How to Mold and Cast a Lightsaber!
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 25,043,433
Rating: 4.5826626 out of 5
Keywords: testedcom, tested, how to, mold, cast, two part mold, star wars, lightsaber, resin, resin casting, frank ippolito, mold casting, mold casting process, silicone mold making, for resin, mold making tutorial, lightsaber (fictional object), rubber mold, special effects, molding (process), prop making, mold making, how to make a mold, how to make a two part mold, frank ippolito mold making, resin casting mold, resin casting for beginners, mold casting resin, two part mold making
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 12 2014
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You're all thinking it.....
The way he poured the blue stuff
I like Frank.
cmon! forget the clay, suspend the lightsaber using fishing wire carefully, then do the bottom half, then do the top half. you can still add registration. No messy clay
did these guys ever finish the arcade? i kept waiting for part 7...
When he was talking about how they didn't know how much resin to pour into the mold, couldn't they have just submerged the original light sabre in some water and used the displacement method to figure out the volume?
God that Asian kid is so annoying.
"Silicone," if you please. Silicon is a metal.
Very cool! I've got to give this a try sometime.