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all right so it's almost too embarrassing to actually show you what i've got here any guesses all right i'm gonna show you what i've got don't judge me [Music] i think it's called like a jakarta or something it's like a japanese robe-ish thing like a i don't know i i bought it because i like i saw this show where it was like this travel show where they went to japan i saw this old man that was like running this restaurant he had one of these things on and it just looks really comfortable because it has these like really relaxed sleeves it kind of feels really nerdy to be like to get this stuff because to me this feels like i'm trying to be like a jedi or something from star wars which maybe that's what it is i don't know but one of the reasons how i'm kind of justifying buying this thing is that i feel like it can be sort of a comfortable morning robe sort of thing maybe some of you guys are from japan who can tell me or let me know why this is used but that's what i'm thinking like when i'm drawing or something in the morning i can just put this on and it'll be kind of not too tight and not too loose i don't know all right so anyway this is going to be another episode in the startup journey uh building my app that is gonna be a startup hopefully one of the main reasons for doing this is because like filming it kind of pushes me to actually build or work on it which is really good but i tend to procrastinate a lot so today i'm gonna try to build as much as i can on this app i don't know what i will actually be able to get done but ideally my goal is to get to the point where i have firebase working with the app as well so that i have like some sort of database which means that i basically just want to get to the point where i can sign in as a user i don't know enough about this stuff so i've done i've worked with firebase like once i think so i don't know if this is reasonable for me to be able to do this within this day or not but i'm gonna try my best and see how far i get okay so straight away one of the first things that i started to think about is the fact that my desk it's just a giant cluttered mess of all of these things because i've been trying to get back into drawing again so if you follow me on instagram you've probably already seen some of these things but that means that i have like stuff pretty much everywhere and i just need to i feel like i'm cramped in here when i'm trying to when i'm gonna start coding which i also know is like not actually an excuse to not start but and it's sort of just a way to procrastinate to start cleaning this stuff up but at the same time it feels like i don't have any space [Music] all right that looks a little bit better all right so here's what the problem is basically this is basically going to be the updates it's going to be what kind of problems i'm running into but this is one of the problems i want this button here to update the title so it's either login when we're on the login tab and it should be create account or sign up or something like that if we switch to the up tab right now nothing happens what you can do is when you press one of these things you can get the index uh of this thing and that can update so what i've done here is i've tried to do well right now i've done it as a static end we don't need to do that all right so tab controller dot index we're updating that now so or we're printing that now so when we run this thing now and i go here and i press sign up log in you can see that it prints the index that we're on sign up log in it prints that so that then should mean that we could get something to update on the screen as well when that is happening so what i'm doing here as a test is i'm setting the index variable that i have to be equal to tab controller dot index which is then the number that we see here so this should then mean that the index should be updating what we can actually do as well is we can set state so that we make sure that it actually updates for the whole app like so and then up here on the login button we have this text here and right now it says login but we can change that to be index and then dot to string what we'll do then is we'll just do this all right so what's going to happen now or what should happen is that we're setting the title of this button here to be equal to the index that we're on and we can also print the index up here just so that we see that it actually updates print index okay so now if we run this we see that it says zero and we're on the first page that so that's good it should change to one now if we press sign up but nothing happens but we do print index or one so it means that the index has actually changed it's just that it doesn't update this button so that's what i've been trying to fix for i don't know how long now but probably close to three hours and this is basically just trying to do redo what i did last time and i'm gonna give it about maybe one more hour and then if i can't solve it then i'll move on to something else [Music] so i'm not really getting anywhere and uh or i've basically tried to rebuild the thing that i built last week or the last time i did one of these uh startup vlog things and i'm kind of stuck with something not working the bottom thing is not updating as i wanted to i haven't even started with the firebase thing so and that was like the main thing that i was gonna do today and i've already spent like three hours uh doing this basically redoing what i've already done but that's how it goes i think i need to eat something now so i'm gonna go eat [Music] all right i've been doing that lately like every time i go to eat something i try to like wipe the i don't know the place down so that it's sort of clean before you start eating which has been really nice i am not a sort of clean freak or anything like that you can just see my office but i like to do that because if you leave it too long it just starts to collect and the kitchen like the