Step by Step PC Build Ceres 330 RGB i9 14900K RTX 4080 Super MAJOR AIRFLOW BUILD

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we're building another PC YouTube this PC build is going to be the whole kitten kaboo the little o and a little something basically this is going to be a mega massive top-of thee line I9 4900 K as well as this z790 aor master gaming motherboard right here you know when this aoris is getting serious especially when it says Master one of the big things that I'm excited to test out and try is WiFi 7 now I have 5 gbit up and 5 GB down and as you guys can see this thing is packing a whole lot of lot of it's a ton of IO on this thing three USB C's 2 4 6 8 10 USB A's a display port 10 gbit ethernet land and it's a eatx size board well since you ask as far as cooling goes we got something to discuss because we have two options we have this aorus 360 with a LCD display and these have magnetic fans connectivity now magnetic fans are the wave right now dilemma is going to be I have this as well this is the thermal take th 280 this is a 280 radiator RGB with a panel as well has has all of the support even for gigabyte RGB which is dope because you know we're going to be keeping everything all in sync and this is an option again we'll discuss this dilemma when we get into the case that I'm building in well you need power CJ of course I do and we have plenty of it with this 12200 watt thermal take white snow power supply which is going to be nice because we're going to get white cables oh my goodness now now this is not going to be a allwhite only build I like to add contrast to the white cases did I just give it away are we building in another white case well Dar I guess we are well who doesn't love RGB right we got these thermal take fans which are magnetic connectivity again like I said magnetic fans are the wave right now eliminating cables the case that I just built in had a lot of RGB fans with a lot of RGB cables and that makes the cable management not as fun so these are the sfan ex14 beautiful got to love that for cable management so we're going to set that right there and then we have another gy from thermote ddr5 RAM memory which who wouldn't want this in their device right boom now this is going to be a spicy build well actually something hot with the I9 14900 K going in here we also have have a LGA 1700 bracket in Black we have a 4 tbte Samsung 990 Pro did someone say graphics cards oh boy we got the gigabyte 4080 super in the house I'm excited to build with this and see what this packs so we have this as well which is an LCD panel kit in snow for the case that we're going to be building in which if you haven't figured it out by now is a ther take case a new one a mid Tower let me show you what it's going to be the series sarus 330 a RGB in Snow White I'm sorry you know another white build but white builds and white PCS look so good and if you haven't seen my most recent build you need to go look at it because it looked so good I don't know if I'm going to be able to top it with this build the challenge is on now I got to explain to you guys why the radiator decision is somewhat of a dilemma while building in this case so the main hiccup is the fact that you cannot place a 360 mm Radiator on the upper portion but you can put a 280 which is why I have a 280 from thermote which may and possibly could be enough to cool my ionine and keep everything going this case has optimal airflow we got mesh in the front taken in we also have options to bring air in from from the bottom we have a lot of mesh to bring out from the rear and from the upper so there's plenty of air flow to be created within this case the question is do I want to go 280 and mount up top keep these large these are some nice look like 140 mm RGB fans in the front is that a 140 on the exhaust oh yo shout out to this case this case is really thinking about your airflow so there's always the debate in the dma you know how you should Mount your radiator so if I did a 360 it would only fit in the front or we would do the most optimal typically is the top mounted with the 280 tubes coming down everything placed in the most you know General ideal orientation yeah I don't know I got to decide and uh yeah decisions decisions but anyways let's stop deciding and let's start building it is time to build inside the thermotank series 330 RGB Snow White case right here and uh the beautiful thing about it is it is white on white on white as far as those who want the just completely all white builds this will be a white Bild with contrast but all of the uh case cabling the fan cabling is all white this thing is packaged really well look at this gen five heat sink that is crazy Next Level bro look at this heat sink oh my gosh that's next level I don't have a Gen 5 n.2 unfortunately not yet but you know what I might actually pause this and go grab a Gen 5 m. 2 so as you guys can see I went out to Micro Center and I basically leveraged the kidney to get one of these pcie Gen 5 m do2s one tbte you know the only thing about new technology and cut an edge it's going to cut you deep with a sharp edge at pricing man this is a one tbte you don't even want to know with the two terabyte cost and I got this on sale okay so let's open and install this expensive in. two okay I'mma stop I'mma stop I'mma stop and this install is completely toolless might I add which is really dope like boom everything all you need is a flick of a finger so the great thing about this being such a tool is motherboard is I'm not reaching for a screwdriver right now or my electric screwdriver I can literally have a m.2 in my hand use my uh free middle finger lift off this heat sink peel away the one that I'm going to use which is going to be this I'm a fan of the tool list m.2 installs just the tool list in general like I love it so there you have it and we're going to pel away that heat sink now the next thing I want to do is install our CPU our i 94900 k