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wanna be happy build a life not just a business hey it's evan carmichael and this channel was created to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself you watch these videos because you know you've got more inside you you've got michael jordan level genius at something so today let's live your best believe life and get some amazing motivation from the one and only bob proctor the one thing you need if you want to move higher is a greater awareness [Music] people are not earning a hundred thousand a year because they want to earn a hundred thousand a year they're earning a hundred thousand a year because they're not aware of how to earn a hundred thousand a month people aren't alone and lonely because they enjoy being alone and lonely they're alone and lonely because they're not aware of how to build meaningful relationships people don't struggle all of their commercial career because they enjoy struggling they're struggling because they're not aware of how to knock those blocks down that are all inside it's never outside it's never another person it's never a condition or a circumstance it's always lack of awareness this is such beautiful information been living with it for a long time i don't even know how you'd live without it in fact i don't think you can you merely exist and unfortunately that's the way most people go through life you see our educational institutions is not giving us the same kind of information they really don't they really believe the secret is read the book remember what's in the book and be able to repeat it answer the questions more right than wrong you'll pass you get the degree well we've got people graduating from some of the most prestigious universities in the world every year [Music] with multiple degrees they're having difficulty finding work that are broke how does that happen and yet you'll find other people who are functionally illiterate they can either read or write they're earning millions how do we account for this you're going to find that out as you study this it's got nothing to do with anything outside of ourselves education isn't answering what's in the book education comes from the latino juco meaning to reduce to or to draw from within remember i said everything's already here omnipresent that's within us men in montessori was right napoleon hill was right carnegie knew the right question hill knew how to answer it what are you going to do with the rest of your life [Music] that's your question you got to make a decision we have here in the subconscious the paradigm and part of the paradigm with respect to money is it's a poverty thing now this paradigm impacts our thinking there's a power flowing into our consciousness and the thoughts we think are generally motivated by the subconscious mind now something that i've been pointing out here recently on look at this the subconscious mind is universal intelligence so when you have that paradigm in the subconscious mind that controls the vibration that we're in and the vibration we're in is going to dictate what we attract because we're in that vibration here on a conscious level on a subconscious level and on a physical so you're going to attract from anywhere you go in the universe the same type of thing that's that's what we're attracting so we're attracting people that are in harmony with this and this paradigm causes our thinking to be along the same level now we've got to realize even in our ignorance when we don't know and we haven't got anything our thinking is hooked into universal intelligence and you will attract from wherever it is in the universe whatever is required to cause the problem when you hear people say you know i just get one filled bill paid and another one pops up bang they're going to attract it and sure as it gets dark they get it now that's ingrained in our mind from the time we're children in fact from the moment of conception in most of us and then we grow into it and that's what we hear as we're growing up money doesn't grow on trees and and over and over you can't have everything you want you know and that is that's got to be eliminated and we've got to realize that is not fact that you do not have to work harder that you do less and you earn more and you've got to get the idea that you can have money coming in from many different places in the world dragging it right into you you attract it and you can magnetize yourself to money in all different quantities although you cannot change conditions or circumstance you don't have to let them control you we can't control what's going on outside but we can control what's going on inside you know and unfortunately i don't think many of us have been raised to really understand that yeah and it's a lack of understanding that's causing all our problems we are the only creature on the planet that's totally disoriented in our environment all the little squirrels the birds the every all the animals are completely at home in their environment they blend in you and i are totally disoriented in our environment we've been given the mental faculties to create our own environment however we go right through school we've never learned that we have higher faculties and the average person has no knowledge of how to operate with them how to develop them we have perception the will reason imagination memory and intuition now those mental faculties they're not just words they're actually mental faculties that we can use to take control over our world and to create the environment that we want but unfortunately we grow up we don't know that we've been raised to live through by what we see hear smell taste and touch our physical senses and we're we've been raised to be controlled by what's going on outside as little kids will you listen to what i'm telling you will you look at this you know and so it's all outside um we get our report card and that tells us what kind of student we are but it really tells us where our mind was at for a few minutes three weeks ago got nothing to do with who we are so i think we're we're raised in ignorance actually there's a very small percentage of the population that have a reasonably clear understanding of who they are and what they're capable of doing but the ones that do are in the minority the future must become the present in the imagination of the one who would wisely and consciously create circumstances i think right now everybody wants to create circumstances because they don't like the ones they find themselves in but you see you cannot change the circumstance you find yourself in you can only change your perception of them and when you do that you change the circumstance so we say here the future must become the present in the imagination of the one who would wisely and consciously create circumstance we must translate vision into being [Music] thinking of into thinking from imagination must center itself in some state and then view the world from that state see yourself where we want to be and then be there thinking from the end is an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire that is so cool thinking from the end is an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire so what are we doing we're building a goal and then we see ourself already haven't accomplished a goal thinking from the end is an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire already got it i don't have to get it i've already got it that's an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire in other words you got it it's here now think are you thinking from the end are you thinking of the end if you're thinking of the end your thing is way out there if you're thinking from the end you're part of it see the end result has already happened in our mind we're creative beings we're god's highest form of creation we can create in our consciousness the kind of person we want to be and then be that person and that's what he said here we must translate vision into being so we don't just visualize it we be it i set a goal in 1973 i set a goal that i was going to build a company and upgrade all over the world i had left the nightingale cornet corporation and decided that i was going to do this because i didn't agree with the way they were doing it people weren't really learning it fast enough and they wouldn't get involved in the repetition we were selling recordings but the recordings weren't working because the people didn't understand how to use them so i decided i would leave and start my own company and i wrote down i'd build a company and operate all over the world i got a call last night from mikey about nine o'clock something like that and then she told me that we were now in every country in the world now think of that we had a broadcast going on here at 10 o'clock this morning some of you'd be familiar with it some of you may have been on it and that broadcast had attracted thousands literally thousands of people from every country in the world the goal was reached that move meant this is really accurate today we're only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination well my imagination was pretty well exercised i don't have any difficulty building huge ideas in my mind and just figuring out how to do it now stay with me here the thing that's stopping you from taking the risk that you want to take is called a terror barrier the way i'm going to explain this to you i come up with sitting in a restaurant i remember it was at a holiday inn restaurant it was at dixie and just south of the 401 highway in toronto a man asked me if i would meet with him he had a problem and i was going to show him how he could solve the problem and he explained it so i took a pen and some paper and what i'm going to show you here is essentially what i showed him now look at this for a moment there is the process you go through when you're in a risk-taking vibration you go from bondage to reason to the terror barrier and then to freedom you go from bondage to reason to the terror barrier and then to freedom but we have to go way back to 1908. things were pretty primitive then relative to today we weren't moving at the speed we're moving at now napoleon hill was a young reporter for a little magazine and someone probably the editor decided they would run a series of articles of interviewing wealthy people hill was fortunate enough to get an interview a three-hour interview with the wealthiest man in the world andrew carnegie and he went and he sat and he interviewed him now unbeknownst to napoleon hill andrew carnegie was looking for someone that he could give a big project to and he hadn't yet found anyone at the end of the three-hour interview andrew carnegie said to napoleon yell napoleon this interview isn't ending it's just beginning i want you to come home with me hill said he was glad he took him home because he didn't have enough money to rent a hotel room he spent three days with andrew carnegie the wealthiest man in the world now think of this [Music] over those three days andrew carnegie shared his philosophy she started out as a poor boy immigrated from scotland with his parents just as a boy they didn't have anything so he went from nothing to be the wealthiest man in the world and he shared with napoleon hill his whole philosophy at the end of the three days carnegie decided that i think this is the man i'm looking for i guess you could tell by his level of interest in the story the philosophy of what got him to where he was there was probably a number of factors came into play but carnegie think i think he's the guy and so he asked him a question unbeknownst to napoleon hill he only gave him 60 seconds to answer the question and at the end of the 60 seconds he would have to make a decision a monumentous decision if you think about it he looked at him he had a stopwatch in his hand under his desk and he says napoleon you've spent three days with me you know now how i've accomplished what i've accomplished is i'm going to ask you a question and i just want a yes or no answer just a yes or no answer nipple he said would you spend or invest the rest of your life in an idea for which you would probably receive no material compensation for at least 20 years [Music] how would you answer that question i've asked myself on many occasions how i would answer it in 25 seconds napoleon hill said yes he would he qualified he passed the acid test and he had to make a decision that was a big decision you're going to run up against decisions this is one of the 13 principles napoleon hill wrote a whole chapter on decision in his book think and grow rich and right on the very first page he points out that all successful people make decisions very fast they change them very slow if and when they change them at all and he pointed out that people that are not successful make decisions very slow and change them fast and often i guess that's why andrew carnegie gave him 60 seconds if he took longer he would be disqualified what's the thing that you don't want to learn and understand that you feel like you know what i haven't fully grasped this concept or idea and i really want to get to another level well i'm always wanting to get to another level hopefully i'm at a higher level today than i was yesterday i i'm in here around 5 30 every morning studying wow that's how i start my day here well you see there is no end to the growth you you always want to grow so you're created in god's image now there's a problem with this because we're