Ultimate Adventure Box Truck / Van Tour // Fully equipped with Surf board, bikes and loads more

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hi guys we're heather and yann and welcome to our long-awaited van tour yarn's going to show you around the outside and then afterwards i'm going to show you all the stuff that we've got inside this massive iveco daily induction ground we'll be traveling in this van with our three dogs hence its size and we all fit in comfortably okay so this is our avico daily 2.3 liter and it's a loop and van like we said so we've got a nice big high cab which is why we picked it and it's a long wheelbase so this is six meters long two meters wide and three meters tall so it is quite a bit of a unit but with it being a kind of moving van it's turning circle and everything else is really quite good so it's actually slightly easier to turn than one of the normal kind of long wheelbase fans which is why we went for this okay so i'm going to show you around the rest of the back of the van but first you see that red button just below if you just hit subscribe that'll be really good okay come on let's see what more okay so you'll notice the whole van is this gray color and this was done retrospectively so this was originally just a white plain box fan we've painted everything uh wrapped black around the bottom and then this kind of gray it's like a gray blue color along the outside and kind of ties everything in quite nicely we also did the wheel rims all black as well so that all matches up nicely one of the first things we did then was put in this caravan door so that opens up super simple hey buddy and what we possibly would have liked to have done at some point is put in a kind of fold out ladder system but actually this man is really high so it was quite hard to do so we ended up using just this ladder that we originally bought for our build and we've kept that in super lightweight really easy to just hold up and fits in our van nice and tidy so we keep that now and actually the dogs use it to get in and out as well um this is not one of our dogs this is one of heather's mum's dogs but uh she fits in nicely come on in back in see that door locks from the inside so we don't need to worry about having like an external lock or anything like that that all does that from the inside and then we come out through the cab which heather will speak about are kind of cut through after the next part on this van is a water heater so this is an eye mass instant water heater so we get instant hot water um it runs off gas um and it was actually really really simple to install you simply cut the hole out to the right size and then this just seat flexes in and then all of the internals are all done ready to go all you have to do is connect water uh and the gas lines and the electric so electric to power it and then water and gas for the supply to run it so if you want to see more detail about any individual pieces you can check out our individual videos for that part of the tour you can also check down below and there'll be links in the description for everything that you want to buy purchase or just research okay tying in quite nicely from our water heater is our gas tank so this is a 38 liter gas tank that we have under mounted and it is from gasset which you'll see later and again we'll have the link below uh this is all filled up from the outside so we've got a nice little tap here that we can just fill up and you can fill this up with lpg from any sort of fuel station so we've got a pretty intensive window set up on this van so we've tried to get as much light in as possible so we've got this which was the caravan window which is the first thing we bought which was extremely expensive not the best quality and then we got these afterwards which are essentially horsebox windows which are way less expensive and far easier to fit and actually very very like easy to use um so if you're gonna buy anything converting stuff like this that's nice and flat then look for horse box windows because they're really useful we had a quick intermission because we're in ireland filming this currently and it keeps raining every 10 minutes so moving on from the window the last thing on this side of the van is our water inlet so we have got a fresh water inlet here on the outside of the van that we can take to any kind of hose or tap and fill up our 200 liters of water which is inside the van internally mounted because we didn't want it to freeze moving on and welcome to the back of our van also known as the garage these are our non-gas struts aka manual struts okay so these are our garage doors we originally mounted them coming outwards like that and after about three weeks of testing out this van we realized that that's a bad idea the wind catches them they blow open and basically we're shearing off the hinges so we mounted them took them off re-mounted them like this and it's actually way better it gives us some shelter from the rain when we're doing stuff in here um and also just means we can prop them open and we can get into the van and use them without them being blown shut or open all of that being said we would definitely recommend if you want to get a luton van try and get one with the two barn doors because that would ya nearly killed himself putting the back wall on and you wouldn't have to tinker with any of this and you'd get that big foreign view when you get them open so but if you do end up with a roller door looting okay back to the iron all right so we laid out the van the way we did with the kind of big sofa area inside which you'll see by heather in a minute um essentially to give us as much boob space as we could because we have a lot of hobbies and we wanted lots of toys but we also wanted just lots of room for kind of tools and stuff like that when things go wrong and so we have