Nina and Paul living in Dobsley land for 3 minutes 47 seconds straight

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hi i'm nina dobrev and i'm paul wesley and welcome to the nylon party love bites [Music] i'm only jealous i understand [Music] we have some party crashers what's up karina when nina was finishing her question oh no no i'm getting finished talking about stefan the ripper the ripper [Music] is dating stefan um who is paul right who she knows you look very well for 162 year old i have good uh good good face great moisturizer yes yeah all kinds of yes yes now this guy here he can't imagine no matter how hard it's gonna sound not to sound cliche this is honest don't give me about this that any profound love elena at first meets stefan and and she can't explain what it is exactly that draws her to him but there's something serious and interesting and they have this connection this bond and they're drawn to each other they just can't help it she later finds out that he's a vampire which complicates the situation but for some reason she's still in love with him and they still don't know why how did you but what do you mean come on there's no why i don't know why elena um [Music] yeah that's the only reason why they hired him [Applause] [Music] stephanie ripper ripper ripper oh yeah nina dobrev's instagram i don't yeah yeah i love nina okay yeah we want the instagram just in case but what does she do on her instagram [Music] coach and i'll be his hair stylist nina will make sure we coordinate our clothing coordinates and then i'm in charge of hair i like i i'm not gonna lie i'm attracted to dark women darker in elena nina has dark hair so i guess nina dobrev and paul wesley still friends yes my friends i would like to report that the dubs and i are homies [Music] and i actually see him a lot love that guy
Channel: Stelena Aesthetic
Views: 731,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bPm45G5Ifoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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