raised on our physical senses we grow up and what we've done is had god created in our image in our mind not that we're creating god's image we're taught that we created god in our image so now we're trying to figure out how can the man be omnipresent how can that person be everywhere and because we're locked in on a physical level we get lost when we understand that you have infinite potential there is no top there's no beginning no end see when it comes to school of greatness there is no finish line when it comes to personal development there is no finish line so how can you tell how well you're doing by the results you're getting by their fruit by their food you'll know them by the results they're getting if they're not getting the results they don't know so if you're going to get a mentor get somebody that's getting the results yeah or you don't want them now you see here on page six it says money is a servant it's a servant now there's a myth about money says another myth about money like you accept money is that it only comes as a result of luck or good fortune well of course that is really silly that's not true at all but that's the concept that a lot of people operate with okay now if you move over onto page seven we're talking about money's got to circulate it's not only a server you got to keep it moving i have some money here in my pocket i keep it a little envelope and this stuff here is money the truth is this represents money now this used to be paper now i think it's plastic you know use it as a fan but this is it's a servant and you can put this to work you got to keep it circulating now we tell a story in here about um mr chapman now mr chapman was an interesting guy he lived on the street that i lived on as a little boy and my brother and i had a paper route and we sold papers to the people on that street we had 300 customers went right from kingston road to the lake ontario and almost every house we had as a customer mr chapman had a big house not too far from our house up on a hill it was an old house and one day mr chapman we used to feel sorry for him he was he was hunched back he was a little man he used to push a little cart around and he collected junk his wife was a a tall thin lady and she always wore just skimpy clothes like a cotton dress with a maybe a little coat running shoes and she would be off up the street she wanted to clean houses or clean offices we thought they were really poor well one day we opened the paper we went up the corner to get the papers and when we got the delivery of the papers it was headlines that mr chapman had died it was a headline in the toronto star they found a hundred thousand dollars a hundred thousand dollars in a jar in the house here he is collecting junk and he had a hundred thousand dollars in a jar in the house now i just looked up that that up this morning that's equal to one million eighty seven thousand seven hundred and ninety eight dollars in today's dollars that's what a hundred thousand in 1947 would have been uh in today's dollars it'd be over a million a million 87 88 000. he had all this money and he had it in a jar it was serving no one it wasn't circulating and we were shocked that he even had it so what we've got to understand is that saving it like that is silly like here the money that's in this envelope in my pocket it's useless as long as it's in an envelope in my pocket it does no one any good you may be saying while you're keeping it there it won't stay it won't stay there very long i'll have it circulating in a very short period of time now if you come down to the bottom of page nine these are just basics we're talking about here about a prosperity consciousness exercise now that we have touched upon some of the characteristics of money let us turn briefly to a simple technique which you can begin using immediately to start attracting the amount of money that you desire now think of that you can literally attract to you the amount of money you desire you've got to ask yourself where do i stand with money you're building an idea and you're planting it in universal intelligence now when you do that when you do that what you want to understand is that you've planted that idea here that idea then is planted in universal intelligence so it's drawing from anywhere anything that's in harmony with it you see this is a vibration it's a frequency and we have put ourselves on a specific frequency when you hold that idea when you're emotionally involved that must be expressed with and through you whatever you need is in the universe and this idea is going to attract it to you because the idea controls the vibration that you're in the vibration you're in controls what you how you act but it also controls what you attract this is very important you get this your subconscious mind is um it's like universal intelligence and that idea then is on a specific frequency hold on we're spiritual beings this is the spiritual side of you now everything spirit the intellect and the physical but when you plant the idea here it's planted on a specific frequency it's almost like when i phone somebody what i'm doing is i'm tuning in on a particular frequency and they're on that frequency and when i press a number their phone rings doesn't matter where they are they could be anywhere in the world you see when it comes to universal intelligence you eliminate all time and space there's no such thing as time and space everything's in the now everything is in the now and it's important that we understand that and when we understand it good things start to happen to us okay now that idea or will attract to it anything that's in harmony with it so whatever you need will come to you but it won't come to you before you need it and we're very impatient and we want to do this part before we get this part done you're going to do things in the order you see this part is operating by law it's operating by law because it's universal intelligence and the law is perpetual transportation of energy that idea instantly begins to move into form and it attracts whatever is required but it also causes you to act the way you have to act so it's the action and attraction that ultimately produces the result how long does it take for that to manifest we don't know that's governed by a law called law of gender that law decrees that all things have a gestation or an incubation period see the only criteria you have to have when you set a goal is do you want it do you want it doesn't matter how you're going to do it it doesn't matter where their money's coming from i once heard a creep story where the maharashi when he was taking transcendental meditation or decided he was going to take it to the world one of his close associates said where's the money going to come from he said wherever it is right now i always thought it was such a beautiful answer because the truth everything you need everything you want is already here nothing is created or destroyed i didn't bring this up it's the way it is all science all theology tell us that the way to get the moon was already here always here when president john kennedy asked dr warner von braun who's considered the father of the space travel what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a man to the moon and bring him back safely to earth von braun answered him in five words the will to do it the will to do it will is a mental faculty that gives us the ability to concentrate you got to concentrate on what you want that's all you can concentrate on and that will keep you on the frequency that you have to be on to attract everything that you need to get there this is so important to see i believe decision where it all starts it's where it all started for napoleon hill it all started when carnegie asked him are you prepared to dedicate the rest of your life to an idea for which you'll probably receive no material compensation for at least 20 years how would you answer that you see he didn't know how to do that he didn't even believe he could do you know what i found when you set a goal you don't have to believe it if you keep repeating it you'll come to believe it if you tell yourself a lie often enough you'll believe it way back in 1900 william james from harvard he said believe that your belief will create the fact so true so true and so misunderstood so what do you want compare your dream to napoleon hill's idea just compare it for a moment your idea is probably small by comparison but if you don't know how to do it if you don't know where the money's coming from if you don't know where the help's going to come from you'll probably seem large when i took my pen and i sat down and i wrote i would build a company that operated all over the world i had no idea how i was going to do it i certainly didn't have the finances to it i didn't have the help i didn't even have an assistant i was just me in my den writing on a pad do you know something today i own a company along with sandy gallagher who is my business partner and we operate all over the world these aren't accidents i'm just an ordinary guy that's doing what the public would consider something extraordinary but it's not extraordinary to me and it's not going to be to you when you start to understand these principles and incorporate them into your life i mentioned we want to build schools in africa for kids that have never seen a school and so we're building them there's many things we want to do we do them all i never wonder if i can do something i just ask myself do i want to that's why i think god meant us to live i believe we're doing god's work somebody said what's god's word god well if god's the creator then god's work would be creation we've been given the mental faculties to create we've been created in god's image somewhere along the line way back when somebody got that mixed up they thought when they said you're creating god's image that god was created in their image so they're looking for a man on a cloud there is no man on a cloud but i'm going to tell you something you got some phenomenal stuff locked up inside of you you bring it to the surface you can have anything you want it's a great way to live it's pretty well known today there's a lot of fear in the world people are wondering what's going to happen we've gone through many tough times if you study history i was born during the great depression so i was of an age then i remember some of the things as a little kid then we went into a world war and when the depression ended it was sort of like a theater where the lights were out it was empty but the lights started to come up and things started to get brighter and of course they became very bright so the fear don't let fear control you fear is a negative emotion by following these principles you're going to be on the other side of fear where there's faith there's a law of the universe called polarity that law decrees everything has an opposite every negative has a positive the truth is it's neither positive or negative it's our thinking that makes it so everything just is we can make it what we want make up your mind now you're going to go in the positive polarity you're going to stay with me because that's where i'm going and there'll be a very bright future let the fear go it isn't necessary the cause of it is ignorance the cause of all fear is ignorance if you want something you haven't got you got to create a space for it if it's in your own mind you've got to let go of something so what do we want to do to let go if we want to let go of the image we've got for the one we're going to build now i'm going to be honest with you when i started to do this [Music] um i tested it just i thought i wonder if this really work and i found that it really worked so i went all out and you start out by writing the image that you want to hold i'll tell you how i did it i um i took various people that i really admired and i took some of the qualities that i really admired in them and i'd write them down i wasn't going to be like them but i was going to develop a couple of these qualities or habits when i was growing up as a young guy it was during the second world war there was no men around no fathers but one guy did have a father donny miller's father had was not well so he couldn't go to the war and um donny's dad had a heart attack or something it was i think it was a heart attack and so we never went around his place because his dad wanted things quiet they'd come around our place but not donny's place i would watch donny's dad walk up and down the street you see him go way up the street later on you'd see him come back he was always well dressed and he had the calmest walk there was no rush just a very calm walk i visualize myself walking like him you'll very rarely ever see me rushing anywhere there's no need of it you can be calm when i built my self-image i built it around certain things ray stanford always had money i told you earlier i don't know how to get into this thing now always have some money always now i hardly ever use it because i really don't pay for very much i get somebody in the company to order whatever i want but you see i never had any money ray always had a roll on him he would have a roll like that in his pocket all the time now there's about three thousand dollars here this is not about there is three thousand dollars here you see well i only earned four thousand dollars a year at that time three thousand dollars would have been a ton of money but everybody has different little quirks i like to carry