Starting Tarkov with a KNIFE Only! Escape From Tarkov Rags to Riches [E1S9]

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it's that time of the Season ladies and gentlemen tarkov wipe for season nine a variety of riches is finally here we're gonna be heading in as per usual Go in English half but legs was the last name I think we're gonna do our standard thing we're gonna do half man season nine well different season this year and of course as per usual we're gonna have you guys select the name so make sure for the first episode you guys put a name in the comment section the one with the most likes we'll be going with we'll check that around episode five and of course as per usual that person will get a nice little tag at the bottom of that video as a thank you for naming the channel here we go we got bear yousec as per usual we're gonna go bear because I don't know as they go and bear bear is kind of fun I enjoy going bare versus going you suck for some reason and we're gonna go with the broken English Force easy standard array to move in there we've got a little bit of twist for this year ladies and gentlemen provided riches we were discussing this on the last previous video we put out but we were discussing about how we want to have a challenge for this this season and this year we are going for the Kappa container and we're using no scabs whatsoever so we can obtain that goal because it's gonna take us quite a while but we're gonna definitely make it happen and as always we need to delete the stash so let's do that and there we go everything cleared out we don't have anything in the stash and for those that are wondering yes we are going with the alpha container this year we're going with the standard account as the last couple years we've been doing that it's been enjoyable because it's a little bit of an extra Challenge on top of the challenges we're already doing as it is so that's what we're doing for this time and yeah should be a fun time there's a lot of new things though there is a lot of like new things so it's gonna be fun like new class noodle layout new everything so it's going to be a fun time I think that's all we need to accept not gonna do anything with the Highlight just yet obviously we're gonna try to get uh Jaeger unlocked at some point and you hit Level Two though before he can get Jager unlocked so I think what we're gonna do as we always do and go check out something new and I believe streets tarkov has something new for us to check out so we're gonna head over to streets and see what it has to offer are you ready alrighty first things first we need to get a gun get a gun and then we can try and uh survive and get some other stuff in between I think I'm in the new area ish maybe maybe I'm close I don't know we'll figure where we're at let's see if we can find a weapon first that's a lot of ammo TMO all right but they need boxes I need weapon box weapon crates wherever I can get a weapon I need to get it yes completely new new area new territory I like this ooh dead body check you first as always guys by the way if you haven't yet and you're interested you need a place to hang out and have a good time make sure you guys check out the links in the description we got our Discord down there always a great place to go good people to hang out with and uh yeah especially during like the beginning of the week a lot of people hang out there and start getting into groups so check it out for sure a gun I like it will nearly fall too very cool now we've seen probably a scav get a backpack get a rig and we are looking really really good there is like a car dealership kind of thing so it feels like snipers that way so we're not going that way let's go this direction see what else we can get our hands on I was actually happy that we spawned here because now we're gonna check out the new area I should probably check the spot of the exits first I did not check that damage house crash site Courthouse I have no idea where any of that stuff is those are all completely new to me for some reason I can't leave that med bags that says really good okay so we're like this is like a medical Hotel that's what it seems like there still gonna be looking out for certain what the grace and so you can get a secondary weapon everywhere pop shots everywhere come on give me something good you know we can like an eye fact or something technically speaking needs soap lose it upstairs okay [Applause] yeah we got some ammo HP ammo well as for usual so especially with the beginning the wipe with new like update upgrades and updates and whatnot we uh we have very bad FPS on streets but kind of expected can I go in here I can okay what's that that's just a book can't do anything with it we got here a cat I can't take you but if I remember where you're at I might get a bag I will come back for you maybe one day like in like the clothing area like like closets and whatnot we'll have like places that we can grab a little ruler maybe we'll have um chesky like bags and stuff that would be really really nice seems like a pretty good room actually anything else in here nope I have a feeling I'm not gonna find anything crazy as far as like weapons but maybe we get lucky finding like a Bitcoin or something especially with this map is kind of known for that I'm gonna wait I was gonna start working on more metabolism but we can wait and now that I think about it actually I'm Gonna Save that roller so because in the in the off chance you know that we do die I can actually have a little bit of money to spend I got like a weapon so yeah no we're actually taking that adrenaline we'll put that in there as well that's fake vodka oh but you're a real medical item very nice that's really really good this room is huge I'm gonna say it but it's locked dang it all right at least we know about the safe now catch you got a screwdriver [Applause] kind of want to take that screwdriver uh for the chance that well I shouldn't even say chance it's probably going to be a high probability that once we get into getting Jaeger unlocked we're not going to be able to get that's a painkiller we got shots everywhere uh we won't be able to get the shotguns so that's technically speaking one way to get it I don't want to get too close to these windows I was watching a couple streams while the the actual aimless downloading so I did notice that the windows are a lot a lot easier to like see through which is nice that's actually a really nice update got some US dollars you're a lock safe as well