countertop just gets super messy and then it's the mess from not only today but like the day before and then from for tomorrow and then the day after that and after a while it's just like a giant mess with stains everywhere that really are very difficult to clean so anyway let's look in the fridge and see what we have i'm trying to eat a little bit more greens and so get a little bit more fiber in me so for breakfast i usually try to eat one of these it's not very tasty but i don't really usually care i just want something that i can eat and that works pretty well i'm gonna make some eggs and oats [Music] so i really like this apartment except for one thing which is the fact that we put the tv on that wall as you can see and there are some really like big windows right here so as you can see in the tv there's like reflections which means that basically the only place i can sit and eat is that corner i'm trying to see as i'm showing you guys is this corner here because then i can like turn the blinds down on one of the windows and then it's not so bad but it's still pretty bad so as you can see from this corner it sort of works because it's only this little part but it's still like i don't even think it shows up on camera like how much of a glare there actually is but it's quite a lot alright so i got a text message that i have a package that has been delivered so i'm going to take this off because i don't want to go outside with that and then i'm going to put this hoodie on and we're going to go for a drive [Music] all right let's go [Music] all right here we go this is what i came to pick up so let's open this up all right so this this is what i got and this is like a hair trimmer and the thing is that like as you can see like i have long hair right now and i'm not entirely sure that i actually like having this hair so i'm sort of like torn between two different almost like two different personality types like one personality that's like i like to be in nature a lot and i feel like there's sort of a connection between having long hair and being outdoors in the nature i don't know why maybe it's just i don't know but that's sort of how i feel and then there's also the feeling inside me that's like i feel like i don't look as good with long hair as i do with shorter hair so i kind of feel a little bit self-conscious about having my hair so that's why i like pretty much always tie it up because i always feel like i don't look as good so i kind of get self-conscious really easily when i'm like out with people because if i have my hair out then i don't know there's something about it that just makes me feel a little bit self-conscious so i'm like pretty much every other day like doubting whether i should keep it or whether i should just like shave it off because that's what i do sometimes like i cut my own hair so i bought this like hair trimmer and these guards that are like a specific length so these ones should be fairly long yeah so this one is like two inches and it's really long like if i were to cut my hair with this that would be a pretty good length and then we have this wall hair trimmer which is like i was googling trying to find like what is the best hair trimmer that you can get and this one fairly cheap as well but apparently it's like the best one so now i there's like gonna be no step between me thinking that i want to cut my hair and being able to actually cut my hair which might be a bad thing because then i might just cut my hair and then regret it one of the things that's like stopping me from actually wanting to cut my hair or actually cutting my hair is that like i've saved up for this is like almost almost two years now to get to this point so it's like if i do cut it off it's gonna be super fast it's gonna take me like 10 minutes to cut it off and then i'm gonna be like potentially regretting it for another two years which is not something that i'm super excited about just saving up my hair for that long so that's kind of the bad thing about having long hair list like when you get to that stage you've sort of invested so much of your time that it's kind of difficult to just throw it away which is not the same when you have like short hair because then you can just like go to the hairdresser and get a haircut and if you're not happy with it it will grow out in like two months which is not that big of a deal so yeah i'm kind of not sure what i'm gonna do with this but i'm gonna tie it up again all right so i basically got nothing else done yesterday because when i got home from all those errands it was basically like i think it was like 3 30 p.m or something like that and then i went to the gym and came back at like seven or something and didn't get back to doing anything i just spent the rest of the evening watching tv on my phone so we're gonna try it again today see if we can get any further because yesterday i basically just redid what i've already done so now we're going to try to get into firebase and see if we can start doing something on that [Music] all right so so far i've at least found that this works so if we switch the tabs on the app i can see that the index will change so we'll know which page we're on basically and if we press the login button on the first page it will say i will print index is zero and if we press the login button on the second page it will change to one so then it should say index is one which it does so that means that we can do we can create some logic here to just basically either log us in or create an account which is really all we need for right now and uh for some reason i can't get this thing to update if one of you guys know let me know but i can't figure it out so instead of just continuing doing this for the entire day i'm just gonna switch tasks and see if that helps so now we're gonna basically try to create an a user on firebase which i have no idea how to do so uh let's just go fire base and see what happens [Music] all right so now i've finally been able to get