money i and it's probably because i never had any and now i have some money i want to carry it but you see i started to do that before i had any money and i would take and i would put phony money in a roll but i would have the right thing on the outside it was the thickness of it my mind didn't know the difference i knew intellectually the difference and then shortly i didn't even pay any difference to that it was the feel of it i did different things i watched different people i saw how this person did this and somebody else did that i am i read a lot so i read a lot of great self-help books and i literally did what some of these books suggested it wasn't just sometimes i did it i would follow it right to a t you'll very rarely see me without a suit on that's part of the paradigm that's part of the paradigm i don't care what anybody else does how they dress i'm always going to be dressed i mentally made up my mind one time i'd be at least if i wasn't the best dress one of the best race people in the room why did i do that i did that because i was changing how i saw me how i saw me i had never gone to school i had no money i had dumb jobs and today along with sandy gallagher i have a company operates all over the world right here on my desk i have sitting this little hourglass well you know i can't put anything where that hourglass is until i get rid of it and we find that we want things to come into our life but we don't create room for them nature abhors a vacuum i remember we were sitting in the living room having a cup of coffee and just visiting and she said do you mind if we go and sit in the kitchen there's none at all so so i asked her i said why do you want to sit in the kitchen rather than she says i can't stand that room i just hate living in that sitting in that room she's i hate those curtains that are on the window in the dining room and the drapes on the front window and i said no you don't hate those mark i said you only have attract things to you that you love that you're in harmony with i said if you really didn't love them you get rid of them but you see i'm going to put that i'm going to put them there if i get rid of them i said mark if you had something to put there you couldn't put it there because you've already got something there and i said that's when i started teaching the law of vacuum law prosperity certainly she went and got a chair and got up and stood on she started to take all these curtains down well done he was wearing like a stuffed peg he said what are you doing and she says i'm getting rid of these and she did wasn't too long after i dropped in all the furniture in the living room was gone it was like they were just moving into the place but then they got new curtains and then they got new furniture and you know everything in that business in that house changed it wasn't too long they're only in business for themselves they're both gone now but when they left they were very well off they had a beautiful place in florida they'd go to the winter the family still runs their own business i mean it was it was such a beautiful thing to see and it was all and i tell the story in here because it was all about the vacuum law of prosperity well what have you got in your life that you don't want or that you don't like or what is it that you've got that you really want to get rid of you've got to get rid of this stuff get rid of it give it away see nature truly does abhor a vacuum when you make space for the good that you desire that's when the goods going to come most people don't make the space for the good that they desire now the law of polarity decrees everything is an opposite you couldn't have an in without a note or an up without a down or a hot without a cold every positive has a negative so every problem has an opportunity now the truth is there's no such thing as problems or opportunities everything just is it's how we look at it it is what it is that's it now if we see something bad why don't we say hold on a minute it's my perception that's messed up here if i stare at this long enough i'm going to see what's good in it there has to be good in it you couldn't have an insight to a room without having an outside couldn't possibly have up without heaven down that's just the law of polarity it degrees everything has an opposite i don't care what you look at there's an option you see something really good it's also real bad now think of this if it's only a short way up onto my desk it's only a short way down off my desk if it's a long way to the top it's a long ways to the bottom you can't have a long way up and a short way down it doesn't work that way they're equal and opposite if it's very good it's very bad if it's very bad it's very good so you've got a big problem get excited you got a big opportunity i think we should be thinking about the uh the greatness like it's uh the school of greatness i think we ought to be thinking about the greatness that we've lost got locked up within us and bring it to the surface everyone has deep reservoirs of talent and ability within them and they can bring it to the surface to accomplish anything they want now to sit in fear and wonder what's going to happen that is a dumb waste of your talent and your time yeah and unfortunately that's what most of the media is uh promoting right now to believe in fear is to believe in something you can't see to believe in faith is to believe in something you can't see well if you have a choice i think i choose faith over fear absolutely i think i believe where i can really see something happen i believe we're going to have a phenomenal year in our company in fact our i am business partner sandy gallagher and very bright lady was a securities attorney prior to joining us she ran a program this morning for our entire company we had about 70 people in the company she was teaching masterminding to them all and saying how this is important that every one of us get involved in this that we learn the basics of masterminding that napoleon hill uh brought to the world let's say way back in the 30s now i think that's what we should be teaching people uh sandy was on the right track there so i think we ought to be thinking about what we're going to build how big are we going to do it where are we going to do it when are we going to start our goals have not changed they're very big they're very ambitious and we're not letting this virus slow us down one bit yeah as a matter of fact we're trying to figure out how can we use this to speed it up mm-hmm you can't you can't get rid of it use it your advantage yeah there is a way we can use it to our advantage people are more dependent upon the phone uh i've got a computer here they're dependent on their phone their computer more than they've ever been we can reach them anywhere in the world through those mating now carnegie said to hill he said now napoleon [Music] i'm going to introduce you to some of the world's most successful people he's i'm going to give you letters of introduction you'll receive no subsidy from me i want you to go out and write the laws of achievement he says it's a shame that people like myself are going to their grave with all this knowledge locked up in their bones he's i want it organized and i want you to organize it i will give you letters of introduction and then you're on your own now he said you're going to run into many tough times napoleon no question about that so i said i'm going to give you something that'll help you through those tough times i want you to write this out i don't want you to write every word no one's going to underline every word now he said this is a message that you're going to give from yourself to yourself napoleon so it's going to be you talking to you i want you to write down andrew carnegie i'm not only going to equal your achievements in life i'm going to meet you at the post and pass you at the grandstand well as the story goes he threw his pencil on the floor he says now you know darn well i'm not going to be able to do that he says i know you're not napoleon unless and until you believe it but i want you to repeat that every morning and i want you to repeat it every night i want you to look in the mirror and i want you to repeat that looking in your eyes say andrew carnegie i'm not only going to equal your achievements in life i'm going to meet you at the post and i'm going to pass you at the grandstand now that wasn't an easy thing for hill to do he was living with his brother he had promised his brother that he was going to pay for him to go through college now he was going to have to go home and tell his brother he couldn't do that he or the project that he was working on he was going to take all his time and was going to take every cent that he could get for himself then he was afraid to tell his brother what he was going to do because he thought his brother would think he had lost his mind he's going to work on a 20-year project nobody's giving him any money nobody's going to pay him the first day he went he locked himself in the bathroom and he looked in the mirror and he whispered and your cardigan i'm not the only guy to equal your achievements in life i'm going to need you at the post and i'm gonna pass you the grandstand you know he said he felt when he was saying like he was a darn fool because this isn't gonna happen but he said i made a commitment that i would do this so i better do it so every morning and every night he would do this now he had committed that he would do it for 30 days [Music] around the middle of the month he started to think maybe it could happen by the end of the month he knew it would happen now i've done a fair amount of study in this over the last 50 years and anything i've been able to discover is that carnegie made somewhere in the vicinity of 50 millionaires some people say 20. i've read 23 i've read 50. napoleon hill has made millions of millionaires so you see he did equal his achievements he went past his achievements and he did pass him at the grandstand here's a boy boy a young boy a young cub reporter for a magazine how did he do that why did he do that i think he did it strictly on the belief that carnegie wasn't going to ask him to do anything that was unjust but why is it that all successful people make decisions very fast and change them slow and he found out that was true in his research with all these giants well you know i have never stopped studying it [Music] i probably never will stop studying it and i'm going to show you something about decision that has the potential to change your life forever you see i wanted to know why do successful people make decisions when they have absolutely no idea how they're going to make it happen there's a reason for it now many of them are unconscious competence they don't know why they do that's just the way they do it you can become a conscious competent that's what i'm going to show you and you see it all starts with our own thinking [Music] see vibration is the law of the universe everything vibrates nothing rests look at the walls around you they're vibrating they appear to be still they're really not still look at them through a microscope you'll see the energy dancing in front of your eyes go take a look at a body in a coffin now you'll think i'm really losing it here but listen and think look at the body throw microscope it is not dead that body's moving it's moving so fast it appears to be still and if it wasn't moving how would it ever change the dust everything moves we live in an ocean of motion make no mistake about it every level of vibration is referred to as a frequency and a beautiful truth is we think on frequencies do you know that every great leader that has ever lived every one of them they've been in complete unanimous agreement on one point they've disagreed on virtually everything else but this one point they've been in agreement on that we become what we think about solomon put it very well he was a pretty bright guy he said as a person thinketh in their heart it's not just the thoughts that are running across the screen of your conscious minds it's the ones you internalize we truly do become what we think about see the thoughts that we're thinking produce the results that we're getting the law of rhythm is a lala uh we have a biorhythm we go up and down we live simultaneously on three planes we're triune beings we're spiritual intellectual and physical well all three is on a rhythm cycle and we have critical highs and critical lows that's when all three parts of us are on a critical high all three parts of us on a very low do you know there's airlines that will not let their pilots fly when they're on a critical low they won't let them fly they just ground them you can have this charted i have people come up and ask me questions sometimes i know what they want to do they want to chart my rhythm cycle and i give them the dates and the things they want but when they bring it to me i don't pay any attention to it i don't want to know that i'm on a low swing i want to know that i am in control of me and i don't care whether i'm on a low swing or a high swing i don't make it good because i'm going to look for the good in it so we understand that there's that time of the month you know that's not just for the girls that's for the boys too because that is a rhythm cycle in life and it affects all three parts there's going to be parts when you're on a very high intellectually you have a column of figures room like that you add them up another time you add