'Did I Read That Correctly?': John Kennedy Does Not Let Up On Witness Over Ties To 'Radical' Group

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Senator Kennedy thank you Mr chairman Dr Cohen let me start with you um I think I'm going to ask a few questions I think I think these are yes or no or I don't know questions um last three years unfortunately the United States economy has experienced uh substantial inflation is that correct yes sir and U yes sir that inflation is man-made is it not any is manmade sir and that man's name is Joe Biden is it not cannot answer that sir okay um since President Biden took office uh average electricity prices in the United States are up 29.4% are they not I'll have to check the data and get back to you on that sir and isn't it true that electricity prices have increased under President Biden have increased 13 times faster than the previous seven years I'll have to check the data sir okay and um the national energy assistant Directors Association um I don't know if you're familiar with them I've checked them out they're a reputable group they say that the average United States electricity bill will go up 10% this year and 10% next year is that correct again I'm not familiar with the data but I can point out sir that in Europe I'm not interested in Europe in Europe prices are 2 and a half to 3% higher people I'm interested in our people right now who are having to our people have who are having to sell blood in order to pay their electricity bill goodness a substantial portion of this inflation um in electricity up 30% since President Biden took office is directly related to his energy policies is it not Energy prices fluctuate based on supply and demand of all sources of energy yes I think it has nothing is that a yes or no it's a very complicated economic question understand give me a give me an answer did President Biden's policies contribute to the inflation or didn't they both Republican and Democratic administrations Infuse the economy with trillions of dollars which contributes to the inflation yes I don't believe any Republicans voted for the inflation reduction Act is that correct I I don't know well I do 1.2 trillion dollar new green New Deal No Republicans voted for you want to amend your answer I'll amend my answer that under President Trump and under President Biden trillions of dollars were infused into the econom under Trump 5% over four years and under Biden they went up 30% over three years which is better say again under Trump please under Trump electricity prices went up 5% under Biden they went up 30% over three years which is better clearly lower rise in electricity prices better however Dr super let me ask you a couple of questions okay you're here at the request of my Democratic colleagues no sir no the Dr supren that's correct yes okay uh Dr suprin on December 14 2023 you you tweeted in support of climate Defiance that's an entity that the Brookings in Institute uh has called a radical climate change group is correct uh I don't recol I'm afraid okay would this be the same climate Defiance that you I'm looking at your Tweet you enter you uh tweeted in supportive them would this be the same climate uh Defiance that called uh Senator Joe Biden quote a sick I don't know but as I be the same climate Defiance that calls Senator Lisa marowski a murderer I do not know as I said in my statement would this be the same climate Defiance who who told the CEO of Exon Exon to quote each Darren close quote I'm not responsible for the statements of other people grp doc here's what your Tweet says quote we do in in support of climate Defiance we do not do online petitions we do not do NGO coalition letters we do not do bus stop ads we Chase fossil fuel CEOs and the politicians who do their bidding and we do not apologize close quote did I read that correctly that is not my tweet sir that is your Tweet I'm looking at a got here's a copy right here it's right off your uh it's right off your website bigest Dallas on October 31 2023 you said this on on Twitter quote climate Justice was coined by our movements to loc at it as a struggle against genocidal racial Injustice colonialism and aparte if your climate Justice doesn't stand with the Palestinians against colonialism and apar apartheid then your climate justice has no justice in it close quote did you say that I believe not here it isig may I please see the documents yes sir and and the witnesses documents there may I please point out this form time has expired and there other Senators waiting I've got a bunch more tweets thank you for your objective advice I'm sure you do you can make uh put them into a question for the record and yes I'd like to submit all all of the good doctor's objective tweets and scientific analysis uh for the record that will be done without objection Senator Merkley may I clarify one final Point proceed um these are not my tweets these are retweets it's an important you often retweet stuff you don't support is that what you're telling me Doc I did not say that I don't support this I simply did not tweet it which as you were alleging retweet I'd like to make very clear that this form of character assassination is characteristic of the propaganda techniques you retweeted Senator merky thank you are you going to call me a sick it's Senator merkley's time Mr chairman I
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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