your tons gosh I have to like literally search everything here because there's a chance there may be something good nothing there I like the the design so far so far the Design's really nice got a bunch of stuff got a bag come on give me a bag with inside a bag or like a helmet or something darcola take more of you it's a good little start I think we got some more rooms too we'll be able to search this is promising oh all right here we go we got a PM pistol our first of many and of course with using the the alpha account we're gonna have to make sure that we're very very cautious on like oh hello we have to be cautious on the space so like make sure that we grab like bags like extra bags extra Rigs and stuff so we can hold on and stuff take that Drumline people popping off right now [Applause] did I miss something no all right that's pretty much clears this whole room out a lot of opportunity for loot which is really cool in those stairs is on my left open safe oh come on check it check it nothing it got nothing inside there got more Escalade or an escalator elevators cool statues is that a Buddha I think it is I think it is a Buddha we got more drinks we got some chocolate a lot more drinks well at least we know that we need hydration we're good to go which we're going to need a lot we all know that can't open that oh power bank okay I'm gonna go in the bathroom real quick and just check him toward um got the soap because we did say we're not going to Super focus on anything related to The Hideout just yet I mean if once we get the backpack or whatnot then we can start getting few items here and there but I do need to focus on survivability at the moment cigarettes That's All She Wrote for this building and last I can go to room four room four nope maybe it requires a key or something all right not bad we got some medical which is really good we got some drinks still got the other drink with me I'll hold on to that one because I think this gives energy as well let's write the double click thing yeah it gives a little bit energy yeah so that's a new quality I like thing you can double click now for items and it uses it or in like that case it will give you like the percentage thing you can use how much you want to use of it that's really really nice and like for medical like if I hold like well I can't show it right now because it's not actually available it's not hurt but like you can select different like limbs that you want or different body parts that you want to heal that is like really really nice oh foreign check this gonna go upstairs real quick check everything all right we got our first kill okay so he was using the PPE the pp91 which is good you have any extra ammo though we get another backpack that's really good see what he had in here got more Medical nice gotta bleach all right oh yeah full of shit's even it's like way better okay let's do some swapping around here I want the adrenaline in here because it's gonna sell for better nothing else that I really care about so let's get the pistol in here so that way we can reload okay I think we're looking okay there's already a malfunction yeah wait why do you say misfire I'm confused guys I'm confused those are both fulls get Reloaded very cool very cool all right this building is like super open I don't know how I feel about it VPO I don't know if I want to take the VPO can you get an eye pack though huge much you can put that down there I don't know guys um let's do this boom boom boom excuse all that I'm gonna forget the double click thing a lot I just have that feeling I'm gonna go into aren't you gonna puts this there put some stuff around cool do I take the vpl though I think I do instead take the fleshette all right the rain's finally ended it's just really good though honestly I feel like I have this is a semi-automatic rifle I think I might have a better luckily using the cutter yeah I honestly think I'm gonna have a better chance with the ketter [Applause] although I could take the weapon I'm just gonna see no because I have this now so I wouldn't be able to take it anyway and I need Rigs and I obviously need to have like backpacks and stuff like that and in weapons but I think I'm gonna do that instead because I can repair the shotgun then we have an okay shotgun with a shot ammo up in there what the heck is that oh gosh am I gonna have to look at where that okay he's bugged out a new rig a little tars nothing inside the wallet okay uh I was looking at extracts Courtyard we got the taxi we've got the crash site damage house the streets what was the other one prevailing I don't know Pinewood basement I don't know where any of that stuff is this is gonna be uh yeah good old times I gotta get out of here kind of the face of pinewood basement hey we'll keep searching though like I said I wanted to explore the new area anyway connection issues we got another big place reload just in case just in case I need to get a helmet I was gonna take that guy's helmet but I kind of want to guess it I'll take this guy's helmet okay that's the five five four five I'm actually gonna take that instead foreign trumpets maybe I won't take the gun yeah it's only got 40 rounds let's see what he's got though in here there's a bandage little box oh you can't stack pill boxes that kind of sucks all right we got scab players coming in I don't know how I feel about that energy let's get going see if we got any good ammo here TPS rounds and T again the T wouldn't be wouldn't be horrible to grab but we're gonna we're gonna leave it definitely gonna make sure that I I have like a full inventory before we leave though another dead scab over here you have anything I think overall too pretty sure the pack is better than uh 6b2 I also want to make sure we get like at some point enough money for a scab junk box that would be really really good for us like early on can't go upstairs this is just a single floor okay elevators are not working probably have to go off to the side here let's see if I can figure out where the heck we're gonna extract got shots everywhere oh well I'm gonna get stuck there I gotta go up it's on the other side of the building yeah let's get up here I don't know if I'm going the right spot or not but at least I know I won't be stuck in like The Kill box down below this is not open but I think there's a building over there I can go through okay food take the food take the food and I'll just take the spray too because we're gonna need this trailer on can I actually open this ambulance I