Starting *Better Call Saul*!! | (S1 - Part 1)

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guys today we are starting a show that I am personally extremely excited to begin a show that I was told by a lot of people that on certain occasions it is arguably better at times than Breaking Bad today we are beginning Better Call Saul Saul Goodman is a character from Breaking Bad that I personally freaking fell in love with at first I found him to be really grimy and just kind of like a sleazy car car salesman type but he's extreme extremely witty he's smart and he knows what he's doing he knows how to manipulate situations and he and the main thing is he's a damn good lawyer so we are jumping into this show if you guys are interested in watching my full length reaction no cuts no no YouTube edits none of that um be sure to check out my patreon I will be linking that down below in the description but without further Ado let's get into the very first episode of Better Call Saul okay so it's a b Bakery cute a cinnabun wait didn't he mention Breaking Bad just being a manager at Cinnabon oh my God he did wait so this is after breaking bad I didn't know this was oh I really thought this was like his origin story kind of oh he really had a goal in mind and he went for it all right Saul I didn't know this was going to be about a cinon manager and Omaha Nebraska like you already know what this mall smells like it it looks and smells like every Mall in the US that guy is Saucy he recognizes him oh no he's a big guy oh oh okay I can't believe how nervous I got I thought Saul was about to be outed he's living in fear huh that's a cute Place actually manager at Cinnabon really does pay well huh it's really nice in here is the whole show going to be in black and white the snow will become pretty steady here across the region all this would be nice we freaking New York doesn't get snow lower New York does not get snow anymore I really do miss it Winters don't feel like winter anymore huh interesting window placement must be nice but really weird don't let false allegations bully you into an unfair fight hi I'm Saul Goodman he's reading he's watching his old thing there's someone back there watching him do you feel doomed have opponents of Freedom wrongly intimidated you it's never too late for justice better call well he he can't use his license or anything all right the better call SA theme I've heard this everywhere this is like included in videos all the time now he can't practice law they would immediately trace it back to him and he can't like go and get a I mean he can get another like degree and stuff but it would take forever what did they do they broke something I don't know destruction of property I don't know bra this is not all there yet oh look at all the PE stain is that PE stain it's all judge 19 I can't I don't really creative shots he's going to bring the room look at him look at that confidence do you remember 19 juices are flowing the red cor pusles are cor don't say Cor pusles summer is going to last forever it does feel like that he's right he he paints a perfectly good picture you'll recall that you also had an underdeveloped 19-year-old brain oh yep yep these three Knuckleheads they did a dumb thing Fact one nobody got hurt Fact Two now the prosecution keeps bandying this term Criminal Trespass who doesn't trespass from time to time wa criminal property owner admitted to us that he keeps most portions of his business open to the public both day and night so what what what's the line it's bit of a reach don't you think they've call me crazy but I don't think they deserve to have their Bright Futures ruined by a momentary laps of judgment you're bigger than that he knows how to talk to the jury trespassing who you know if you go to the beach at night like they'll also consider that trespassing they must have I'm something really bad if they're in court what did they do while trespassing oh there's a video there's a video oh they're screwed there's a video man does not even have to say anything I love how they set the tone for the the courtroom as well though like it has that like greenish yellowish Hue it's very quiet it feels like like school when you were a kid Kenny Kenny are youing yeah wait a minute oh would you is that a morg watch first period biology class this one's for you watch where all the blood they're a dead body okay just put him in prison just put him in prison why did they think this was a good idea Saul you're not going to win this they cut off a dead body's head you guys are dumb you're the hell kind of math is that 700 per defense no no no defendant 2100 which by the way bargain what I did for them they going to jail ain't they so since when does that matter they had sex with a head what that's disgusting you are going to miss me cuz it'll be a cold day in Hell before I do any more PD work for this shitty Court those kids are gross and they should go to jail good for that good good for the system