START to FINISH Social Media Video Editing in Premiere Pro (2024 Guide!)

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if you're just getting started in Premiere Pro and you want to learn how to create vertical video for social media my friend you're in the right place grab a cup of water a cup of tea a blanket get cozy and let's Jump On In so we have a new Premiere Pro project open first we need to create a sequence which is the timeline that we edit in to do that click on this new item icon and click on sequence and then from here you're given a bunch of presets in our case we want to go to social right and you can see there's one for us for vertical video they actually call it portrait should technically be vertical but it's 9 by6 the exact opposite of landscape which is 16 by 9 and you can see it has a default frame rate 30 frames per second but what if we want to change that what if we have a different frame rate you can go to settings and in our case I actually use 29.97 you can see in my clip that it's 29 9.97 so you want to make sure you have that matched go ahead and change that time base you can also save this as a preset so you can use it in the future press okay and now it's saved under custom so I'm going to give my sequence a name V1 vertical edit and press okay so now we have our vertical sequence that's black because it's empty now an easier way to work in Premiere Pro is to change it to a different workspace for vertical video so you can go up here to workspaces and and choose vertical so you can see in this new vertical workspace it's more ideal to work in because you're given more real estate a bigger program window for vertical specifically so our timeline is currently empty right now there's nothing in it and that's why it's black so now we're going to drop our talking head into the sequence this is it right here if I change to the icon view you can see that this is a landscape clip not vertical so watch what happens when I take this clip and I drag it into the timeline you're going to get this warning that says the aspect ratio of the clip does not match the sequence and if you want to change the sequence in this case we don't want to change the sequence so we're going to keep existing settings so this is just some silly footage of me pretending to be a hippie doing a meditation and you'll learn how to remove the green screen here in a moment but first you can see we have the black bars above and below which we don't want so we need to resize it so to resize you need to click on the clip and then you need to go up to motion here and here you can actually click and resize the clip what's even easier is if you select motion and then you can use these transform controls just to scale it up into frame and you can always reposition it side to side but when you're trying to reposition things I always find it more useful to have a safe Zone guide because social media you have a UI like little icon covering and a description that can cover part of the video cropping out important information so I've actually turned one of the safe guides that me and my team use into a Motion Graphics template which is really really useful so if you go to essential graphics and by the way you can download this the link is just down below you can see that I have mine right here already imported you can just click on this little icon to import a Motion Graphics template and it'll be here inside your essential Graphics panel forever unless you move it or delete it so I can take this safe Zone guide and drag it on any layer here and just expand it out because this is just a PNG file saved as a Motion Graphics template so you want all the important information you want your talking head to be centered here so you can see that we're good to go now I may drag and drop this later on when we add captions just to make sure the captions aren't getting cut off as well and we can just delete it and use it later so in all of my projects we actually color grade using a template and we have a few different effects that we use for that and I have a color template sequence already created with two adjustment layers that have some gamma compensation and color correction if you're interested into looking into these um you can become a patron and I will make this available to Patron so you can see what effects we use here so I can just copy them paste it here and you can see immediately it looks a lot better if to make this more simple let's Nest it let's select all of our Clips rightclick select nest and nesting will just make it one easy layer to work with so now it's time to do our rough cut which is essentially cutting out the bad takes and you can just you know expand the tracks if you wanted to so it's a little bit easier to see your timeline and you can kind of go through and cut out the bad stuff so we can just see that this is just me setting up here and then so we can take the best clip here of me drumming I think this one's good so we can press C because our uh video and audio are linked we can just click cut and it cuts both of them together here then we can press V again to go back to the selection tool and to Ripple delete we can press shift delete and then it just deletes that from the timeline the information is still there it's just deleted from the sequence Aloha video editors let's take a break from our chaotic timelines in pixel Perfection that looks good to me so press C cut shift delete essentially I'm just going to go through this whole timeline and cut out the parts that I don't want to use until we get our rough cut so I've gone through using the basic cutting tools that I just showed you to create a rough cut here so you can see all the cut points and so next I