Octonauts - Underwater Stories Compilation | Cartoons for Kids | Underwater Sea Education

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captain exploring lava tubes is extremely dangerous you never know when one might suddenly erupt then we'll need some way to look inside and see what we're dealing with dashi already on it captain this rover cam will show us the inside of the lava tube looks hot i just hope frank is all right in there dashie over there it's frank's rock can you pick it up dashie i'll try [Music] easy easy he must be damaging the rover but i'm almost heavy oh lost it oh no it's too hot in there then we'll just have to go in and find frank ourselves you can't just swim into a lava tube it's as hot as an oven in there that's why i brought beets these will protect you from the heat and the octo goggles will help you see frank if we follow the rover cam's cable it should lead us to frank's rock that doesn't sound good captain there's a lot of unusual lava movement beneath the cave it could erupt at any moment you better find frank quickly [Music] look the rover cap is right here in front of us oh yeah these octo goggles really do make things look bigger [Music] look there's frank's rook frank he's not there buddy over here frank are you all right we're here hey it's pretty great down here ain't it i met a lot of nice folks there's joe hi there and eddie how you doing hello you mean water bears can actually live down here but don't you little matey's get hot i told you he was tough a little heat don't bother us we're on our way out dashie you watermelon should come with us ah we're good we don't mind the heat yeah we like it hot hotter the better oh we're happy where we are but the whole cave is about to fill up with lava no problem we'll be just fine hold on did you say lava not for your lives he says it had a swirly shell about this big was this the creature jumping jellyfish what is it gellington it's a cone snail no wonder quasi is acting so strange a cone snail sting is full of poison and it must still be here somewhere on the ship we'd better find it before anyone else gets stung shellington sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay octonauts there's a dangerous cone snail somewhere aboard the ship we need to find it and release it back into the water cone snail you say ah yes little fellas that can sting you with tiny harpoons and they have up to 20 harpoons ready to fire each full of poison that can make you very sick captain there's no medicine for a cone snail sting time and rest are the only cure but why would it sting quasi it was probably just scared and trying to protect itself we'll have to be very very careful around it octonauts let's split up and find that cone snail nobody captures me see [Laughter] leave me alone [Music] octonauts any sign of the cone snail not yet cap anyone inkling else and shellington have all been stung peso i'm bringing three more patients to the sickbay hi captain [Music] tweek the cone snail must be somewhere in the octo shoots i need you to close them off i'll let you know soon tweak are you all right [Music] peso you better prepare one more bed [Music] how are you doing peso this is a lot of patience to take care of at once don't worry captain i'm a medic taking care of people is what i do luckily i have some help he must be in the vents right i'm going after him [Music] hey watch it what's the big idea [Music] captain you did it where's anton ahoy matey glad i found you oh i'm not i mean if i'm that easy to see then i'm not camouflaged how will i hide from the sharks you can't hide either i see what you mean captain the coral reef's been destroyed and these fishies need a new place to live we have to do something agreed dashie sound the octo alert octonauts to the launch bay octonauts the reef dwellers need our help their home was destroyed by the hurricane and now they have no shelter or protection maybe we could move all the fish to another reef there may not be enough time to move them before the second part of the hurricane hits second part a hurricane starts with strong winds and waves that stir up the ocean then there's calm like it is now but that's because we're in the quiet center of the storm known as the eye after the eye passes it's followed by winds and waves even stronger than the first ones but the fishes will never survive that without a reef hmm what if we build them a new reef ah you're talking about making an artificial reef captain an artificial reef can be made out of anything a sunken ship or even an old train carriage sponges coral and plants attach themselves to it and that attracts fish who make it their home but what could we use to make an artificial reef well the truth is the cup f isn't much of a gup anymore [Music] but i reckon it'd make a great artificial wreath great idea tweak but we'll have to work fast the first step we should cover the gup f with algae and coral captain using lots of sticky olympic glue octonauts let's do this [Applause] hey hey you missed the spot much better well what do you think oh it has plenty of places for me to blend in and plenty of hiding places for the rest of us i say let's move in oh hold on everybody don't touch anything yet the sticky olympic glue still needs time to dry captain the second half of the storm is coming in quicker than we thought and it's going to be big but camp the glue hasn't hardened everything we've put on will get washed away i'll say it again [Music] none of my sardines has the key which means that one of yours does quasi and i are still chasing them captain quasi are you quasi to captain barnacles do you read me peso are you there i've got to get my gut back in the water first [Music] can you hear me [Music] ah maybe if i send that signal oh sounds like somebody needs help you really do need to watch where you're going yeah yeah but right now i need to get my gup off this iceberg okay i'll tip the iceberg over for you