they deserve it they're sick can't believe I was like I'm mind I'm not talking about it I thought that it was just simple trespassing nope that was a serious offense they deserved it Law Officers of James Migel how may I direct your call yes Mrs kettman so good of you to return it's a really bad accent how is she buying it our offices are being painted could he meet you and your husband at say Loyola Cafe on Central 4:00 it shall be really bad accent he's really good at playing people though $3 is that Mike no I see five stickers is that I hear Mike's voice $3 I'm validated for the entire day I was in that Court back there saving people's lives so there's Mike that SW there he is now you either pay the $3 or you go back inside and you get an additional sticker look at Mike it's like I'm just doing my job I have to back up I need more stickers don't have enough stickers employee of the month over here yeah he's such a loud mouth give him AAL this is how him and Mike have interacted that's hilarious I he's certainly not guilty of some certainly not he's innocent of any wrongdoing that's abundantly clear to me typically when money goes missing from the County Treasury and the number here is uh 1.6 million oh I don't think that's a that's not an accountant discrepancy 1.6 million is not a discrepancy my guy when that happens the police look at the treasurer and since that person is uh yeah I just think I'd look guilty if I hired a lawyer it's getting arrested that makes people look guilty that's when you want someone in your corner someone who will fight tooth and nail lawyers it we're like health insurance you hope you never need it but man oh man not having it no I kind of agree with that that's actually a really good point yeah this is a letter of Engagement if you sign it um I can get started on that defense strategy of ours Craig Betsy I think maybe we should sleep on it he needed the money sure we got to pick up the kids right we will be in touch it's uh it's got my phone number on it yeah bety girl I think he's kind of right though it's good to just kind of have someone he looks like he's in deep dooo he needs him and the expiration is 11:04 super classy use only flowers that look expensive but you know aren't dear Betsy and Craig uh best wishes from your stickler for justice well no no no it's paid out run it again okay I was like way too into the scene oh that gave you a heart attack what was that skateboarder why did you launch yourself at the car look at me what did do look where you're going I was making a turn he came out of nowhere you freaking hit him man you ran him over he didn't run him over I think they're playing broke his leg don't call him myself don't call him I'm doing it myself call please don't call him you going this what are you going to do to make things right why does he look familiar who is the guy they're just scamming people what can I do to make it right $500 500 bucks they're just go they're going out throwing themselves what the hell man listen Starlight Express I'm going to give you a 9.6 for Techni 0.0 for choice of victim I'm a lawyer they only way that entire car is worth 500 bucks as if there's a $300 hooker sitting in it you what oh my God they really going around scamming people Chao ladies Chao Chao you work for people who have sex with chopped off head was it in the paper I heard it from my cousin well you work for these people I don't know just lucky I guess you become a water for customer only there's one cup left this is a nice nail salon oh his office is in here so he's oh so he is a tenant like he's he's renting from them in the boiler room he is really struggling huh and that's why he couldn't invite anybody to his office to talk he has to meet people out zero messages he has no cases he's making he's trying to make ends meet which is crazy cuz he is a very good lawyer huh oh wow um um why are you ripping it why are you ripping it I I'm confused are those bad people he doesn't want to work with he is clearly struggling financially and he still ripped up a $26,000 check maybe he's not as grimy and sleazy as he [Music] looks probably meeting with those people but is it a Law Firm trying to get him to work for them Brenda uh where's Lord Vader he's not quite ready for you yet South Conference Room Sir Francis James well groomed as always okay okay not even thank you okay but he's not popular you have meddled with the Primal forces of nature Mr Hamlin do you want me to call security it's okay Brena we got it what can we do for you Jimmy what this uh 26,000 supposed to be for that's money for Chuck a measly 26 Grand measley it's just a start there'll be more unless you're going to just tear them all up why was it made out to me can he make his way to the bank I just assumed it was best to have the money go through you onethird of this place belongs to him four of these chairs are Chucks five of these light one and 2/3 are Chucks six Danish going have all the Danish you want Jimmy no no