Boom the hot one this is the hottest CPU in these streets they kept it very minimal this year and container and there we have it so instead of using the socket on this motherboard like most people will do I'm going to do this socket replacement all right so here is what I'm speaking on this is a LGA A700 socket replacement basically and this is from a company called thermalite these come with thermop paste they also come with the tool you need um to remove it but you also have to be very careful in the way that you remove this socket as well as in the way that you install the socket I've seen built videos where people use uh electric screwdrivers to go in with this and I've done my research and that's technically not the way you want to do it so I'm going to show you the meticulous way to do it I did it on my previous build that I just did so I'm going to show you guys how to do it on this build the first thing you want to do is seat the CPU now if you don't know the arrow is here there's an arrow on the cover plate and there's an arrow on the CPU you align the arrow with the arrow that was a terrible placement but we have placed it and then now that the pins are protected and covered I will go ahead and remove the screws from these two pieces so that way you run less of a risk of these screws hitting the pins which you don't want to have happen boom you see you see you see how that screw just fell that could have been the pins and by seating the CPU ahead of time you help prevent that from happening so boom we're going to place this I got a black one they have blue they have red they have different colors uh silver and so forth now that that's in place we're going to take the original screws that we took off and we're going to set them this is the moment so what we're going to do is I'm going explain it then I'm going to show you really simple you're going to take these screws and you're going to go the opposite way Lefty Loosey and you're going to hear a click that means the screw is set and then we're going to do a 90° turn do the same thing to the next one cross pattern all the way through until we get the point of resistance so if you're not hearing that click that means your plate is not up against it so now I need to push my plate which is right here up against this p portion woo all right so uh that was quite difficult and the main reason it was difficult is because the back plate that the screws screw into it wasn't having pressure with me laying the uh motherboard flat on the flat surface there's a gap on the back in between where plate connects to the board and the bottom as far as where the rest of the full board actually connects to so I had to hang it off the edge of this platform box that I'm working on apply pressure to that back plate and then screw in slowly I got it done hopefully everything is fine now uh something a little less complicated we're going to get into installing this ddr5 Ram from thermal take boom but it's always typically slot two and Slot four I'm going to double check in the uh manual cuz I always do and just as I suspected you're going to go into A2 and A4 now the manual to this motherboard is digital and for anyone who's new to building a PC I know this part it could be a little U nerve reckon because you have to apply pressure to the RAM chips to get them to fall into play oh these flip out on both sides on the last one I built in it did not I really like this motherboard because it's oh yeah there you go no now you want to hear those clicks boom boom then we're going to push and apply pressure two clicks you're good to go now I want to make sure there isn't any protective film or tape on these portions sometimes there is uh does not seem to be okay so now we have our motherboard in a completed state with RAM chips CPU and m.2 storage so now now it's time to apply this motherboard into our case all right so you get your standard screws and cable ties I prefer when the case comes with separated and labeled screws because it makes the process a lot easier to find the exact screws that you need especially if you got to look in the manual and figure out which screw is which if the packaging is labeled it's that much easier and then even further more than having individually packaged you know screws which obviously raises the cost I understand there's something else that I prefer all right when they include a casing like this something like this goes a long way as you guys can see this is from my very first PC build I've held on to it all these years because look how useful this is this takes eatx ATX and others which is why I waited to build this build inside of this case is because it supports the sizing of this case so let's get it onto the standof properly I can see all of my holes see all the area of where I'm going to be screwing now it's time to find out which one of these screws are for the motherboard it's good to have a magnetic base similar to this for placing your screws especially in this situation cuz the amount of screws I have to place on here is ridiculous just to keep from losing them I'm going to pour these out onto here and I'm going to separate these really quick okay so what I did in order to help me was I separated the screws this one comes with eight screws which is the amount of screws you need to put your motherboard to the case so I assume that those are the screws right and I'm just going to double check triple check for sure oh okay and this is why manuals are important as you guys can see for the motherboard they gave you these M3 5 mm and they gave you 32 of them so I was wrong I counted out these 6X 32 6 mm which I've used on my previous one sometimes you use those too for uh motherboard uh installation as well we're going to use these and my Precision screwdriver which I've been waiting to pull out now this is not a necessary but I like this this has a nice design and aesthetic it actually is what came with the magnetic thing if