Start Corn Planting & Filling Ag Bags

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morning guys so yesterday we were mowing triticale and we didn't quite finish everything up so this morning first thing i'm gonna do is go and finish those last three little fields uh yesterday dad was coming behind me then with this tedder and spreading it out so it would dry in the sun had a little issue though one of the gearboxes stopped working this is not our tedder so we actually need to unhook this now and they're bringing another one for us to use this morning now dad's going to take me over to the other farm where the mower is gonna let the tractor warm up a little bit these fields are ready to be planted we got a bunch of corn to plant so once i get done with this we're probably gonna hook up the planter and think about plant corn this trinical's looking nice [Music] so nice thing is at this farm if it feels we're not mowing we can drive in so i don't have to make a back cut and drive on some of the trade account to start off a field i'm on the last field now i guess my dad got another tattered he's starting to catch up to me [Applause] just finished the last field just will head back home and unhook this my dad got done tedding now he unhooked the 7220 he's fueling that up because we're gonna put it on the corn planter probably gonna need to ted again if we do we're gonna use this tractor so just park it in front of the tedder we just went out and checked that field there stuff's starting to dry we're planning on trying to chop tomorrow so we'll get the corn planter on and then we uh get seed loaded and everything these guys are working at the building site again today just a little bit more dirt to put on the back side and they're breaking up some concrete all this concrete is gonna need to be torn out so they were gonna use some of it for phil today i guess it's an old bunk feeder just breaking it up before we load up the planter we want to go check a couple fields and make sure they're actually fit this field tends to be driest the quickest oh yeah it's crumbly we're at the quarry farm now checking uh this as well this looks really good it's that crumbly you're good to plant this usually gets dry quickly because it's more of a knob higher ground there's more rocks drains out quicker see corn is getting delivered right now cutting it a little close but they brought it when we need it so that's all that matters so this is our first year growing brevant seed corn it's actually the same as mycogen which is what we were using before they had a name change but this is a bmr brown mid-rib corn for high digestibility for dairy cows we're gonna put a bag in each hopper and we'll get set up ready to go so we put a seed coat product on the seed just a little bit of fertilizer to help it get going and then we'll just stir that in a little bit so each bag of corn has 80 000 seeds in it and we want to plant about 30 000 seeds per acre so one plant will do exactly 16 acres if we have it set up right i need to make sure my gear ratio is correct for the population we also have to put fertilizer in the center tank there so i have this population chart we're running on 30 inch rows this thing always runs a little high so i'm gonna shoot for 28 seven on the on the chart and we should get about 30 that's what i found in reality so that means 27 on the drive and 25 on the driven so that's these gears right here this is the the drive it's got 27 splines on it that's the one that's already on here and this is a 25 so that means we're set up already we'll switch that for soybeans and different things so i want to make sure we have the correct ones on again this plant is set up that you can run fertilizer two different ways a center tank sends it out through the seed firmers which is right on top of the seed and then these two side tanks are connected and they've run them through a separate pump and that puts them out puts fertilizer out these discs so it's actually two inches off the row of seeds we're actually not going to use these this year we're going to do something a little bit different we're going to be putting some nitrogen in the center tank and we'll just be using one of the pumps so i just want to make sure this is set up properly so right now it has a 16 on this side and a 52 on the driven which is right here and that's 7.4 gallons to the acre so we're shooting for right around seven so that'll be good the planter will be dropping the seeds out right between those two discs in there and then this is the seed firmer so the fertilizer will come right out the end of this on top of the seeds [Music] all right so we got the starter product in now we're going to add the ua end we got the fertilizer in now i'm just topping it off with water we decided to experiment with not running these front fertilizer discs this year they needed to be rebuilt and we just weren't sure if it was really necessary to use them in our system we have some manure on the ground so we already have some nitrogen there i wasn't sure if we need to put so much on at planting i'm ready to go now i'm going to focus on playing corn the rest of today the weather's beautiful right now it's drying it out really good so looking like we should be able to get the stuff dry by tomorrow to chop one thing about a six row planter that doesn't turn sideways is it's a little bit hard to take on the road see i can stay in my lane if there's no traffic it's not a problem gonna start planning a little bit and then we'll have to get out and check the seat depth usually