no not not the chairs though and Chuck is so he'll just million in that ballpark no more Penny an checks designed to make it look like Chuck still works here he doesn't so he personally told you that it's his wish to withdraw from The Firm see that would surprise me I'm just doing what's in his best interest so am I let's let a jury figure it out yeah and you will atone what a character love this man for Christ sakes guys I love that he opens both doors he's just like I'm going to he just swings the doors open like he owns the place this is oh they're following him Jimmy this Mon's filings weren't you listening in there Chuck doesn't work here anymore sometimes in our line of work you can get so caught up in the idea of winning did you forget to listen to your heart what give Chuck my love oh there you are Betsy who's Betsy who is Betsy right right they're there oh his clients were stolen I mean not stolen they just chose otherwise I was like Betsy that sounds familiar for a second forgot I was roasting her like 10 minutes ago I don't like her she she upset me he's been he kicks that garbage can a lot huh things are not looking too good for him [Music] okay so he knows [Music] her couldn't you just now I can't I just want to say they got very creative with the shots it's definitely filmed very similar to how Breaking Bad is but I feel like they're using much wider shots um more often much better now though you ground yourself yes I grounded myself they don't have electricity oh right they a lot of their bills were being turned off true true yeah yeah they've been struggling for a while huh why isn't Chuck trying to get the money that he's clearly owed if if things are this bad you got to stop putting bacon on the list that Cooler's looking like a trosa stew University of Helsinki yeah you're going to have to get that translated I'm sure there's someone at UNM who can do thats's been working on the effects of electromagnetic fields on zebra fish are you all right you look peaked I'm fine please just sit you got to cash out I know that you don't want to hear it but you've got to you know I'm going to get better I will beat this Argo a falsus pry Prof fisi meaning that's the one about false principles you proceed from false principles in order to pay out my share suppose my partners are forced to liquidate the firm 126 people lose their jobs Hamelin owes you everything you built that place single-handedly while he was out at for Hills working on his bunker shot all the more reason not to tear it down just for a little bit of cash I just had a case check with three clients you know what I took home 700 bucks keep telling you have patience there are no shortcuts I wasn't going to say this but you are broke I can't carry both of us I've been trying like help but I can't you think you have to provide for me I never asked you that you didn't have to ask please picture that then tell me that money is beside the point this is what has you all worked out Financial ruin Chuck really doesn't care about money at all stipend it's going to be one every week $857 from Hamlin Hamlin McGill no pay him back and I'm going to pay you back too wait Hamlin was here what he put his cell phone in the mailbox he understands the situation he grounded himself of course Hamlin's making you a jump I'm going to get better I'm going to go back to work and I'm picking up where I left off why did he leave to begin with I'm trying to piece that together and Saul is really trying to help this guy out but he seems to be in denial Chuck really seems like he's in denial sorry Chuck I understand that you're trying to look out for me but you're missing the bigger picture but there's smaller things that make up the bigger picture you need to think of Chuck Howard brought this I feel like he's being really naive well you have to admit it could be confusing Hamlin Hamlin Mill James M McGill yeah he's going to make him change his name how about Vanguard law or jalter GI so I'm not supposed to use my name I'm sure Howard would gladly pay the cost of new matchbook and so on it's simply a matter of professional courtesy that he has to change his name that's the professional courtesy so he doesn't make an enemy whose side are you on wouldn't you rather build your own identity why ride on someone else's coattails that's true he does build his own thing you want to dance Howard Let's Dance I don't think this is going to be a fight that he's going to win go you can get close to than that you [ __ ] all right easy there um that's a choice I guess if you want to be hey fellas we got business how did you find us Eerie right not like he just had to go to the one Park here give me 30 seconds let me tell you about a young guy he lived a long way from here in a town called cisero he was the man Corner boys would give him the high five the corner boys they called him slipping Jimmy everybody wanted to be his friend why did everybody want to be his friend what the hell kind of name is that