're gonna say is it on a ramp or is it in a pool right are you gonna go there because you're a pool guy now wow now what is it now yeah because you're you were a vert guy for a while did we skate pools before ramps yeah but you couldn't but you couldn't do you couldn't do a frontier in a pool you couldn't [ __ ] off okay this is payback for the front side okay no you you dude i'm yeah your heart is doing good thank you lance i love you dude you're awesome thank you you're so well known why you what you're [ __ ] with me [Music] no but you're good right about the slaw bear you're healthy right oh yeah yeah okay so yeah don't do that no i meant i always i was talking about this the front sides and the slobs that we're joking about oh yeah how good i do them it's incredible how good i am you we could walk on that ramp right now and it would probably be my last session i'd be so so depressed on how i couldn't get out on a front side or a back side there it is definitely coming back it's still surprising today you are lance today none of us are skating bird so it's okay we're all in the same boat i got a gnarly hippo yesterday i was like i got dude how are you man tony is uh he's trying to collect all the uh attributes and he's trying now to collect the gnarliest skateboarder ever as well yeah wow is that what else are you doing yeah i'm trying to collect all the injuries into my old age dude it's gnarly dude what you're doing he's a warlord he's a lord of war i'm not all right thank you i appreciate it incredible dude thank you for all your kind words too on the dock and and for keeping fun alive and skateboarding for so many years i i don't i i really can't tell you how many people have said through the years like the reason i wanted to skate is because lance in the bones behave videos like i liked what you guys all did i didn't identify with it i didn't know if i could ever do it but lance was the conduit it was just because i was able to be silly and kind of rude and mean and and some and i think a lot of you but also really but you also ripped you had all those things but you also ripped yeah that would be your number one asset i would say how great of a skateboarder you are yes very funny thank you but also ridiculously great at skateboarding and my whole life i live in america i have all these things that i've oh i've they're fantasies to me and they're real and they were triggered from you dude like you let me live in your house i learned your house you didn't even get into this yeah three tricks a day for [ __ ] until he kicked me out but yeah i gave i went back to australia and people were like oh my god you're as good as americans and i was like yeah [ __ ] come to lances i didn't say that but yeah we um man uh friends said alley paulie's did we not just we we didn't want it to we just didn't want to concentrate on what france said ali you bullies oh yeah this guy over the gap over the channel full speed ramp that that the news of that made waves like all the way to del mar was that from phillips no was that we did no i was definitely a jason jesse no no did you know that phillips did front alley oops at my house oh i believe that there was a sequence so none of that was about that ah you're just raging ripping yeah yeah you were ripping man you already was fine you guys ripped um yeah we just didn't wanted to like i don't know we didn't want it to let it go we just you get this little toy and you get to try things on it that no one in the world has ever done and you want to be a part of it and you kind of just don't want to let it go and it's just like it's crazy it makes you nuts but um as much as we're talking about all that stuff isn't fun i i really it is all that teasing and that we teased ourselves first you know we beat ourselves up first uh trying to like you know the only reason i would say something about a slob is because we wouldn't let ourselves do it or whatever you know so we just tease ourselves and so you just push it onto others so it's just i think people related to it because it's funny but it's it wasn't to be definitely wasn't to hurt people i mean to do a trick where it's hideous to everybody and then somebody like me comes along and makes it like one of the greatest frontsiders of all time that really made me feel good i know that all right that's it i can't do anymore i can't thanks lance yeah well i can describe slob future primitive [Music] you
Channel: Hawk vs Wolf
Views: 108,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hrHxpabwmhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 56sec (6236 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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