Starting Furnishings After Wall Redux ~ House Flipper 2

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what's happening everybody I'm R Master welcome back to more house flipper 2 and we're back at that mansion that we bought last time I've been kind of looking around uh I was reading some people's suggestions and some of the stuff like this this room there's a just turn into a library and I like that idea I like that idea a lot in fact actually one of the things I was kind of thinking that would make it even more kind of just this Library Vibe would be uh wood hly I think this take this we rotate it like that and then we get ourselves this best rotate one more time good size this work yeah yeah I like that okay I get some wood paneling on here we can fill this place up with uh different kinds of bookshelves you there we go all right but yeah I also have some other ideas I think I'm going to leave that cuz we do have some other rooms to paint and everything so this I don't I I don't remember if I said I was going to fill it I don't think I'm going to fill it I I don't really I didn't I don't think I planned on filling maybe I said it I don't remember but what I wanted to do was I actually want to put plants in here I thought it would look really nice with plants in here um kind of plants I don't fully know Lavender in here you have some nice smells bit of lavender on the corners and [Music] stuff and I don't know how much sunlight this is really getting I feel like it's going to get a good amount right maybe I don't know I don't know where the north is and where the sun's setting looks like it's setting over here I don't know all I know is uh yeah I'm going to put some plants down here cuz I thought it would look nice I want to move this over some though oh is my Hut off something was weird I move it over anymore and not have it be in the stairs okay I just wanted to make sure it wasn't going through the stairs that was the big thing that thought would look really weird Okay and then we'll go here getting some like Burns oh that's a little bit smaller than I thought how would you I me it's a little bit better it's still really small okay Crouch good [Music] Lord right kind of just set the little centerpiece with ferns uh no I don't I don't want that grass in there get out of here with that put some tulips in here maybe yeah I can got to find a place to place them there we go all right I mean that looks a lot better I like that a lot more I don't really think there's anything else I would want to add to this is there I mean I guess some of these and stuff wouldn't be so bad a bit of this kind of scattered around throughout here or around the outside can I can't change those no because they have their own unique ones of course not put him out here a little bit oh okay I need to go over the other side slap you up there okay there we go is it going night time like I'm I'm so confused I think it is feel like I feel like it was just night time last time I played uh and then this right here so this let me suggest putting the laundry thing but I want put the laundry up in that little room that was there already I thought that was a great spot for it so I am going to remove this because I feel like it just opens up the place more and I mean it's already really open let's make it more go and I just need this copy this thing real quick bam this this real quick and then we take this and we copy this and we're all good all right I'll take care of that when we're all good uh there's only a little bit left to actually like take care of painting wise or doing stuff with the walls which is upstairs and there was a suggestion for up here that I like because to be honest I roofs are so tall I don't really care for them specifically for like over here like in here I think I'm just going to do this I feel like that's that's fine you don't we don't need the really tall thing in here I I'm I'm okay with how it is like this I prefer that a lot more anyways we go up here is fine I can take care of all this no problem but the inside yeah the inside I'm just going to put a ceiling that's that's that's fine I'm okay with that I like it I like it a lot better so yeah thank you for that suggestion I I don't I don't know why that didn't even occur to me okay this is fine in here uh I mean to be honest I'm I'm thinking you know this is going to be my place what would I want on the walls how how like if this is where my computer and stuff is H uh I mean that's Sayan green I like green right kind of green something like that all right back no there's they not leave I I keep the problem I have with this is every once in a while I get confused on whether or not it's this one but the first game there is leaves that'll work yeah I like that nice like one just one wall right here the rest I'll paint all Green Closet yeah I think all green in there is fine too all right and then the floor itself honestly I I'd want carpet I would I would I would legit just want carpet cuz it's like it I I think wood floors in a place you record is going to give you Echoes like the same with like doing like wood paneling which I thought about for a second but yeah wood paneling would just give you Echoes I don't know I don't know uh I mean we obviously have to do wood or tiles or whatever cuz there's nothing else but uh I mean do I want to do cherry I kind of want to do cherry think this is this is the room that I'm doing Cherry ring bone this just this just nah go with that one I want the small one yeah I like that I like that a lot bedrooms i' see the same thing I I'd want I'd want uh and apparently this the actual mansion and stuff uh looks out over a lake so it's you won't actually have somebody staring straight in at you on the bathroom that's that's a thing it's like