SteelSeries just copied Wooting.

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two months ago razor blatantly copied the trademark feature of the wooting keyboard called rapid trigger and razer's execution it was good but you know they were claiming to be as responsive as wording and they simply were not today though we have another Contender and that is steel series uh they are also calling it rapid trigger and today we're going to see just how good it is now super quick briefing on this rapid trigger feature I've talked about it a lot before but what this does is it resets the key switch the moment you lift off rather than having to wait for the switch to pass through an actuation point which is what a normal keyboard does the difference is now a much more responsive and intuitive feeling input and arguably the best Innovation when it comes to Modern gaming keyboards you can Counter-Strike a lot snappier in games like valorent NCS and movement in other FPS games is just a lot nicer more responsive you no longer feel like you're overlapping inputs wrap a trigger on the Razer versus the wording though is quite different you know on the wording you have the entire keystroke range where it can be detected it's also a sensitivity of a 0.1 millimeters which feels pretty much instant on the razor though you only have a detectable range between 1.5 and 3.6 millimeters and the sensitivity just doesn't feel as responsive but what about steelseries well I went out and bought the Apex Pro Mini plugged it in and loaded up the new firmware supposedly every Apex Pro keyboard which has the analog Omni Point 2.0 switches will get this rapid trigger update so yeah nice little free performance buff exactly what we saw with Razer I will admit though with just how densely clotted steel series software is with pointless features that no one will ever use it did take me a couple of minutes to work out how to even enable this rapid trigger feature but basically you just highlight all the switches that you want and tick this little box with the lightning bolt icon then you click save and it's enabled I ended up getting a weird bug after I did this but after a reset looks like it's working so then I hopped into a game and started testing this out versus the 60 and I can honestly say that I couldn't feel a difference wrap a trigger on the steelseries Apex Pro Mini legitimately feels as sensitive and responsive as the wooding 60 he has that same microscopically sensitive feel as soon as you start lifting off it resets the switch now on the Razer Huntsman mini Razer seem to have tightened things up a bit since I tested it but there's still that half a millimeter or so dead zone at the bottom so as you can see here I am actually slightly lifting and repressing the switch but the switch never resets on the wounding and steel series however we do see that instant stop and start motion the moment the switch starts moving so yeah steelseries honestly pretty impressed now to take a closer look at what's Happening Here I built this little keyboard tester right here uh it's super basic it's just a solenoid powered by an Arduino so that is pressing the switch I think rtings and LT use something similar but yeah this way we can mechanically press and release a switch the real secret Source though is this it's a super a slow motion camera recording things at 3 000 frames per second this way we can see the time delete between mechanically pressing a switch and what's happening on the screen behind it so in the case of testing rapid trigger the solenoid lifts off the switch and then we count the number of frames until we see the unscope animation on screen and that gives us our latency for the wording we have 35 frames steelseries is a fraction slower than that at 42 frames but the Razer is noticeably slower than both 75 for the Huntsman mini I ended up running this test 30 times for each keyboard these latency values as well do include the PC and monitor latency which do vary run to run quite a lot but these numbers here are pretty much spot on to the overall averages after 30 runs so yeah the biggest difference here is that the Huntsman mini is a limited rapid trigger implementation compared to the steel series and the wooding because it has that dead zone at the bottom that half millimeter also evidently does make a difference in actual latency and you can feel it too it's one one of the limitations I guess of being an optical switch versus a hall effect magnetic switch lacking the rooting and the steel series it is though still significantly better than having rapid trigger disabled though I mean just take a look at this there is a massive difference this is definitely something that is worthwhile enabling on the Razer Huntsman I did test the Press latency as well so seeing how fast every single keyboard here could respond to a press input I set all actuation points to 1.5 millimeters just to keep things even here and yeah there was not a huge difference now don't read too deep into the numbers here because again it does include PC latency and monitor latency 2 which does swing things quite a bit but it is at least a nice sanity check to see that yeah neither of these keyboards are hugely faster or slower than the others so the steelseries rapid trigger performance here honestly really impressed I mean performance wise in game it actually feels pretty you know spot on to the wounding 60. but there are still some pretty big differences one of the main ones being that you can't actually change the rapid trigger sensitivity like can on the rooting on the steel series it's just on or off and you know on the wording I don't actually mind loosening it up a bit for a couple of those keys your interact key for example where you might want to press and hold a revive you know if rapid trigger kicks in because it's so sensitive and you end up canceling a revive that's not exactly ideal I also couldn't get the multiple key actuations working on the steel series or the Razer but on the wooding it worked first try so not really sure what's happening there availability though is a pretty big one you know within the steel series range you've got a few different keyboards in the razors range you've got a few different models as well and you can go and pick these keyboards up at your local game store like 10 minutes away that is pretty much what I did the wooding on the other hand is online only and it's about a two to three week wait at the moment however that two to three week weight is definitely worth it if only to never have to install the Razer or steel series software on your computer steel series GG or whatever it's called it is literally the worst peripheral software that I've ever used like can someone tell me why this thing has an aim trainer built in and why there are pages with product ads and blog posts and also why it takes up half a gig of RAM also if you're wondering why there are two steel series keyboards in this video by the way uh the first one broke when I enabled rapid trigger it started freaking out and spamming keys I got some quick testing done but eventually it got to the point where I couldn't even plug it in and I had to buy another one luckily I seem to be the only one who has had this problem but I do think it's worth mentioning Razer software 2 is pretty atrocious and by the way actually needs to be opened in the background for their rapid trigger just to work wounding software on the other hand is a super clear super fast web page it only has like three different pages with the stuff you need and that's it also as far as I can see you can't do tappable arrow keys on the Razer Huntsman mini or the steelseries Apex Pro me but you can do that easily on the wooding 60. this is something that I use every single day you know just for desktop use and editing personally I feel like it's a pretty big difference but yeah those are the main differences primarily in the rapid trigger functionality and the latency numbers as well I'm mainly still going to be recommending the wooding 60 I do think it is the superior keyboard overall but man it is definitely nice to see other companies legitimately catch up in terms of raw speed and also offer that as a free update
Channel: optimum
Views: 1,181,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SteelSeries Rapid Trigger, rapid trigger keyboard, best gaming keyboard, Wooting 60HE, SteelSeries Apex Pro Mini, optimum tech, best 60% keyboards, razer, razer huntsman mini
Id: l2D7nDd7-do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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