takes a little bit to get going the first time so i used to have to do four end rows with our new hollow tractor but i'm thinking with this tractor we can get away with three just because i can turn around so much better first i gotta get out and unlock the marker arms and then i'll turn my valves open for my fertilizer there's a sensor on each of the rows it'll start blanking once i'm planting and if one stops coming for some reason it'll beep at me as soon as i started going it was saying road 2 wasn't putting out any seed so let's see if we can figure out why yep it's out of gear i thought i had them all in gear should have checked that but i guess we planted nothing in this little section you can see these planting conditions are absolutely perfect it's completely covering over the seed if it's too wet it'll make a slice and you can see the seed down in the dirt sometimes even there's a seed right there i don't know why that was up there so i'm going to check the depth we'll see how deep these seeds are being planted there's a seed right there looking for about two inches deep no less that one could be maybe a little deeper it can be a challenge to find corn seeds i've been here half an hour 45 minutes and i just went around the end of this field three times i just was making sure everything was working right i wasn't quite happy with how it was planting at first we changed a couple things this winter so i had to adjust the down pressure i was adjusting them forward a little bit to push down a little bit more in the front we've got the marker sticking out the side drawing a line the next pass i just follow that straight out from my tractor and it keeps the row spacing right [Music] [Music] it's going pretty good now took a little bit to get going here but i think it's planting the right way now so i'm running right at five miles an hour i've done about 10 acres almost done with this field i think everything's working pretty good so at first it wasn't planned quite right and i realized some of these wheels weren't quite against the ground which means there wasn't enough pressure pushing down to force it into the ground enough these are your depth gauge wheels the discs here cutting the v and then dropping the seed down the center of it and you got your seed firmer in there putting a little bit of fertilizer out and these are your closing wheels these are brand new this year they seem to be working pretty good i just noticed we have a problem back here it's not good these tires are what turns the uh meters as you're driving these drop down onto the wheels on the ground thankfully there's two of them so it was still spinning correctly but i need to get a new tire on this thing now leave it on there yeah should we get the other one off we decided to be smart and we're going to change both of them even though this one didn't blow starting to dry around a little bit might as well fix it now a little after 4 30 right now i went to the tire shop and they didn't have the right tires in stock so they're going to order them in and get them tomorrow it's not really a problem though because our custom guy wants to come start chopping soon so i'm heading right now to get the rake and we'll get that hooked up and start raking some of this triticale up so i got the rake hooked up and we just went and got a silo ready they're going to start chopping pretty soon i'm here with blake he's riding with me they just started chopping that's the second load just getting started so i got the whole home farm raked and they're gonna start making an ag bag soon so we're getting set up for that right here i didn't get a chance to film them setting up the bagger because i'm raking but i'm gonna run over and we'll just see how things are coming along real quick right across the road from the farm i'm able to stay ahead of the chopper i can actually go faster than he can [Applause] they're just getting the bag started i'm done raking for tonight they just wanted me to rake enough to fill these two bags i'm just gonna park this tractor out of the way somewhere [Applause] we decided to do a bag because we weren't sure our sellers would hold all the feed and we need a little bit more feed up at this farm anyway because of our new heifer barn this machine is just packing it in tight you want to make sure you pack it tight to force the oxygen out so the feed doesn't spoil the machine has a backstop on it and there's cables that go back to it to keep tension so it's holding itself back and it packs it in nice and tight and the tractor just sits in neutral just inches forward as the feed goes in this is the first time we've ever put triticale in a bag so it'll be good to try it out and see how it works see how the feed turns out this cable right here is connected to a backstop and it's just keeping tension on it so it packs it in tight and now we're going to move down to that other spot behind the commodity bar and we'll make another bag we got the second bag going now i actually had to go rake a little bit more to make sure we had enough for them tonight so i'm gonna call it quits once we get to the end of this this will be the last load going in tomorrow they'll come back and finish up there's still another 20 acres or so he's going to hook this up just pick up truck so he can take it home it's about 12 30 at night
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 302,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: 0QDfnrcOYbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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