I Lived in the Deadliest Biome for 7 Days on Vanilla Rust...

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[Music] I survived for 7 Days living in one biome on official rust and this is what happened this adventure began like many others naked on the beach fresh white getting my hands on an early revolver I fought my way across the map and laid the foundations of what would be my desert Empire using my early advantage I fended off the many groups looking to move in using the resources I stole to expand my Fortress because in this adventure the desert belonged to [Music] me day two exactly 24 hours from the start of one I woke to find my base unrated it was time to get to work okay we are in Mar lots of shots and my base is decaying that is not good I think that must be the external okay there we go it's that for now the upkeep is actually not too expensive but uh with all of the building that's going to have to happen today it's going to get pretty costly now day one had been productive getting my hands on a workbench level three and beginning my main base but the Fortress I was building today designed by none other than alone Tokyo was one of the biggest projects I had ever attempted I was going to need a lot of [Music] fun o let's see how the uh Auto smelter got to work overnight that is a beautiful sight that is why I had to make sure I got it set up before I logged off I'm going to need those frags today oh oh no am I am I going to die godam oh so close [ __ ] wol still early I knew the server would continue to come alive throughout the day to set myself up for the chaos I used this downtime to gather as many components as I possibly could I'm hearing so many shots but I just got to focus I want to get as much done now as I can so that later when the desert comes alive I can uh actually defend [Music] it and after a couple of hours of farming with the occasional unfortunate death okay I had managed to gather plenty of resources and components that would help keep me going throughout the day to come right now living in the desert as I am this week one thing is normally pretty tough and that is cloth but I have a plan there are some scary looking bases around here I feel like I'm going to get roof camped I had eyed this shop while I had been roaming and it is perfect for my problem [Music] right beautiful thousand cloth now I have a slight problem in that between me and my base there are two L9 sniper roof campers holding Outpost oh someone's making it run for it let's see if he can make it oh my he's already getting sniped nah these guys are crazy yep that is definitely not going to work on on foot new plan new plan turning my original starter base into a vending shop of my own I could safely send my cloth home from Outpost avoiding this outcome I can't even get into Outpost these guys are just camping three different roomes all right there we go get the plot sent to my vending machine now I'm going to attempt to run back with the rest of the stuff but uh I don't have the highest hopes yep yep am I dead yeah I made it about 20 M from Outpost big shock with the cloth sent to my stter base I now had to transfer it along with a dangerous amount of resources over to the main oh please don't get shot now I might break down in tears oh thank God for that right I've got building to do now as mentioned the base that I am constructing this one was designed by the number one best solo player alone in Tokyo he does some pretty incredible things but he's particularly known for his insane basis and this build is no exception requiring almost 100,000 method fragments to completion it's certainly not an easy task for a solar but hey it's about time I prove I can build more than one by ones right now I have actually changed a little bit from the original base I don't want to put a window frame uh going into my core so I'm just going to seal this bit up instead which means I'm not going to have a peak back to my shooting floor but I think that's okay because I'm going to have lots of turrets up here anyway so hopefully I can keep control of it now you guys will often see me playing solo on 1,000 POP servers like this it's fair to say it's not for the fainthearted but if you do get inspired to play solo from these videos and you don't quite want the pain of a fish will make sure you go and check out my solo only servers for both EU and na available for both vanilla and 1.5x Super Active staff you can have a competitive solo wipe without the worry of big zergs ruining your day and it's about time I showed them some love so I'm going to be cooking up some content on them in the coming weeks so maybe I'll see you there o looks like my neighbors are back online what you doing that [Music] for this is such a bizarre little uh Peak shooting area but I kind of like it it's Unique [Music] [Music] oh this is literally burning through my stone I'm going to have so much farming to do today my word although luckily I still have some Stone in my starter but I am beginning