Stealing LUXURY POLICE CARS From The Police Station In GTA 5 RP!

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today we're gonna be stealing all of these luxury police cars here in gta 5. they have been imported from all over the city and um they look pretty flippin nice take a look at this we got a police porsche with a police lambo police mclaren whatever car that is in a flippin but god even oh my goodness but uh next to the bugatti this used to be a bodyguard who's just protecting it uh well i'm gonna try to steal every single one of them and also let's see if this video can hit two likes so um let's just uh let's just get started and let's do this the easy way let's do it in three two one go go go go go they see me that's right oh my goodness take a look at this gun we saw one police officer they're gonna chase me down so i just gotta get out of here we got one police car stolen four more to go but it's gonna be hard since they know exactly what it looked like all right i'm gonna store this one right up here no one's gonna find it all right kelps i kind one police officer there oh yes it's gone out why don't we get a disguise all right guys this is what we're gonna do we're gonna have to lure the person in there's just a random car on the street here i'm gonna drive by get his attention hey sucker i just stole your car just saw your car yeah okay he's chasing us down oh my goodness oh snap oh no is he catching up what the heck okay he's still following us we're just gonna lure him this direction we gotta go right over here all right oh there he is there's a police officer okay okay okay come on take him out take him out no no no no he's gonna shoot me flip it oh he's face you put his gun away come on police officer that's what you get okay take his outfit real quick oh yes police officer cop is back now let's steal some police cars oh my goodness i feel so cool so the police station is right around the corner um let's see if there's still some police officers over there we did take one out oh my goodness take a look at this police cruiser oh oh sorry sorry i know it's a red light i should have uh i should have waited you know what i'm a police officer i can i can do this get out of the way buddy these are not really the cars that we're looking for wait i just noticed someone took the lamborghini car for a spin so we can't steal the lambo that was standing right over here all right well we're just gonna go to uh to this nice cool blue one yep there you go they're not gonna suspect the thing cause i'm a police officer all right yeah we just got a 406 on that end highway okay i'm out here wow cops that was flipping awesome we stole the second police car three more to go this one is really cool it's super fast too i love it i love this car okay well the disguise worked wonderful but they're trying to figure out that this car is not gonna come back in a little bit and then they're probably gonna ring the alarm bells so i don't know how they're gonna prepare on me trying to steal the the next car but there you go we got two police cars so far guys i think we got a problem this police officer right in front of us um i think he has an eye on us and he kind of realizes we're a fake police officer oh look the lambo is back i want to steal the next car but i'm gonna need to find a way to do it and i kind of have a pretty good plan hello there officer um hear me out we're gonna sneak in i'm gonna i'm gonna need some weapons this guy is a bunch of crazy weapons we're gonna set up a distraction hello police officers oh what the heck is this guy doing oh what the heck is that guy doing once we set up this trap we're gonna lure all the police officers outside i need to find the guns which are not here such an idiot oh my hey i'm sorry i'm sorry buddy i'm sorry okay yeah what the heck what's this guy why is he following us all right okay okay aren't the police officer disguise it's not really working that well but uh don't worry look at him look at him she's looking through the door hey buddy um hey we're here to pick up some guns especially some explosives uh we need this for a mission all right thank you so much perfect cops we got all these weapons now this is wonderful now it's time to set up a distraction but this police officer is just following me all the time i don't think he has any idea at all this is wonderful uh now time to set up this distraction just gonna pretend to go on a mission this is not the car we wanna steal by the way we're not gonna steal these basic cars we gotta get the luxurious ones ooh this alley is just perfect for this here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna place a lot of sticky bombs i'm gonna do the big old trickeroonie you place some sticky bombs on the car and then it's gonna blow up the police station thinks they're getting attacked we should be able to lure all the police officers out we're back i'm gonna park this car next to all the other cars and now here's what we're gonna do all these police officers in the area here they're gonna get pulled towards the explosion once it blows up our guy is still following me are you kidding me he's gotta notice that we didn't have anything to do with this once it blows up cause he's gonna be distracted ooh the lambo is back oh oh my goodness oh snap oh snap look all the police officers are going there quick quick quick quick quick quick we gotta steal the lambo we got to steal the lambo they have no idea we stole it they just think that we're helping them out we're going okay police officers we're going after the criminal what the heck okay never mind they know they know the guy literally just shot at me are you kidding me okay he knows they're onto me cops they are on to me they know there's a fake police officer trying to steal their cars we got three super luxurious police cars so far two