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today we're becoming the richest player in gta 5 but first we're gonna have to figure out how to do it and that's why i'm going towards the richest neighborhood here in gta 5 oh my goodness the cars are so flipping nice check out that car whoa that is a flippy ferrari la ferrari that girl looks so flipping sick excuse me sir sir hey get away from me you look sir oh sir i'm i'm just wondering how did you become so rich i have a job and i work hard i work 300 billion times harder than you go and get a job you bum disgusting i mean okay all right okay thank you for the advice sir cops you know what let's go and get a job i need to become the richest player in the world i've been driving around town for quite a while now and i heard that this place might have a little bit of a job for me i mean look at this guy he's probably also coming for the job interview right over here okay whoa it's flipping mcdonald's i knew it oh we could totally work at the mcdonald's this is going to be flipping amazing i'm definitely going to become world's first player i would love to own myself a nice little mcdonald's okay and let's open the door here hello good morning good morning sir hello good morning hello i'm here to become world's richest player i want to own a mcdonald's you want to own a mcdonald's uh that would be three million dollars please uh um yeah i don't have that do you have a job for me uh sure sure you can get a board yeah just uh let me get you some outfits come here come here come behind me okay all right you got oh oh some paperwork okay well i i really know how to uh write though but well what are you good at what are you good at i'm good at um stealing cars and doing stunts and racing in gta well i was really hoping you were gonna say cooking but uh we can get you a job as front of staff you can do cashier like money yeah sure yeah yeah and i'm really good at selling things selling things sure all right put on this uniform and let's get to work all right let's change it to your red t-shirt that's that's what you wanted right yes of course okay what do you want me to do what do you want me to do well we need you to sell burgers first off i'm the manager in this area my name is mac donald hello mcdonald well firstly we need a few rules all right so you really want to upsell the customer you want to make them buy as much as possible okay okay okay got it got it yes i would like to buy a hundred thousand burgers right now right now yes sorry sir that's impossible now i want no no sir we can i can we can only sell you 200 000 burgers okay let's do it yes all right sir you can pay right now and then pick up the burgers in like a month from now um i want them now okay sure all right okay just give me the money first say yes uh yes there you go getting money from him okay thank you so much for the money sir i'll i'll grab all the burgers for you then okay okay yeah thank you brilliant job brilliant jump thank you for the other side that i gotta give him the burgers okay all right here's 200 000 burgers sir thank you very much enjoy have a nice day bye-bye thank you bye oh my goodness we're so ready we're so rich can i now buy the mcdonald's no well yeah i mean that was great work let me give you pay for the day oh it is okay okay five dollars what five dollars i sold 200 000 burgers yeah but you know i take it mcdonald's takes a cut we all take a cut no you need a great job the burgers what do you mean i sold oh you know what i quit you know i'm just i'm what yeah now i'm turning to crime this is stupid this is way too slow legit job in gta 5 really okay i'm out of here i'm gonna rob some cars or something well time to turn to crime i definitely do not recommend this but uh let's just give it a shot if i'm correct i should be able to make some nice money from somewhere over here let's see nice to see you again juan listen i need a job man i i'm poor i i want to become the richest man i've got a great job for you jordy go and beat up this lawyer and i'll give you lots of money all right this is what he looks like consider it done where can i find him at the courthouse go jody go go all right okay that's gonna be some easy money let's go this is it cops the courthouse i'm pretty sure they got some security guards all over the place wait is that the guy we need to beat up let's follow him into the courthouse and let's wait until he's in a sneaky little area i'll beat him up and i'll tell him to stop prosecuting juan's men okay let me just see if i can get in here hello is anyone there okay well let's see if we can find this dude just gonna go through these rooms maybe i can just mess up the place some more oh these are the restrooms you know what i'm just gonna follow him until at one point he goes to the restrooms and we beat him up in the restrooms because i don't think there's any cameras in the restrooms all right this is perfect oh oh oh oh there i see someone over there i see someone over there okay just go in here pretend i'm i'm i'm part of the jury late gentlemen of the jury jury number six is that you your leg get on the jury get on the job oh oh sorry yes jury oh oh that's all right over here yes sorry it's my first time why is everyone so late what is going on in here this is crazy traffic traffic ladies and gentlemen this man is clearly guilty of 20 cases of murder yes he's guilty your honor i love this jury member all right i'm going to go to the bathroom now uh all right yeah me too uh um do you want to go together okay case well done mr prosecutor mr prosecutor wait up wait up that was uh that was a good job you did there buddy hey um very much