Stealth Mobile Studio Apt - Box Truck TOUR

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guys i am doing an amazing tour here again like this one's cool actually i really like your your setup because they got a box truck and we're gonna get into all of that with them harry and alyssa yep yes and we're gonna get it all going right now i got a lot of information to cover with them and a phenomenal build in a such a small space uh we're gonna get all that information right now in this video here we go yeah we're just gonna we don't script anything we just go all right i'm always rolling here we go we got a 2012 chevy express 3500 box truck um it's a 10 foot long box we threw some all-terrain tires on it and we installed these three windows here and yeah it was completely empty when we bought it and i'll show you inside all right it's a little noisy and windy out here so we're gonna step inside so we can kind of get rid of that but everybody that's gonna complain i have a microphone with a dead cat on there so the wind is going to just happen everybody you just talked about the chevy express box truck yada yada right yes okay what size is this box because it looks small on the outside yes it's a ten foot box it's about six feet inside okay uh and it's about six and a half feet wide it looks a heck of a lot smaller on the outside than it does the inside because now i'm in is the first time i've stepped in your rig it's freaking big in here yeah it's crazy it's it is it's actually i feel that it's actually bigger than like a pro master or a sprinter on the inside not necessarily longer right some of the longer wheelbases but wider and pretty much the same height harry how tall are you and alyssa how tall are you yeah i'm five sevens okay i'm five two so beautiful and harry you and i are about the same height i'm a little bit wider than you you're you know you guys are in like good shape and stuff you guys fit in here comfortably it's two of you yeah we do we do yeah i mean um this is you know i guess just starting it off this is our main kind of seating area main chill area these benches are four feet long okay um so a little bit less than half of the length of the box we've sat eight people in here comfortably we've got the table here on a lagoon swivel mount up top here the reason why the roof is a little shorter is because we have a happy jack bed lift may have seen before the bed is stored in the ceiling and just on a little switch here uh yeah let's not crush your girlfriend or wife i actually don't know your relationship we're engaged you are congratulations thank you yeah very awesome yeah i won't do it all the way down yeah we're gonna test just a little let's put it this way you trust him this much he's not going to crush you right now and you trust the happy jack itself all the comments are freaking out right now things are just going to fall and crush me um can you do me a favor alyssa is there a way to shut those back doors so maybe like diffuse the light yeah that would be nice look at this love it and then do we have lighting in here yeah is it are we getting a flicker no we're good i mean if there is everybody it's because they're called leds and i don't have a 50 000 camera six light led light circuits in the van so we have the ceiling lights we have the indirect floor lighting beautiful um we have lights for this countertop lights for the kitchen countertop and lights above the bed it's kind of bright outside right now so you can't really see those ones but yeah if and did you guys do this all yourself did you have it converted we did it ourselves from scratch this is our second box truck build actually what made you go box over van it's a great question um we think that they're easier to build just due to the 90 degree right angles and also to us we think that box trucks are more stealthy they look like a work vehicle i feel like these days every cop knows what a sprinter looks like and know that there's someone camping in there so we feel that it's a little bit more stealthy than your typical van and we still fit in parking spots everyone's like oh i don't want to do a box because i can't fit in a parking spot we we just drove from maine to california and we went in every single parking lot no problem yeah so you brought up maine that's you know maine is is part of the united states everybody it's actually a state you didn't know if you did not know it's in new england which is my home area you're actually wearing a winthrop sweatshirt which is part of massachusetts what's up what's up what's up with maine what's going on well can you say do you want to say yeah we want to say so we're from san diego originally but uh it's our dream to have a farm someday we want to have a bunch of tiny homes a wedding venue some cash crops some animals the whole nine yards and uh you know doing it in california is not feasible let's just call it i mean i'm all about opening your mindset and you know making it happen no matter what but with the wildfires and with all the regulations and everything we and we fell in love with maine a couple years ago right and uh we have some family out on the east coast so we're we've committed to uh building a farm out in maine so but we came back