want to add stock footage and b-roll and one of the places that me and my team find a lot of stock footage and buau is from inato elements and what's really great is they have a panel inside of Premiere Pro so you can see here they have sound effects music and video and you can search directly in Premiere and download it to your timeline so you don't have to leave the app but before we add stock footage we need to get rid of our green screen right so we don't have to apply it to all these different clips individually because this was a nest so we need to double click on this clip we can go and select this main clip cuz this is the clip that we're going to apply the effect to go to effects panel and let's search for Ultra key so you can drag and drop this or double click to apply it to the clip and then down here is where you can choose the key color so I like to select kind of a darker green color cuz it includes the lighter in here and you can see that there's gray here and we don't want the gray it's actually easier to go into the alpha Channel mode so so here we want me to be white and the background to be black so we still have a lot more to do a quick way of getting there is going too aggressive and it can help you from here you can go into these matte generation controls to adjust you know maybe how much Shadow is being removed from the background so we can reduce the Shadow and already you can see that it's looking a lot cleaner so I have made a few other tutorials that go in more depth and I actually prefer to do green screening and after effects because you can get a better key so you can watch that video if you're interested Ed in that and then you can pull the clip into Premiere Pro you can actually right click on this clip and save as a preset and it will appear over in your presets like I have over here and this is great so that way you don't have to redo it every time if you have the same setup and so now we have the key if you go to the wrench tool go to transparency grid this shows you that Alpha Channel layer to ensure that it is indeed transparent but of course you can turn this off at any time okay now if we go back to the rough cut you can see that the green screen is gone also and now we can start to download some clips so maybe in the beginning here I want to be inside of a jungle we can go up here and go to video and we can search by keyword or use AI based on what is in our timeline to generate clips for us first let's go and find some clips of the Jungle from invat and by the way you do need to have an invat subscription for this to work it is a free panel but in order to download non-watermarked versions you need to connect your subscription which is underneath settings and then you can set your download folder as well which is really useful so it can download directly to the same project file so everything stays online let's try out a few of these you can always change them later on let's try this one so now I have the downloaded stock video clip I can double click and open it up and look at that we have it here now because we want these clips to be behind our main video we can move up everything onto video Layer Two and we can start to put stuff behind me for example this one from our source panel here we can just take the video and drag it underneath so we can move it up we can scale it I think it looks pretty good I might end up changing [Music] it awesome you know we can also look for some other things like for example video flares if we want some light flares to add on top of me we can download this and as this downloads I want to mentioned that invat element set up an awesome discount for your first month on invat element 70% off I put a link just down below to download unlimited sound effects stock footage music etc for your videos and they're a sponsor of today's video we've partnered with invat for many many years now comparing them to other platforms it really is the most affordable option so I highly encourage you guys to go check it out especially now that they have this panel in place if I had any feedback for inato it would only be that I wish that some of their file size were more compressed like this was 557 megabytes they could have provided an mp4 version that's like more like 50 megabytes that we could have used especially for social video but for now it works just fine so we have the lens flayer here we can just drag and drop it on top of our footage here and you'll notice that it's you know kind of black where did the footage go and that's cuz we need to change our blend mode to screen to get rid of the dark areas so this is what look like without it and with it on so it just adds a little bit more array of sunshine and we can you know scale it down we can actually rotate this cuz it's in the landscape so let's make this 90 there we go let's go ahead and go crazy and I'll show you the final edit and then we'll add some captions as well all right so as you can see we finished the edit here and as I scrub through you can see we have a lot of cool effects we have this kind of lotus flower in the back Crown a lot of overlays and all of which came from inat elements we even did a funny effect here with the mouse and the pineapple transforming and if you want to learn how to do that if you like this video If you give this video a thumbs up we can talk about this pineapple thing maybe we'll do something special for our patrons but before we play this back which I'm sure you're excited to see let's add some captions now if you're okay without animating captions you can create still captions a automatically with AI inside of Premiere Pro you can go up to window you can go to the text panel and using AI Premiere Pro has already generated