I will NEVER be the same ever again... | *Breaking Bad* Finale Reaction

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so right off the bat I do want to say that this is a massive episode for me I have been avoiding finishing breaking bad because I love this show so much this is a show that has grown on me in every conceivable way and I fell in love with every aspect of it it's just such a wonderful show and it it's horrible but it's wonderful it was so well done and I don't want to live in a world where I finished Breaking Bad like there's no more episodes so we are going into the second to last episode of Breaking Bad so we are going into season 5 episode 15 Granite State I don't know what state it is I've heard it before but it's more of like a Northern State so that means that I believe this episode is going to be following Walt but I not ready for the conclusion to happen and I do want to kind of put right out here that I'm going to be very emotional during this because I have fallen in love with this series more than any other show I've ever watched and it is something I have really been avoiding so I'm sorry that I haven't posted this sooner um if you guys are interested in watching the fulllength reaction with me um where you don't miss even like a second of like any moment like any of my reactions be sure to check out my patreon I will be linking that down below in the description for those of you who are interested it helps the channel continue and it it just helps so much so thank you to all of you who do check it out or even just are here and just watching the video I appreciate you guys so much cuz I would not be here without you guys guys um I wouldn't have experienced this show or anything without you guys so I love you guys um second to last episode of Breaking pad no let's do it best quality vacuum oh cuz that was the thing yeah they were like oh I want this vacuum that was like the code word the best I I got this vacuum best vacuum ever don't don't buy from like the big companies like help these small businesses oh oh Saul oh oh Saul's with us he's going to live with the vacuum man now it's an actual store it is I I like I guess I figured the vacuum cleaner pair was a term of art nope right here in this blue spot leave your luggage where it is for the moment this looks like an honest line of work it is if you meet anybody who owns one of these stores these are like the most like the coolest people ever purple's a good color on saw Nebraska what's in Nebraska you you from now on I'm so sorry you couldn't do better I mean not better not like it's a bad state but you couldn't do like Georgia or something to get your new situation fixed until then you're be staying here I got a place downstairs comfortable enough for short term how short term considering you got your face up on buses and billboards two days you'll have a bunk mate he's still here special case going to take some doing how's he holding up I don't like that they're going to be not good you're you're making them bunk this man has threatened Saul's life non numerous occasions and he's clearly not doing well we will find Han Marie's a widow and she she doesn't know for sure but she knows it call it in get her out of here move she didn't ask for any of this all she wanted to do was her husband who doing the best that he could and I thought so maybe uh that's expensive equipment too the music stopped and then he was right there it [ __ ] cry through the entire thing and they have Jessy in their like clutches in custody and we turn around and there is this kid on a dirt bike talk about Todd out of nowhere Todd's not right Todd that Opie dead eyed piece of [ __ ] pulls out he really is and shoots again and he's smiling look at him he smiled and they're just now they're mad cuz you jack you involved Todd in this I think we should keep him for a while and get a couple of cooks under our belt he ratted you out personally we still got 600 gallons of methylamine who gives a [ __ ] about meth we've got all the money in the world this is millions Uncle Jack no matter how much you got how do you turn your back on more Todd knows how to talk to Uncle Jack is that Lydia woman you're sweet on her you little bastard he is he wanted to like lick the mug where she drank from mean that one's so uptight she's probably got a wood chipper for a coochie good for her stick it in down there you're pulling back a stump you know what maybe Todd needs that maybe he should get wood chipped down there all of them should let's go back and watch some more of that crybaby rat huh Jesse has the most traumatic life out of everybody people just used him and used him and hurt him him oh we got old bunker they did lock him up in the dungeon huh make yourself useful give me a list of hitters mercenaries make sure there are no undercover cops on the team you're not the boss anymore they're done they're out how are you still on this Walt who are we hitting Jack Welker and his men they murdered Hank they stole my life's work get me the contacts anybody in that world you worry about got your wife and kids don't leave the phone call