A impossibly, perfectly level floor?

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[Applause] foreign good morning well I've got the beans and they are going in today like I was explaining yesterday there's a bit of a palava with levels I think I'm just gonna have to do each beam one by one I think some of them I can Notch out like I can just take two centimeters out of the bottom of the wood and that'll be fine some may be different let's just do one at a time and deal with each problem as it comes [Music] okay the first one's in without any cut in and it's about it's about three quarters of a centimeter off which I think I can deal with over a floor this span you're not really going to notice so I'll set this one I'll set one the other end and then all the ones in between I'll just even out as much as I can as I go yeah we'll just see [Music] thank you Only Fools rushes so here's how it's working so I've got my line pinged from one beam to the other so all I'm doing now measuring the Gap from the beam to the string and that should in theory give me how much to take off at the bottom of each beam now I've had to measure along and I think the max I've got to take off so far it's about three and a half centimeters if it gets any more than that we're gonna have to do something different with them Beams I think that's kind of the limit I want to take off anyway they're going in foreign foreign [Music] pretty easy to be fair which is annoying because I was so worried about it yesterday but yeah it's like slow work getting all the measurements right but once I've got them right they're just slotting into plate so I haven't got yet to the baddies kind of these two at the end and this one here where you can see where the Iron Works doubled up they're going to be more of an issue but thank you okay last one of today going in it's the last one mainly because one is getting dark two where it's the last easy one the last three are gonna be a pain so to start a fresh day with them what difference though children just so much floor now so I started putting the Noggins in on this side just to kind of keep the space in as I was going along obviously I'm going to do that the whole way yeah three more to get in on this side Noggins then get some boards down we've got the other side to do but well I think that's going to be an I-beam situation because to create pockets and stuff with this being a pain already in those Pockets there I think we're gonna get another I-beam in here so that'll well order that and that'll be when Nick next comes and we can hopefully use this skid steer again while this room's empty so chuffed anyway it's a late night and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Escape to rural France
Views: 243,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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