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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up you guys long time no see long time no see it's been a while but we are finally filming the video you all have been patiently waiting yeah yeah the tour of the crafty condo yep we are officially called officially calling it the crafty condo I think that is a cool name let's get this video done I hope you guys like it our truck is a 2019 Freightliner Cascadia the newer body style has the same exact engine we had in the m2 which is a DD 13 Detroit engine but we in this truck we have what's called the DT 12 which is Detroit's own transmission which the D T stands for Detroit transmission and then the 12 means it's a 12 speed our last truck was a 10 speed so we got a couple more gears to work with but it's all the same it works the same way as the other one did it's fully automatic it does all the shifting and everything for you and I'll do a more in depth video on that in the future kind of showing how it works and should just kind of explain it how you shift it and all that stuff but yeah because like our last truck you can switch it into manual and shift it yourself you can you can we do have 410 horsepower in this truck we have 288 wheelbase it's funny it's the wheelbase is shorter than our old truck because since we have 2 axles in the rear now the wheelbase is measured from the middle of the two axles whereas on our older trucks the wheelbase was measured from the center of the rear so so if we were to measure from the center of that rear axle it would probably measure a little bit longer but in our old truck it was 296 wheelbase so now I know a lot of people or thinking we were gonna go with a western star yeah which we'll talk all about in another video why we chose to go with this truck versus the Western always we love the west real quick the main reason is it's a shorter hood yeah now they do make an the Wester star we looked at at the expo which we were drooling over with 5700 yeah they make a 4700 which does have a shorter hood yeah but we don't like yeah we didn't like we'll talk more about that later this is all about this truck yeah we do have an a a custom sleeper it is a hundred and twenty inches our last leaper was a bolt sleeper which was 96 inches so we gained two more feet yep in our sleeper which oh my gosh makes a world of difference which you'll see when we go inside but yeah let's kind of show you around the outside we did some special things with the box on this truck which we've been talking about or hinting about so I know you guys are anxious to see it so let's take a look around the truck and show you some things outside okay so on this truck we did get some extra toolboxes we got two toolboxes on each side under the sleeper and then we also have two toolboxes back there that will show you once we get back there this compartment right here goes it's a pass-through compartment and it goes straight through to the sleeper on the inside there's a cabinet on the inside and right here is basically under the sink so we have all our like cleaning stuff like that we have 280 gallon tanks which is the same exact that we had on our m2 will probably be filling these up a little bit more just because we're good I don't know the mileage yet we're gonna have to see and we'll keep you guys updated on that now since we got two extra feet on the sleeper we had to take away two feet off of the box because the truck can only be about 40 feet long total not about exactly 40 feet long you can't go more than 40 feet long so within that 40 feet we had to take two feet away from the box add two feet to the sleeper now we have five foot of space in this front part and let me get this opened up for you we have plenty of room to put two pallets we have Loeb eat racks on the front and back now one thing we are gonna do is add eat racks to the bottom part because if we ever have really short pallets we need a way to be able to secure that so put neat racks on the bottom and we're probably gonna do that this weekend before we go get our first load just so it's ready but we did this and put this wall in so we can haul separate shipments now sometimes with Landstar we can marry up shipments together but a lot of times the customer the brokers or the customers they don't want their freight mingling with other Freight you know so they don't want you moving other people's Freight out of the way to get their Freight out of the back and so we built this so we can haul two shipments at one time instead of just one so if any at any point we're able to find two shipments go in the same direction we can put them in separate compartments one up front here one in the back and the customers would never know the difference or you know they wouldn't worry about their shipments being intermingled with other customers so since we are dedicated you know when when a customer calls us to do a load they're getting exclusive use most of the time you know there's only like two trucks that Landstar that have done this I've talked to one of them one time and he says it's pretty good sometimes you know when it does work out it pays off pretty good because we can get two shipments going the same direction and if we get do that going cross-country we get double pay so we'll see how it works we'll keep you guys updated on how that works and stuff this front part is five foot worth of space so and there's plenty of room in here on the for a forklift to go ahead and put a pallet up in there we also have a step here to make it easy to get up in and out that folds down just like that and I've gotten up in there a couple of times that makes it really nice and safe to get into especially since it sticks out past the box um so you're not having to like hold on and ladder up you know you just step right up so and it's really easy to go in and out locks in there really well we opted for a