you guys end up going into a lot of PC's or smartphones or things of that sake you might want to get one of these Precision screwdrivers this is from hoto it's really cool because you can magnetize your screw tips I literally do this bam now this tip is magnetized boom magnetize and then that's super convenient and easy when you're going into this type of setup to screw in getting to these tight Corners this is where you need either a long screwdriver that's magnetized or you can get the electric one like I'm using get that swag with it so these are magnetic fans which is super duper dope because they're going to connect to each other without needing all these crazy cables you see this you see how these are are nicely labeled right here that's what I'm talking about labeled things make things go faster these are what you need the LGA 1700 screws so I got those oh this has some adjustment to it you see that that's cool so we have the Intel back plate we have the Intel mounting bracket so we got our fan screws our radiator screws our washers and our thumb screw caps we're going to use that that this is going to get used as well they Supply you with some thermop paste we're going to use aftermarket thermop paste I'll explain that bam gotta love the fact that those fans connect magnetically so I got you guys a better angle as you guys can and will see so we're going to go from the rear side and we're going to plug in this back plate once you have it fitting in all of the holes then you're going to want to put these standoffs in here these right here and you want to hand tighten these so boom now we already have pre-installed 140 mm fans here so we're going to have to remove these fan I just want to test placement and fitment oh no we'll do this so that way we bring the cables below the top of the radiator a lot of people going to be like oh you're Mountain it wrong because you're pump and it's going to get air and so forth if you watch J2 cents video he explains it you know air rises to the highest point which will be this point as long as this motor is below this portion the air is going to go up there so now that we know we're going in there like this we're going to need our fans doing an intake on here our fans will be intaking from this way bringing it in through the front cool air in through the radiator into the casing all right so you guys get to see me attempt to to uh pull this off smoothly without little to no hiccup actually it's not that bad fan connector right here which is going to connect to that should have had that on ahead of time but I was able to make it work okay so the next smartest thing for me to do before getting into putting the cooler on and so forth is putting on these two 140 mm fans at the upper portion this upper part comes off the orientation is going to be like this out all right I'm going to Route the cables first really quick bam all right now let's try and uh connect and daisy chain these a little bit I got a confession to make sometimes you get up you get in the building I was trying to reuse the case fans that were already you know included which require cables and I absolutely in doing that which is the more reasonable way if you didn't buy any other fans that's what you would do you would do what I'm was showing you with the cable management until I realized I have magnetic fans from thermotank magnetic 140 mm fans that is the new ones which is the reason magnetic fans exist so I don't have to go through the stress and pain that I'm going through right here right now with these not being magnetic and uh different daisy chaining points which I'm trying to Route those to get a cleaner setup BR I would have did all that got to the end of the build looked at this box and been like oh my gosh so this has the fans plus alternate blades so that way like let's just say if I put it at the bottom like I might actually put some on the bottom cuz there is room for a fan on the bottom which I will be doing and I'll be able to show you guys how you can swap these and still get intake versus it being outtake without having to have the rear or the ugly side of it uh show if you know what I'm saying you don't have to flip the fan backwards in order to get intake right now it's set up these blades equal air going through that way and then you got the back but if you put this blade here it will equal air going this way let's think about the wiring connection that's going to go out which is basically going to be this you also get the daisy chaining capabilities as well and and what we're going to do is we're going to Route this through that exact same channel in this upper portion of the case and our slack of cable let's pull that all through right and then you can take this and make sure that it goes onto the fan properly boom does it connect the opposite way it does not it only connects the right way and that's good news for those who make mistakes and uh can be rushing that's for the impatient builders that is so clean so little cables thank you manufacturers for magnetic fans these are for sure the go-to all right this is the next step which will be the final step for the aiio cooler getting it on to the CPU I'm going tell y'all what it's a lot less cables so far because we had so many magnetic fan ecosystems with the aor ones for the radiator like this is creating a very clean build com from the magnetic fans they need to connect to the AIO so right here you have your AR argb connection Point complete and then we have our fan connection point and it's full four pin which is actually pretty cool boom and I'm pretty sure that all passes through to the cables that come out at the cooler end okay so for the thermop paste we're going to be doing nth1 now it's time to apply this now we got to put on our plate woo I had to figure out that orientation okay we got our setup power and then so this is going to connect to a USB 2.0 on the board now your aiio is fully installed ran our cables