Steam Input Tutorial - Extra and Sub Commands - Play Keyboard and Mouse MMO Games

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hey everybody bill here i want to show you how to set up your um your steam deck in order to play games that are made with lot i like to call them piano games games that have tons and tons of keyboard shortcuts and they are absolutely 100 not designed with a controller in mind and you might think that you can't possibly play a game like that on the steam deck but i'm here to tell you you absolutely can and i'm going to show you how to do it from absolute start to finish let's get started alright so the first thing that i want to do is i want to set it up so that i can control where i move with my uh character with the left stick and control the camera with the right stick and you can see right now it's set up so that the right stick does not control the camera so i'm going to go in here to my steam settings and i i'm having trouble seeing because my camera is in the way so if i like i hit the wrong button if i hit the wrong thing that's why and we're going to go into edit layout once i'm in edit layout i'm going to set up my right well actually first i'm going to go into my left joystick and my left joystick i have it set up in my keybinds and you can set it up however you want that my q button is my left strafe and my e button is my right strafe and so now if i get out of there now that controls the way that i would expect the next thing that i'm going to do is set up my right stick so i go back into steam controller settings edit layout joysticks right joystick it says joystick mouse and that's fine but what i want to do is i want to set a touch command to my mouse as a right click and that's because when you play this game you hold down the right mouse button when you move your you'd like you you click with the right mouse button you hold that down and then as you move your mouse around it controls the camera that way so now i back back out and you can see that now i'm looking around but man is it really really loose so what i need to do is i don't like to adjust the in-game sensitivity i prefer to do all of that through steam and we're going to go back into that layout joysticks and i'm going to go down to the joystick mouse and i'm going to lower the mouse sensitivity way way down okay and and let me just look through the options here and see if there's anything else that i did no i think that's pretty much it and that looks pretty good and now when i play this game i tend not to look up and down nearly as much as left and right so i'm going to actually make it a little less sensitive up and down and so i'll go into my joysticks and my joystick mouse i'm going to lower actually i'm going to lower the horizontal scale a bit and i'm going to lower the vertical scale quite a bit and this should make it just a little bit more manageable this is much better now do i need to snap my my mouse around really fast no can i make it faster i could what i could do if i wanted to is going back into edit layout under my joysticks i could do an outer ring command and set that in order to make it actually faster but i'm not going to i think that it's probably okay i'll just increase the sensitivity just a little bit and that feels pretty good so now i can move around the way that i want this feels really really good okay uh the next thing that i want to set up is targeting first off i got to find something to target i think yeah over here i have got some targeting dummies okay and um these two targeting dummies i want to be able to decide which one i'm going to use now this is a tab targeting mmo so i'm going to go into here controller settings edit layout i'm going to go into my d-pad and i'm going to say that my right on the d-pad is going to be tab and left on the d-pad is also going to be tab however i'm going to do what's called a sub command a sub command is basically saying when i push this button push this other button at the same time i'm going to set it to shift so now if i if i'm tabbing through them this way it's going to go to the right if i go that way it goes to the left now i only have two targets to go through right here so it's not really going to show that off but that's the way it works alright so the next thing that i want to do is i need to look at actually just to make it easier for myself i'm going to set up the buttons uh the r4 that's that's the top grip button on the back i'm going to set that as my left click and if i need to do a right click that's going to be uh that that's r4 so then l4 is going to be my right click so basically now let me flip my steam deck over over here this is the left click no that's going to be the right click that's going to be the left click okay so now if i go over here and i click a point at that i just use my middle finger on the on the trackpad to click it that way i can select things manually and i can like go into my inventory and edit things that way so that i've got my mouse button set up that's going to going to make it easier for me to go into my preferences in case i forgot like what a keybind is i can look it up in here or i can set it i'm not going to do that right now what i am going to do right now is i'm going to start setting up these buttons down here on the bottom now you'll notice that i have them in groups i have a group of six a group of six and then another potential group of six although i'm only level 50 so i don't have two extra buttons that i would use in combat on the regular basis to put right there well let me show you how i get this set up i want to set it up i have these three buttons on the top one two and three i'm going to set that up so this is 1 2 and 3. and you might wonder well how do you do the other ones we'll get to that so here's what i'm going to do i go into control settings i edit my layout i'm going to go come down here to action sets and i'm going to add a layer i'm going to call this layer left