Steiny on Hasbulla in America, Ending The Beef with Steve & 6ix9ine Getting Jumped

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[Music] foreign [Music] things are looking up for me that's what my tarot said been pumping out pheromones and wearing red young Jerry Lottery King but they're not aware of the forty dollars to show money that's what they stole from me blow it all bowling guess I'm real funny go find me a snow bunny ask if this cold world are you good yes did you take like a [ __ ] attitude you don't ever take that [ __ ] okay you were tweaking the other day anyways um this is a this is actually the it's gonna be the biggest part for you you think so yeah do you know why I mean this is my fifth Rock experience dude I've done this five times you did like a group one with some girls you did one way on and then you did I think you did another one so it's like yeah it's your fourth not okay what about the blue face and Christian the Christian Rockwell we didn't really set up it's coming out though oh that's gonna happen you got to put that out soon man I will um so anyways let's get into it man how does it feel being the uh the full senpod host how does it feel like are you different now nah like actually what's changed the biggest thing that's changed is just my time is different now your time I have a lot a lot more free time than I used to what do you do with your free time I mean not a lot bro go to the gym sometimes go out hang out do you want to know what I saw you do with your free time uh today yeah sure okay um so I don't know what happened last night I don't know what you did did you go out no okay you didn't go outside confirm yeah he's up on the couch we were at Steve's spot which we'll get into in a little bit we didn't go out you slept until about like I don't know two o'clock no today 11 bro sorry yesterday yesterday too okay and then you're just on your phone and then you didn't come to the gym I did go to the gym yesterday okay well okay so we're talking about yesterday yeah we're talking about yesterday I was a lazy piece yeah so it's like you do the Pod and then like just 90 of the time this is the one day out of the week it's the rest of the time you're just doing nothing no I mean I I travel a lot too bro I'm always on the road I spent probably like 10 days a month in at our house in Cali yeah so I'm on the road a lot but um yeah I'm just gonna start something soon where I it takes a lot more time for me what is that what are you starting uh might you be doing a channel something like that what channel yeah like a YouTube channel yeah I don't want to release too much X I haven't figured it out but okay we're talking about it now so me doing something what else has changed in your life like actually like in your personal life has like you have a lot less friends yeah why just that's the what I miss the most about doing [ __ ] on the other side is you actually have a lot more friends do you enjoy the other side of content yeah like that when you're more doing it behind the scenes but like when you're more behind the scenes or more just not as much of a main person you just hang out it's just different but what's this you can trust people you think but because you're in front that people want things from you like that and like it just when you know for for a fact you can tell who your friends are when you're on the other side because nobody wants anything from you and no one people are just more genuine because now even it's like people that didn't used to [ __ ] me back when I would roll with Steve and like didn't respect me because I wasn't whatever you weren't on front of the camera sure or I was but it wasn't a lot but those people didn't [ __ ] with me like six months ago and now they do and you just realize like it's just funny to see it because then you just realize like how fake people are and it's just funny to me bro I laugh at it yeah like someone that would wouldn't even acknowledge me or come up and dab me up and kiss my ass now and [ __ ] it's funny bro it's actually funny because it shows you how stupid and [ __ ] up this industry is yeah dude is that too far to say no it's accurate man it's a real observation and don't get me wrong I enjoy it and I love it and uh for me it's more I care I care about the content because I like quality content yeah like people we don't have fast anything we do didn't with Steve don't with milk even the podcast we put everything into it so I like I look at it as more of like an art and like even when we did sebum yesterday yeah like you already know I had a plan of that I wanted to do there and like there's a reason like you and sebum next to each other and we play that angle because it's fun and it's funny like that's why we did sibo yeah because with you on there it makes it really [ __ ] funny yeah I know and he's a great guy and he's a he's crushing it but with you on there it makes that much better it's also I don't really like that you're sitting like with your legs oh I'm sorry hitting on your hip like you think something's gonna happen I don't know what you need I'm sorry I'm sorry I know it's not some game stuff over here but I have to address the fact that this is like this is like a last minute mission for this podcast this is crazy bro yeah we this is like a crazy podcast this is obviously not a normal setup have you seen Scarface yes when Tony Montana is just starting and he goes up into that room and they [ __ ] handcuff his boy to the bathroom that's what I feel like it's gonna happen in 10 minutes yeah well see I'm not sitting this way for no reason so I'm ready I'm prepared no but okay let's go back to the the thing you said about it changing it being different how's that because you realize that people are like that and you notice that and you see that now because of the position that you're in and how it shifted does that change the way that you move with certain people like does that affect how you move forward now yeah for sure bro well I mean I've had the same crew since I got into this but like you see people who who have gotten treated pretty well that switch up that like it's just it's just crazy dude it's just you realize at the end of the day like everyone's in there for themselves yeah when it doesn't have to it doesn't necessarily have to be like that yeah but that's just how it is yeah it's a scarcity mindset I mean I think I think because the type of industry and how everything's so fleeting like how it's like every piece of content every week has to get like somewhat somewhat better get more views or like get something more to grow that everyone has this sense of like I need to get as much as possible for myself because also at the same time they're so it's such a saturated place and becoming even more saturated that I think everyone just feels this need that they have to like claw to get as much as they can for themselves but I think it's interesting because if you notice the people when when Mo people have most success is when they work as a team 100 but you notice how like even when teams start to work together they sometimes like people will break off and start to do things because of you know maybe the whole dysfunctionality of it but it's because I think to have true success in the long run it's like how can you figure out ways to work together and not work like in these like little Splinter cells and break off and do this and break off and do that and really try to work together and you just see it in a lot of times it just doesn't it doesn't seem to pan out that way because people are just I don't want to call it greed but maybe it's the the scarcity mindset they're afraid of like losing all this so like I gotta do and get as much and well there's a lot of pressure yeah once you get into it and you're like you you took a while to or not a while but you've been doing this for a long time long time but you're also like you're big people know who you are yeah and for me I jumped into working on Steve's Channel which when Steve was like he was popping he still is but like his YouTube was going crazy yeah and milk was already crazy so I start out on a channel that's already massive so the pressure is just that much higher because you got to put you know what I mean that makes sense yeah absolutely like it's I think it's cool when you actually start from nothing because there you can I always tell people too like like if people ever ask like what do I gotta do to like take off it's dude you don't have to give a [ __ ] about anything yeah like if you're starting out as like but what I mean by that is if you're starting out and you want to become a Creator like you don't care what anybody thinks bro you'd be crazy you do whatever like you got nothing to lose at that point yeah so that's just something I look at and when you do