to run [Music] low okay and now for each of these three jump ups we have two slots for garage doors I think one of the most difficult things about this base is you just need so many garage doors cuz there are three entrances to pretty much everywhere which is kind of means you need triple the amount of doors to usual um which is tough on the gears and the frags but I will make it work [Music] what is going on over there I don't want to go to it but I'm busy and roughly 30,000 Stone and an hour of building later and I had a shooting floor [Music] oh that is a nice Peak I like that I can imagine holding the compound from uh from the roof with that that's nice this base is really starting to come together and I like it a lot just feels so honestly so open and big for a solo it's kind of [Music] crazy you guys keep it down over there my neighbors are going to get themselves raided by the sounds of it taking fights they shouldn't the shooting floor of this base while providing lots of angles had one weakness and that was that it was open and therefore in order to keep it secured in a raid I would need turrets to defend it needing laptops and cameras to craft them mining outposts just wouldn't suffice but living in the desert I had another option we have a another roof camper over there I'm going to struggle to get to military base from here Ohad no I mean High's still good but it's not the camera laptop all right let's see if I can get to the military base from [Music] here oh my wait there are two guys right in front of me [Music] [Music] oh man I thought those guys had more than just revolvers I might be stuck here now oh God how am I going to get away think if I back up without being in line of that base I might be okay oh what the [ __ ] I'm getting L9 from another roof bro what the [ __ ] how can they even see me so far [Music] away oh my God oh my God three different Towers shooting at me what the [ __ ] is this I don't know where to go oh please don't peek just [ __ ] running rings around this rock I thought that wasn't me I'm going I'm going oh and I'm getting jump scared by a pig come on man what the [ __ ] come on eventually I made it out of the chaos and to my destination come on give me a laptop camera I'll take Tech trash nice we got a laptop well that was a bit of an adventure I am amazed I made a home alive but we got a laptop which means I can now craft one or turret better than nothing with my first run to the military base successful I headed back to try again except on my way I run into this wait that MP5 guy doesn't live there he's trying to jump in might be on his own [Music] what n My Bullets they're going somewhere oh I got him well thank you very much for the MP5 you take it my gosh two mp5s there's a third what no what okay take two going to the mill base nice we got a camera it's already worth it and we got a laptop big that's another auto [Music] turret after using up all of my stone expanding the roof I I had run out once again and so I farmed throughout the night all the way until the sun rose in the next morning all right we are cooking I have a lot of resources now I also have a load of metal in my starter which I'm ready to put to this base now [Music] see now I have a decision I'm not sure whether I want to rotate the walls facing inwards or outwards because in my head I want each of these sides to almost be their own base with bedrooms loot rooms and so I almost feel like it'll be stronger if the walls face it inwards to sort of separate each uh each compartment but I feel like it looks better facing this way okay well that is already a couple of rows of frags I've used thankfully I have a couple more let's have a look and see what the upkeep is now shouldn't be too much more okay 11k Stone 4K metal that's not too bad although it will get it will get a lot more damn I'm really starting to feel like alone in Tokyo with this full metled up uh shell base design feel like you could fit my normal base inside it this is so cool man defending this base would be insane samee with the base upgraded enough for now I headed back out to the military base in an attempt to find more components for auto turrets ooh I do want to have a little Peak oo they're raiding top down not sure how I can counter that oh [ __ ] he saw me yeah no ladders up on the side I can't get up there ooh chainsaw it's actually really nice nice laptop perfect okay well now that I have enough for three Oro turrets what I need to do is set up my power cuz at the moment I only have a solar panel so I need a windmill um and before I do that I want to do a run to Outpost to restock on cloth along with some other resources [Music] using scrap at Outpost I was able to purchase a pure ATI combine that with a jackhammer and I'd be able to farm up for my base in no time okay get a Refinery as well as soon as I get my compound up that will be so helpful beautiful look at that pure a 2K cloth and a jackam oh I'm going to be so set when I get back to base there she is my