he's talking about himself he's talking about himself Winters in Cicero are murdered When September finally rolled around you'd feel that first Cold Wind come sweeping off Lake Michigan it was slipp and fall season here we go slip and fall season great he'd find a nice smooth patch of ice he'd pick his spot wait for it to get busy and he walk out on the ice and boom he would Biff it so hard people would come running from five blocks away okay one good fall he'd clear six8 Grand 8 Grand 8 Grand the skateboards a nice sprinkle clearly you know how to take a header yes he does Best Day Ever how much did you clear 633 okay I was thinking zero I got a job for you how two grand sound slipping Jimmy forget the boat look at the car it's a Mercury they don't even make those anymore close your eyes what color is it brown it's medium Sandalwood how does the license plate four she comes through here on a way to pick up her kids at Kit Carson Elementary she slows down she hangs it right you do what you did to me how does how how often was he following her to see her schedule give me your phone Witnesses are good Witnesses are pressure then you call for an ambulance but really you're calling for me I'm number one on your speed dial right next to your weed dealer you don't know me we've never met you got it when do we get our money you get paid when I get paid okay interesting he really thought of everything huh wouldn't think of uh taking your money I'd be Happ she's not going to give him that case mm- it's not going to work it's not going to work oh gosh I hope that it works but I feel like this is the start of his scams oh gosh I'm stressed two minute warning two minute warning got it oh I can't watch this this is it's going to go wrong it always does when it's like planned out like this the [Music] music he has to have perfect [Applause] timing what if she drives away come on already what is she doing in there she making a sandwich she making a sandwich in the car sense of responsibility this bit this [ __ ] Betsy you jerk why'd he stand up yeah she took off on us okay wait she she hit and run that's what I'm saying she bailed and wailed I'll come get you no no no screw that man we're following her got our ways yo okay okay okay n she's way past the school she's coming in the Holiday Park wait this looks like really fun I've always wanted to do that hit and run is a felony so what so what so more money this says more money so what do we need him for he's your lawyer he's your lawyer that's why you need him come on come he's getting scammed now he's dodging you I can't help with like the funy Riff like it's so funny this is the wrong person it just so happened to be the same car with the four license plate hey hey yo hold up F need my brother English We call we call a polia to me now you pay daero yeah that's what I'm talking about I feel bad for her but maybe she shouldn't have hit and run is he actually going to see Betsy and then threat like basically be like hey you did a hit and run and she's going to be like I don't know what you're talking [Music] about that's a serious windshield like crack I love how she sat there and was like yeah I'm I'm going to just go like I don't care if I almost killed this child I'm out of here open up officer of the court open up in the name of the law in the name of the law open up let's go let's go let's go good afternoon this is that Toco Toco oh my God bro what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm sorry but the second I saw that sleeve I was like that's something Tuco would wear just finished watching the first episode of Better Call Saul and we kind of got a bit of Saul's backstory we kind of resumed where it's Saul in the present it's right after Breaking Bad and he is in fact the manager of a cinnabun like he said he would be um and then he was kind of reminiscing about the past and it kind of took us back to 2001 when he was like doing public defender jobs and he was trying to build up his business his own Law Firm but you can see that it really didn't work out for him so then he turned to a life of kind of scamming people to get his way and you imagine having to change your entire name your identity just because of a professional courtesy so you don't get on the wrong side of someone else and I just want to say the very last scene the second I saw those sleeves I I was like that's something Tuco would wear Tuco had those funky shirts I was like that's not Tuco that could not be Tuco it was Tuco and I was like no wonder those kids are like sitting in there silently that was probably tuo's Mom I don't know how we're going to get Mike involved but he's going to kind of like be his little bodyguard thing he's like his little connection and I just want to see how everything falls into [Music] place salsa they're making salsa that's like a those are tomatoes they're they're he's making his food remember how we cooked for Jesse Walt hey are you the son grandson a crazy old bisn she ran