that's what I mean like this is a game obviously it's not going to be like the house house it design itself may be realistic but the inside and all the dirt and all the directions and stuff where things are facing I wouldn't imagine it would be the same massive closet okay H I don't know I don't know what should we do in here just some like natural wood maybe I kind of like that one we did uh nope not you that pattern this one yeah inrease the size yeah I like that and put some rugs down I mean I guess technically all I got to do is just put rugs completely all over the place and then you would have a carpet I do this you know what maybe we'll try to do that for the closet still going to put it in the closet all right and then for the bedroom itself for the painting ah all right what should we go with do some wallpaper just do some loud wallpaper yeah I like that idea rotate this that size rotation oh I could kind of turn it on its side a little bit nah o this one actually I like this we did this just right with something like a little bit more like that how does this look I like rain this is going to be oh I don't know this does something to the eyes I like it I like it I think that's probably where this whole room's going to be yeah I'm going to cover the whole room in this all right all right so that for the walls that for the floor and this is the guest [Music] bedroom honestly I think I'm going to do the same thing me this uh you know it would be best to do this right put that in here okay in this room I'm going to make it purple all right all right I'm going to go around and I'm going to paint all this so I'll see you in a second I'm going to put up the floors too okay think we're all good I got everything everything wallpapered in here I even went in here and I I changed some stuff so they're in here this bathroom it was the brown tiles I think the brown tiles are disgusting so I removed the set Brown tiles and I replace them with black marble because black marble is amazing that's that's so this is the only room that's actually done out of the entire place but in here I actually kept the white wall here and I put a purple wall up right here and then I kept a white wall here I don't know if I want the white wall I kind of like it I like having the accent wall just being completely different then you got the floor tiles done in all these rooms and everything and uh I see I missed a tiny tile right here get that right there boom okay everything is good now and then the bathroom though this room we didn't do any of the colors for I actually had chosen a blue apparently I don't remember that but so yeah there's this this is all blue I left this kind of here CU this is where the shower is going to be and then I like this little stripe right there uh I don't even know if this is where the sink's going to be I just put this here so we can try to get up top I think in all reality the sink should probably be more like here and have a toilet here that would make a little bit more sense but yeah I like this room I really do and then they're right there like the closet so I actually left the sides that it look really cool with the sides there so I left the sides as White Walls cuz it's like you're looking at it I mean it just kind of like it Blends in and then you get over here and it doesn't so much get to over here with the thing open and it doesn't we just looking straight at it like this it's just like oh it's just you know normal wall and then whoa it's different it's small little things I find entertaining uh and then over here is it all green now I like this I like the plants I I wish there was a little bit like the first one had some cool Leaf wall wallpaper that I would really thought would be nice like jungle big jungle leaves and stuff like that but you know get some plants inside oh and then in here it's just all painted green as well so that's all taken care of this is all taken care of uh I I wanted this to stay like I don't see the point of painting these they seem good they're small having it white lots of light so I'm leaving those as is looking at the textures of the door maybe it was nasty for a second oh and then I didn't I did thought I got everything I apparently missed just these tiny little details all right well that one's easy that just go like this just happened what have you done why did I like it moved me forward that was weird and then just Boop and Boop and Boop there you go we're all done in here and wait I didn't did I I didn't finish in here oh that's fine but this is the last of any sort of stuff we need to do on changing wallpapers or paint or anything like that so now it's time it comes time to start decorating this place right get rid of the rest of you real quick like this is at least quick like the painting the painting takes a while that that takes a good minute I mean even this when you have a lot to do takes a minute but this is this is nice and quick and then I I for all the wallpapers or not the wallpapers the window I don't know inlets window it would it wouldn't be frames this isn't part of the frame this is the window frame but whatever whatever this part is upstairs I basically used um a couple of the windows for some reason not all of them in even like one room used like ebony the just ebony wood as that and so I was like o I like that and so I did the whole thing in that for all the windows I believe upstairs I like that that's so much nicer just looking at that right there okay so now we need to start getting rid of some of this stuff think everything's fine here yeah I'll leave that as it is got all this stuff set all right all right so much stuff doing this okay uh sell that I'm pretty sure green is all good everywhere thinking let me close the door to make sure behind the door