twin screw instead of a lit of the front being a lift axle main reason is this truck is so heavy if this was a lift axle 90% of the time maybe even more it would be down all the time anyway and lift axles there there's more maintenance to them more problems can go wrong versus a twin screw so since the lift axle would be down all the time anyway we just opted for this less maintenance easier to manage we got to flip placards and then a slip in placard we got that all the way around we have more toolbox back here this one is a 48 inch wide the one under the sleeper is a 36 inch wide so we keep I think most of our camping gear in this one we did go with the automatic jack stands again heather absolutely loves these these things now this automatic jack stand is integrated with the lift gate which is a Palfinger we did go with the Palfinger again we we liked it it was a good good brand they make a good product and what we really like about it is its integrated together so the hydraulic system for the landing gear also operates the lift gate one thing we like that they did different on this truck on the last truck our controls were up under over here this one they turn the switches sideways and instead of flat upside down where you toggle back and forth front to back this is up and down which makes so much more sense because you push down lift gate goes down you push up lift gate goes up or the concept but the lift gate is operated on this this is a plug for the remote you plug a long cable to it into there and then when you're in the back you can operate the lift gate in the back of the truck we have 15 feet of space or I think it would be more like 14 and a half we've got it pretty much set up most of our load bars and everything in front we got our pallet jacks and straps and stuff now we can move that stuff to get more space if we need to now I'm probably gonna add a second shelf right below the blanket so we can stack all that stuff up there and get it up off the floor if we need to for any Freight we're not gonna polyurethane the floor again this time it looked good and it lasted for a while but it still got messed up really back these guys on their forklifts like to slide the Freight for some reason and I've been telling them to pick it up forever and I'm just tired of doing that so on our last truck we rented a sander for like a hundred bucks and we were able to sand the floor so if we ever want to make this floor look good again I think I'll just do that rent one of those Sanders and clean it up with that this truck does not have a translucent roof it's an aluminum roof which is quite a bit stronger than the translucent ones but it does make it darker back here we do have LED lights back there that are operated by a switch on the dash now our most important upgrade of all for this truck of course is the crafty trucker license plate cover you know I think that bling-bling right there adds a nice little touch to it probably one of my favorite upgrades for the truck we've had these for a while and we wanted to put them on the last truck but the the bumper here sat a little bit lower and we kept scraping our bumper when we'd back up to like parking spots and stuff so this one should work a lot better we got that from our favorite Australian Wayne yeah he made those a incentive to us and we absolutely love them now we need to get some low going stuff that's as crafty condo the crafty condo it the liftgate is pretty much the same liftgate you know same taillights platform it only lifts 3,500 pounds the last lift gate was 4,500 pounds so it's a little bit less but never in the time have I ever in my whole career of transportation since 2002 have I ever had to lift gate something that heavy so 3,500 pounds is plenty for what we do and what I've mostly seen in expediting the door opening is a little bit wider the box is what's called a morgan box a lot of people ask why we go with the barn doors it's less maintenance than the roll-up doors those roll-up doors can be extremely problematic I've had experience in the past with them where the spring breaks and you can't even open the door without that spring it just and then you get to a customer and you can't open the door that's just smooth so these things are less maintenance it also adds a wider dimension and they weigh less you know just just a few reasons why we we prefer the barn doors it's a little bit more pain when you get to shippers because you got to stop before you back all the way up get out open the doors back all the way up pull forward close the doors and all that but we've never had a problem with them versus roll-up doors they have constant problems there's maintenance you got to grease the tracking and the wheels and it's just pain in the butt and then over here on this side is our landing gear switch which is awesome they put it on the driver's side this time on our last truck it was on the passenger side but it makes it nice when you back up to a dock you jump out the driver's side you walk back here lower the landing gear so instead of having to walk all the way around the truck that way we have another 48 inch wide box tons of storage on this this truck we have four toolboxes total so I really really loved the storage on it of course we have a door on this side as well so we can load or unload from either side if we need to we went with the carrier comfort Pro again it's a loud APU but I absolutely love this brand maintenance places that we can go to our plentiful parts are plentiful I can you know and pretty much in any major city I can find a carrier dealership or authorized dealer and get parts for this thing so I've learned how to work on it to over the time of I mean this is our third comfort Pro we have one with our fleet owner in our old truck and then now this one it's noisy you know I mean that's the doubt the one downfall that I've found to it it's only 6500 watts which for us I