Starrett 98 Series level calibration procedure

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one thing you have to do when you get to use those little levels for let's say leveling any any piece of equipment or whatever needs to be level though they need to be calibrated okay this one is calibrated oh just I think you can see the bubble pretty well yes you can see the bubble is really well centered and if I put it on the other side where let's say I'd say we're really close and this level doesn't need a bed rest but let's say yours needs to be I'll purposely DISA just this one here let's say we make it make it wrong see you got the bubble going pretty far one way if you see well it's gone like this side there and the bubble is right there and if I turn it the other way around it's about the same place here middle and between this and this okay now it's on the perfectly level surface because I kind of found the way to put that that guide in the back here this guide which I that have a it's a it's a angle plate that I put there and on my granite table and I can say that this line here this line that's here is leveled but you know you don't know that before you start and you got a misaligned level so we'll go and make you a little bit closer we'll go and then we start misaligned level and we don't know where the where the level plane is on the grand plate so you kind of a need to find where it is okay you go your level it is misaligned and I think you can see ok just I'll get closer a little bit I think you can see that I can get close to wow this is lined up okay turn it around and let's try to prove us right it's going halfway the other side and it's even banging in the end there so we're not lined up what we have to do now is to get exactly on each side the same amount of error so it means on this side I got half and more so I'm going to go back on the other side and try to get the same kind of error just by moving the angle of the of the angle plate see we're going towards getting something closer to what the other angle is the other how can I call it the other you know we're getting the opposite direction for the bubble now turn it around again and we're near halfway there too so that would mean that we're pretty this this line here this this X is the let's hit the close level but now we know damn well that the level is not right then we go we tie this a bit and then we're going to start bringing the bubble closer to the normal position just find the right direction let's make it let's bring it directly we weren't pretty close so let's make it directly let's say it's a level just you have to tie down every time the that little screw on the top because it's going to change it a little bit and this screw here on this side here you just oops it needs to be like just snug you don't have to tight this up like like you will go on on the moon and your life depended on it okay let's go back to where we were the angle plate moved okay we worry about maybe a little bit over but doesn't matter see we're pretty much closer to the middle here and if I turn it around again let's see what we get okay we're not there yet we have to check that's that the opposite side if we go on the same side every time we're we're pretty well off me we're not we're not on the level dangle so we're not exactly there yet we're close to that that's it we'll bring it again to half the distance so when we were unnecessary things on this direction we go half half the distance I'll try not to move the angle plate this time oops not going this way will going the wrong way okay we're one division oops tie this up it's no good you may have to bring it a little bit okay we're one division here will win divisions from the side turn it around again and we're one division from the side there so means we'll probably have to come back 1/2 division but let's try to pivot pivot the angle there the angle plate so let's bring it close to there and close to here we're about half division half division off so we'll come back again just about half the distance again that's very delicate adjustment okay I'm trying to go between the two screws here because one if you untie one you gotta tie the other one so it just got to follow the the up and down movement you got to keep it snug because if there's movement in there you won't get you won't get anywhere okay now let's see what we get up getting a little bit down so we'll try to bring the plate load bit again okay now I'd say we're right your friend if I move this plate let's say I put it at an angle like this not that much I'll just make it so it's about okay we're here and the bubbles on this side if I turn this around I should be reading the same thing not the other side so see the bubble is about there and in this direction that means that level is consistent from one side to the other we're calibrated now we want to find the level axis on there on the granite plate there we go we got it because the level is calibrated and if I put it the other side there's a little tiny difference just let me get this right yeah we're pretty pretty pretty loose we got the tiny tiny difference there but just that's the principle I mean I could play around with it then the key will keep the camera rolling for three hours in the row but it's not exactly the purpose of it but you know now you know how to make this work and just if you get a level like that whatever size it is if it's a let's say six ensure a eight and eight incher let's we got this and and we know this one is calibrated to plate you know were any level axis of the surface plate and so on and so on maybe just as a curiosity we're pretty close with these levels now I've got one that's a little closer tolerance the the 12-inch er I'll just wipe off the bottom this is a pretty sensitive pretty sensitive device and I think this one has been calibrated at least that's what I think so we are half a thousand unten inches I mean we need to raise this end a little bit higher half a thousand hey boy that's heavy window if I raise it half thousand it will be will be right just I'll put on the other side so we see if we get the same half thousand yeah we got the same measurement with this higher precision level this one is ten times more precise than the other one this one's got half a thousand let's say five tenth of a thousand for ten inches and the other one's got these models here have five thousand two the per division there so these ones are ten times resolution so if you need to do a very finicky job you use this one and for normal lining up like a late or later machine late or milling machine this one is good enough so this is how it works if you got any comments or questions just feel free just to bring in bring in your questions in there we can do maybe answer quick answer company or a complimentary video for people who want more details on it thank you so next video you
Channel: Pierre's Garage
Views: 80,821
Rating: 4.670229 out of 5
Keywords: Precision level, starrett 98 series, starrett, calibration, surface plate, granite precision plate, calibration procedure, machinist, tools, angle plate, machines leveling, 98 series, precision, vial, calibrating precision level, tips, trick, tips & tricks, How to calibrate, how to
Id: bWoqkfpZRkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 06 2015
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