that would have sucked right yeah like this ebony would have put everywhere on the outsides all the windows and I think like some of the door frames yeah like here cuz originally this was also white paint and same with red out through here go there we go there we [Music] go hey I'm trying I'm just thinking to myself is there anything else I need let's do this first because I don't want to sell those I stuck them right there just in case I needed to put something else up bathroom want one of these I think it was this one right we fit perfectly in here right yeah that's why I didn't want to do that now I can go like this and fix it and there all right perfect okay yeah I'm happy with that one and all I need is a toilet it opens on this side yes good so we'll just get ourselves a toilet uh I'm going to go with this one who whoa whoa whoa one of those was crazy which one did I just see that one I don't I don't know I guess it was that maybe was I was moving it so fast it looked really weird we get out of this let me just change it uh give me the black marble matches to the floor and then for this no right here make a straight Granite okay can counterbalance it let's counterbalance it I like that idea okay yeah I dig that all right uh we need back and then the store no this bath and products okay tow rack put on this side so we have better over here I mean yeah I guess you can still reach over to it I feel like you're just going to smack your arm in that coming out of the shower and then just o o scrape your arm on it or something yeah that seems unpleasant okay nice smack my microphone sorry about that boom [Music] mirror let's go with this one maybe yeah I like that one right above there okay that's nice right then we just need radiator give me this this is very small room feels very compact right there in the middle okay trying to think is there anything else oh no there's still a couple other things go you bathroom accessories this thing so can like out rck uh some soap right there do brush holder okay sell this finally get that out of here don't need anything else in here this room is fine actually I'm going to let Shadows the game has to draw in wait do I not have lights out here I don't have lights out here do I no I have a light right there yeah not super helpful do these connect to you nothing these connect to absolutely nothing what duplicate I guess I could put one right here right [Music] here one up here let's come in and turn that thing on right this is why I do kind of like daytime and night time in these games because then you can actually like you know do this exact thing so I want to take this from here to over to that I did the wrong one did the wrong one you to over to here way there's a way to turn it off if you're leaving the room go to the other room just sell that there we go okay so we got our bathroom done in here here uh over here get some storage shoe bench TV cabinet the TV cabinet could work I'm not NE I don't necessarily have to put a TV up here I'm I'm going to TV right here but I'm not putting like other stuff I want to do Hobbies give me the weights weights up here smaller weights up [Music] here cck there we go yoga mat so apparently the this thing right here is to like for your back you like lay down and roll your back on it or something I guess it's supposed to be good for muscles I I I've just never heard of one so I'll put one down here as well that right there okay then that's really [Music] yeah I'm intrigued to see what what all ends up getting added to this rugby ball like why does this football look all round cuz it's not a football it's a rugby ball or not round it looks soft I don't know this looks like a stuffed like a stuffed football to me gem ball I guess we can put a gy ball over here too there you go have a nice little workout corner all right then we have this giant room oo storage I want some tall storage uh cabinets mean would these be go good feel like that's going to give you much storage like putting your stuff away in me I guess I could do this we could put this dresser in the middle on the sides let's see big wardrobes on the sides oh God stop freaking out game calm [Music] down completely not in the same place right there oh they are now for a tiny bit there we go that seems good I like that all right all right so nice huge walk-in closet you got a big old wardrobe here of of stuff tons of things [Music] here right uh I want to keep this open for a oh I don't where the bed I mean I don't know the best way to do this one right here cuz seems like it's in a weird spot double bed I think this is actually what was in here before if I remember right this fits this room really well okay and then I just want to go here I should have done this beforehand but I didn't think about it what is the base kind of wood get some Brazilian Cherry yeah a walnut where's wind it's light winge isn't there another winge yeah dark winge pillows that's fine but I want to change this to just give me a plain white pillow man I need some crazy design on that um actually I like that one right there yeah the mattress mattress doesn't matter else which one is this uh give me the painted wood with just straight up white yeah all right I like that he it is Center yeah it is the center man see this this another place where I feel like you would need curtains you would need curtains cuz it would be so bright otherwise this is all cabinets just looking to see is there a nightstand nightstand right there what just happened what why I don't understand all of a sudden it's got really bright I'm fine I feel like it should have been from the beginning I think it's cuz this door or something wasn't being ready okay I like this uh I don't know I'm I'm kind of thinking [Music] just just like a desk right here not not