for now so now I want to put in that had 140 fan on the bottom really quick I'm going to replace the fan blade on here going from the natural way to the opposite all right got that off you guys can see the old ones are shaped that way The Replacements are shaped in the opposite so we're just going to drop this in click it and now it is the reverse blade and it's labeled as well connectivity it only goes on one way and now we're going to screw this in all right a cool thing is I have something for this front plate which is an LCD kit thermote LCD panel kit and I'm only bringing this up because I'm going to have to remove this panel in order to see and have easier access to me putting and installing this plate from the direction that I'm going so we're going to remove this dust filter right here I will remove these two screws move this panel out of the way and then now I have access to this fan to be able to grab it and line it up as I need it line up all right we'll go ahead and unbox our LCD panel kit the actual panel right here which just goes right onto there which is going to be super fire super dope this is a very simple replacement install you got your micro USB that you're going to plug the other cable into actually I should just do that right I should go ahead and feed it so so I'm going run this cable through here I'mma plug it in and we're going to have to Cable manage this around our fan since we have a fan down there now oh yeah put that in right there close it down you know the beauty about this build so far is there aren't a ton of cables I am loving that about it that the cable management is very very much managed and another plus about this case is it's compatible with the new MSI Asus motherboards that have the rear um connectors so they're like no cables on the front that's the new direction that motherboards are going and I'm all for it because you know when you have to bend those uh power cables to connect to the front having those on the rear just makes the most sense and will allow for a far cleaner looking PC build and setup lot less Cable Management in the front allowing for all of the cable management to happen on the rear so I love that and this case supports that so that's another plus to this Thermo take series 330 let's continue to build oh boy the world of building PCS is just always is something right there's always something you always get to a point then you realize oh my goodness so what I just realized is that this fan right here this one I think it's just a case fan I don't think it has RGB goodness and uh yeah so with that being said when you building an an RGB build and you have extra fans to spare there is no way that you're going to allow a non-rgb to be in the get up so I'm going to have to take one of those front 140 mm RGB fans and place it here at the rear it's not that big of a deal I'm glad I caught it when I caught it all right that was a super easy fix and I'm glad that it was easy thankfully time is on our side so far with this build this build is is turning out really nice and really well at this point I'm about ready to connect [Music] power the best thing about having a 1200 wat power supply is head room when choosing power supply obviously you don't want a ton of unused but also you want head room too and you don't want to go too low so those all of the things to consider cable bag really nice allwhite power supply all right so as I get ready to install this PSU and do these cables um I got to go to YouTube cuz you know you guys you you know everything obviously so when it comes to your PSU unit do you aim your fan upwards taking in air from the case exhausting out or do you aim it downward taking in air from outside the case and exhausting it out which way are you setting up your fan in this build what I want to do I typically have always aimed it down now I know if you have carpet or if your case is not going to be you know lifted up the case doesn't have like a a raise within it then that's not ideal in this situation I'm not placing this case on the floor on the ground I'm not placing it near carpet I think I'm going to try this way you guys can comment down below cuz you know everything of course you guys are like PC expert Builders and you're going to tell me I'm doing it wrong probably or whatever you're going to say here's my reasoning right it's all about airf flow and this is a airf flow case so regardless I'm bringing I got three intake fans in the front going through the radiator right I have one more intake fan from the bottom coming up so those four are connecting together and coming through right I have an exhaust fan on the rear pulling air that way but I also have two exhaust fans up top so essentially that air should be going and hitting like this right boom now that's four fans in three fans out now it is 3 120s and 140 right I only have 3 140s going out if I just stick to this method but if I flip the PSU the way that I want to I now add a fourth fan comment down below and let me know if I'm wrong you know because the internet loves to debate on which is the right way typically I do it uh fan down but this time on this PSU with the weight that is set up because it has exhaust on the side which this case allows for the exhaust on the side from the PSU to come out and it has exhaust on the rear so I'm thinking it's going to be a positive thing I think it's going to work out in a good way so that's the route that I'm going to go and now I'm going to get all of the power cables that I need I'm not doing any hard drives currently external hard drives on this build it's all m.2 which is cool we have that 600 watt cable this power supply is pcie 5.0 ready all right let's wire this bad boy up man this is the least amount of cable build I think I've ever done this is going to be beautiful I guess there are some front panels out there that have larger connectors now because this front panel connection point is huge boom HD audio goes