too big for me to tip over by myself yeah but it won't be too big for me and a couple of friends i'll send out a signal [Applause] [Music] hey guys i need some help with this iceberg let's do it always enjoy your little iceberg tipping oh god out there ready guys thanks for your help and now i've got to catch up with those sardines we'll come along just in case you will run into any more trouble this guy doesn't have an aggression to stop now we've lost quasi and the sardines i'm right behind you mateys and i've brought some friends nice to have you back captain sardines they're right under us everyone follow me [Music] who swallowed mickey i see her too but we need to keep her in one place so i can remove the key octonauts let's do this keep it up octonauts we're making good progress i better see how things are going back at the octopod say ah [Music] looks good hey so come in peso how are your patients well captain i'd say the pelicans are healing nicely excellent pesos what's that noise hmm looks like there's another patch of something heading your way hmm more rubbish maybe whatever [Music] of fish this big there's bound to be a feeding frenzy attention swordfish there's rubbish in the water it's not safe to eat here looks like they're all too hungry to listen in that case we'd better hurry it's making the cleanup a little tricky and we've captain oh no i have to help them listen doc we pelicans know a thing or two about feeding frenzies the trick is to get in and out as fast as you can but how what say mateys ready to stretch your wings [Music] they're coming from every direction there's got to be a wall way out of here captain jump on great timing peso awkward let's move out don't put down don't look down thanks for the lift pelicans good to see you're feeling better now what do you say we clean up the rest of this sea rubbish before someone gets hurt remember mateys in and out fast get ready octonauts when the pelicans dive in try to scoop up as much rubbish as you can prepare to plunge [Music] clear out captain i can't hold them back any longer and you won't have to [Music] feast [Music] the gup x is sinking into the mud we need your help now on my way captain right pesos let's hope that cup of yours can take the strain okay tunic full reverse power tune up oh no hey so let's go quasi tunip has fallen into the trench i need you to go after him fast aye aye captain everyone else some of the sea pigs have followed the gup x into the trench we need to rescue them too [Music] i'm coming for you tunic [Music] you but i can't see you he must be buried in the mud well there's a lot of mud down here goodbye we can't save a one by one it'll take too long then we'll have to round them up octonauts follow me as fast as you can we're going to make a sea pig whirlpool smells like it too [Applause] [Music] to see if he's got i am a yeti crab and my name is claus a yeti crab whatever you are matey you don't smell too good sort of like rotten eggs yeah that is a smell from the hydrothermal vents where i live oh it smells delicious sure you live near the hydrothermal vents aren't they very hot and dangerous not for our yeti crab i use the hairs on my arms to catch tiny bits of food coming out of the vents but there is nothing to eat inside this rock and i am also hungry this isn't a rock it's our ship your ship oh pardon me we yucky crabs are blind look i cannot see a thing in that case klaus you'd better let us take you back home oh thank you that's what they've walked about it is almost my dinner time all right octonauts back to the hydrothermal vents captain if we don't stop the gup we're going to crash into the hydrothermal vents there's no room to turn the cup around captain it looks like the problem is a disconnected wire behind the main control panel can you reconnect and tweak sure think yeah there's just one small problem the main control panel can only be reached from the outside panel should be [Music] good now hurry any luck tweak i'm trying camp but i just can't reach the wires oh oh it's hopeless my home will be destroyed for sure i will never eat again don't worry klaus we'll think of something won't we klaus there's only one person the right size for the job me of course i don't even know a shortcut they were attacked by something fast moving with big sharp teeth i knew it thank you snapper show yourself whoa easy quasi everyone wait here while i take a look around hmm it looks like the coast is clear oh good because we still have a few more mangrove seats to plant come on vegimals everyone back into the mangrove forest those barracudas came out of nowhere of course barracudas really like shiny things like the vegetables tools they must think their food don't worry tunip they shouldn't follow us in here barracudas like to stay in deeper water can we just wait for them to go away no barracudas are very patient they can wait a long long time for their food attention barracudas hello what is it please stop attacking us so we can plant our mangrove seeds we'd like to believe me that those shiny things just look so delicious yes we go crazy when we see them we can't help it okay but this is just a gardening tool it's not food they're just too hungry to listen we'll have to distract the barracudas while the vegetables finish the planting everyone in position vegetables start planting on my count one two three shiny hey look at this shiny this way [Music] that's it we just have to keep them busy until the vegetables are finished planting captain i can't keep this up much longer [Music] i didn't think the barracudas would follow the vegimals into the mangrove forest they must be really hungry it's made up of parts from different creatures a bill like a duck fur like a bear webbed paws like an otter claws like a cat a tail like a beaver and worst of all a shark spiny stinger like a giant bumblebee this ears thing is the work of the duck-faced [Music] whatever it was that stung you it looks