mean we've never really had a problem with it maybe during summertime if you're running the rooftop air conditioner and then trying to cook at the same time you can't do air conditioner microwave and cooktop all at the same time but that's you know that's not a huge deal breaker for us our other 80 gallon tank this is our shore power is on this side which I really like on the last truck it was on the other side and we had to plug up throw it under and get it to the shore power pole so I like that but they put the water fill on the other side so I don't know we may look into seeing if we can move that water fill over to this side too it just makes sense to have everything on this side this side is pretty much our power bank area inverter Espar heater charge controller transfer switches pretty much the brains of the truck so no storage in there we store our shore power plugs in here our converters or we have a 30 amp to 110 or 120 we got a 50 amp to 30 amp so pretty much the brain of the truck our secondary tank we do have chicken lights which Heather loves on this thing these things are controlled by a separate switch inside you got your de F tank this probably is my second favorite upgrade for this truck is inside here is our toilet so this cassette you lift up this little latch you slide that out and you go dump it in an appropriate dump station and then you slide it right back in so you fill your flusher up right here you unscrew this fill put the hose in there and fill it up you got this clear tube right here that shows you your level of water on your flusher nice insulated door so this is just a lot easier to go dump with the last port-a-potty we took both of us to do it well one of us could do it but it was a real pain in the butt cuz you had to take it apart set it up crawl around it or go out the other door come around dump it this is just so much easier if one of us is sleeping and we could stop at a rest area or a Flying J or wherever and one of us can do this by ourselves love this another one of Heather's favorite features is this porch light I guess you would call it when you open the door up it turns on and lights up all of outside right here in the dark and a really really cool feature to have on it so one of the other things we really love about this truck is the newer body style on the Cascadia like jason said it just looks so beefy and cool i think this truck is so much bigger even though we had the same sized engine just the cab of the truck going from the m2 to the Cascadia is so much bigger we sit up higher it's we love it but we also have the crafty trekker on our front license plate again shout out to Wayne in Australia for making this for us and sending them we love this so much and are glad we finally get to use those on this truck we do have the hood mirrors that came from the factory with our last truck we did not have those and Landstar requires us to have them so we had to put them on after the fact but these are the actual ones that come from the factory so that looks much a much cleaner and nicer than the last hood mirrors couple are there things I want to show you on the outside before we go inside I'm going to show you the water fill because we kind of skipped over that this is where we fill our fresh water and in this truck we have I believe we have it's 50 gallons worth of fresh water and our last truck it was only like 15 gallons huge difference which we do have the shower now so that's going to help on having enough water for that when we need to use it so one other thing that we have on this truck that we did not have on the last truck is we have solar panels now on top of the sleeper we do have solar panel we have 250 watt solar panel up there which is gonna help in sunny days like this to keep the batteries charged so I think that wraps up the outside let's go inside and see what we got in there we are in the captain's seat right now this thing is an absolute dream to drive I love it the MT was great too but this is just it's like going from f-150 to and f450 with air ride and but we got believe it's ultra leather seats they are heated and cooled and one of my favorite parts is this adjusting whoops I did it wrong you go all the way down then you click up to where you want them and then when you're done you just throw them out of the way this is a lot of what took us so long getting this video out was getting everything organized the way we want it we have our qualcomm mounted on the dash here that i used ram mount for got our gps mounted couple upgrades i did was i converted the cigarette lighter plugs to USB plugs so now we have four USB plugs here two of them are going to be used for our cell phone charging the other two are gonna be used for camera charging and stuff we got adhesive ram balls for the gps this is where I keep my iPhone or Apple watch charger up here because I never forget - I always forget to take it off another cool feature is I love all the steering wheel controls you got your menu for the - all here you got a phone and hang-up which we will probably never use because we always use Bluetooth headsets but your cruise control you can flash your lights let somebody know it's safe to get in front of you thank somebody for letting you know it was safe to get in front of them the shifters this is the dash right here somebody recommended that being a taco holder so we got a taco for that another cool thing we picked up while we've been here waiting for a load is a wireless keyboard that works with the Qualcomm pretty standard stuff we got Heather's brake release eyeball they're all your standard switches and stuff the seats are so much more comfortable ER than comfortable or more comfortable than the MT was we have all kinds of controls up and down left and right side to side sway with the motion we got our CB this came with a CB in it and it does have dual antennas we have not had a chance to try this