StephenTries Accuses Jack Joseph Of Stealing His Jokes

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and then i was like oh look that's the guy that everyone compares me to get a [ __ ] message as i'm saying it from steven troy saying get [Music] will you just scroll through the for you page or are there like creators you actually go out and actively see yeah there's see a lot of tick tockers i don't really like like they sell up their own ass i just can't be asked for it you sound like me early youtube days yeah yeah yeah love it but um have you met a lot of them uh yeah uh like um there's there's a few i like because i really only watch the comedy stuff if i'm gonna watch it like i can't be asked for the other bollocks yeah the lip syncs yeah it just doesn't i don't fair play to them just doesn't appeal to me they they get loads of views loads of people love it it's not up to me to judge but um yeah there's a few guys that um i love honestly i love all their videos they've got fairly similar comedy comedy style like the comedy skits and stuff stevie i'm going to throw you under the bus there i despise tick-tock yeah i guess that's where you're going to go i've heard and i saw on your twitter i saw someone say does stevie actually like jack's videos never seen him oh really fair play research i actually did something this morning i did it on purpose because i didn't want to not like him i know of what you do and my one of my biggest issues with tiktok is that as soon as someone gets that niche that crams views they go well i'm now going to do like 50 million times but that's all anyone does but my issue what i like in comedy is not knowing where the joke's going and as soon as they do the same thing more than once i always know where it's going you've sent me a couple of things i've got oh that's well good and i've gone on their profile and just gone oh he's done it again yeah it is like some of it is but i like shock humor i like random like suddenly like oh that's a lie i've watched one of yours uh one of your um pick me boys and i laughed at the end of it uh i was watching it with varian and it was one where you said your mum's dead i laughed at that yeah yeah because i was like what the [ __ ] yeah so i like like little shock suddenly like things like that that's that yeah that's what i try and do in my videos if i can is like the end always has to have something that makes people want to re-watch to see the end part yeah but the problem with tick-tock and i know exactly what you mean because i hate it as well for for the past year i was making videos and it'd be a new idea every day yeah but the problem is people don't follow you no unless you make the same thing over and over well i suppose it's the same like your youtube people wanted you to continue the same thing it's weird it is really but as a creator it's it's the hardest thing to battle because i i was actually well for the next few weeks i'm going to be bringing up this trip because it's been my life for three weeks but i was speaking to cal on the trip and i was speaking about this the perception of jack mate and how that's evolved over over time so i i don't know if you know but i basically built my name by slagging off other youtubers and stuff like that and it's only now that i'm 28 and i can reflect back on it and look back and think right i would slag them off when really i always just wanted to be one so there was an element of jealousy in there and then i remember i started day dot so i saw cal and calyx and all these people become friends with each other and i thought well why am i not part of that crew why am i not i've made one video about i can't even remember who it was say ollie white or something yeah so he's taking the brunt of it like i make one video about something i don't like in the space it bangs and then my next video could be an interview with ricky gervais the most proud video i've ever done and people are like yeah this is good but can you speak about ollie white's t-shirts again yeah and then so i'm now for the first time in my life would be would have been earning money and i'm like right so i need to repeat that formula to make that and then before you know it you're in a hole so big but like you were saying with actual jokes like i think when it comes to jack the reason i like him because i'll be honest i don't like many tick tockers right i don't like like for the same reasons you don't oh admittedly like you you handled it well there when you said that's not for me like that's why i just scroll apart but there was something different about yours and fiona hit me with quite a good question in weather spoons this morning like just before we met you i'm quite vocal in my distaste for man like hacks right he's an internet quote unquote comedian right but all he does is really just puts on an accent and crosses his eyes and goes cross-eyed and does like a scottish accent and she was like he does comedy sketches as characters so what makes him different to you yeah and it took me i'll be honest it took me a while to go right okay so why do i like this person but i don't like that person yeah but then all it comes down to all it boils down to is you actually have jokes in yours i think it's comedy style as well because obviously you you love ricky gervais just as much as i do and he he's my idol like i i used to watch the office every day and night like and people can probably tell people always say like we can tell you've got inspiration from ricky gervais yeah yeah exactly who doesn't but i don't shy away from it because i'm not going to take it as an insult that's probably the biggest compliment i can i can get 100 um uh and stephen tries apparently as well that's a [ __ ] insult i'm joking i'm joking i actually love i'm joking i love steven tries i've seen