up that column you have to add it up six times you get a net answer every time you're on the low swing intellectually there's sometimes when you're on a low swing emotionally you walk down the street and nothing's going right there's other days you walk down you're skipping with the kids you're singing with the birds you're on a high that's a rhythm process of life how do we reshape our self-image to serve us as opposed to bring us down well it's interesting malts maxwell malts actually discovered self-image as we know it today he was a cosmetic surgeon and he found if he operated on a person maybe he had a distasteful scar in their face and he removed the scar he said sometimes there was a phenomenal change in the person's personality but he said other times they'd remove the scar who's very successful no change in their personality that led him to postulate that we not only have this physical image that reflects back from the mirror we have an inner image of ourselves it's how we see ourself now that inner image is an idea and that idea is generally planted in our little life when we're infants and it's planted by virtue of the the environment that we're surrounded by how we're raised if a child is raised with praise they're going to grow up very confident individuals if a child is raised with criticism they're going to grow up very insecure so you see this image that we have it's a picture of how we see ourself but most of us that image was planted by people that didn't know what the hell was going on they didn't know the war was over and they were planting they were developing a little mind it was a mind they were shaping it like fresh clay they didn't understand that it was a kid they're looking after and we feed them we keep them warm what the hell you know that's our responsibility no it was a mind and they were developing that mind and if they didn't understand what were they going to put in well all they could give to the child is the insecurities that they had themselves so that was the picture that the kid grows up of themselves now i grew up very insecure i was born during the depression when i first went to school the second world war had just broken out so everybody's rationed for everything it was hard times all the men were away fighting in europe or south pacific there was no men doing it the women that were there were driving the trucks they were cops they did everything so it wasn't a whole lot of time used for developing a little mind so i just grew up and picked up what i could i grew up very insecure it wasn't until i met a man that gave me this book and gave me some damn good instruction that i started to pay attention to who i was and i have never stopped being fascinated with studying me yeah i i am the most fascinating subject that i've ever come across and i have found out that you and i are exactly the same we only appear to be different our physical body looks different we choose different vocations some earns more or less than the other but our potential is exactly the same we both live in a physical body we both have these higher mental faculties we're both spiritual beings we both drawn an infinite source of supply we're the same so the trick i think for the person that has insecurities that hasn't got the strongest image they want they should find a damn good mentor that's what changed my life first of all the cause of fear is ignorance that is the cause of fear and so if you follow the ignorance it doesn't start out as fear the ignorance starts out in a conscious level as doubt and worry that's on a conscious level we're doubting or we're worrying then we take whatever image comes into our consciousness of the doubt the worry and we turn it over to our emotional mind that's what causes the fear well that fear then has to be expressed through the body to the only instrument it can be expressed through our physical body it sets up a vibration known as anxiety anxiety is not expressed anxiety becomes suppressed we suppress it and the suppression then turns to depression which turns to disease which turns to decay you see you're talking about a track a person gets on it's a very negative track it's ignorance don't worry fear anxiety suppression depression disease disintegration now the polar opposite of all that the opposite of ignorance is knowledge hmm there's only one way to get to knowledge and that is to study now unfortunately school didn't do the job that it was designed to do for most of us schools should teach us to love to study um not to dread studying and homework and tests they should teach us to love it because study leads to the opposite of don't worry which is understanding see it's study that leads to understanding we understand how to handle the fear it's understanding that enables us to cause us to understand where the fear starts the understanding then we want to say what do we understand we want to understand this whole universe operates by law one of the laws is the law of opposite the opposite of don't worry is understanding now if the don't worry leads to fear what's understanding leads to understanding leads to faith the faith leads to expression well-being and expression it's not depression it's not suppression it's not anxiety the faith leads to well-being the well-being then is expression acceleration because we're at ease we're not at there's not disease so you're dealing with polar opposites there's two different sides to things and when we understand that our world starts to change it's by understanding that that we learn how to deal with these pandemics when they hit and they will hit there will be others there always has been all down through history if you look back there's been things like this happen in the past and unfortunately the masses are sort of paralyzed by it no amount of reading or memorizing is going to make you successful it's the understanding and application of why something you're going to study this i study it every day every day for at least an hour sometimes more but at least an hour it's a habit habit something you do unconsciously you don't even spend any time thinking about it you just do it you get dressed by habit you shower comb wash your hair habit do you know good habits automatically transform our life the purpose of a goal is not to get it's not to reach the goal it's the awareness that you develop as you go after it you're learning who you are it's becoming aware of who you are yeah i was in a seminar years and years ago and there was a speaker bill gove bill gove was considered the frank sinatra public speakers he was incredible he had a handheld mic and he's looking at the audience and he said if i want to be free i've got to be me not to me i think you think i should be not to me i think my kids think i should be not to me i think my wife thinks i should be if i want to be free i've got to be me he said i better know who me is we do live in an ocean emotion the dynamic law of life is create or disintegrate you're never going to stay where you are following what we're teaching you're going to create it's a beautiful part so we're looking at our results and we're saying but this is where i really want to go and we point to a star that we're shooting at and we make a decision that's what i'm gonna do unfortunately everybody does that and 90 some percent say when this improves then i'm gonna do that do you know it'll never happen it will never happen because you're not on the right frequency and you see what happens here pretty soon the decision fades and when it fades so does the goal the goal disappears somebody said i thought you were working yeah well i am i'm still working at it do you know what the problem is you're thinking on the wrong frequency you see your thought is down here on the frequency that you're living on but the way to do what you want to do is not on that frequency clearly understand this all science and all theology the only two sources of reference we have to go to tell us nothing is created or destroyed the way to do anything is already here space travel we've always been able to do it we just weren't aware of how [Music] you know the neat little cell phones we've got that pretty soon will be obsolete we've always been able to do that i remember back we had the party lines hardly anybody had a phone then when they got one they got a party line everybody's on the line we were able to build beautiful little cell phones then do you know the cell phone you've got has more power as a computer than the computer that took the first rocket to the moon it's magnificent when you think of what we're doing it's all an awareness and that's what you're developing you're developing awareness see the awareness to do everything is already here but you've got to get on the frequency that it operates on because everything operates on a frequency if you phoned your uncle harry you wouldn't expect your mother to answer the phone why because you dialed harry's number you got on harry's frequency that's what the number is it's a frequency and there's a zillion of them we know there's an infinite number of frequencies everything you want is already here what you have to do is subtract it and you know something you're going to learn how to do that you see what we really have to do we need to make a paradigm shift we're programmed to operate the way we're operating why would 97 or 95 of the population keep using a losing formula they don't know they are they're giving it everything they've done we to shift our thinking we're going to shift the paradigm do you know many of the beliefs and the ideas that are controlling your decision-making right now they were established by some great grandparent who lived in a different time but all that stuff is passed down in the genes it's called genetic conditioning we had to change that you see well you're thinking way down here on this lower frequency the way to do what you want to do is a way up here on a higher frequency and what's required is a committed decision committed decision is when you do it regardless and when you make a committed decision this is what i'm going to do you flip your brain onto that higher frequency and the way is shown now we're going to talk about your sixth sense your intuitive mind because that's how it comes to you you're tapping into universal intelligence that's what all highly successful people do whether they know they're doing it or not is irrelevant but that's what they're doing that's what you're going to learn how to do it because it's true i think reason is probably it's the one that's spoken about by almost all the great leaders yeah they've all been complete agreement that we become what we think about it's our reasoning factor that enables us to think um ford says thinking's the hardest work there is which is the probable reason so few people engage in it dr ken mcfarland is gone for a long time now but he was a great educator down in kentucky he one time said two percent of the people think three percent think they think and 95 would actually rather die than things now you know that sounds cute but it's true if you stop and listen to what most people are saying it's going to be fairly obvious they're not thinking if you stand back and watch what most people are doing it's fairly obvious they're not thinking or they would never say or do what they're doing most people today have their television on the news and they're just soaking up all the stuff that's going on that's dominating the media right now so they've become a play thing for what's going on outside and that's why they're living in such fear by consuming the media of whether it's true or accurate or not true you're you're being manipulated yeah it's not a matter of whether it's true or not is this how you want to spend your life just listening to that um that doesn't mean you should deny it it doesn't mean that you should say well that's all false um i don't know whether it's true or false it's just bad news i don't want to be involved in it yeah am i aware that it's there well you'd almost have to be dead not to be aware that it's there but that doesn't mean you have to spend your time thinking on that i would much rather activate some of my creative faculties and do something that's constructive we are building a picture in our mind here this is an idea we could say it's a goal then we impress that idea upon this part of our personality that's the idea in our mind now what we've got to understand is that this part of our mind the subject of mind is actually universal intelligence and this is really the way it is when you press the id upon your subconscious mind you are universally everywhere now to help you think of that where here's the phone let's suppose you're in uh i don't know buenos aires and i'm right here in north america toronto and i dial your number i've got you on the phone time and space means nothing because i've got on to that frequency and so you and i can communicate we're connected one person's in buenos aires or you could say singapore you could say shanghai and another one is in new york or in toronto but they're connected why the time and space means nothing because you're dealing with energy and you're dealing with laws now when you impress this idea upon the subconscious mind the subconscious mind is universal intelligence and everything anywhere in the universe that's in harmony that is a frequency understand that that idea is a frequency it's operating on a frequency and so everything that's in harmony with