Steam Machine using Bazzite

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all right today steam machine with bite if you're unfamiliar with basite it is an amazing open- source project basically taking Steam OS and um it's setup and giving it for regular Hardware think like building your own steam machine much like Steam OS is supposed to do this project actually accomplishes it Steam OS right now is mainly isolated to just the steam deck the old version is point to install so bite kind of picks up the rains we'll look at an overview of it and install it in today's stream should be a fun one uh lot of fun a lot of fun to be had I have a land party I'm going to tomorrow and I want to take this machine we're building today which is a little tiny micro PC it uh I did a video on it it was the GTR 7 so it's a little tiny home theater PC using rdna 3 so should be fun I am doing fantastic yes Patrick goat how y'all doing oh I guess I should check uh YouTube as well uh I've been multi streaming lately guys and uh we'll see we see the multi streaming can be a little bit of a challenge sometimes um oh let's see right now this one is set to unlisted let's just uh uh I tell you you know for as you as big as YouTube is you think they could uh you think they could step it up a little bit it's a pain in the butt it's like I'm almost like I don't really care ah but anyways we'll get the YouTube folks in here one second I also got a new chat hope hopefully you guys like it this is like well it's actually a new old chat I set this scene up back when I had like the the fitness stuff going on in the channel and I was like oh yeah yeah and I I pulled it in I was like ah good enough I don't feel like making a new one right now so ended up using this one um let's see how in the world do I manage this thing oh no edit can we just go public here we go done and we'll just say save yay hey how's it going gaming would you give your opinion on Garuda OS KD light you know I don't think I've actually installed geruda in a minute Chris all my stuff's pretty old I've always liked guda for its theming the guda team does a fantastic job with its themes and it being arch-based inevitably whenever someone new tries guda what they end up doing in most instances is it already is a pretty heavy Dro and they end up installing a bunch of stuff from the Aur and breaking their system usually within about a month so I love guda fantastic and if you understand Arch it will work fantastic for you but if you're new to Linux and you try GR and you start installing a whole bunch of stuff give it about a month and then it'll probably implode on you much like manaro Manjaro kind of falls in the same camp I actually like guda more than Manjaro but uh both are good dros it's just you got to understand them and if you don't understand them you know going to have a bad time but I like them all right I think we got everything going here um it's kind of weird looking at myself through here I think I'm G to just push that over here that's good we got our Twitch in we are ready for some bite it's powered by Fedora in Universal blue it's an immutable drro and it basically uses the steam image uh directly from Steam Deck with some modifications uh so that's the whole idea it's built upon Fedora Atomic desktops most people know I don't like red hat or Fedora di distros but since this is like a mutable one really just want it for a steam box a steam machine I'm going to make an exception we're going to bend the rules a little bit uh so that's kind of why bites being used play your favorite games everything kind of just launches directly into the steam uh interface so when we're looking at the steam interface this is kind of what we're seeing uh it'll be just straight into that and let's see Fearless updates okay yep yep yep it's the beauty of immutable dros I love immutable dros use your favorite desktop environment gnome or KDE we'll do KDE you I'm not a big fan of gnome I think most people know that from your hand theater uh handheld to your home theater PC steam gaming mode offers a premere experience here we'll go go a little bit bigger so y'all can read kind of what I'm seeing so yeah that's interesting the whole idea here is I want to hook this up to like a big TV and just toss it in like a main room or let's say I like to a land party which I'm going to I could just toss this system down and then bam we'd be off and going which would be fun um with with no setup no worries of like updates or something breaking work with your Hardware not for it it does have custom spins depending on your Hardware configuration which is cool um news the team there's some normal let's see hakari knights in here we know him he did the PCI pass through one I I did a video of what was it the the ultimate system that was using one of hakari kns repos uh but I think the main one's Kyle and um yeah any it's it's pretty big team going in this not just one man show and then you got the oci image cool I like all that you can create a custom image and this is kind of where you want to like hey what are you using how are you going to what environment do you want what's your primary GPU and do you want gaming mode out of the box gaming Mode's like what steam deck gives you so this is like a steam deck directly into uh that so it should be pretty fun uh suggestion for self-hosted notion alternative obsidian check out obsidian my my favorite if you like notion you'll love obsidian it kind of blows it away still using thorium 100% just my uh I like it it's fast and they work through all the issues that Growing Pains uh which I made a video about as well yeah all right let's go so that's it so now we just click download Bazi deck and we're pulling in it's roughly a pretty it's a pretty heavy download 6.1 gigs take roughly about 60 seconds to download that for us on our connection and yeah right now it's on version 2.40 that was released on March 14th uh you can see we got a lot of changes a lot of different versions so you know it's one shot I don't like covering very many Linux distros because most of them are just themed Out versions of a vanilla Fork uh but this one's unique enough that I was like I think we got to try it out uh now next up we do need a call let's see we'll grab a USB drive and load it up on here I don't remember what's on let's see hopefully it's not a bad Drive yeah Windows is about six gigs these days well it depends on the image you get if you're using like microwind I think it's a little bit less but I think we got to tweak microwind a little bit I know some people have been having problems with it should be fun so let's go into here and what do we got we got ventoy already loaded up on this guy look at that what do we have on here all right so we're going to just toss in bite where are you at we'll just go Titus downloads and bite deck stable oh yes here we go wi 11 is 6.34 okay what VM were you using with your Windows machine in yesterday's video that would be qmu using Looking Glass so like if I want to go here just bam now I got my Windows desktop which you can't see because my thing went out uh is that on weird oh no you know what's happened guys I think the 24h 2 is knocked out because of uh oh oops well maybe not what's happened it's going to be a cursed stream I can tell it already uh come back maybe not good well I've overloaded my capture card or something hm interesting I shouldn't have shown that anyhoo we got bite stable loaded not a big deal we're going to just I already got it loaded up on the USB I'm going to load that over into our specific Hardware home theater PC it's a micro PC or a mini PC roughly about $11,000 I think uh it was one of those belink ones I got I did a video on it four months ago something like that let's uh let's see what we got all right bite's in here I'm going to eject this all right and hopefully this comes up I don't know I guess we'll find out yeah this is so I'm really interested in just doing a igpu in or apus I really don't like gpus I'm kind of cheap it's just just in my nature I don't like spending a lot of money on electronics I like just taking regular budget electronics and making them kind of work to my needs that said I don't play that many AAA titles and I'm not about having and and