beautiful home [Music] as another Knight fell on the server it was time to set up my main source of electricity okay now I'm going to put this battery in the very core feel like that might be a good spot for it and then I'll put another battery uh up on my roof which will be expanded later feel like having the power split between two sources might be a good way to protect my turrets [Music] okay now we got power it is time for my first turret now I think I want my very first one holding the open core I'll just feel a lot safer in here knowing that I I have this as a Last [Music] [Music] Stand huh why did that work oh it did work YY there we go I am loving this open core it feels so cozy in here oh such a nice feeling being solo but having like this whole Space to myself okay next morning comes I'm taking that Jackhammer I am popping that pure a and I am going crazy on some [Music] nodes here we go I don't think I've ever farmed this much in my entire life but we're not done [Music] yet okay just just one more run one more I can't stopped myself you know I am really loving living in the desert this WIP cuz I've not done it in a very long time but there's something very peaceful about it like despite how massive This Server is I feel like I'm able to sort of get on with my own thing because no one really lives out here it's kind of just me which means I can pretty much control my whole area and I mean obviously it helps that I raided about five different groups y today but uh May to be honest maybe that's why okay now that the main base is properly developed I think it is time to move the bulk of the loot from my starter okay here we go come on oh okay I was clenched on that run I'm not going to lie after hours and hours of difficult grinding building and farming my day two was coming towards an end using some of the sulfur I'd built up I wanted to Snoop around my neighbor's base in the early hours of the morning okay now these guys were a real pain yesterday but their base hasn't really expanded much so I want to see maybe if they have G doors or not so I'm just going to raid their top door and pray that they don't have garage [Music] doors oh man that's a garage door now that is going to make things very very tough here see unfortunately it's a honeycomb 2x two so I think with garage doors to raid this I would need a whole lot more explosives probably a stone wall and a metal wall which is God that's like 400 explow ammo I can't do that tonight I must say I don't know how alone in Tokyo does this every WIP I feel like I have just spent so many hours is just building upgrading and farming like how does he do it man how do you have time to do all of the crazy [ __ ] you do when you have to spend 30 hours straight farming and building I'm going to lose my mind but oh dear at least I've Got a Cool Base but genuinely I have spent how many hours has it been today 10 hours of day to and I have not even really roamed once just has been working towards building this props to that guy he he's a he's a demon okay now people won't expect it but this here is actually the main tool cupbo which is surprising um so I'm just going to make that metal just for some extra security wanting to ensure that my loot remained safe into day three I needed to expand my external into its own separate stronghold [Music] I think the real beauty of this base is well the actual open core itself is fantastic to live in there's no doubt that it's quite weak to uh an offline raid so I think the real purpose of this base is that your loot is just so split between everywhere when you log off that it would be impossible to ever like raid it all like I could have loot in my main external TC I can have loot halfway through this channel that I'm building now I could have loot split into rooms in each of these sort of side sections I could have some in the core and I think that's what makes it just so incredible you can never be fully raided someone could throw 60 rockets at this base and I guarantee I would still have loot left [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o we're up to almost 7K frags 14k Stone a day that's a little rough but it's only going to get worse okay well now I've effectively got a whole new base attached to my base so what I want to do is set up a couple bedrooms in there with lockers uh full of kits cuz I guarantee these types of places here are actually the least likely to get a hit in a raid about the time I get a bed up in the open core as [Music] well wanting to be prepared for the very worst I set up lockers filled with kits and I would eventually find out just how important that would be he [Music] oh this place is looking so good when I build that on all three sides as well it's going to go hard man and now the early hours into the next morning and my day two was coming to an end but it wouldn't be complete without some final RS oh that guy's literally just just sat on his roof saring everyone he sees oh you're really really going for that [Music] [Music] nice I was going to say I'm pretty sure he couldn't have gone anywhere [Music] I thought like I was running from someone you had a custom okay thanks man sounding a little interesting couple of them on the roof quite kid think it's three oh holy [Music] [ __ ] yeah I feel like this isn't like good fight to take too many grubs I want to go back to the desert man yep I don't like it here I don't like it too many bases too many grubs too many rats I'm going [Music] home while roaming deeper into the desert I noticed a base with an exposed Vending machine on the roof is there a turret covering that vending machine they've got a turret on the base but I don't know if there's one up there as well might try and Ladder Up they do have some stuff in this shop tier three saw couple pus might have got sulfur as well in there this could be worth [Music] [Music] all right come on please no turret no do have a turret maybe I could still work my way around I might be out of vision here no they also have a mini up there oh oh he's already back online oh this guy was hovering okay yep I'm I'm I'm going get out this isn't looking like it's going to be possible [Applause] oh [ __ ] wait I think the base owner just got beamed wait wait is the wolf killing him it is no way bro I would have had no way of finding him that wolf just screwed him and with that final ram my day two was officially over I did some final upgrades on the base and made sure to distribute my loot equally all across okay so now on all three sides of the base I also have a little room here which I think I can use these to uh keep looting have some extra bedrooms as well they're quite kind of far away from each other so there's no way they'd all get [Music] raided so I'm going to move all of my best loot into what I think will be the safest place in the entire base that's actually this external a little sneaky but uh I think it'll pay off o 7K frags 15K Stone a day that's a little pricey but that's all right okay now I going to bed fingers crossed I can wake up unrated tomorrow we shall see I'm alive do I see any raid [Music] bases okay I think we're [Music] good my actual open core might be uh might be gone though still have upkeep let's go we are all good I'm ready to go now day two had been all about the preparation building farming expanding end in but day three it was time to fight back after of course I F for the upkeep well that is a big ass base that was not there yesterday holy they built that up quickly oh no oh that's not good I have too much Farm on me I don't really want to fight I might not have a choice okay don't know what he's doing there think he was trying to reposition oh my [Music] god um I need the high ball I'm coming back for the rest holy [ __ ] that is an insane amount of loot well I need some drop boxes in here that is crazy what is he doing with all that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay now the reason why I haven't yet upgraded those Center for triangles to highall is because well first of all I can't afford it but um mainly because I don't need it because of this final expansion on the roof which makes a really nice almost extra base uh where I can have a locker a bed along with another [Applause] battery this is kind of funny I'm literally building a base that's the same size as some bases I've built in whole other videos on top of my base you know I'm actually really liking the Adobe skin I haven't used it in such a long time but it's something very uh very cool about it kind of [Music] homely wait did that count as roof camping listen I didn't mean to I was just building and he ran past I never roof [Applause] camp and there we go our roof is looking looking pretty meaty now need to get some turrets up here and I think right here on each side be quite a nice spot for them may be hidden from compound bows from the outside yeah I like [Music] that oh I am proud of this base so far look at it it's magnificent it's been a lot of fun to a lot of fun to build actually quite a unique base definitely not not built one like this in a very very long time there goes bunch of my resources straight to upkeep that is painful you know what I think it it's time to move the bulk of the rest of my loot into the main still have a bunch of frags that have been cooking in the starter God I am so rich this wipe it's kind of [Music] crazy oh my God that's a lot of resources planning to do some raids in day three I was going to need charcoal I headed out to grab some wood to keep my furnaces cooking [Music] [Music] [Music] ooh I'm might have to go explore what's going on over there oh [ __ ] oh two more one's full dead [Music] though that's tough Thomson at this range wait there's another group he vies if I can do something here have to play it right what who just head shot me oh someone else is getting boled I don't know where from [ __ ] [Music] silenced bro I don't see him I can't fight this I need to I need to get meds I need to go back I'm not done here though