didn't even try again cool up inside the ambulance it's gonna start early I can tell but like um um Omega will come through the comments you'll be like why did you check the the ambulance and I'd be like you know what I knew I probably should have that one's locked why there too another open building although this one looks like a staircase so I could probably go upstairs for just a moment and take a look at where we're at if there's a map for this I highly doubt there is but maybe I can kind of figure out where the heck my exits are at because I can tell you for sure at the moment I have no idea I was expecting to see like you know the what do you call it like the the construction site I would be like oh I know where that one is immediately I can tell you exactly where we're going it's got a weapon case in here too all right this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna quickly check to see where the heck I'm supposed to be going and then we'll be right back all right so obviously oh this is not an actual case well that sucks all right never mind uh I did figure out where we're going the damaged houses where we're gonna be heading to because they don't have the new updated extracts just yet obviously the the wiki doesn't so we can't go in you know use I mean I will find them by blind luck I'm sure at some point but at the moment we can't and I can't do anything in this building so let's go so I'm gonna need to try to make it to the damaged house and I somewhat remember where that one's at it's like in the far Corner um or it's obviously a damaged house so we'll see if we can get over there but that's we're gonna hit there's so many floors and I have room this is my energy looking like oh Energy's not looking very good though but we have Herring now the energy is looking okay oh I got better frames right there oh this feels nice the higher I go the better the frames that's kind of convenient gonna Open Door two okay cancel the good frames the good frames are gone [Applause] strikes got cigarettes so we got cigarettes and cigarettes much you can unload this get rid of one of these mats actually I'm gonna hold on to the mag because I'm gonna buy some ammo into this raid just bring in the pp91 it's a good weapon I might as well bring it in I could do this too lag lag lag we'll do that and we've gotta we got a backup pistol because I do have like I'm pretty sure if I double click on one you can just let me just test this yeah it pulls a little bit faster okay are you thinking to hear of Interest is this real this is real I like that I have to ask is this real or is this fake I don't know weapon bars you got BP ammo that could be female that I can use at the moment all right nothing good got some dollar dollar bills 100 is not bad though why not like I have anything else just yet keep checking out this whole apartment should also probably start taking stuff like that too I should probably check this too see if we can find a gas analyzer early on nothing okay nothing luck is not on our side for this one duct tape I'll probably need some point I need those croutons though because we'll need that for Jager okay oh I can open this no weapon though okay we got like a laptop thing we got this is kind of a cool room we got us ammo stack of books and a camera I'm sure this is gonna be a quest it feels like a quest room and of course the bathroom with a bunch of junk in it but not junk that we're looking for okay let's keep going we've discovered a new area which is cool however not exactly what we're looking for so that's kind of a pity it's all right I'm more concerned about how the heck we're gonna get the heck out but it'll happen that was it's maybe maybe this room at the end opens climb over this no I don't think it does but maybe there's something good at the end there's absolutely nothing I jumped over here for no reason and I gotta make noise too all right I'm beginning we start heading towards the house now yeah cause I can't go up any more floors so that's the end of that there's so much more to check out though so much more yeah we could have probably done this obviously in the offline rate you gotta do this live you know do it live and have fun with it got more stuff nothing that I want there okay so we got a tram here let's see fire this fire equal crash site I feel like it does the croutons we needed so yeah say it it's equals that but it probably doesn't no I think I just didn't get back in the old area yeah I'm back in the old area okay so that was new and this is the old area I think got a mannequin that was kind of creepy I'm gonna shot it I'm quite certain that which is the time scan let's go the crap out of me though did anyone else just jump there because I jumped like four feet in the air I have to take the building on the left yeah I think it what's this hold on I'm going up into places that I probably shouldn't be going up to am I really stuck here I think I am I I'm pretty sure I'm stuck in this room hmm that's not good so this is all blocked off I don't think this is where we're supposed to go we're lost we're lost forever but that's fine we'll just keep exploring then so it's like an office area grab some more food I'm gonna need it is there any drinks over here too I could use some of those a lot of Herring roller okay [Music] um do I not need drop the ammo for now take the adrenaline out take the roller got a power bank as well got some more paper that does not open okay let's keep going another office nice or meeting room this will be a meeting yeah not an office you see but they can't check it nothing lootable that I can see so it looks like this is only the only way up is the stairs there ooh paracord believe it well I'm not I can't use any of that ammo anyway let's do this move that that's and that's and they'll grab the Paracord by doing that of course because how else would I grab it I was really kind of playing like how I want to start this this season I was like do I want to go here do I want to go there and my initial thought was I wanted to go over to woods and I wanted to focus on trying to kill Sherman early on not my best is the smartest idea but I thought it'd be kind of a fun idea I'm gonna get shot by snipers here so we gotta move but yeah I thought that'd be kind of cool to do a long hallway creepy hallway okay I am getting low I don't have drinks okay I need to find I need to find something quite certain in here I'm gonna find a drink I feel like it bathrooms we have footsteps though trim on Full Auto