playing games all on ultra settings so that's kind of where I'm at on that oh okay we'll do zero yeah we'll see what we get for for that now yeah that was the one the proxmox one we put the stuff on I think this still has proxmox loaded up on it but we'll see let's see how this goes all right we got that loaded up we got our keyboards and mouse the second set for this guy because we are not going to be doing our main one I'm going to try and boot to it here once we get a when we get once we get screen I'll pull it in for you guys to see hopefully this pulls in nice and well you guys know how that'll go here we go cross your fingers let's roll it up let's go we're going to hit delete delete F2 probably should get us into the BIOS hopefully come on something anything no signal H unfortunate well let's uh try it again maybe this time maybe this time it'll be different all right here we go one more time all right system's off all right we got power we're going to hit tap delete F2 delete F2 delete F2 come on oh oh got that okay it's delete for the setup come on come on ah ah love it love it all right we're good we're good we're cooking we're cooking here we go all right now we got this we're going to boot let's just move uh our boot device over into the sand disc partition two so we'll just go SanDisk partition two for our boot priority honestly probably just could have just done a boot over rde and just go but like that that would have worked too it is going a lot better now so we're going to go bite deck stable I believe this should be very similar I think they do use the Fedora installer if I'm correct the Fedora installer is not terrible one thing I don't like about the Fedora installers it does like to make three partitions which can be a little funky you know I I don't know if I recommend Fedora for our first time user I I always like Fedora but the fact it's back by Red Hat I always lean towards Debian and Arch these days I don't think i' ever Mainline Fedora again just because I'm just unsure of its future so let's look at our discs let's change this up we're going to go into a custom configuration and let's hit done and for that all right let's see what we got H yeah we we need to erase what we have on the current disc right now it looks like a devian based I think we can delete that and we're just going to go through and kind of clear out all of it probably the easiest way to do this is um wipe out all the stuff on the dis we'll we just delete everything well actually I think there's an option there delete all file systems yes there we go and this is unknown Vin toy which is kind of weird uh that's what we're booting off of uh let's just it says one one terabyte though so looking at that it should be fine let's see if we create them automatically what do we get all right it's it's using the whole drive so I think we should be fine all right guys let's see I'm just looking at this that's a lot of preconfigured uh devices here yeah this is actually the default so I think we're going to go uh again this is like a test system so we're just kind of destroying a bunch of other stuff there was a bunch of custom partitions in this specific drive because we were using prox MOX in this last go around again not my main system let's just rock you know I think we're good I love open BSD I think it's great uh you know I don't really like having the root account enabled so I think we're going to just disable the root account user creation we do need to make uh add at administrative privilege yes require a password to use this account yes all right we'll just click done to that so root accounts disabled we have our user with admin we have our NE Network we have our keyboard I think that's pretty good let's begin install we'll see if it can configure storage or it'll just bomb out if this bombs out we'll probably just boot to like a G parted test one and it should be good yeah I think we're good I think it's actually installing here I thought it would actually just die during the actual partitioning phase but it did not yeah so we're good would you recommend void void's cool like just imagine a world where Red Hat doesn't exist I actually saw something today where someone suggested that lenus tals you know one of the main developers that does the Linux kernel gets paid by Red that's not true it's actually the Linux Foundation whole different bag there we won't get into but red hat also the probably the biggest thing or the biggest contribution that red hat gives the Linux Community is system D system D is everywhere in Linux desktop so you kind of have to watch out for that but let's say it does disappear the reason why I bring that up is someone mentioned void in chat void Linux does not use system D so it it is with without like a lot of red hat stuff so it's kind of cool I like I said I I haven't actually done enrolled a Mainline version of void has my main system so I can't really say anything about void other than I really like the fact it exists and that it's just a a good dro that is kind of like carves its own path doesn't use system D pretty minimal hey I love it yeah yeah we pulled in some YouTube stuff and now we're doing twitch and YouTube together so I'm going trying multi streaming out we'll see how it goes should be fun and afterwards we'll we'll cut up this on Titus Tech talk and you'll get more of a streamline version without any pauses and such I'm trying to like red hat but it's becoming difficult man I've given up on red hat uh the big the big big thing that just killed it for me with red hat was when they they shut down uh Centos 8 basically what happened was they got they bought out Centos and then they took it over and they released Centos 8 and then uh if you didn't you're not familiar Centos 8 had a 10-year support cycle so they release a version it's good for an entire decade and then uh one year after the release of Centos 8 they basically said sorry guys you got to move to Red Hat now you got to go with re which if you're not familiar here well real required a whole different thing and it required a subscription and they just kind of Shanghai a bunch of companies just by taking over that project and that's where like Alma Linux and Rocky Linux and you know oracle Linux all of them are Ono one bug replicants of cintos and or or basically real red hat Enterprise Linux and that basically this past year this this one I talked about was several years ago when they killed CS 8 but last year that's when they tried to cut off these ones so red hat anything Red Hat touches kind of like just turns to dirt so red Hat's pretty evil I made a video red Hat's evil I stand by that video Red Hats bad just overall bad I I really hope we move away from system D and have less Reliance on red hat it's just a good thing so any Red Hat Dro I'm kind of like ah but they are pretty hi in the links community so you're going to be using Red Hat stuff it's it's just just how it goes but I try to avoid them as much as possible these days all right here we go the boot is going we've got a restart happening see what we what does this look like on Startup now immutable dros should be just like hey whip out your QR code sign in with steam deck and you're good to go although I don't know know if that's going to be the case or not all right we have secure boot enabled really did I enable secure boot what was I smoking no Chris Chris of the past apparently enabled screw secure boot secure boot's not fun to work with guys if you have to work with it not a fun one not a fun one to do at all so let's disable secure boot I don't want to mess with it let's look for secure boot if you get that blue screen that's what it is talking about so we got secure boot here it is enabled let's disable secure Boot and we'll save and exit try it again uh which belink I did a video on it it's the GTR 7 I think it uses the 7840 HS AMD processor with rdna A3 so this is an APU no gpus in there so we have pretty chill system the shim UEFI Key Management might need to disable that that's going to bug me but we do have secure boot disabled now so I think we'll be fine in theory secure boot isn't as bad as people make it seem it's not it's just it's just an extra step it's a little bit more of a headache so yeah how's the 