over my brother he's going to kill them hurts so bad let me talk so start talking good she go soft to her he's going to go absolutely bananas and kill them such a heart family I don't know what you're saying man grandmother dud well he's not talking to you he's just just wait he's going to kill you don't worry what are the cops going to say cops they coming yeah yeah that's up to you man they cops they can be looking at this tape any time to you you called her B snatch yeah whatever man he's going to kill them so let's talk dollar amounts for what you did oh my God Tuco thisn they don't even know who they're messing with oh he was taking care of her he cooked for her he's really good to you know his family but no one else she's like oh you know there's Miho he's up to his usual no worries [Music] Mi he's like you're really missing it she doesn't even know how much of a psychopath he is club soda yeah you're rubbing it in first of all hydrogen peroxide gets blood out of everything get over here my alas bring noo and tell nacho to bring his van nacho you're spitting this man has never cleaned in his life open up officer of the Court good afternoon this look at those sleeves look at Toco he's not afraid to kill you I'm surprised that he doesn't is there by any chance Betsy kettman here I'm not sure if this is a situation where I should or should not look you in the eye is this the first like life death situation you know Jimmy has been in are you with those redheaded comebacks my name is James Migel I'm an attorney uh I got a call from some clients something about a accident the look down at the carpet talk my two clients freak and Frack the mopheads were in a simple traffic accident my clients exhibiting extremely poor judgment uh followed your grandmother to this delightful well tended home if they're dead um I'm guessing that I'm yeah I'm going to go with glass half full here and say they're not my point is if they're still alive why kill us why because of a misunderstanding with our own stupidity why mess up your lovely Apple Al's place neither you nor your lovely Abita will ever lay eyes on us ever again guaranteed assuming you know that they're still breathing if not they'll he'll never see you again it's fine you got a mouth on you thank you yes he does they're just knock so I I should cut him loose no it was all his idea no no shut up say what he he wanted to scam you he said we could clear two grand easy I never trusted them they're scamming are you punking my ulita [Music] no for what are you getting too Grand youer going after your grandma I don't know why they're not just telling the truth that it's the wrong lady are they really that dense they couldn't figure it out that this is a different house oh oh how is he getting out of this one yeah they would be killed that's what you get for talking for blabbing who are you why are you after me I'm a lawyer I check my ID okay but I was running a scam am iita there's a woman named Betsy kettman I mentioned her she's married to Craig kettman he stole a million and a half bucks from the county this is a good case for me a lot of publicity I'll get my name out and if I had these two run their little skateboard hustle on Mrs Kettleman I could you know rescue her yeah I get their business that was the plan your lovely abolita she drives a car that's a whole lot like the kettle mobile wrong place at the wrong time a toolbx I was running a scam to get a client I made a mistake that's all this is oh jesz hey use your words okay what no that's not necessary okay we know you're with the heat the question is who local FBI DEA no I'm a lawyer just reach in my pocket right now [Music] I'm a lawyer guys I passed the bar ask me anything not contract locked it I've done at the courts every day I'm special agent Jeffree steel FBI I'm undercover okay you got me I'm the tip of the spear and releasing me would be the smart move I told you the business was too good too good special agent uh steel what business are we in business you're investigating us right for what what did we do what do we sell drugs what kind of drugs uh it's title 21 schedule 2 through schedule 5 the task force is designated operation King breaker that makes me the king wo you just have to like oh my God yeah of course he would love that all right just make his ego feel good that's all too cares about the next words out of your mouth ought to be the truth they will not be I guarantee it who are you I'm James Morgan Migel I'm a lawyer I was trolling for business okay that's the truth now you find a Bible swear okay what about uh operation uh King breaker made it up okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know you I don't know any of your names and I got a bad case of face blindness you let us go we're going to forget this happened I say cut him loose he was FBI he admitted it is very paranoid he would have said anything you really see the FBI this guy's really wise he's smart maybe no to you're just paranoid