Stealing Cars from Family Guy in GTA 5

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in this video we got fired from the Family Guy show and hired by a mystery person let's get into it start the fireworks in action yes sir oh oh wow I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry burning down I did I did oh no [Music] um you pal what you're fired you burnt down the entire family guy said I'm sorry I just I was a big fan I really like this job it's a big fan you need to get the crap out of here all right I'm leaving sorry that was sort of my fault I went crazy with the fireworks what is did I just get a text this is from a blocked number and it says you did a great job Burning Down The Family Guy set if you can steal all their personal vehicles for me you'll be rewarded beyond belief who is this and rewarded I like rewards I just gotta find where they live because obviously oh God I hope Lois found that babysitter on Facebook Market need one for story what dude I found the ad on Facebook Marketplace for the babysitter it has their address right here oh this is perfect apparently this house right here is supposed to be the address I um it is I don't believe that bro that thing looks like a hotel I mean I guess Family Guy pays well oh what is that in the driveway I can't believe that guy burnt this set down what that's why I had to fire him oh he's talking about me no I need an outfit I want the exact same I know what I'll do I'll go buy an open right now my guy house should be around here somewhere oh hey buddy did you say Family Guy yes yeah I actually I work for them this is the house right here I could give you a tour that's crazy yeah yeah yeah listen I'm just gonna need your help I'm sorry wow I look really stupid right now but we're not wearing a pink suit so everything should be fine I'm not gonna lie I'm a little bit nervous right now but it should be fine right I'm a good liar so anybody home oh oh hey what's up hey yeah I'm just the the babysitter that got hired I'll get the babysitter that lowest height for Stewie yeah yeah I would have Meg doing but she's incompetent yeah all right well good luck oh thank you sir oh I won't let you down got a family thing to get to Family Guy I get it there he is hey little buddy how's it going oh who do you think you are um the new babysitter I'm here to babysit but don't just stand there looking stupid go clean my car in the garage oh yeah I don't I don't really clean I'm just a babysitter man but I I could do that I guess I'll be down in my secret lair good day sir secret lair wait I'm not cleaning a car I'm gonna oh man his head is so big where's his secret lair at how big is this house three levels uh where is he I don't see it still owes me that money I need to get that money soon oh my God what is that all right put on the Beach Boys right I want a Vibe um I kind of want to go look at the car too so I know her secret lair is it's not very secret anymore and we only got to look at this for like a sec wow look at that he made this out of Lego back of it are you serious well genius after all alrighty then um you know what he probably keeps the keys to that down in his secret lair uh how am I gonna get him out of it though so I ended up ordering Stewie some food hopefully he's hungry I really don't know what to do hey Stewie food's here come upstairs buddy come on you better hurry up man it's getting cold oh I'm stopping yeah hey here take it um where are you gonna eat that oh Kitty the balcony oh oh that's so nice wow all right enjoy your food out there I'm just gonna go clean downstairs really quick there was some stuff I needed to clean up listen I'm not gonna sit here and lie and say that I'm not scared to go through the Secret Door Lair tunnel thing I'm frightened like what's behind here let's find out oh that was pretty easy to open uh oh control panels that's frightening let's see door number one oh yeah this is just completely normal isn't it oh is that a key right there hey it's a Rupert what's up man you protecting the key are you that's cute I'm just gonna grab this from you thanks little guy I appreciate it you stay cool all right this is scary I'm really not having this but it's fine we got it yeah everything's clean down here looks great we got it what's he doing is he oh he's just standing there that's good he's just taking in the sights that's all Let's uh you know I can't say I've ever driven a rocket Lego Bugatti before but oh it's got NOS on the side too that's fantastic I love this let's do it oh oh this is fast get back here fat man number two oh my God you think oh no they say he's going in the past I am so scared right now just drive we're good everything's fine you can't see us we're good I just got another text from that block number saying bring that car to this location now why are they being so rude you know what I'm gonna do it I'll do it though you gotta hit that like button let me know if you would drive this Lego rocket car though because I know I would I mean I am right now so this is the spot I was told to meet I don't see anybody but what is going on oh my is that uh you know what I'm gonna guess oh yeah load it up all right I'm coming ah don't worry I got this what in the world bro who am I working for right now I'm just gonna put this in here no problem just gonna hop out yeah all right I will I don't know how to do that I don't know if that's really I what kind of a pilot is that that's insane I uh wow huh oh look at that another text message you've got more to get hurry up oh all right hopefully somebody with a cool car is home I don't uh I don't think I've seen well Stewie probably had one of the coolest honestly ooh Peter's in a bad mood for whatever reason yeah and that babysitter left well I'm gonna go golf I'll just take care of the kids oh he's gonna go golf all right perfect I'll just follow him push me Peter coming through perfect oh my that truck is Amazing by the way really oh dude he is driving absolutely insane right now where's the golf course even at I can't remember I'm so lost right now literally oh look we've