7800 XT treating you on Linux not so great I got to be honest it's uh I'm having a hard time getting full performance out of the AMD 7800 XT on Linux it works but like we did some benchmarking in a live stream I didn't make a video about it uh but in a live stream yeah we we tested it and I think it was getting like 60 or 70 frames on cyberpunk and then we benchmarked uh 2060 we passed through to a Windows box and the 2060 was getting like 60 frames I think it was actually outperforming the 7,800 XT ah you know it that's what I love about live streams there's no hiding from anything it's just like here's what you get I'm sure there's some Nuance there but uh the last update I did in the last benchmarks I did on the 7800 XT in Linux was less than great yeah I mean I mean just just saying and uh we'll see how that goes I'm sure it'll fix itself on a a new update sometime but yeah the 7800 XT is fantastic in Windows uh Linux it still has a little bit of ways to go I'm sure they'll work out the Kinks and it'll be fine I thought Red Hat was the devil it is the devil it's the devil don't use red hat as I boot into Fedora Linux Bas distribution with system D which is only possible because of red hat I know it's not lost on me you can call me a hypocrite on that yeah the 7000s had some issues with Linux right now it yeah I think it'll they'll work through it rucks it's just one of those things if you're the bleeding edge a lot of times rolling a Linux drro can be problematic you're going to usually have a little more problems because those aren't tested as much as more tried andrue stuff so if you're constantly getting new software uh new Hardware a lot of times you know one you're probably going to be an Arch Linux user or some kind of rolling drro that's pretty bleeding edge and two you're going to run into more bugs than let's say your windows counterpart hate to say it but that's just the reality I do love me some Linux but there's some things that it doesn't do very well and you know most Hardware is just not tested as much on Linux desktop on initial release than compared to the windows counterpart but Arch Arch I I am just loving Arch I got to tell you just love it I have a 7900 XT oh well like I said they'll fix it though it usually only takes like six months or so and I'm not like huge into gaming right now so I'm still using my 7800 XT on on my main system here and it's it's working pretty good all right here we go we got welcome to bite the steam deck htpc edition what do we have looks good so far now does Hell divers work on Linux that's a good question as well what we got krite steam lutrus uh PTX I terminal why am I drawing a blank on this chat anybody ever heard of PTY XIs that's a new one or at least my brain's not working yet discover store may uh that and then we got Python 3 welcome SC right there and then we got steam updating here hell drivers true should work okay cool I need to get that loaded for the land party because I know that's going to come out what is the point of Powershell 5 and do Microsoft update or add anything to it or is it just for business it's just there for legacy you got to remember with Microsoft everything's Legacy they never get rid of anything it's kind of wild so all right I got that let me let me go grab my phone I got to sign in real fast yeah one second all right all right all right here we go uh steam what happened with steam all right pay no attention to the man behind the portal we're going to launch into that one more time oh my gosh D somebody logged in with the QR code oh my word chat don't you do that God bless you ah see that's a internet always ruins everything ah all right I'm not taking this off you can't see the QR code this time around yeah let's see QR QR code there we go oh I guess someone could snag my uh personal idea on that yeah good to know they know my know where I live now great fantastic uh let's see uh all right we have a can we rotate this all right yes one second steam where are you at all right let's go steam again and we're going to sign [Laughter] in h y'all are terrible all terrible take take my count all right what's happening here all right come on let's just close out Steam terminate and one more second how' they get the code well so there was a QR code right as it popped up and I tried to hit the little black background you guys see now which usly works just fine let's see oh somebody linking URLs in chat one second I got to take care of something in YouTube chat it looks like I got to ban somebody guys come on can't we all just get along and act like adults maybe not um let me come back to my number one here one second guys oh let's see what we got uh how do we I need to ban a bunch of people one second YouTube chat come on now I just gota just got to ban some folks real fast all right I think we're good um looking looking all right we're good yeah YouTube chat kind of sucks I hate dealing with that but hey one of those things goes with the territory all right we're back we're back uh now come on oh my little switcher not working okay come on you can do it little machine maybe okay okay we're good I got to reboot this machine it's just having a fit now after someone signed in ah I don't mind that that's kind of a funny troll move yeah I think I banned all the people let me know YouTube chat if it gets that insane over there I think I ban most of them I'll set up a couple more little hot keys to ban people a little bit quicker on the YouTube side of things since I just started doing YouTube any uh if you see any foreign chat or something like that just let me know I'll just log in any kind of foreign chat I'll just automatic ban yeah I don't have any mods on YouTube we just started streaming on YouTube H let's see do we have any YouTube people that uh have been here for a while that I know I don't see anybody twitch chat I have a ton of people yeah oh rxs here I'm going to make ru a mod there we go I know RX we're going to we're going to Ru getting promoted man whether you want it or [Laughter] not sorry oh yeah Jennifer we'll make it RX and Jennifer RX and Jennifer both you guys are trustworthy I know you guys for years well Jennifer at least I've known for years uh let's go Papa what we got here oh nope I'm on the wrong account all right I think we're good here let me take off this this is the install screen apparently on reboot we've got a new screen which is kind of cool so one second here I'm just going to take care of one more thing and we will get going on this install for the htpc on bite all right here we go oh and zero too yeah we got one second we got to add zero Linux as a moderator yes and we got Jennifer all right moderator and then rxs moderator sweet all right we got three mods now in YouTube so you guys see something you just knock it down I think we're good all right got to send you guys some payroll too all right let's try this out bite for the first time now that we've had all those Shenanigans out of the way uh we can log in for the very first time now I am on Central time and yeah oh and we're just going to go wired connection we're setting up a home theater we're making our own steam machine that's really the gist of this whole stream is I want something to where I could just hand this to a guy it's a the land party that's happening tomorrow someone's birthday a good friend of mine or friends of mine really they both have a birthday at the same time and I want to be able to hand them this machine and have like their own steam deck machine with this I think it' be pretty cool so that's the whole gist of doing the home theater PC uh like this we'll see how this works uh I need to probably log in here I think hopefully it's not still on that same person's account that would suck okay 19 minutes is a little bit long but I I I bet you this is not going to be 19 minutes cuz right now it's what 33.8 megabytes per second or 60 me megabytes per second on the download that seems a little bit much yeah we can also take this person's account too I mean we want to be fun we want to mess around a little bit I don't care like I said there's none of my personal information on here so we're we're fine either way artifacts from last stream I I don't know on that we got to see I really want to