more to go um how the heck are you gonna do this these guys keep on getting better and better that's my security guard by the way thank you tony the security guard please keep on looking after these police cars you're the best tony ladies and gentlemen i think we got a little bit of a problem what the heck is that fire truck doing hey hey the army is there too these guys are not taking um stealing for an answer they don't take no for an answer so oh my goodness are you kidding me i think they know i'm here they're trying to defend themselves from me um what the heck how do we do this okay well you know what let's start off by uh by shooting some stuff at these guys the police department i'm sorry police officers those are my vehicles oh my goodness a directed nice what the heck look at this guy he thinks he knows where i'm at i'm about to show you where i'm at buddy look at that one all right we're doing good we're doing good there's still so many crazy vehicles out there and that's silly police officer oh snap oh snap nope these guys are too strong man these guys are too strong we gotta reposition again we gotta reposition they know i'm here i'm gonna try to pretend to be an npc i'm gonna sneak my way up there i think they shot at me but they realized i'm not moving they don't know which police officer is the fake one by the way take a look at this guy [Music] he thought he knew he thought he knew look at them they're all fighting each other now whoa whoa okay okay no it's going crazy i'm just gonna join these guys to start shooting at random stuff right oh snap ow snappy okay okay he's gonna try to flip and arrest me but he won't get me buddy you won't get me there we go oh snap okay oh snap everything is blowing up everything is flipping blowing up over here we gotta get the car where's the car though where are the cars cops everything has been blown up even a few cars have been blowed up but i think i know where they hit the crazy cars i'm sorry andrew oh my goodness right over here yes open it up there we go i knew this started over here all right let's take this car first we'll come back for the bugatti this is car number four oh step don't buzz the dicks no boss attacks no boss attacks ah just shooting at me they're flipping shooting at me well we got four of the five police cars the luxury police car stolen right now meaning that there is one left but to be honest i don't think this one uh is gonna be possible wow cops we destroyed this entire place but where the heck is this oh my goodness the flipping bugatti someone's driving the bugatti police car wait wait a second there's a cargo pump here oh my goodness the hook just came out oh my goodness they got it they flipping got it are you joking where are they flying where are they taking the bugatti i mean that's the one i need to steal they they seem to be looping around you're not gonna tell me they're gonna try to hide the bugatti oh my goodness what a rough landing but i guess they dropped the bugatti on top of the roof of the police station well it's gonna be an easy one i'm just gonna sneak into the police station just gonna take the oh boy oh never mind never mind are you oh my goodness how am i gonna do this they got snipers on the roof there's another sniper there there's two snipers here i have a plan cops i'm just gonna turn myself in yeah i'm just gonna admit that i did all these things wrong police officers i'm here to turn myself in i know i made a big um ruckus over here so if you just come down here you can go and arrest me all right don't worry about it guys i'm so sorry about all of this okay i'm sorry guys listen i was just goofing around and uh the cars looked really nice take me in here guys there's there's an insane amount of police officers here let's walk into the sale we got it you guys won fair and square guys you guys want fair and square one of the police officers seems to uh be celebrating a little bit i brought some keys for the flipping cell i still got all my guns on me so here's what we're gonna do cups i'm gonna try to sneak out well well turns out the door was just open after all uh buddy listen they're just pulling a prank on me i'm actually a police officer yeah you can just let me go they're too busy celebrating these guys these are bad police officers hey miss police officer how are you doing we run we run run run run run run run run okay take the stairs up clear run up run up run up run up we're almost there right here rocky let's get in the car it's right over here the flipping bugatti the bugatti police car oh snap there's a police officer shooting at us how do we escape how do we escape how do we get out of here all right i have a plan cups i have a plan we just got a driveway okay go go go go go we're gonna chase us down go go go we got a black tire with cops we did it we stole every single police car from the police every single luxury police car and if you enjoy this video make sure you check out one of these other two videos on the screen right now they're super cool super awesome go and click it go and check it out we stole every police car challenge completed oh yes
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 1,158,211
Rating: 4.834784 out of 5
Keywords: funny, moments, comedy, challenge, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny videos, KOP, kwebbelkops, kweb, gta 5, minecraft, rp, roleplay, gaming, game, kid, child friendly, gta 5 rp, gta v rp, gta 5 roleplay, gta v roleplay, gta, gta rp, gta v, grand theft auto 5, stealing police cars, stealing luxury police cars, luxury police cars in gta 5, gta 5 mods, gta 5 stealing luxury cars, gta online, gta 5 cars in real life, gta 5 online, gta 5 police, luxury cars, gta 5 real life, stealing cars
Id: 3Uyi0Wt4sz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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