serious how are you feeling shellington uh not too good captain don't worry shellington i'm sure i can make you better i just need my medical bag captain i must have dropped it it's out there with the duck-faced river monsters peso you stay in the gap and look after shellington as best you can quasi you and i are going out there to find pesos medical bag oh i almost forgot we'll find out who this egg belongs to and return it just as soon as we take care of shellington good luck out there sorry oh no sign of the creatures yet no sign of pesos medical bag either it could be anywhere in this murky monkey oh looks like we've got company quasi you keep them distracted while i search the riverbed ready ready captain then let's do this hey you duck face i'm not scared of you whatever you are ah it's around here but somewhere i did it i let those monsters on a wild use chase they'll never hmm this time quasi you look for the bag and i'll lead the creatures away aye aye captain hey up here that's it here i am what's taking the captain and quasi so long don't worry shellington they'll be back soon i hope uh the eggs hatching [Music] fascinating a build furry tail a webbed claw it's a duck-faced river monster it's really cute oh jumping jellyfish that's no monster it's a baby platypus a platypus platypuses are river creatures that lay eggs they only live here in australia oh see monkey's uncle it's a bug walking on water okay not just any bug my friend i'm a sea skater call me strider the only insect who can live on the ocean all the time amazing but true i've got these little waterproof hairs on my legs that let me walk on the waves yeah that's a fancy trick for someone so little hey i may be little but i do big things ah quit showing off you're not the only one who can walk on water oh yeah this is my wife sally hiya sally's a she skyter all the she skyters are bigger than the he skaters if you're so fast how come you haven't found any food [Music] we've been looking for days but there isn't any and the babies are hungry what do you see skaters eat ah we like to eat this floaty green stuff hey that sounds like the plankton me friends the octonauts are looking at it's a big green all-you-can-eat floating feast and it's right over that way i don't know i usually find the food what do we got to lose ready kids [Music] well i hope you know what you're doing okay here we go left right escape there right okay don't like the look of this wing any sign of fuzzy not yet i can't get him on the radio or the gup finder don't worry tweek we'll find him this isn't the first time quasi's been lost at sea captain the wind is picking up and causing some really big waves captain we gotta go it's getting rough out there that big patch of plankton just hit us the radar is [Music] to the launch bay octonauts quasi is lost at sea and every door on the octopod is jammed with plankton oh no quasi's out there while we're stuck in here [Music] any luck opening the octo hatch tweak no we gotta unjam the octahedge before one of those waves hits quasi we'll find a way [Music] we've got to make it to the octopod before these waves get any bigger hey you talking to a speed skater man come on wrestling it was in my mind your mud forget about it it's my mud now i'm not listening talk to the fish easy mud skippers we just wonder they're heading for the hq the highest yeah all the little myself you're on check this out you call that a jump this is a jump jump jellyfish [Music] of course i should have known mud skippers like to have their own space and they often fight over it then there's only one way to settle this we'll have to separate them until we reach the mangrove forest in the morning peso quasi quasi scoop up some mud and head for the game peso you take some mud to the launch bay and i'll head back to the garden pod hey that's my mud come back sorry about this is everyone comfortable now sure am thanks to peso i've got this whole place to myself oh yeah quasi said the mud is all mine my name is mud captain mud uh let's get some sleep now we need to take you mud skippers to your new home as early as possible tomorrow morning good night good night good night now this is what a mangrove forest should look like quasi peso let's spread out and find some nice mud banks for our friends you gonna let him water you around like that well he is the captain says who you're just as good as he is him or don't make me laugh quasi here should be in charge forget about it the captain here is the toughest guy around oh well you know besides me of course [Music] i didn't want to do that overweight find by me who needs those yo-yos am i right or am i right just keep your eyes peeled for some mud matey you can count on me see anything yet i see a seagull and another seagull just solving a situation here by mud wrestling it was in my mud your mud forget about it it's my mud now i'm not listening talk to the fish easy mud skippers we just wonder they're heading for the hq yes [Music] you call that a jump this is a jump [Music] of course i should have known mud skippers like to have their own space and they often fight over it then there's only one way to settle this we'll have to separate them until we reach the mangrove forest in the morning peso quasi catch [Music] peso you take some mud to the launch bay and i'll head back to the garden pod hey that's my mud come back [Music] is everyone comfortable now sure am thanks to peso i've got this whole place to myself oh yeah quasi said the mud is all mine my name is mud captain mud uh let's get some sleep now we need to take you mudskippers to your new home as early as possible tomorrow morning good night good night good night now this is what a mangrove forest should look like quasi peso let's spread out and find some nice mud banks for our friends you gonna let him water you around like that well he is the captain says who you're just as good as he is him or don't make me laugh quasi here should