Steam Deck - How to Install & Use Lutris on Desktop & Game Mode - Getting Started Guide

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welcome back to the channel guys we're going to  jump right into it here with installing and using   lutras on desktop and in game mode and just like  with many other things we need to get started in   desktop mode so let's go ahead and get into  power here and we're going to go to switch   to desktop and we'll get moved over there where  we can get started now once you're on desktop   mode you can go ahead and move over and go to your  Discovery app and I do like to make sure fetching   for updates finishes because it tends to slow the  discovery app search down a lot if you don't all   right there we go so now we're going to click  on applications here and then I'm just going to   search for looters here in the search bar so we'll  type that out I'll hit enter and now looters will   show up for us over here everything's looking good  so we'll click install if you haven't gotten this   already and you'll be good to go there's a few  tasks it'll go through to install takes a little   bit not too long and then you'll be good to go but  once that finishes up and it says it's done we'll   have a launch button here so I'll go ahead and  click launch I can close out of my Discovery app   and now looters will do its checking for updates  thing here and get launched up for the first time   on this steam deck now I'm not going to go deep  into settings and all the other different things   you can do with lutras in this particular video  I really just wanted to go into installing it and   using it adding it to steam and in game mode but  one thing I will do in here is get to dark mode   because I really need looters to be in dark mode  for me so we want to go up to the top where those   three lines are at we're going to click that  click that and we're gonna go to preferences   is going to be useful for you anyway when you  get into using all the different settings but   I'm going to go down here and go to use dark  theme we'll check that off and there we go that   will definitely help me out so now that we're in  dark mode I'm going to go ahead and click here to   connect which is just going to go ahead and cue me  up the install for epic there's other ways you can   cue that up in here as well but I just happen  to do it that way in this video but we want to   go ahead and install epic this is just an example  whatever installer you're installing Ubisoft epic   EA app whatever I'm going to be going over more  of those in another video here shortly you can   take note of where everything is being installed  here I'll go ahead and click install and then this   process does seem to take a few minutes through  all the steps and after this you'll get this   double download or at least I did I go ahead and  continue and and move on with this let it do all   of that and then once it gets this part done it  goes to the wine setup getting that configured   and ready to go for the first time here as well  and then after that we do have another step where   it goes in installing all the dependencies like I  said I'm skipping through lot of this on a video   just it's just prompts and a little bit of time to  go through this but once it's finished you'll get   the launch right here everything's good to go and  you can see Windows has been added to platforms   at the bottom of looters there and we can add  all of our different launchers in right there   so here we go let me go ahead and open up for  the first time it's doing its update and all   that and I didn't have any problems with this  running and working for me here and then we'll   go ahead and sign into the Epic account so  I'll sign into my account and then here we   go I am into epic and my library is here  everything's good ready to go for install   so we'll go ahead and go in here and we'll just  pick a game to download just this is all just   for example um to show you everything working  here with lootress and get you guys started so   I'll just pick crisis remastered here it's not  a big download go ahead and click install make   sure everything's working properly now uh first  time here it does take a little bit to kind of   pull up the storage options but not too bad once  that does that you can install it and it's default   um here as it shows or you can go and put it on  an SD card or in a different file or or whatever   you want there it's pretty easy to navigate and  get around and access what you need to here but   I'm just sticking with the SSD and all the  standard install stuff I really don't like   the SD performance uh when it comes to like the  third party stuff as much as I do regular Steam OS   games but we'll go ahead and get that installed  here and we'll see the download start I'll show   you guys that real quick all right we'll go ahead  and click downloads I'll show you that process   happening here and there you go we're installing  crisis now let's speed forward here and get to   the end so it's all done installing it's ready  to go but I'm going to close out of Epic here   and I do want to show you one more side note if  you go here back to this connect button if you   were to sign in right here you would actually  be able to see your game Library over here in   lutras not just by opening up epic and this works  with the other launchers and stuff as well not   something I'm going to get into this video but  I did want to mention that to you so you can go   a little deeper yourself there but down here on  Windows platforms we do have epic all ready to   go and launch and we're good for gaming here on  desktop mode with lutras and our launchers but if   you want to use this in game mode it's time to go  to the next steps so we're going to open up steam   here and if you're used to this with your steam  deck already we do need to add an on same game   so we'll click add a game at a non-steam game and  lutras is going to show up right here since it is   a natively installed app ad selected program and  then it will show up in our list over here for   looters now you guys know I like to keep things  pretty clean when I get back to Game Mode so I'm   going to add in my custom artwork here so right  here we're going to add in the banner size icon   we'll put that here for looters I'm going to  go into my properties and we're going to add   our icon now I made all these the proper size as  I usually do and I typically throw these in the   Discord Channel if people want to go grab them but  we'll pick our pick our icon here so I'll go down   there we go proper size for the icon now we have  two more places if we want this to look clean   when we go back to Game Mode and that's going to  be right down here in our recent game so let me   let me actually launch lutras and close it there  we go it's in recent games manage that does some   artwork and again you'll use the banner size here  if you want to fill that properly and then we need   it to bump over so I'm going to open GeForce now  and close it pushes looters over here to the last   spot where we need to put the capsule size all  right there we go so now it's in all four places   and it'll look nice and clean over in game mode  so let's go ahead restart the steam deck and get   over into game mode now that we're ready and you  can see looters installed here I'm going to click   play and it launches very quickly here in game  mode now one problem you'll run into is you'll   have to use touch screen because off the bat the  control scheme doesn't allow you to use the track   pads or anything else or the controller so let  me move this overlay out of the way and we're   going to go ahead and go in make a couple of two  a couple of two easy changes that will help you   navigate this just a little bit to get started and  your controller will still work in game so we're   gonna hit the steam button to bring up the games  menu here and go to controller settings we're   going to go up where it says Gamepad with joystick  track pad I'm going to change that to Gamepad with   mouse trackpad it's just an easy way to do it here  and then as soon as I do that you'll see my mouse   show up I can actually use the right trackpad now  to navigate but clicking doesn't do anything yet   and we'd want to be able to left click to open and  select options so go back into those controller   settings edit layout go down the track pads and  go to where it says click right here okay so we're   using that as a mouse now we're going to click  on here to change that setting and we're going   to tab over to where it says Mouse and I'm going  to select left Mouse click because that's what I   want clicking the right trackpad to do for me  so now that I've done that I can go back and   now you'll see not only can I move around I can  actually click with that trackpad and open things   up and it works so there you go everything's  working well for me here in game mode as well   for looters I can launch my games install my  games do everything from here uninstall my games   or I can do the same thing over in desktop mode  so let's go and let crisis launch up here and I   am interested to test and play more games through  lutras this way with the other launchers because   it's been pretty fast it's been working pretty  decent I am running off the SSD with everything   and game performance has been decent in a couple  of games that I've been playing around with so I'm   looking forward to getting into that and more here  with Lucas and playing around with that one I'll   definitely have more videos on installing stuff  and performance and that type of thing but anyways   guys I hope this video helps you get looters  going on desktop mode and in game mode for your   steam deck thanks a lot for come and check it out  as always and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: GameTechPlanet
Views: 119,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, proton, proton ge, valve, steam deck review, steam deck gameplay, valve steam deck, how to use proton on steam deck, lutris steam deck, how to install lutris on steam deck, steam deck lutris guide
Id: ablUzj79jB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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