okay just skip you have a drink I need that'd be really really nice okay this is promising promising that I should find drinks in here it's like a restaurant right I can't get nothing there you got a piano let's go check by the bar in the back and I am scanning I'm like scanning along to make sure I'm not missing anything that's why I'm like kind of strafing because I would hate to like pass something a Bitcoin or something I'll take the cricket for now because we'll need that um what second floor cool design I really like it well we got water nice very nice we got the water give me oh okay uh let's do this let's see when the hearings You're Gonna Save right now so where it should be okay it's just the scab that we're hearing I'm not too worried about it uh I'm gonna have to still get used to that I'm sure like everyone else is gonna have to be the same way like I constantly want to keep one right click to to do stuff which obviously I don't need to do anymore oh foreign doesn't however he's got a plague mask and that's our first item we're gonna need and we're gonna take that by the way I should clarify first item what I mean is his first item towards getting the Kappa container I think there's another scab in here about half [Music] don't really have room for you I could make room don't worry about that though I don't know this is a this is a USAC oh it's a usick tag so I actually do want to keep that okay we we for sure need to we need to for sure head out thought that was another roller on the table for a minute I was like very excited and I was like oh yay give me your XP please oh you what [Applause] do you not get search XP anymore because I swear I should have gotten something for searching him that doesn't open gosh all right where the heck are we at oh wait is this Pinewood [Applause] this is awesome but I don't think this is pine wood I'm getting distracted again because I really want to search but we should get out you can say inside these nope yeah I don't think this is oh it's a co-op anyway I wouldn't be able to do it anyway guys why don't you remind me that at the beginning of this run probably like uh we tried but you wouldn't listen this is a bear I don't need a bear where in the where are you Kev oh God no get out of here scav en oh God oh God well that's not creepy at all foreign like I should take that I actually really like this gun it's like a night anyway yeah let's drop it I know someone's gonna be very mad that I grabbed that instead but I kind of like the option better I think we're gonna need to take the money I'm working fast in my brain just give me a minute just unload this upload this and we'll take the ammo with us and then we can keep moving I don't think I can get out this way so we're gonna go around all right I know where I'm now I know where I'm at now that was that was a sniper area where you can do the extract I need to go this way I'm quite certain all right I know we're we're in the old area now that sniper is where I used to be getting killed because I didn't have the flare that's not a thing anymore now they just shoot at you which is kind of nice lag lag lag yeah cause I think if I go this way and they go through the back alleys that way should run into it at some point and of course I didn't pull the map up I don't have the map open me right now but if someone know where I'm going anyway at this point so it was fine going through all this stuff I was in here for a lot longer than expected did not expect this run to go for this long but I'm not against it good old time you know yeah that body over here I'm just kind of worried [Applause] he got looted already I don't really want anything on him so we're gonna keep going is this a rations one I think this is the rations one it is I don't know my head's doing right now by the way I'm doing some weird stuff right now squash let's do this oh eat that let's take a look in here I'm gonna kind of risk this because I want these coffees because they sell for good money and I need some a little bit more cash keep being built up someone's already went inside so I'm not gonna worry about there damage else may not be this way but I know for certain the courthouse or the courtyards this way I think damage is on the left no no this is it yeah damage is over here I'm happy about the sub we got some we got a player kill plus we also got a bunch of scaffolds too so this should definitely give us a level two which is really big really really big for us okay so we go through here and then through here we made it we made it for our first raid and we actually came out huge and I'm talking huge this is a really good run for us that's probably one of our best starts let's just be honest like I've always like in the past to put like best start best start you know but I truly this isn't like graphics card crazy best start but this is like I've actually got proper items that I can go back into the next raid and feel pretty comfortable so that's really huge also just so you guys are aware I am kind of going back to the old style 3500 XP we definitely hit level two because I know a lot of you were saying you missed the old ways for certain things so I'm gonna go back to that so you that way you know that's trash nice very nice thing not bad not bad whatsoever I'm very happy with that accuracy wasn't the best but I'll take it boom we're almost level halfway level three oh wow 456 XP to level three very very nice okay so let's get all this stuff offloaded I'm gonna just keep it in the bags for now and I'm gonna bring in the I think I'm gonna bring in the pill box instead drop all this stuff off and then we can do a couple sorting things so I'm taking the rollers I'll take those out the chats I'm gonna bring the drinks back in with us because we're gonna go to Woods next and I don't know the situation on the food for Woods at the moment so we're not gonna risk it too much you need the croutons it's actually really really good we just need to find one more or two more possibly the lunch boxes and then we need to find two cans of tashanka but like the tall cans and then we have the first task for Jager finish which is pretty big get medical I'm gonna bring that their foods and just stay actually I'm gonna put the food in there just for safety extra ammo can I buy extra ammo quickly pretty shrinking um what about mechanic what ones you sell I think I'm gonna go with the others however I'm going to do this boom also the odd chance that we don't get the chance to find the 206 key I am