out yet but really good feature to have we don't use these all the time just because mostly all people ever do is complain on them but they're good to have when you're in bad weather and stuff we love all the storage in these things we got two glove boxes on both sides above the driver and passenger that you can we got bubble gum GoPros things like that and we've got a bunch of storage up in here now we had the option to go with cabinets up here or just an open open shelf and as you see we upped it for the open shelf we have you know our permit book up here we got a few camera things I got headlamp another GoPro we got these cool little organizing things that we put stuff in and just odds and ends stuff jb weld you know over here on this I got a bunch of cameras I got my hats my Bluetooth headset sweatshirts hats and stuff then over on this side we got our doggie stuff dog bags for picking up their poops and leashes and I think I got a couple more tripods over here and this side is Heather's where she hangs her jackets her hats her Bluetooth one really cool feature is these air vents right here whenever you're running the rooftop air conditioner it goes through a hole venting system that goes through the roof and let's say you start you're on a run you stop for a thirty minute break and you shut the truck off you come back here starts a generator turn the air conditioning on but then you close the curtains because you don't want the light interfering with the driver or whoever's sleeping back there you got air conditioning up here too so you're not sitting up front sweating your whatever all fit sweating your tushie off and you know just really cool feature to have up there I like how they integrated it with the sleeper part to add air conditioning up front here too and of course you can close those off if you need to Heather does a lot of her video editing up front now that is the outside in the front tour of the crafty condo now let's get to the part you guys really want to see welcome to the crafty condo well we are inside the sleeper now one of the biggest differences you're gonna see what this sleeper versus our last trick is we do have a lot more space we've actually gained 2 foot of space since this is a hundred and twenty inch our last one was a 96 inch and let me tell you in a small space that 2 foot makes a world of difference so let's just start from the front and work our way back as you can see here we do have a conviction microwave oven so that means not only can we microwave but we can also cook and bake things like an oven it's just a conviction oven so it uses air circulation to move the heat around already use it a couple times works great oh I know everything in here is stainless on the appliances you'll see the colors as we long we did up for a lighter color vinyl this is an off-white and our cabinets are a gray color a lot of times in the pictures we've been posting some people think they look a little blueish which they have a little bit of a blue undertone but they are gray I think it's just how the picture comes out I don't know it does yes but we absolutely love the colors that we picked out it it's hard when you're there picking colors because all you're looking at is like a little thing of color so you don't really know how it's going to look with the finished product but I think it turned out amazing we love how it turned out anyway moving along so we have a big cabinet up here that's one of the things I love is all the cabinet space we have in here and I'm not going to open every cabinet and show you just because they're not totally organized yet but just believe me we have tons account of cabinet space underneath the microwave we have our TV we do have an in motion satellite dish and it also works off an antenna so if you're in a local area you can get local channels but we absolutely love the satellite dish we had that in our last Trek the only difference with this truck is it is now an in motion satellite which means we in theory can watch TV going down the road if one of us is back here in the sleeper hypothetical yeah we probably won't do that much but we carried the stainless onto the backsplash which is amazing we love that the countertop we picked out is a Corian countertop we do have an induction cooktop built into the counter which I absolutely love I have used this a couple times works great in our last truck I had an induction cooktop but it was a portable one so this makes it really nice as being built into the countertop we have a much larger sink than we had before it's a lot deeper and it's a wider sink which I was telling Jason last night I actually think our countertop is a little little bit deeper than what we had in the last truck maybe not much but I think it's just a tad deeper and it's definitely a lot longer we do have a hot water heater in this truck we have a sprayer now for the sink we have the two windows on this side up here is where our satellite receiver is this truck did come with a DVD player we just took that out because we don't watch a lot of DVDs if we want to watch a movie will usually get pay-per-view or buy it on our phone and watch it on the TV so I put our printer here then again along we have all these cabinets I'll just open these so you just can kind of get an idea of the space that we have I'm still working on organization but yeah tons of cabinet space so we did have them put a spice rack in which is awesome I love it so you know just put some odds and ends things things that we use a lot of times the one thing with this though the depth and I don't know the this way and this way a lot of spice bottles won't fit in there I've found that these trader Joe ones fit perfect so with the extra spices that don't fit in there like salt pepper or whatever I do keep in the drawer as you can see we have four drawers here we do have a big cabinet here which I have made into our pantry if you can