Stealing a $1,000,000,000 SUPERCAR From a Cargo Plane In GTA 5 RP

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welcome back cups to another gta 5 video right in front of us is the one billion dollar supercar and we're gonna try to steal it obviously because that's what we do all the time it has recently been imported from dubai some crazy prince or something is visiting my city and i don't really know when he's going to be leaving again how did he even transport it probably used like a flipping cargo plane or something like that i'm just going to drive my car close to it and we're going to park right behind him and then we're gonna sneak and steal his car all right cops i am ready to do this i'm gonna steal his car this is going to be epic just walking up to it oh no oh no oh no no no it's the owner it's the flipping owner he's back already what even he's doing in here okay well we're just gonna follow him in this beautiful lamborghini that we saw in a different video we just got to stay right behind him let's not attract too much attention oh no there's red light here i'm just gonna drop the red light let's not attract too much attention i'm pretty sure he has absolutely no idea that we're gonna be trying to steal it from him we're just uh it's just a nice car driving around which is fine right you know you can follow other people with nice cars i don't think he suspects anything come on buddy i have right of way you're supposed to stop all right where is he going though the moment he stops i'm just gonna i'm just gonna follow me until he stops and then we're gonna just grab his car and drive off yeah i'm gonna drive off with this car i'm gonna park it i'm gonna hide it and no one's gonna know where it is all right holy smokes this car is so sick pretty sure it's fully made out of diamonds oh my goodness the guy's driving a little bit dangerous just a little bit just i would not do that in a billion dollar supercar buddy i don't i don't know how you have the confidence to drive like a maniac in that thing i bet your insurance is insane oh boy okay okay we gotta be careful too okay let me just stay at a little bit of a distance from him just keep a nice good distance in between where is this dude going so going back to his home is it going back to his house oh my goodness okay he's going into the parking lot you know what that means all right i'm just gonna loop around i think he's gonna go shopping uh but for us that is wonderful that is flipping wonderful okay he's out of his car right now he is out of his car he's going shopping go go go go go go go we gotta get into the parking lot and we just gotta steal the car we just gotta steal the car that's all we gotta do okay i'm ready to do this i'm flippy ready to do this oh my goodness it's such a nice car holy smokes we're gonna steal it i mean hey buddy i was just wondering um you got a really nice car you don't want to talk to me okay that's fine that's fine no i i just wanted to take a picture with your card now cop's okay we gotta go we gotta go he's driving off i want to take a picture with your car but no apparently that's not okay oh snap i seen her hurry so much all of a sudden well um we're gonna keep on trying to steal it i'm just gonna follow him some more i know this is very suspicious he has seen our face he's taking a left turn he's trying to lose us oh no he knows he flipping uh why is this guy racing he knows he knows we're tracing him he knows we're tracking him he knows we're following him let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go yeah buddy i drive a sick lambo too they could not drive faster than me i know it definitely can drive faster than me but still uh we can still drive really fast too where's this guy heading to did he he got like a flipping phone call or something and then drove off like crazy does he have some other better place to be wait a second he was driving towards the airport cops oh boy okay no no he's driving fast again he's flipping driving fast again why is straight oh no we're good don't worry about it don't worry about it one of the best drivers in the world let's go to the airport i knew it i flippin knew it he's going to the airport why what is he going to do at the airport is he going to go shopping at the airport or something i know people who do that wait a second this is how he came in the first one is he leaving no he's not leaving we got to steal the car quick if he gets on the plane and leaves before we can steal the billion dollar supercar we're never going to be able to steal this billion dollar supercar right we already got one in our collection oh no yeah no he's definitely he's driving into the airport oh my goodness oh you stick the flipping rap dude this guy is crazy okay comes well let's uh let's take the raptor then let's follow this dude he's at the airport right now what is he gonna do like park his car somewhere or something the heck yeah no no he's definitely parking his car he's oh boy okay let's just follow him i'm not allowed to be here not supposed to be here at the airport okay he's going across the airstrip he's going he's heading for one of the hangers but why what is he doing there i'm gonna park my car to the hair that left of it and um yep no he just got out of his car he just got out of his car tops this is wonderful and we just gotta sneak up to it very slowly beautiful part of the job all right cops the car is right over there we're gonna steal it where did this cargo plane just come from oh no oh no it just opened up it just flipping opened up oh my goodness cups no this is bad this is really flipping bad oh boy what the heck do we do what the heck do we do there's not even another destroyed cargo blop plane right over there okay we can steal the car now we can steal the car oh no is he coming back is he coming back right now he's coming back to pick up his car no no no he's gonna bend it in the back there cops we don't have much time we can't do much we gotta get the car before he flies off he got the car cops he got the car and he's going for the cargo bob oh boy okay okay okay i just take care of a bump i mean cargo plane he's gonna drive it right in there we gotta run we gotta make our way onto this plane we gotta take the car before he manages to take off we're good we're good we're good he can't see us he can't see us from over there oh my goodness he just scrapped the flipping car he's right in there just jumped out he's going through the front all right cops we're gonna steal the car we're gonna steal the car before he flies off we finally flipping got it the billion super car imported from dubai cups heck yes it looks so flippant nice oh my goodness oh yes all right let's get it before the plane it's gonna take off uh i just got in the car oh my goodness cup well we gotta get out now the back the back is flipping closed cups no no you're joking right you're flipping joking oh no the blade is taking off the flight is syncing up we're in the back of the flipping cargo plane we're in the car oh no oh my goodness it was not mounted close this is really bad the plane is flying around cubs oh boy cops comes up what do we do oh does the back open the back doesn't open up the back doesn't open up the car is oh snap no no oh my goodness it's moving all around we got to come up with a plan we gotta come up with a plan all right i have an idea i have a flipping idea if i get out of the car okay let me just uh hop out of this car for a sec i'm just gonna get out i gotta find a way to open up the back door we're in the middle of the air right now all right this is no nope nope that's not that doesn't do anything can i climb up here does this work i can't even climb up here are you kidding me are you flipping kidding me what about this this all doesn't work you know what you know what i'm just gonna do something crazy i got a sticky bomb i'm just gonna place it right on the power nope i misplaced it but that's fine i'm gonna back up blow it up and the door better open up in three two one don't blow up the plate that will blow up the plate don't block the bait did he work all right kelp city where did it work did it work it didn't work are you kidding me oh no and flip it work up let's go let's steal the billion dollar super car oh my goodness we flipping it don't destroy it oh yes what a smooth landing the plane i didn't even know where it went he has absolutely no idea it's flying off back to dubai have fun over there buddy have fun because the moment you arrive yep you can do a loop the moment you arrive he's gonna know that he forgot something anyways guys thank you so much for watching this video we stole it the billion flippin dollar supercar it looks flippin awesome thanks so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it be sure to drop like also if you can check out any of these other videos bye-bye
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 924,602
Rating: 4.8575535 out of 5
Keywords: funny, moments, comedy, challenge, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny videos, KOP, kwebbelkops, kweb, gta 5, minecraft, rp, roleplay, gaming, game, kid, child friendly, gta v, grand theft auto v, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mods, gta 5 roleplay, gta 5 rp, gta v rp, stealing supercar, gta 5 stealing supercar, gta stealing supercar, gta v stealing supercar, gta 5 supercar, supercar in gta 5, gta 5 cargo plane, gta v cargo plane, stealing supercar from cargo plane, stealing car in gta 5 rp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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