it at this level you like you just gotta be smart and you can be yourself but it's just you know it's a lot of [ __ ] yeah I mean this whole thing's a lot man it's a lot bro and I didn't realize I think one thing I didn't understand is you think that once you're in front of the camera that you don't like you still have to work your ass off it's honestly almost harder I think because you had a lot of a lot more [ __ ] to deal with all the time yeah you're talking about from like from like comments and stuff like that or not I mean that but also people like and I learned this from Kyle and Steve too is like they really try and perform their best so when we go and do like a film day you only have that one day to film something like when we were doing it with houseboola like you only have one day to really like crush it with him if we're gonna go do something yeah I missed that how's bullet thing man I was busy as [ __ ] how was that how is he like he's fun obviously I met him but how's he how is he here he's a [ __ ] Superstar bro it's [ __ ] crazy he's a legit Superstar I think he he's like a cartoon character come to life yeah that's kind of how he feels yeah he is bro that's why he's so like it's weird because like I can't say a word to him so we would use translator me and him that's how he would communicate but he would like you'd you this sounds weird but I would catch myself just like staring at him because he's so entertaining bro yeah like he's just like you know he's 20 years old he's obviously like got his condition yeah and he's dripped the [ __ ] out no matter what yeah like he's always flexing his [ __ ] and when he walks into a room when we walked into the Lakers game the crowd went crazy yeah it makes sense like crazier for anyone else they put on the Jumbotron there's obviously other celebrities there and it's just nuts yeah it's it's kind of a crazy is it you know like he was [ __ ] [ __ ] with me too like I don't wanna like I don't want to be short on that like he was he was [ __ ] with me like actually shooting spitballs at me like hitting me and [ __ ] but actually we were at dinner and I didn't give a [ __ ] and he was shooting spitballs at me and I turned around and picked up this tomato off my plate and threw it at his head I swear it's it's in the video did you but was it real yes but I was like what the [ __ ] bro like I probably told him to spit spitballs at you though no he just does that [ __ ] you can get away with it but why is she picked up this horse tomato okay Dodge it and then started pointing at me and of course one of his like Russian friends has this like white Gucci hoodie on the chair yeah and I stained his hoodie so then he's telling his boy like I threw it and it was a hole of course I still take the L because then his like scary ass Russian friends like beefy me and I'm like bro I'm so sorry like I didn't know it was there but uh yeah it was entertaining and I I wanted to be the one guy because like no one ever pressed his husband so ideas are kind of like similar yeah no I just thought like maybe I maybe I'd give him one one tough shove in the stomach like knock the wind out of him a little bit [ __ ] you little [ __ ] the thing that's interesting though I feel like some people treat them like like a kid kid though because you just see a clip of Mike Tyson like grabbing him and like that was so funny it was like it said like I don't think Mike Tyson knows he's like a 20 year old I think a lot of people that's what I'm saying maybe he did I don't know do you think most people know that he's that age yeah I think most people I think that kid I think when you're like when we're walking around like Disneyland people like that don't know has Bula might assume oh it's a kid yeah because like he walks around with his hood up yeah so you can't really see his face yeah so people are probably like it's a kid but I think one of the first things that people tell you is like oh isn't Hospital like 20 years old because that's when you're like oh what the [ __ ] I didn't know that yeah you know or so I think people that do know him know his age but people that don't probably shoot me as a kid yeah but he's dude he the thing about him is like when you're around him he just he gives you happiness yeah you're just happy like you're like just holy [ __ ] like hasbull is behind me and like he's [ __ ] why do you think it is because he's just because he's a fictional dude he's a cartoon bro he seems like that he's a cartoon like it's really hard to explain but he's very entertaining and he's funny and it's funny how he's funny but he doesn't he's not like we're not he's not speaking English to us I think it's better that he it's all the man I think it's better that he doesn't because it keeps him a little mysterious and it makes him more like like mischievous almost mischievous and like he can be more of a menace and get away with it and it just adds to his whole character yeah what was the best thing you guys did like what did he enjoy the most Sea World he enjoyed Sea World the most yeah it's just so funny I'm not like okay so we went to Disneyland Disneyland's whatever like I don't like people like I don't know I love Disneyland okay I don't know if this is a Canadian thing but like Kyle and Jimmy both said like yeah I've gone here before with my girlfriend like dude I would never [ __ ] do that I love going Disneyland with your girl yeah like at this age yeah bro is that like a thing hell yeah what why though this is fun man go ride the rides yeah eat some food but do girls like love that I mean I that's you've got to be like in a relationship that's not like a first like five dates you don't do that nah that'd be more like my girl girl okay yeah so I haven't been in a long-term relationship in a while so yeah that's probably why um but yeah so we went to Disneyland Sea World did some stuff in Vegas but uh SeaWorld was the best he had the most fun yeah well just because no because he like the trainers can like like I don't know if they talk to the Dolphins or like they can control them but they showed them him how to give him the signals to make the Dolphins like go to work like do spins like roll over and like like speak yeah and uh he [ __ ] sounds so [ __ ] up he put this dolphin through like some work bro like he couldn't stop because like when he made like this hand motion like this the dolphin would come up and scream and he did it probably 50 times holy [ __ ] they must have gave that thing a lot of fish though no they took care of the dolphin and like they'd have to tell them like Hospital like maybe just relax for a second let the dolphin rest but he like was he loved it so much the reaction he he was just like this is so crazy that I can like control this yeah so what what have you done what have you done um with milk that you enjoy the most so far because since you've been a part of the content and obviously the podcast oh [ __ ] I don't know the podcast is pretty [ __ ] I love the podcast so much I do too I just really love because it's like people that I've always loved going up or I love now and getting the chance to sit and talk with them is [ __ ] surreal every time yeah so I love the podcast for that and then note content wise Israel was really fun Croatia was my favorite trip ever all right guys quick announce from one of our sponsors manscape check this out if you're like me then you are a hairy [ __ ] and you need to shave your body one of the hardest areas to shave is you know the crown jewels okay easily one of the hardest areas for me like historically ever since they sent me manscape sent me this the weed whacker it has changed like literally what shaving is for me because like I was thinking like yo maybe I'm gonna go get laser but I was like is that kind of weird I don't really want to get a laser I'd rather just keep doing this and I would shave and sometimes you know you like Nick yourself and you're just like it's probably one of the most uncomfortable feelings ever plus it's like just it sucks the weed whacker is like actually it just doesn't Nick you like it makes it much easier like much more seamless it's kind of a weird word but I mean when I say it if you guys want help like this this like will help you be way more efficient down there way more clean down there um I do believe I think the ladies like it I mean ladies probably like the hair too but like listen I like to be clean I like to keep it clean this is one of the easiest ways that I've been able to do it so if you guys want to get it you want to get like they have the kids they got the beer trimming kit which I talked about last time which I love obviously to keep the length the way that I want to keep it but the weed whacker for you know the private part down here is also incredible so go to use code raw talk to get 