was a smart move kudos to you odds are it was recorded it's going to play great for a jury it might even buy her a mistrial in a year and a half until then if they don't have you they're going after her she knows nothing well too bad for her then she's got nothing to trade you think the feds are going to just let that go cuz you hit the ejector seat the feds are just praying that you'll make contact internet the phone it's all tapped so you propose what stay sacrifice yourself for your family and your wife you always wanted to take care of them do it when it matters this changes nothing what I do I do for my family you're not doing anything for them now money goes to my children not just this barrel all of it you know it's not going to get to them so who are you I'm going to kill Jack and his entire C you're set time to go bye Saul the fact that Saul is the voice of reason change your plans he's coming with me we're going together that's I'll give you two a minute yeah that's Saul's call not Walt's from here on out I'm Mr low profile just another douchebag with a job you're still part of this whether you like it or not I'm sorry I don't think so good Walt you can't Strongarm your way into Power again I told you you can't keep doing this you can't keep being a bully it's not over all's done he's not helping you all he ever really did was try to help you it's over hi that was the last of Saul for the entire series look at them they look they look so smug and I hate them you understand what's happening here no explain it to us I understand I'm in terrible trouble unless I give you Walt but the truth is I can't give you what you want I don't know where he is all right go and discuss this with your lawyer here she's telling you the truth and hope you can come up with something we can use or else what you're going to you're going to put out a mother and her children out on the street just ruin their lives 417 no activity oh poor Skyler she never asked for any of this all she ever did was try to protect her family to the best of her ability and he now he won't even give himself up he will not accept defeat even if it means throwing his family under the bus it's [ __ ] Todd they know that face damn you Todd I'm sorry that scared me any else in the house if this guy takes his hand away are you going to scream please don't hurt my baby please we got a lot of respect for your husband we know that you've been talking to the police and that's okay you got to do that but you've seen some people the lady who came into the car wash you said anything about her the police don't need to know anything about her those dead eyes there really isn't anything behind them I will not say anything about her the fact that they can even break into a house under police surveillance is kind of like when we leave you're not going go running to those police officers out front did you need a band of goons to do this couldn't just be you okay who would have thought Todd would become such a menace is he drinking his tea the same way that she does now all cuz he wants to get with her but she doesn't see him that way he's like out of his mind don't stay where you are she's like I don't want to deal with this look he dressed up he wanted to look nice for her I went to Mr Mrs White's house you don't have to say the name the message was received loud and clear the person we're discussing saw my face Western Union settle for you sending m if you kill someone under heavy police surveillance you know something's going to that's just going to make things worse Lydia doesn't know what she's talking about she seems like a nice lady watching out for her kids how is Todd the voice of reason right now this man is a child murderer we're going to have to take a break I I have 50 lb vacuum packed and ready to go it's 92% that changes things it's blue just like before she needs it 92 Pinkman looking for paint Moon we're not going to find him he's with us and he's not going any yeah he's in a hole in the ground he's in like a little dungeon Sheed must have not smelled nice in there though Lambert welcome to New Hampshire New Hampshire okay so so that's the granite state Mr Lambert he's just going to live out in the middle of the woods you got about a month's worth of food on hand you got a generator outside works on LP that's a wood burner warm the place up pretty good A lot of insulation look at the ceiling the receptions pretty much nil mostly you'll be limited to DVDs wow he's very upii yeah you're fave you're love it two copies yeah you're going to watch it a lot during this winter I'll make a supply Run next month uh you want something else to watch put it on the list my business is keeping you out of custody you are the target of a nationwide man hunt you can't go to like any local place what's keeping me from walking out that gate U police being arrested there little oneor town all I'm saying is if you leave this place you will get caught he takes that as a challenge if I find out that you've left the reservation I won't be coming back you paid good money for this you got two acres up here lots of woods nice warm place