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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel it has been a minute since I've uploaded a new video here to be honest with you guys last year was sort of just a weird year for me nothing crazy happen but it was just one of those times where you're really confused as to what God's doing in certain situations but as I found is often true about times like that in our lives whether they be confusing times or just difficult times those are often also the times that we grow the most and that we learn so much about ourselves and about God but I think that often times the sort of realization of those things that we're learning doesn't comment or coming out of those situations because when we're in them it can just be really hard to see and what we do see just doesn't make sense to us but as we start to come out of it that hindsight gives us the understanding to be able to recognize some of the things that we were learning and some of the ways that God was shaping us and so with that being said I have a lot of things that I've been learning that I'm excited to share with you guys and if you are in any sort of situation that is similar to what I just described maybe you're really confused as to what God is doing in some area of your life or you ended up in an outcome that you totally were not expecting or you are just waiting on God in some area of your life the next couple of videos I have in mind to film are all sort of along the lines of those topics and so if you haven't yet make sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss out on any of that and I promise you I will not keep you waiting as long for the next new video as I did this time but that being said let's go ahead and jump into today's video as you can tell from the title today's video is all about asking God for answers and clarity and this is for those times in your life when you just feel desperate for God to bring revelation and desperate for him to give you clarity or to give you answers on a particular situation in your life maybe you are looking for God to tell you how he wants you to proceed in something or you're looking for him to tell you what he thinks about his situation or what he wants to happen in it and you just feel like until I get an answer from God until I get some sort of clarity on this I cannot move forward and we just feel desperate for those answers and so I was in one of those situations several months back and every single morning I was just waking up and praying God show me what you want in this situation show me what you're doing here show me what you want to happen because I'm just so confused and I felt like those answers and that clarity was what I needed to move forward and that I couldn't make certain decisions in my life until I had those answers until I had that clarity from God so it was sort of in this space that I stumbled across a verse in my Bible reading plan in Deuteronomy 29 that totally just blew my mind let me read it - it's Deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 29 the secret things belong to the Lord our God but the things that are revealed to belong to us and to our children for ever that we may do all the words of this law and so here's why that really stood out to me for the past year so I believe I've been using this scribe Bible journal if you want to know more about how I study the Bible I actually did a whole video on that so I'll link it below but one of the things that has you do is write down observations interpretations and one of the things that I've started to do since using it is to pick out certain words and look up the definition of them and so as I read this first one of the words or two of the words I looked up or be long and secret and so belong said to be owned by or to be in the hands of and secret said not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others and so if you kind of read that verse again with those definitions in mind the verse says the secret things the things that are not known or seen are meant to be known the secret things belong to the Lord our God but the revealed things belong to us but when I read that verse with this in mind it honestly just lifted this huge burden off of me because here I was just begging God for clarity begging God for answers and I felt like that's what I needed to be able to move forward and didn't he see that by not giving it to me it was sort of holding me up because I just felt like I had to find some way to make him give me these answers that I was seeking in this clarity that I was seeking because that's truly what I needed but this showed me that those answers I was praying for that clarity I was praying for that those were things that simply had not been revealed to me that they were secret things and because they were secret things and had not yet been revealed that they didn't belong to me but they actually belonged to God I think the reason why this verse really just lifted such a heavy burden for me is that it didn't make me feel like those answers I was seeking didn't matter it didn't make me feel like they were unimportant but rather it just made me realize that they weren't my responsibility it didn't make me feel like those answers weren't significant real things that needed to get worked out in my life it just showed me that they didn't need to get worked out by me that was not a burden I needed to carry but that that burden was being carried it was just being carried by God because that's exactly what that verse is saying it saying that the secret things the things that God has not yet made known to us about his will for our lives that belongs to God and again that word belong says to be owned by or to be in the hands of that God is carrying those things but it doesn't belong to us it belongs to him but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law and so reading this verse really just shifted my perspective because as much as I still wanted clarity and as much as I still wanted answers I had to trust that God was holding those things the other thing I really loved about this verse is that as much as it's sort of saying in one respect you don't need to worry about this this is not your responsibility it does give us a different sponsibility and that different responsibilities that different thing that does belong to us is what God already has revealed to us and that the revealed things of God are what belonged to us those are the things that are in our care that are our responsibility