20 off and free shipping go to code raw talk insert code raw talk to get 20 off and free shipping on this product and any of their other products I'm not playing when I tell you this it's like save my my ball sack so give it a shot let's get back into this podcast Croatia was the best well what about Croatia I mean that's the first time we met Andrew Tate yeah and like damn just uh yeah just the way that we did that and that trip was just [ __ ] nuts like I don't really know how to describe it but we just dude you know what else added to it is we decided like three days in advance like yo let's just [ __ ] go and so when you don't have maybe maybe it was two days but when you just decide out of the blue like yo we're gonna go across the world or whatever and you just do it it's spontaneity is fine yeah it all it adds so much like adrenaline and like yo this is gonna be [ __ ] crazy and at that point he was so big and no one had seen him in person yet like no creators had collabed with him right so going to him and doing that it was [ __ ] sick it was huge and then just being in Croatia after that because like we linked with him the first day and then you have four days after so you go there you get the the hard work out of the way and then you can just kind of enjoy your time yeah can you talk about the fact that you you hooked up with a Croatian chick or a girl that was out there in Croatia yeah it's in the video you said it was but you said it was like the best it was what made it better though ah that was just my I haven't been out of the country really I haven't been to Europe I guess yeah besides then so the girls are just way different they're like more fun like I feel like a lot of the girls in America especially in Miami are just [ __ ] like they care so much about [ __ ] your clout your money whatever yeah and her being or being in Croatia like they just like to have a good time yeah and so like I honestly don't even know like if she knew what we did or anything and she was hot like out of 10 or for you what was it like a nine oh I'll show you after this but it was like I was impressed with myself damn yeah it was dope but you're impressed with yourself yeah it's actually big because yeah no and I like I don't think she know who we were what we did so it was like I did that I love you for you dude really [ __ ] with you for you man yeah wow that's huge I know I know so it doesn't happen that often so yeah no yeah because that's why you took off those other braces I can't talk about that no you mean you said bro I'm not even I'm [ __ ] being very genuine right now okay because you're on Raw talk I love it so it's funny though we gotta reference this before we got on this podcast I looked at your wrist and I was like haha you got those two those two phones no well part of me was gonna be like damn I'm back in Miami so I gotta go back to that person but I was just like [ __ ] I'm just gonna be myself on this one yeah I noticed you took him off when I gave you that look that's good it's good but anyways whatever let's talk about Tate a little bit do you think genuinely that he's ever going to get out no yeah it's a crazy thing man I don't think so I think it's like I heard the US is getting involved now though yeah I just I just saw recently the U.S embassy is like is like being like what the [ __ ] going on I just don't agree with I don't think anyone should be locked up if there's no evidence against you like it just doesn't seem fair and have you ever seen those cases where like some guy like was wrongfully committed and had to spend 30 years in jail oh yeah like there was a guy recently who had to do 30 years for murder that he didn't commit and then he gets out 30 years later and it's like you can't make up for someone's time like that no matter how much money you give them you took away 30 years of their life yeah it doesn't matter how much and I get like the court system like nothing's perfect but how do you repay that poor guy who you took away half of his life almost you can't but I don't know what the [ __ ] gonna happen and I know Tate's Tate's he's probably done like what like 120 180 days yeah it was he just got detained and then it was like extended extended extended uh 30 60 yeah like I think it's 90. I mean it's kind of scary if you think about it because there's like I said there's no evidence against him he's [ __ ] locked up there I think there was a bunch of stuff but I think they debunked a bunch of it like with like yo these are the girls that were saying you guys are saying they were locked up but like they're running around like on video running around outside of his thing and they're able to leave in like an Uber or whatever and it's like they're not locked up or whatever so I don't know obviously I don't know all the details but it does seem like if they had stuff to say yo this is definite against you then like why would they just keep extending the detainer because they're trying to find something right so but that's the thing where it's like at what point are you like yo what's happening here and then like so where does it go my question is where do you think it goes it's just going to be like we just made this up or like this motherfucker's dead now because of cancer I don't want to say where I think it'll go but I don't think it'll end well unfortunately yeah because if he gets out man he is probably going to be too powerful he'd be the most popular [ __ ] dude on the planet but they don't that's what they're afraid of too that's why I don't think they want them to get out because he will be powerful man and it'll be scary it'll be really scary prefer for those people on how powerful he'll be yeah I don't know man it's [ __ ] wild so okay Steve stuff Steve stuff Mr Steve will do it you guys you guys are are [ __ ] you guys are buddies again yeah when did it like what did why did it actually fall out I think we we talked again last night but uh things just happen bro like he got so big so fast and I didn't want to have I was doing a lot more than just like an assistant role yeah I know I was there and we just started to disagree on things and like it just it got bad it should have never got bad but it just got bad and uh we just decided I mean you know like he thought he thought I think that in his mind he kind of wanted me to be that guy I was being for for the rest of my life yeah yeah which I probably whatever could have been down with but dude I was doing a lot of work and I was burnt the [ __ ] out I was tired I was dead and uh I don't know I just wanted to try something different and like I think we both made a lot of mistakes we could have handled it we both could handle that better communication for sure it was just a communication thing that's all it was I knew that I wasn't sure what I wanted to do but I knew I did want to do the podcast I didn't want to tell him that because we had such a good Bond and like a friendship but uh it just should have been handled better and he called me probably like a month ago and was just like hey bro like I've been thinking a lot and I realized how much you cared about me and about my videos and I think we should just bury the hatch and become friends again yeah which for me is like was [ __ ] amazing a lot of relief too because like dude he was he's probably the closest friend one of my closest friends I've ever had he spent every day together for two years but like you saw it too like we were more than just working together like we were pretty [ __ ] close yeah like we didn't go anywhere without each other that was both of us but we spent I mean me and James spent like months with you guys I know it was every day leaving the states leaving the or leaving literally traveling every week bro people I was going we would film Monday Tuesday Wednesday for Steve videos Thursday Friday go to Mexico yeah and then Saturday Sunday me and him would go to like a happy death thing so seven out of seven days of the week we were on the road and it was a lot of flying a lot of traveling and it [ __ ] adds up but like I always tell Steve those are probably the best days of my life oh my God like 100 never forget that because everyone was happy everyone was friends and uh I realized in life too and this is something that like I care a lot more about friendships and relationships and I do money and I think that when you have someone that you create a bond with and you guys have the same goal and you work on it together like your friendship just becomes so strong yeah like when we were working together we wanted the same thing you know we wanted to make civil do it YouTube channel and Steve will do it the biggest thing in the world so when you're both working on that and you see success it's like dude it's like the best high you could ever get yeah so now that we're back boys