seems to me just a spot for a man to rest up think on things been very helpful thank you Walt is not the man to sit here and just think on decisions he knows what he's doing but he's impulsive what are Walt what are you doing are you immediately leaving the reservation cuz you can't sit still do not put on the Heisenberg hat it's going to be even easier to notice you it's like his secret identity you know how superheroes have like their super suits and stuff [Music] the air looks so crisp and cold it's going to be really tough for his lungs don't do it keep your safety is Walt actually listening to reason for once not my chocolate chip is it we had some Ben and cherries there's peanut butter cup and amicone dream I don't know what you like so I got you some of each I can't read Todd like he sometimes does things that are nice but it's never like he I think it's to make himself feel better because he is really a psychopath better get some sleep tomorrow's going to be a big day you mind uh leaving the tarp off tonight what my get cold I just want to see the stars we know that's not the reason but good night Jesse good night so he knows how to get out of them he repeatedly does and then he just puts himself back in them po pee PE bucket what if you try folding the bed like an extra time maybe time to work that up the body strength yes yes yes Jesse yes Jesse you got this they're going to catch him they're so going to catch him I don't believe he's going to get out of this he's going to open it they're going to know that he opened it and punish him somehow yeah yeah come on [ __ ] he got out okay they don't catch him he got out he got out I have a really bad feeling about this my heart's pounding security cameras no they're watching no they're going to catch him they're going to catch him and shoot him [ __ ] no no no no no no no you what just comill me out and get it over with me because there's no way I'm doing one more cook for you psycho [ __ ] but they need him yes hi manam how you doing tonight um you're Andrea right you know Jesse Pinkman right I'm a friend of his my name's Todd I would close the door immediately Andrea close the door on this psycho actually I brought him with me are you luring her out to the car yeah he's right it's like over there luring a kid to the to your van with candy if it was Jesse would come in you know something's not right and you know what Todd has no problem killing a child no Todd just so you know this isn't personal no hey settle down settle down hey remember you're still a kid he's going to find his mom dead so it's basically you cook or we kill the kid too Jesse can't catch a break all Andrea did was care for him and she just got involved with the wrong person so it's been a month it's been a month look at the beard time's passed I wonder what's going on with skylight I brought you a couple of cases of insure I love but one of these ought to come close uh there's no court date yet news was talking about a grand jury but uh they didn't say when what what are they doing for money she's doing taxi dispatch part-time leaves a baby with a neighbor when she goes in well look at what position you put your family and wife in and she's using her maiden name I wouldn't take that personally under the circumstances those working for you yeah yeah oh yeah these These are the glasses that he went back to Albuquerque with remember to see his house you ready sorry about last time oh oh chemo should go better now watch a couple of YouTube videos oh you watch a finding the vein ah no I watched a couple YouTube videos nope nope nope nope nope I hate it I hate it so much much yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yucky it makes me so queasy I'm not a baby I promise guys just everybody has their phobias okay respect mine this is one of them I just hate that it's a really common one I will see you on afternoon of the 15th stay a little longer I got a long trip ahead of me 2 hours I'll give you another $10,000 he just wants companionship he doesn't have anyone for a month he just wants some sort of human interaction he's going crazy by himself here 10,000 1 hour 10,000 should be 2 Hours come on man 5,000 an hour it's the best job ever is he that unsufferable to be with one of these days when you come up here I'll be dead my money over there what if I asked you to give it to my family would you do if I said yes he has had a lot of time to think about what he's done would you believe me everything was in vain Walt everything Walt it's over he's lost that much weight then sure was a good idea he's had so much time to sit there with his thoughts realize everything he's done I actually feel really bad and how things ended up with Jesse it's making me sad I feel so bad for it him for Jesse for everybody he can't get himself out of this one he can't help his family he's going to mail it he's been crying you're going to have to walk into the tire tracks or not he's going to see if there's no snowfall he's going to see that you left the reservation it's not that hard Flynn white to the principal's office please it's your Aunt Marie it sounds very