croing a lawyer for no reason is bad business they want into my house what about the lawyer he's giving respect he is and that's what matters to Tuco is respect and he listens to him oh they're dead so they're gone their days of scamming are over J M Mill I know how to find you James Migel they're screwed and this is why you always show strangers respect not only because it's common courtesy and you want to treat others how you you would like to be treated but because you don't know when they're going to be a Tuco character thank you come on what about them come on yeah you do not want to get on the bad side of Tuco look at him oh wait can I can I say something can you let them go you stupid I don't deserve to die but they don't either think about their mother adhere to the family I Spit on their mama she works hard all day every day just like her mother before her From Dawn till Dusk she's got arthritis what for herself no not for them for these two they're all she's got he's great at this but when I was at your abita's place you were going to let them go you're all about Justice that's what I'm saying yes yes you're yes you're giving him exactly what he wants to hear he's so great then let's talk proportionality they're guilty what's the right sentence like a judge yes oh my God Saul is Saul red Toco let the punishment fit the crime ey for an ey you want me to Blind them no no all they did was trash talk so I cut their tongues out Tuco you're not you are not the sharpest not tool in the shed huh punishment fit the crime Colombian neck ties I cut their throats and then I pull their life Tong through the slits you can give them black eyes that ain't nothing here already got a black eye fool that guy's getting killed and not because of his outfit we could sprain their ankles they can't skate you you hit them where they live I'm going to break their arms I'm going to break their legs arms when when did we get on to Arms I'm cutting their legs off we were talking about breaking we're in the wrong direction and and knows how to play into his personality type into his his character Saul is a genius I'm sorry jimmmy is a genius break their legs one leg each total of two legs will show everybody that you are the man but that you're fair that you're just yes how is he actually bringing logic to Tuco to the point where he understands that he's not a radic lawyer that's tough good deal that's fair good deal he talked you down great they should hire him hell yeah Look Backwards to go so crazy he's out of his mind and he's [Music] laughing easy easy you take your breath you you are the worst lawyer the worst lawyer ever he saved your life he's a great the best Boyer ever he really is he is the best best lawyer ever and we H we had a run in with Tuco and survived can we just like really acknowledge that for a second talking up another client oh just random lady at a bar okay but he's going to sell his business I think he's singing about the legs being broken I didn't think so I didn't think Jimmy had game to be honest with you how many bread sticks does this man have on his plate I'll be right back ground yourself Jimmy did you ground yourself I don't think you grounded yourself Jimmy you didn't drive like this did you w he must have been very tired oh knew it what why did it get so tense suddenly he pooped [Music] himself I don't understand why is this why is phone does he hate technology is that it he hates technology I thought that he was living like this cuz he couldn't afford lighting and stuff I didn't think he like voluntarily lived like a founding father but he brought a cell phone into your home and you didn't like that I I don't know I don't know yes yes Shine the Lantern on it like the olden days Chuck coffee blanket yeah thanks why are you in that space blanket you brought your cell phone in here last night sorry about that where uh where is it outside I threw it out the door okay yeah reasonable you know response how did I get here your car's not outside so I'm assuming taxi right doesn't explain the blanket because of the cell phone where are you in that space blanket I told you you brought your cell phone into my house I don't understand the correlation not the most reasonable response I think CH did you read this emergency room bill D may have glanced at it I know how this looks I'm down to my last dime and suddenly I'm paying for broken legs but this represents a good thing okay this isn't slipping Jimmy fine oh right cuz he thought he was slipping Jimmy mhm mhm take off the space blanket I didn't do anything wrong it has nothing to do with that it was your phone take off the space blanket why cuz it's making him uncomfy take off the space blanket Chuck take it off off front yard do you have any idea where it landed I need more context for Chuck cuz what I'm going to need a lot more context he's blank yet it's like a comfort thing right what do you want are all those stuffed animals from her not to starve to death got something