it's it's good and uh I'm just glad we're friends again honestly yeah yeah me too man yeah it's good we just spent the [ __ ] last what two nights with them and he's just [ __ ] funny like even like where me and him are kind of back [ __ ] with you today and like we did uh you got you did get red-faced and got pretty pissed and started screaming at both of us bro you dumb [ __ ] are so I can't even talk about what we were talking about it's like you guys are so [ __ ] I was like you guys are the lamest [ __ ] that I know no but it's like funny too because you'll text me and be like hey I need you to do this but like I it's like you don't give me an option which I respect that well it's not about that's kind of a Jim bro thing I guess or like it's not even about now I think like I'm bigger than you type thing like yo I'm not asking you I'm telling you you need to be here at this time and I don't I like people even ask me I'm like dude I don't have a choice it's not even that man it's just like you knew the circumstances and I made it clear like a hundred times it wasn't like I was like you have to [ __ ] do some [ __ ] you don't want to do you said yeah bro I'll do it I got you it's like so you can't just put that on the internet and be like oh I just [ __ ] Jim bro because it's not true and then [ __ ] see this and they're like Brad's a bullet I'm not a [ __ ] bully dude I literally asked you I asked you you're like yeah dude I got you no problem I got you no problem and the next thing you know you're like playing all these [ __ ] games and then yeah of course I'm like what the [ __ ] are you doing dude because it's fun it's funny you don't laugh at any of those texts no dude I'm going to ultra I said yo we got to get this [ __ ] podcast stop playing games with me [ __ ] you guys are texting I was this close to going to ultra like just for the story just for the story to see how this would have been if you would have went to [ __ ] Ultra I swear to God my scene I don't think I could I don't think that's your scene either like a bunch of chicks dressed up as fairies and like Jacob used to love that [ __ ] yeah Jacob was like a [ __ ] yeah like a like a [ __ ] Music Festival theme dude pop Molly sweating girls on his shoulder taking pictures like on Instagram [ __ ] yeah he was lean and [ __ ] he was like look at me he would like diet and [ __ ] for the [ __ ] defense no you wouldn't this is this is Cap now no it's 100 true you died for the events you're like dude that was like his what I hear more and more about you and it like changes the way I think of you I don't know it just does it matter no no you're good well he had Jim bro he just Jacob just had Gym Bro Tendencies like for different things people actually do that like there's people talking about getting like their body ready for Coachella yeah no I don't even go to that [ __ ] that's just too trendy and like cliche we're going to Coachella oh you are yeah bro Bad Bunny okay I'll go okay come on you got to come okay I'll go no it'll be fun as [ __ ] okay I just [ __ ] on it but I'll go no either way but you're right people like yeah they prepare like like you know why are you taking that [ __ ] too serious that's what I'm saying yeah it's not that serious it's not that [ __ ] serious like straight up and I'll be honest those events now are just pretty much people going and taking photos of themselves like it's just like it's a it's an influencer event yeah have you been to Coachella yet no oh [ __ ] yeah it's fine it's it's not really fun bro you don't seem like a Coachella bro I'm not I don't like none of that bro I don't know what do you do there I just definitely just stand there well I went there once the only time I ever went there was to literally film a video called Bros verse Coachella where me and Dom this other character were pretending like [ __ ] we were coming to Coachella to like [ __ ] off that was the whole I just did it for a bit what does that mean coming to [ __ ] off like we were joking about why people go to Coachella and we were like doing that where it's like yo bro I gotta go take this picture of me type [ __ ] because that's all it is like people go there not even to listen to music they just go to be like I'm here I mean you look back swollen like there's a chick like half naked on your shoulders nah Jacob was dope bro bro I think the one thing that I would do is go to Burning Man no dude that's the worst why because that's like you got all these hippies that's like everyone's just naked and like okay but listen ketamine probably other [ __ ] but they're like it's like fake like hippie like we're all here just doing drugs type [ __ ] and they're like What's it fake because they don't do Ayahuasca and none of them you're funny no they're definitely you shouldn't be out there doing Ayahuasca in the desert why are you competing you're trying to be more beautiful than these people I'm not I'm just saying like it's like I think it started as something that was like really cool and then it just became just a music festival which is just any other music festival like Ultra people just do a bunch of drugs and like stand around a big ass fire dude you you have to come to Coachella okay I will yeah trust me I'm probably not doing anything so come with us okay unless you're doing like a [ __ ] podcast I'll come bro so okay we did we did sebum out here well we got to talk about something because this is for you this is important this is life-changing for you something that happened recently okay meta verified oh [ __ ] because you were scamming people for blue check marks yo that's such cap and I don't wanna dude how are you gonna put that on the internet and scam anybody okay well you were trying our [ __ ] good friend of mine who's like that could help out with that yeah and he did it for a lot of people who he helped out with and then you were deciding no and then I was that chick's got a fat ass 8 000 years this is all made up no I didn't that's not 60 000 for him that's not something I would do I don't get involved in [ __ ] like that but I had a I helped out a few of let's just say I helped out a few of your friends yeah of course because I've never done a few of your friends of course they came for help so uh they come to take all that Advantage helped a few of your friends yeah I think one in particular that I would love to rip that [ __ ] check mark back from well I like to help people out but uh yeah I do too man so stupid bro well okay so now I don't even want to have a blue check yeah so now I think the new thing's gonna be like not being like [ __ ] games about to get verified like and then he's just gonna be talking about it the whole time and it's like dude who [ __ ] cares well it doesn't matter anymore I only you wanna know why I wanted a blue check was so I could DM people to to like network with and link up yeah that's the only reason I don't give a [ __ ] about anything else I get it and it's and it's worked yeah I mean it's dead now though it's just yeah it's stupid it's whatever like but it's like too like who really cares now now it's not even dope to have one well it's just weird because like that was always kind of like the social media Crown where you were like man if I worked hard enough I can get this thing that was like oh I made it and I was just like if you just I mean the same thing with Twitter you can just pay for it and it's like gone like they're removing all the old check marks on Twitter now recently too they talked about how like if you have if you had a legacy verify so everyone has to pay if you want a check mark if you had one if if you're a celebrity it's just gone if you're anything it's gone if you want it you got to pay for it I feel like the med is just going to follow the same thing so it's just it's just a cash I mean it's a cash grab which is like may be kind of cool because there are some sort of like functionalities to it now where it's like you could actually get customer support because you know you could never hit up Instagram be like yo help me out something's on my account so I wonder what the extensiveness of that customer support is because I was reading it because I was going to do it for the raw talk why did they have to do this I don't know man money what do you mean why 14.99 a month imagine you have [ __ ] 20 million people sign up to that 14.99 a month bro they just [ __ ] cashed out they just increased the [ __ ] well today that Twitter's worth Elon Musk said it's worth half of what he paid for it yeah that's true so he lost he's taking a 24 billion dollar loss right now for free speech man that's what he's doing that's what they talk about I mean yeah it's the [ __ ] I mean Elon Musk has done aren't you why don't you give us a story that you've never told before Oh on oh on the internet yeah [ __ ] I thought we were talking about you get scared about that now like you do you're the only guy that still gets scared if you say some [ __ ] because I'll say the most outlandish cap [ __ ] ever like you're lying like on the full sun pod like you're just because it's I like to see where it goes well yeah you can tell when I'm capping bro I know when you're lying yes yeah but they don't know no but that's why it's so funny oh but that's like like so that's the thing that's what frustrates me though because like I made so much content for example with Steve that was like [ __ ] I played into this character and the next you know I'm a [ __ ] drug dealer for the rest of my life yeah it's funny that people actually believe that bro it's insane that's why I'm like that's why I'm always kind of hesitant about telling stuff so you gotta you had a scenario where you got scar dude yeah where you've whatever scarred okay that makes sense people thought I was doing all this crazy [ __ ] because like Steve was making all these dumbass jokes and I was like it was funny because I know it's funny and I'm planning to because it's hilarious but then two years go by and it's like yo wait these comments are not [ __ ] funny you know yeah because they were saying even today when even not today but even like within like recently like people will come up and still make that joke yes bro it's funny because like there will be kids that come up and say Bradley sold me drugs and they think like they're putting out like a fire like yo this is gonna hit when I say to yo yeah as if I haven't heard no Brad told me drugs it's like dude come on bro bro like I haven't heard that 10 000 times I've literally heard that ten thousand times I think yeah well that's over so you're good now yeah I mean I'm not actually a drug dealer man well we know that yeah in real life um I'm trying to think of stories now stories that I just I don't know man I used to be a shitty kid I used to be a really shitty kid yeah and what happened dude I just used to do like just hood rat [ __ ] with my you did not do [ __ ] bro bro you did not do [ __ ] dude I did I did more hood rap [ __ ] than you 100 I I don't know about that man yes I did some real [ __ ] that like if I got caught during the time I would be in juvenile hall for like as long as they could keep me there until they made me 18 Till I was 18 and then put me in [ __ ] came like what I don't even want to say it why because it's like really incriminating [ __ ] like just imagine I'll just say this bat ski mask dude yes no [ __ ] chance yes you're not about that though oh bro you definitely weren't that wasn't just me that's the thing it wasn't just me it was my surroundings and I was just in it like this is something that they're doing I'm doing it too did your parents ever drug test you no for marijuana no I wasn't I wasn't a smoker not at all yeah way too early that's what the [ __ ] I got [ __ ] at one time I was uh I was sitting in front of a library it must have been like [ __ ] 12 years old with a fifth of e and J do you know what that is it's a liquor and I'm drinking this and the cops pull up and they're like what the [ __ ] are you doing what happened you got MIP no so my stepdad was a police officer which always helped me so then they would like they would ask me like Bradley Martin's Above the Law I was not above the law no no no not about the lob I was getting in [ __ ] trouble but they would always give that chance to the stepdad and be like yo do you know about this [ __ ] kid and I was like he'd be like [ __ ] and then how many get out of jail free cards did you get that's a good question man um speeding probably uh twice speeding like speeding really bad like 16 years old speeding like I could have [ __ ] killed myself and a bunch of people type [ __ ] I got out of that like 100 like felony type speeding um I got pulled over twice and I remember the guy told me the first time he was like you know I told him about my stepdad and everything because he was in the same city that he actually worked as a police officer and he's like yo if you do this again like you're not I'm not helping you out this time all right guys this podcast is sponsored by better help I've talked about this before but I'm gonna talk about it again it's forever important if you are struggling with something in your life and you feel like you need someone to speak to that's like an outside you know unbiased person where you know you can be able to go to them and get real sought like Sound Advice it's not going to make you feel like why am I talking to this person you guys got to check out better health better help Scott your back it's really simple um you guys can do it from the comfort of your home you don't have to like show up to a place in person I do that twice a week like I talked about on this pod but if you don't like you know maybe you got too much traffic in your area or maybe you don't have enough time you can do this an hour real simple all the people are licensed all the people are super professional give it a shot I fully fully support therapy in you know talk therapy is an amazing way of therapy and there's obviously tons of other types of therapy but if you guys have been struggling with something don't be shy talk to someone else about it I'm telling you it helps it's helped me many times in the past if you guys want to get 10 off off your first month of better help Go to Raw talk again that's better raw talk for 10 off your first month let's get back into this episode you never got arrested I've got I've got a not actually arrested but I guess like pseudo arrested like I let myself kind of get detained because I want to be like the badass in prison and see if you could be the baddest guy in there no it wasn't even that no no no that's when you were jacked or not no I wasn't jacked it was like a little Hood racket I was you know what I'll tell you a real story it's true story and I I do not condone this I'm not happy that I was doing this at this point I used to steal clothes and sell it from like Nordstrom's and Macy's and [ __ ] so what I would do is because I wore baggy clothes but like you know what was really popping back in the day True Religion jeans yeah of course I used to steal them put them on under and then like you know walk out the store take them off whatever and I would sell them but how I did that was because you know how they have the the yeah there's a little white I don't even want to tell the story because I give people ideas that's why it's so bad okay well then I don't know but you don't have to give all the details is this real or no this is real okay how much did you make off your side business um that's funny dude what how much did you make off your side hustle I can't say exactly but I think over the course of like two years because I stopped this last year when I got caught which is when I was like 17 about turn 18. yeah and I like I knew that if I was 18 doing this like I'm [ __ ] um probably around like ten thousand yeah that's what I was gonna guess yeah yeah so anyway that's a good side business it was a great side business but but it was a problem because like man I uh I literally like I you know those things that take off magnets held normally they're like built into desks yeah I went to a hat store once and they had one that was like a hockey puck and it was like movable I saw because I bought a hat and I got like pinned it off and I was like oh and I saw it like shift and I came back and I took it and that's what I used to go like pop the little tags off all the other ones and I would I don't even want to tell the story because it's bad because like I'm gonna like teach people how game how to go do this [ __ ] okay basically I would show up just admit that you regret it and you should have done that I shouldn't have done it no and but I'm gonna tell you what happened so one day I was at Nordstrom's and I I have like two pairs of jeans on under my pair of jeans that was mine and like I'm walking out and like the two security pull up with like a Jeep because like from what I understand is like you you can't like you don't have to stop I can just be like don't touch me and keep going but I was like so afraid because I was like 17 that I like froze and then they like grabbed they kind of grab me even though like they shouldn't have brought me to the room and were like yo what are you doing like how many times you've done asked me all these questions and I was like uh I don't know I kind of just giving [ __ ] answers but then basically what they can do is they could charge you for the price of that item or like four three times whatever the price item so they charge you like four or three times the price item and I ended up having to pay it like and settle and it was just stupid honestly just like I don't