important what's going on hold on a sec honey son it's me please don't let on are you there yes it's so good to hear your voice this probably the last time he's ever going to speak to him I I I never intended I never intended it's ls's family still at 4848 yes okay good okay he's I'm sending Lou a package but it's for you there's money inside $100,000 was all that I could fit into the box it's the last time he's going to speak to Flynn ever he's dying soon he is dying you killed uncle Hank you killed him oh no stop stop it I don't want anything from you just leave us alone you [ __ ] why are you still alive why don't you just just die already just just die are they going to trace the phone call the EA Albuquerque district office I'd like to speak to the agent in charge of the Walter White investigation he's giving himself up that's the moment where he he decided may I is calling Walter White hello sir are you still there he just going to let them trace it dimple pinch neat I thought he was going to go back to Albuquerque but he just gave himself up would you would you go back please thrilled with Gretchen your charity the Gretchen and Elliot schwar oh Elliot and Gretchen $28 million Grant wrote a column suggesting that the grant was a kind of publicity maneuver absolutely is to shore up the stock price of great matter Technologies because of your Association always something like that always well that's not exactly we're talking about a person who who was there early on but who had virtually nothing to do with the creation of the company so what was Walter White's contribution the company name company name his name is completely bmer as far as I can recall his contribution begins and ends right there there are continuing reports of blue methamphetamine considered he product is Walter White still out there I I I can't speak to this heis ber whatever he became the the sweet the mus brilliant man that we once knew he's gone he's been broken bad he's done they Trac the call they're going to arrest him Heisenberg is not yet done Walter White is officially dead he's been dead a long time but you know what Heisenberg isn't [Music] finished oh we're on to we're moving on to the last episode my God okay we're moving on to the last episode guys so as Breaking Bad begins to come to a close I do want to say that this was a very shocking episode Andrea was such an innocent character she did nothing but try to be a good mother and be there for Jesse and as a result it ended up costing her her life Walt thinks he's doing right by his family this whole thing all of this was for for his family right that's what he claims until the very end I don't know if he's ever going to come to terms with the fact that it's not for his family and it's for him for his ego for what he wants to accomplish before his demise he has one more trick up his sleeve and we're going to see what it is in the final [Music] episode okay he's stealing a car yes he is yes he is up to a shenanigan he only left 100K for his name you think that he'd like grab more of the monies but he's like nope not doing that this man had an easy out someone's car is such a personal thing too to steal it's like that's a piece of a person there is no way they left the car key of the key in there there is no okay you got some driving music nice oh he went in with no plan gotcha the police you got to get out of there quick Walt he's lucky that when he closed the door the snow didn't fall just get me home to the rest they didn't check one entire side of the car feel like there's like eight cars in this entire town and you didn't check one entire side of them this cameraman is jumping from seat to seat doing the Lord's work tell me they left the key in there who leaves their own car key in their car I know in like different areas people are very trusting and can like even leave their front door open but I can't this is how you get your stuff [Music] stolen our final Breaking Bad ending I mean opening I also didn't know this but Anna gun cannot have social media because of this show because of how many people hate Skyler and that's heartbreaking to me Live Free or Die who goes on the internet to bully other people oh he grabbed all the money he got his stuff nice wait I'm not supposed to be rooting for him also the shots in this entire show are amazing Lyn from The New York Times may I speak with Susan please hi Susan it's David again but what we'd really love to get is a photo of Mr Mrs Schwarz to go along with the article when are they scheduled to get home he's staying in someone else's house now the address I have on them is upper Canyon Road is that still oh let me get a pen tsuki I see it's a cute name the address tsuki his hair really grew in well oh bye Jesse if if I want pizza I go to a pizza place he's going to get his payback this is different there completely there's no come on are you they didn't even notice him all right wait the answer is 21 he doesn't even care to be seen he has lost every single like sense of fear oh I don't even know that they're so rich I don't even know what that is would that be labeled a courtyard do they