switch all the co uh I think I'm waiting for twitch to do av1 encoding I think YouTube now accepts av1 and I'm waiting for uh twitch to follow suit we got a pretty fast connection though 100 megabytes per second that's solid that is very solid I think what we can do is come in chat while we wait why we wait we can let it go in the upper corner oh man uh does twitch do av1 now I don't I know they're adding it I just haven't uh haven't done it yet what is the point of power shell 5 and do Microsoft updated or anything for just business uh it's just for legacy just for legacy hey how's it going Francis we got a lot of people from YouTube today can you do videos on other members of the Unix family like freebs d and and guix uh they deserve a bit more attention I agree with that FreeBSD is really neat there's like ghost BSD there's some dros out there that people I I I really do need to just look at them I think now that I'm up to like doing a video every other day on YouTube I I think I can get to it now I think before it was just like I had to pick a certain drro and it just took a while to get going but now I feel like we're we we found a really good happy medium spot yeah I see when it comes to Twitch vers YouTube okay here's the thing I love twitch's live streaming environment in the community a lot better but I love how YouTube has like the rewind capabilities on the stream so let's say you miss something you can easily rewind back and the ads aren't as bad or aggressive as they are over on Twitch so that's the kind of the cool thing about it hey we're shutting down now we're restarting I guess but that's the big thing that there's some things YouTube does well there's some things twitch does as well that's why I don't mind doing both and then you can just pick whichever you like the most thanks man yeah I try to be as informative as possible it's hard sometimes it is definitely hard sometimes sometimes it's very easy to get caught up in things in the social media hey how's it going Ashlin what vs code extensions do you recommend oo I try to kind of stay away from vs code when I can but if I had to pick one oh man see I'm going to I'm going to go regular back I think we're back or update complete launching steam it's kind of blinking in and out of me so here we go steam oh God bless all right don't nobody log in don't you dare do it chat nobody rewind I'm G to beat you guys nobody going to do it sign in okay there's somebody out there that better have been me okay okay okay I think we're fine I think we're fine gotta watch it gotta watch it chat all right Tap a button or tap the screen to continue all right Tap a button uh problem one second nope nope I I need a Cable cable all right got a cable tap your monitor it's not going away oh man come on all right hopefully this Cable's long enough it's like a 3ot cable all right here we go there we go all right we got our I think we actually need a there we go does this work oh no okay okay we're good I think I launched the Xbox in the background guys what is happening what second I think I think this just turned into a another stream all right what what happened here oh God bless okay okay turn off we we have a little momentary lapse there I don't think I pushed the USBC all the way into the controller and then it turned on the Xbox and then well you can see I was playing some old Trials HD that's classic classic game before I think was it red L I think that Indie Studio got bought out and it's kind of trash now but man back in the day it was great I think you no Ubisoft bought them out and now it's garbage because it's Ubisoft all right here here we go man yeah travels Evolution was pretty good and then I I think it was right when they started going into like crazy Ubisoft bottom out and then uh the new trials on dude I don't even know how many trials there are now come on you can do it come back to me I don't know all right let's just disaster should there be a signal yes yes there should all right here we go we are in we are under my ID this time and now we have don't look it don't judge me with the games I've played in the past some of this is for my kids and that's the story I'm T taking too okay uh and then I think I need like hell divers and some other stuff too what is trending among friends what is people playing all right cool so this works let's try and switch to desktop okay only 128 Hours in Skyrim weak [Laughter] sauce touche touche um interesting so oh weird so it's wanting to only communicate with a controller my keyboard and mouse doesn't work well inter interesting that kind of kind of wild what's this uh terminal I I kind of want to look up this terminal I probably need to do a video about it but whatever the bite team's using it's called PTY XIs I don't know why they chose it but it looks cool you just maybe if I unplug and plug back in the windows user in me showing maybe if I just turn it off and turn it back on again it'll work no that didn't work at all uh let's try and exit steam maybe okay exit try and exit steam okay this stopped working and then no no it's just Frozen now well that's sad all right uh we pressed the shutdown command well this is interesting you have to control it with the controller or uh let's look it up actually cuz that seems messed up let's see let's come down into here and see there must be something with bite um let's try bite keyboard and mouse controls uh not working kind of weird but let's see what somebody says let's go Reddit you got to always apply Reddit to everything when you search Google these days and you know might it might be the no no it's fine yeah I don't know how I broke this I'm skilled at breaking things there's nobody else that can break well I mean Linus can break Hardware better than me but that's about it I'm very skilled at the software breakage part although I don't know yeah Mouse controls not working let's see no that's just bite uh uh that's baz core that's a digma thing okay let's come back into it PS2 Mouse I wish lies plus chis weapons of mass destruction God that's that would be scary it would be scary to say the least all right here we go now a maybe not all right we're just going to hard boot it what's the worst that could happen all right let's try that it's very interesting though I think if I leave the controller plugged up during the boot process it should be fine we should see a bios post screen here in a second just like a belink logo or something right come on go away Elgato show me the screen show me the screen no all right come on no there we go all right and our mouse and keyboard are working now so whatever was done we're good so now we have this we also the keyboard is now working as well all right I like it so I think we got to get some hell divers 2 action going on uh let's go to store that's going to be one thing that's going to be wanting to be played at this land party let's go hell divers hell divers uh dot dot dot hell divers to yes view page all right I got to buy it one second we're going to just buy this live on stream what's the worst Could Happen hell divers 2 view my cart continue to payment I'm going to try it all let you guys know if there's something in here that causes any issues but so far looks pretty good install content install I don't see anything we're going to come back oneit second let me get out of the home screen return to store steam deck all right all right just making sure I'm not doxing myself once again during this stream already done it once I try not to do it more than that so now we got this going let's see how the performance looks like on this yeah let's see how Hell divers 2 holds up on Linux this will be the first we install and play now I haven't played any hell drivers 2 so uh it will be interesting to see try not to show my card everyone's saying it runs smooth on Linux so it should be good now the the beauty of a distribution like basite is been um it should be a much more consistent experience so if you hear a bunch of people say yeah that works on Linux bite it should work uh pretty good because the bite team everything's mint around gaming much like the steam deck a lot of things just work really well and I I imagine we're going to see more of the same here which is the beauty of it if you're