be in charge forget about it the captain here is the toughest guy around oh well you know besides me of [Music] didn't want to go course old way find by me who needs those yo-yos am i right or am i right just keep your eyes peeled for some mud matey you can count on me see anything yet i see a seagull and another seagull what we've got here is a case of a missing fish a patient of yours perhaps how did i know that swimming towards the octopod i found this thread special type only used to make bandages so i figure you must be a medic i am yes i can tell your heart's beating fast so i guess you're worried which means this patient of yours is in trouble what kind of trouble well you contacted me so obviously they're lost or missing oh you're good i always find my fish the fish we're looking for is a remora named nora but i'm afraid we don't have any good clues for you oh harry can find clues that the rest of us can't it's all in the whiskers that's because harbor seals whiskers are so sensitive they can detect the slightest ripple in the water made by any fish and track it for a hundred miles wow now then how about you take me to the last place you saw nor other amore this is the spot my whiskers are picking up a big fish fast moving past right by here and now i detect a little ripple from our little fish that's probably nora the big fish and the little fish moved on together from here can you tell which way they went harry according to my whiskers they went this way follow me chat yes there's definitely a big fish and a little fish in there [Music] let's take a look it's a big fish and little fish all right but it's not nora it's a cleaning grass and a shark hey big guy you want cleaning you must wait until unfinished shark yeah take a swim harvest you come on harry oh this won't take long uh yes excuse me we're looking for a missing fish and we'd like to ask you a couple of questions i don't like questions hey please the sharky needs to relax yes yes but i'm just wondering if you've seen hey hey hey come back shark i need to clean your teeth we'd better stop that shark before it takes a bite out of harry easy now don't chop my friend i'll take it from here now don't move till i'm finished cleaning your teeth you must relax huh everyone all right thanks for saving my silskin barnacles but it's a good thing that shark chase is over here or i might have missed this my whiskers are detecting more ripples i'd say these ripples were made by a big fish and a little fish excellent my dear peso and our trail leads us to a little hole in the sand please can i have my sticker thing the octopus ouch oh what just happened sorry big fella we sort of kind of sucked into the octopod but we're going to get you and your tentacles back into the ocean but what about my friends those little fishes are in the big danger i must live here at once oh leo stop you'll hurt yourself aso's right please let us help you and your friends okay but please be quick leo stings don't seem to bother him [Music] will you stay here and keep leo company leo on my honor as an octonaut we will get you out of here peso sound the octo alert octonauts swim to the hq these tentacles belong to a lion's mane jellyfish named leo he's stuck in the bubble engine and everywhere else of course tentacles this long could only belong to a lion's mane jellyfish lion's manes are the largest jellyfish in the world as long as a blue whale their tentacles often provide protection to smaller fish oh no dogfish those fish are in serious danger without leo around we need to act fast our mission is to untangle these tentacles and protect those fish captain it's been my experience that tentacles untangling tentacles is never a good idea i'd have to agree but i could protect these fish i don't have stinging tentacles but i do shoot ink okay professor but please be careful of course captain hey so you're an expert at wrapping and unwrapping bandages any tips it's all in the flipper [Music] the tickles but what if you don't have any flippers then it's all in the wrist oh sorry leo try it again quasi but this time take a deep breath and make the following sounds [Music] remember these crabs are extra fast so we'll need to be quick got it this could take a while so if you need a break tunip and the vegetables have set up a seaweed snack station octonauts let's do this [Music] what a lovely day just out for a stroll not trying to catch any crabs [Music] oh that sounds like two names judy is that thing all right shiver me whiskers it's the marine iguanas octodomes funny running to you here yeah ted sneezy aren't you a little far from home not a little a long way for the boat first red rock crabs and now marine iguanas how did all these creatures from the galapagos end up here go on tell them iggy shush i was just about to it all started with a wild storm the winds were so strong they swept us right out to sea luckily for us we was able to grab onto a club of floating kelp we used this kelp as a life raft and a snack we drifted for days and our kelp raft was getting smaller well i was hungry till eventually we was washed up here on this little island ah and so the red rock crabs must have been carried here on kelp rafts too that's incredible though it's terrible the water is too cold for us to die for seaweed to eat that's why we've been uh borrowing your little snacks don't worry iguanas we'll take you and the crabs back home just as soon as we can round them up never catch red rock crabs like that ah i think you're right if only we had something to distract them so we could sneak up on them captain i think i know just the thing [Music] now what do you do just pretend you're sunbathing here they come now there's a sight for sore eyes three iguanas ready for cleaning red rock crabs love to climb on marine iguanas and eat the gunk off their backs that way both of them benefit one gets fed the other one gets cleaned it's not for nothing they call us sponges the