have have a courtyard oh they're rich rich they didn't hear the door closing someone walking in okay let's see how this goes you going to what are you going to do to them got to get comfy for this this is going to be big their house looks soulless I don't not explain it is it right oh my gosh my heart is pounding how is it going to go down and Bill and Miriam Co and we could have a little Spa wine and then you thought you could talk smack and he wouldn't show up he's a meth Kingpin what you think they'd call the police by now looking East vaal what what are you doing here I saw you on Charlie Rose you thought you thought he wouldn't notice what whatever it is your planet actually I'm here to give you something death he's going to give you death out in my car how about the three of us take a walk to it you think that's going to stop Walt if we're going to go that way you'll need a bigger knife he has been through stuff you don't even know like your little your little rich boy ways won't save you in this that's all right I don't understand what what is he doing with this just just throw it on to oh they already have money so it's not going to be weird for them to give Skyler money that is 9,720 th000 you're going to give it to my children what why Walt I don't think on my son's 18th birthday you will give him his money in the form of an irrevocable trust none of it goes to Skyler oh he'll probably take care of Skyler though why in particular would we if you want to give your kids drug money go do it yourself I can't they won't take my money even if they did the federal government wouldn't let them but two Rich benefactors were unnown for their charitable Endeavors your money would be very welcome it wouldn't make any sense coming from us it certainly would my children are blameless victims of their monstrous father a man who you once knew but they said otherwise on TV if there are taxes or lawyer fees owed he will take it right from here that that sounds reasonable but why are they even doing it so what happens next I guess we shake on it and I leave you think they're going to be honest about it they got they kind of bought you out of your own company there's no threat VA has something up his sleeve I feel Gretchen's not going to shake his hand here's a threat here we go I can't trust you to do this absolutely you can't I don't believe him oh don't move oh my God just this afternoon I had an extra $200,000 I gave it to the two best Hitmen west of the Mississippi whatever happens to me tomorrow they'll still be out there if for any reason that my children children do not get this money countdown will begin then suddenly you'll hear the scrape of a footstep behind you but before you can even turn around he's quite a Storyteller definitely one in the wrong profession let me tell you cheer up beautiful people this is where you get to make it right because they wronged him he believes they wronged him and this is where you get to make it right for him [Music] what a tense moment what a tense scene and of course he still manages to give the money to his family that's what he wanted in the end and he got it and what's going to stop them from calling the police they aren't Hitman just people he called with laser pointers yep he's really good with the whole intimidation I don't exactly know how to feel about all this why skinny Pete and Badger why felt kind of shady doesn't matter how do you feel now him better yeah definitely improving what's this I hear about blue meth still being out there is it still being sold Yeah by whom it's you right I mean aren't you still cooking no Jesse seriously Jesse Jesse I think that was the final Jesse of the entire entire series oh here we go they have the vice Jesse's cooking that's not cooking making furniture that must be so satisfying is building your own Furniture in pieces by hand you remember he told the story about the box when he was much younger and they always said he could do better that he has more in him that he's able to do better that he that's on this is a reference back to that he could do better and he did his best that's but that's where he wants to be but not where he is Jesse deserved better Justice for Jesse man [ __ ] oh what happened there right remember we back it's my birthday to this so happy birthday so he's a what what is he like late winter birthday got the poison who are we poisoning I swear imagine he goes back for Marie Jesse he's going to try and take out Jesse but he's not to blame it's going to be Todd I hope he destroys Todd and his stupid Uncle oh my Lord they are the worst like they're just evil you know like they're just like chaotic evil well you say the word and I'll take you on a ride along you can watch us knock down a meth lab Hank God Hank miss him so much can you with how you doing good hey I like your uh shirt shirt my blouse nice yeah like color it's nice oh he's here oh my God how did he know where to when to go has he just been camping holy crap before you say you're doing it anything just hear me out just 2 minutes of your time that's all I ask oh my Lord you're running out of methylamine aren't