confirm and now that i've got that i'm going to go back into my default i'm going to come down to triggers and i'm going to set my left trigger full pole actually we're going to remove that command remove command my left trigger full pull is going to be an action set and it's going to be set up as a hold action layer confirm what that means is that whenever i hold the left trigger down whenever i pull that trigger and hold it down the whole time it's going to switch over to a new set of abilities that inherits all of the stuff from the previous set of abilities but overlays new stuff on top of that and i'm going to set it up so that my x button x is one my y button is two and my b button is three and so now i'm going to target that guy i'm going to pull that trigger and i push one and now i'm shooting at him this is a target dummy so he's not going to going to attack back okay he evaded it okay there we go all right so now i'm shooting them because i have the those abilities um i don't think that i'm close enough to use my other abilities yeah okay get close enough and i can use that ability and i have to wait for my third ability to proc i think it's been a long time since i played this game years actually all right well that ability is not usable right now so i can't actually like push b to show you it working but it would work if i could use it all right so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to set up to use these buttons now you'll notice this is shift 1 shift 2 and shift 3. if i zoom in on this you might be able to see it okay so there's shift one shift two and shift three how do i set that up it's actually really really easy i'm gonna go back into my layout i'm gonna switch over to my left button i'm going to go to my x button x i'm going to do an extra command i'm going to say one and you might be saying well isn't it already one yes it is however i'm going to set that extra command instead of being a double press i'm sorry instead of being a regular press let me go back instead of being a regular press it is a double press okay and then i'm going to set up a sub command that is shift so the way that it works now is when i'm here if i pull the trigger and push x it uses the green ability right there and if i pull the trigger and hit xx it's evaded there we go i do an uppercut so now i'm going to back off so that my i'm not shooting like crazy and i'll set up the other ones y is 2 so i'm going to add extra command that is two make that a double press add a sub command shift okay i get back up there two is this ability shift to is that ability very similar but different a little bit all right so now i'm going to back off we'll do the same thing for the other one so now i have these six abilities mapped to these three buttons i come up here i can use them and that's how you can set up those abilities so now you're going to look over here and i'm going to set up the right hand side because it's easier for me to think of it in this way and i'm going to set this up so that my right trigger is going to activate these abilities so i go into steam controller settings edit layout i'm going to come down to action sets and i'm going to add a new layer that layer is going to be called write and we're going to go back to my default i'm going to go to my triggers i'm going to get rid of this ability remove the command and r2 full poll is going to be an action set hold action layer set it to be right and now we've got that set up i'm going to go into right i'm going to go into my buttons notice that my d-pad is going to inherit all of the stuff that my d-pad already does so all of that stuff that it does when i'm when i'm hold not holding down this trigger is still going to be there the only thing that changes is this stuff so a i'm sorry x is one y is two b is three and now i'm going to duplicate all of those abilities so we're gonna go extra command three extra command one extra command two and i'm kind of far away because the camera's in my way so it's hard to see set up this one as a double press give it a sub command shift do the same thing on this one it's a double press and a sub command shift and this one i just made a mistake this one right there double press sub command shift back out all right so now i can use these buttons over here when i pull this trigger um oh no no okay i made a mistake let me fix that i made a huge mistake notice that's seven eight nine seven eight nine not one two and three so i need to fix that uh and this is the kind of thing that you're gonna run into is that you'll make goofy mistakes as you go let me fix that so seven seven i don't know what that does but i just did it all right you can see that my seven ability is on cooldown now my eight ability and my nine ability and if i want to use whatever this thing is down here double tap uh it says effect condition failed probably because i can't use it on a target dummy oh i just i happen to fail okay okay so left trigger to get those right trigger to get these how do i get the middle i use both triggers at the same time how do we do that it's actually super super easy i'm going to go back into edit layout i'm going to go to action sets i'm going to make a new action set add layer both all right and we go back into joysticks are not joysticks uh triggers now this is going to be a little weird at first but i think you'll understand so right now i've got it set up so that if i pull the right trigger it's going to affect turn on those right-handed abilities if i pull the left trigger it's going to do the left-handed abilities so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on this and i'm going to come down here to add extra command and i'm so now i have another full pull ability and i'm going to change this from a regular press to a button cord all right and i need to do the settings and the chord button is going to be the other trigger so now it's going to be my left trigger full pull okay and now i'm going to give it a command