got a Peter Smith's house oh I'm gonna drive in his yard that's what he gets for giving me a book for my birthday oh that's where he lives a book that's a terrible birthday present bro that car got smushed I need that truck I need to drive that truck right now is he just gonna Park on that song time to go I guess when you're the Family Guy you can do whatever you want right it's kind of cool though I've never been golfing is that weird excuse me oh my God he's insane great I love this uh let's just go this way maybe I gotta get the keys from him somehow this is gonna be so difficult man hmm I wonder if he keeps his keys in his like go-kart there I mean that's what I would do right finally Peter Griffin oh death what you've never seen a guy work at his job before so sorry uh you just scared me I'm not used to seeing like walking skeletons what did you say you're here for Peter yeah get out of my way no no wait wait stop stop stop I need him I need him alive don't do this okay well I need him dead I can get you somebody worse who's worse than Peter Griffin I know he's pretty bad but I'll find someone please fine a deal okay but if you don't huh then I'm taking Peter all right just stay right here I'm don't do it please don't take him I'll be right back oh by the way what you've only got one man time's the ticket all right all right I'm hurrying I don't know where I'm gonna go oh my God I'm freaking out right now hurry up man this stupid bike is so slow why did I have to steal the slowest bike in the world I know there's a nightclub up here bad people normally hang out at nightclubs right oh yeah oh girls right over here Quagmire uh who are you uh uh Peter's friend you're uh Peter's at the golf course and he needs to he needs help right now uh I'm here to you know meet some chicks yeah there's there's so many women at the golf course like women love golf yeah come on man follow me quickly go go go golf course come on quick oh dude Quagmire is terrible he's a terrible person this is perfect come on man let's go hurry oh my God he's driving like a maniac you mentioned women and girls and he's like I'm there you know oh are you good all right yeah yeah that's that's how he communicates that's fine come on come on come on come on this way up here they're all everywhere come on come on this way this way look look Peter's right up here he's golfing he needs your help and there's there's women somewhere I think I don't definitely perfect yeah exactly what I wanted Glenn Quagmire yeah I'm gonna run away with it Hey kid thanks man I'll hit you up if I need more bad guys this guy's definitely worse than Peter no don't don't hit me up ever again don't ever call me no I'll be back soon no please no no uh that was me sir sorry do you work here yes I do oh that's perfect I'm sorry oh now that I've got my fancy golf uniform on all I gotta do is get in the golf cart look at me I'm now an employee of the golf course hey Mr Peter hey what's going on pal Hey listen uh we've got a very uh high profile uh celebrity coming here and he uh well we just can't have your truck parked on the on the golf course there I'm gonna need the keys to move it is that all right or oh yeah of course ah good thing I keep the keys in the truck at all times show oh yeah move it you keep it in the truck okay uh awesome thank you so much I really appreciate that information sir uh you have a great day and uh if you see anybody in like a black cloak uh just just probably run all right okay it's not something to laugh at man but all right he leaves the keys in his car I don't I don't know if I believe oh he does that's amazing it really is I uh come on saved his life for no reason man now Glenn's gone look at this his car's just sitting here oh oh god um help oh I'm good you know hopefully this thing actually fits in the plane I I don't know if it's going to look at how tall it is it's legitimately a monster truck oh my like it likes to flip a little bit too you know no big deal the blocked number texted me again and said to meet them at the airport that makes so much more sense to me you know what I mean like oh there they are see not a beach you're at an airport Hey listen before I load this up who am I working for oh this is not gonna fit let's see oh never mind fits perfectly go what oh hey I'm in it I'm in it oh oh scared me ow you're rude man what car is that it wouldn't see me leaving is that Lois I disabled the ring camera it is dude why do they all have such nice Vehicles this is insane I mean I like it bro does she know how everyone needs to get out of the road she doesn't know how to drive oh my God I see why Peter does most the driving uh I don't know how to drive I don't think you know definitely not from Quahog Ah that's funny oh my almost died not my fault I almost died I I don't gotta get my makeup right oh excuse me the poor person oh they're alive that's fine oh they're probably not people drive way better in Quahog I don't know about that oh yeah what is this oh I said Talon restaurant I know this place it's gonna Park my moped right here and head on in she must be going obviously she's going here right oh yeah she is she's getting out who would be in here I don't even understand what Cleveland what that pizza looks really good wow do I just wait to be seated here or yeah I'll just wait for a waiter Lois huh Cleveland how are you I'm doing good I'm just glad Peta isn't around yeah you're lucky Peter isn't around it's more like it she's cheating on Peter that's sad what do I do here age my your two Italian pizzas will be ready soon it doesn't sound very Italian to me perfect thank you well I got a great idea yeah I work here I work here I'm just uh just doing the pipes where is he going I didn't know this place was this big all right here I got I gotta hey hey hey hey hey you give me your uniform right now I don't want to hurt you oh yeah I'm sorry sir I just need his uniform for a moment get in here come on pepperoni I don't know I don't want any pizza right now no you're in big trouble I'm in big trouble what do you mean if you're in big trouble whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa how about pepperoni so what's up oh oh pepperoni it's a big deal huh more like salami listen hey I don't want to hurt you I'm gonna get you a knuckle sandwich don't you do don't you move don't you move I just need his uniform man that's all I need it'll be a uniform yeah give me the uniform put your hands up put them up yeah good I didn't want this to happen man I'm sorry thank you all right listen man we gotta get you with the jib you looking disgusting yeah yeah you you might a gym would be great man for sure maybe maybe it's something maybe some protein I don't know all right you got like a dry meatball yeah you guys stay here and be quiet all right Cleveland that was amazing Hayden never takes me out hey oh listen you don't have to pay for your food it's all covered we got it oh everything's fine yeah it's uh I wish huh what the crap is going on uh oh and Cleveland that's not good uh I can't believe you cheated on me everything that we've been through Peter you never seem to understand what I want you never understand what I need I wish I'll do anything and everything for you this is ridiculous and I can't believe you do this to me Cleveland you just don't satisfy me anymore Peter oh please Peter leave Peter oh what did you say to me Cleveland uh-oh knock the lights out of you oh no the lights are good yeah don't fight guys stop fighting oh no oh I was giving you guys free food come on I got the key yeah it's so sad oh yeah you wouldn't understand I tried to tell you oh my there's a lot of issues going on there but I got the key this is such a nice car dude the text message told me to meet them right down here I am I gonna meet this person finally I have zero idea what is going on right now there's no way you can land a plane down here who who is this pilot hey do I do I finally get to meet who this person is oh my all right let me let me load it up here for you oh boy oh oh this is bad uh yeah you got it I just gotta get out of here for you no I'm in the back let me jump out oh this is actually perfect what if I just wait back here I'll get to meet who this mystery person is do they have cameras I don't think so no we're good this is a bumpy ride opening hatch no I'm so scared of heights wow oh my oh my god um uh well at least it's water yeah this is good oh I'm good I just got a text message saying you're doing so good get more of their cars I want that stupid girl Meg's card next she's taking her driver's test in an hour oh I've got a good idea hold on wait wait all right listen to me for a moment she's doing a driving test and we're getting a cop car how are we gonna get it I'll show you right here or maybe not I don't know hey buddy yeah uh there's somebody breaking into a cop car right now I thought I should probably tell you uh just yeah you should probably come out this way look check this out officer Derpy stop right now yeah they need to stop that's for sure officer Derpy's on the on the loose uh what the heck I don't see no one out here it's because I'm the one taking it all right I'm still in the cop car I need your uniform too all right it's no big deal uh which one's your cop car which one oh you know what doesn't matter you're gonna give me the keys anyways give me your uniform all right right now listen I don't want to hurt you oh I peddled you pit you piddled oh I don't want huh I need it just I need it I need it I need it just don't take my wedge I'm not taking the watch man that's fine uh Hey huh who are you Aaron I'm so doofy all right see you on patrol I'm gonna go load my shop all right after doofy over here hey huh officer doopy yeah stay safe out there okay yeah uh I gotta get going now bye-bye we're gonna be moving to the final driving course okay this is gonna be the final test to get your driver's license so we're gonna step into your vehicle and we're going to begin the test is that a Bentley bro where are they getting this all right are you good you're good you guys are you good you started me a little bit what I just did you just perfect opportunity to pull her over it's coming up here probably oh she's a scary driver I'm just gonna give a little bit of doggy you can't give it too much dog whoa all right she's kind of speeding like crazy oh my God oh my God I think I'll wait let's wait a second dick oh she's speeding like crazy right now oh my goodness [Music] yeah I think I gotta have to pull her over right now hey pull over your vehicle pull over everybody listen to him yeah pull over oh no what's going on Mig uh I can't go back to jail running back to jail what we got a real Pursuit on our hands let's do it this is exciting I'm not even a real cop put me in the hospital oh here we go come on people don't want to drive in the city I swear come on Meg pull over I've been chasing you for an hour come on I am so sorry come on ow shut up Meg we got it man this thing is so nice too and it's the same color as her hat which is sort of weird but all right oh dude this is so exciting is it time to finally meet this mystery person with their blocked phone number I hate blocked phone numbers by the way why isn't the jet on though this is weird is it finally time to meet this mystery person [Music] oh oh oh where am I Simpsons what oh your hard work I'm giving you what I love most so much Homer thanks I guess I hate Family Guy yeah no me too but thanks oh thanks for the donut truck man I don't uh
Channel: SpeirsTheAmazingHD
Views: 803,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta online, gta online rare cars, gta 5 rare cars, gta 5 collecting rare cars, gta 5 rarest cars, gta rarest cars, speirstheamazinghd, speirs the amazing, gta 5 funny moments, free cars in gta 5, free car, gta 5, gta, secret cars gta 5 online, stolen cars gta 5, in gta 5, family guy gta 5, family guy cars in gta 5, gta 5 rp, stealing cars gta 5, stealing cars, stealing cars from family guy, family guy, peter griffin gta 5, stewie griffin gta 5, lois griffin gta 5
Id: r8VCgdIVwI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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