got this quite big boot area and it has essentially now become our pick your adventure area okay so what we also have inside the boot um here is our like i mentioned before 200 liter water tank [Music] which now that we've been living at this man for a little while we think it's probably slightly too big in retrospect um we probably don't need 200 liters we only really half fill maybe sometimes three quarter fill this tank up but it'll last us like best part of a week and that's with showering watching like we don't spare any water we did quite ruthlessly so i think we could have got away with 100 maybe 150 liter tank and would have saved us some room we also have here an out water hose connector so we simply connect our hose we've got a hose pipe attachment to that and that gives us fresh water that we can then wash off dogs and surfboards and ourselves basically outside of the van and we got pressure from that the same way as we get pressure inside so we get loads of good pressure on that and then other than that another than all of the adventure stuff that we put in here essentially all we've got is some tools for fixing all of the electrical stuff that goes wrong because heather fitted all of that and uh isn't that right darling yeah that's about it just tools and a few spare different bits and bobs that we might need the only other thing that is really on the outside of the van that's worth talking about is our kind of electrical hookup which heather will talk about more when she goes through the whole electrical system inside um but essentially we've got the hookup that you would get like a shore power hookup um that's on any sort of rv campervan and we put that on the outside of the van so that when we do pull up into a campsite we can just connect up and not charge our batteries but we've never had to use it because actually our solar and our engine running have always charged our batteries up and we've never actually needed it so handy okay so now i'm going to pass you over to heather who's going to talk about the inside of the van so as we come through to the inside of the van the first thing that you see is my wardrobe which is right in here and then underneath that we've got kind of our toiletries drawer and this is our outdoor seating and beneath that again we have got an unbelievable amount of shoe storage i think between myself and your arm we've got about 10 pairs of shoes in here so this is working a treat on the other side of the walkway we've got eins wardrobe so we definitely tried to use every inch of space in this van so we got yan's wardrobe on a roller and it comes down to the walkway next thing that we've got is our bathroom for the beautiful full length mirror so we at least know that we're going out of the house looking like this area has a couple of functions so obviously it's a shower but it also doubles as a drying room which is great for wetsuits what you might not notice is our rollaway toilet so this is our very homemade compost lube which is simple in design there's a toilet seat on top urine separator and solids compartments and then in here we've just got our blue rule and sawdust so welcome to the kitchen it's quite a compact little space but it's got everything that we need we've gone for a black sink and faucet we've gone for the extendo faucet which handily pops out this window for an outdoor shower and allows us a little bit more flexibility has both settings as well for when we're doing the all-important dishes under here we have got all of your ordinary kind of cleaning supplies underneath the kitchen sink type stuff in the middle drawers we've got a drawer in a drawer which is one of my favorite little things in our kitchen for our cuttery and utensils on all of these we've got the little push closed latches to start them flying out as we drive but in here we've just got cups plates bowls lunch boxes and underneath that we have got our 30 liter 12 volt fridge which we can pack with four days food five days food so it's fine for us and over on this side we have got a built-in knife block into our countertop and a little chopping board and we have got the bedford triplex three burner hob with oven and grill um i'm really really happy that we decided to go for this kind of all in one unit it was really really simple to install and it means that we can cook pretty much anything in here that we would cook in a normal house underneath here again we have got um a little bit of an office drawer so in here we keep our my mice our mouth for the laptop hard drives and our two laptops and in the bottom drawer we have got the all-important pots and pans kettle and coffee maker which we are very lucky to be able to run off our van where's the rest of our food you ask well we have got quite a substantial pantry with all of our bits in so all of our carbs go up here sauces and spices and all of our dry goods from pretty much here down just finishing off on our kitchen we have a really tiny little bin here and which is perfect it's not too big so we don't get to leave it too long and on this side we have got rosie lying down her little dog bed but underneath rosie i would move her but look how comfy she is we've got our dog food and everything that they need in that space along with where our diesel heater comes up into our van this is where most of our controls are so we've got our max air fan remote the inverter switch and the eye mask controls jan has obviously already talked to you about our eye mass water heater and here we've got a few 12 volt switches along with our on off switch for our gas bathroom light fridge water pump and our main lights to separate the kitchen space from our living area we put in these two cubbies and they provided a bit of a splash back between the hob and the sitting room area it allowed us to mount our 240 volt onto here and then again