it begins to move toward it because then harmonious vibration and you attract it now throw a slide up scott look here for a moment soren kiekergaard wrote something really great on intuition he said listen you got to listen you listen with your emotions we can only get in touch with our own source of intuition and wisdom when we no longer depend upon others opinions for our sense of identity or worth we all tend to worship something the question is will we worship the god of opinion or the god of our heart i found i had less and less to say until finally i became silent and began to listen i discovered in the silence the voice of god now look it you're going to attract to you everything that you require to manifest the idea in your mind thoughts will come to you it's your intuition that picks them up and then act on them and just because you've never gone there before you've never done it before that's okay this is where courage comes in this is where awareness and wisdom comes in see intuition is the mental faculty if go back to our slide here for a moment scott intuition is here in our conscious mind it's one of our intellectual factors we have perception the will reason imagination memory and intuition right here now intuition is that mental faculty on a conscious level we pick up thoughts that are flying our way they're flying our way what are they it's energy that's in harmony with you you've got on the frequency of this good that you desire and you're going to start attracting and that's what kierkegaard said we got to start listening we listen with our emotions let's pay attention to what's coming our way i didn't like the idea that when you've lived for so long you've got to cut out you've got to stop i thought hell i don't like that idea at all um first of all i think we're we're i believe we're here to do god's work god's work is creation you know uh expansion fuller expression greater goodness um and if we're going to do that we're going to be working at it all the time we're here on this planet we never stop so age should have no bearing on it mm-hmm i had a gospel of peace to build this place we put a couple of million dollars into this and somebody said how old are you and i think i was probably 83 when they started to break ground they said you're 83 and you're gonna spend two million dollars building a studio i said yeah like why not i mean you see we let things that really have no concern we let them bother us we let them control us age is a dumb thing to let control you it's our thinking that controls everything that's the one point every great leader agreed on we become what we think about well what's a person thinking i'm thinking if i get old i got to stop well then you'll stop or i'm thinking well if i've been here a long time i've got a lot of experience i want to utilize that experience to keep me going as long as i am here you know don schuler the coach of the old my miami dolphins he said it's the start that stops most people and he's right it is the start that stops most people they're always going to get ready to get set to get going what we've got to do is boom just like that move into action see if you don't get started you're never going to get finished how do we do that start early i believe when you wake up you should get up the second you wake up get your feet hit the floor move into action and you know you'd be wise if you sit down at night before you go to bed and write down six goal achieving activities now that doesn't go to the store go to the bank or get to cleaning it's not that these are goal achieving activities write down six of them and when you wake up in the morning you move into action you know where you're going to go you don't even have to think about it step into action and get on the first one when you get it done forget it and go to the second one don't think about the first one focus on two don't even think about three when you get two done go to three but knock them off one at a time if you don't get them all done just move them over onto the next day and that doesn't mean if you only get three done that you have nine the next day there are three of the six that you're going to do the next day six goal achieving activities and when you wake up in the morning move into action on them quit holding yourself back don't wait and say well i really don't know how i'm going to get started and the way will show itself it just appears i have found when you get started when you move into action everything starts to happen around you now fill in the card get the information i have worked all over the world i mean all over asia china south america and north america europe and i'm always asking people what do you really want and i have found most people don't want to be really wealthy what they do want is they don't want to have any financial concerns if they want to buy a new suit they can go and get one if they want to take a trip they can take the trip if they want a new car they can get the new car they don't want to just run out and spend or buy they don't want to have any financial concerns two they want to wake up in the morning excited about how they're going to spend their day and the third they want to mix with people who are upbeat and creatively productive these are the three things that people really want so in answer to your question if somebody's watching what's the first thing they should do well the first thing they should do is understand why we have goals not just to set a goal because most people don't set goals right they they're operating with a limited level of consciousness so they're thinking hmm if i could get a little more money and if i could get him to help me and her to help me and this happened then i could do this maybe this is get a new car what we've got to understand is we're trading our life for our goals literally trading our life would you trade your life for a car or a house i don't think so so it's got to be something really meaningful and we're not taught to think this way we should sit down and don't give any thought to where the money is going to come from where the help's going to come from it's what do you really want like ed hillary was a beekeeper in auckland that story he wanted to climb mount everest it had never been done good people died trying to do it he went in 51 and failed he went back in 52 and failed in 1953 he stood on top of the mountain with tenzing norgay but he didn't know how to get there until after he had got there edison didn't know how to illuminate the world until after he had done it the wright brothers were bicycle mechanics in dayton ohio no one believed you could fly they had been trying it for years but they saw it but they wanted to do it they didn't know how and they couldn't tell you until after they had done it now the first flight only lasted 12 seconds and the naysayers said yeah but they only were up there for 12 seconds they said we not only got up there we kept the damn thing up there for 12 seconds so when a person sets a goal they've got to say what could i want if i just let my mind rock just wander visions pictures that we build in our mind most people don't use their imagination constructively most people use their imagination destructively they imagine what they don't want we've got to consciously and deliberately imagine what we do want if we will take and sit down with a pen and ask ourself what do i really want what do i really want and write it down and then make a written description of it in the present tense writing causes thinking thinking creates an image and you get these images going you're building a vision in your mind it's the visionaries that's changed the world think of that the fact that i can sit and look into this camera and you can sit and look at me on your phone or on your tv or on your laptop that was the result of somebody's vision do you know everything you've got the clothes you wear the house you live in this microphone that's in front of me it was all a result of somebody's vision it's not an accident you and i have a marvelous imagination and everything starts with a vision select the person who is already doing something that you'd like to do get to know that person go to the experts for advice don't ask the person next door your mother father or brother or the guy that works beside you because they don't necessarily know there's no point in asking a person how to earn a lot of money if they're only earning 10 000 a year they don't know they knew they'd probably be earning a lot it's like don't go to a sick doctor if you want to get healthy okay so you find someone that you can go to for advice get a real good book and lock into that book and start to study it like i've had this one that looks like a bible you know but this is napoleon hill's book think and grow rich i've been reading this thing now for 23 years i'll probably read it for another 23 years i get another good book that i brought over here today it's called the power of your subconscious mind and i'm not getting the commission for selling this the author's dead now he's been gone for a couple of years but dr joseph murphy wrote this book the power of your subconscious mind and that's probably one of the best books that you're ever going to find because you're going to learn something about your mind when you read this book okay now i read a lot of books i've got probably a thousand bucks sitting in my den at home in my library but the one that i care i carry it everywhere i go and i read it all the time is think and grow rich i never stop reading it now where's the value for you to re-read that and read it i mean you must you must know it well enough that uh i think i could probably recite it verbatim but the secret is i once read in a book where it said when you read a good book through the second time you don't see something in it that you didn't see before you see something in yourself that wasn't there before you see when i read this i created a greater awareness you know many years ago i read a book by terry cole whitaker it was a classic what you think of me is none of my business think of the amount of time that is wasted on negative energy wondering what other people think of you what they think of you really doesn't make any difference it's what you think of you that makes a difference so as you go through the day don't worry about what other people think of you just say i'm all right i'm god's highest form of creation see this line that's called the terror barrier yeah jumping at you isn't it and on the other side of the terror barrier is something we call freedom and you know very few people get through that terror barrier it's rather sad freedom is available to everyone there isn't anyone that cannot live the way they want to live see why don't they why don't they they don't know and they don't even know they don't know now i'm going to show you why people experience buyer's remorse when they buy something they really want and then they back away where they go to move and they don't they go to change jobs they don't they go to move to another city and they don't lie fear causes them to stay where they are there's the individual the x represents the unknown factor the paradigm now there's a power flowing into this individual's mind and they can make anything out of what they want remember we said we have the ability to choose what do they choose they choose thoughts that are in harmony with the paradigm now here's an important point the paradigm controls the vibration of this thing we call our body our body is a molecular instrument that's really what it is it's a mass of molecules and a very high speed of vibration the vibration that the body's in on a conscious level we call feeling when a person says they feel this way or they feel that way what they're really doing is describing the vibration they're in now they choose thoughts that harmonize with the vibration they're in so they feel comfortable they may not like the results but they're comfortable now let's move ahead let's take a look here those people are getting x-type results and they don't like it do you know what the problem with them they're in bondage these people are locked up you know paradigm is like keeping a person in a prison only there's no locks on the door they can open the prison and walk out into freedom anytime they want and they don't they keep getting the same results over and over and over again they're in bondage now let's go ahead here's the same person x type conditioning x type vibration the power is flowing into them and for some strange reason from left field boom in comes a y type idea what is the y type idea the y type idea represents anything that you might want to do that you're not doing it might be moved to another city change jobs sell the house buy the farm whatever it may be ask the little girl for the date ask the guy to go to lunch go make the sale buy what you want go where you want to go that's the y idea but as long as the y idea is just in the conscious mind it's just going to be an intellectual exercise it's never going to happen so how do we make it happen well that's when everything goes haywire here we are here same person okay the power flows in and what do they do they got the y type idea now for some strange reason they know that they've got to get emotionally involved that they're going to act on that idea they don't understand what's going to happen but clearly understand this your central nervous system is the most complex