Step by Step Aluminum Casting with Sodium Silicate Sand
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: SV Seeker
Views: 1,086,693
Rating: 4.7593408 out of 5
Keywords: Aluminum Casting, Metal Casting, Water Glass, Sodium Silicate
Id: qPnSb3yzytE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The SV Seeker channel is the complete opposite of artisan. He does everything by the seat of his pants.
You should see the string of failures that led to his final castings.
That said, he's one of my favorite YouTubers.
Why am I watching this?
Thank you for this. The absolute magnificence of that dual fuel foundry is a sight to behold. What a fantastic homebrew innovation... They can reach hit temps in excess of iron's eutectic point (~2,190 Β°F) in a reasonable timeframe with a rig like that. Plus, like he says, what a great way to get rid of old motor oil... if you don't care that you are putting it into the atmosphere I guess.
I can't believe I watched the whole thing. The part about the riser providing a reservoir to reduce shrinkage was especially interesting!
SV Seeker is the best channel on youtube. The man is building a 74 foot sailboat in his front yard in Oklahoma! Simply unreal and fantastic.
I did some sculptural casting in college (bronze and iron) and this really brought me back. I was a shit sculptor but I loved the casting process and was the go to guy for pouring. Thanks for the post!
Not a fan of this guy. He's always been far too casual about basic safety practices.