really a hardcore gamer I think the future here in like 5 years I think everything's going to work really well on Linux specifically a mutable gaming dros I think that's where the future lies for gamers like PC Gamers you're going to be doing that because this type of experience while this is like a very very early days that you're seeing right now it shouldn't work at all really I mean we're talking like prototype style right here for a steam machine but what you're going to see I bet you I launch into this thing and it works great having said that I don't I've never played this game I just bought it we're trying it for the first time we're going to see if it even can install or did it just lock up and I'm sitting here yammering on about how great this is going to work I don't know I guess we're about to find out that's the one thing I love about the live streams we'll see but I honestly think it's going to work great I think this is going to be fantastic you know I nobarro is still one of my top picks like if you're a gamer and you really want to move to Linux nobarro is still a good pick uh Gloria EG roll still does a fantastic job and as much as I like to craft on red hat and the fact that glorious egal is a red hat engineer I got to say nabara still works really good and that's saying a lot coming from me because I really don't like anything based on any kind of rail code and that type of thing but it's just just how it goes all right let's see what we got what we got oh yeah yeah uh AED I think I'm G to let's see didn't I didn't uh let's see here oh do I have twitch over here I don't man I am the worst streamer in the world out of uh streamers out there I am still learning things didn't even log in on my stream machine over here doggies we're still downloading we're about 133% through one second here silly two Factor one four zero all right there we go oh oops that's not it pro streamer one second any recommend recommendations on Mini PCS I'm not a huge fan of mini PCS I've had good luck with uh oh let's see one second yeah I've had I've had good luck with be links I used to back in the day Intel nucks were really good and then all right there we go sorry I had to clear up some things Intel Nooks were really good and and then I moved on to belink has been pretty decent for a Mini PC the main problem you have with mini PCS why I don't really recommend them is they usually burn out with pretty heavy usage after about 3 years because everything's really compressed into that small form factor so while I like the idea of having a really really small PC it's just you need to understand that you're going to have a smaller life cycle because of that firm factor which is bad all right we're 34% um as far as download percentages pretty decent on the actual download here about 500 600 megabits which is uh pretty pretty decent oh man HGH join chat how's it going HGH hadn't seen you in a minute what graphics card would you recommend for an arch build AMD graphics card all the way Alex you can't really do Linux fulltime with an Nvidia you can but you'd have to stick with like a a very solid Dro that's not going to update very much so if you're wanting to do like an arch build it's going to change a bunch and you're just going to have a better experience on AMD compared to Nvidia not to say Nvidia won't work you're just going to have more of a headache so I always like AMD gpus is the way to roll I mean you're just going to have way less issues so I I like Nvidia but at the end of the day since I use Linux as much as I do the only thing that really makes sense to me is an AMD card for my main one did you play League of Legends uh or Poe lately no I haven't played either one I actually haven't been playing pretty much any games lately Intel with AMD GPU I yeah I'd say so Ally rally I I really like um Intel Intel CPUs I I think are a little bit more reliable for me in my experience compared to the AMD counterpart AMD I think is a better value so so if you're a if you're money conscious I still think AMD CPUs are probably a little bit better than Intel's counterpart however I think Intel's just a little bit more reliable so you pay a little bit more for the reliability and AMD gpus are better for upgrades and such meaning you can use that motherboard and uh swap out the CPU for several Generations where Intel that's not going to be a thing you're going to have to replace the motherboard and CPU every time um so it there's pros and to each but for me personally I like just having an Intel CPU with an AMD GPU for just my main system doing regular stuff having said that for like production and you know video editing slash live streaming those types of things I like having an AMD GPU because of inven being a little bit better than amd's encoder so there's a lot of nuances to the GPU space but I really do like uh the a1s oo an A2000 yeah I think I I just got on the main system I think it was like a 470 I think a 4070 super is what I ended up going with on that it works pretty good but I probably should have gone with a more tridon true business one all right we're done with the download of Hell divers 2 now we're just uh verifying yeah this is actually a home theater PC so I really hate HDMI if you can switch to display port display port an open system HDMI is not so HDMI terrible display port good so whenever you can use a display port I know it's not feasible in some setups like right now I'm doing a lot of mirroring so I have all my systems hooked up to an HDMI switch the switcher goes into a mirror one goes to my monitor one goes to a capture card it's just not there yet for display port but as soon as it is I'm switching all my stuff to dis display port and that's will be so much better because HDMI you have uh what is it I want to say DHCP but that's not it oh I'm drawing a blank but it's like basically a copyright built into the HDMI signal and to properly like capture stuff from HDMI you got to strip it out using like a splitter and yeah hdcp that's it I there we go I always say DHCP just the IT guy in me I always have a hard time remembering that but yeah all right we got hell divers here we go does it work we should probably take a pull but I want to just see we're testing bite which is basically Steam OS it's going to be probably the best iteration of Steam OS let's go home hell diers 2 all right let's hit play now we haven't done anything to this we probably should have updated the system before doing anything but I was just kind of so excited I wanted to log into steam and just try it right out of the box so let's see how this looks I'm kind of curious maybe got to that's one thing about Linux gaming is you kind of have to be a little bit patient all right uh right now steam Bo okay thanks for the sub there OT uh why is the controller not centered I don't know it is off to the side isn't that kind of weird so now it's compiling Vulcan shaders now I am using rdna 3 this is a 7840 HS it's only an APU there is no GPU associated with this so I don't know what kind of performance we're going to get from this I imagine it's not going to be great that's just my hunch but we'll see that thing is kicking up though it is really that fan hopefully it doesn't explode it's really kicking up on the the fan is hitting 100% throttle over there well we should have uh done some mango HUD we'll get in play like a quick like one or two minutes just to see how it looks and then we're going to load up mango HUD and start benching it a little bit Yeah the 7840 HS is not bad for gaming not great either for like AAA titles but for integrated apus it's probably closer to the top of the range I mean that looks pretty good uh I don't know we didn't really mess with any settings so we got to check game mode we got to check mango HUD we got to check oh quite a few things here guys okay press any button okay yep take my firstborn child don't care uh subtitle mode on screen subtitle sure let's go uh audio device probably like headphones I guess no Soundbar TV speakers I I don't know well I don't really care let's just go crossplay Sure Link your account uh skip adjust brightness yep barely can see the skull now like to go a little bit brighter I know my old age it's hard for me to see okay so bazai does not use