Stellaris Ship Class Guide with @A_Spec

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ship classes in Solaris come in all flavors and sizes from the small but Punchy Corvette to the slow Powerhouse of the battleship from the flexible Cruiser to the super Niche Juggernaut there is something here for everyone my name is a spec and today I've partnered with Paradox interactive to tell you all about the different ship types in their general purpose in the game if you're new this may be a perfect time to learn how to use a battleship or one of those elusive frigates now let's kick things off here with the absolutely venerable Corvette this is the very first ship you start with at the start of the game even though it's small it has the general ability to adapt to nearly any situation making this one of the ship types that you can take with you the whole game it's fast it is the highest evasion of any ship and is great at suppressing Pirates throughout your entire session early game it's the Mainstay of your Fleet and you'll likely have hundreds of them Over time however they'll slowly start to be relegated to being more of a distraction to your enemy something to shoot at so your big guns do not get targeted its single utility slot is best served with an afterburn to crank up the evasion even more as speed evasion and low cost are the name of the game for cavettes so make sure you try to leverage that stick with the Interceptor version unless of course you encounter missiles early game frigates are an offshoot of the Corvette it's slightly tankier with double the hull points and an additional low slot for an additional Shield or armor piece however it is significantly slower and more importantly unlike its sibling has terrible terrible evasion so what is this thing good for well the frigate is a torpedo bomber that uses its guided missiles to throw Devastation at larger enemies frigates are some of the most difficult ship types in the game to use as they are usually Sitting Ducks if they cannot engage they're slow they can't Dodge and will likely die on mass however the amount of damage they can do is absolutely exceptional they are great Battleship Busters especially if you can put a cloak on them their single utility slot is best to reserve for an afterburner as you want to get them to their positions quickly and effectively you can crank these ships out for very very cheap very quickly in the later game so leverage that versus Empires with tons of Cruisers and battleships which takes me to destroyers they are the first multi-role ship in the game they can be set up like small artillery platforms with their single L slot or become a Corvette Buster with a gunship design using nothing but Auto cannons or maybe becoming a dedicated anti-missile picket design to screen larger ships destroyers outclass Corvettes in nearly every category except evasion and speed more Firepower better flexibility larger weapons and with the inceptor module enabled two utility slots that can be used to add more afterburners its base price is twice as expensive as a Corvette and it'll take twice as long to build but in general should outclass a Corvette in a one-on-one fight unless of course it's picket that thing won't do much damage versus anything unless it's missiles so where do you put this thing will you brawl it versus Corvettes that are after your capitals or maybe use them as cheap frigate burners the double utility slot means you can chase down anything or in any Fleet or be just a nuisance Behind Enemy Lines without too much trouble also it's nice to have a few cheap pickets with your Cruisers and battleships so they can focus on more important things which takes me to the ultimate jack of all trades the cruiser there was a point in the game's history that Cruisers would outclass every single other ship thankfully that was a long time ago however that doesn't mean that Cruisers cannot be extremely useful this is the first type of ship that can field strikecraft something that if you unlock the cruiser early enough with cannot really be countered so an early Hangar design is pretty nice on the other hand you can fit this thing out like a larger frigate except instead of one guided missile you can put three things on this which in combination with these three utility slots means that you can get to enemy ships really really quickly when you first unlock it it'll Crush destroyers in one once if other Cruisers are part of the game start using missiles just fill this thing up with missiles the more the merrier Make It Rain especially versus other large ships speaking of large ships the battleship is the king of space no questions asked sure it's fairly slow but that's really where all the negative ends it can lay waste to enemy fleets at nearly any range especially if you have Excel weapons you did research those right if not get on that right away because battleships are all about long range engagements the ability to strike the enemy with overwhelming Firepower before they even get within range the spinal cannons facilitate this and you want to have as many of them as possible they are however pretty weak versus frigates as well as evasion Corvettes so make sure that you have enough support Cruisers and a swarm of Corvettes of your own also the spinal Cannon can only really be shot forward so make sure that you have tons and tons of distance between you and your enemy you could leverage your three utility slots and fill them with afterburners but you're probably better off using the auxiliary targeting computers instead just to make sure that you always hit your targets the Titan is objectively the strongest ship in the game except it really isn't you sure you can say that it's insanely powerful Perdition being can be used to wipe out enemy ships in a single shot but that's not really why it's here Titans are super heavy artillery platforms that can deploy auras to improve the performance of your Fleet or reduce the enemy's ability to functions properly want to improve tracking on all of your ships you can do that you want better Invasion yeah you can do that too essentially the Titan is a flying auxiliary slot for everything in your Fleet and should be a handle as such areas don't stack so if you're going to have multiple Titans in your Fleet make sure they all have different Aura designs then there's the Colossus does naughty things to planets should probably not be left without an escort it's pretty much all we can say about that and the final ship that we're going to be talking about today is the Juggernaut now the job Argonaut is the ultimate command ship and on paper this thing is insanely powerful however like the Titan this is a support ship with massive auras however even with those auras it really should not be engaging the enemy at all this is a behind the Line's mobile Shipyard that supports Fleet by building new ships its primary mission is to stay out of trouble jump forward yes I said jump because it's way too slow with its normal engines and should thus avoid conflict unless it's in a Siege the rfx that it can field are no slouch a weapon range modifier of 40 a strikecraft Firepower modifier of 20 a 30 percent orbital bombardment bonus this thing is powerful but if not handed well then it's a giant white elephant because it'll die quickly if it's not covered and that wraps things up for ships as well as their General roles within Stellaris I hope you learned something new today and that you were ready to apply it to your next game my name has been acevec and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Stellaris
Views: 24,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, paradox interactive, official, pds, grand strategy, sci-fi, scifi, strategy, 4x, 4x game, space, space game, gaming, pc gaming, pc game, tutorial, guide, how-to, how to, ships, spaceship, A_Spec, paradox official, pdx
Id: O95VS4Ey2CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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