we're snowboard birding a little bit right now it's march i am from the east coast and you guys have actually even maybe considered me going back um yeah wouldn't my family love to see that what is the size of your bed so the bed it you might notice it's it's a little smaller than than what you'd expect it's right in between a full and a twin um it's about fifth uh sorry it's about 45 inches wide okay i believe uh like a twin is like 36. like 38 yeah yeah it's like yeah in between a twin and a full we fit in it no problem um and honestly i was thinking about it and just for the space of the rig when we were thinking about it it just makes the most sense and actually this rig would be perfect for like one person and a dog yeah i love you through one person and a dog there's room for a dog definitely also speaking of dogs if you do have a dog or a pet one thing that's really awesome is the floor is linoleum yeah so it's super easy to clean dog hair dirt and also hides a lot of things too it's hypoallergenic so we prefer this type of flooring just for many reasons um i love it it's you know they're a little bit different than a vinyl what everybody does right linoleum is just as good um but this is not didn't come in the box you guys put this down yeah right my grandfather has a flooring company and he gave me a roll of this stuff it's called battleship linoleum so they actually put it on like naval ships and in hospitals and stuff right i mean it looks durable yeah does this stock this came with the van indeed we rerouted the switch get out so uh it's just we just kept it you just have a dome light there's also floodlights on the rear top of the van and there's another switch for that so at night time you can light up the whole area i mean i love box trucks kind of maybe a new way of the future in van life why not right i think step bands are great too like we should start converting these as well i actually noticed this just now this is weird this is slightly higher than this yes okay what's your reasoning definitely okay so it was kind of like a happy accident type of situation it definitely wasn't initially intentional so with the wheel wells and with our heater so our we have a 12 volt diesel heater similar to a webasto it's called called an auto term planar yeah i have the plane oh cool yeah great heater fantastic it vents out the toe kick uh down here and just with everything going on under there we installed this cabinet first and um we just had to raise this up a little bit just to get it all to fit and we were talking about it and you're like you know why not you know you got your your normal countertop here and then you got a little higher one here you know it's like an inch it's not it's not really that bad it's like inch yeah an inch and uh i can get down so everybody can see like it's very slightly yeah it's like it's kind of interesting split level effect planar is it a two kilowatt four kilowatt do you remember do you know ooh it's the 2d yeah that's the same one i have okay cool for this space perfect yeah oh we can't even keep it on all night we'll we burn up we'll burn up right yeah um and then you have is this a diesel it's a 6.0 gas so do you have a diesel tank somewhere in here no so the diesel tank uh so this is kind of our yoga mat storage area as well as uh our diesel this is our diesel tank for our heater did you use diesel or kerosene uh i use diesel but i had a guy in maine tell me i could use dyed kerosene and i had no idea and i didn't believe him and that's what i use i use kerosene yeah i don't use the dye one i i use kerosene kerosene you can use kerosene in a diesel heater guys uh in these you can i don't know about the other ones in the back here yeah so we gotta mention the cushions yeah we can't go without them why don't you why don't you is it a diy list is that what's up so yeah we did these ourselves it took two days um you know it took two days the piping and everything um it's actually sunbrella fabric because we learned from our last vehicle we spilled drinks and what fabric sunbrella so it's waterproof our main goal with the cushions this time is like we want a waterproof fabric so sunbrella actually comes with a 10-year warranty if anything happens to them then your outdoor warranty wow thank you they're it's very commonly used on boats yeah okay yeah so it's like marine grade right marine grade yeah so we love it um yeah great cushions you can literally pour a coffee on it and it'll wick right off yep and then under the benches here uh we have our water system here um it's nothing nothing special 40 gallon water tank 40 gallon water tank with a sea flow water pump yes we have our hose and like our little vacuum and brooms under there 40 gallon yeah is that right 39 39 gallon 39 gallon excuse me yeah that thing is like smaller like it looks like that's great that's awesome i was surprised that is so nice guys i love it i know so that's our water area slash like fire extinguisher vacuum storage and then you fit a lot into this 10 foot space thank you and then on this side we have our electrically correct yet spaghetti looking electrical system um how many amp hours we got so we have 200 amp hours of lithium iron phosphate energy batteries nice