game mode it uses the system 76 scheduler good to know all right we're agreed to that super Earth Ministry of truth please observe the following serice some announcement now do I have any sound I don't because I didn't map any sound of this thing H let me think about how to map the sound real fast well yuck probably the best way to map the sound would be head phone to a like XLR or something well at least we got subtitles uh having said that what do we have over here uh one second I got something I think this will work this is a little bit of a weird setup but I think it'll get the job done all righty I think we got something pulled into there and oh no what happened to our screen did I touch something I broke it all right let's see yep yep yep all right that should bring us up so we got that let's see if we have options for Sound audio got that uh let's go headphones apply tab all right nothing yet ah there's always something uh pulling in sounds always a little tricky one of those things change mic to push to talk I don't think I have a mic really piped into this thing so I think we're fine there we're not going to be able to chat with anybody anyways because this is a secondary home theater PC so silly question how do I [Laughter] exit uh serious question oh quick game it's about to say come on Chris there's got to be a quit button around here somewhere yeah shift ZZ colon Q exclamation I can quit Vim but I can't quit a video game all right so we quit out now oh okay yeah we got to hold the power button all right so that get kicks us back here let's see if we go into our main menu go settings let's look at our audio we have this default which is fine but I don't hear anything let me see if we can't get some volume no I mean coming coming from that front spot should be enough so maybe let's go speakers don't find anything there I'm going to pull in my audio interface real fast and ah it's muted okay so that's done nothing let's go family anything okay that sounds like something right a little bit loud on uh the right side I think number two is coming a little hot all right let's try it again still a little bit okay that should be good done oh you guys hear nothing okay well that's okay we're just going to pipe it in um okay so a quick little fix here we're going to go channel three and we're going to grab I have so many channels bam all right now okay that works do you guys hear that I don't know okay I hear it but I don't think you guys hear it perfect okay let's see what we get for hell divers now let's go back and just the music okay H I wonder if it won't actually add the device because no it's not okay that's okay I think we can add it I might have to stop the stream if we got nothing can we add it live I don't know if there's will work we're going to try it okay it's going to be an interesting mix going to have to add this uh on the go let's go ratio ducking all right all right I I like it super Earth our home Prosperity Liberty Hi there democracy our way of life oh hello all right but Freedom doesn't come free liberty no okay okay okay that's great look familiar all right here let's see how fast this thing goes now we got to get mango HUD working all right come on man I can't believe actually going to become hell divers approaching LZ next recruit prepare to dismount liberating the Galaxy stomping bugs every kid's dream all right thanks good luck out there I'll see you on the front lines you're on your own from here recruit use your map to find your way to the training facility there we go that's better I don't want any Reverb from uh speaker audio oh perfect okay now we're good okay so now we have everything how does this look how does it feel uh is there that it feels a little laggy not going to lie but maybe not terrible let's see what we get uh is there any in-game options here display can we just get a quick FPS count frame frame rate limit on Fram l no can we get like a 60 60 vsync nobody should ever use vsync I hate it camera Shake ew gross field of view 55 what am I an old man I mean I'm old but not that old uh what else we got all right I think that's good uh borderless window honestly it probably doesn't matter very much on these days yeah it's a little bit laggy yeah oh don't do 90 it's a lot okay is it all right let's uh quit the game I want to get mango Hut up going so let's let's see if we can't get mango HUD yeah so what we're going to do is go into properties and we should be able to just do like mango HUD equal one and let see is it I think that should get us what we need yeah steemo s it I it's been a little bit since I messed around with it uh you can also do it by quick setting oh that's right you don't need to do it here so if we look at like menu settings and let's see what we can do without doing it the old school way yeah mango HUD percent command should do it yeah oh boy I don't see it over here maybe going to try it on the Xbox controller maybe no that did not do it for me either yeah H how to get the Quick Settings up in basite is probably the next thing what do you think right now I'm is an Xbox uh whatever what's the new Xbox the new Xbox controller whatever that is uh let's see uh system do we have a mango Hut option if not we'll we'll just do it the old school way all right audio all that looks good yeah Xbox series X controller is what we're rocking half digs controller that look looks good so far this is going really well H game press Xbox button and a okay let's try that Xbox button and a [Music] oh those sounds are pretty sounds pretty good to me that feels really good with a controller guys I got to say all right let's see how this old uh rdna A3 7840 HS how does it Faire here all right already looking around I can't believe we're actually going to become hell 20 FPS approaching LZ next recruit prepare to Dismount liberating the Galaxy what can we do for performance every kid dream as far as this goes good luck out there I'll see you on the front lines this is the Cinematic experience you're on your own from here recruit this is what we call to find your way to the training facility cinematic gaming [Laughter] [Music] experience all right let's turn FSR on H that's hilarious okay let's come down to display do we have FSR here render skate Ultra quality does Hell divers 2 have FSR quick settings FSR oh okay quick settings settings okay no I think we can take down the performance overlay a little bit it's a little bit Overkill over there now always disable motion blur yeah for sure can we improve it I think probably medium should be fine for this one again it's an APU you we don't have any uh anything else and frame limit 60 is fine enable vrr variable refresh rate I don't know if we really want to mess with that scaling and show performance overlay and steam yeah I don't think we'll do either of that all right so be it and then over here let's take down this to balanced frame rate limit we're going to turn that on right now it's at 144 we're going to pull this down to 60 scaling filter is FSR okay see if I can't see it I probably just overlooked scaling filter it's probably under Graphics haven't quite got there I know I'm kind of like a heathen using this control but I kind of like the controller kind of thrw up my mouth a little bit saying that all right off do we have take that up to like 70 right no 69 there we go perfect and Graphics uh actually apply okay we're at 34 FPS so we picked up about 10 FPS we don't have vsync on uh uh let's see if full screen matters I don't think it will we're at 34 FPS but sure let's uh apply those settings no we picked up four FPS just going from borderless to full screen so there you go all right Graphics motion blur take that completely off Bloom and depths of field I kind of like to be honest it's just just my thing uh texture quality medium render distance High do we have a filter in here before I mess with too much stuff I kind of want to see if we can get that scaling filter where is that at yeah temps seem really good especially since this is a Mini PC we're messing with it being at 67 C is actually really good oh you hate Bloom okay you can turn Bloom off all right didn't really affect FPS I don't think and scaling filter where is that at don't see it over here let's go gameplay Dynamic aim