electrical system in the universe the central nervous system is mind-boggling it would make the electrical system and a super computer look like a toy now the second you take the idea from your intellect and impress it upon the subject of mind that's when all hell breaks loose because the body moves in to an extra xy vibration it's not in the x vibration not the one that we're comfortable with may not like the results but we're comfortable no on a conscious level everything's going crazy on a conscious level we experience doubt the doubt turns into an emotion called fear and that fear is expressed through the body as anxiety see that person is getting emotionally involved to move ahead do you know what happens they hit that terror barrier and they bounce off it and right back into bondage and they're so relieved to get back there they're back where they're comfortable they've canceled the sale they've decided not to move they're going to stay in the job that they don't like at least they're comfortable now that's not a very good way to live and you know something that's something everybody experiences if they're going to grow you're going to hit that terror barrier see the terror barrier is going beyond where you're at going to a new level i'm going to tell you something when i set a goal if if if it doesn't scare and excite me at the same time i know i'm going in the wrong direction now i also understand that my paradigm is going to try and get me to bounce back to where i was it doesn't want me to move ahead i don't want to live there i lived there for the first 26 years of my life and for the last 50 i've had a phenomenal life and it just keeps getting better and i want you to do the same thing understand what i've just said i'm going to back this up they got emotionally involved in the y idea that moved their body into a different vibration on a conscious level they're experiencing some crazy stuff they start to doubt their ability will never be able to pay for it they experience fear the fear expresses itself as anxiety and bang you bounce off that terror barrier and you're right back oh i might not be earning much hair but i know what it is i i would love to move there but i'm comfortable here i think i'll just stay here these people are acting like they have a contract to live forever and they don't do you know what to do say i'm going to get rid of all that i understand it's there but i don't want any part of it and i'm going to go crashing right through that terror barrier now does that get rid of the x energy no the x energy is still there you see but at least you're over into freedom you made the move you did it and if you continue to feed the right information into your mind keep feeding that y idea keep getting emotionally involved in the y idea you're there you're on the road keep doing that you're going to find that the paradigm is going to change and it'll just all go away and you know where you're living in freedom you're living where you want to live buyer's remorse is when you cancel the sale buyer's remorse is when you stop just before you buy what you really want before you go for the thing that's going to change your life and you know it it's not moving to the other city it's not starting the business of your dreams it's not stepping out and betting on yourself that's a terror barrier that's causing that and if you don't learn to go through the terror barrier i'm going to tell you something you're going to stay right where you are for the rest of your days that's not a good place to be what did joseph campbell say so true the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek you know dr maxwell mulch wrote a book back around 1960 it was called self-image psychology psycho-cybernetics it's a phenomenal book he said it was the greatest discovery of his generation he was a cosmetic or a reconstructive surgeon and he found he would do work on people he might have done a nose job or removed a terrible scar and he noticed that when he did that there was a phenomenal change in their personality but he noticed with others he would make a phenomenal physical change and there was no change in their personality and that led him to postulate that we have two images we have the one that's coming back from the mirror but we've got an inner image and that inner self-image is literally controlling our life you will find people that have a very poor self-image or low self-esteem they won't look you straight in the eye they're afraid to shake hands with you they're very shy and withdrawn they go through life hiding from life they don't like themselves they don't know themselves do you know when a person improves their self-image they change their entire life their income change their relationship change their health changes and you know how you do that start studying you start to find out more about you there's something phenomenal about you do you know when i began to study this material 57 years ago i had very poor self-image i had low self-esteem i took dumb jobs i never earned any money i never had fun i had poor relationships and as i started to study started to study real solid information everything in my life started to improve i've got friends all over the world today i earn millions of dollars i'm in my 80s and i get as much energy as a person in their 30s you see when you start to understand really who you are you're god's highest form of creation there's things about you that just about blow your mind as you start to study and really understand them you'll walk a little taller you'll stand a little straighter and you know something you'll enjoy a whole lot more of life you've got to wake up you see all we're ever going to get is awareness we've already got everything the only thing we lack is the awareness of what we've got we're god's highest form of creation there's nothing on the planet that will equal us well that's all we're that's all any of us are after all the problems in the world come from ignorance that's the purpose of life overcome ignorance develop awareness the only way to overcome ignorance is through knowledge and the only way to get the knowledge is to study most people they finish school close the book saying i got it that's over i'm never going to open another book as long as i live they're screwed it's all over do you know the people you surround yourself with have a phenomenal impact on your life i think it was karl meniger from the medicare foundation one time said environment is more important than heredity the people we're surrounded by have a greater bearing on our life and our success in life than what's built into the genes at birth there's genetic conditioning there's environmental conditioning well this environmental conditioning goes on all the way through life you will find as you improve the quality of your life improve your thinking you're going to attract a different group of people into your life and they are going to add to your life [Music] see the people we're surrounded by their thinking is going right into our mind [Music] we want to mix with people who are really making it happen take a look at your five people that you're with most often and ask yourself if i have children would i want them to grow up be like them if the answer is no you better start looking for some new friends if the answer is yes you're already in the right circle of people think about what i'm saying the people we're surrounded with have a phenomenal impact on our life and help make us who we are william james from harvard said believe and your belief will create the fact all things are possible if you believe well you know i studied for a long time i started to study this book think and grow rich and he talks about belief in here he says you're not ready for what you want until you believe you can get it i found that the only two sources of reference we could go to to find out anything about yourself is science and religion they all say you've got to believe so i get figured out how do you how do you believe how do you change a belief interesting subject because i'm going to tell you something your results are nothing but the manifestation of your belief system well our belief system now listening carefully is based upon our evaluation of something and frequently when we reevaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change let me repeat that our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something frequently if we re-evaluate a situation our belief about it will change i began reevaluating who i was i started to study i never stopped studying and i found as i reevaluated i had a much higher opinion of myself i found out things about me that i would have never believed if you had told me the power that's locked up within us the marvelous system we've got you know the blood circulates through your veins every 33 seconds through hundreds of miles of passageway bang just like that colors all the food in and all the garbage out just have to think of the central nervous system it's the most complex electrical system in the world and you've got it think of your brain an electronic switching station like that you can change the vibration of yourself and everything around you we have awesome powers and it's all based on what you believe about you i don't think you determine what your purpose is i think you discover what your purpose is there's a difference determining indicates deciding um and i don't think you decide i think if you go about it the right way you discover it like there's some people that should be painting all day they're great artists i think michelangelo was obviously a great artist great sculptor i mean that was his purpose in his life well i believe my purpose is doing what i'm doing your purpose is why you get out of bed in the morning do you know why you get up well most people say well it's to go to work well that'd be a good reason to stay in bed you know you say well everybody's doing it to be another reason to stay in bed if you're ever doing what everybody's doing you're probably going in the wrong direction your purpose is your reason for living what you want to do is sit down and maybe take a pen and a pad and then ask yourself what do i really love doing now you may have to spend a while at this you might get up an hour early every morning and go sit under a tree somewhere if you're in a nice climate or pick a favorite chair someplace where you're not going to be disturbed and totally relax and say if i could spend my life doing something what do i really love doing now since you don't ask yourself that question every day it might take a while for this answer to come to the surface but it comes to your consciousness and it may take a while you may have to do this every morning for three months but it would be well invested how many times have you had somebody say to you hey have you got a minute bomb have you got a minute they don't want a minute i want you to think about that i read a poem one time i said i have only just a minute only 60 seconds in it it was forced upon me i can't refuse it i didn't seek it and i didn't choose it but it's up to me to use it i must suffer if i lose it give a count if i abuse it it's only a tiny little minute but eternity is in well anyway i thought i'm going to put this on a video and i'm just going to share with everybody just this one little part of the seminar i'm making i want you to look at this sand timer and let this i want you to think about your life the sand in the top of the glass represents the future the sand in the bottom of the glass represents the past now do you know we know what's in the past and yet we can't do anything about it do you know what the trick is you don't know how much sands in the top of the glass you may think you have a lot you might only have a little then again you may think you have a little and you might have a lot when i was a little boy i was raised by my grandmother and i don't know when i was little gaffer she was probably 60 but as long as i could remember grandma would say and i'll soon be glad here i'll soon be gone well you know we loved her she was really an angel of god but we thought she was never going to go she lived to be 94 for 30 some years i'll soon be gone she didn't think she had much time left she had 34 years left now about the same time i had a buddy of mine bob yates he was just 16. and bang he run into the abutment of a bridge and his life was snuffed out if you had asked him a half hour before how much sandy had left he would have said at least a half a century he didn't have a half an hour see the trick is we don't know how much sand we have left the future we don't know the past it's gone now the only thing you can deal with is what's right here right now and if you look the sand is always moving now think of this you see i was working on that and then i was working on a graph i've got here on my computer and i'm thinking of the time somebody said have you got a minute well they don't really want a minute do you know if you're earning fifty a year in minutes 42 cents a half hour is 12.50 if we take that ahead a bit if you're earning 80 000 a year a minute 67 cents half hour's 20 dollars if you're earning a hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year got a minute it cost you a dollar twenty five a minute a half hours thirty seven dollars and fifty cents so if you see if somebody said you wanna stop for a cup of coffee well if you're earning a quarter of a million dollars a year a minute