you I can do the math I have a new method they're not willing to hear him out methylamine how did you know to find us here this was your normal Meetup spot what do you mean that a am every Tuesday morning you and I met here oh that explains it say the least she's like uh sick man cough sorry someone get him some water I need the money I've spent almost all of mine trying to stay one step ahead of the police how much would it cost us nothing short of a million I think Jack should hear this yeah I I don't know no we should not have Jack hear this come up there tonight and talk to him all what can I get for you too he's just leaving good seeing you again take care why is the server standing there all weird I'm good and I need more St they're going to murder Walt I'm doing business with him he taught you everything he gave you everything please don't make me walk you through this Jesus did you look at him Walt expected all this and so this is a trap you'd be doing him a favor Walt poisoned the stevia he killed Lydia feel bad Lydia has a daughter but how is he going to take out Todd and everybody I don't think he's going to oh I guess he is oh God I don't think he's actually run out of money he says he's not dumb he was just using it to put them in place for a trap that he laid to tie up old Loose Ends chemist or mechanical engineer really a jack of all trades huh this wedding ring that I'm sorry that is a massive ring there's no way that we would have to have big old sausage fies you wouldn't wear that Skyler I have news about Walt and you need to hear it immediately so if you're there pick up what's up Walt Sit down you're old next to our neighbor the one on the right what's her name Becky Carol's on the right whatever she saw him at your old house and he calls her by name he's just like hey Becky or Carol whatever Carol she said he looked exactly like the uni he was living in the woods for a few months as far as I'm concerned and I've told this there are three places that he would go to you to me or Flynn there's no way while it's getting to you they are absolutely going to catch him thanks she has been through so much this whole family has countless lives and fames just like destroyed because of Walt and his his plans Skylar deserved better 5 minutes someone who loved his family look what he did oh Walt he looked like the unib stupid Marie I can't call her stupid I feel bad for her you look terrible but I feel good why are you here it's over and I needed a proper goodbye so you're going to the police they'll be coming to me what stops those people from coming back those people you worked with three men came in the middle of the night told me not to talk about that woman I saw at the car wash and if you're in custody and they find out not coming back not after tonight what's tonight he took care of them you going to be honest for the during the last conversation with your wife all I have he looks like a broken man is this call the DEA once I leave tell them I was here that I forced my way in tell them I wanted bacon and eggs on my birthday those numbers are GPS coordinates burial site that's where they'll find Hank and Steve Gomez it's where I buried our money and the men who stole it from us and who still have it they murdered Hank and Steve and put them in that hole now you trade that for a deal with a prosecutor look at what you did to her and her family your family you broke them you did it for them but you ended up just destroying them you need to understand I have to hear one more time that you did this for the family you did it for me you finally admits it I liked it I was good at it I was alive he finally admits it it was never for his family it was for him and look what you did to your family because of it those that loved you and you loved FN will be home soon before I go may I see her to say goodbye to his daughter and he's already never going to see Flyn again all because he was power tripping breaks my heart so much all of this in the span of 2 years that's the last time he's ever going to see him bye Flyn now that you said goodbye to your family took care of loose ends he finally admitted it was for him it was all under the guise of for his family damn man this thing's a classic shut up he got in it I know he's going in to check for funny business but to the clubhouse the clubhouse you mean the the dingy old shed the clubhouse editor is going to have a lot of bleeping to do while you're at it you lift your shirt up give us a spin Christ I'm not wearing a wire it's humiliating just Pat him down are we going to see Walton his underwear again for the last time no Jesus look at you with that head of hair is that real shut up yes what were you doing before shaving it he had cancer yes can we talk business I don't think so no the thing is we're we're not really in the market you're running low on methylamine what happens then no we'll get more Quail woman's got her own setup the Heat's offer Todd please explain to him the benefit of what I'm offering you really shouldn't have come back Mr White wait Jack you owe me I owe you what for Jesse Pinkman you promised