Revealing Hollywood's Hidden Fears: AI Takes Center Stage

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foreign [Music] is brewing writers artists companies and more are rebelling against AI systems scraping their content without consent the rise of new AI Technologies like chat GPT that can generate human-like text Art and more has set off a gold rush Tech Giants are desperately Gathering more data to feed their AI systems they've been scraping vast amounts of content from the web news articles books fan fiction social media posts much of it freely available but creators are saying enough they're realizing their work has undiscovered value as training data for I and they don't want it being used without permission or payment so writers are locking down their work companies like Reddit want to charge for access to their data multiple lawsuits have been filed against AI firms for training on artists Creations without consent a battle for control over data is brewing today we'll look at the roots of the information revolts who is rebelling and how and what it means for the future of AI background on AI and content scraping first a quick look at how AI systems like chat GPT work they rely on neural networks which are trained on massive data sets the more diverse high quality data they have access to the better they can generate content initially most of this training data was scraped freely from the web in a practice known as web scraping openai sgpt3 model was trained on 500 billion tokens of text much of it unlicensed content for years this web scraping went largely under the radar companies saw little value in all this freely available text and images online but the launch of chat GPT made the power of this data clear it set off a critical realignment as Brandon duderstadt of AI firm anthropic said now everyone sees the value in their own content as training data but Tech Giants already have massive caches of data to sustain their lead smaller AI firms trying to compete are left out in the cold types of information revolts we're seeing information revolts from all Corners individual artists and writers fan fiction authors like unit lofstat withdrew their work after finding it copied into AI systems artists like Nicholas Cole refused to post art on sites that host AI generated content major companies Reddit stack Overflow and others want to start charging AI firms for data access the NY Times sent a memo saying AI must respect our intellectual property lawsuits 10 plus lawsuits filed just this year against AI firms for training on copyrighted material without permission Getty Images sued for use of copyright images top firm clerks ensuing Google and openai Collective action groups like fan fiction writers posting nonsense content to poison AI training data in protest Mass account blocking and restrictions code locking programmers restricting code samples that were being scraped into AI autocomplete tools like GitHub Copilot what do they want control over their data compensation for its use in AI systems and the ability to opt out the backlash is global but it may not massively slow AI progress Google Microsoft meta and others already have huge private data sets they have the money to license content smaller AI startups will be impacted most but either way it signals a new era that move fast and break things attitude of scraping the web won't fly anymore licensing deals will be needed and may favor the tech Giants and creators realize their Works value as AI training data locking it down can be profitable that it also raises concerns like bias in AI if certain voices opt out key players and motivations who's revolting and why here are some key voices fan fiction writers don't want their unique stories copied without consent worried AI could replace them artists fear AI art generators replicating their style undermines value of their work writers concerns about copyright plagiarism and AI displacing creators Revenue loss Tech platforms Reddit stack Overflow want to profit from data they aggregated worried about losing control news media don't want reporting repurposed without payment undermines business model individual lawsuits artists coders suing for copyright violations want acknowledgment and compensation Collective action poisoning data sets account blocking restrictions leverage through United action licensing firms Getty Images other licensing platforms want more control over usage terms their motivations range from ethics to economics but it boils down to control consent and compensation after being overlooked for years creators want a seat at the table to dictate how their work is used in AI systems they see the immense value being extracted from their content without input or payment and the technology has reached a sophistication where it directly impacts them like AI art generators replacing commissions will these revolts make a dent in Big Tex Ambitions unlikely but they do signal a new priority on licensing and consent Frameworks in ai's data mining era in closing information revolts Mark a new phase in ai's evolution the days of unlimited free web scraping are over with new awareness of data's worth for AI creators are imposing constraints to gain control in compensation this may widen the gap between Tech Giants and Scrappy startups licensing deals will favor the players with money and lawyers we may see more curated biased data but the revolts also open opportunities metadata attribution and consent Frameworks can be baked into AI some creators May profit directly from licensing though questions around copyright for AI generated content remain open power dynamics around data are being renegotiated users May gain more agency in the AI boom but relinquishing all control also has advantages we shouldn't ignore AI promises immense societal benefits but they require diverse representative data completely siloing off information could hurt Innovation there are no Simple Solutions but the information revolts Mark a turning point the start of a vital conversation on balancing the rights of individuals with the greater good of AI progress foreign
Channel: The AI Glitch
Views: 72
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI NEWS, A UPDATES, artificial intelligence, ai vs. hollywood, writers guild of america, writers strike, hollywood, ai, sag, chatgpt, hollywood writers strike shows affected, living in the age of ai, hollywood writers strike news, hollywood writers strike 2023, writers strike ai, writers strike explained, writers strike 2023, sag-aftra, writers strike 2023 update, hollywood strike news, hollywood strike 2023, writers strike 2023 ai, hollywood strike ai, why are writers on strike?
Id: 9kxuUGKMORs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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