okay there's still fighting this is good this is good [Music] I think that's one dead oh there's another one oh my [Music] gosh wait I'm getting [Music] pushed that was the perfect [Music] bait he's dead he's dead there's one more one more come on what do this guy have BTY nice right I have one bullet I need to kill this last guy behind the Highwood [Music] wall oh got [Music] him one more M5 I can't wall here no I'm so screwed no a P2 rat oh that's pain despite my three furnaces running it was clear that I was going to need lots more charcoal if I wanted to pull off some raids and after checking the map I found some useful shops that I could take advantage of so I grabbed my resources hopped on a horse and headed to Outpost right so I can buy five cameras that is insane okay so I'm going to get cameras I'm going to get laptops and I'm going to get charcoal beautiful look at that also got a stack of low grade now to send it home there is no way yep yep the same guy is still roof camping Outpost an entire day day later bro some people need get a life in this game yo what did that missile just miss the scrap helicopter didn't even use flares how did that Miss that's another roof camper on the other side of outpost honestly what is it with people roof camping this Monument while I could send home the helpful Resort hes i' bought from Outpost I couldn't send home my kit it looks like my only option of making it home was to fight my way through the roof [Music] campers what the [ __ ] oh my God this is why you live in the desert on 1,000 pop there are so many bases I'm not making a home alive there's no way I'm making home oh my Wait don't Tell Me That Base is active oh his door just opened the roof Camp was active oh [ __ ] no he sees me double him oh get get me out of here get me the [ __ ] out of [Music] here no way there still roof camping me bro what the [ __ ] how anyone lives in this area 60 damage how anyone lives in an area like that where you just have roof Camp Towers 10 MERS from mining I do not understand that was just carnage oh just get me home man get me back to the [Music] desert holy [ __ ] what did they come from oh my oh my gosh what do I do what this guy have oh my God they're both [Music] full all right I'm out that'll do that'll do let's go that was literally the most chaotic run back from Outpost ever now do you guys see why I vending machined my loot home that was actual [Applause] Insanity oh still got all of that as well beautiful and with the components safely home from Outpost it was time to craft some more turrets [Music] [Music] night time was falling once again on the server I headed out to farm some resources but I was interrupted when I heard this oh [ __ ] wait that's the that's the new Big compound right next to me I should go to that and so in the dead of night I headed over to cter the raid unknowingly getting myself into so much more is that is that actually them getting raided or is that them raiding a small base nearby I think that is the the compound it is it definitely is obviously doing a top down I wonder if they flew in on a mini boxer I wouldn't have shot him but he had a backpack nothing in it though Silence from [Music] something this guy has some [Music] gear I know I've tasted all your oh no way he's AK wait that's huge oh that's scar me right I'm banking this that is perfect for a raid defense that is so good having an AK for my lockers you wased the sun had risen but the raid was still Ono I headed back for more am [Music] will same guy again I think this guy's with the Raiders cuz they don't seem to be shooting him oh there's another one there a oh my God God there's another guy behind the [Music] compound what coming from what oh Str oh huge more guns no I got absolutely flattened by that guy uhoh oh I'm alive but I'm kind of stuck wait am I getting pushed [Music] I think that was the guy that killed me which means my loot is probably still there on that backpack I don't think I can loot it though [ __ ] I can't he's holding it he's holding his teammate's body I think I need to go home and get walls but I don't know if I've got time a body bag full of guns on the floor but being held from The Raid I needed that loot I don't see him on the roof I think I just have to make a run for [Music] it so close that timing he came from the outside same guy back with an AK [Music] I got him I got him [ __ ] how am I going to loot him though he's going to be back on the [Music] roof go go go go go come on come on oh my I'm getting silenced and I have no idea where from bro where where is he what the [ __ ] oh there's another one behind me oh I'm so dead they're everywhere oh okay that guy is insane Oh my he already sees me okay this guy's so aware I have to play this so smart there's just no way I win that fight God not with this Thompson man I feel so reliable with it oh I missed the old days wait hang on hang on I actually kill him here he will not expect me to have gone [Music] around oh his teammate came at