we have a 3 000 watt renogy inverter charger with shore power we have a 40 amp dc to dc alternator battery charger solar charge controller and we have steven stove is is video bombing us oh that is amazing solutions ladies and gentlemen apparently you guys are friends we are still solutions legend amazing van builder we're going to switch sides because i want to talk to you guys more cool sweet all right so you actually do have a max air yeah or a fantastic whatever it is yep max here uh cool and it's offset from the center right okay our solar panels are taking up like this side of the roof we have 400 watts of solar i didn't mention that a second ago and then this is the max air vent fan and we just this was pretty much the with the ribs and that came in the ceiling um this is pretty much the only spot i could find to put the vent fan and um it works out you know somehow you also fit a freaking shower bathroom in here we do full shower we have a two foot by two foot i'm gonna get some b-roll of that don't worry okay two foot by two foot shower we have a nautilus shower door sliding door all right so i always i don't try to call people out but i always like to ask how often do you use it um well we finished this build like three weeks ago so we've used it once i know this is your second right this is our second okay so did you have a shower in the first yes how often do you use that one actually a lot quite a bit yeah yeah we did you still do the military style showers on off oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean um we have a water heater too for for the shower so the hot water lasts like i don't know take like a two minute shower nice uh how big is your water heater a four gallon electric hot water heater nice 120 volt so it takes like what fifteen minutes to warm up yeah call it a day turn it off just everybody uh obviously harry and alyssa know what they're doing but just make sure you wire that correctly everybody um because we don't want people burning really really nicely done is that just like a vinyl thank you yeah this is like it's called douma wall for anyone yeah who hasn't heard of it you can get it at lowe's or actually just online and it's like waterproof stick tile or uh click click into place oh yeah yeah okay and then do you grout it at all we do got it and then silicone the corners beautiful and then this up here we have a huge over cab section which is a really nice advantage to the box truck storage tons of storage i have my golf clubs up here i'm like golf club i'm a golfer slack lines camping gear and we still have a bunch of space dude we got to go golfing i love to golf i love golf i love golfing let's go let's go that just happened yeah it's good that's just happening um i call you and all your friends the one wheel gang um so you have a one wheel we have two one wheels oh geez i didn't see the second one okay um it's like for all of you you guys love these things because they're like essential for van life absolutely they're like our it's like when somebody has like a bike on the back of their van we just have one wheels okay and they're easy to charge up in the van right off the solar i'm trying to get sponsored by them i think i think we should set that up let's make it up yeah all of the one wheel gang should be getting free one wheels we shot a video for them uh uh last summer check it out on the onewheel youtube channel this is harry that does a lot of filmmaking yes i forgot all about this and alyssa you do as well i do filmmaking and photography yeah filmmaker photography you guys are really good at it okay i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i don't care we're gonna talk about it you just told me how many weddings you're shooting uh well we have like 30 weddings booked in the next 12 months that is ridiculous you guys are a photographer videographer couple yeah we just team up we're a team yeah this video i usually do photo happy day how many cameras do you have between the two of you uh three but we used two like okay we have two main ones and then we have like five drones and like a super eight yeah really yeah okay one here i use a sony a7 iii i'm so jealous i have a sony a7 s3 oh okay and then uh when you do photography for for uh weddings do you use two and have two different lenses that way i actually prefer the 35 okay i don't like to change lenses during the wedding just in case something gets on okay it gets on the sensor okay be safe i like to change cameras though if i want to oh we'll get you guys sometimes we use both cameras or yeah we just switch cameras when you shoot the wedding we do the videographer the wedding do you do you do the uh with the goggles do i'm pretty recent to fpv okay actually but um and we actually came from more shooting brands and uh travel and uh sort of that type of stuff like hotels and airbnbs and products and stuff and we more got into weddings recently after last year so this is pretty yeah our second year doing whatever yeah okay so i can can i hire you guys to do some cool stuff let's do that let's get you guys going yeah uh well in that case how do we find you uh harry and so h-a-r-r-y-a-n-d l-y-s-s dot-com i'm harry this is liz and uh yeah our instagrams you know