on this side and of course it provided us with a little bit more storage so in this side we have got all of our camera gopro equipment tripods everything like that and on this side i'm not gonna lie it's a little bit of a junk space it's got yarns toothbrush charger laptop chargers uh what do you call these things um an adapter and our european adapters and all that sort of stuff that needs a home and but isn't particularly attractive to look at and that brings us into our huge living space we have got three dogs with us and they like their silver space and their silver cuddles don't they cooper so we needed to make sure we had room for me and giant as well as the dogs so we've got this massive big swivel table and which i made myself it's just some end grain of wood preserved in some resin and we made this sofa area and with this leather material so that we could wipe it down brush it off really really easy to keep with three hairy dogs so we've got um these two large one meter wide windows on both sides um and that lets lots of daylight in so one thing that we did do to these windows was we added a privacy film on them so when you look at them from the outside it has a mirror reflection and the inside it provides a slight tint this has been really good to one not have everyone be able to see into our home but two actually provide a little bit more protection from the sun especially when we're in those warmer countries another thing that having these big windows does is it allows us to create a really good cross breeze and air circulation between these windows and our max air fan just above we have made these reflectix window blind covers and they just pop in really easily to our window slots and actually have a great blackout effect so we've got one of those with three windows in the back and the full windows in the front on our door it has its own blind so that was one thing we didn't have to do i'll give you a quick rundown of our electrical system so underneath this cushion oh sorry duke there you go buddy we have got the brain of the operation we've got it here so we can access it really easily in our off-grid power system we've got 300 amp hours of lithium phosphate battery from renegy those are in three separate 100 amp hour batteries we've also gone for the renegy inverter charger which is 2 000 watts this along with powering our 240 sockets also acts as our shore power we've got a victron mppt smart solar charger which is connected to our 300 watts of solar on our roof and we've also got a battery battery charger also from victron we tried to keep our power system as simple as possible going for the majority of things in 12 volt and only our two 240 volt sockets being powered by our inverter the one last thing that we have got is we got a battery shunt from submarine pico and we've also got the display and if you also have this system i would very much appreciate it if you could reach out to me in the comments i haven't been getting on with it so far so hit your girl up so this table along with being a great workspace dining for four and quite a nice art piece also is the missing piece for our spare bedroom which i will show you now and anybody who comes to stay gets a hot water bottle built in don't they cooper yeah you get a snuggle buddy okay on to the master suite so we puff these stairs just in here and off we go in the bedroom we've got one of the smaller dometic roof lights which is absolutely fantastic it creates a lovely breeze up in the bedroom three little storage cubbies two little lights that both have a usb plug in them and then an extra little power outlet here outside in these shelves it's pretty minimalist but we found it is exactly what we need it's a super comfy mattress which is great for sleeping on but when we're awake it gets us up in the day you've probably already noticed but we've decided to mount our surfboards indoors we could have used this space for some upper cabinetry and but it fits our surfboards perfectly and we didn't actually want to carry too much weight high up in the box of the loom and the last thing is the cut through so this is our little passageway through to the driver's cab it was quite a bit of effort to put in in the first place but we are definitely glad that we did it we would do it again we use it every day so let's go so our cab area is nothing to note really this is an 06 model of echo daily and was probably used just as a workman's van so we've got a very old school radio but we have added this which allows us to connect our bluetooth on our phones through the speakers which is great for those long drives and that's about it it's functional the one modification we did make this area when we did the cut through we removed the double seat and we added in this single seat instead which allows for that walkway through and leaves some space for the doggies doesn't it rose so that is lottie the litten the full tour so i hope you enjoyed it and as aaron said earlier all the links to everything that we bought and the prices are below because what we always hated was when we started out watching these van tours and being like oh yeah i'll just get that 3000 pound dometic fridge not really knowing anything about it at the time we're off to have some adventures now so we'll see you in the next episode bye buddy you
Channel: Heather O'Reilly Duff
Views: 161,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, van conversion, van tourr, box van conversion, tiny house, luton van conversion, box van tour, home is where you park it, van life uk, van life conversion, self built campervan, alternative lifestyle, van life tour, vanlife couple, tiny home tour, van conversion camper, luxury van conversion, van tour solo female traveler
Id: GBuabPCQv8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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