from me she likes her stuffed anim animal it's show time folks I'm going to kill it your honor I'm very sorry I'll never do it again what just your honor I'm very sorry and I'll never do it again working extra hard let's go P with a prior the kid took a slice of pizza with a prior look the parents are a train wreck there's no food in the house he was hungry with the pr come on hi Mike how are you you light on stickers $5 are you serious you got four you need five I thought you need three more stickers and that was $3 Showtime folks Showtime I'm going to start my day like that from now on I'm going to hop out of bed I'm going to jump out except I don't do anything I just start my [Music] day you got to have that energy though fake the energy till you make it prior willll stay on his sheet for Life P he was a prior guy's annoying he only knows two freaking three words why are you just back sassing him it's sh it's from a movie is itos don't say it py with a PR he said it misdemeanor Shop py with a PR I plead the kid to the Sheep would you give me a continued sentencing in 6 months if he's still clean you file for just you can have the rest of these he's really good at bargaining he really is Mr Burger we've met before haven't we Mr Edison like the inventor we all know that freezing shivering as she is now in fact wrote a book about because you given her this name you can see that this man the judge is going to get very familiar with [Music] him troll under a bridge you must the stickers you won't pass you're like a Troll he's the toll troll not saying the rest of that line you like it's always sunny and Philly then you'll get it fre love that show so good coo ladies all this to make up the hospital we also know he didn't backslide CU you know Chuck knows because he his legs are working you know we saw him get up and stuff I want to know what's the deal with the phone one message and it's from Tuco you have zero messages I feel for him I really do I for some reason thought that he lived at Chuck's place but this is his huh he's making himself a drink like he didn't oh that was really a drink I just thought it'd be similar to like how we saw him in current times in black and white I actually feel for him I really do for you a customer waiting now uh sure sure give me a minute oh snap you're going to make it presentable welcome welcome my office is being painted excuse the temperary oh it's to co people cozy I like this guy he actually kind of he's saved freaked you out huh yeah yeah he doesn't know I'm here this guy seems really honest even though he has like a psycho for a boss but he seems like a voice of reason what can I do for you I've been thinking about what you said out there in the desert those people that you were trying to scam how much did they steal north of a million and a half why are you asking me I'm going to rip them off oh great thing to tell a lawyer I like ripping off thieves cuz they can't go to the cops interesting you point me at where they have their cash I'll pay you call it 10% 100 large kind of a good deal but you're getting involved with twoos peeps you already tried ripping them off I'm going to finish what you started I just wanted their business I don't know where their money is smart guy like you can figure it out I'm a lawyer not a criminal I got between you and Tuco you think you'd be here now I kept my mouth shut and I appreciate that and if you're ever in legal trouble I will be there as a lawyer and I'm not saying anything about this to anybody you're a client this is a consultation and everything you just told me is privileged you R you die and that too he's scary for when you figure out you're in the game I'm not in the game I I promise I think he will [Music] be the episode's done already why do I feel like that went by so quickly hey guys just finished watching the second episode of Better Call Saul and Tuco is just as unhinged and crazy as we left him in Breaking Bad this man has absolutely no definitive course of action he is not calculated he is erratic and he is scary so tuo is definitely going to be a reoccurring character one way or another but I keep wanting to say Saul I don't know what do you guys think should I do I call him Jimmy or should I call him Saul cuz like I've known him for as Saul for so long but I know his real name is Jimmy if you're able to talk down someone as absolutely unhinged and erratic and just Psychopathic as as Tuco that pays a lot of respect to how you are as a lawyer I'm just saying but anyway this is a great episode I feel like it went by like that it was so quick um but I'm loving the show so far I hope you guys are to let me know your thoughts down below thank you guys so much for watching and I hope to see you guys in the next video bye everyone [Music] oh
Channel: VKunia
Views: 49,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZS4C4wOulM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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