that you would kill him partnered with him you're his partner stop Partners what are you talk he's our prisoner he's out back he's in the dungeon hole where's that little piece of [ __ ] bring him here hustle it up come on let's get this over with he's feeding into Jack's ego cuz he's a Loose Cannon and he knows how to play that so easily they're lit Jesse is literally their slave this is illegal wait they're doing a lot of legal stuff why is this what I'm focusing on oh my is he going to blow up the car is he getting a massage on the chair right now yeah you see what I'm talking about you son of a [ __ ] is he going to blow every single one of them up come here Jesse deserved better take a look at him what you did to Jessie this my partner right partner right buddy look what you did to him hardworking good partner 50/50 partner I feel you heard this [ __ ] up make it quick no freaking way no freaking way holy crap at the end of the day he still wanted to protect Jesse but Todd survived and Todd's going to kill them both now holy crap yes yes Jack Uncle Jack is gono he is done for Mr why nice Jesse do the honors but Jesse's not a killer but God sucks he deserves it okay I don't condone anyone dying or murder or anything but this I've been waiting for killed Andrea he took away a mother from Brock he killed a child just because he could and enslaved you forced you to work for him Jesse gets the honors Todd deserved it a # Justice for Jessie oh that Man still alive oh what [ __ ] wait wait let me finish the Siggy you want your money right you want to know where it is you pull that triy in he does not care freaking coldblooded oh my God oh my goodness oh oh you you can kill him now letting you do the honors he put you in the situation is he going to do it do it I never wanted to tend this way you want this say you want this nothing happens until I hear you say it I want this what you was shot he's gone anyway it's a mercy then do it yourself Lydia's calling pick up the phone hello is it done yeah it's done they're all gone Todd you really thought that was Todd freaking dumb Todd how are you feeling like you've got the flu that would be the Ricon I gave you I slipped it into that steel crap that you're always putting in your tea you managed to do that oh my God you're done girl goodbye Lydia what happens to Walt now my heart is [Music] breaking I thought he was going to hit Walt that was an elino he was driving right so maybe El Camino has to do with Jesse's Journey after Walt now what Walt what are you going to do yeah he drove off with an Al Camino why do I want to give Walt a hug right now I feel like we were on this journey with him and with it coming too close I don't know I feel like we grew really close to him did Walt die is W dead is he dead and he died in a meth lab how iron they don't even realize it's him Walt's dead wal's [Music] dead no not El the mediately tried to play the movie my loves let's have a chat so we just finished watching the final episode of Breaking Bad and I'm going to be honest with you after the ending concluded I I was crying a lot and I just broke down sobbing I felt like I was on this journey with each of these characters I felt like their nightmare was never going to end it felt like it was 2 years of consistent struggle and and and stress and torture and just absolute Melancholy and Chaos it had to come to an end it had to come to a conclusion and I could not have thought of a better ending honestly this was the best show I have ever watched in my entire life I think that's what made the show so good is that the characters are relatable every situation that a character is put in you imagine yourself in the situation you think what would I do what would get me out of the situation Brian Cranston is my favorite actor of all time because of this I want to go into a deep analysis of his character because I find it fascinating but I do have to say I don't think a single other actor could pull off this role as beautifully and seamlessly as Brian Cranston could thank you for doing thank you Brian Cranston that was amazing um and I just have to say thank you guys so much for joining me on this I I'm so appreciative and so grateful for each and every single one of you for being here with me I couldn't do this without you guys and I really feel like I didn't do this alone uh this was definitely a wild ride and I feel like I had each and every single one of you here to back me up through it and I feel like it's like a nice Community um if you guys have any other shows that are very uh very good as well definitely let me know I'm like I got like The Sopranos the wire True Detective season one on my radar I have a lot of shows on my radar be sure to let me know down Below in the comments thoughts comments everything suggestions um love you guys have a good rest of your day night wherever you are and I hope to see you guys in the next video bye [Music] everyone
Channel: VKunia
Views: 173,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XJfHq8T8rFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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