even know why I was doing that stuff to be honest by yourself or with people by myself completely by myself what did they ask you if anybody else was involved no there was no one else involved but did they ask you no okay no because they just saw me there was no one there that's good so then you didn't even have the opportunity to snitch I wasn't gonna six nine dude see you weren't no I wouldn't end up if you had somebody else it's kind of crazy though but if you had somebody else I think you might have said something but bro why you act like I would Stitch your own ass like that's crazy I'm not calling you anything you're that guy I am not that guy I'm a Fall Guy I would take the fall for everybody you are that [ __ ] guy dude you're so much time again I'm not that good really I could tell you [ __ ] Mexico okay gone in my backpack yeah that that was a crazy I was [ __ ] Savage you've told that story yeah yeah yeah Steve talked about it the other day too that [ __ ] [ __ ] me up for a little bit bro yeah that's preparing to go to jail for for a dumbass crime that you didn't even do yeah but I proved it I'm glad I did it because after that my respect your respect street cred was [ __ ] crazy bro yeah so what'd you think about six nine getting smacked in LA Fitness I don't think anybody's safe I mean I think he's got to move a little smarter bro but that's the thing about him like we've known it I've seen him he's never given a [ __ ] like people say that like he's gonna get security whatever it's like this guy's not gonna get security man I mean the problem with him is he's the most identifiable viable guy in the world you see him you're like that's six nine yeah even when he wears a ski mask like you still see the six like you know it's him like you just know it's him bro yeah and like he still like has long ass rainbow hair sticking out it's like bro yeah draw more attention to yourself wearing the ski mask and then you can even like confirm it's him because of his hair he's gonna like wrap it up or something man no he's just gotta not go to LA Fitness yeah why do you think it's LA Fitness was the place that he finally got he he should have went to Equinox probably like go somewhere where like like a equinox and Brickell like you're probably gonna be safer there yeah of course so he he made that mistake it sucks because like it's it's sad but like it's kind of like a little bit funny a little bit just because it's at an LA Fitness in the bathroom and you're just like yo what's up yeah it is it is like when I saw it I was like because like knowing him I was like whoa this is actually funny because apparently he was doing cardio before which is all like exact things he'd be doing yeah because he's on her for like 40 minutes everyone's like plotting on him I feel bad because he probably felt good like 40 minutes on the StairMaster yeah yeah bro it's like the guy you could tell there's one guy who's like yo they this motherfucker's here right and he gets his boys from the front they like store him in to the front they're like even they go past the front desk check-in girl and they're like they just kind of just like pass in like yeah I'm with him and then she just lets him go and then you just see him walking back like straight to the bathroom and just to mop his [ __ ] I mean the thing about him though is like he probably now is even laughing about it like he definitely finds some humor in it because he's just sick like that a hundred percent like that's something it's funny so it's like like I guarantee you he is legit laughing about that [ __ ] right that's he's a psychopath man he's crazy I'm crazy like you know many times we've been in a club with this guy he is so like serious security thank God like what didn't happen when we were around yeah yeah I'm grateful for that yeah because I didn't want to be involved in that I mean maybe it didn't happen because more people were around that's you know because like I remember one time we were in a club and I'm like this guy's zero security like me pretty much and this guy is like blacked out blasted drunk like falling over like having to prop him up and he's just out bro he did not give a [ __ ] no I know wait was that at Latina night it might have been like it was a vendom wait did you come to Latina night what's Latina night I don't think so I was at some random place like [ __ ] 40 minutes away uh it was all Latinos so he probably shouldn't have gone there but this was what I didn't think and we walk in I'm pretty sure you're there and immediately this guy's just barking at him I was there I remember that that was like okay all the guys were there yeah I was really really uncomfortable because that was like probably the second time I'd gone out with him and Steve just loved him so much and so I was like [ __ ] we gotta just do this but then I remember going outside and I was just like yo I'm looking around like yeah I remember yeah because I've never seen that in like you're gonna assume the worst and it's Latino Night yeah I mean straight up I think I don't know what it is but I don't think like a lot of Latinos like six nine I don't know but it it's probably pretty divided it's divided yeah so there was a lot at that there at that night that did not like him and it made it very uncomfortable there was that one guy I remember who really didn't like him yeah but the night I was talking about it was like the night there but he like doesn't even care like if I was him I probably would have been like after that I'm getting the [ __ ] out of here he went straight to the table and started taking shots well that's that's why like that's that's it's weird because I don't know if I respect him for that or if he's just that [ __ ] crazy I think he's Reckless he don't give a [ __ ] like really or like does a part of him I think he all he cared about was he was worried that we would be a little scared he was like he was like damn I hope I didn't ruin the night like he wasn't even thinking about him his safety I'm telling you he was just thinking like [ __ ] like are these guys cool like it's not a big deal yeah I mean he's really that guy meanwhile I keep looking at this guy and he's just staring like shaking his head and I'm like oh my God like this guy's gonna [ __ ] do something yeah like I thought shots thank God you were there though I like that you're there because you're such a big Target bro you so I can just take like you could but you could take probably three or four bullets and still live probably but I don't want to man I know but like they have a better chance of hitting you than me so hopefully they empty the club like you take most of them and then I can get out of there you know what's crazy about that I had the same exact thought but different I was like I could just pick steiny up and like use him as a shield and like yeah but I'm guaranteed to die dude you'll at least you have a chance of survival but at least I can protect all of us like hold you you know what I'm saying and like drag you across I'm like you see like that'd be pretty crazy if he's aiming and you're just [ __ ] using me yeah just kind of if I'd invest on I would do it if I wear bulletproof vest you could do that I I would that's all we need to do that's the funny part we shouldn't wore vests bro there was times we probably needed them yeah I wear a vest and like it's honestly and you're good and like people know like well then you don't actually want them to see them probably but yeah I would have been more confident with a vest on yeah but the night I was talking about it was uh we're at Vendome and I think 21 Savage was their hosting and then he was just completely [ __ ] like being like [ __ ] you and I was like dude this guy is [ __ ] psycho man yeah I know that was terrifying every night like we went out with him I'd never had fun because I was so [ __ ] scared bro yeah I remember you wouldn't know how to go like no I wouldn't want to go on like that was when I didn't I'm telling you that I did not party them because I was so [ __ ] like just scared and I everyone else is partying someone has to be like sober I was always sober you were but like I had to make sure the rides were ready like we could get out of it sometimes you got [ __ ] blasted but that was that was that was post this is true you got I was always sober yes and you sometimes I would have to make sure you were good because you sometimes would get really [ __ ] up yeah I mean well we would party bro I mean you would [ __ ] okay well you don't have to you little you would really party like I was like seriously wear shades okay yeah it's kind of vibe that's why people wear them yeah I guess no it is why else are they wearing shades of [ __ ] foreign okay so okay besides this stuff what do you what do you enjoying the most in life right now