see that so I keep a lot of our dried goods canned foods water in there this is just like a fake drawer but it does come out and you have a little container I just keep my toothbrush and toothpaste in there we have this large cabinet under the sink which is where the pass-through is that Jason showed you earlier coming along to the back of the sleeper is our bed it's a Murphy bed so it does go up into a dinette table which I'll show you in a few minutes but our bed is 48 inches by 78 inches in our last truck we had a 46 by 75 so we've gained two inches both ways on the mattress and it's made a big difference as you can see the babies love it they're comfy y'all aren't much help with this tour so we have all of our cabinets all along the back wall that wrap around again I love all of this cabinet space it's amazing we do have a fantastic fan here which we have switched out just the generic fan that was in there and we put one that has an automatic rain cover on it which if you hadn't seen we did that in our last truck too and we actually filmed the process so I will link that up here if you would like to see how we did that in the last truck it's the same way we did it in this truck so have a window on this side of the sleeper as well over on the wall there we have some controllers the top controller it controls the heat and air when the truck is running down the road the switch right right below that is for the ceiling lights in the sleeper here we have another big deep cabinet that's where I keep all of our extra cooking stuff like our instant pot air fryer all of that stuff some dog food up there we do have the same size fridge that we had in the last truck and then we have another drawer down here which is where I keep my pots and pans which I love it here on this side of the of the sleeper is basically our whole control panel for the sleeper we have our control that controls our rooftop air conditioner which we do have a rooftop air this also controls an electric heater that is under the bunk we have our water heater water pump and our light to our shower yes we have a shower our generator controller this is the controller for the fan that's in the bathroom we do have another controller for the new fan we put in we just haven't mounted that yet this is the controller for our Espar heater which yes we do have an S bar in this truck as well which we absolutely love and then this is the on and off for our inverter let's go in to one of the next things that we love about this truck the bathroom here is our bathroom as you can see I'll just come right on in here we do have the shower now and a toilet which we showed you on the outside how we empty that but oh my gosh we are so excited to finally have a bathroom and not have that porta potty sitting in the middle of the floor but it does have a shower curtain we just have that up out of the way right now this also as I said has a fantastic fan it's just a generic one that we are going to be replacing at the same time we put out there that has a built-in rain cover we love this shower there is a drain I just have a rug here for now but there is the shower drain down there yeah it does drain right out there's no great tank for the shower yeah cuz some places do not allow that but yeah we love this one thing about the shower since we let me come out of the shower since we did want the fridge or I should say I wanted the stand-up fridge and not the under under counter fridge when we designed this what they had to do is they had to take a couple inches out of the bathroom area to accommodate putting the fridge here with the stand-up fridge but it's still plenty of room for us this shower is actually bigger than the shower we have in the airstream yes we have not tried the shower yet but we're probably not gonna use it a lot either right we're not gonna be showering in it all the time we'll still be using truckstop showers but as you all know there's some times where we have to sit in secure hold areas where we have to stay with a load and we can't leave the truck so it's going to be nice when we have to do those kind of things to be able to shower when we need to and this isn't the kind of shower where you get in and take a long 30 minute shower it's a quick in and out kind of shower even though we do have a lot more water capacity you've got to be mindful you know of how long of a shower you're taking and another reason we haven't tried it yet is because we want to reek off the floor it's got some weather stripping on there now but Jason wants to really it really good to make sure that that's nice and sealed before we use it because we don't want any water leaking under our floor anything like that love it and I love this thick door that it has on the shower now if you look after I want to show this sign that I got one of our viewers Becky she's been following us for a while she sent this to me a while back and I've been saving it because I knew it was gonna go perfect with the color scheme of the new truck so I finally got that hung so thank you for sending us that Becky we absolutely love it since we've pretty much seen everything in here let me put the bed up and show you what the dinette looks like alright welcome to our dinette table so this is with the bed up as you see we still have a table just like the last one we do want to try and use this more in this sleeper than we did the last one like 99% of the time in the last sleeper the bed was down which that's probably what it'll kind of be in this one but we do want to get more in the habit of being able to put the bed up and use the table whether we're eating or I'm editing just things like that just because we have so much more space and we love it so much this table has some cup holders that we didn't have in the last table as you can see right here but yeah that's the sleeper guys we absolutely love it so so much I mean we could not be happier oh we