action sets hold action set both confirm so what happens is if i pull the right trigger and the left trigger at the same time it's going to activate this set so we'll go into those and that's going to be four five and six so x is four y is five and b is six okay let's let's test it so i want this button right here to go off and you can see that it's on cooldown so it worked hmm which which ability is going off right now oh it's resisting now i'm not let me try this one more time oh wait wait wait now we'll know for sure ah okay so there we go it was working i was just hitting the wrong button all right so now if i hit both buttons i have to be closer and then there's the first one and so what i'm gonna do now is in that in that new setup i have to set up my shift buttons to get the bottom set so we're gonna go over here to both i got four five six duplicate that with an extra command duplicate this with an extra command duplicate this with an extra command and that's whoops that's six four i just hit the wrong button because i'm camera's in my way i can't see what i'm doing five and now this has to be a double press this has to be there's a double press regular press double press the bottom one has to be regular press double press and now i'm going to add a sub sub command shift go to the next one sub command shift and go to the last one sub command shift and so now if i come up here i can hold both use the for ability or if i want to use the shift for ability double tap x and that attacks and so now you can see that that's on cooldown and so now i have access to 6 12 13 14 15 16 18 abilities using just these three buttons and a different combination of triggers and if you want to get crazy you got buttons on the back if you want to use you also have bumpers i personally like to set up the bumpers to control my my scroll wheel so i'm going to go into my buttons left trigger scroll wheel down rights trigger scroll wheel up now what you're going to see is it doesn't quite do anything so how do i get that set up well uh buttons bumpers scroll wheel down it's a regular press but i'm going to go into settings i'm going to turn on turbo and turn on turbo over here settings turbo why can i not zoom ah okay it's because the ceiling was in my way so now i can zoom in and out as much as i want so you might be asking how do i get to these this is something i never even considered when i started this well you can just touch them so if i want to mount up on my speeder i just tap that button and now i'm on my speeder if i need to do a quick heal i have this potion right here i just tap that potion and it heals me and it works really really well it's something that i never considered just having these just easily within thumbs reach i can use them and actually if you want you can set these to in this particular game you can set these to be a bigger size if you want to have them uh bigger touch touch spaces really really great the one thing i will say is uh you want to make sure that you lock the quick lock quick slot bar so that you don't accidentally drag stuff off of your bar so now you have your combat abilities set up and you can set up either this touchpad or this touchpad to do other stuff i like to leave this one as the mouse just in case i need it for something you can also set up these buttons when you're not pulling a trigger to do other stuff like right now this one is jump if i want i can set the y button to be my map so if i go to my controller settings edit layout buttons y m that's going to bring up my map now so that brings up my map and i can close that with the map and you know if you have a bunch of things that you do all the time you could set those up to be a like a radial menu over here so maybe i want to set up my trackpad left trackpad we're going to set that left trackpad to be a radial menu and radial menu 1 we're going to say that's that and uh inventory and my skills i can't remember and my um friends list and uh maybe the g button i can't remember and so now when i come out that opens up that that brings up my inventory that brings up the the k button it brings up the social menu that brings up the nothing because i guess i don't have that bound to anything you have tons that you can do real quick thing that i want to mention about the radial menu is on the old steam controller you could set it up so that your radial menu would have like little icons or it would say instead of i you could put like bags and you can't do that yet on steam os 3.0 i did reach out to my contacts at valve and i said is that something that's going to be coming and they said yes it is we're working on that so just something to know so that's my uh basically universal control layout for playing a tab targeted mmo what i like to call piano piano games because there's so many different buttons and you can play it on the steam deck if you like this video and you want to see more videos like it make sure that you click on that button down below and let me know what your favorite layouts are and i'm going to export this this layout as a base layout so i'm going to share this with the community and let's go ahead and change the name of it if you didn't know if you make a layout and you think it's really really good you can just name it so i'm going to say bills steam deck the camera is in my way steam deck layout i'm going to put in progress in progress and that's stupid parentheses didn't work there we go and i'm going to hit confirm all right so now i just exported that and i'm going to see if i can like share that so that i can put it in there maybe a link in the description down below if you want to try it out for yourself uh let me know what you think hit the subscribe button and thanks for watching the nerd nest bye everybody
Channel: NerdNest
Views: 50,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game news
Id: eUmUdcRhM6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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