besides the podcast besides traveling like what do you have the most fun doing I'm always curious that's my new goal now which is finding happiness oh [ __ ] you wait where your glasses at no I'm not getting deep I'm just telling you like I think that that's everyone worries about everything else money [ __ ] you're not getting beat where you going with this no I'm just telling you you asked me I'm telling you right now all I care about now is finding and being happy in life in what way like in like personal personal just being more healthy and [ __ ] maybe settling down more with a chick or something and having a real companion damn bro you sound like someone I know very personal what you yeah no I'm just telling you I was thinking about it like what what more do I need right now and it's it's just being happy every day of my life yeah and I think it's actually like people always say that that's easy to come by and it's really not bro it's so hot people people like you think everyone thinks Jesus these guys must be the happiest people in the world like I'm just keeping it real nah not all the time sometimes I'm happy but a lot of time I'm not in moments in moments but it's temporary you know yeah and it [ __ ] sucks but I think that's not that's not everybody it's probably just me too but I think it's everyone I'm not saying like everyone who's successful has that's awesome how do people in life but I'm just saying for me that's that's what I care about right now yeah but I think genuinely it is everyone I think everyone has just phases and it's like you the goal should be trying to be more happy than not that's all that matters bro right that's all that matters in life I'm telling you right now yeah nothing else [ __ ] matters if you're happy then money doesn't matter chicks don't matter whatever it just doesn't matter so that's what the focus needs to be yeah so then it gets interesting because then you go okay well then what's going to keep you happy right because sometimes people look for external things like making the money or having the chick or whatever the thing money's not the money is a temporary happiness sure you could be happy with money but you're not gonna it's temporary of course not yeah like if you buy a new car for instance you're happy for what a week yeah I mean I bought my first nice car I was happy for like six months it's more of an accomplishment yeah and I was like this is I don't care anymore yeah the same thing it's the same thing with everything so my question for you then is like like I said what is what really makes you happy then dude friendships yeah relationships are the most important thing in life if you have healthy relationships then you're gonna be happier than other people that's it I don't think that's like a secret I I used to think like I used to ask myself like damn what is it that's gonna make me happy in life like I thought if you start making a certain amount of money or like whatever but it's all just who you surround yourself with and like I surround myself with good people but but I'm trying to just have my the healthiest relationships I've ever had yeah so like having like even having Steve come back too like it's just immediately it just makes me happier because me and him have so much in common too yeah and we have like the same sense of humor so it just it's good too yeah yeah I guess it just it just makes it easier and then like even you know I mean that's it relationships I got a great relationship with everybody too like with Kyle Saleem everybody but I'm trying to take it to like just you know there I think you get to a certain point where you like to have your people in your life too you know what I mean your people outside of work yes yeah and I think that that's super important yeah I think that a lot of people don't have that and that's what like kind of [ __ ] with their head yeah like a lot of creators like once once they leave home they don't [ __ ] with their people anymore but like I have a couple that I still talk to my day with like day one people yeah and having them still around and just like then I can actually like be genuine and talk about whatever with them yeah it's rare for me man the thing that I've figured out is so hard is like I've always made good friendships with people that I work with and because of the amount of time that I spend like working or trying to like pursue projects I tend to like not have a ton of time for like outside relationships but then the problem with me was there like I would get to a point with like work friendships where like it was just that during work and the thing that I'm trying to be better at is like outside of work and developing those relationships further like beyond words you should well yeah like Diego's probably the first person that I've actually like really been oh and Jacob and Kevin my other videographer I actually have a few Nadeem Jacob Kevin um pretty much all my videography I'll tell you like even back here like me and Alex we would always go get dinner always hang out even with Jacob and it would just be non-work related and like ozgod back in Orange County like I'll hang out with him all the time outside of work and talk to him all the time and it's just dude it [ __ ] is the best yeah I'm telling you right now I think you need it too you like you're choosing Ayahuasca and I don't think drugs needs to be you're out medicine but yes medicine whatever or like a journal that's great but I think if you just have people that you can relate to no you definitely I'm saying like there's no one right away but you're definitely right that's something that I've been really trying to like get be better at yeah and develop and sure don't lose your temper bro I don't lose my temper it's like you you it's it's so easy to get you to [ __ ] get pissed bro I could do it any [ __ ] moment you couldn't though I can I will right after this I'm not gonna do it because I don't want to waste and have Jacob have to [ __ ] edit it out but I will get you pissed off you can't listen and you know that you know that I've been more calm but the problem is like you've tried everything to be more calm bro I've tried to Ayahuasca twice yeah you wore glasses one time once you write in your Journal half ass [ __ ] once a week I work in my journal every day what else have you done bro I go to [ __ ] therapy like twice a week does that help a little bit okay what else obviously the gym man uh but the journaling shit's really made a difference because it's like letting out those thoughts instead of just keeping them in I'm genuinely are you like a voodoo doll or anything like that yeah I have you I'm like a little like have you ever like you should get one of those like [ __ ] needles in it yeah and you always wonder why your shoulder hurts there you go okay you [ __ ] [ __ ] no man I don't get mad I'm just like you guys [ __ ] around too much crypto what are you talking about crypto I just I don't have any crypto you have none still sold all of it you see it's been like coming back because the bank failure and all that [ __ ] yeah I just [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] bro I've sold it one time like a majority of what I had when it was at the top and then I took a huge out recently and I just stresses me out too much yeah I mean it's basically gambling yeah it is but it's fun and so is gambling I know because I see you [ __ ] you know on the phone a little VPN action a little gamble no I see you you little car ride little little car ride spins it's like what are you doing I don't know you're talking about bro okay well you're an addict I'm not I no dude I used to play a lot a lot of Poker bro a lot a lot so I [ __ ] I just I'm an action Junkie you are yeah when I was in Vegas this time were you there when for you weren't you there for this last one UFC in power slap I wasn't there okay so we played like John me Hey Big Mike Steve and Kyle and I'm not kidding you no one's working yeah no one's winning I'm winning everything that's [ __ ] you on the same table Yeah Okay and like I know I knew the dealer her name's Lisa she works at Red Rock and she used to actually do the videos with us back in the day yeah and so she recognized me I hadn't seen her in like two years the Steve and she's like my I got she's my dealer bro so he had this private room and they're all so [ __ ] heated and I'm just [ __ ] winning and winning and everyone was so pissed off and it was just the best yeah not because they're losing because like I was on [ __ ] fire so yeah you know you said something earlier I think is there anything better than that I'm telling you right now money one is ten times more fun than money earned always oh well that yeah but that's how it goes I mean that's it's the it's the dopamine hit where you're like oh my God this