the perfect time [ __ ] I'm just fighting so hard for this little bit of loot man I want it wait are they getting wiped I think another group just pulled [Music] up okay AK full dead dead bodies no no bro I'm behind the wall I can't there's always one more okay well if they're all over there I think that means I can check back here because I'm pretty sure I left a back pack on this first body I did is there anything in it oh huge wait those are all the guns that I had I should be able to make this home because they just got into a big fight over there they would have no reason to come back here come on please just let me get back with this that's all I need it's all I need no bro bro oh why is there another guy here I can't do it man I can't get back with these guns I didn't hear that guy he was far away I think he might have just kept on running I think he came from the fight I'm going to go check my body oh he didn't L me please just let me get with this please no you are kidding why are they back again just leave me alone oh [ __ ] [Music] they actually chased me what it's like they knew I had the I'm so confused man that's [ __ ] up time and time again I got meters from my base but was unable to make it home with the lot with one final desperation play I had a python crafting and I went back out [Music] oh my okay he already sees me well that's kind of [Music] [ __ ] oh I got him please please let me loot him I think his teammates have gone he had all the guns he had the guns oh my God please I'm going to make it I'm actually going to make it oh well it was a scuffed fight and I missed out on a couple AKs and lots but at least I made it back and got a bunch of guns out of it oh that was that was tough the amount of [ __ ] times I died fighting over those same weapons was crazy o python kind of clean oh another saw same guy that fight made me realize I need a lot more bags around the desert if IID had closer bags that might have gone differently [Music] okay I now have three lockers filled with kits that's nine kits in case I get raided but I want one more and that is on the very Roof oh actually no I have 11 cuz I've got these two in here as well and they're all split across the base so if I'm getting raided I'll have kits literally everywhere and then my final set of kits will be up here which means I'll have a total of 14 uh tier 2 kits in this base this up here think just some small boxes around with revolvers and double barrels wouldn't be a bad idea worst case scenario I can kind of just grab one if I'm in a dire situation after the nearby raid had finally Co off it was now time to return my focus and complete the construction of the desert Fortress [Music] h ah I think one thing I will slightly skimp on is I'm not going to build the entire external construction on all three of these sides I think I'm just going to have the gate houses on these sides because quite honestly I don't think I need two more bedrooms I already have about five in this base so I think the gate house will do um it might be a little Overkill I would love a stat of exactly how much Stone and metal I've used this wi because I feel like I've spent my entire time farming and building this base is insane I am currently upkeeping five different tool cupboards if you include my starter base I think my total upkeep now is something like 25k Stone and about 14k metal with all the to cupboards which is uh it's quite a lot but if I thought my time farming was over I was wrong because I still needed to build the compound all right that should be enough Stone to finish the compound I will do that now just got a little bit more more to make sure damn I'm feeling the python today all right let's get some Gunpowder cooking I want to do a couple raids before the end of tonight [Music] another night fell on the server and I spent the time crafting explosive ammo more Auto turrets and my walls for my compound because when morning came there was work to do [Music] all right let's see if I can actually place the high walls without ruining my compound like I normally do let's see oh that's a good [Music] start oh beautiful just got to do that two more times without [ __ ] up [Music] I [ __ ] up oh what a feeling the compound is complete let's go baby we did it oh it's feeling legendary in here I love this space I got to get a look from the outside as my day three came to a close I admired my desert Fortress and with the explosive ammo I crafted I headed up to raid a 2X two I passed while farming see what we got another metal door shorty trap perfect I will come back with some more [Music] expl uh-oh that's not a good sign DC unlocked though oh no oh no oh okay four stars that's actually worth I will take it now 72 hours from the very start of wipe and my day three was coming towards a place now the early hours of the next morning morning and I would do one final Ram before calling it for the night wait they're flying low what are they doing they're Landing they're getting shot by a turret