going to be grabbing the pile submits anytime we open like containers a cell I would do the cell I'm gonna bring one of the rollers over and we're gonna sell that degree to prep for almost yeah your prep or let's take I mean it's so good use of this menu again let's go what like 100 rounds yeah let's go 100 rounds I need another s March though therapist I will buy another s March from you very good very good we'll take that we got four five oh patching actually I don't need the S March I had a cat huh I knew that um Regular bleeds I'm not gonna worry about regular bleach because we got an eye pack so we'll use that I got a bunch of stuff can I buy any more mags for this pretty sure I can foreign MP5 be really good early on by any [Music] pp19 I think so this is fine three mag should be enough in 20 rounds each let's repair this though so it does not Jam cool and then we still get XP over inside the trading area so we'll do this that we've got a drinks full ready to go I'm gonna bring in the ice cream as well and before I forget let's actually accept the task so so that when we go over there hey we actually can complete it there we go very cool uh now I think about this actually with the ice cream I'm gonna take 8 000 with us because I don't know exact amount you need because if we end up getting the exits or we get like the vehicle extract we'll take that instead and I have a feeling that we're gonna have to safety anyway so we need one more kill plus we need two shotguns and yeah then we'll complete the first task for hopefully we'll quickly the first one for prep work but let's head over whoa hold your horses here and repair everything let's take all that contacts will keep on knife knife yeah everything was fine we're gonna head over to Woods get Jager unlocked and go from there let's do this so we got the far spawn but that's fine this is actually okay because it kind of leaves swords I exit so let's get moving we gotta get over to the other side of the map and grab the letter for Yeager we're also gonna go check out a few different spots I'm gonna go check out like the let me call that cabin I guess you can call it a cabin or they go I don't know if you can call it cabin the wooden structure coming up over here because he usually has a bunch of weapon parts so grab all those and then we'll see if we can get the flash drive from the tent as well there's a scab out here huh really go subtask is complete I don't think we've ever seen a scab up this far nice 3M I'll take that can't take this new rig Rick's not the best anyway that take the extra ammo pretty cool hey I don't think I've ever seen a scab like that over there that's cool I've always said that um was needing more respawns anyway for scabs so that's just a little Plus for us there's another spot before right we could check but I think we'll go forward we got shots in the woods I figured we'd go with like SMGs early on Just for control Brad dude obviously someone's got like uh like an AK or like the M4 series it's gonna hurt but they're you know if they're doing full auto sprays and they're farther away they're gonna have a hard time actually hitting us which is what we're hoping for we got a bunch of shooting going on what's the list now for anything okay hello by the way random USB on my computer that I still don't know what is causing it let's do this instead and take it have the other weapon just in case as well don't need you oh hello again USB you're so nice thank you hi I feel like someone's really close I'll be a little cautious about that scab against the tree which tree is it though I forget there's a nut over here no it's not over here are you somewhere I've made honestly going to pass them but I'm not too worried about it let's head over to the tent and see if we get a chance for the flash drive I really want that I gotta get those early on I heard you but I don't see you foreign I don't mess with those things man especially when I don't see him although I do need to kill him good good XP nope got a bandage instead while someone's running towards me scav are you coming to me are you staying out in the yeah I think you're staying on the open [Applause] got shots ringing off everywhere of course I'm going through the most dangerous part of this map but hey gotta do what you gotta do it's gonna make sure well the safest is gonna be let's get moving sounds like all the shots are towards the middle anyway we could go check for the Violet key card while we're here oh actually no because this is a person like right right on top of that I'm gonna keep adding right a lot of opportunities like I said I I do wanna start early on um the season with trying to go for some of the scab bosses I know we're obviously trying to go for the capital container but I need to get a chance to if I can get a chance to get like a red Rebel early on that'll help our farming like really really early on for Reserve at least I mean technically speaking even for Lighthouse that's also why I grab the Paracord because if I can get the red Rebel early on that'll be really good for us that's also another thing too we can save our money up they get really good amount of money we can also just buy one right away and then just use that extract because it's it's pretty big for us if we can get that early on the shots ringing off I don't expect to get a lot of XP this run but this is mainly just to get Jager unlocked and then we're gonna keep going through all the different motions to try to get some stuff okay just looking for some scabs in the open I don't see any fov but I think we're gonna just stay on task and get the note and then get out yeah probably a good idea just listening how there's some fighting going on by the rock over here on our lefts watch out for any suspicious activity let me know how your guys's wife is going did you dye your first charade did you do anything crazy like I did like you just go to over to like streets just to check out the new area let me know comment down below because I'd like to hear you guys this experience for the first couple days of the wipe as well because as you go no and as I know this is obviously the at least I think the funnest part of the game is the white time there's just there's so much that you don't get to experience like late game like the crazy dumb fights that you get you get the craziest fights in the world because like they last forever because we have horrible ammo at least for like you know for other people you've got like the extra armor like you got the