Step by Step "Ask God for what you want "

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[Music] hi welcome back to step-by-step hosted by yours truly Frederick Smith well I've been going for a while Dylan went back in neck issues but I thank God for the opportunity to be able to sit down and do another little episode of step by step today I wanted to talk I have been meeting with a friend of mine we had met for lunch a couple of friends a couple of weeks ago and we had a discussion about asking God for what you want and that's been on my heart ever since and I wanted to reach out and encourage somebody today I wanted to reach out and touch somebody that might be in that place let me just say it this way God is not angry at us he's not you know some of us feel as though when we go when we going through something or we've made a mistake in our lives we feel as though that somehow God is angry with us you know we get caught up in the condemnation I've did it so many times while I sit around well God's probably mad at me you know he don't want to hear from me you know I'm not worthy of his love and that's not true God loves us beyond all of that God loves us that's why he sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross He gave His only begotten Son because he knew we was gonna be a imperfect people so he sent a perfect God he sent Jesus down here to die on the cross for us so that you know God is faithful and just to forgive us because of Jesus and the blood that He shed I want you to know that God wants a relationship with each and every last one of us all he's doing is just waiting on us to reach out to him through prayer don't be afraid to talk to God ask God for what you want ask him God would love to give you he has so much stuff that he has in store and stored up for you he's just waiting for you to ask for it and ask for it in faith you know so many of us who get caught up in some stuff and will feel as though because we have to deal with the repercussions of it that somehow God is punishing us and that's not true if we repent if we go to God sincerely and repent of what we've done wrong God is faithful and just to forgive us that doesn't mean that you won't have to deal with the repercussions of it I mean if you go out and have an accident and tear up some out of car and you know using the wrong or you read or something you have no business and you ask God to forgive you yeah he'll forgive you but that doesn't mean that you don't have to deal with the situation of wrecking the car you still have to deal with it that's just the part of being here on the earth you know this the earthly repercussions you still have to deal with it if you go break the law and you ask God to forgive you he will but you still gonna have to show up for court you still gonna have to answer for what happened you still have to explain or try to defend yourself or whatever the case may be but God loves you he does and that doesn't mean that when we pray and ask God for something that it's going to come in this perfectly wrapped box with a perfect bow on it see sometimes it'll come in a strange way a lot of times when with God sins our blessings sometimes a test be attached to it get you a quick example and then I'm gonna leave it alone just imagine I'm gonna make up these characters now so I don't want to pick on nobody I use myself if I had a best friend well if I had a friend a friend of me friend of me I think that's what they call a friend / enemy you know sometimes you can have a buddy but you really you all really don't get it alone you're kind of jealous of one another you kind of you know always trying to one-up one another and just imagine if I had a car that was about to be repossessed and I'm praying to God God please I know my cheque is not gonna be enough to pay this bill to keep my car and these people told me if I don't pay them by Friday they're gonna take my car away and lord I need my car I need my car follow if you I need it for my family my children father please don't let these people take my car send somebody in my way that I can get the money from father God to keep my car I need my car and just so happened after you finished praying the your frenemy the guy that you know you really don't set horses with you all hang out with one another but there's a lot of jealousy and envy in the situation that's that person come and ring your doorbell and you open the door that's them and you invite them in and you're laughing and talking but the whole time you're saying in the back of your head Lord I'm not gonna ask him I'm I just can't see myself asking this man for this money I'm not gonna do it I don't believe God sent him by for me to ask it cannot be could've been I don't think God would do that to me so it can't be him it just it just it just can't be him because God wouldn't allow it because this man gonna if he gave me this money he's gonna rub it in my face and gonna make me look bad now mind you we don't know what God has done to this man's heart God had might have been workin on this man two weeks of a fire but before prior for just this situation but out of our own selfish pride we decide to block our own blessings but not being able to humble ourselves to not being able to step out on that faith that God has everything under control because it he because because I didn't think the blessing looked the way it should have looked or the way I want it to look I didn't want it to come from this person I wanted to come from anybody else but this person but God sent my blessing but he sent a test along with it but now here I am they've come and repossessed my car and this is what we do a lot we try to cover up for our own faults we'll say well the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away well you know and one door closed another one would open maybe that just won the car fund maybe it's another car down the road that the law don't bless me with in the whole time we tried we thought hurt over our blessings because of our pride because of being prideful and not wanted to ask well you ask God for a blessing he sent it to you but your pride got in the way and blocked it listen let me say this to you open yourself up sometimes in life you're gonna have to swallow some things see when you pray to God when you get up off your knees praying a lot of times we walk away with forget all about our prayers in time but God never forgets as we going through life God is remembering those prayers when we speak things out of our mouth when we say God use me any kind of way you want to use me I don't care Lord I'm here for you God remembers that you probably forgot it but God doesn't and you best believe our faith not tested is a faith not trusted that which you speak shall be tested so just remember when you go through hard times to reach out to God sincerely and ask him father take care of me and open up my eyes that I might be able to see this clearly give me the humble heart to be able to do as you please because you're gonna need it we're all needed but God loves us all don't be afraid to ask God for what you want I don't care who you are whether you're the biggest st. that's out there or you the biggest sinner be willing to humble yourself and ask God for what you want don't be afraid when I was younger when I was running the streets and things those weren't the hardest things for me to do was to pray I don't know why but I just had the toughest time of praying and I can see where I went through a period in my life where it was just destruction around me because I just couldn't find my way to pray I was that God's fault no that was mine now he could have used that time to teach me a lot of lessons which he did but let me just say this we need to teach our children to pray men Saturday mornings when everybody's sitting around the house doing nothing just get up cut the televisions off or put them on mute for a couple of minutes and grab everybody in the house hands and just say a quick prayer together as a family before you go to work in the morning reach over and grab your wife by the hand and said baby pray with me and you all prayed together now you might not do it every day you know you you might not group together and do it as a collective group every day but when you start teaching each other and when you start to do that as a family that it help you pray when you alone if you are throwing the job and you're going through something and you something is battling you in your mind you know the stress of frustration in a bring that the Holy Spirit can bring that back to memory and say pray I'm gonna leave it right there but god bless you we love you I want to thank you all for watching and giving us your support but I also would like for you to uh to like my page and subscribe if you will leave some comments if you want to leave some comments on what you might think about this conversation or some testimonies that you might have that might encourage somebody else somebody else might read your comment that you let you left on how God answers your prayer you know and that might uplift them so leave your testimony but we want you to reach out to us and step-by-step q1 at and if you're on Twitter you can read it reach us at at step-by-step q1 reach out to us and you know just let us know how you're doing and a prayer request you might have we're here for you we love you take care of step by step Frederick Smith see you next time [Music]
Channel: Fredrick C Smith
Views: 15,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jsl-nG6i7WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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