hold up this is free limitations are what the [ __ ] to the second guy oh I'm not going to be able to get that mini it's just in range I don't know what happened to the second guy did he die or does he live [Music] there that was him he's dead oh I think they live here I think one of them just wasn't ored yeah that's a shame metal chest plate though okay I can go on my lockers and with that final run I headed to bed I added some final touches to the compound making sure it was Secure for my day tomorrow and now content with my progress I logged out ready for a day four that I hoped would be filled with action and raids except I woke up to this there are people in my Compound on metal wait my shotgun trap's deep are they in my I have my locky [Music] kids [ __ ] they're in my core how how did I miss this [Music] man do I have my roof I have my roof Auto turrets oh [ __ ] they've raided deep into my base they got my battery that's another one [Music] dead have another one holding the outside I can win this oh oh I hit him so low oh there was another one there as well okay well I still have my top roof lockers I think yes nice wait no I want [Music] MP5 okay another one dead I knew these roof Peaks were good okay there's still someone holding from the big rock okay I need to secure the compound if I can block that entrance I can maybe retake the [Music] core okay he's dead as well there's another one on the outside I need a door I'm going to pick up one of the garage doors holy [ __ ] they Ed so many Rockets oh he's going to Rocket me [ __ ] they're coming back back okay okay I have the play I have the play I need to get this down he pushed down bro he made no noise wait hang on if he's down I can spawn in my core please be a gun please be a gun please be a gun come on come on come oh I got him let's [Music] go well I think I have control but sadly seems like they already got out with most of my [Music] [Music] loot I cannot believe I log in and someone's already thrown like 30 rockets at my base man I could have won this so easily if I had been on I cleaned them once I got in oh that is so sad but this base held pretty [ __ ] well if I had split my loot better before logging off last night I would have barely lost anything they only got my open core it's a shame they got my battery as well I think they blew in the one side they did they blew in the one side the gots my battery that's unfortunate they get my oh you're kidding they also got my locker in my core God Dam they blew the one side that had my locker in it that's upsetting yeah looks like they uh they made it out with a with a lot yeah that was my locker they made it out with a lot little rats God I wish I was there when they started blowing look how they've massacred my boy oh they absolutely leveled but the base it worked perfectly like this is exactly what I had planned for Raiders to do you know they spend all their Rockets they blow into the core they get the open core but they get nothing else they don't get my main TC they don't get well they shouldn't get much else of the loot but I kind of forgot to move a lot of it last night that's that's my bad godamn it the Peaks were great though they all worked I I was able to kind of wipe them in here you know what I'm actually pretty happy with that outcome after resealing my gate house the last of the Raiders scurried off and I was able to reclaim my Fortress take a I patched up the damage and restored my base to its former glory well on the bright side at least my upkeeps a little cheaper now they've broken half of my walls [Music] [Music] and here is Where I Leave You in this adventure exactly 100 hours from the start of this desert biome Adventure building the Magnificent alone in Tokyo Tower if you guys enjoyed and preferred this longer two-part Adventure using over 1,000 GB of footage make sure to let me know CU after the chaos that was this journey I've been feeling inspired to do some longer adventures with bigger bases and better Ambitions with all that said I really hope you guys enjoyed if you did make sure to drop a like And subscribe it really helps me out make sure to check out my solo servers if you want a chill solo experience yourself and I will see you guys in the next one Lord
Channel: Willjum
Views: 429,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Willjum, Rust, Rust Solo Survival, Rust Movie, Twitch highlights, Rust Chilled, Willyum, Rust Solo Story, Solo, Rust Solo Base, Spoonkid, blooprint, rust raids, rust huge loot, rust jackpot, rust treasures, rust solo infiltration, rust best start ever, rust plays, rust 10000 hours, #explore, Rust Gameplay, Rust Funny Moments, Gaming funny moments, #youtubegaming, #gaming, tiktok, rust survival, survival games, rust admin, #explorepage, #youtube, #youtubevideo, Rust movie, Blooprint, Frost
Id: LorBY4To98Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 28sec (4468 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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