i i had a little question i have this uh this friend and um you send me to beat you up because you should stop prosecuting him this one's first what this one's wrong watch stop that no no oh my goodness stop prosecuting one all right he's he's a good guy he's just trying to take care of his kids there you go the job's done here cops wait hey i got you i got you thanks man thanks appreciate it hey listen to me juan senses were gods this is this girl this is your car now that's mine wow thank you oh my goodness whoa we just upgraded and i got this crazy suit thank you so much this is epic nice outfit man now listen to me why told me to give you another mission yeah another mission yes i need to become the richest player in the world all right we need to steal a supercar from the super rich dude all right here's the location let's go here now okay okay let's go let's go let's go all right cops the prisoner just left he needs to go back to his family but this is the house the house with a really flipping expensive car normally i try really hard to steal these cars but this one this one should be easy i've done this before i'm ready for it i already got my disguise we're gonna become super flippin filthy rich hello you i haven't seen you before hello hey hey excuse me wow you look like a rich young man oh thank you i'll just i'll drive my name is uh cop if you could just open the gate for me i'll uh ex-husbands house i was just gonna say uh a lady like you it doesn't have to be uh it's pretty easy to get a nice husband right you're so charming all right well let's come inside come in what's your name actually uh my name is christina christina what a beautiful name hey christina um yes wow you've got a beautiful house thank you thank you you look for all yourself on your own with my ex-husband's money yes christina wow this is just this is just beautiful is that your a garage by any chance oh yes that's my garage actually do you want to see my collection i'm a bit of a car collector oh wow oh wow these are beautiful really nice cars well christina should we just uh cut right to the chase of course just give me a minute how about you get the the candles and uh let's get to the bedroom you know all right let's get it christina will be there in a minute okay put the candles ready oh my goodness cops that was really hard you know what let's just take this flippy car and get out of here i feel so bad for the street and she was so nice to me but i'm sorry christina i need to do this to become world's richest player yes all right juan told me to meet him up here somewhere hello hello jordan oh juan wanna thank you very much jordan thank you thank you so um are you gonna make me rich now yes here take some money here is one million dollars wow thank you so much one but listen i know that your goal is to be the richest man yeah this is not enough you gotta never miss something more of course this time around you need to rob a bank it's the only way i'm ready for this let's do this there's a bank directly down here i'll give you the location go now jordy go okay okay okay i'm gonna go gotta go gotta go is this my car by the way take this car i've left you on range of things for your missions okay what i'll be back i gotta become the richest player pops this is the bank we gotta park our car somewhere over here so it's easy for us to drive off i think if we uh yeah oh i'll park it right here in this alley oh this is perfect now all we gotta do is take a hostage this guy looks a little bit too nice [Music] put your hands in the floppy hair right now all right buddy now get to the bank and walk slowly don't try anything stupid buddy or i will shoot now get into the bank don't try anything stupid buddy this is gonna be simple i'm not a murderer okay get get into the bank walk into the bank all right listen up everybody this is a harshness situation hello anyone there hello security guard don't try anything stupid put the gun down buddy you're not getting paid enough for this okay okay let's listen up go to the security guard right now mr hostage no security guard get back here don't you try to leave guys get to the door or i will shoot no one has to get hurt guys the bank has insurance all right listen up both of you stand close to each other i'm here to just get a lot of money okay so open this flipping door oh no nevermind go in go in move up also do not try to call the police it's going to be simple it's going to be clean no one's going to get hurt you'll be able to go home what the heck why did you have to do this get through the door right now buddy get to the flipping door i'll have to shoot you too why would he call 9-1-1 let me just grab the keys back up buddy let me try to open this door wow all right open the door buddy get in there right now mr hostage do not try anything stupid i'm pretty sure there's police oh boy okay oh my goodness all right this is perfect all right let me just grab all the money let me just drop all the flipping money from over here whoo buddy buddy okay that's all holy smokes i'm starting to get really flippy rage all right buddy here is a hundred bucks for the effort now let's just go back up and um let's make sure no one gets shot this time all right okay keep on walking hostage keep on walking don't shoot get back here get back here listen guys don't try anything stupid no one has to get hurt all right if i die he dies not a murderer okay the hostage is here i mean what the heck are you blind okay just walk outside outside of the bank okay hostage don't run and go go to the right go to the right hostage okay don't try anything stupid police officers don't try anything stupid if you