a transcript of our timeline for us now we just need to go and create captions and this is where we can choose uh different styles if we have any presets in here already and you can choose the length uh the duration if you want it to be double or single in this case I'm going to do double I'm going to reduce the character length uh a little bit here and let's go ahead and hit create captions so here are our captions here and I recommend just going through quickly and making sure that everything is spelled correctly you can just easily make edits just like a text document all right so everything is looking good now just a couple minor edits I had to make and now you can see that we have these captions down here but they're in kind of like Times New Roman and they're super low remember our safe Zone thing that I was talking about we can add that back into the timeline here as we stylize our captions we can go back to entral Graphics here go to browse and let's just read inside of our timeline you can see that it created a subtitle track here so I can select one of these and change the style and position first of all I want to bring this up higher cuz it's going to get cut off and let's change this to any type of font you want to use let's try the Poppins font that's kind of fun we can change the SI eyes if you wanted to you can add a background behind it and increase the padding and have rounded edges and maybe in this case we want it to be white and change our fill color to match my hat for example and then you might be like well this is just this one caption I want to apply it to all of them you don't need to copy and paste it you can go up to track style and you can create a style and you can call it anything you want it could be Namaste now all of our captions are in this style and you can scrub through to make sure everything looks good and you can also roll out our safe Zone to just double check that none of the captions here are getting cut off so as we scrub through here you can see that these are just static caption there's no animation happening if you want animation you can use plugins for Premiere Pro for example I've been using fire cut recently cuz I found the user interface just really easy to use and I actually made a full video on how that works you can check that out in a card and I'll drop it down below too but if you're fine with static I mean it's easy to read and you don't need to have the animating captions it's completely fine so let's turn off the safe Zone here and let's show you the video that we got Aloha video editors let's take a break from our chaotic timelines and pixel Perfection close your eyes and join me on this 30C meditation because we all know that's all the time that you can spare now take a deep breath imagine you're on a beach and your mouse is replaced by a tropical drink feel those tense shoulders loosen up like a stubborn clip finally giving way to your editing magic Embrace this moment of relaxation because soon enough you'll be back in the editing jungle swinging from Project to project when you're ready you can open your eyes and get ready to conquer the editing Seas once again you got this you editing extraordinaire Namaste so totally meant to be cheeky and funny I hope you guys enjoyed that one thing I wanted to point out here too is that we did layer several different music tracks here as well as some sound effects here so when we have the jungle stock video clips come in we added a sound effects of the jungle as well that you can hear because soon enough you'll be back in the editing jungle you hear the from Project to project when you're ready and the waves come crashing in here on this layer so don't be afraid to stack those clips up to create kind of a soundscape for your edits and once you're done and you're ready to export you're going to go up to export and you'll see on the left you can actually publish directly to Facebook Tik Tok Vimeo X and YouTube so if you do YouTube shorts you can post directly to YouTube if it's under 60 seconds and six in 9 by 16 then you can upload directly there's also Tik Tok direct publishing as well I normally just save it as a media file and when you're like G what setting should I use just use a preset adaptive High bit rate it pretty much covers them all just make sure your outpoint is set at the very end of your video which is right around here so we can change that here by pressing o and then you can save it to your drive hit export and you got your video so this was a more in-depth video from start to kind of finish although we didn't cover everything here I think this will provide a lot of value to you getting started and maybe to some of you intermediate editors too that maybe never took a course before and kind of learned on your own there's lots of little things that you pick up as you go along on your editing Journey thank you so much for watching this video start to finish if you made it this far along thank you so much and as always keep creating better video with G see you next time bye
Channel: Premiere Gal
Views: 9,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Premiere Gal, Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, video editing, premiere pro, adobe premiere pro, Social media, Vertical video editing, adobe creative cloud, motion graphics templates, safe zone overlay, adobe, premiere gal toolkit, premiere gal filmmaking tips, essential graphics, Premiere Pro Vertical Editing, Ultra Key effect, Captions in Premiere Pro, mogrt file premiere pro, adobe ai, mogrts, premiere gal, adobe video, text panel, premiere pro 2024, subtitles ai
Id: Maq0GAnJqmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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