hotels of the sea and it doesn't bother you no not at all i've never had any problems until today yes where are we anyway yeah nobody bothered to ask us before they yanked us off our reef and stuck us in this pan and what's with all the pokemon and prada and light shining in the eyes well i say this used to be a nice place to live come on everybody let's get out of here [Music] they're running out of room we need to find places to put all these creatures fast [Music] finally a room with a view [Music] that's the last one peso do you feel any better now that everybody's out no there's still something in there what could it be i don't know but there's only one way to find out we've got to take a closer look inside tunip spongeoscope please [Music] all right this shouldn't hurt but you may feel a little tickle no [Music] see anything yet peso shellington what is that creature it looks like a louse a whale house [Music] what are you looking at hello no wonder i'm feeling so lousy that thing doesn't belong inside of me you're telling me he doesn't look like he's feeling very well either of course he isn't whale ice can only survive on whales not inside sponges excuse me mr laos but we need to get you out of this sponge right away arnold no way i'm a wheelhouse i ain't leaving until somebody fights me a wheel they live on captain the sponge won't feel better until the louse is out of her and the laos won't feel better until he's back on a whale then there's only one thing to do peso sound the octo alert octonauts to the hq octonauts we have to find a whale for a sick whale louse and we need to find it fast we've got to catch that jelly before the whale swallows it no it's heading for the whale's mouth time for some tickling tickling we'll tickle the whale to keep his mouth open long enough to grab the baby jelly quasi you take the tail i'll take the belly and peso i'll take the jelly let's go activate tickles [Music] gotcha [Music] how's the baby immortal jelly oh he's doing just fine except that he almost got swallowed by a whale swallowed by a wheel don't worry the baby jelly is safe and sound it might be a good idea to set him down somewhere on a nice secure rock [Music] yes a growing jelly goes through big changes first the baby attaches to a rock next it turns into a polyp and then the polyp turns into the grown-up jelly understood we'll find a rock then and i'll see you soon captain shellington out out of the world [Applause] i'll just get us going again the gupp's not working we need another way to travel swimming will take too long booster packs good thinking tunip activate booster packs this looks like a good spot for the baby jelly here you go no i think he likes it matey wow yeah no that's more like it dorian is that you captain red urchins are most active at night they might try to come back when the sun goes down in that case we'd better stay the night we'll take turns looking out for urchins now you're sure you'll be okay up there shellington of course captain nothing like sleeping out under the stars sea otter style ah we're holding hands and holding on to kelp so we don't float away [Music] still no sign of any urchins hello hey can't the guy have dinner in peace oh excuse me i thought you were [Music] her chins oh no that's the strand of kelp shellington's holding on to shellington come in shellington your kelp strand is loose oh i'm i just want to sleep just a few minutes more mom [Music] flippers captain come in captain the urchins are coming the engines are coming a octonauts the urchins are heading for the kelp forest and we've got to stop them everyone let's oh hang on we're shellington captain the urchins they destroyed the roots of the kelp he was holding on to captain look shellington pearl and perry are drifting out to sea dashie quasi you take the gup a to rescue shellington chew dip tweak we'll help peso with the urchins there's no time to lose everyone into positions [Music] quasi-dashie any sign of shellington and pearl we're approaching them now captain hurry dashie we need all the help we can get maybe you already that won't stop me nope how's about them go get them boys oh dear i've got to help him [Music] hello don't be afraid i'm a medic and i'm here to take these stinger barbs out [Music] anywhere if that octopus gets her first uh i know take a shot tweek's new camouflage worked like a chop that old octopus thought i was up wait i'm not really a tiger shark these little pups really do get confused by the cups quasi to shellington i'm following one of the hammer head pucks and she's good work quasi don't lose her now well that's two of the hammerhead pups just one more to find i can smell food i just hey look down there the third hammerhead and he's stuck we're the octonauts we're here to help he's really stuck we'd better call for backup [Music] there the last one peso quasi come in we found the third pup but his head is stuck we need your help stuck we've got to help me brother captain we're on our way come on our brother's in trouble [Music] over here oh ouch this does me feel too good some slippery ointment should help slide his hammer head out good idea everyone else grab a fin don't worry we'll have you out and swimming in no time on my count everyone pull ready three two one first things first peso i gotta fix the gup connector gupp connector i designed the cup head so the different sections would always be able to find each other once the dump connector is working it'll pull all the other parts of the cupcakes back together along with the captain and quasi that's right now can you hear me a number nine spanner of course [Music] blasted slimy seaweed we'll have to pull it out who said that i knew it this sea is full of ghosts i thought you said it was full of sea monsters [Music] whatever you be you'd best be gone i can't huh i'm stuck very possibly forever oh ah hey look ahead sea turtle the name's lenny and my shell is hard enough to protect me for now