troop armor whatnot but you're shooting at each other with like eight five five it's just fun it's just a fun experience there's a crate yeah but check the crate maybe we can profit with another weapon oh take that though PSO heck yeah early on that saves me like 20k that's really really good we're gonna get ourselves an AK especially when we have to come back to Woods for a shootout picnic that will come in handy we'll just buy an AK slap that baby right on top and we got ourselves a long race weapon I don't see anything so thick bro okay for the time being I'm gonna go over towards the train station while we're heading to the exit that's farther away and see if we can find some scabs over here would like to get some more kills a little more XP going and yeah I highly doubt even when we get Jager unlocked I don't think we're gonna be able to buy the shotguns I'm pretty sure they're gonna all be like sold out but we'll try we'll try we will attempt to buy the Shopkins so the way we can get hopefully get debut done which is gonna push this into the the bronze vodka watch and whatnot nothing I hope that one scab is enough XP though we we should be good though because I'm quite certain we've hit we passed the seven minute mark so I don't think we're gonna have a problem with that looks clear plus now I'm getting this 3M body armor out of the way we got the skier task all completed which is really really nice thinking here I got it okay energy food's okay I think it's gonna push us to the rest of this no eyes and scabs all right let's go it's been a hot minute since I've taken this extract I typically take the the northern one that's a little bit farther up or I'd take the vehicle extract from like in the woods I don't typically take this extra whatever so this is weird still no scabs we will everyone the extract no that's fine we got the letter that was the goal I'm very very happy about that let's go and see if we can possibly get the shotguns and uh otherwise I'll just have to wait for them to restock and then immediately buy them right then there which will be still difficult but hey we'll do our best to make it happen yeah cool we had enough XP very cool I'll take it mechanic I have got the letter for you my friend let me just turn that into you real quick humbly very nice okay let's go check out Jaeger we can accept his task get the first one turned yeah so it was three so we need two more of the lunch Launch boxes get those two turned in can't stew should be no problem to find I need to actually check out the trading part of you because I need shotgun oh it's out of shot it's out of stock can't play out of stock what I'm gonna be looking for then is we're gonna be looking for buckwheat buckwheat is definitely easy to obtain we can get it inside of the food containers so we'll be looking up for that one Speaking of food since we need to go and get a bunch of food for jaeger anyway I'm thinking we go over to preserve let's do that let's go to reserve because there's a chance we could find the buckwheat on top of some other stuff so we'll try to attempt it to gain that as well let's get some stuff dropped off here that's the first time I've ever seen a rack shot a rack gun uh like in the world that wasn't full of like a like a full mag that's really strange I'm not used to that that's very strange to me uh let's do this let's eat the peas drink the ice cream so we're gonna be getting some more anyway I'm gonna actually might as well just take four mags that's fine take all that let's keep the other stuff we've got I don't need the money anymore so I can toss the ammo down there we got the vents and stuff we can get along well look at that at the end of the episode maybe we'll do a little bit of stuff with The Hideout it wasn't really my plan but we'll look at it okay do I bring a backpack as a question I think we do because we can still do D2 extracts which I feel is going to be heavily like camped or we could take the manhole it could take the manhole because I'm specifically if looking for food and whatnot it's fine we'll see what happens we're gonna take everything with us I think this is gonna be the first actually I don't know I'm not gonna do any well maybe I do insurance actually why not let's go over to reserve let's see how much insurance is gonna cost us actually let's go next how much insurance is going to cost us 24 I don't think that's worth it now for what we have no it's not worth it okay let's head over and see if we can get the food get the buckwheat and continue moving surprise not only are we gonna be looking for food here we're also going to be looking for certain sailor was because we need three sail us if we can find all three well that's just a little bit of a win for us oh boy got some shots to my right you need to get inside as soon as possible also they did change up some stuff with The Hideout you can't get the I think this is an effective wall like right away it's like events and something else I forgot the other one is but apparently yeah you can't like instantly get like close to the gym oh I didn't kill him he's inside I'm pretty sure foreign [Applause] I'm going to start over here get an M4 inside as well so I gotta be careful of that it's a bunch of milk let's go listen out just in case he's close I swear I hit him with a head but he must have duck down I'm just loosening up just in case he's coming in don't see him let's keep moving that could be like an instantaneous thing anyway broken LCD so let them do the thing and then we'll like I said I'm sure we're not gonna get sailor was because I'm gonna probably grab everything inside there but maybe we can get downstairs loop around get to the food at least that's gonna be the goal scav because we can take a left here we don't have to go through the middle I ran into some more Raiders that was expected that she was very expected of that yeah we got one Raider though we got a little bit of XP 582 would have been a lot more if we got out but well good all good fatal shots one I don't think I'm just off on the shots so they're probably well I definitely was off in the shots but let's get loaded back up like I could go by P piano gross let's get healed up we're gonna have to sell some stuff uh let's get the adrenaline sold let's go sell and we can sell the coffee too get all this sold and get some cash and then we can go over to guy Mr ragman let me get some armor well that's new never seen that before Oh what level is this level three armor I'm gonna give it a try I've