is two dollars and eight cents half hour is 62.50 and then of course you've got the coffee to pay for on top of that so you see the point is this this is all we've got right here right now we don't know how much we have left in the future but we do know what we've got now and i have found the people that win are the people who make up their mind they're not going to waste the minutes they're going to be productive they're going to make it happen every minute he said that success was the progressive realization of a worthy ideal anyone that has a goal and they're moving towards it they're successful most people think that you're successful if you have a lot of money quite often you have a lot of money if you're successful but it isn't i wouldn't say mother teresa has a lot of money okay but she's a pretty successful lady so it's um okay so that barrier to these well there's there's a couple of them okay i think there's two barriers one is our conditioning the conditioning that takes place in our subconscious mind from the time we're infants all we can do is act and talk like the people around us that's why we learn the language we learned if there was 10 languages spoken in our home we'd learn 10 languages without any trouble there's usually one and that's the only one we ever learn we grow older and we think well i couldn't learn another language we could learn 100 if we wanted to you can do anything but i think we're conditioned we have a real strong conditioning usually with not some very good ideas and then that that's the the barrier that's inside is the one that's outside of us is our environment we have a tendency to act like everybody around us and if you think about this it doesn't make a lot of sense because if you study statistics 95 of the people live their entire life and never live the way they want to live you know that 95 percent of the population in this country let's say in north america okay the richest continent in the history of the world they'll work productively let's say for 40 of their 65 years okay and they'll end up with hardly any money there's got to be something wrong so there's no five percent of the people end up financially comfortable or independent are you trying to depress this bob because that's uh no actually i think it's i think it's quite an exciting idea because you see the idea behind it is that anybody can win anyone at all but if we start studying these statistics i think we'll arrive at the conclusion geez i better start thinking for myself rather than follow everybody most people they get a job they look around they see how everybody else is doing their work and they start doing it the same way they should stop and think i wonder if any of these people know what they're doing is there a better way to do it but don't we have a need to fit in i mean we don't want it we don't want to stand out we don't want to get fired we don't make waves exactly exactly just fall into line you know take a number be like everybody around now that'd be great in the animal kingdom but human beings aren't supposed to live that way i think we should make a few waves we should maybe stand out be different not not for the sake of being different okay but because we are different we all think different thoughts and i believe we should start to think and build images in our mind of what we'd like to do and then set out and do it okay emerson did that edison did that marconi did that and samuel morris did that uh buck minister fuller did that we could go on and on and on okay they were different they stood out they made a few waves you know napoleon hill in think and grow rich wrote an entire chapter on decision most people never make decisions they have a difficult time with it why is that i think they have a difficult time because their parents made decisions for them until they were too old and they never learned how to make them you know the one thing that i did with my kids i never made a decision for them they didn't like it they'd say come on don't do that to me i said no what do you think you should do and i'd leave it at that decision making is a phenomenal concept and you're going to find out as he points out in here that successful people make decisions very fast and they change them very slow if and when they change them at all and he said the people that have difficulty in life make their decisions very slow and then change them fast and often and you know decision making is a funny thing you and i think on frequencies if we can see a bunch of lines and we're thinking on a frequency and we're on this frequency here and we'll say i'm going to do that when this changes this is never going to change until you get up on this frequency see the good that you're after is on a higher frequency than you're operating on a greater awareness and if you're down here and you're thinking here on this frequency and the good you want up here you've got to get your mind up there how do you get up there make the decision be there and that's really what you have to do the second you make a decision you flip your brain onto a different frequency and you start to attract things to you that you couldn't you'd never get without making the decision see someone woke me up that's all i want to do with someone else what the man said to me the first guy he said you can have whatever you want well you know they if you get thinking that you can get out of the box that's where you've been given an imagination to get out of the box it's with your imagination that you build images of what you want and if you can build the image you can do it you can hold it in your head you can hold it in your hand when we understand that like i would imagine this goes out to a lot of athletes well they can they can have anything they want they got to pay the price and when doubt comes in kick it out you can't afford the doubt if i want to do something i find somebody that's already done it and then i do exactly what they tell me it's a simple rule to follow i i don't read novels i don't watch movies and [Music] i'd watch documentaries or things like that where i can learn and i'm only interested in studying something that can cause me to become more of what i'm capable of being see i think we're all hardwired to do something really special with our life and that's all i want to do i'm really good at what i do i could walk by a person in the hall like that i could tell them exactly what they're like i could read their energy like a book everything goes on the inside shows on the outside see we're gifted with with faculties of the mind that the average person knows nothing about you of intuition the will reason imagination perception memory that's what separates us from all the rest of forms of life we go through school never learn anything about it you'll hear people say they have a bad memory there's no such thing as a bad memory everybody has a perfect memory it's just weak they've never developed it our imagination your imagination is the most magnificent hill said it's the most marvelous miraculous inconceivably powerful force the world's ever known i can use my imagination to project myself into the future and bring the future into the present and start living there you work from the imagination you don't work to it you work from it backwards from the result yeah look at these two men do you know who they are most people don't they're just a couple of ordinary guys one they're both gone now but one was an ordinary beekeeper in auckland new zealand and the other as sherpa guide from over around nepal now there's mount everest do you know for thousands of years people had tried to get to the top mount everest people died doing it it was believed it couldn't be done people tried but they didn't know how and so they quit there's a closer look at the mountain and where they placed their flag they planted that flag in the mountain now this is the two of them after they come down the mountain and you know something when they started they did not know how they didn't know how to get to the top of the mountain and that's what stops most people because they don't know how as little kids we'd go mummy daddy i want this and they said how are you going to do that well as a little kid you don't know how to do it but they did it in 1953 on the 29th of may they were the first two to get to the top of that mountain they stood right on top of the world do you know there's been over a thousand people do it since then i watched a young woman on canadian television being interviewed not very big she'd just come back from going to the top of mount everest and the reporter asked her they said how does it feel now that you conquered the mountain she'd we didn't conquer the mountain that mountain can't be conquered we conquered the limitations that are within ourselves many years ago i read we're in napoleon hill pointed out that the imagination is the most marvelous miraculous inconceivably powerful force that the world has ever known and you know the average individual uses the imagination if they use it at all against themselves they imagine what they don't want they imagine problems coming let's begin to use our imagination the way god meant it to be used it's the greatest creative faculty that we possess and we can build anything we want with it i want you to wander around your home or possibly your office and take a look at all of the conveniences that you have there that you didn't have let's say two years five years ten years ago 25 years ago do you know that every one of them without exception was first created in the mind of one individual with their imagination do you know you can use your imagination to go into the future and bring it into the present that's what all highly successful people do they see where they want to go and then they act like the person they want to become it was william james from harvard's advice he says is the actors technique act like the person you want to become how do you do that well you use your imagination of course you see it's a strange phenomena but the greatest gift we've got is used very well up till the ages of four or possibly five the little child we always wonder what's going on in their mind they're using their imagination they're building wonderful pictures in their mind but then they get to school and wham like that it comes to an abrupt halt it's called not paying attention daydreaming well what they were really doing was exercising a phenomenal mental faculty you see we can see hear smell taste touch they're for our physical benefit as long as we're living in a physical body and corresponding with the material world we will use our sensory factors but you know i have a couple of little dogs at home that can hear see smell taste and touch [Music] we've got higher faculties you have perception the will memory intuition reason and imagination these marvelous tools we can take our imagination and build an image in our mind of how we want to live block out what's going now don't let your present results have anything to do with this just what you want and it's with your imagination that you will build it everything that we have the camera that i'm speaking to right now was first created in the mind of one individual [Music] think of how our world's changed you see we were gifted with these higher faculties we're god's highest form of creation we were created in god's image we were given creative faculties to use and you know they're only used by two or three percent of the population [Music] it's almost inconceivable that we people would wander around with so much power and potential and squander it see the average person literally tiptoes through life hoping they make it safely to death it's such a shame and it doesn't have to be that way i think we have giant corporations and little weak creative departments the primary reason for that is the average individual really does not believe that they're creative i think everyone's creative and no one is more creative than another it's just that some have chosen to use their creative faculties to a greater degree than others imagination your imagination what do you want how do you really want to live build the picture in your mind there's a power that is flowing to and through you a creative unadulterated power it can be photographed leaving your body way back in the 30s simeon curling the russian photographer perfected a form of photography where you can actually photograph a person's body and you will see the energy glowing from them well that energy flows into your mind and it's the images you build in your mind that's going to dictate the vibration that this instrument you're living in is in and the vibration on a conscious level is called feeling make certain that you exercise your imagination daily build beautiful images in your mind of how you want to live and then hold those pictures there and live that way the imagination the greatest nation in the world the imagination you've got one it's a marvelous creative tool it deals with the invisible side of your personality you see no one will ever really see you they'll only see your body and they'll see you the great work that you do make certain that your work is great work and if you keep your imagination alive keep it active you're going to have a phenomenal life you know life can get better every day and it will get better every day through the proper use of your imagination what a wonderful idea is bob proctor thank you you know that the law of attraction