but this thing's getting really heavy don't worry lenny we are the octonauts and we'll get you out safely you may want to pull your head and flippers into your shell just to be safe who wish i could we log ahead sea turtles can't hide inside our shells our heads and flippers are too big then we'll have to be extra careful come on quasi one two three last i'll have this cup connector fix faster and you can save bunch of munchie crunchy carrots number two spanner please number five screwdriver [Music] number three carrot [Music] what's that the slimy seaweed monster just like in kwazii's story hold on that's not a monster it's our rover can i'll be right back tweak [Music] a wig it won't take a week i'll have this fixed and a jiffy ah that should do it the gup connector is working peso i'll have the guppies back together in no time peso don't you tweak come in tweak can you hear me [Music] one more time quasi one two three oh dear it's hopeless this ship isn't going anywhere and neither am i we're not giving up lenny [Music] the cup's moving all by itself [Music] do not be afraid we are polar scouts and we are here to answer your call for help we don't want help we want our moms well perhaps we can help you find your mums help us find them no no we want them to find us that's why we're making all this noise what are you anyway we're walruses of course you're too small to be real walruses walruses are big with big pointy tusks these are walrus pups oh so they're babies but we're still 100 walrus understood where did your mums go they went to find food but they've been gone for a really very long time and now we're hungry very hungry really very hungry hmm let's see if we can spot your mums out there why don't you just go looking for them we're too hungry to swim very far and anyways a mom said to wait right here i'm not move so we're not moving an iceberg and it's moving fast her mom said not to move from this ice floe well they didn't say what to do if the ice flow moved i know what to do hey hq [Music] octonauts the cubs and i are on a runaway iceberg with three walrus pups the pups are too weak from hunger to swim very far and we got to sound the october [Music] [Applause] you're on a crash course with two other icebergs oh no when the icebergs crash into each other you could all get hurt quasi peso take the gup s and catch up to us as fast as you can and please bring something for the walrus pups to eat they're really very hungry tuna you and the vegetables can help me prepare some bottles of walrus pup formula we're on our way captain to the guppies mateys [Music] we'll catch up to that iceberg and fast ready to mix up some walrus pop formula [Applause] [Music] you what are you doing here we all heard that right mateys what am i doing here you're in my new home your new home it was on my side of the line i captured it with my spear ball well then maybe we need to settle this the mantis shrimp way my smash claw against my spear claw laws danger now leave my new home at once or prepare to face my super strong hammersmith timer smash now you must suffer my super fast lightning spear jumping jellyfish it's a mantis shrimp showdown ultimate super spear ultimate super smash octonauts we have to stop this please mantis shrimp you'll hurt each other out of my way we got no problem with you this fight for our new home is between us and our claws easy now why don't we take you back to the reef and maybe you two need a moment to calm down there a little time apart should do the trick ah camp we got a vegetable stuck in the kitchen vent again on my way what about us we need help getting out of these old shells don't worry i've got a shell removal kit in the sickbay shellington will you help me carry it we'll be right back hear that the big guy wants us to calm down i heard and i am already calming down at a very fast speed that's funny because everyone knows i'm the strongest in the sea at calming down but you do not have my super fast calming the move ah so calm i'm the chemist because i could break out of this tank any moment but i choose not to oh please i'm so calm i could shatter this tank with one sphere no my double whammy hammer smash is stronger [Music] hardly my triple whammy sphere is faster [Music] [Music] maybe they don't know what the word calm means [Music] [Music] this shell removal kit is just what we need oh my what what they went that away we've got to find them before they hurt each other and before they smash up the whole octopod [Music] i'll get you this time dashie flying clutch [Music] don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you no but he could hurt you oh come on this little guy hurt me that's right that's right i'm a poison dart frog i don't bite or sting but my skin is covered in poison so if you touch me you're in trouble big trouble that's why poison dart frogs have such brightly coloured skin it's like a do not touch sign but i'm pleased to meet you just the same name's robert robert pleased to meet you too i'm captain barnacles and this is quasi shellington and peso we're looking for anyone who needs help after the tidal bore we've got a big big problem fish in the trees jellyfish the tidal bore must have thrown all the fish high up into the trees oh no that's not good for the fish they need water to breathe they do have some water but not enough to last long [Music] there now back in the river where you belong but there are lots more stuck up high really high in the trees and that means trouble big trouble for us poison dart frogs our eggs are about to hatch and when they do you need the puddles of water up in the trees for the tadpoles but why do they need puddles of water in the trees when they hatch they're not frogs yet they're called tadpoles they look like fish and swim in water right exactly right each poodle makes a perfect little home for our tadpoles so they can swim around and stay safe but now all the portals up in the trees are full of fish