like a computer desk that's obviously going to be this room just a nice little desk just to like stick stuff on I guess I don't I don't I don't know like I said I am a minimalist I like having lots of space to move around put some nice bases in here like so give me some planters let's see here what would be nice in here o wait you know what what is this oh is this a hanging one oh it is okay I was thinking this would be really nice to have outside hey no that's not going to work theny small plant stand um I mean these will work I can put some of these things on here [Music] here kind of like that there we go decorative plants on here okay yeah that just that just looks weird looks weird how bigger these that's a bit too big oh this is always the problem is trying to find like that perfect [Music] thing I guess I could put something on here like this maybe God even that's so much bigger than it looks it's it's hard to tell get some of these go we'll get that one we'll get this one for right [Music] here right all right there we go different kinds of crazy plants right here right give me some lamps no we're going to go with crazy crazy lamp I don't even know how this lamp Works how do you where's the light at [Music] what where's the light on this is the like I don't I don't understand what's a light and what's not a light take this that right there my hand right that good I think it's even all right and then decorations oh I remember what I wanted to do in here on the ground and try to put rugs and carpets and everything everywhere this one give me the big one it's not how big this one this one I mean that's the biggest I think I think I get first off turn the fridge off I going to be able to put two in here I don't think I can can I no all right then well I guess just going straight in the middle and that's fine close that door close that door can't you can't get in there with the door like that so that's that's a thing to remember me the long one get this there go hey you know what each side gets back up right and then we want a picture on the wall custom picture what do we got what do we got uh I don't think I I I know I had a new one but I don't know if I actually have added it into the file yet I don't think so let's go with this this black and white picture here go okay I dig it give me soccer picture over here in the wall cuz it fits right for this corner all right so I think we're good right there lights in here this is all taken care of this room I'm pretty happy with I mean I guess I could put another picture up on the wall here this get the U yes UFO one I like the UFO one in here there we go all right we'll just get like a normal picture out here I like this I think this was in this house originally to begin with all right there we go then I guess focus on this God this house is so big this house is so flipping big you know what I want I I don't want to do up here anymore I'll focus on that later I really want to do this kitchen this is one of the things that's been like I wanted to do this whole time so first off we do want a fridge here I like this spot for the fridge before I thought it was a really cool cool spot so I guess we do Home Appliances first question is does it have to be that kitchen or can I do a different one or not kitchen but fridge no I can do this fridge maybe that was the fridge it was before what can we do with you guess you know what before I do mess with that let's let's figure out what cabinets to get [Music] uh this what is this this for like an island or something things are really weird I've seen that like multiple times but I feel like this oh no all of them have it yeah I don't I don't recognize that kind of island or kind of cabinet [Music] anyways uh I kind of want to go with these I think I'm going to go with these we go get this first he going to extend that way or is this oh you know what I think I I think I just now understood what they're for give me this sell that no cuz it's still like I don't I don't get it what what is the point of [Music] this something like that I mean that's the only thing I can think of it's like supposed to be a bar or something I go here and I say no not that one so all that does is just connect this up yeah it's the only thing that changes is just extend that part okay I don't know that's weird let's get ourselves some actually let's get the sink and stove and all that stuff first a sink over here I mean I could do two sinks right that is a thing that happens okay and then yeah I don't I'm I I want this to end on this corner to think if I want to extend it further or not dishwasher I guess I just I just put it in there for now uh I need to figure out what I want at the end this could probably be good you move for a second put this right here so we have our our end cap thing uh move the dish dishwasher sink in there dishwasher next to the sink uh this I want the stove it seems like this is why did I do this is that an accident I feel like this is almost an accident that I did this yeah I don't know I don't know it doesn't really matter it's going to be covered up it it's it whatever whatever just brain forget about it tell my brain to just not just ignore it and it should be fine okay you this boom okay then over here we need some more actual cabinets I mean there's a lot of cabinets here I feel like shelves drawers would be more useful actually you know what I lied dishwasher where are you you're you're getting moved I like it over here more I just need something to fit in its place that's way too big there we go okay get another cabinet right here to fit in this last little spot all right nice and tucked in I mean I guess what we could do is we could put like cabinet here see I guess it doesn't that doesn't extend it over at all supposed to go this