State Dept Asked Point Blank: 'Do You Think Iran Has The Right To Defend Itself As The US Would?'

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it's not really followup but um speaking of escalation and uh you said that the US will defend its interests or wherever it is uh that's exactly the argument Iran is using when it's striking uh Targets in what they call terrorist groups in Iraq Syria and Pakistan uh what is your take on that uh do you condemn those strikes do you think Iran has the right to defend itself as as the US would so we do condemn those strikes we've seen Iran violate um The Sovereign borders of three of its neighbors in just the past couple days and I will say that the difference is the context very much matters um I think it is a little Rich for at one time on one hand Iran to be the leading funer of terrorism in the region uh the leading funer of instability in the region and on the other hand claim that it needs to take this action these actions to counterterrorism so when you've seen us take action um it has been in Iraq where we our forces are at the invitation of the Iraqi government that's the only reason our forces are there and you've seen us take action against the houthis which we have done as part of an International Coalition and after um a United Nations security Council resolution condemning the houthis for their attacks on commercial shipping so you you think you you have cover I mean the strikes that you you are covered the Coalition and all that but Iran is doing his as cover I I think there are very different situations for all the reasons I just articulated
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 331,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tv2CVJvHosE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 32sec (92 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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