in the same old typical spot on the motherboard as usual which is over here far left right here boom all right let's do our USB plugins now here flipping it out I'mma come in on the upper part right here for this one I feel like this one is just like whichever way right two of these USB joints let's see and then here comes the second one you basically just look for the missing pen and you put the blocked off part where the missing pin is and that's how you do it and do do it right put this un loose for when we put our graphics card in there all right let's get power the power cables that need to be rooted up through and around here right bring this in Bend this bad boy got to get this bad boy the bend of his life and it's better to have done these before you put in fans in the future I think I'm going to start doing that I might start routing these a little bit earlier boom and now I'm going to do number two again give this the bend of his life actually wasn't that bad getting good at this I'm getting better I will go ahead however and plug in this bad boy give this a nice good bend so we have our fan plug our one fan plug and then our one AR argb fan so we got the three 140 m all upon just two cables as you guys can see this first one which is our 3 140 mm and I'm going to plug it in right there at the first AR argb connector and then I'm going to take this bottom one which has a daisy chain point on it so if I add another uh RGB fan I'm able to connect it to this connection Point as well due to all of the daisy chaining opportunities that are available with these so boom now I have two system fan cables that I got to handle your shot would be dope if I did POV strictly it's going to be fire and honestly with all of this stuff now having power and connectivity to it we can do our graphics card I'm going to get this uh Sata cable plugged in right now really quick all right so 24 pin ATX goes right here are two CPU joints so these are both going to go in like this oh there we go all right boom boom peripherals this can go here this is for that one SATA power and honestly after doing that I just got to plug in my 600 all right everything is clicked in nice and sturdy we can reseat our power supply this table management situation is so nice it's going to be so easy and so ideal to manage so now literally all I have to do is my graphics card which I'm super amped about yes ladies and gentlemen we have a 4080 super going into this build I just put a 4080 Fe in my last build and that thing is performing top tier alongside the I74 700k that combo is solid oh this comes with a support hook up essentially how this would work is you would use standoffs and instead of the motherboard screws is going directly in you'll screw in the standoff and then screw your motherboard screw in here and this will lock on to two screws of the you know casing and then you would screw the support that's at the end of the graphics card into here make sure you're using the correct and proper standoff for the sizing of what your motherboard is screwing into now we also got to check the length let's see oh it's going to fit it's going to clear the front radiator so that's a super duper W but here is the 480 super it's actually quite slim and it's not massive and overtaking it's long pause but it's not crazy I've seen some super thick crazy graphics cards actually the aor graphics card that I've used in the past I can think I got like a 3080 Master is massive hooks in Bow we going to take a thumb screw with the washer and that is what we are going to attach to the support this part goes under and behind the support bracket right here so before we do that we need to remove get that out of my way okay let's let's see let's see if we can make this work yes we can now that we've gotten that out of the way there it is the support screw real quick with my Precision there we go okay we're in there all right start that with the thumb first that's the smartest way to go about it and then we can cover it where do we plug in power for this graphics card bro oh I see it okay it's over here we'll this cable up and around I think I heard the click you want to make sure that this is all the way in yeah why do I like building PCS again somebody remind me let's get this thing all sealed up and closed up and lit up let's turn on the lights baby fifth attempt at getting this to close oh bro that whole time I think it was me and not the case okay hold on oh my goodness that was definitely wait there we go that was definitely user error let's put the top and then after we get power we'll hook up a monitor and see if we get Windows all right power oh it just booted straight up when I turned on the power supply well I do see some RGB I don't see all RGB ah the front of the case looks fire actually look at this this looks good you know our nice contrast case I haven't peeled off the plastic yet we saved that for oh we got all RGB RGB RGB oh we we we we looking good my number one question when it comes to the Wi-Fi antenna is it magnetic oh it is so this is a beautiful positive sign we got power and we got lights got our 1440p 32 in LG Ultra gear monitor ready to crank out FPS goodness okay so I'm trying my hardest not to use the same peripherals from the last build but inevitably I can't find my all black Logitech gpro mouse which is what I was going to use with this that brings me to this keyboard nice thick quality cable though I'll give it to him I can feel the quality in this cable boom all right let's see do we have life so something should be happening there we go it's alive bios has been reset please reconfigure your bios setup items if needed okay boom we have life i 94900 k 32 gigabytes of RAM being read properly we got both the Samsung 990 Pro for a terab and then we we got that mvme 5.0 you know that uh crucial right there so aiio pump is on uh we're going to have to flip that inside software if it allows me to this glass is a little dirty