Steam Deck: Protect Yourself - Backup and Restore Your Game Saves Easily With This Tool

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hi everyone Shane R Monroe here and if you've ever lost a save file costing you 5 10 40 100 hours of save game data you know the importance of backing up your game saves especially if it's not Cloud save ready however even Cloud saves can corrupt people can make mistakes there's all sorts of possibilities unfortunately if you watch that video you'll know that it's kind of a pain in the butt to make your own backups fortunately there's a tool that will make this almost painless ready to see it stick around [Music] hi everyone Shane R Monroe here and if you caught my last video talking about losing your game saves when you're moving from external to internal storage I'll have a video here for you to see then you'll know the importance of keeping backups of these files so we're gonna go to the Discover Store and type in ludu Savi l-u-d-u-s-a-v-i here it is right here easy to install nothing weird no setups no non-stein gains nothing it's just install and run how refreshing right foreign so once it's installed find it off your start menu and you'll find it down in the L's of course right click it and you can add it to your desktop add it to steam I haven't actually run it in gaming mode but you can pin it to steam and then you'll be able to run it from either side you can see here that I have 34 games installed locally now some of these are non-steam games so keep that in mind we run ludu Savvy and you'll see that it says we have 28 games which is smaller than 34 but most of those are probably non-steam game launchers but if you look through here all of these are games including Ghostbusters the one I ran in the other video it's very controversial in terms of your saves you can sort it by status types and here's where it's going to back everything up to I have it backing up to my micro SD card but you can put it wherever you like you can also do custom games by adding your own save information and having it backed up too but we're gonna go to other here and we're gonna change it to the Dark theme ah my eyes the goggles do nothing okay so there is some other features in here we're not going to cover we're just going to do typical backup and restore so as you can see here everything is check marked right 28 games are all check marked and you can kind of compare and contrast the list yourself right I've got 34 but again EA app and things like that aren't going to be in here so this is a good point if you have a non-steam game this is probably not going to help you so if we click preview we'll get a list of everything all of the save data and how big it is this gives us a good idea how much space we're going to need in our destination to hold all of these we sort by size and you can see this is uh that if this has been updated since I did my last backup so OverWatch 2 has information so we're going to go ahead and hit backup it's going to all back up to that one location and off it goes and it really doesn't take much time at all to do your backup right so this one got updated there's Baldur's Gate down there is new so you have these little icons telling you whether it's new or updated look at that 600 megabytes so if you go to restore mode it's the same sort of deal right so it looks pretty good so restore mode will do a preview uh-oh restoration source is invalid Ah that's because when I did a reinstall it didn't pick up my new location where I put it on the SD card so I will go and push it back over to the SD card [Music] okay so now we're ready to preview and again it will show you everything you need to know right it'll show you how big it is it'll show you if any of them are different right now they're all the same because I just took a backup right but you can easily tell and then choose what you want to restore select all delete all in some cases maybe you only want to restore one like say Ratchet and Clank hit restore and you are back in business now what this won't help you do is back the games up here and restore them on your PC even if you had the PC version of ludu Savvy I don't believe it will help you out in this case and I'll show you why here in just a minute but as you can see here this is pretty robust it caught most if not all of my games the last time I tried this tool it didn't seem to work as well and maybe that's because I was running it on the PC side and not the deck side of things but yeah you can add your own here right so you could add your own path and your own files pretty neat stuff all right so let's go to uh one of these backups here I want to show you why I don't think this is going to work if you tried to restore these to a PC so if we go to our save backups and we look inside of one of these folders we'll just grab one at random here we go into Boulder's Gate and we dig deck local share steam this looks really familiar right steam apps so if we dig in here you can see that this is a very specific steam deck path this is not something that you would have on the PC so if you were to move all of these over and then try to restore them with the same app on the PC I just don't think it would work let's go into Ghostbusters here this is one that um I did a test for last time and I'll probably use it again because I know and I can guarantee what its behavior is going to be so if you dig all the way in there it is now you could copy these over if you knew Drive C is your windows Drive C so there's your drive C you go into users and that's your your whatever your profile ID is and you can dig in here and copy those over yourself at least you know what files you need using this tool even if you were going to manually copy them back over yourself so this does help you isolate the save files but it's not going to help you restore them or move them to another PC let's go ahead and delete the save games file in one of the backup folders let's get rid of one of those um let's make it the demons tilt I don't think I've got any backup data in there anyway just in case I deleted it now let's do a preview of the backup mode again [Music] oh look at that demons tilt now shows that there is new data there so I should be creating a backup for that one at the very least because that one is brand new and there's some other filtering stuff that you can do like again you can sort by size or status right so you can find all the ones that are new and make it easy for you to um pick those to do your backup now some of you are probably interested in how the sausage is made so let's go ahead and hop into one of these backups say the Star Wars Force Unleashed II there's a yaml file right here it's a plain text file and if you open it up in something like Kate you'll get to see a little bit more under the hood about how the sausage is made here it's telling you the files that it's backing up it's got the name and the drives and all sorts of other funky stuff for those of you who are interested in getting into the bowels of how this application works and tracks everything this is it so pretty neat stuff there all the same okay so Ghostbusters is notorious there's no Cloud save and once you lose your save it is over and this is one of the ones that if you move it from external to internal it'll nuke it now you see here I've got a career going it says resume career which means I can continue playing uh anytime I feel like so we're gonna go in and manually delete Ghostbusters save us I just made a backup right all should be well I happen to know that that's the proton prefix don't ask I've been doing this too long um so we'll go in here to users blah blah blah documents Ghostbusters and there they are there's the profile and the game save Nukem both now just to make sure I'm not pulling any wool over your eyes we're going to run Ghostbusters Again by the way I'm cutting out all the load screens and everything for you if we go back into Ghostbusters and we check our career again nope no career start over buddy I lost about eight hours of playing Ghostbusters which is one of the reasons why I'm so eager to help you not lose your data so we're gonna go back into the app and we're gonna go to the restore mode and we're gonna find Ghostbusters and we're just gonna hit the restore button Bing Bang Boom you're back at the mall that's it that's all it took now imagine all the hours you lost and there they are look the files are back exactly the way they should be and once again just to make sure I'm not pulling your chain I'll go back in here and we should see that my career is ready to go as intended there you go all is well so listen that app does a whole lot more these are the basics these are going to get you safe these are gonna get your backup safe they're going to get your save data safe everything should be great listen if you like what you saw and this helped you please like subscribe hit the Bell it helps us out I'm Shane R Monroe thanks so much for watching and take care
Channel: MonroeWorld
Views: 4,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: smvU1Wq1Qv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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