What Makes Jimi Hendrix Such a Good Guitarist
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Keywords: polyphonic, music, video essay, guitar, hendrix, jimi hendrix, jimi hendrix explained, understanding jimi hendrix, what makes jimi hendrix great, bold as love, little wing, all along the watchtower, purple haze, foxy lady, machine gun, star spangled banner, jimi, psychedelic, blues, blues rock, 60s, what makes hendrix so good, good guitarist, hendrix greatest, greatest
Id: hCLxV1JdHlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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I think it is that he created a new voice/approach to guitar playing. In comparison to many modern guitarists, Hendrix is far from "the best" technically; in fact, one can make a strong argument that he was a rather sloppy player (a la Jimmy Page), although that DOES NOT mean that he was a poor guitarist.
I believe Hendrix is revered because he took the guitar to to places it had never been before. Several aspects of his playing took the current state of guitar playing and stretched it almost beyond recognition (for the time). One needs to remember, electrified music was still a (relatively) new thing, let alone deliberately using distortion, feedback, etc. Hendrix's approach to guitar set-up, pedal set-up, and amp set-up, created a sound palette that was original and exciting. On top of that, his note choices and approach to playing were uninhibited and exciting as well.
All of that stuff got mashed up at the right time to create what we know as Jimi Hendrix. If we're being 100% honest with ourselves, Hendrix's technical ability has long been surpassed (although he was a great player, don't misunderstand). Therefore, I believe Hendrix's true legacy was in the musical innovations he created on the guitar, rather than being "the best player of all time" as some would claim.
Just my opinion btw. And I love Hendrix as much as the next guy, he was instrumental (no pun intended) in getting me to start playing guitar at all.
Answer to every question like this: he understood and leaned how to play the tradition, then tweaked it with outside influence to create something new that resonated with the current culture.
This post isn’t getting enough love. Hendrix was a musical genius
The answer is GIANT HANDS! His fingers were crazy long. Strat was like a miniature children's toy in his hands. Zoom in on his hands in this photo & look at how his hands wrap around the neck.
He played so much he didn’t have to think. If I could sound as good as his mistakes, I’d be happy. Another thing I think that made him great is that he was always seeking to improve and broaden his musical abilities.
Just as a bird doesn't choose to sing, Hendrix had no choice; he HAD to play/write/create. What was inside had to come out.
He's dope but i always hear he was the greatest guitatist of all time. After hearing all of his songs and learning a few classics like little wing, purple haze, and foxy lady i feel like i got shorted on this idea that people always pervade that he transcended music or something. It was real chaotic and dissonant and feely; he embraced new concepts at the time like feedback, fuzz and wah wah pedals. He definitely made the guitar his voice and is a hell of a guitarist. But does anyone still listen to all of his albums back to back? I prefer zeppellin, pink floyd and the beatles.