a few um comments comparing you to stephen by the way i i don't know whether it's maybe that once we both did a video in a park like i thought the very first time i saw one of your videos yeah it was it was the one in the past yeah and i genuinely for the first maybe 10 seconds thought you were doing a parody of stephen charles that's that is the thing like we i don't think we're very like similar apart from the fact we been in a park once i think it's just [Laughter] i know there's definitely similarities yeah maybe because he's similar to ricky gervais in his style 100 well maybe that's that's it he's a he's a hybrid of like coogan and gervais i think like partridge and brent isn't he but he's so like the difference i think he has against me is he's so like so quick-witted and like really talented stephen tries like i watch him on his youtube stuff he's like quick wit is so good and on top of that he's got the writing as well and he's just his uh like performance is always just spot on just the way he's like comedic timing is just perfect yeah i i did the um the side mem roast with him yeah so good so good and we get there and i can't remember it was vic that was sorting it out and i can't remember if vic told me there was going to be a live crowd audience or not right yeah and uh i'm pretty sure he didn't and we get there and it's like the comedy club in london or some something um and uh steven's there and i'm [ __ ] myself yeah i would be as uh i'm [ __ ] myself i have a few jokes that kind of like sound like they're going to be played on race but the punch line is that they're not yeah and um like fidel's there and that and i'm like he's in the crowd and i've got yeah he's gonna smash me today um and uh i was [ __ ] myself and i just went over to stephen and i was like you got all your stuff and he was like yep and i was like you nervous he was like not really and i was just like just because you're a [ __ ] no actually i no tell a lot i think he went i think he said yeah i think he was like yeah and i was like all right and then he just went up and was just like he told me he was nervous but he just didn't yeah he just does it doesn't look like yeah he did a comedy at university didn't he yeah he did at salvage yeah yeah were you watching him before i was yeah so maybe there's something like yeah yeah i guess so yeah and like no honestly i think that's also a compliment like i think stephen charles is great steven tries uh the mg yeah weirdest [ __ ] ever by the way so i was uh last night because my mum and dad are always so interested in like what i'm doing with all this stuff um and i was like oh this is the podcast i'm going on tomorrow and like one of your most viewed ones is with stephen tries um and then i was like oh look that's the guy that everyone compares me to get a [ __ ] message as i'm saying it from stephen tries saying get your own jokes mate and i thought he was serious in the beginning i genuinely and i no because i go to my mum and dad i'm like what the [ __ ] that guy that's on the tv now i was just telling you about just messaged me and they're like oh what did he say what did he say get your own jokes mate and they were like what [Laughter] so he he was joking yeah he was joking yeah i was talking to him uh oh yesterday's sweet guy i'd love to see you and him do something oh my god yeah i'd love to do that and for the longest time people have commenting like oh do a video stephen tries but like i'd be way too nervous at the time to be like you know no you wouldn't at the time i think to ask him yeah well there he'll be he'll be watching this because his name's in the title so yeah yeah um we can cut this if you're not allowed to talk about it but you allowed to talk about the potential collab that you might be doing with the tinder or is that just not a thing that was going to happen well simon mentioned it in the podcast is that out is it is it bro yeah so maybe we can you could probably talk about it i don't know whether it's going to happen or not right because he just mentioned it in a podcast that uh you know but that would be unreal do you want to explain what it is so um yeah i was doing a podcast with simon and then uh they were just like oh randolph was like oh he'd be good on a on a sidemen video and uh simon was like oh yeah what one would you what one would you like to do i was like anything yes i get the views yeah yeah i did say the holiday one because i wouldn't mind a [ __ ] holiday um you could end up on the [ __ ] one yeah yeah that's it yeah but um and then he was like well we've got a tinder video coming up and then he messaged the boys and stuff he's like i don't know maybe maybe will happen maybe it won't but i'd love to see you on a tinder video that would be class yeah you've got a girlfriend haven't you i do yeah you've been with her i've been out with uh for like a year i think under how's your how's your chat up game pre-pre girlfriend oh man have you seen my girlfriend no way out of my league so it must be all right i might be doing all right for myself we're taking photos and then suddenly someone in there is obviously watching us on the camera there's no way we're not being watched but but the lights just go off and it goes because they're big lights you can hear it
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 437,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephen tries tiktok, stephen tries sidemen roast, stephen tries sidemen tinder, stephen tries dm, stephen tries happy hour, stephen tries jez lynch, jack joseph, jack jos3ph, jack joseph stephen tries, jack joseph tiktok, happy hour jack joseph, happy hour jack jos3ph, happy hour tiktok, happy hour jackjos3ph, happy hour podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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