window notifications data collection well let's just turn that off right scaling filter is it at the Quick Settings really okay so here's our Quick Settings oh there's the scaling filter there we go FSR sharpness does that give us any FPS we're at 40 FPS h i mean it is considerably better playable but we need to ink out probably another 10 I guess 40 wouldn't be the end of the world so let's let's go it's all about FPS I agree with you let's come back we need to get that down a little bit more I think graphics let's just take this into like a medium preset let's apply the medium preset we're at 40 blooms off sharpness does that give us uh couple FPS taking sharpness off render distance Shadow quality let's take it to the lowest particle lowest reflection lowest May slightly improve or at 44 FPS not really as much as I hope I was hoping to get out of this yeah I think at this point we need to drop it from 1080p to 900p I like that suggestion getting to 60 FPS is probably the biggest thing yeah use anti-aliasing with with everything down I agree with that let's take some of this down lighting quality I kind of like a little bit of lighting quality and texture quality I don't want to take to low honestly I kind of want a little bit of sharpness here let's go to like 75 apply okay we're at 53 FPS right now see how's that look very close to a 60 so I bet you we could ink this out without removing does that give us a little bit more with the sharpness no it doesn't doesn't seem to affect it really I don't know guys I think I would prefer this so it being a 78 40 HS it feels pretty good our frame times we have a solid line on the left side no uh big spikes upcome to training is waiting for you up ahead please proceed no GPU coming [Applause] into yeah I'm General frash super Earth's oldest and most grizzled war hero and I'm not easy to impress H TR phix says it's going to get laggy in game but I can tell that doesn't scare you can we skip no we can't now enough jip jab the upcoming obstacles will take everything your exceptional physique can muster this is it the real deal get to it Soldier I wonder how laggy how laggy you think it'll be in all my years I've never witness such acrobatic Perfection so far it's not that bad ready for our highly realistic Battlefield simulator that's right the real deal I didn't see that coming oh okay you can see the pixels impeccable like I always say oh man those pix the best simulation is a real simulation all right now activate the battlefield injury simulator all right here we go I don't know do you go to a lower I'm bleeding out resolution grin your teeth Soldier grab that stem and pat yourself up okay grab St and use the freedom never sleep good as new now look sharp you're about to encounter democracy sworn enemy recruit now is good combat will be harsh I guess we'll find out there it is the terminate the scorge of Liberty arm yourself and show that bug the true meaning of freedom oh dead I now use a grenade to close up that I didn't see any drops there otherwise they'll just keep coming okay fire in the hole what a catapult of an arm on to the next section all right let's see now that we've seen a little bit let's let's switch it we can we can keep playing with this I think going from is it going to require reboot let's see I think go I don't think we need to go 720 900p should knock it out of the park apply yeah so we should be capped at 60 with a 900 look up in the sky recruit that there is a Super Destroyer and it's all powerful strategems are yours to command use a strategem now to take care of the those bucks just make sure you take a few steps back hold this and then dial stratagen okay it's so ugly so it does look really really bad what happens if we dial this up to like Ultra but we keep all this it's sharp so you see that and the display is still on 900p now it drops it it drops it a good bit all right so probably like a medium let's see what that looks like 45 throwing [Music] grenade all right let's try FSR of democracy good good work yeah it was kind of giving me some like Quake Quake Vibes it's still next lesson hell divers fight in squads meet your new squadmate greetings fellow hell dier what a fine Soldier your brother at Arms a battle it looks like poo I will say all right uh everything looks fine with that but I take their dep field render distance probably what would give us the most Global elimination ambient exclusion H terrain quality High clouds quality brings it in the 50s again but yeah I think just putting it to low is really what you got to do and then it caps it at 60 all right so now we're at 60 900p at low settings I feel like this is probably the best of all but all [Music] right wait uh man GRE fellow hell diver brings me back Soldier and takes uncommon resolve to move past the death of your load yourself up recruit this is at a 75 render scale so if we look at the render scale it's balanced right now and then if you look at Graphics sharpness is at a 75 what let's Jack it all the way up to one see what that looks like I mean it's a little that's a lot of jagged lines so to smooth that out like you can see it really on the edges of things that's why you don't want like a super high sharpness so probably like a probably like a05 I would say right so something like this would probably be not quite as jarring all right cool all right pick up the ar23 whatever that is all right all right let's see what we got out of ammo last reload piece of advice moving around makes it hard to aim for aist accuracy stay still while you shoot and do we see any difference with like let's say take FSR take the sharpness down to like a three I think that improved it Bug Hole West on my position uh what was the grenades wasn't it like oh there we go fire in the hole there we go those unthinking folks never stood a chance against a genius tactical mind like yourself you are literally in hold up recruit it's finally time to call in the big guns use the support weapon strategy to get yourself a real weapon wait down right down left I got to one second I got to take off the performance it's actually blocking what I need to press all right let's come up to here performance overlay yeah I actually kind of like that one better anyways all right [Music] so the res right now is 675 with the 75 render Strat to get so if we look at our options we're at uh 900p render scale balanced and then at a05 render so if we go up to sharpness by default this actually since at 75 so this would be more of the [Music] defaults all right use the resupply load up Soldier because play time's over you've reached your final test this is the real deal get to it uh-oh how do I switch oh there we go all right this area is in dire need of Liberation from the terminate Scourge activate that terminal this does look a little bit like Roblox oh input the code on Terminal oops wow they're really big on the d-pad in this [Music] game I've never seen such Flawless terminal now somewhere around here is the flag super find it and plant it where all can see its Democratic Glory okay retrieve the flag that's the flag of super Earth recruit planted in the designated area all right designated area is somewhere around [Music] here oops all right uh this looks like a designated area right make sure you show it the proper respect this place pretty good I know the graphics aren't anything to write home about but still fun Max empty glorious work recruit already you've Advanced the cause of democracy farther than any soldier I've ever seen you've proved your worth you're ready to Da your cape oh here we go I got a cape [Music] now now there's a hell diver I'd rather have Apu gaming than console gaming 100% agree with you ccj yeah man you're finally ready for the realest deal of them all the galactic War Liberty democracy Justice they're in your hands now Liberty democracy Justice yes oh boy you know for it being just an APU and this just being released I don't know call me an old man but this actually looks pretty good I'm not [Music] complaining this game's made for Americans so true Apu is basically no GPU in the system the CPU is the GPU as so all right dawn of courage I will say the CPU only being at 30% 40% it's actually kind of impressive congratulations on completing training hell