way this what I'm so confused about okay so I'm going to do this I guess this is going to poke out in the front that's going to go there or we just have like a little bar section here I guess or serving section oh actually I like that that could be like a little serving area I mean I don't where the best place would be it's it's it's cramp but it's not like you're going to have all these things wide open got tons of space here but moving it back I don't know if that'd be better or worse I don't know this is so confusing this I don't understand what this thing is why it exists all right uh give me this this thing up in the corner before anything I want I want to change this wood I don't like the wood or any of the tiles or any of the stuff of it so we're going to change it uh that's the bottom it's already white down here so I want it to be black top no so if I choose this can I just make this there we go can at least see the colors a bit better oh you know what that flow down onto here eh know about that one either though I think the green think the green in between not for not for the kitchen I'm so torn this is the first time I've been quite this torn actually you know what let's go stri marble that's fine the front Brazilian Cherry dark Beach dark Beach handles you need to be metal okay now I just go cop paste paste paste all the way over okay there we go I like that oh stripe thing going on is weird wait not you no it doesn't have an option maybe I could change it so it flipped around the opposite way but I didn't see that okay so I'll deal with that later uh I want to keep going on these can't I put a window here I don't like not having a one I really like the windows on the last part the problem is I can't really you know what I'll put it in the middle this give me a window four no not that want one of these non openening windows again by4 now is it still opening was it still opening what if we go with this one I think that'll be fine turn off the window sill turn off the bars have [Music] any okay right there right there I actually really like that I really like that in the middle just that one just Tall part okay and then what I think for this part somebody actually made a good suggestion that I thought was really cool I think we're going to do here which is getting the window sill itself it be it'd be in tiles right here the stripe marble we're using up there and then putting it right here that's I got to turn this there we go and just kind of making it look like the shelves overflow into the window sills like I like that suggestion thank you for that I think that does look really nice okay and then as far here I mean this works out pretty well I can still have a good amount of shelving up here roll way down there we go okay um guess these are fine I do like these ones I need a skinnier one here no way is it ever is it oh it's so so so [Music] little what why didn't you place it's basically just three of the same so no matter what I don't think that's going to be possible my problem is it's like there's no size telling you how much it actually is is this the same size as that no one of these and two of those no but they wouldn't work because that would be right there and still flow ah whatever I have to leave that Gap and it bothers me or I can bring it over here do that okay I'll s up the rest of these things righted there uh there and it's don't you do it don't you do it okay please tell me that's going to fit all right I'm pretty happy with this I li come way back this it just bothers me how far away it [Music] is there's a part of me that was thinking to put the dining room table in there in here like right here I think I'll do is right here on the edge and I was saying a fireplace here honestly I think this is probably going to be more like the couch and the TV I just don't think the fir place is going to fit tables dining tables okay fancy place in here what are we looking at 3500 that may be like the fanciest of the tables uh those doors do open dang I was hoping they didn't we put couch here so we got this whole space for the table seats know what tables no it's storages so yeah seats give me this and I'm kind of thinking I'm going to go for that one these are pretty crazy too though are those yeah you know what I'm going for this one let's see what kind of combinations do we have here ooh yeah there we go I like this I don't know why it's the patter I know it's the pattern I know why it's the pattern but I don't know why the color I enjoy so much and we'll just go flip same thing over here all right a nice little table nice kitchen uh we need appliances in the [Music] kitchen uh do I want to go with this I think somebody said so this one it goes on the right hand side so that's how you're supposed to put it on yeah I had no idea these aren't things that I've ever seen independent from the actual device itself it just seems so crazy to me microwave over in the corner oh yeah and then I actually need to do this forgot that these were not the same there we go I don't want to do that okay so we'll put one of these on here uh poster right in the window coffee machine honestly I'm gonna put it on the side over here again I feel like that should be serving thing this place this is where we make our coffee okay cleaner is there anywhere I could actually put that I don't think so we have a Pantry in here which I'm happy with right so I think I can sell this I'm pretty happy with the kitchen I think I'm GNA leave that there we got the dining room yes yes so we're all fine with that uh okay so right here just I think I'm just going to put up something on the wall no not that actually you know what I do want rugs where is this the huge one this is a really huge one right yes that directly under there directly under here