um you're harry hodge on instagram i'm melissa nicole i'm sure jared will link it i'll link it i'll put some i'll put it somewhere in here the bio yeah harry and i you i've been following you for a while and you've been following me for a while yeah we've messaged a lot we met through shayden we did i i wanna kinda talk to you guys about going through the cab yeah you guys made that accessible yeah so this is our main entrance the van just yeah we're small people so it's easy for us to go through the pocket door uh we like it yeah when the one wheels aren't here we don't we normally keep them behind the front seats this is actually a pretty wide space sure to walk through so daily life we go in and out usually through the front doors like a normal car and then we just sneak back here if we need to do stuff yeah a little stealthy i like it yeah the pocket door actually came with the van kind of painted it and stuff kind of built around it yeah oh lucy we're about to show me something yeah so this is our go ahead love if you want to switch she goes go ahead low this is our closet where we just have our you know clothes stuffed in here so main closet spaces are here hey harry how much space you got in that closet oh like ten percent it's not bad i have my clothes i love this space oh that's really cool that's really do you guys do all your own editing too we do so you guys do it in here on the road or wherever you might be yeah yeah that's crazy okay mobile uh editing studio mobile studio mobile everything yeah where do you guys chill when you guys are in here back here right back where i'm at this is the chills this did i ask about cooking because i don't see any cooking operations right right yep so we actually have an induction stove on our last build we you know had the induction stove in the counter top but for this one we really wanted to to yeah enjoy the counter space and be able to cook here plug it in or even cook on this side plug it in if we wanted to have yeah more of like a prep space so we did the the induction so that you can move back and forth um and then i don't know if we talked about our refrigerator yet this is a 12-volt dometic fridge and we love it i like to be able to open the fridge like this instead of having the ones that like yeah the chest style yeah the feeling of being in a house so we chose this this refrigerator for that reason and when you're done with the stove you can just put it back pop it right back in there right back yep we actually prefer the the portable yeah um i mean i'm gonna side with you on that one i like the portable myself it seems less luxury but to have the choice of where you want it and then to be able to put it away yeah it's like you know i like the counterhop space personally yeah you know um and uh to not have an inset you know i'm with you guys on that one live your own van life or whatever whatever suits yourself right well and if like a glass falls out of the upper cabinet or something and lands on it and it cracks you have to like take it out of the countertop to replace replace it yeah do you guys want to show what's in there just more storage this is all of our camera gear oh my goodness so this is like our my drone bag and this is like our camera bag is it safe to say that you guys may have more invested in your camera equipment than the van itself yeah um probably about we about have as much invested in camera gear as the materials okay yeah that's actually probably a good point yes uh speaking like a true filmmaker guys and a photographer you guys didn't mention this but i'm gonna mention it i know this rig is for sale it is yes it is okay so if you guys are interested in this rig please contact harry and alyssa it's a brand new build we built this with the intention of selling it wanted to make it perfect for the for the next owners and uh we're really happy with the way it turned out like i said we drove it from maine to california last week incredibly enjoyable experience and the truck itself runs great if you guys need video or contact them want to just say hi i don't know yeah let's hang out she says okay let's just hang out i'm gonna see you guys definitely on the road more and more and when i'm back in maine i need to hit you guys up well thank you so much for being here any words of wisdom before we leave enjoy life love life be sure not to follow your highest excitement yeah follow follow your highest excitement that's a weird i've never heard that one before hey i quit my job as a life insurance salesman and started skydiving and that changed my life forever thanks all right guys see you guys later [Music] my
Channel: Jarrod Tocci
Views: 107,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: box truck conversion, box truck build, van life, van build, box truck tour, stealth van life, how to build stealth van, van tour, stealth van living, city parking van life, stealth box truck, studio apartment on wheels, how to stealth park, van life build ideas, jarrod tocci, ghost tours, step van build, step van tour, stealth step van, fedex truck converstion, tiny home on wheels, step van converted
Id: V62osonJkSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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