diver you're in charge of this will we go and move it up on the graphics and let's push it to 1080p you still don't really you you get the drop to 4 45 frames but the CPU doesn't change at all which is kind of interesting any know yeah just kind of noticed that oh boy all right that's pretty neat I like it I mean the fact it worked right out of the box on a brand new system install I haven't done anything but sign into my Steam that's it that's all we've done with this and then I hooked up just an Xbox controller didn't do any drivers didn't do I heck we didn't even update the system yet that's the one thing I'm like o we should probably check that out it's kind of impressive so let's uh switch to desktop and let's just run an update real fast I'm kind of curious to see what this looks like so let's do a dnf uh update this system is image based RPM uh OS tree based so if let's let's take that up a little bit ah well that's what we get so no upgrade available so cool all right I really dig that so everything's immutable let's try youjust and see what we get for that you just and maybe you just update you just update let's see if uh we get it from this so you can't use dnf because it's immutable I like it I know some people are not going to like this but I'm thinking from a normal user perspective so many times normal users get in here and start following some like wiki guide online and now you don't so is this just a reboot okay okay you just update though that's crazy yeah I mean I'm for a normal user mutable is kind of crazy crazy good like I think of my experiences on the steam deck using just like a a Mini PC right here you know obviously you're not going to go play like crazy titles with an APU like I'm doing but we just installed it we didn't do anything we didn't do any optimizations we didn't do any tweaking all I did was like actually someone actually installed on their steam deck in my QR code I think that's pretty funny so I got trolled a little bit but after a reboot and me logging into my Steam account we did it loaded it up and it just played hell divers that's all we did I plugged in my Xbox controller and then loaded up I think the Xbox controller did disable the keyboard and mouse off the get-go but on reboot it came back for some odd reason there was a little bit of a bug there but that was one of the only bugs the other thing I noticed um was there was no other configuration we got in we immediately started kind of messing around people in chat were actually going oh well to get the quick access menu with an Xbox controller hold the Xbox button and a and I was like oh I didn't know that so then I pull it up changed some of the settings so we were already off and playing and that's kind of insane so let's say if we go from here and let's say we go settings let's pretend like we're a complete Noob and try and update the system system from here like if we go system check for updates does it actually check the the beite updates probably I would imagine so that would actually be how you'd update so you would really never ever go to the desktop unless you're grabbing like a flat pack or something of that nature I'm telling you guys this is the future of gaming this is where it's at I love this for a whole variety of reasons but again this is just like a first iteration using just a Mini PC I had with an APU think of the Next Generation uh I think basite actually just the the company that sent me this they just contact me there's an 8,000 series Apu that's coming out I'm going to I'm going to respond to that email and I'm going to load up basite on it because I'm kind of curious to see what happens with that now I know out of the gate when I first get these uh CPUs uh they they're a little bit untested so I'll be probably one of the first PE people to ever install bite using that that CPU so we'll have to check that out too and kind of see what we get overall though wow what a great experience I know it was a little bit of a crapshoot trying to juggle everything like the new multi streaming with uh trying to pipe in this PC compared to my other stream PC it was a little bit of a mess today but I think we got there in the end it was still a good stream I'll do a a video on this for sure but it's the very first real no terminal drro I mean honestly I think Steam OS is the very first no terminal drro really if we're getting behind it but it's bite specifically made for home theater PC the thing I like the most about bite here I'm going to I'm going to get out of here and we're going to go to uh let's see let's go to my my regular pc real fast so I wanted to pull up one thing with bite do I still have it yeah I do great right here just so you guys can see so for bite when you're doing it let's say you just want to download it if you go to bite. G you can try it but the staff there has done a very good job of saying hey what kind of PC do you have are you using a handheld so you could install this on a steam deck if you wanted you could say you know what I'm using a desktop or a home theater PC I chose home theater PC I wanted KD because it's more windows esque and then it's an AMD Apu so it's using rdna A3 7840 HS that makes a good good bit of sense to me uh if you're using an Nvidia card you could go here but you pick out exactly what you want and then you're like hey do you want it just to be like a steam deck on your desktop PC meaning you don't see the desktop you don't you think of it as more of a console than an actual computer then you would say yes to this question and then you download and install it using an ISO I think the bite team has a has something here I think this is going to be the future of gaming now obviously this is very early iterations of it but I think we're going to see a lot more like this this is the first thing I've seen do it so well the fact I could do everything without I could be a complete Noob and I think figure this out and secure boots supported hey that's awesome I think I actually disabled secure boot just because I didn't want to mess with so good job basite team really really kind of amazing I think I think there there's so much going on there and you know huge shout out and the people in chat I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to basite but I I'll do a full-blown YouTube video on it I just wanted to give like First Impressions on stream this is kind of what I'm going to start doing more so every every week you'll probably see me live stream and I'm going to try and dual stream like new things I'm trying out some of them will make it to final form this one will definitely make it to final form bazai amazing and we'll will definitely be doing a full-blown YouTube video on it um and I'll probably cut all new clips but I'll reference this live stream I'll cut it up and upload it to Titus Tech talk and then on the main Channel we'll do like a condensed 10-minute basite install that is amazing so wow so good but yeah going forward we're going to do more so anytime I see something like this like if we're doing BSD for the first time you guys can they laugh at me and those types of things but we're going to do more of these types of streams where we're really exploring stuff and really diving in and having a good time and uh yeah how how'd you guys like bite today hopefully you liked it a lot I really highly recommend if you got like another PC laying around that you're like hey I want to repurpose that and it might make for some you know low-end gaming like I'm doing here I I think be fun I I'm going to take this over to a friend's house and we'll play some hell divers too on this little tiny Mini PC I think it would be a blast so all right guys I'm going to shut it down to the day thank you all for coming out exploring all this with me having a good time and uh yeah look forward to the next one we'll see when that is and uh in the meantime see you guys in the next one hopefully tomorrow or Sunday we'll see all right y'all peace
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 6,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MOcekLz18QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 57sec (5757 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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