all of the errors to go away for firebase so now basically added firebase to the project i haven't done anything i haven't added created anything so that we can add a user or anything like that but just added firebase so that we can use it and now we can go here and probably start actually adding a user but again i don't know how to do that at all i'm pretty happy with where i'm at right now i'm probably gonna do a get get started get a dot all right so now we push that to get tub so that we have it and now we can start actually playing around with adding a user and like adding creating this database which is what i'm gonna do now it was actually pretty easy to add firebase you just follow this tutorial that's on like like flutter thing like how to add firebase to flutter just follow that it's pretty simple but there's still some errors that i was running into like this stuff and some dependencies and things like that but it basically when you run these different commands that you can find like you will get these like basically the what you get as output will tell you what you need to do so just make sure to read that and then you'll be able to figure it out i think anyway now let's move on to try to add a user all right good morning let's have a little talk i basically haven't gotten anything done on the app for the past like couple of days it's monday right now last time i filmed actually working on the app was like friday i think and on that day i basically i got firebase to work and then that was it and then yesterday i was sharpening my axe and i cut myself [Music] all right this is so typical me right now for some reason like i never cut myself but now i just did because i was filming it and i was trying to get a shot a certain way so yeah as you can see i cut myself a little bit other than that i haven't gotten anything done it's monday now but pretty much every day i've told myself that i'm going to like get something done in the morning but i just haven't gotten to it and it's sort of a combination of like i haven't had time and i've also not made the time because you can always make time to do these sort of things but i just haven't made it so today i'm going to try to get it done i want to get a user up like set up for the app so i want to try to get that done with firebase and with the app so that we can log in a user and then we can get to the fun stuff which is like adding the the stuff for like working out and tracking your actual workouts which is what this app is gonna be about so yeah i'm gonna try to get that done uh but it hasn't been all bad because like i've gotten into a pretty good routine of like working out so pretty much worked out every day for the past five days which like i didn't work out yesterday but it was sunday wanted to take a rest day but anyway i think it's going pretty good so that's really good that gets me excited to actually get this app finished because i want to have the app for actually tracking my workouts and so i think that's going to be a good thing too for actually building out the app because then i'll be actually in a good routine of working out so i'll be able to try to use the app while i'm working out and like testing it debugging it finding different flaws or things that can be improved as i'm also using the app so yeah let's try to get something done today we'll see what happens also regarding this like the beard that i have now right now i uh pretty much like everyone every guy i guess that's watched vikings i've forgotten to shave for the past couple of weeks and now i just want to see kind of what happens i feel like i look a little bit like a homeless person with both with the hair and then with the scabby looking beard or whatever you want to call it so yeah not going to shave it quite yet but we'll see how far i get before i actually get tired of it and i just shave it off [Music] all right so i think that what i need to do is actually before i start getting into like creating a user and doing all that stuff and adding stuff to firebase i need to actually figure out like what the database is going to look like because i'm looking at this ray wonderlish wanda lick whatever you want to call it uh tutorial for how to get started with firebase with a simple app that has like attracts pets and different things like that it's kind of important that we have some idea of what the structure is gonna be i'll try to write some pseudo json or something like that to figure out kind of what kind of data we're gonna have from the database and what it will look like when we retrieve that data and when we add more data or whatever i need to kind of figure that system out and that structure out before i get started with doing anything else actually [Music] okay so what i think i'll do is i'll actually stop this video right here and come back with another update on this when i've actually gotten into that and like i'll show you how i'm going about like structuring the database and how i'm thinking about all this stuff and what we'll need and how we'll do it sorry that i didn't get much done in this video but i'm trying to show the most like realistic view and like trying to be as honest as possible about what this process actually looks like and not to be like getting a ton of work done in just one video because that's usually not how it happens it usually takes or at least like it takes me a long time to get stuff done you run into these errors and these problems and so i hope that you kind of appreciate seeing as much of an honest version of this stuff that i can make that's also simultaneously or simultaneously somewhat entertaining which is what i'm trying to like combine the entertainment value and also the honest showing of what this actually is like so yeah i hope i hope you enjoyed it and i hope i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Kalle Hallden
Views: 9,790
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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