we need to get the fish out of the trees and make room for the tadpoles and fast octonauts to the hq [Applause] [Music] octonauts the tidal bore has swept fish high into the trees our mission is to get them out of the trees and back into the water i'm ready to climb the highest tree captain trees in the amazon are very tall quasi it could take a long time to climb from the bottom to the top hmm we need a faster way tweak what do you think the club h is ready kim then meet us here at the rescue site as fast as you can time to launch the dub h tunic [Music] i sure hope this works [Applause] [Music] yes yeah we'll get to the others faster sorry sherlington we'd better get back to the gup s uh i might as well take a water sample first [Music] oh cheer up shellington we did find this amazing red waterfall and we learned what makes it red and we're all shipshape and toasty warm again i suppose so but i would have loved to have found a creature down there even just one it's been a long day we'll rest here before we head home ah but it's still light outside remember in antarctica it doesn't get dark at this time of year not even at night [Music] how am i supposed to sleep if it's not dark aha [Music] [Applause] [Music] i must be hearing things maybe i need some sleep hello over here huh jumping jellyfish no not jellyfish microbe name's mervin i'm a teeny tiny microbe i'm so small you can't see me with just your eyes nice to meet you but where did you come from from the red lake under the ice of course that's my home i didn't think anything could live down there it's so cold and dark oh but it's just right for me i don't mind that it's cold and dark at all what about you is this where you live uh no this is the gup s my name is shellington i'm an octonaut an octo what oh i want to hear all about it but oh dear marvin what's wrong it's just a little bit warm and bright up here i think you'd better take me back down to the lake already but i haven't introduced you to the others oh hurry shellington i'm boiling hot in here don't worry mervin i'll get you home this ice hole feels smaller than last time keep going i'm feeling cooler already [Music] oh that's more like it so thank you shellington come on there's so much i want to show you well uh i suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a quick look around right follow me oh you have to meet the others others a little father a little father jumping jellyfish shellington meet the other microbes there's so many of you yeah fussy little things aren't they they are quasi if they get too hot or too cold they won't hatch we'll be very careful the wave is moving in fast we'd better hurry octonauts load those eggs [Music] that's the last one captain good the wave is almost here tweek we're ready for the gup h roger that camp here we come [Music] hook them up [Music] tweak all lines are secure thanks cap we'll get those eggs to safety faster and you can see a bunch of munchie crunchy but hold on tweak oh good catch grouper this one nearly got away from us here comes the way everyone into the gup now brace yourselves is everyone all right just a little dizzy captain and ready to go again captain the turtle eggs aren't out of danger yet we have to get them to a new beach right away this one is too wet i think we may have found one shelton sending you some pictures now ah it seems to have everything the turtles need the right sand the right slope and the right distance from the water perfect tweak send us the location and we'll meet there to make new nests for the eggs [Music] octonauts let's do this [Music] [Music] ah i think that does it the eggs are all safely under the sand good work octonauts ah i suppose there's nothing left to do now but wait for the eggs to hatch yeah more waiting i don't think we'll be waiting long quasi look they're hatching oh that's wonderful maybe not sea turtle eggs usually hatch at night when there are fewer predators around to eat them this beach must be colder than their old beach which is making them think it's night time titles [Music] well that was easy or not oh that's better no it's not something grabbed the bubble converter right out of my paw i told you there was something in here whatever it is it has our bubble converter tweak sound the octo alert uh cap this one doesn't work oh yes of course octonauts to your stations [Applause] [Music] uh octonauts are you there right here captain octonauts i'm afraid this mission is taking longer than expected there's something aboard this ship and it's just stolen the bubble converter um is everything all right there [Music] under control captain and we're getting quite a workout hang in there we're moving as fast as we can octonauts let's split up and find that thief i'm entering the sick bay now no sign of the converter who's there hey let me out [Music] i'm in the gamepod mateys [Music] eight balls you can throw eight balls at once i've reached the launch bay looks like someone's been down here moving stuff around [Music] now this is scary a library with no books huh we must have left one behind [Music] what on earth captain i saw some attack me with volleyball came out of nowhere uh captain what are you doing on the floor oh right something just grab me we'd better get to the bottom of this come in shellington we need help identifying a mysterious creature certainly captain what can you tell me about it ah goodness me where are my manners you must be exhausted rest up my friend we'll look after you tonight thanks i just think i need to rest my eyes for a bit [Music] [Music] hold howie tree lobsters where did they go ah tree lobsters or no tree lobsters i'd better get back to the octopod [Music] looks like there's only one way down [Music] glad to see you're all right peso we found the guppy but we've been searching for you all morning you won't believe what happened to me last night you can tell us all about it back at the octopod climb aboard let's get you home [Music] there were only 24 of them and they all lived under this one tiny shrub but then when i woke up they were gone yeah based on our location it sounds like you washed up here on bull's pyramid strange balls pyramid has been explored many many times and nobody's ever found any tree lobsters i've never even heard of a tree lobster before hey sir are you sure that maybe it wasn't all just a dream it's not unusual to have strange dreams when you're in a dangerous situation i don't know maybe it was all the dream i believe you matey you you do i've heard enough strange tales to know there's usually a scrapper truth behind them there's got to be something in the library about these tree lobsters of yours come on [Music] mysterious island monsters castaway creatures exotic beasts of land and sea crazy it's been hours and we still haven't found anything about tree lobsters just a few more books matey a tree lobster i knew we'd find him listen to this lord house island stick insects or tree lobsters once lived on islands off the coast of australia shiver me whiskers it's amazing isn't it unfortunately no one has seen a living tree lobster in many years i see one right now and it's on your head a baby tree lobster i must have somehow brought one of the eggs back with me we'd better get you back home didn't we just see him swim into that borough over there i think it might be one big borough with different entrances look jump jelly amazing you want to meet mama this way [Music] lots of hallways and rooms in this house we've got company hey out of here you down maybe i can tempt her out say aren't you the fella i saw earlier yes and i saw you too can you come out we need to talk to you you can talk to me right here i'm a convict fish and i never come out but we met your children out here we'd go out and bring mama food we're just about to get her some lunch now what do you want to talk to me about and make it quick uh i'm afraid you and your borough are in danger the arch above you is about to collapse you need to move somewhere else maybe you didn't hear me a grown-up convict fish like me never leaves her borough now good day to you the arch is getting weaker by the minute dashi how's everything going out there i'm afraid there's a problem captain there's a convict fish right under the archway and she won't leave her burrow i think [Music] [Applause] [Music] octonauts we have a convict fish who needs to be moved out of the danger zone of a collapsing stone arch she's deep inside her burrow and she really doesn't want to leave sounds like she's gonna need some convincing captain quasi vegimals into the gup egg and bring plenty of fish biscuits and cupcakes [Music] hi what you doing gilbert can you get your mama to talk to captain barnacles is he your mama uh not exactly but i do look after him [Music] oh what now excuse us mama but the stone archway above is going to fall on top of you if you don't move out quickly we've been through that i'm not moving something smells good fish biscuits mama they can all be yours all you gotta do is come out oh no not leaving no way no how ah she's more stubborn than the lid of a rusty treasure chest no amount of convincing is gonna get her out of that burrow agreed but perhaps we can move her borough to a safer place i'm picking up something big on the tracker very big it should be on the other side of this reef ah there's nothing here no but i thought i saw something me too something big the trick is still saying it's up ahead then let's go mateys it's gone again i get the feeling it doesn't want to be disturbed let's go forward gently this time so we don't scare it whatever it is hear that it sounds so sad like the world's loneliest sea monster or the world's loneliest whale that's a humpback wheel but his voice is like no humpback i've ever heard i think he's looking for food he's a young one and he looks very skinny captain then he might need our help activate helmets hello there that's a very interesting song you're singing oh thanks it's my i'm hungry son my name's joel by the way are you on your own joe yep i'm pretty much always on my own i guess some other humpbacks kind of don't understand my singing captain joe is far from the summer feeding grounds without the other whales to show him the way he won't have enough to eat joe why don't you come with us to our octopod and we'll see if we can help you i don't suppose there's any food at this here octopod i'm kind of hungry absolutely follow us right behind you [Music] hmm these here fish biscuits are pretty good captain i think i found the cause of joe's unusual voice what is it peso these are the tubes inside joe's nose and these are the tubes inside a typical humpback's nose see how much smaller joes are of course whales sing by pushing air through their nose but because joe's tubes are so narrow his songs sound different so that's why the early whales can't understand me yeah what was that oh gee just my tummy rumbling i don't suppose you have any more of those this biscuits captain joe can't just eat fish biscuits he needs a proper whale diet yeah and the vegetables need a break hmm joe needs food and fast so we need to get him to join a group of whales who show him to the summer feeding grounds the last group is on its way to the feeding grounds after they've gone there are no more humpbacks in this part of the ocean then time is running out [Music] you
Channel: Octonauts
Views: 1,756,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Octonauts (TV Program), Octonauts, Octonauts full episodes, Octonauts channel, octo, octonaughts, aquanauts, sea creatures for kids, octonauts cartoon, Octonauts English, Octonauts YouTube, Octonauts episodes, octonauts season, the octonauts, octonauts shark, Waiting for the Order
Id: tI1v6TZDq1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 30sec (5490 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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