do have some lights on either corner here I'd have forgot about those to turn those on but each side has those lights as well they're kind of reading lights I guess for if you're in bed but yeah I think that's pretty much it guys we love this sleeper that's the whole trek guys that is our home away from home yeah one thing we did want to mention and talk about is our load carrying capacity now yeah our gross vehicle weight rating is now fifty three thousand fifty thirty thousand we will never ever reach anywhere near that no our last truck was 33,000 yeah we've gained about 20,000 pounds gross vehicle weight now our load carrying capacity what we can actually haul in the back our last truck we did not like to go over 5,000 pounds yeah in this truck what are we gonna be able to haul now we're gonna limit it to about 12,000 pounds yeah now to give you a little bit of weight ratings per axle and stuff the front axle is rated to be thirteen thousand two hundred our last trunk was rated for that but it wasn't registered at that it was registered at twelve thousand for the rear being twenty one thousand which gave us 33 this truck is actually registered for thirteen two so we can go up to thirteen two on this tires axles everything on it is thirteen two on the front axle now on the rear axle we have two 20,000 pound axles so extremely heavy duty you know its but per Bridge law and tractor trailer guys know all about this you are not allowed to weigh any more than 34,000 pounds on tandem axles so the front we can go up to thirteen - but the rear axle cannot be over 34,000 and that's just per Bridge law so yeah if you take the 13 - plus the 34 that puts us at like 47 - and when you when we weighed the truck the truck complete with all our stuff in it no load we're low our weight is like 30,000 pounds now the rear of the truck could technically handle 16,000 pounds if you take what we weigh on our scale ticket subtract the 34,000 that were not allowed to go over it gave us about 16,000 pounds so but I don't think I'll ever want to put that much weight in it I think twelve will be the max I don't even think we'll ever see 12 yeah maybe one load a year if that so we're limiting it to 12 we still have to be a little bit careful with how we load it if we put too much weight in the the front section of the box and not enough in the back that's going to add weight to the front axle our front axle with all of our stuff in it I think we're about 12 8 12 thousand eight hundred pounds so we have about 400 pounds of wiggle room which is pretty good a lot more than we had on our old truck but if I go stick in a thousand pounds or 1500 2000 pounds in the front section of the box that could add a lot of weight to that front axle so we'll have to be really careful sometimes with that the loads are gonna go in the back section of the box this front part that we have sectioned off we're probably not gonna use as much yeah we'll just see how that plays out yeah don't you guys know it's a new thing for us not many people have done it in a straight track so we'll see how it works out we're gonna see how it works out now last year if you guys have been following us for a while where we had got a load picking up in Nashville Tennessee it was right after the the must for Trucks event and it was going to Portland Oregon then we got a call before we even got to the pickup from another agent who had a lobe picking up in Nashville Tennessee going to Portland Oregon with a return coming back we called the first agent that we had agreed to do the love for and he said no he didn't want the stuff being mixed with his customers Freight yada yada what when we get to the drop-off the customer's gonna see the other Freight in there and wonder what it is and all that stuff and so our hopes is that with this split section it separates the customers Freight we could have gotten that load because only doing that first load going from Tennessee to Portland we may you know maybe like four or five thousand dollars on it but if we would have gotten that other load with it also returning that would have done two things for us got us back to a better area and double paid us because we would have had a load coming back as well so I mean we missed out on like a good seven eight thousand dollars yeah so we'll see how it plays out yeah and we've had some agents kind of tell us to do this yeah yeah we'll see at worst-case scenario we can not get the wall take it out and seal up the side yeah doesn't work out yeah you know we'll see we'll see how it plays out but we are so excited we finally got to show you guys the check we apologize it took so long I mean we had to get it ready you know I had a whole bunch of plans for a fancy video I wanted to do but just things have just taken much longer than expected which we're gonna do a whole nother video about me yeah we'll talk about this whole process because this is a process you know we at least wanted to get this done and up for you guys cuz I know y'all been waiting and we've really wanted to y'all to see it the whole thing I think that's it for now do you have anything else to add alright thank you guys as always for watching and subscribing and tell our next video peace love and expediting
Channel: TheCraftyTrucker
Views: 2,025,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the crafty trucker, expediting, trucking, trucker, truck driving truck driver, solo driver, co driver, team drivers, expediter truck, straight truck, box truck, CDL, cargo van, sprinter van, expediter van, tractor trailer, expediters online, bolt express, load one, landstar, fedex custom critical, tri-state, try hours, XPO, expediter services, V3, panther premium nomadic freedom love peace nomad RV living, freightliner, cascadia, custom sleeper, truck tour, crafty condo
Id: f7lDA8wORDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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