starting the journey of my lifetime!

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hey what's up everybody my name is fazilback and I make programming tutorials over at today I intend to start an amazing journey into learning all those mind-blowing full stack Technologies with absolute zero experience over the next few minutes you'll learn about how I create the vision roadmap ahead and do the proper planning for this journey to achieve my goal the internet is filled with guys telling how would they learn all those Technologies if they could start over that's not what we are going for here I'm a scholar in the field of computer science coming from the background of lower level programming iot and automotive industry in general my native language is C plus plus as you can see I'm starting with this full sack Technologies with absolute zero experience completely from scratch documenting every approach decisions planning choices of Technologies and sharing all the valuable Lessons Learned along the way fewer developer at any level of your career wants to truly Master this art and shift from being an average to True expert in this field or anybody who supports the idea of pure hard work can go over at and join our community of like-minded Scholars where we will be starting planning learning grinding and conquering those awesome Technologies together if you're new here like And subscribe and join our community because this is about to get real I've broken down whole roadmap into stages enter stage one the language I learn all the necessary languages first off we start with python high level interpreted programming language famous for its zen-like code the most popular language in the world because it's easy to learn and yet practical for serious projects it has lots of real-time applications in many areas of life for example it's commonly used to build server-side applications like web apps with Django and it is the language of choice for Big Data analysis and machine learning we start with python because it gives more brain friendly introduction for web programming with its simpler syntax and easy to read code and it has smaller learning curve next up JavaScript popular for making website it's natively supported by browsers making it go to language for making front-end web applications next up go it's considered as C for the 21st century it's a popular choice for hyper Department server-side applications if you would like to suggest or if you would like to add any other important programming language to our agile Vision roadmap please feel free to comment Down Below in this format enter stage 2 the framework assuming that you know HTML and CSS and immediate response would be JavaScript Frameworks but JavaScript is a popular as an embarrassing toy language with stupidly large number of Frameworks goal here is not to fall to the Trap of framework Choice L you have stolen my dreams just pick a good one for beginners and go on from there what a noob in my case you would be react because of large amount of learning material and general community support after we get comfortable with fundamental concepts and general approach to front-end applications to any stand you should be able to take those Concepts and approach and apply it with any other Frameworks namely we're gonna explore view.js and next JS before we can go any further we need to get scoop of node.js because one of the most valuable skills a full stack developer can have is without adopt is node.js which allows us to write JavaScript code on the server starting with the backend just before diving into backend we need to get the basics of databases and SQL and that kind of stuff golden standard language for communicating data primary tools of backend applications if you have any recommendations on databases please comment Down Below in this format after that we start with Django with python for the back end also we can transfer fundamental concepts ideas and approaches to any other Frameworks namely we can explore what go has to offer and spring boot this job again if you have any recommendations on Frameworks for the back end please comment Down Below in this format let's just assume that we have full working full stack application by then now it's a big time to launch it we can deploy already full stack application to a traditional server just like dinosaurs did before they go extinct or we can set up our own Hardware from an old PC laying around or hundred dollar Raspberry Pi but if you want a happy peaceful life without hard problems then we will go with the cloud enter stage 3 the cloud almost every startup use the cloud because it is convenient reliable and inexpensive method for 21st century we're gonna start with Google cloud and eventually Firebase simply because it sounds way cooler to me again the goal is not to fall into choice hell after getting the fundamental concept we should be able to pick up any other Cloud providers which offer pretty similar Services namely we will go with Azure and then AWS if you have any other good selection in mind please comment down below enter stage 4 the app by this stage I will learn all the necessary skills and Technologies and I start implementing real life applications like Twitter Uber Airbnb if my brain gets enough Peak by this time I will come up with my billion dollar idea and make my own app this has been my vision agile roadmap for this journey to achieve my goal please do like and subscribe and join our community over at and I will see you in the next one
Channel: fozilbek
Views: 765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tx7zQid8fgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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