don't work stupid no if you shoot the hostage guys okay we don't have to do this all right we don't have to flip and do this no one's gonna care what do i want i want money okay and i want freedom all right guys listen police officers i will give you the hostage in return for something what do you want i'll give you the hostage if you close your eyes and count to ten okay yes three two three two go go let's run just get out of here go go go go go go go go go go where did it go oh okay okay we got we got these cups they have no idea where the heck we went okay this is perfect this is perfect i'm just gonna go drive down this alley whoa this is flipping amazing cups and they don't have any clue that we have this car holy smokes we managed to escape all these police officers let me just stomp them by driving positive let's see if they're still here holy spirit yes they're still here they have absolutely no idea cops we just successfully robbed the bank and we got away one one one erupted back successfully we did it congratulations yes here is your share whoa wow 100 million dollars that is so much money this is insane but am i the richest player yet no you are the second richest player in the entire game oh my goodness okay well let me spend some of this money real quick oh juan what do you think doesn't this look epic this is my brand new penthouse we got a helicopter i'm so insanely rich we got a flipping basketball court here on the roof i got a pool on the roof i got a jacuzzi on the roof i got literally everything the house looks so flippin nice juan thank you so much without you this would have never been flip impossible no problem joey still there's a last man you'll need to take down yes juan uh meet me at the pool for a second get over here so uh you're telling me there's one more player who's richer than me huh yes yes you see that building yes oh my god of the building he lives there yes all right juan well if he's the richest player and i'm the second richest player you must think about it i gotta take him out to become the richest player so let's hi jody good luck juan thank you so much i'm gonna need it all right everyone i got my real gun ready i got my helicopter ready i got so much money in the world i'm just gonna fly right in there and i'm gonna take him out let's flip and do this i mean if i take him out then that's gonna be my uh house too wait a second um i only just realized cops it's not just the top part that's his house it's the entire flipping building this guy is really rich you know what he does for a living he sells shark cards yup that's how he got that rich and i think that's him in the white car oh my goodness he's just arriving at his flipping house okay let me chase him down let's try to take this guy out holy smokes this is gonna be epic all right the conscious uh bombard in here i'm pretty sure is an insane amount of security guards so let me just jump out and take this slide down we gotta sneak in a little bit cause if we get spotted probably gonna not be rich anymore yep i'm i'm gonna be dead that's what i'm gonna be i'm gonna be very flipping dead okay land on the staircase this is going wonderful very clean yep nice landing it's so flipping rich look at that he has a car collection just a insane pool he has more cars he has wind turbines he has a flipping water slide yeah he has a crazy water slide okay well let's go down the crazy water slide then i guess if that it's gonna work okay go down the water it's like whoa okay we're talking about a water slide i think i see someone walking around over there okay let me jump out of the water slide i'm just jumping through the water okay there he is i think that's the richest player we gotta get closer we gotta get a clear shot on this guy just swim over just jump up here right okay this is perfect holy smokes is quite a lot of security guards over there oh no he's moving he's moving he's moving he's moving okay i'm gonna take out the security guard first and i'm gonna take him out it's gonna be easy flipping peasy and bang there you go that's one security guard down he's running he's ready no no no no no we gotta chase him down where the heck is this guy going did he just he just ready to flip it what the heck is that oh oh snap no no no holy smokes of course you gotta flip at our peachy buddy oh snap rich's playard you remember me where the heck did you go you no no there he is buddy get back there you're not gonna run away from me huh you're not gonna get away from me you flippy fool you flipping fool that's what i thought oh yes i think we got him cops we just turned into world's richest player oh snap and this is my house now i mean all these cars this helicopter flipping that whatever that thing is with the tentacles and stuff this is epic anyways come see someone's watching this video if you enjoyed it don't forget to drop the light and i'll see in the next video check them out on the screen bye
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 670,656
Rating: 4.8629594 out of 5
Keywords: funny, moments, comedy, challenge, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, funny videos, KOP, kwebbelkops, kweb, gta 5, minecraft, rp, roleplay, gaming, game, kid, child friendly, gta 5 money, gta v, gta 5 mods, gta 5 online, gta online, gta 5 gameplay, gta 5 money glitch offline, gta v money glitch, gta 5 mod, grand theft auto, gta 5 funny moments, gta vice city, gta v mods, gta v online, gta v roleplay, funny moments in gta 5, gta 5 online funny moments, gta 5 gameplay online, richest player
Id: lfKaVIutsvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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