oh that's on the inside too oh we got to clean that off all right so I want to uh give you guys a little heads up on a couple things like firmware wise or bios wise when setting up especially if you use this motherboard in specific now when I started to do my Windows installation this is common that happens with a lot of different motherboards uh it got to the internet portion and nothing was up there it couldn't detect my Wi-Fi or the uh ethernet port that I had plugged in so what did I have to do I have to get the landan driver from the aor website online super easy put it on thumb drive uh it's an executable file and then when you go into windows and you're waiting you're going to hit shift F10 which will bring up the command prompt and the command you're going to type in is explore and after typing explore and hitting enter file explor is going to pop up you're literally going to go to your thumb drive click on the executable file and then you're going to do the install it's as if you were running Windows already so I'm going to show you guys an example of that because I got heads up from my contact at gigabyte a or it's about the uh water pump that it needs a firmware update all right I got that plugged in right so right here you guys are going to see me I'm going to type in Explorer I'm going to hit enter and you guys can see file explor opens up so I downloaded this Windows 11 64bit ran it and then now you guys can see it has detected my internet connection so everything's going to run now I want to see if I can run this really quick let me see if this will actually run looks like it might run and it might actually do a firmware update to this aiio so that it doesn't freak out during the update of FW process do not power off or unplug the USB cable takes about 4 minutes as they're telling me I'm going to hit okay and just in case if you were wondering if the update is actually happening I looked over here and I saw this so it is working it is doing its thing this is the reason why he told me to do that as you guys can see it's just the middle one uh spinning all right so that screen just went black and now it's back and all fans are spinning now okay so I learned something and you guys learned something hopefully let's continue to set up my timer just went off for 4 minutes it actually literally took 4 minutes okay so I just wanted to share this with you right the gigabyte control center is super dope because it has all your updates that you need to get you know once you you know install and set up something like this now again this is a brand new motherboard I don't even know if this is out available for purchase it probably is but look at all these updates and it gathered and grabbed all of the updates for me and told me which ones would need a restart required right now we're doing all the ones that do not require restart and then the one for the motherboard which does require a uh restart that frameware we're going to update that last I'm excited to see this PC all together I can't wait to get my fans the color that is going to be and we're going to build the theme of snow panda baby you know I probably got to add a little blue in there because we got the blue Aviator cable key Chrome I think this is Q3 Max keyboard and for now the Logitech GR proo in white I wanted the black one uh I have a black one I just can't find it so the second I find that I'll swap that out all right so real quick I'm going to fill you guys in on something that going to do I know I like to say that yo I don't go back in after I'm done there's a few couple things I have to go back in for number one is because it's just visually it's all about Aesthetics has nothing to do with functionality everything's functioning I'm doing all of the uh gigabyte control center updates right now and it's basically the fact that that USB cable that I rerouted I didn't realize when I rerouted I went over the you know like the ATX cable for power right there I don't like that so I'mma tuck that under it's going to look cleaner and then another thing these two fans match but this one is a different style fan this is a older fan or the case fan I'm going to move this case fan to the bottom and then I have my other magnetic fan which matches these under so why hide that that's the newer nicer more aesthetically appeasing and matching fan so I'm just going to swap those two okay it's time to fix those aesthetic things I wanted to change all right let me take off the back plate now when it comes to the build and Aesthetics Aesthetics always change it and I did so got this one out newer RGB okay so this PC motherboard has Wi-Fi 7 wireless connectivity I just did a speed test now let me share some results with you guys up close personal I want you guys to see this this is Wi-Fi you guys I'm going to show you and prove to you that is Wi-Fi in just a second oh my goodness look at that up so as you guys can see download upload WiFi oh 480 super is crazy though C you know what I'm saying like no cap broken that D floating [Music] in [Music] oh man there go my book okay there goes my you know you got to keep the manuals and stuff and uh yeah I'm not one of those people who act like I don't need or use manuals I use manuals and I take time I double check I triple check that's why when I turn on my PCS guess what I don't have to reopen them I turn them on I load in Windows and I go
Channel: CJKnowsTECH
Views: 3,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc build, how to build a pc, gaming pc build, how to build a gaming pc, gaming pc, pc build guide, all white pc build, rtx 4080 super, i9 14900k, pc building, pc gaming, gaming pc build guide, gaming setup, thermaltake ceres 330, thermaltake ceres 330 tg argb, aorus master x, z790 aorus master x, aorus z790 master x build, gigabyte rtx 4080 super, nvidia rtx 4080 super
Id: H9al_L35ayo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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