very hard to get this thing directly underneath anything turn back it up a little [Music] bit first off I really don't like the thrill so make that go away uh can I and copy there we go can I just replicate the pattern and I can and there is no way there is no way it's still looking like it's not right just the weird angle of this thing go here to precise placement okay so yeah I just basically need to move it over still okay that looks better that looks much better all right so I'm good with this I wanted the decoration I wanted to do was put a picture up here then I remembered that oh yeah I need rugs and stuff custom picture anything crazy I can do yeah let's go with that one I like this okay I dig it and then then there's there I was going to put a table but then I'm like man there's not enough space for a table but we do have these tables kind of like Snap On The into the wall not like a ton of space but you don't need a ton of space for a few just basic decorations so it's still in decorations standing decorations a fish decortive tray uh you know what yeah let's get some [Music] deer there and then we'll do this side and we'll go right there watching they put some F I was I was thinking a clock but I don't see a I mean there's alarm clocks but I don't want alarm clocks right um I guess I'm just going to put some fish in the middle go so we got that going on uh over here far is the couch like I was trying to think of like what kind of couch I wanted and I mean there's the really big one where we can kind of create one but the problem is these things are just so big are these not none of these are actually okay okay you know what then this could work this actually could work it's like right here none of those open should moving back even further right there slap up this thing right here next to it go back up come on right there all right nope that's not right need to move up by just the idest bit idest tiny bit here we go right so that works pretty well question is can I add one more or is that too much no that actually feels good that feels perfect I'd have it go the other way but but then it block off to much of the [Music] pathway okay uh whoa I love the trans whoa that that just looks crazy something it's doing that weird thing where it just doesn't want to quite that that's fine um so can I do this I like this pattern a lot yeah I can there we go all right that's great that's perfect I'm totally okay with that all right I was want to finish this room at the very least happened to just kind of look up and it's like oh my gosh it's already almost been an hour this place is freaking gigantic I mean we got a good amount done though most of not most but a bunch of stuff upstairs a lot of stuff downstairs honestly the kitchen I feel is one of the things that takes the longest over everything give me small tables think like is there anything I can put [Music] together like something like this well it's not it's not one table it's still close enough that's two table it you know it still looks like one table and of course of course this thing up here that even okay and then we need storages the low storage or TV cabinet but I've been using through the house already so let's just keep going with it okay no I'm not going to worry about that right now I want to get the other stuff for it Electronics R up no it's not yeah Electronics get the game console that up there wait is this not how is this what thinking wait a second that that was that was so much closer than it needed to be I have a couple controllers all spread all over the table right going have the remote there oh yeah let's put this in here there I'll put one over here too okay then I need a smoke alarm seems good as far as over here we can kind of just do a little corner no I don't know pretty happy with how it's all coming together right now I mean it's definitely a lot better over here I need something I'm just looking at the walls and I'm looking at like the just emptiness like spaces of emptiness I should say because it's not there's a lot of it's not empty I want this by the way right over by the door just thinking this is all I'm going to add over here you know what it' be better this way let's do this uh you s this you uh right have this thing here move it over [Music] some yeah I'll put it underneath I'm assuming I can't change this one at all right like it's not going to let me put it on the other side it will oh it will I didn't know it would I didn't know I could do that that's awesome all right you go back up you come back over go back down I thought that' be too too good that's too good L Storage there it is this right here uh I actually wanted this [Music] one okay and then small storage Wall Storage we go all right that looks better I still need something here oh I can't I can't I'm at an hour I'm might to leave it here for now so yeah hit the like button leave comments let me know what you guys thought of this and what else we should possi we could possibly do to make it better uh I'm I'm I'm having fun with this I knew this place was going to take a minute cuz it's huge but yeah thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye for now [Music]
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 6,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Flipper 2, house, flipper, like, hgtv, redecorate, clean, clear, old, parts, maintianance, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, what, is, what is, Buy, repair, remodel, devastated, houses, sim, simulator, House Flipper, new, 2023, December, release, hammer, destroy, build, rebuild, January, 2024
Id: hgzNki6FmHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 30sec (3570 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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