is always working it's like the law of gravity if i let this go it's going to go down it's never going to go back up it's going to go down that is the law of gravity anything heavier than earth is attracted towards the center of the world well the law of attraction is always working now how does it work well i use a diagram to explain the mind now let this circle represent your mind and let this little circle here represent your body now i want you to think of this for a moment your body is a molecular structure this is a massive energy and a very high speed of vibration if you looked at your body through a microscope you'd see that energy dancing right before your eyes and here's something that'll keep you thinking for the next 20 years when you move out of it the body does not stop moving if you go to a funeral parlor and pick up the remains and look at it you will see it moving and if it wasn't moving how would it ever change the dust you move into your body and you will move up and it's how you use your mind that's going to dictate the vibration you're in now stay with me you have an imaginary line right across here and that separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind now this subconscious mind has been programmed when you were a little baby this is the way it was so just like this subconscious mind wide open and everything that was going on around it went right in there and all the energy that went in there when you were just a little baby form something called a paradigm now a paradigm is information it's a multitude of habits you are the product of your environment but prior to that you are the product of a genetic strain that goes back for generations now i'm going to say that the paradigm is x type energy now you've got the ability here on a conscious level to think and you can think anything you want to think and as you think you build ideas there's a power that's flowing into your consciousness it never stops it flows to and through you you can actually photograph this power leaving you it flows to and through you now as it flows in you will start thinking and you'll probably think x type thoughts therefore you're going to be in an x type vibration and that will produce x type results now it's the results you want to change and to change the results you're going to have to change what you attract you see the thoughts that you think control the vibration that you're in vibration is nothing but an idea it's a law of the universe everything vibrates nothing rests we live in a notion of motion and it's the thoughts that you're thinking that you impress upon your subconscious mind that control the vibration the body's in and that dictates how you act but it also dictates what you attract you attract energy that's in harmony with you you attract people that are in harmony with you you see everything operates on frequencies there's an infinite number of frequencies but you and i operate on a frequency just like a radio station does and the only music you can attract is the music that is tuned in to the vibration you're in now it's the paradigm that has been controlling the vibration you can change your thinking but that doesn't do anything you got to change the paradigm and if you don't change the paradigm nothing happens now talking about paradigms is another subject we'll do that at another time but it's the thoughts that you think that control the vibration you're in and that dictates what you attract so if you keep attracting what you don't want understand this it's the paradigm that's causing the problem you can think a y type thought which is totally different than the x type conditioning it isn't going to go anywhere because when you go to get emotionally involved and this is the emotional mind when you go to get emotionally involved with that white type thought the paradigm will kick it out you know why it's so uncomfortable that's stepping out of the box that's doing things different and we don't like to do things different because it causes a lot of discomfort but understand this the paradigm and the thinking control the vibration you're in and the vibration is going to dictate what you attract people that are in a poverty consciousness will continue to attract lack and limitation it has nothing to do with this what's going on here this is your educated mind and you could gather all kinds of information have you ever wondered why some people have such an educated mind they have degrees coming right off the end of their business card but it doesn't show up in the results why paradigm the law of attraction you've got to change this you've got to change the vibration you're in and your whole world changes listen in 1961 a man gave me this book and he said do exactly what i tell you he was giving me y type ideas it caused an enormous amount of discomfort but i did exactly what he said and you know something my income went from 4 000 to 175 000 in a year and then i took it over a million it took me nine and a half years to figure out what happened this is what i'm showing you watch this over and over and over again there's a number of lessons in here and another lesson i'm going to show you how to change the paradigm when you change the paradigm the change in results is automatic you know why you start to attract something that something different and what we want to do is program in positive information and eliminate the negative i'm going to show you how to do that law of attraction you attract according to the vibration you're in this thing we live in is a molecular structure your body is a massive energy you know if you put your body in front of an infrared television camera in a completely dark room your whole being would be nothing but a glistening radiating gleaming form feeling is conscious awareness of the vibration we're in when we don't feel good we're in a negative vibration you want to feel good move into a positive vibration stop and think of what you're grateful for but understand this you will never attract to you wealth happiness health until you get the paradigm to get you on that frequency why did a guy like me change i didn't believe there was an emotional or capricious god reached out and said let's give bob a chance i didn't believe that i thought something's happened what's happened well i spent nine and a half years studying with some absolutely brilliant people now i formed a good habit over that time i picked good mentors and that's very important you can use these films as a mentor you can you can let me be your mentor general i've often heard it said people that have been gone for a couple of thousand years can help you more than somebody that's alive today and i get a lot of help from people that have been gone for a long time through their books and writings so you could use this series as a mentor but a habit i formed right from the first person that helped me rey ray stanford he said do exactly what i tell you and for some reason i decided i would i didn't question him i just did it he said do it until you find out i'm lying or i don't know what i'm talking about and he said i don't lie and i do know what i'm talking about so i'm going to say that to you and hopefully you'll grasp it the same as i did do what i suggest in these films until you find out i'm lying or i don't know what i'm talking about i don't lie and believe me i do know what i'm talking about many years ago they said by their right results you'll know them or by their fruit shall know them i searched every day and every time i picked a new mentor and i did pick new mentors i did exactly what they said it was difficult at first because what i was really doing was changing habit patterns but they were teaching me things they were teaching me information that the average person may never learn i developed a very close rapport with them and they were brilliant people every one of them very accomplished that is a good rule if you want to do something go to someone who is demonstrated by results they do know what they're talking about ask them what should you do then do exactly what they tell you now i know that works because i'm still doing it and i do it every day if i take the areas where i'm a little six bit short i'm just not really very good and i didn't go to school so there's a lot of areas i'm gonna get the very best and i'm gonna do exactly what they tell me and that's what i did when the man who gave me this book he said do exactly what i'm telling you i did exactly what he said 15 years or so ago um well first of all he became my mentor and a very good friend read up until he passed away our company was having financial problems all the time and i could earn all kinds of money but i don't know how to manage it i wasn't doing how to run a company i mean i wasn't designed for that and um i didn't want to learn it i didn't even like the subject but what you need you will attract and we had a lady come to seminar was a securities attorney she fell in love with what we were doing she was a a full partner in a company and over a period of time she became my business partner she owns half the company but she's the she runs the company she's the president chief executive of the company i mentioned her last time you should get around for an interview sometime because she is a fascinating person but she does a phenomenal job here yeah well so i have found in the areas that i'm not really good at i get the very best and i work with them i don't try and learn what they're teaching i get them to do that i get somebody else to do something else because it's going to take me to where i want to go i have a young guy here that runs our studio he's the director of the studio he's absolutely brilliant he set a goal when he was 13 to work with me i remember this he was living in manchester and england and he watched the secret and he saw me he said i'm going to work with him 13 years later he's here in the studio and he runs this place i love that he's incredible he can record and send it from anywhere in the world he can come in here and do everything and i found that's one of the secrets of getting to where you want to go you need help you got to have help you got a lot of help you're saying we can't just do it all on our own bob never gonna do it on your own it won't go very far if you're doing it alone you should seek failures see if you're playing it safe you're not gonna win if you're playing it safe like that old saying you know you're talking you're a little girl better to be safe than sorry well that's a bunch of crap it's not better to be safe than sorry it's by trying things that you figure out how far you can go you got to get outside the box like it's reported edison tried three thousand ways before he built the incandescent light he he said he didn't fail three thousand times he said there was three thousand different steps to building a light bulb well there's different steps to get to where you're going and i really do treat winning and losing exactly the same i do not let it upset me do you think that's a big part of why you're so successful well it's part of why i enjoy it um yeah i think it is because i try anything like if if i'm into an idea the idea of losing never enters my mind see i have worked with giants i had the good fortune of working with sir edmund hillary he was the first man to stand on top of the world and i worked with him on three different occasions and the only difference in ed hillary and bob proctor is in his his size now he's gone now but he was a big man when he shook hands with me his hand wrapped right around mine i felt like a dwarf you know and in talking to him like it never entered his mind he wouldn't get to the top of the mountain but he failed in 1951 he failed in 1952 it wasn't until 1953 that he got to the top of the mountain now people had died for centuries trying to do that he said i knew if i could see it in here i could hold it out here still a man wrote that in a book you can see it in your head you can hold it in your hand and that's right and if you're not prepared to lose you're never going to win because you're always playing it safe and there's no there's no reward in that because you made it this far in a video i want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you're special believe nation you made it here all the way to the end and i love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments below on this video i will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome if you want some amazing louise hey motivation check the video right there next to me i think you'll love it continue to believe and i'll see you there there's a substance that is far more precious and far more important to us that we literally can't live without what is that love no plenty of people are miserable and lonely most of their life
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 70,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, entrepreneur motivation, billionaire habits, motivation, evan carmichael rules of success, motivational thinking, billionaire mind, best habits for success, best lessons from billionaires, habits of successful people, how to manifest anything, activate the law of attraction, motivational speech, bob proctor, bob proctor motivation, law of attraction, bob proctor affirmations
Id: A6a2OKvkhEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 21sec (7701 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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