Stefan and Elena flirting with each other after breakup for 6 minutes 9 seconds straight

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[Music] me too you know hey you going to the bonfire tonight sounds like fun right seriously i think i'm annoying now wait till homecoming hey who are we bringing by the way i don't want to be weird i'm sorry watch a dick who are you i'm a guy who's been assigned to protect the human blood bag i mean no fats or anything [Music] what excuse me elena hi what are you doing i'm having fun stephen you have a problem with that all right take it easy both know you're kind of a lightweight really you think i'm gonna let a blood addict tell me how to drink [Music] oh [Music] so look [Music] what look oh my brother's got his flirt on and i'm jealous [Music] i'm not jealous it's all right be jealous by all means i'm sure damon will be thrilled i'm not jealous stefan it's my mistake whatever i'm out of here [Music] anything no sorry actually i think you were coming from that direction because i remember looking that way so maybe if we switch [Music] this is it's just seeing you like this is so strange i'm strange you were the one coming out of the men's bathroom do i even want to know why let's just say that i was having a pretty horrible first day close your eyes [Music] you close your eyes come on stefan trust me [Music] this isn't awkward i guess we probably picked the wrong day to be in a fight huh [Music] you couldn't cook and you could again a fantasy breakfast professor salvatore oh no no no i see what you're doing am i doing distraction tactics stay focused so psychology sociology and anthropology share the assumption that scientific methods can be used to understand human behavior it's very good as in verbatim which means that i need to ask you more difficult questions speaking of distracting tactics you're welcome hey i'm sorry i'm late when i miss justin stefan's the tutor from hell unkind take that back [Music] probably read your nice little bedtime story stop it you're the least humble person i know for a couple your system for moving on requires both burning bridges and a dead-end job we haven't even gotten to the fun part paying your utilities no deciding who you want to be for the next 30 years you want to be an astronaut you want to be uh an olympic athlete you want to skip med school boom you're a doctor go ahead challenge me i'll show you how it's done all right let's see what we got okay elena williams [Music] stefan cooper what are you doing we've known each other for a very long time now and you've always been my best friend i have always loved you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you will you wait you're not just proposing to me because i'm pregnant are you no no i i am proposing to you because you are my rock okay you have stood by my side through the multiple rehabs the jail time the bull fighting injury i mean you have brought me back from the edge and sweetheart this baby is the best thing that ever happened to us will you marry me yes [Applause] thank you all so much and i think we could have all been sitting around stuffed playing board games so just to be clear joe was invited to friendsgiving but i wasn't friend code states that in matters such as yours and caroline's i must with no exception take the side of my best friend huh can you just kiss and make up it's getting weird you're just mad because no one knew how to carve the turkey you owe me dinner people are uncomfortable around salvatores and tuxes and stirs feelings uh-oh elaine is human again am i sensing another brother swap [Music] bye
Channel: Stelena Aesthetic
Views: 861,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Po6ANFI9kPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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