never seen that before so why not I got a backpack we don't need to worry about that helmet is the only thing I think crap or don't you sell the helmet do let's get the helmets money is very low now so let's do this get the armor on get that on we have a rig just gotta load everything off backpack and flush chat why not let's bring a shotgun in we'll bring in fleshette ammo got medical still ish we don't have any medical uh let's do that let's go buy some medical I mean we have the IFA but I'm saving that we'll buy two of those and buy two of those guys so expensive that's why we need to go to places like uh reserve and get our own Medical four or five we got bats put on a half mask all we do need that for punisher test why not we'll hold on to it all right I kind of like this this is interesting uh repair this before I forget we're down to 5 000 rubles okay let's get another try apparently the rain decided to join us today so there's that let's try to do the same thing get over to the medical building and find those say the laws wasn't expecting the Raiders there but I must have just been in range the the Raider that was on the left-hand side and got me good but all good we got our revenge on one of them at least Revenge but we've got one kid at least on them and I'm sure we'll have plenty more to kill in the future let's get inside oh I also realized that there were a helmet flashlights now and I need to start looking at those because that'd be kind of cool to have some Hello flashlights use those enough for players oh that's right they changed that now foreign [Applause] where is this guy see on the other side I have magic over here I don't know what he was shooting but it was beefy well a little bit uh creepy he could be like I said inside already but I'm just gonna walk through for a little bit water's the only thing I'm really concerned about but we should be fine oh say hello nice first one proactive up making sure to check the corners adrenaline might as well just grab everything because I'm really just here from medical and also food so it's not the worst thing to grab what if he just shot him and then moved out yeah probably what it was let's March got the first morphine very nice I don't hear any steps and sides so I feel like you didn't come in [Applause] yeah I don't think he came in take this time then to quickly check all this hard wire I think it's our barbed wire in this game or this map why do I remember it okay let's just swapping here I guess we could take it that there they need the respirator [Applause] he didn't have a backpack which is kind of unfortunate I've got that just had a rig and body armor so I'm not too worried about looting did I check here I think I did yeah okay let's go downstairs let's go see if there's any medical in here nice set of one number two be really nice to make it say level number three but I don't think that's gonna happen here let's check this one yeah so what I was saying before I started getting um spooked by people the dynamic loot spots now so now things can pretty much spawn in any like part of the building in different locations so like that guy used to be on top of this bed here and it's no longer there so it's been changed which on all your like catch yeah I'm a fan of that it gives a little bit of the you know effect that you're doing something I guess you're you know technically speaking differently than you normally would which is cool and it's like unique in a way yeah I'll call that I got no other words for him so we'll call that if there's any intelligence no intelligence us ammo okay let's check this I really want to get that last say of the wall but if it doesn't happen at least we got two out of three you need the matches for heating Heating and I believe the bed as well but I'm pretty sure the rest area as well needs one but again we'll just grab it just because it's there but we're not focused on that stuff directly at the moment has anyone turned on D2 I have this feeling people are camping it I'll take a left here we're gonna swing over to the food see if we can find some buckwheat and also oh wow look at that filter don't mean that anytime soon but we'll try to get the buckwheat and the other food that we need hermetic doors off I just feel like it's not smart going for the dramatic door I don't know what it is I just I got the heebie-jeebies about going to that place I prefer not to gosh the power's on though so someone's been down here so that makes me think someone's gonna be camping D2 so hermetic may actually be the play nothing in here I mean I gotta keep taking these are gonna keep giving me all these good things I'm gonna drop you take that instead got the bleach I do need the bleach I need the other thing too but there's stuff that I mean I could drop the S marches now that I've got those so we could do that put that in there this is where it comes into where you're like I wish I had a bigger backpack um got the helmet we can buy helmets so we might as well just drop it drink oh I got that ear drop coming in all right I don't think we're gonna check that only because I don't feel like it's gonna be safe yeah a little safe [Applause] come on give us what we need we could also top up on everything which is good [Applause] all right [Music] we'll check upstairs for The Lunchbox in a minute herring we'll eat the Herring up check oh wait Dynamic boxes I forgot that's a that's trippy I think it's so close got Lupo's beans which technically I do need it's good money chocolates buckwheat nope apple juice soy there's three in here oh that's actually amazing there's typically only two in here for rations so the fact that there's three here that's like that's amazing that's really really good for us chocolate these are really good the piece is just really really nice sugar I don't need you what are you oh need that and of course oh it's over here that's what it was I'm like got me close by it seems like even though they're like they moved stuff it's still close by I'm gonna check to see if I can get gas analyzer from this come on gas analyzer oof darn um like that's or five all right check again see if anyone's open D2 all right d2's been open so someone's gone through it or they're camping it I always feel like someone's camping it when it's open literally pliers I can take bats let's drop let's drop the blood set for now I'll check the I'm gonna take the elite pliers because as we discussed before if I can't get a hold of the shotguns or I can't find buckwheat it's another