Steely Dan: More Than Just a Band
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Channel: Polyphonic
Views: 1,490,219
Rating: 4.9206328 out of 5
Keywords: polyphonic, music, video essay, steely dan, walter becker, donald fagen, aesthetic, steely dan explained, understanding steely dan, lyrics, kid charlemagne, do it again, ricky don't lose that number, rikki don't lose that number, pretzel logic, can't buy a thrill, reelin' in the years, dirty work, fire in the hole, babylon sisters, aja, black cow, peg
Id: SjXB894CZnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
great video!
Fantastic video. The best on the band in my opinion. Great job!
That was cool thank you. Dont kno anyone loves like me.
Every word of this video is correct and true. Well done!
Good thing no one told him they released two more studio albums and a live record.
I try to think of their weakest album and I just can't. They evolved over the years but were consistently amazing.
Amazing, great job!!
Excellent video.
Awesome. Would have loved to hear his overview of Nightfly, though.