is amazing I'm making money from basically not nothing but yeah you're making money like that and it's like that Adrenaline Rush yeah and it's probably 10 times better when like everyone else is like flopping you're like yeah but no but it's just funny because they're all so pissed and like chirping me but but I just couldn't well how much did you come up eight thousand oh that's nice yeah what are you doing what 200s what were you playing with depends but I was like getting like 600 hands dude that's crazy and doubling you could pay me that [ __ ] money you owe me now no this is this is what I'm doing right now we're gonna call it ah nah I went out of my way for this busy bro I should be at Ultra right now and instead I'm doing this podcast you owe me a thousand dollars still man okay I'll pay you bro yeah because I paid you live on the Pod okay you said something earlier that was really important we were in the house you you were talking about money you got we got to talk about that topic I love that topic not money not making money it was it was it was about the importance of money okay and you were talking about how like I mean we were joking about some [ __ ] you were talking about like you know obviously you can't take it with you right yeah um you'll want to be [ __ ] have all this money and one day be like [ __ ] I didn't get to spend it um did anyone ever teach you about that like because I mean I know your dad you know you're [ __ ] I don't want to dog you I was going to make fun of you but um you know nice nice family good family I'm gonna tell you something right now that I didn't even want to talk about this but I'm going to tell you that people like because I do come from like middle class or whatever upper middle class upper middle class sure but like I moved out to LA and my dad was like basically was like my son's a [ __ ] failure loser because like he doesn't know what social media is he doesn't know what like YouTube is because he was he didn't grow up in that era whatever so he thinks I'm coming out here and like he didn't support it like you're [ __ ] your life off yeah he didn't support it you know what I mean yeah and so people just want to [ __ ] bash you for anything they can but I'm like dude I had no support when I told my family what I was doing they were like all right whatever dude like you're a [ __ ] up like hey I'm going to work for Bob memory you think anyone was like you know my family wasn't like oh that's amazing like they didn't understand it you're like dude what the [ __ ] are you doing I remember they said that to me yeah and then um when I went to Abu Dhabi with Dana White I'd send him a picture of me with Dana with the middle finger emoji is that when they were like oh [ __ ] that's when things were like oh [ __ ] like he's actually gonna turn this into something but like I didn't have support financial support anything I I didn't need it because I like I could figure it out always but the one thing that people like people are bashing me because I come from that beginning but I'm gonna tell you why they shouldn't they can if they want I don't give a [ __ ] but I'll tell you what so many [ __ ] people come out do podcasts oh I came from nothing I didn't have [ __ ] I have seen five or six people big time influencers say that that went to private high schools yeah that [ __ ] had college paid for like bro they try and convince people like oh I didn't I came from [ __ ] you know what I mean yeah because everyone wants to hear that that's a way better story but it's all [ __ ] yeah I mean when have you ever heard a guy own it and be like yeah bro like you know I I didn't have the hardest upcoming and I'm still successful like that it's it's such [ __ ] I just want to like I see that and it frustrates me who are those people I'm not gonna name drop I'll talk about it after but I'll show you and it's just like it's a [ __ ] joke bro yeah like I know for a fact that you came from money I know who your [ __ ] parents are like yeah you were Rich before this dude like don't I mean the internet's like the [ __ ] place to front but it's just really it's really funny when like these people try and lie about like their past because they're so worried that if they came from something that it's a negative thing yeah and like that's why I wanted to talk about that because I get [ __ ] on like I'm telling you right now like I didn't have any support when I came out here I'm telling you nothing yeah because they don't get it like my my family want me to go to [ __ ] law school yeah and like work a [ __ ] you know work like get extra school and then work a nine to five because that's what so they didn't support you financially at all no damn but I was a poker junkie so I had a bankroll a dog I had a bankroll so I was okay like I could have lasted like a few months in L.A but I got a job like with Bob probably three weeks after I moved here um and a guy that I played poker with connected me to Bob I mean this also was a poker I've seen you work I've seen you work for sure and I've seen you like finagle and [ __ ] and I know you're a hustler right you wouldn't even be here no I know but when I'm working and when I'm passionate about something like I'll do it whatever it takes I know Steve asked me some crazy crazy requests back in the day and I remember times when he was shocked that I got it done and he's like [ __ ] we really got to do this now like he would ask me something so absurd to get done thinking I wouldn't do it and then I'd have it and he'd be like holy [ __ ] like you're actually doing this I remember some days man yeah it's good times honestly I mean the first video I ever did that really changed from my my entire life was the Compton free yard sale do you remember that I was there two years ago yeah I was there so once I did that video and he just saw what I could do and then just put a lot of trust into me that no one else had ever given me in my life yeah and everything kind of that everything just worked out yeah I saw it all man like I said I was there it was amazing yeah so I think at the end of the day as long as you continue like there's a lot of luck involved but as long as you continue to put yourself in situations where something can happen something will yeah that makes sense no for sure that's super super important you said that because like a lot of times I'll get questions from kids or people who want like oh how do I do this how do I get there what do I do and even sometimes I don't know what I want to do but like they want to have some sort of success and I always say like it would try and do the things that you love or put yourself in those situations where like you're around people who are you know maybe making a living from the things that you love or trying to put yourself in those situations because through those spaces like you might find like a different avenue for you that could work yeah but it's just if you if you meet more people the more people you meet the more opportunities that'll come so as long as you're growing your network something will happen eventually you just gotta [ __ ] be consistent yeah so yeah man it's my inspirational [ __ ] dude you [ __ ] you did it dude that was dope you did the raw talk perfect man you think so yeah I didn't know how to [ __ ] come on and act down here bro I was either gonna drink or be serious yeah you said get some liquor but I was like no we don't need liquor no this is way better this way you think yeah you like it more like this for sure I'm interested to see what people say they're like this I guarantee you they like this more like this well I act like such a [ __ ] most the time so I feel like I had to tone it back and just do it yourself yeah be like actually you yeah good dude congrats I kind of like I kind of like being the [ __ ] more I gotta be honest yeah it's way more fun well the internet loves it that's for sure yeah it's more fun you [ __ ] shirt me for your own [ __ ] laughs all right I'm gonna go to ultra are we good here no we're good we're good I appreciate you coming on um subscribe to the channel turn on the post notifications on YouTube um if you are on iTunes we're there if we're on Spotify we're everywhere appreciate you guys I love you guys so much um this was like a you know little last minute episode um but I'll see you guys next week every Tuesday at 11 I love you guys I'm out thanks
Channel: Bradley Martyn's Raw Talk
Views: 376,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradley martyn, fitness podcast, motivational, how to build muscle, zoo culture, video podcast, exercise, bmfit, joe rogan, comedy, full send
Id: m9H088LSA0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 34sec (3694 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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