way to get in the shotgun because I can just do the trade through Mr mechanic got boxes on boxes on boxes I kind of like this because you can get Super Lucky then with a dynamic loot then you can you could honestly get very lucky where you don't have to go in specific dangerous areas and like lose something up so it changes like where the fights are gonna happen because you just never know oh yay that's really good last sailor drop the Augmentin very cool let's get the heck out of here but yeah it changes up the the dynamic loot so much that like the fights are gonna change which is really cool you're not always gonna have fights in like the middle of the corridor and I always are going to have a fight in like the specific location so that's exciting because people got to search you gotta search now for the loop which I've always been a big fan of searching for your loot like that oh there's two of them in here their dad wasn't here before come on gas analyzer oh I have a feeling that's like was it two wipes ago two three wipes ago were they like changed up all the spawn rates for certain items and like the gas analyzer was like the one item you just could not find I have a feeling it's like that again but we're gonna start heading towards C2 I'm gonna check all the camp spots the only one I'm worried about obviously is like the main room going into D2 that one's a little more harder to predict okay looks okay for now didn't find the food we were looking for but that's fine what the heck is that new ammo we'll end up getting like chances anyway in the future to find the other food so not a huge deal okay we'll check behind the door first make sure no one's not camped behind there they didn't shoot the light out so they're not sitting in this corner okay we're clear looking out for any like BS ammo or five four five would be a very nice find if we could get that no one in the corner we got we got fuel don't have room for your fuel otherwise I would totally take you because fuel is like just huge for us for like early on to get stuff going but not what we're going for doors open go go I had to get over fast because in case someone's camping it it's nerve-wracking man going through all this not any of the tech that we need at the moment we'll need it for later on of course whoa leg Spike door's been closed suspicious clear on both sides oh that bag for you for so long it's been on the ground glad someone finally picked it up this up oh it seems like the jack is still in the same place they haven't really changed that's cool nothing inside there I'm gonna guess he's already checked all this before they left but we'll check it anyway just in case the door okay they're not in here this is good another successful rate I'll take it we got all three Sailors we got a bunch of medical items this is what we're looking for very very happy about that we're gonna get that much xp but that's not what we're here for we're just getting those little bit of items now for the next raid we're probably gonna go for XP but we got what we needed was what are we getting 1000 XP well wow we got 2000 XP I'm actually oh we did kill someone that's right I forgot about that fight but we didn't kill someone not bad not bad I'll take it good XP on that one we got the Escape bonus elimination what not some food all right all right get all the stuff uploaded so we can get those sales turned in got the elite pliers drop drop drop drop drop drop another gun which is really really good this armor is really cool I like the look of it let's go to Trader therapist task I have all three for you isn't this amazing I can now get myself a couple carbon kits which is amazing it's a money some XP should be a little close level five I would say books in the trader sir and two Traders are failing this is kind of expected I'm gonna get a gas allies are next get a reward thank you very much very cool very very cool I guess now we could uh if the they're gonna work okay they're working now we're okay it was trying to scare me for a minute it's like oh am I gonna work am I not gonna work and start saving up the morphines I can sell it adrenaline real quick so get that all sold we'll get we'll get one of the things in the title start why not for the fun of it I got some good stuff that we got the first task for jaeger uh your first gear all set and ready to go for when that task pops up we're about to hopefully finish up soon getting uh the debut done that one done I need to save a little bit of money because I'm hoping if I go to you now you don't have my stock dang it maybe soup maybe soup well keep an eye out of course we'll look out for buckwheat as well we'll take that as well all right I'm thinking ladies and gentlemen that's gonna be the best place to end this episode left so we've been using the shotgun for the next raid for the next episode but yeah I'm very very happy with that progress I almost forgot about the mask I read the rest breaks we're gonna need that as well but yeah I'm very happy about this progress this is really really good for us for the first episode so that being said ladies and gentlemen if you guys enjoyed today's first episode of ride to riches season nine make sure you give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below what you enjoyed about the episode what you're excited about for the future let's go for I'm gonna say because we usually do pretty good on these these videos let's go for 5 000 likes I'm gonna I'm gonna set the goal pretty high this season and go for 5 000 likes that I think we can do that don't forget check out the description because we got our links to the Discord we got patreon we've got a bunch of other stuff there if you want to support the channel so make sure you check it out and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Halfman
Views: 494,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from Tarkov, Lets play Escape from Tarkov, lets play escape from tarkov part 1, Escape from tarkov Rags to Riches, escape from tarkov beginners guide, escape from tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov ep 1, escape from tarkov guide, Escape from Tarkov learners guide, escape from tarkov tips, Halfman, Halfmanlive, Rags to Riches, Escape from Tarkov challenges, Escape from Tarkov episode 1, Video games, Wipe day, Tarkov wipe, Escape from Tarkov wipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 11sec (4871 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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