and so really what it's getting at is this idea of God's will that God's will for us there is sort of this secret well that God has this plan for our lives that is being unveiled to us as we're taking different steps but we don't get to see the whole thing at once and I think that it's that secret well of God that often times we're really trying to grasp at that we're saying God what do you want me to do next what do you think about this situation what do you want from me here and we're desperate for those answers those are the the situations that we really want clarity in that we want God's answers in and so for this versus saying that there's a secret well but that there's also this revealed will and the secret will really doesn't belong to us because until God has revealed something to us there's really nothing we can do about it but what God has revealed to us that is what is our responsibility to be obedient to and so what is God's revealed will and gods revealed will is His Word God's Word is full of things that we know are his will for us in a general sense we know from the Bible that God's will for us is to do justice to walk humbly to love mercy we know that his will for us is to think about whatever is true whatever is pure whatever is noble whatever is lovely we know that his will for us is to love him and to love others and there's so much in the Bible that God has already revealed to us that is his will for us and so this verse is telling us that those things that were asking God to bring clarity on that they belong to him and until he's revealed them to us we have to trust him to be working them out but our responsibility in the meantime is to be obedient to the things that we already know he's called us to do and so I read this first I started to change what I was praying for in the morning I was honestly still praying for clarity I was still praying for answers in those particular situations because I don't think it's wrong to be praying for those things but I was also sort of adding a shifted focus to that I was waking up and praying and saying God please bring clarity to this area of my life please show me what you want for it because I'm really confused but God because you in this moment given me that clarity because you have it in this moment we revealed those answers to me help me today instead of focusing so much on those things to simply be obedient to the things that I know you have revealed to me one of the big ones for me that I was really focusing on mainly just because it was really hard for me and not at all coming naturally was 1st Thessalonians 5:17 which says rejoice always pray without ceasing give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you and I think that honestly sometimes when we're in a tough situation when we're really just confused and feeling like we need God to give us answers we need him to give us clarity I think it's really easy to just sort of brush off verses like that because we think yeah like rejoice give thanks but like I really just need to get this figured out and once I get this figured out I'll take care of commands like that but like I really just need to have answers here and honestly that was my tendency I was like I I get that that's like a verse and I think that God commands us to do but I really need to get this stuff figured out and after reading this verse in Deuteronomy it challenged me to be like you know what I don't have that stuff figured out it hasn't been revealed to me yet but what God has revealed to me is his will and in this verse it's telling me that his will for me is to rejoice always not when I have the clarity and the answers I need not when things are going well rejoice always to pray without ceasing and to give thanks in all circumstances not just the circumstances where I feel like I have the answers I need or when things are going well but in all circumstances and so my prayer shifted from one of God just show me what you want in this situation to ok God because you haven't shown me what you want in this situation yet help me to be obedient to what you already have shown me help me to rejoice today help me to pray without ceasing today help me to give thanks today even when that's the last thing I feel like doing there was a quote that I came across as I was sort of thinking about all of this and his sermon I was listening to you by dr. Tony Evans which sidenote I had never really listened to him before but I just came across this stuff and it is so good anyways I came across this quote in one of his and it says this you will never see what God plans in secret unless you're obeying what he's revealed in his word well and so if you are in some situation where you are really just desperate for God to give you answers or clarity in something I know that on some levels this video is probably frustrating if you're like I don't want to just accept that I don't know I want to know I need to know but I hope that it could have at least been eye-opening for you like it was for me that instead of sort of driving yourself crazy and obsessing over trying to figure it out that you can truly just find rest and freedom in recognizing and accepting that it simply hasn't been revealed to you yet and that because it hasn't been revealed to you yet but it's not your responsibility that is not your burden to carry but that it is being carried and that we can trust him and that in the meantime while we wait for him to make those things known to us that our responsibility is to simply obey what he already has revealed to us and so I hope this video is encouraging to you if it was make sure to give it a thumbs up also let me know your thoughts down in the comments or any questions you have about this topic I love to start a conversation with you down there other than that thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you next time baby this thing won't turn off
Channel: Kaci Nicole
Views: 63,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asking God For Answers & Clarity, Seeking Clarity From God, Asking God For Answers, Asking God Why, How Do I Know What God Wants For Me?, Knowing What God Wants For You, Dr. Tony Evans Waiting On God, Scribe Bible Journal, Deuteronomy 29:29, When You Need Clarity From God, Milena Ciciotti, Jordan Lee Dooley, Apply God's Word, Girl Defined, Coffee and Bible Time, Paul and Morgan, Where Does God Want For Me?, Sadie Robertson
Id: odlWnSWEaRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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